HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-11, Page 5Cee. Walpole Folding FLOOR Aluminum Aluminum WALL SASH AWNINGS TILES DOORS LUMBER - BUILDING - CUPBOARDS Telephone 260w Wingham The Wiln.ohain Aerove-ItIono, wedoo an;n4:1 picnic g the, Skinner lies, held at' 'Stratford on Sunday, Around IA were present. Mr. and Mrs. George :Currie :spent .Sunday with London relatives, Billie Reavio visited with his father, Mr, Rutherford Reavie in .StmnybrQolc I-Iospitul last Thorn,., day. Mr. and Mrs. .01:nyclon Cox, of Fonthili spent a few days this week with her mother,. Mrs. Mae rocs and Miss Terriff, Miss Marlene Istaniey; 9f Luck now, and Miss jean Stanley and Jack Johnston; of London, 5pOlit the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,Gershorn Johnston, Mr, and Mrs. LuraWick and Mr, and - Mrs. Stewart Smith and children of ''Kitchener. visited there on :Son- day,. Miss Potty LOU Met, don is holidaying this Mr. and MPS, Victorlihn414 Pmerson rooeived word .on that his sister, Mrs. John. Ifs of Blyth, had fallen in her and broken her left hip, She taken to Wingham Hospital, G, ALAN WILLIAM Optometrist Patrick St, Winghafl, Phone 770 .... spiplimppmpl,plop ..... . 10,7/P.IMIlippp i . plppopimptiimptiptiplpppappipifiilitPptpipppltpitlipipApplYp(011tipilatp!,,pipmpp CEDAR CHESTS Exteriors are made of carefully selected and matched Walnut Veneers. Interiors are genuine Tennessee Red Cedar 21.2Ry PRICED $48. FREE DELIVERY. FURNITURE ,0:6.1111 ....... 011ifl,li„111f1f 11 .... allS111111•1111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111141•11111111111111111101111111111111111111111 ii W. R. HAMILTON 1 imi. ii 'OPTOMETRIST 0 ti -. Thoroughness - Ability -. Time tested iiii- i:, ii ii ' Phone 37 for appointment is . _.-- FissiottiauscussionamitiairmistnattotsictuoscumussmitscommitHEN , tttttt REGULAR Size 6 BOTTLES . . 36 A PLUS DEPOSIT Take home the Coke it, of. Ix-and Mrs. ;1' the rand- • all , and re. a, of .with Rae Other, S 82 als (10 NTI U U U 'U to Doctor 'Advocates Rewriting Cookbooks Coronary heart disease .and Other atheroaelerotie diaeaSee. „are associated with too Inneil fat in the diet, says Dr. Harvey BsteS, emaciate in medicine at 1?ulce University, according to a report received by the Health League .of Canada. WS seen to jestify the .a low-fat diets. in :treating IMO diseases, says, the doctor, ^ qn, view of tho high Incidence of coronary heart disease in this etairitry, there is a Serious clues-. lien as to whether a permanent reduction in the level of dietary fat should he edvlSed for the popp- Wien as a whole," lie says, SSE CAMERON'S „BILLIARDS for guaranteed WATCH REPAIRS. nuu N Baler Twine All Canadian Twine - Made in Kitchener APPROXIMATELY ti 250 FEET PER POUND WE HAVE A CARLOAD^. IN STOCK -harles Hodoins YOUR MASSEY,HARRIS DEALER itiesniciamiimiONitamotoinicoltiotilionialumoimino- "Coke it a reghtered frado-mark Perfect for quick refroshritent--bothitig Satiaileil a thirst like Coca-Cola. There's life, there's sparkle in every sip. Authorized bottler of Cota-COla under contract with tota:Colcs '$64:400,04 fdt Wii.gham Coo* wil,Qxwayg-Ur. and Mrs, pill corme4 (formerly Marjorie l'Imm) Were honored on Friday night when a shower was twig ht the Vitietale Community }:1011. Mrs. Ross' Gray read an address and John Minden presented • a Pura° of money on behalf of friends and neighbors, Bill .expressed al?* Preeiation on behalf of himself and Marjorie, who have taken tip residence in Wingham, Smith'S orchestra provided music for dancing. home here, • The. Tuesday Starlight Group, Wroxeter 'United Church will hold its regular meeting on Tnesclay. afternoon, July 13th, at 3 o'clock, at the 'home of Mrs, Wm. Wright, The program is being arranged by Mrs. Lloyd TOWnsend .and Mrs, Andy Gibson and will include a. tour of CKNX-TV station: Mem- bers please note change of time. The July, mooting of the. Woman's Missionary Society, United Church, will be held on Friday, evening, at 8.30 o'clock 'at the home of . Mrs. Wm. G. Gibson. Mrs. Frank Dads will he' in charge of the PrograM. Visitors at thehoine of Jim and Mks. rt Sanderson during the past Week were Thomas Sanciersoii,'De- troll, Rev. and Mrs. Alex Sander. son and daugheer, Jean, of Toronto, Mrs. Selby Dobbs and son, George, 'Beaton 'and Mrs, IL H. Mercer of 11elarkdale. Mr. Arthur Green, Hamilton, was a weekend visitor With Mr. and Mrs; George Harris. Rev, XV; J:, V, arid Mrs. Buchanan, Kelvin and Maureen, left on Thurs- day for Dalhousie Lake where they will spend their Vacation. Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton was in Stratford:on Wednesday to attend the Shakespearean play, "The Merry Wives of Windsar".She.was accompanied by Mrs. Charles -Veer- choor of Ann Arbor, MrS, A, A. Thibadeau,' Bliffalo, N.Y., Mrs, F. •Porsiei, of Toronto-andfIVIrs. I. Gamble, di FordWich. , Congratulations' to Dr. arid Mrs. on June 15th Pelleville, Mrs. BrOWP, hi a daughter of Mr, and MN, Arthur Ttnnnain of Selby, Pr.' Brown: is a son of Mr. and Mrs.: Thomas Brown, of Wroxeter and is a graduate of the O.V.C. at Guelph. He has been practicing for some years at Selby,. They Spent a few days last week With the form- ex's parents here, Quasi: speaker at that United Church on Sunday, July 18th, Will be a Gideon. Layman. Service will comnience at 10 o'clock, Sunday soh of f011oW the ImPrning Ser- vice, Mrs. W. E, Weir spent butt week with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Weir of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs,. Allister Green and daughter; of Win ;ham, who were holidaying at Poplar Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shrieber, Tor- onto, recently visited Mrs. W. D, Weir and Mr, and. Mr's, George Gibson, Mrs. Shrieber Was a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley (the former Minnie Weir of this district,) Mrs. D. S, Mac-Naughton and John 1VItteganghton spent. Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. M4 S. Aiitenhead at Bayfield. Mr. and ,Mrs. KnovviSton Hastie of Montreal,' spent part of last week with Mrs. W, T. Elliott and Mrs. Andrbw Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sanderson and sons attended the Bolger reunion at hayfield. on Sunday ,afternoon,' Miss Gettrude Sangster, Detroit; is holidaying with relatives here. Paul and Gail "Static are spending their, holidays with relatives at Flesherton. Mr, and Mrs, Ira MacLean.spent Thursday in London. Their son, Murray, who had been, holidaying there returned home with their'. We welcome Misses Elsie and Marian Gibson, Winnipeg, who ,have arrived to spend the summer vacation at their home here, .Mr, and Mrs. David Draper end children, Toronto, attended the Howl& Centennial. Mrs. • Draper and children remained for a longer Visit. BUILT FOR $830 WRONETER--An interesting item Published when Howick Cen- tennial was held is included in a pamphlet containing the history 0( all the Howlett churches. Wroxeter ,PreShYterian had its beginning May 1856, when Mr. John Wylie of TurnberryJ made a visit to Messrs. Theinaa and. Robert Gibson. Through their efforts a minister was finally se.,, eared in 1858, The first church was, built and dedieated oh February 1, 1863, at a cost of $830.00. The, present church erected ill 480 cost ' between five and Six thousand dol- lars, The following .ministers served' 1858, Rev. W. C. young; 1866, Rev, George, Brown; 1888, Rev, Thomas ,Davidson, M,A,; 1894, tev, A. 5. G. Anderson, B.A,; 1903, Rev, L. Perrin; 1912, Rev, T. M. Wesley; 1917, Rev, C. A. Malcolm; 1920, Rev, R, Harkness; 1923, Rey, C. A. Ferguson; 1924, Rev. A A. Arm- strong B.D, remained as ;minister after church union in 1925. Methodist Church The Wroxeter congregation, was organized= in 1856 as part of How- iek Methodist Mission, In 1879 Wroxeter, Salern, and 13elniore be- came a separate circnit.• Unfortun- ately the names of the ministers who served here are not available until the year 1901, Those coming, after that year were: 1901, Rev. I. A. McKelvey; 1904, Rev. J. Osterhout; 1907, Rev. A. L. Russell; 1909, Rev, C. W. Mc- Kenzie; 1911, Rev. A. S. 1912, Rev, R. S. Lacklanct; 1916, Rev. A: J, Love; 1917, Rev. F. Stride; 1920, Rev. M. E. Lym- blirner; •1921, 'Rev.' A. A. Rehires; 1923, Jtev. 'A. I: BroWn; FolloWing church union the' ministers of ' Wtoketer United Church 'of ' Canada (comprising Wroxeter and Salem) 'Were: 1925, Retr. D. A, Armstrong, B,D,; 1928, Rev. H. Bolingbrooke, B,A., BD.; 1931' Rev. W. A. Finlay,; 1936, Rev. A. M. Grant, B.A., 13:b., 1941, Rev. J. L. Poster; 1947, rieV. U. E. Cronhielm; 1951, Rev.' E. W. Todd; 1955, Rev. W. J,*. Buchanan, B.A., • In 1955 Gorrie and , Wroxeter amalgamated • and Salem •Church was, closed. The Gorrie minister re- maihed with the newly formed charge. WHITECIIURCH Mr, and Mrs. Will MeClenaghan; who have been visiting during the past week with McClenaglian rata , titres in this district, left On Thurs- day for their home at Rock Creek, Ohio and their niece, MiSs Mildred McClenaghan accompanied them home to Rock Creek to spend a week there. Among those who visited over the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Coultes and at- tended the' funeral of the late James Dow on Tuesday were Mr, arid Mrs. David 'Dow and Mt: and Mrs. Harry Brawley, of 'Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Dow, Mr. John Dow, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dility:itil = from. "CrornartY, .Mr. and 11 'Mts. ...artrey Dow, Mr. .iiiicti:Mrs.i Erie DoW and Mrs Chas. Pake, of; Mitchell; Mrs. Jas. Larsen of Gran- ton; Mrs. McGill, of Mitchell and William and Denfield; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. of Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Erb, of Teeswater, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. E. Currie and Mr. and Mts. Robert Arbuckle visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mr. and -Mrs, Johnston Conn, 'Ruby and Betty Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. Conn and family spent Sunday at the home of their Water, Mrs, Harold Johnston, of Parkhill. Miss Mary Ross has completed her business course In Toronto and is spending this Week at the home of her parents, Mr. and. Mts, Frank Ross, of Turnberry. Mr. arid Mrs. Wm, Rooney, Mr, and Mrs. Willard Allen and family of Mount Forest, and Mr, arid Mrs, Alex McLellan and fainaily, of kit. chener, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, ICennetil Dowling. Mr. Victor Emerson took a load Of children to Teeswater on Mori- day Where they take SivittiMing lessons at the pool, They go on Mondays Knd Thursdays. 'r, and mrs, Arehle M Watt and daughters of Toronto visited last Thursday with his parents Rev. and Mrs. W, 3, Watt on their way to• their cottage at Pine River, Mt. and Mill; Wm, Caslick• arid Children and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ottallek apetit Stint* with Mr. arid Mrs. Wilfred daslick and family at the Waage at Bruce Beach. Mr. and IWO. Walter Elliott arid Children, Mr. Wm. t °rater and firtillY.. M. and Mrs, flirt )511 on and 6ildrett off Harristort, And Mr.: ar'y N WKIIX Arid Mrs, Lyle Hart and patty have returned to their henle in Toronto following a two wecim' Visit with their Parents here, Mr, and Mrs. Piny Hart have returned frOM their honeymoon and gone to take up• residence in St. Catharines. Mrs. JIM.Sanderson and. three son; Fveritt, Ross and Donald, all of Rosetown, Saskatchewan, came hack for the Centennial and are visiting reiatiVes here, Mrs. Wm. Hart and Mr, and Mrs. Lylp Hart accompanied them to Niagara Palls on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Moffat have gone to spend the summer months at their cottage at Arnberley, Brtice Chambers has purehasld their residence here and nee moved In. Mr, and Mrs, Moffat and Marjorie will be missed in the village and district, where Mr, Moffat owned the hardware business for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Montgomery and Quentin spent the week-end here. Mrs. Montgoinery is remain- ing for the summer. Mr. and Mrs, Bob White, Tor- onto, spent the week-end here, and' Mr; and Mrs, ItraO Courteny, Galt, are staying at her parent's summer :1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, Coca-Cola makes food more appetizing -puts sparkle into sununertirne ideals and snacla . • Priondlleit thing to do'Yotero so right to open Coca-Cola when folks drop in, It says to friends, "You're really welcome." Give life a lift :.. servo 'ern Coke-,Your family will love it when you bring out the Coke, They know quality when they teateitt eals... ESBECO LIMITED -Stratford, Ontario Phone ; 'is 44.i040( r, or#4 "OroWil , Wtio WYefe 1111KIIXETE (;111111(; 111 Leonard Hack, of Jas. Magoffin and Ateheson Wallace itKOXETER 2 V - , , I , • G L- ASS , OF, . . . Y i M ILS a THEY ARE mistaken who think an increase in city wages automatically helps farmers. The 'farmer's selling t,price for milk delivered to the city is the satire whether th€ ultimate con- • sumer is a schoolboy who pays 8 cents for a glass, or whether he is a prosperous senior in a luxury restaurant topping off a lunch with a glass of milk for which he is charged 20 cents or more. If a city wage earner is 'now getting enough cash to buy all the milk or other food.he and his family can or will eat, a further boost in pay will not persuade people tO eat more farm products. Most city workers not only have enough for basic needs bat also today they possess what only 50 years ago would have been luxuries only to be dreamed abotiL It is because Canadians Are so fortunate in their high standard of living that wage increases in cities do not really help farmers. In fact, a boost in wages will send up prices of things farmers buy unless production costs per man are kept down in other ways, . .THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED NOMA 6ANANOOIlf HAMILTON 1114NITOR0 TORONTO Mitas Carol Colieland of Wrek- eter North spent last week with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, 'Percy Copeland, Word has been. received of the Safe Arrival In VarteouVer of Miss HaaelWood, Miss HalelWood travelled by Trans Canada Airlines and enjoyed the trip, At present she IS Staying with, her nephew, Bereld Bdwards. Interesting Centennial visitors were Mr, and Mrs. Lount'Belden, of Haney,, British Colurnl+t, It is HtrctY yeara since the Beldena left this district, At one time they lived on the farm, pow owned Eby Mrs. McCreary on the boundary and at- tended school at No, le, Mr. and Mrs. Belden Arrived in time for the school picnic arid are spending some time visiting old neighbors :arid, friends. and , Mrs, Aylmer Aitchison and children of Xingston, visited on 'Sunday with Mr. and ,IVIrs. Horace Aitchison of Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. ICenneth Barbour and-children of Belgraye visited , on.Sunday with Mr., and Mrs, Gordon IVIcBurney. Mr. and Mrs, Jack McIntyre and Grant; of Wingham and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and her grandson,. Allah Falconer, visited on Sunday with Billie McIntyre at Wasaga Beach. Billie has been working -there for the past two weeks, Montgomery families in this dis• trict.held a family reunion en Sun- day: at the home "of Mr,' and Mrs, John Jamieson with rclatives from Turnberry and Morris in attend- ance, Mrs, Donald Montgomery and Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery were in charge Of the games and contests. The reunion next year will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Montgomery. Marilyn Cameron from Ashfield spent a few days last week at tl4e home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rin- foul and Donna Rintoul accompan- ied her home to spend a few days this. week at Mr. Ralph Cameron's in Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clark and giandson, Beverly of Hensall visit- ed last Wednesday with Mr. and Mr,3. Kenneth Mason and Mr. and 'Mrs. Shirley Towers and son Paul of Toronto visited there on Sat- urday on their way to visit with Mr..and Mrs. Harold Mason at kin- cardiac. Mr, and Mrs. George Graham of Hontranek, Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, , and all visited at Taber- 'Morey on Sunday. Mrs. Hawkins, of London, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Thos. O'Malley, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Newlands of Brantford visited on Sunday With Mr, and Airs. Harold Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason and family attended the twenty-fifth