The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-11, Page 7 4/11,1 ADVANCEMInS, 1t'VEPA$10Alt, JUIN up PO
three Days of Fun Promised
By _Morris Centennial Group
XSELGRAVE-T,he inlay Plans
for the IVi,orris Township. Cerrtenni-
al .progreSeing as time grows
rie.arer to 'ht Aogieet 4-.5s6 ciao,
The' CJSR, heping to run a
,special trein from tne wester:,
ptevineas starting at Calgary enil
arriving in Wing,barn. It is hoped
that many will take this sipeetaine
ity to come beak home. Mali email
4,000 lnyitatiens seat • out, many
replies have been received of ,
which 'Many have been published
in :the local -po,per4,
Gift of Money.
PELORAVE—A shower awl
dance were 41.01c1 in the roresters'
_nal on FricaY -evening in licher et
Mr, end Mrs. Donald Campbell,
ithie twiner Marlerie Elliott), who
were married recently,'
During interfuission :tire young
couple wes.'caliet! so the platform
and ..Gen anclarrin rea.1 an atld"hiss
and Alec Tiethery presented tilsrn
with a gift of money, Mr, Campbell
Matte a rat-thig tenly .on henaif ci
rile bride and nimSe
' Bremer, .Orchestra, supplied inth
sic for 'dancing,
four good brass bands.
Monday's program will inciticie
the big day of fun for old and
young, in the Bruaaeigi Panic,
getting under way at 12 noon mitt
g great parade, lined rip with
floats, comics, old oars and methods
of tranaperatien, a yoke of oxen
and three bands taking the kcad,
fjpealter will he heard commenc-
ing at 1.-30 p.m., .followed by a beau-
ty ecineele which is open only to
M hy r le Township, Ttig-0)-war
,(rnerrti versus south), ba 1 games,
an old time machinery display, '$'d
inanY Other attractions will woke
the rifteviieen well worth attending,
For Monday evening the program
committee has engaged "The I1 ui-
sae Faience, a former Morris
hoy; Haavey McGee, formerly of
Atainne and now 'living in Ninth
Miss Doris Johnston, Clin-
ton, well-known to the people of
Morris, who will play her marimba;
Clark !Johnston, Belgrave, the
singing - Irishman With his songs
and jokes; S. Ernest Myers, of
London, who with his magic will
entertain the crowd, and a former
'Morrie girl, Lillian Jackson (Sin-
Wail:). of • Brigden, playing four
different instruments.
The event will conclude with a
display of fireworks, two (lemma
and m, the wee small hours of the
morning ea, a ahlit tail parade.
Pupils Successful
In Music Exams
lad ies' Groups Hold'
Meeting Wednesday
PELORANE—The reply r Meet'
fags of the Women's Missiolia4,
Society ankthe Worpans
lion Was ,real on Wearicla1a/ ulser
noon in the entireh„
Mrs, Edgar Wightman was in
charge of the Ay.1‘.1'.13, meeting
Whigli Was opened with a 11Yrria
and prayer, Time minutes and
treasurer's- report was given by
Mrs, George Martin, Tate. Coni-
munity Friendship report Was real
by Mrs Jessie Wheeler,.
A. .letter was read from Miss
Helen Black thanking the group
buyf°I t trcle°t:h4eir P ii fora t 1S) e
l0.1°•mps iot airl alt I)
Bella Coale, where she is a, miree,
Mrs, Herb Wheeler's groUp wars
in charge of thin meeting and the
worship service was led ,
George Martin opening with e
hymn, prayer anal meditation
Scripture Passages were read' la
Earl Anderson and Mrs.
An article en temperance entitled
"What Sheuld a Child Be Told
About Liquor?" was read by Mrs,
James Michie, A shori, discussion
was held after this article, was
read, Mrs, G; Martin closed the
meeting with a hymn and prayer.
W.A. Meeting
Mil George. Michie wag
charge of the WA, meeting and
openeehl it with a hymn and prayer.
Scripture passages were read :by
Mrs. Bari Anderaon and the medi-
tation was read by Mrs.'Goorga
Michie, Rev. C A. Krug was
present and addressed the members
of the W.A. and the W.M.S. •
It 7 was decided -that the ',Saying
of new carpet on thhe.heirah
was nearing completion and ar•
rangements were 'being made to
sell the rubber matting removed
,from.the aisles.
BELGRAVE--The pupils Of Miss
Lois Grasby have .received the re-
sults of the piano examinations
held by the Royal Conservatory of
Music of Toronto in Blyth r'ecent-
Grade V honors, Janie Beecroft,
yVingham; grade IV, 4first class
honors, Sharon Gray, Blyth; grade
II, honors, Linda Coultas, Belgrave
and Cheryl Madill, Blyth.
of the -lunch committee, assisted
by Mrs. Jos. Dunbar, Mrs. Albert
Bacon, Mrs. Harry "McGuire and The Vampire jet plane is ten Mrs., Robert Higgins. strutted of a skin of birch , ply-
Plans for decorating, and a P"es- wood, with structural members of
gram were alsu discussed, sitka epruce.
Plane .have been matte in the
School eactlons Paid einnelme for
the homecoming 'of Morrie ,Town-
ship old ghee and boys', which will
take part in the, many functions
that will be heal during the three-
day celebration.
Saturday, August 4 will see the
thirteen sehbel sections taking
part . in the Wiwi reunion, begin.
tying at 10 earl, Some are organiz-
ing old classes with former teach-
ers, spelling bees and other old
school activities,
In the evening a bah game vein
be played in Beigrave and at 5 lam.
the CliiNX barn dance will he held,
in the Belgrave Arena 'when ola
and young twill be able to dance
the night out,
Dedieate. Statue
Sunday morning will begin at
1.0.30 with special tape recordings
over CKNX radio at 11, at the
church of.your choice, A I-Senorita.
and drumhead service will be held
at the Brussels park at 2.80p.m.,
with special speakers.. At 3 p.m.,
the parishioners of St, Michael's.
Church, Blyth extend . a cordial in-
vitation to attend the Centennial
Mass Blessing of the newly-ereete4
statue of St. Michael, by Most Rev,
J. C, Cody, D.D. Bishop of London,
in St, Michael's Cemetery, seventh
line of Morris.
At 8.30 p.m. in Brussels Park a
band concert will be given with
Many Volunteers to
Help for. Centennial
13ELG'11,AVEL- At the coming
Morrie Township Ceetenalal Cele-
bratione to be held on August 4
5 and II, the following people Wive
agreed to assist with the registra-
tion of visitors and old pupils at
the Union &Mein in tie Village 0"
Belgravia Saterday, August 4 from
10 a,m. to 3 '
10 a,m. to 12 noon, Mrs, Harry
McGuire end Mr:a Robert Higgins,
12 to 2 p.m., ,Mrs, William Van
Camp and ,MrshIlerb Wheeler; 2 to
4 p,m., Mrs. George Jordan nnd
Mrs, L. Veltman; 4 to 0 p.m., Mrs.
James Walsh and Mrs. Jos. Dun-
bar; 6 to 8 p.m, A. E. Nethery' and
Lloyd Montgdmery.
On the evening of July 4th, the
menibers e of the Belgrave.Sehool
Section met at the mallard thi
cuss plans for the Centennial acti-
vitiee on Augest ti, Itwas decides'
to hold a social program from
10 a,m, te 2 p.m. with+ school reen
stration ahroughout the ,day
Lunch, is to be served at noon.
Mrs. George Johnston is convener
t4e ingbatu Abbantrglrims.
lttick stn Ir
Phe rain' tesni a-se-tanb, Shot
The farm now iseetip1ed by. Stehrart MeLennan, on the first line of
Morris, was the. family, homestead of thehDiSneY falnily, forebears
Illiteracy Studied
n. s,
n of
Walt Disney's Father Was
orn in Morris Township
Morris Crown Deed Farris
of Walt Disney, of movie feine, Walt's father Elias Disney 'was
here and attended Bluevale school before moving to Kansas,
BELGRAVE — The community
activities meeting of the Beigrave
Women's Institute will be con-
vened by Mrs, K. ,'Wheeler, on
July 17. •
This meeting will take the form
of a bus tour, the bus leaVing Bel-
grave at 9 a.m., July 17, to visit
and entertain at the county home
at, Clinton, and on to the Prestos
Woollen Mills and Weston Baker-
ies at Kitchener,
Roll call will be answered by
naming one of your ancestors.
There will be a reading by Mrs.
M' Mathers, solo by Mrs. Wm.
Brydges, other music in charge of
Mrs. G. Michie. • •
Each pereon is to bring a picnic
been fortunate; in eosi's:I.
lagaeptory of the, Disney family,
earhkettlers of lVforris Tevnship,
frenfi-';e011 Cantelon, Mr. Canteion's
g,ranenarither and Walt Disney's
grandrisether; were .sisters:
Thehneterial "A Biography of the
Disifeh Family, in-' Canada:',, was
.vrittan,by Walt's farlier, Eiias Dia-
rieY,---walio was born in Morris. The
is Mr. Dianey's account;
"The name Disney is of French
irigina and Franee • is called
D'Isigriy.:Ipl.sneY and, a • man by the
tianre Of :BeSt vvere ,-offiters in the
army under Williern, Dtike ofhhor-
manlay,..when he 'Liveried ,the Bri-
LisheIelesi Disney and Best Partici-
Itipant!:14.shi:wthieiii7hqiivrii,Spioun oicef opraNtt000lfeatainr!
'by. 'a:0 etith .. received A large es-
his children
in gobdhaivireerrient and was clasa-
rid atiihrtg'the intellectual and wen.
to-chi Of that time and age, Some
of th; ,Disncys settled in England
and .Some time ago an aetiele rn
healthcappeared 'in a current puhli-
cationi written.'by Eciwaid •
London, cin zi oiadee „Q n,f7
BELGRAVF_e--The July meeting
of Knox Presbyterian W,M.S, was,
held on Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs, Alan Dunbar Witfa.
fair attendance.
The, president, Mrs. J. , :C. Me-
Burney, presided and. opened the
meeting with prayer, The secre-
tary's and treasurer's repolas
were received. The fall, rally of
H uron Presbyterial will he held
in Blyth on September 11th. Mrs. •
C. Purdon and Mrs. G, Nicholson
were appointed as a committee to
meet with ladies train the other
churches to arrange for a corn.
munity gathering after church on
Sunday, August 5th.
Mrs. Ken Scott read Scripture
passages from 1 Corinthians and
the Gospel of Matthew: Mrs;
Athol -Bruce led in, prayer,"
Mrs. J. C, IVfcBurney conducted
the study period awing the chapter
from the Study book "They Reach
for Life". Dr. Frank 'Laubitell
has done, remarkable work .1
teaching, reahing etrehnany Welts;
ands who Were without hope of"'
ever reading or writing. Many'
millions more are in. need of this
training. In rural Asia up to 80%
of the colored people cannot read.
Illiteracy stands as one of the
major problems of Mankind, she
The meeting closed with prayer
and - the hostess served a•de-
licious lunch. Mrs. Mellurney ex-
pressed the thanks of the groan
to the hostess.
h , •.e
gtl 'and .'corne; on, servants to care
her ,his wants and. all that goes
Withain,abundance of things of this
world. • • •
• :In:, &tie course of time, he took
ante him a' wife, a Miss Maria
Swan,' Of geed people, in a medium
cendition, ef life. financially, and
from this union a son vitas barn,
November 2, 1834, named Kepple,
after Admiral Kepple, 'a prominant
man of. that age of the world.
"In the fall of 1836 ,my grand-
father, Elias Disney and three of
his brothers sold their property`
in Ireland and 'earne to America,
New York City. The three brothers
went intq business in New York
and.Elias ihisneYe nay grandfather,.
MOO ,t9 Upher:Canadaa :Ontario,
.Godeiach TownshiP, end settled
near hHhinteshille...hin rhS.
hetheeen taisclorith .and Clinton, He'.
hilit .ktract pT:fand,elbee to and
Okigh•the '43anics:of the 1Vialtlan(
RiyeS haiid, built, •a saw awl Griot
alaillhwhich was patronized by the
community for a number of ye ea.
.'Phil ,h6tintry- map timbereS
-anh;;',:liere.Was PleittY of Wild fruit
along "tlitlianka••of 'the river and
gb&d:'fIshing and wild game of dia-,
Wolves Are '11 m (!tr
fins and kihthiSe saf': natal annny,,
Ai* ;settlers; wiah their:'
atOtltaiSiitl•,inany :a ',time 1:
'liW0,:".'SavC "and' listened i • •
meath, to the stories my 'father
alict others- Weald tell 'of persona'
"Kepple Disney married Mary
Richardson, daughter of one of ;be
early settlers of Holmesville near
the ToWn of Goderich, moved to
Bluevale, Morris Township on the
Maitland , River, bought 100 acres
of land (timber) and started to
make a home for his family. On
February 6, 1859, Elias Disney wee
born in this union.
ani the oldest of 11 children.
We received our education ie. the
public school of Bluevale and el.-
tended the Wesleyan Methodist
Church. Our life and werk was
such as comes . to boys and girls
brought up or: a farm, a pure and
wholesoMe atmosphere, physically
and morally.
:"In. 1877 my father a"ld the faint
to Abraham Jackson tied moved
with his family to Ellis, Kansas,
and purchaser; 120 acres of rail-
Elias Disney, who died in 1941,
had five children: Ruth, Walt, Roy,
Ra,yinond and Herbert,
Procter Reunion,
Held on Home Farm.
The twenty-fifth anniversary a
the Procter reunion was held on
Sunday evening, July 8, at, the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Riehaid
Procter, fourth 6oncession Mor-
ris, with a record attendance, Over
80 signed the register,
It was fitting on this special Oc-
easiont that the reunion was held
on the farm where one of the first
Proctors settled over one hundred
years ago. The oldest- person pre-
sent was Miller Procter, grandson
of the original settler. The youngest
was Louise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Ross Procter, Burlington.
The persons coming' the farthest
distance were Mr, and Mrs. Clayton.
Procter, of Fort Prances.
All enjoyed the social time and
a bounteous picnic supper 011 the
leas n after which Mrs: Wheeler,
president', conducted a short me*:
big and the following officers were.
elected for 1957: President, Chas,
Thomas; vice-president, John Spiv-
ey; aeetetary-treasurer, Mrs. Laura
Johniston; refreshments, Mrs. Or*,
ton Grain, Mrs. Ed., MeBurney,.
Mrs. C. Yttill and Mrs, H. Procter)
reersation,, Alvin-Procter and Gold.
ie Wheeler.
Mr,. and Mrs. Bill Schreiber and
family rind Mrs, Carl Schreiber,
all of Streetsville, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Earl An-
derson and Karen. Karen return-
ed to spend some holidays with tie-
sisteaeMire. Bill Schreiber.
Mr. George Armstrong of Tynor,
Sask.; spent a' few days this week
with his brother; 11,1r. David Arm-
strong end with Other. relatives;
Mr. and Mrs Ross Robinson and
Keith spent Thursday, in Toronto
Mr. Carl Procter, who underwent
an operation in Victoria Hospital,
London, iii Avril, will be able to
spend the neat three weeks at his
home here. Neighbors and friends
welcome him home.
Visitors neently with Mrs. Cate
Procter were Mrs, Welter Kerr r f
Brisseels, Mr, . Ben Miller of Late,
towel, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Marks
of Listowel and Rev, and Mrs. W.
J. Moores and Mies Marilyn Savories
of Thames Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston
and family, of Woodstock, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Johnston and. family.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler and
family of Ingersoll visited on Sun-
day and Mr. and Mrs, Al Ullyot
and family of Byron visited ou Sat-
urday with Mn. and Tsars. Ross An-
derson and family.
Ivan ,McArter Was
Morris Resident ti
Ralph and Barry Logan spell'
last week visiting with Mr, and
Mrs. Leslie Vincent /and family
and and Mi's. Roy MeSween
and family at London.
- Mr. Martin Grasby and Mr, Roy
Robinson were in P-etrolla on Mon-
'Walt Disney visited tne ancestra
hinteeliearthii 1947, He has tWo Mr; and Mrs. Edgar Wightrean
daughters,- Diane Marie Disney and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Walsh and family and Mr. and
Miller And Sharon Mae Disney. Mrs. Harry Got and family at-
• tended church services at Millijatik,
• : - • where Rev, C, D. CO: is minieter, . A lifelong resident of Morris
Mn and Mrs. Roeri Robineon vid
Keith, visited with Mr. and Mre.
E roest Crawford and family in
Gederieh Sunday.
The Beigrave Pipe Band was irr
attendance at the Orange reeviee
at Dungannon on Sunday and led
the lodges to the ehurch.
Everyone 18 remitded of the
sheWer nail dance In the ball here
for Mn, and Mrs, Lloyd Anderseri
on Friday evening,
TWo fattile in the Ttuatey faMily Were taken tint by George and Robert
TerVey, who Came freat England almest a eehtnry age. Above, the
farm of nosy TntVey, Originally cleared by his grandfather, George
Titkvey, Centre, Vie farm of Rey Turvey, originally taken up by his
grandfather, Robert, Below', the farm of Alex Shaw, originall•y settled
by his grandfather, Sabine), Shaw, who carte out (rein Ireland. in 1$57.
;Tovenship, Ivan McArter died from
i from a heart conelitioli in the K-W
Heepitrit at Kitchener, He was S6.
He Is survived by his wife, 'the
former Mary Anderson; blq mailer,
Mrs, John McArter; two tens,
Donahl, lletieeeis; Williatia Morris;
one daughter rifts, Calvin Daehl-
son, Waterloo; One brother Miller,
of Morris, and two grarniciaildrOo. '
'Funeral' service \vita eentittel'ati
on Tlieeday at 2 p.m, at the faintly
residence, eenteesfen five, by Reith
Andrew Lane, of :Brussels ljniterr,
Churell, Interment Was in trtisacilaej
CerneterY. %;
Fraternal eerviees were in Obarkal
Of moinbers of the Western Star*.
By-law Passed'
Morris Township Celincil met in
the, township hall on July 3 with
all a the members present. The
minutes 'of the last meeting were
read and • adopted on motion of
SteWart Procter and Walter
Shorteed-Duncan—That we re-
new' the compensation insurance
with the Gore District Mutual Fire
Insurance Co. through Bernard
Hall. Carried. •
Procter-Shottreed—That Supple-
mentary By-Law No. 12, 1956 for
$5000 road appropfaatiOn be passed
as read the firit, second and third
time Subject to the approval of the
district municipal engineer. Car-
Elston-Duncan—That the road
accounts as 'presented by the road
eliPerintencient be paid, Carried.
Procaer-lillston—That the meet-
ing 'adjourn to meet again on July
27, at B pan, or at the call of the
reeve. Carried,
• Axentin fa raid
Bernard Hall, corapensation in-
surance, $29.75; Advance-Times, ad-
vertising, $3.60; County ot‘ Huron,
indigent fees $27.00; Alfred Nichol,
fox bounty, $2.00; Frank. Kirkby,
Richmond Drain, $614,00; Jas, A,
HoWeS, Richmond' Drain, • $25.00;
Chile. Agar, posts for Brevitntown
Cemetery, $12.00; Pedlar People
Ltds Sawyer. Drain, $9.8.70; C.
Campbell, trucellosia inspector,
$1-0:00,) Bahia Parrott, Nchinerid
Drain, .86.00, Rhone call Sawyer
Drain Mc; Wm, Craig, Spivey
Drain, $3,00; J. .Spivey; Spivey
Drain, '$8,00; Ernest Noble, Spivey
Drain $1.00; 'Wni. Elston, .trtifis-
pertatleii $6.00; Relief Actount,
OVer thirty fareIS hi Morrie TOWnship, taken tip on Crown Deeds a
contuty ago, etill belong to menibera of the original ferrety. AboVe is
the farm now owned by William Elston, on the 2nd line of MOMS,
which was taken out by his grandfather, John giston, Who mine to
Morris frail) England in 1861. In the Centre picture Is the farm
()Wiled by Charles Besruan, whose grandfather, EclWard Elosmat, came
out from England 1854. BeloW, the ferni Of Wallace Agar, whose
grandfather, George Agar, obtained a crown deed to the fern". 111 1860, 10014" Lodge,
Bailie Parrott, reeve '
Oat), C, Martin, clerk,
'Chinese first used paper tit ail
unknown date. By 158 B.C. they
wore inaltin it; froth the pulp of
the 'mulberry tree,
Mr ;arad'JVIrs. G, H, Barr of Ten"-
Mite eirrit their vacation with Mr.
arid Mrs,. 1-toivard WilltInson and
Mies' '4111e: Baiter.
Visitoti 'with Mr.. and Mrs.
IlowArd Wilkinson - r ecently ‘Vel.0
Mrs. .dargaref Viet* Marie.
Miss Pearl.. P,enny and Mr,
Allen -Wlikinaon of, .Toronto, Mid
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson
of SmithvIlle,
. Mrs, Alice Johnston of London
sPenditig a few days with Mr.
and Mrs., ..11ichard ,Brecter ona