HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-4-1, Page 3Save Your Money
Our clubbing rate for The Signal and
The New Outlook $3.90
you e,tl'e to cents and tilt- nest of w•nding x
money order. A similar .uving on other
PuM icat ion".
Your Office Stationery
Now to a No,Al tiIs, jos fou to Ivok thriniiw7t
your stock df 01640 `stationery 41914
�� ��rr - yt1\lr order' for nt•r4 t+uppli4*• W'e cul
t�tutiltitiou ill yuulity :u►ci pTioe.
C/\1y �`� 1� The Sdsnal , -
,� 1 -- --- -- -
� - �EVEXTY \INTII Yt:Ali \Il. It
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- -- _- - - -- ,.
GODERICH, OWARIO, THURSDAY APRIL 1, 1926 __ __ _ _ -- -_
_ T -- - 'e
obblrtl4-k and yr. N. It. 4*t"biodi". t,. rrlM,rt. _ .
-- - -- : "ANOTHER BIG NIGHT" Fri•r0mosty was, well *40014 asd 141111 ..Mi. he
Iltllll Fairweeilt•rzwere on !
. Stock I FOR HURON OLD BOYS ,rut rtly delay 00" lamb. l wela up on the trkytnWit
Market Demonstrates lain.. I 1114. uu41 9114 {e4•flla1ly Int tits• fi(•t lead
• Large Allatlellugre and Splendid I'rr alrie J'. t': 1I, -Iyer, u ('little 1114 Llrl• f (soli un 11111. It went dawn 1110 aee•k- ,
1 Few Slight Recoveries grant 'thunalay Nit lend t4Mrhrr lu It},•rwrl 1mh114- Ia Ihru1. 1 T1114t its 1111111: arra costly moat Ile
Only 'Phe au11111,1 ,•u£ irr and bri44c cel-, Antill n„t Dr pn•.rIN• bol was a Mre-' nnrv' „Ireful. Ilurn'."
�� ,. � leriulumeut 4.f the {11100,1 t►bl lt(oyti
ffoilar Juuatluu• �-= - �'
. - A*wN•Ial►oti lot Turd,tu. he111 hl ill alxs )111410,.,1 Itrv•wu. the xw,nrl. I:1.:I .a�--
1 vvi-li•
Baflntft In Gen- Ilytte•ht Agdih,rfutu un Thurwlli �'"h�rlN�nlllu111144-1811. ltl•�laVIll ahi IRI 1 uKl l
I Liquidation Still Heavy -Almost All Issues Weak - l flee tome N'a. truly 119111411.0 11IK
nlKl►t:' 4.l* pr4-1'1u11x1}' atll*tllo.•d ny t rt.� .d )1 r. uud Mr,. INN -14' Marelli. told J.
' I oral Continues G:►od Commodity Prices Stable Many Look 1 might I* . J 4.v
Ilse clrr1104 lj t(o Uu m4adm•hI. Tbe'! It i• r K1««1 Kut'x• shut bre luerruts sure '
iute•uelru,••� 4x4.,.1101 1111• nq,xt Wit++-}Nr� ";tl'II1)hlrxl141 n111.Itthe irutxllnr
for an Early Rise in Stock Prices, bat Few Are Wi'.ling to I Itulur ectNr•1aliUhx tit ills i(omrttt.r••I Real Estate and Insurance
Back Their Belief with Commitments. »gid Ill.. Wren•*' lit the t'nereraul °eve; +,` n(o. t" a \Y,,,I hJu, old Rtrl far
r Li►s Ilulmlih, tNw eh•itghterl
___ 1 ItagKe,l free"' *tort u4. nulla 1'rolulhl the- a11di,•ui,• Nllh dire N•1`n.7rm----
Itr'* wa -kA
dw•ry•nNeel atilt -Atilt the 1 tie 14N•alfun 4.f II}Refa I1-- 'll"lJIIA1l la) ..1.... tL4 Wit IN-iug Ilk Fn•ueh. -_ --
O t lir ha n Jw 4-i stteatan„ . 'trill, 11111 rnlerlxlner. IrOf
py John t1. ilamu"ald -- - wF t r«it-+IatnaKi }-; - r ktt.4" a t k1 t--- )Jc 1%utte It.1. IIu 1'nllaeltrd Quantity R
_ _ hat nym•rt of 1114 taprrt _ lx what was. Ut[mt•rt, OR S.�LR
t'r11P• wer•li: brie w•itr4-x-141 1taYt .utrngx rut rust. 1111•_ lnark4' x•u•14•t aleNumtl•,t ehun•11 still Is, oul}' a,'x rine of tiP 11114 1 , \V. hrih,•. Inape'etl 1:001) I+II. ..D WOOD1
rlerlrpt d4•elin, In the sh«•k lnnrliet. 'ahrou.11 ter of inbilr w•heNlls- still R!"I.raM old ., f:t ner .inpte curet drliviorwi.
s"ur"e few ynrt:• front y"I1Ke• xtr.•et. Iut t! TUS OODnRICH YAN11FACTUItI\ti
wl�h further *harp 4-1111"r Nle tante »Kuhl adtnmwl lu . braen-allR Nn»} i ulNeut lnllfN'r\' INHN'1•t•11 slaw•" nod 1«,c. I1. i. nu 1111.911 ratrrlrinea rad DIYITED.
4.11911001 by *larultit1u11 ruuuiog to .it:•h (►ptiudshg upN' et•4aus to ,m•rcp414- t1aMe' r'rlle•Ke• *1.91+•1.. It has INr•n re•nrlell i ,•arriwl Cllr croati r1061 away with Irl* , (Foot of Aa .. L 131. Phone 81.)
+Oran e ( 10ss0m extreme*" ak puke then a»i4KRlveli n htna.• 'do
would t1114, Klit- unP%I .141j. 11 r"•tell. 4-r 11 I n•u,o41r11ed• uud luta the 414•1 .nark uud smut. 11 Mellon
---- - __-__
q t't•mt i lial ley• The w•11hiK
ves initial irrr,r111x b} IetWr dries* 4-.n \i;Nf3OFTIh N:�RI(IF:T yud it of +1 oil..%lois ruterlo4l tWell� \ilielY limit
Jlls .of t sot Lse•k
�•►y/�� �� C lntProatlallal Nlekel.=l'hi• .um•k�-and dlufng 11x11.•14411 llPlttwl: ICruu4d� Iwd eltarKr tit 11,4 Burd* and
Dtl t���l j� �u 14141 I*aura 14111011. rilcorwl with sue-
< / lI LL���II► ` wes is.11 d un to (other sw•tlnn* elf hnN i%4 n sawlog hl for Its fall share tit hentwl. N'ItIt 41 rt ro etux. musk j prim'* "tiff 41'41 their Nurti with i•ntln
the {ira. ie n•bY mxkhig 1110 utixettlr- attention. w11lele link .•nlodlistIe"t lu, remun*• dining trrnl rml kitsla•u, rtid xnt'*r31til,-k1
11.4 farornDl4 *hiitlug 1"(1X10441, Ivy kitrbell Ittetixfls• 911.91 ael'rrrth Ix n Ilrr N1rr pr
e"- IN
Seamless. Superbly Rand chased. Hard ulent gone•ral. Ece•,r !tie • gill -4-419441 The Mutual ].Ifs
,Nruritlra *uRrrntl rrtlau•kx. Ihr tsVe-ut\ hturth 111111"1, rt•lmtrt Itlxly 111111101 trrrv+ eh•rutwF In 4411111'' ehul, lull ft Ir said "114 never 11140 Of
iridio-Platinum or gold. Also jewelled R11minll I la 01111 a„ulfuuirg ata I,•- Nhtell ha* joint Immo made lriilllle. hilt brifte. N'hlh' nlNnt' odd INrym x101 \\'I lli I to. Woveip,
Kruger htt(o anrtAssurance COnlpany
with three to twelve diamonds. Always 4-ord nU 1111000 e„wlwri�,u i* mxdr Earning* ace ,l"In lilt: .U, 'ntert•at- girls 1N\•ulthrl Iht• a 11*hbuwl *ilk• II'• Kat t(o w(ore wrmr. Canada
tnodishend always exquisitely boa with usher 1lerlotle of *imflar nat11rr' rug side•Ilght u,Ntl Its lmrtUlou to the IN•urhe•s, x1141 e•nj . 1114 tamhll erten urJrhuholdtlar"'nit" ou ltaebltr as
w a lo,A%,y hlethll.e• »1111 n•r11iltIk/,Hire•* of ole' IlI'S. a.
aha ___ _ fort that 111th(ouglr fbix sN«•k f. Iro(hrl- -
___ 4.r (of. the games all ,ride tit u hears•, ills Nurlrrr hol; ?risen Ill Fetabliebe� l
dr0yreery14bami •w0 giver 110:1 and 14r1J for n lu nIN �
G....+atw�•••• Rrpr e,.I sitiorifill '"r�' ��)ywryq„�. i 114.14 !t* own In k dtr of th4 hetivy at--1.leudld muki.nl progrxtn scar 4.r I u4rr funs"•. and ,It VIlie r`
r�1� �.• ar+r d . writml still this IN always indhlnh', u4. { \1 aterl(x1, Ontario.
bukim.. pnwrierity. Another favor- lack tit the In -aro tin all IN*it. u4. 011'• ou, the arthlx IN•inK )trs. ltumlr•11 )Ixr• the rt'ry '
lateard. Thi* steeek I.N,k?I ns if 'it .hall. tm.lrrnl"r• )lf:ex Mitebn,F ItrUwu.I pkNl news. D. D. MfOONEY, Agent.
Dien 1111911 Rnd JPwrlle.r aI'll in8uenee la the• riKalneaut,• which Psoas 250 ,_ 1
wiaht 1"• rttarhwl to 1111• tact that the would irr wurtb more uJolley If lin*1 4119191{*1. nod. )t r. }:n1ir ltruw•, ejin•r• w ry [any t'hNNly *till aflrkr tEam Stn•t•
tuhl4r, and 9111 lite retidltiolhe were gttalta. Nothp,g kurwtlrlm 11►r
E.C. Robertson, Plione 1Rfi, (aaierich Atlgrriiiu auluwohitt• itakt*try fa wen- 1jpmek t,urtlnuoi at Its pre•ret•ul 1009141• ('m•derieh, Ontario. t
t of -1i��pl gDerlerTnr sttntn >•taw Weil 9100.40114-t.x_tike atuHe`W �w-*." Hotel Ila• old .\kw, --- a--- tinuing to pnNlth. at x -won! t(att:c_ ----- -eM.,tpite the rnmera n* to urtullmen Nlhh d'kaplN,iattmrul wu. edit ll HuW'ixlie+rta«Alrtry I, l,nrcing juxl as saw, n fid-- _- _ rales nod ourpun to *pito of de- hl t•1lunln a. In the 1'uirert Wase*.the• nnavolealbtr elt-wim'.. thrI, Mrs Ill• 1'11911 rsou.4n t1rl l!4. dont d .,.- -
-- -- HOOSES I''rvrlmerl earnhltul to the hurt a. .ecru(• �f1,4•r it, Inr•tpti,mi uuly n to -w years 1 ue*e. of ark. ll. B. Mows :111.1 110x. N. .Z. )Irlmtxn• not only donated Aloe hmul-
HOUSES ---- - of the 4•umlainool IDs fact tlmt others 11ga till* mmlwny hex made w4 -n41}'. 1, aginikh• I«1111 erre pl,•.id,•nts, ,91914 ,I"a• x11„411 for 4101111x, but al*a sup1.
ALL KINDS' FOR SALE Rains 1191111 t1i»y k is uud of [1111`1 )Irrdnui,., to I'. King. W. 11. Fe•tg,l-' pfle,t the weReK far Ila• . 091144: 1*rur
Lurid,❑ flflz78; an inrreaking the num" of unix $tin Life Assurance
For !rale. -.t InrR F• ` ( r„tllhwl ix an rzePllent Dad. f'rnwln' gnMtext 0411111 we•rYhurtllixing ulguu war and, ll. )lartlu. 1111 artilN'rre, mtutrh i Ilf7ryt4 emhlstlult, tomroary. )Ilxs LIh
& ��) eeluent walls with iron runt. Would J: „ t�� a w,lialesr In that In lraltluns In 1114 Ilerminio►1. 1 "ening*'tit the A*4 IbAt t. Tlwy 1
�. F. Carey i,*,µ r the 114.111 091140*ern. 14x0 !In it 4.l -It to til« 1'9111141 Co. of Cana a
I make u vrr� tl„dntbte protmrtY i• nut }e.1 Imullnent. The steel 1 tined tucnMr4d maNt lattstnitnrtt}�nre/; mi:rwf uu41 lou-�}tltlallJt� t 411110x. 91114 tDrrrrm'-�rw/bF 1u+�- tiatl er+ry (ice insurance, nil r,Nir
j �j rano and oil auith4i, 41910 tit tete try ix xlmt.xt at rlrord e,11'aelty• Iii• l«t*IUou „f the new f. a -trona alit.' bre went ant to tli`m huni,• 11111 nn Ink11rJtx, on pour a i
Lt�Ittw• I (ytNt.t 11« mtiuu• it Godrrirh. A IratKatn in t:eilerol buxlnrs*Iktlek*l ami til. Itf* wrH 8919191001. rMkinont -A .I..wl Thr t. W,.rituu 4.s �lees a•. Ldlutv.:lproxrnl. lite. 0'•1110 hums Cnn ,Aril lx•1 and 1eN,kx like a fain} safe In11R 411!11. 1;9101191, Reulteua•11, l.t Ur. lauuun i• .tubo N,«,n 91914 It t'. hltK w;'rkerl 9
(or ,Iubh tail••. onto«rl. W. l Inloo, It I. Im Nrrtunt• LI! dupliylltwlhtit pour lite cannot he 1, i .."
nee and
P. J. R1AV Twin Cita'.-llurhig lite ellkl week. I.% : :hid. lir. ltlmrka41er; 114114-*, Iw.. Ilk- Im•:,rem I reou.nd to Poor trtnily.
insurance not' that .,N-It11 lower wtlglu,Nllt c psi• t' { 1t. 1111111, I ,
Iw• runmi.p•uI aril carrg 11,114411911..
Real F. -tate and Insurance. 'I•hone 50.1 in pro.liert. null with fnreigu i'ay Ihl, stark Ila-. lien hamulrrr41 duNti' \I r•. it. \C..4. -rot: Jud. pita Yeiee Ile IIW. 1 Lila-luxnrllcr. l
Blind Brokers to what .ee•m to W prier, out ..f Ihlr plgte,c. 110111_0 )II►x I.u,•y\ 11101400. •
mwtt.• nontluK into Its,. ranutry• x l .i,l I"td.`lulze•r�
--- "- - - pb•utlftl supply of uu4u.y will la• 111th its• e•>lrtihtR. Inst Ihr •rtixtarHrr} :The c it ore: til>, trfN -' 11{11 \ .hfu cos licin¢ in. n t�rgdein *trfarrl• 1 /+ e f
West SfiTe�t, Godench- well t - r 10.11.heil it- far 110141ge. \ . ,114«•h4o1 :it til•• I-.ItIen-::.• Ilu.l b}.' H. R. LONG, f
Tkie -Armstrong Real Est f„r the x►mr•tllatfrl• niarkrts.. .. If. , 1t revolt die-11111.ma) I` ti a . t 1 Din it tt iklfeat'-"--- -
Phone _30. Q Jrf re•fre-hnte•mx lel - 114.1 men n•lNl r u:. e ,
anntario. trance Agency TUB NEW hI/RK 11.X('"A** , _,ruar d•Rrv.• line ter 1114' NI•N' lurk' s, 11.1141111 I tit Goderich Phone j15
and ins S 1tea,lju.tnr»1. rr-ini tilt xlmr•ulatly" flurry. it im•lrtt if-te'l W1 "I'll rxrtsanKe. .rrrwl, 311141 ulnot rrv•lit 4* din tin• 010x1• In•r hot 4 .
11 a'uuld 1prrrfur,. rWNI 11,,11. uN'IItK rnrNlli:l4r. tv,11*4.",i -I \IL-d:uu4- It. Nhr wrote 1 1114 4.,•l, "%;" :I -the
11.6, 1
Life him IJfr). .\reidrnt and .talo .urrt•.1 • tit' the uunu»„ and winter . ll,,, -n. ul:i Ihr. and tl , f„r` t, .0 t a ^74
mobile Ine.urance t stilt t,•t,tinnr4l to xitw' ftw•If In the , 110• tot limit the d40ill 11 1«4-u I'h,,up•' 4-.')1 I,ak-, I I „.i
1 c 'r -farm: :ui$ laruxrs tied I vhd. tit 4e,'Ifir•s Ni:ieh lu,•k 4111144 iu t tela, 9111 to iCrlflfl tat r A -Pax nu.l -_�
1 I So JI a 1141141. fill' -' 'W i
.1. 1 . - -
£. {t� l;oeyNrkL rti yl llrinity. )tnur . ,1 e.''1 til £ ,.• 4 11 lir bl� h,• nom, uh t --- - - --
;t a ... e
TKi--t-du'tlOn Th-- r•x•is¢,rtn• ««., - - -- -
file -III olferinR it ti -- -- . 1 I
£ . 4.r „ . a I t 11:. t III- au r�-u►eh► .
N _L-
ii L-•.. -� __r...-ta lloaLt4 i1,.
Five Houses e ,
F Farah fur x411., . Jtix: a' tea of lh Inn t ' a 'i /
1 - 1 rt w +til 1 Ju' t • 71el.•1: Isrn i l _ • 14t � t I ! o•: r V-.1 e � 'rz •: t"!'ki ,. R - -- 1
14,1.0 I u r
r t
n any li-t4-, a. ,.
1,- xtti.l 4 -1•M4 --Lau. •t •,=:enc., .• x�.ra.�aa ar.l a•.eb«tlenn,enr(i:Aie^-Grs. c. _ - - 1
l,,.4.. 0191 1. 1t., q r1 -
irl-ttf+akriiar•,,.. n, ,i , c ss 0U .-.�~
1 y 'r "M�' N��p 'IgDi i7 L1 LIlt la412#1t' 1 �� A - --
• („'1', J 1 .£ lio:ta11,&i4aT � Ilini. k• *,% C dam,. T
ale lir i:4. tint+i, x•I.li„'R,•'.-10!91'001-��a:�Mr._rp �'ratxrrv+ mNt t5*maurlw,+.rtarter:. '.`... f,et35rfy ,n'. ,.„. �lJij■rr -
, ,..,,..: �,NNi - ,
} f ,
t'�: a a .#. �� Y
(, .I _• t ,:1 t .. t d amt - `Xe. ,< wt 4i i4., t a+ 1.ti
+y�Y., yy,�s��d�ty' �uq�� y y,�y^ ,
•- --4
- -- -_ :m'F'�r a'.TY.. °�,•-.':r,4i•'" µG6.,yb R•i �,¢' ,'S L. ..u• f �( - i
' .,. 11P" 31 �,i±i aPatRT :"T.4.{--�' qi.,y�:;. ..,yr. '! 451.1'. '�� �'?1 t• r r�4�.f�fiY#:: t .. ,1x,,,teo- ;
�:P`,l�. iF' , .' r*,v # ,-i is I. $ [y :l.' • l LhC C." ilk,au:,'� ,f. � ,
__-. , - . ,.. ,, , - ' Mid..Y�, I �.l°J 111 +K i�7 k'`: ''- f�f t f :#;411: __ _ '� r i'"Yi _
• ret• Ctliilt .'
a ` ;Iri.•:s 1'l 1 --_- -. e+..va n. ........+m,,,.. y.. ,.a, -y..,(` _ _ _ __^Yr.'_^1;G'--f:+-..-«,.^Ime•»..re� �.9�1 t
. - to. w, �., �.r. . 1-::... - MM� .- mti00 •� " - _ - Ir..._-�_ 't:�l i1.' __ .' ." ::,.yx".'wl
` ',
11 .x
:.het Lasvz *, ►a�ips:aGt.,,.+wu..,, uS u5c o t 11:1.3 111, f ,w'••.�t'r "
edtum and large. 4.,t 1 1 i , wi L1, 411 i l.. 414<' 11U.1.1v11 _It i{'{i llitll�ltr t, it in: r.nsC !i 4.P '7�; 1
Smallrlm r I ° &fit,' 1'011 _ ' . r eta t' are y.x,, t 1 7:414. CrC� 1- Tel 1CtlVlijt o ,- e
qq ..��jj�uu r n
£ / 1 I' 'IMI: •. _ c�t'k'113R111^,k "A�t.. _`h t,,�w}y- i . t
�Z ell located: �., :,,-4.w -1 _ Li.,Lli I' ; '• "„ < its •+»4.r = - -- -- -
4.-,.t'.. i41A a .,- i. '""",.. ,itit.t a • : a- 1 ,M..4.:, t+ .4..T='.
a Cti .N,I_ ba}litil' r _ �$ w. 1 , fof" 1 -
...-.. _. - _ °T":L�a°.t , 111'0` I ,wg. i _ _ _
xg:,Nr. 7; ••G,, .,thjd::! I I>aia.a u;4-" It!'k C rertri x..T l':u:.l;.a -
.. the btisiltess Inecre�tstaf 1!- 1
tc Sift' 4111011.-_,sail-ttiLtr:','1. : 011 t, _ _ _. - _ �fe lEi C L..Cn _. r
. i
_ _f;lr locatlons'and 11 r,* i.rn4 1 uu .4..i!. i,u rt a. ,. '! 1, .r„•eiT. \i tnir't wri-4110,•1,+F Itr.•i. i... tr.. tNT lel(`\ 4.l li i11t: ,1 '
See _ }1111 _. _ - -�� toln�
_ -The y
V. U'"
price!. or'uut V1,11 n 0 .. \� ell Nater£ -tt tTtrttltr! 1,,,ear. • it t c , kir I- « .•., 1.. e . r}itr lt.
CJ: Tlrticr 111111
11111.1 .: '
�roult ou,i I!,, G, u, rat I t4. •". aur HC
fin• buil lines, sib. wtndtnill. wate.r in 11!41 be ,at•• •,If Slur 1111. uufuuti,,,tr �� ,`S-specwlly�cll to stVc1r+
4Mmf - a: v4- res •�. els41 red +�tt of \« w sorb -seer 1 sr r� _ - ,
f,ni 'fur f:ome.t lwiratlTz :,rrtzmttfr t c t
hrir.r aMI - Frau:"'-- .rt :I- i •" «/' P{ �arlking serV f- all ZO•t>� t
;rationwl h., I
la,11,4.' IMtr'11 and Illapie bush. Cft- Tin. Its i a•rd'-t;�tttAlin:: m.. a\ "J.1«•,It'- 0111£• a td:!:. it' I t,tm.. healO(&. , ' ` their busi ss, whatever \ j ' t b
*l Powell vcnlrnt 1U mt'la«li, tiIUTC►1. nlxrkt•t and ll,,,a.y Ntlrket 111n114-11(,•ti tilt' tie"ifl,e. il.i•. 1"•:111 N n it laird. of )14 11-41 H4urarsd j' . r -,-) 1, ) .•- S :31�ft 111
W. est•• 1 OW 1011 m•rty. , loV tlti= 1� 7�* -
raflnm41 *hltt(on, Fxr,•)lent I 1 t rnu!,h11Tw1 n ti•Itt;n,rurf e•1.i ('1•lleite, SI, eSll Tllnrrd Rt« k % G•4. y• r 4`C
t' "lea
.� .
• fru" a x. ,s
L.tc 41010,, rnry term. if .lrakwl. dtti,m nm.l •la.ulit rut rw'JX tai )t£.tYrrta#n+• Iran«-Ih`r, ! 114.1' -1110 illi ,t1. 1 .w_ i(- a = : �5a8,InAta;:=z .,teat.,;_ a.- I cr4� ,
. ` r':• Auto. Lafe, Sick and ,lx hl God'
/ii A nnmlN•t (of 11uukc, 91914 11 ,hr 1« li,•f IIw1 t•n.irr, tin4u y rote. }lj{I , c, kir lu x,lr„•.rfru, hex xudertnt 4.0 in -1 .-'_ .I�r+
.,91149101 a tairty rhrultall tltia lfluriut. _ "S;w I�•rTt•r' r "tet ,��,} illI
.(�� �� 1 11[0411 1
Insurance. erlcli. Oimewt 791 I THF D'pR(1. dr:rns near. w.Nal.rluud. r, � `C=• .,1 l t
Accident 1 ___ y 1(anttoe or itr4e -retail n• t K'
.Tt1 �rt'11�,GF� �� . , BAN K OF r
rPtluirid, true all llarf11.,Ilarx'xiwr P",.tl:" f fir �1 ,r ► '
Phone I`el'y (titter np.;mr*. nest dorm to Gray « In tL•e.'run4lto market there was, oaf . .1. - At train .or dining. ItinnAard, "!Mi �; ,.,r• .r •• �.M St' -04. '
tan. letters-. 't,iunre. ;t -i-rr.l*,nthlg Ilquhhlttun hr slur LI •Irping, nut erb.t•rvmf141 t•ouipurt
ARMSTRONG, ,rices were "Ill- Rv ( � , ,i , r i
Nilson Street. East �• \oN erre*, \\'hilt 1 1114911 rnr* in« Le,•u ! hnrtrw•d• to Iruce.I.
Rill Is!etate and huwranee •1ttr�1'}'• tI 14•tly •n -ler th4re• ♦ram u4. ,,te•r.nrrl 1orv4,to uu .luny tush tin Ill" 1'nuadlal, *r*�.�•,,ti I 1 ��' '., . , 1 f:oderieh. Out. 1 R ! 1~ �l/A� NTREAL 118 tq 0 4.l stark• ,591 1111. 1'kiundlxu uun•ket 11';101910 ltnitwny �ttnptt w'il.l Im made �TQj. tt J _t :i^ 1^ Ta �"t,t►'" 'tt f 1 ail 1 � 110
P. O. lin: ,=, ( •-,i, t I
.tu11.um-nlgettr- to hare. I•e•4u true (if 1'errt .\rtliur Null Fort William. 1131%
- XoN York. it na- trlthout "p,Mrellt %thirh foorella•t• farm 1'allltrM'm Rn,ttext • , ��n i , 411 �I f,% �� Established
- -----------"---� RrH-lir im,{'t : Who } Itraoh. Ihr 1«ipu- 1 I .- - - y r . 7� _ x.ewr o
- ri. that ' 111 I'etae«liau uuer4l-1 her annruel 1t ret [or \\'luui,Nlte.rx: ` ' � -._
_- ]j ► iJ ~�,� yea 191 r
solossissol la,futtwl 4.n•- V) i'� '! Ft 1 Tool 1
t _ f x'50 111X1
• \tont t«tits that 'Stir 1.40:*4_UK�wintlli.•R:. 111911411 • third Iargll t j % i
Insurance I«•,•„air «i bestt-m with site rr«llit ,its: lu41hln 11t•ml. 1114 ehitf Ire, ell. ty 1 1
bite 1`
A , . Federal Far.
u`O1O itself rertttin. sttwkte (once• .li,gm.l 41giwll trihl,tI , I lore (of t h 14A, Is, . 1.
_ f 101114.0 thele bnxla•sr 4-on,Ihtou, In 1..10,0 Itrnurll : Ib•Itiu,, flu• tnpNa► gif
I, ' is the time to insure your automobilc I(,•n•rat alnt twruing,I In Jrat•`tirnlae yusknt4h4w•al, : Coligary. .U)"•rta'* '�
• large t city : I.,,tiff. lie world-famlr• ___
111111.. 1,1111111g .1, tier" ,rat ,r list- 1,11 rr►frttlltn e.l It 11111111 11111111I11111111111111t111111111111111111111Iill 11111tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll l=
-- s or Death .10ImINra ftut11rtn of til, ,%...I, wits the 114.Jl!tlt'• im,r the ISeluR-N'indrrmt•rr LAUGHTER! _
�• Legal Liability for Bodily Inlutttie rohlhnt{,,, of 11umr'. ,,Ill,,,:,[ sll i.h o 1 ili;cbwav- - -f1 inlW-K-me irnt1^� I = - ROL*
1 Liability for Damage to Property of .Others i i 1 _ _
nllhung11 its luno, n., as maiul> ,f ,11 1 nail Tii: tlilr tlislt '*m•4r►nty 1 1
__r. eintre't FUN N •
-- � _ f - = -
___..:_.. :.:..i1n• Mntart4/1l,•lflrnl n I. -
C. ''
(,0111510n Damage to the Automobile - err Xoieu4rm 4ntninR• :nut it, g4ntntl ,inlet• _- r , , -
Firo and Transportation nnitnrinl xhit11, for the ye.nr rens fret thrnugh the. It,eukhul«Ir etUktul"Rln! = � Old -Time
Theft on Mowfay to411-10119 whinthe famuum "elltXteut; nb,uR lrelr' = � � =
Y:1ul.rllve•r. slits,• b) t=
RATES HAVE BEEN REDUCED its, li el» 91st lip six , IM2. s high4r film, I,ik514.11 . ':,Iles i C =
. •• Stn m•ri n e.l(ow•�tf 1!Y3. Ilih'aur'I11K ter xtwune.r In 4.l orUl.
insurance Agent r ItPII tit' .4►i. 'Pod, and Ilrnxilhln RrinrnlnK' rtl11i �r/,xt radix"N 1'rrlflc. , ) %\\
d• I
_ Sho =
oa•nln _
That lvhlch is tint tc„rtl! n„urmg ie nM wort = •l•l.r,,.,tn,r4jl+*.11fk0W " the markt•1-_wain _lilit 1
Williams, thnalKh th1 R,,.Iu ,4,11 Al-erf-' fir = i 4. O\ Minstrel =
Geo, le.aeh•t..[11,1 _
(Automobile, Fire, Life, Me-) and frond llet114r Thr TNF-Vt fo-r IMiRKET rontired I tiorol►R11 I,., N7•ik10'. all, 1bN1kle,xai,I,f S 01 + =
Korth `trvet, Goderiell. ?gitilltij[ .retit•ry +arts a., e•ma 1"• fgi11ti.1 = -
around Ihr tentlerx far the Xrra tt£•,I- .,� ) Under Auspices of
tin and 1'Ity •or 'Itorgilitr tm.wi.•. Thr now,n•1,• tl!t• . it 0910111; IJIk4 Luui.r. = =
\ora IM.41a aectlte41 a IrlI fol• It, the• Pearl of fill' It4mkir.. the mirxl = , I-
lmm(tri W11hit tv11141 girr.if". hidtler n lm•rfer•t W-ni 4f_ *11411 111 Ih4 world: _ \ ��ider�ch Lions Club =
AAfi' JJA,� -- -- - yfield of 4. 111 rti 1l1*: tuon4y. In Tow iuinthrr ,las ,I LAuR F1Ttn irNttt. if" •
f ;> 11j `, 44t1to the 1Ptitrtm 1910 thr rtf,r Ixxn4 41pUa, of \ In 1191. •( +kntaou, 11)4 0111 \ ,
Brokers and Nett• kill r4,w•tthI.- frith thr rt•mrlit 11►1►1 s,f at'Untirlli ' I I p 4."`Y VICTOR 1 A OPERA H O U S E
SStoictherm• win were 41tlm•u411ng 11 till* Ir- tilt• lalke e f thr \ e" • 114.1 K."ma,!=
mar N, parr to I.«ek rtmewhe•r4, 11111(- thrni4 Fort hilbaln, W14'.1-0. steamers elf AND 9TH
Dealers "ret. the \ora t. I Imrntm. IN•hiR of tin• aur 1 ql ncmi 1'arith• r3,Ils = A �' L 8T H
Boned a two }rnr nint11ritr ooh'. err uo1 •sit- N Ill tm• uw•11 art*NeI\XrJI, 1114)1 91111
wl 191 the art,.ge hlvr-tor. wire want- •111141 Ilaroll h, 1
�1y,; t _ Proceeds for Children's Playgrounds
Montreal, .. fplrh InnR term Ulrextmrnt.. t'onrr- I to Tureen when• the trip 141 1 err =
Mm's' tir..r.. ill, Ill.=tit lm-11__ruid Ile minafr. irr
Direct private wire connecting with TS ocl °and Grain, the 1 •analNan market tits to 0 liar o 1 _-._ •>;r •- R'
Chicago and WlnnlPeg _ ADMISSION =
New York, new ixale a Its the prrrrumt•nf sad ', kir s ePl %I ft„t 1t rron,a onm,rtlrtl m, in ' =
ti✓?� ►wmlirl,11tl ". _1.0110„ 1414. ,Mµltrteug._xleeldbtt,__
Exchange. mtr,,,,,� 110..1 IIIIaR1Y'11r1 by lite iettm•k hold, mill Inngal"%% rani, lPPlttlrtn C =='f0 . RESERVE 50 Cents. =
I ° n to the public from 10 a.m. ta►arttt•, ,,,.,•Ila•. ( tight•. h1,•Ix ani ern x91• viesk• ll. �_ 4 . GENERAL I Cents. =
Our board room Pe GK41N «1116. 1hlNatt _
*{Rill r1•,•Itig tone Irl 1.' glh•0• I
m. Belly• ' F, -r .,•t1•rnl ww+lim loot Ihr market i ' The Irlp I+ ulm•n t.. 9111, nu,l apo =
to 3.30 P. -- - I„ armil,• ltNm mntiont•tl to At, Inwer; 11/tae for arJ•nnlmt*10tlun urn la•htR = til 5th, 8t lU o'clock. =
______---- • . end lawn 919118 the low Irvel at W.7r, re tarn* frv,n1 „1111 r ladatm Ihan Tnr Reserve Seat Plan at Dunlop's Drug Store on Monday, AP _
Mr 01114911 1411* rtMeMrl. Thin 111®1• a'
Huron Investments Limits tltfnI afi'anre, Ili" a fnrthrr 1)+('11110.; onto will 1m• uomt•,l, aP41 dtectlpth',
_ C11 Olftt. Rnt In tmgml of IMem downward Iwrl� `I^nt,tlneenl 14hNklair�i.slnl1 Miliel 1101.1
eel t Id ell nulnununluau"tnlutuuutllltllul111111111111u111111l°111111111111lllllulorlo111111lnnitnuunuilrllnmuunnnnnnlnnunuu
Building God mrnfr the marks 1 t'rrlhRt 1',-n 1lttkt. flat•
Royal Bank _ thh *r"POf•� Lrw;m. Meanwhile Pall• " ~� h
• �+ k 1,;�X1d'd t4. r, 1?irtt-�w IDs n ", R «411 p cave ipr,n, unb'#�rek =i
4k'w".rt.yfiwakim,`4'l'4"",µs�w IbF;.i *�,r", x,4+AS"fet4w i_- 5w,t'0 +,Vk.:
.. .- •.+.:�,.. 9111:.'?"^ {,+ :a.° -:",,i °liar #,+:'3111:,.":F. , t -, .. ,, +a�r,IFl�Stt 4i :N:4. «''"•IfA:141r" rt* �dF''W'" m i x I• I�i l'dpl%?4
1.w1,,.re.a�ewumk.vaar k,.e..>.-Ursa,,.
r.v,r• s,:+,4.wx4.:4.w.""+Ml Mawll. ..►.•a .n w,. .,nye., .m..,�,r,. ,.., _:» ,..,;..x'14.. .., .., ,... ,. ,.,...... ...�,-. ,.,« W.4..,. .0.,.11, .,..,,.+:.� .,.....�,.., 119.,- o w�-.Y„•M...n.-+
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