HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-11, Page 4*Agft, The. 'Winglunn tfraln-as4ilnes, 'Wednesday, July 11, 115i SHORTHORN COWS for sale, some with calves at foot, Phone 21 Delmore, 11b LOST '$$.00 REWARD for information leading to the recovery of a - children's playhouse, painted green, green .paroiel roof, approxi- mately 4'x'4'x4' taken from the rear of 106 Bruce Beach", 111s CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere, appreciation to our many friends and neighbours for their many expressions of sympathy and kind- ness shown to us, To those who helped in any way and for the many spiritual bouquets, in the loss of a dear husband and father. —Mrs. George Kennedy and . fam- ily. 11* 1 [Ii 1 I t 1 1 [I I1 i i I 1 1 I I i I IM I 1 1 a urke Eleatic Electrical Contracting and Repairs Motor Re-winding . Motor Sales and Service Phone 474' Wingham IIIrillrili 111 liiaill•iiIUIl lUiiiUllli•Ii4UiiIRIIIAIiIIIIIU'iIAIIIM U • U MUNDY'S Free Delivery - Phone 82 Quality and Service since 1,015 • Save onThese Week=End zcials Aylmer Choice• TOMATOES 28 oz. tin 24c Royal York PEANUT BUTTER 16 Oz. ice box jar 33c I3bby's Cooked SPAGHE,TTI 20 oz. tin 17c VanDusen Farley TOMATO JUICE 20 :oz. tins - 2, for 2. Heinz • Tomato KETCHUP 11 4:4. bottle 24. 1 Fresh Fruits 'Ind Vegetab Frozen Foods Canning Supplies Sf, •11.111111•110•106,..•=1.1•1• a o Water Consumers a The hours for watering lawns and 1 _ gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and • from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m, . ..-_- ,ornpt • e fo i r ..) 121 the use of a hose or outside tap for the above tra noted purposes. of' Anyone found watering lawn's or gardens, IN who F-, • i . has not paid for this service will be i i-,1 ! ' - billed accordingly. i uitlfam Utilittesionimissi00n • Co E. .Sherat Superintendent :111rl This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less payment discount of 10 per cent, is m ' . .11•11•Mi•••••••••••••••••••11111••••••••..M111.1001111 M•••11111•MIV A. H. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 28 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment, Frederick F. Homuth Phm.13., R.Q. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs, Viola H.Hontuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario , Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Wingliran, • Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. E.' 5, IAETBEERINGToil, ..;•••••••wWweaninwoo s J. W. BUSHFIELD Q,C. Barrister, Aoroitor, Notary, Eta. Money to Lean Ottrice--Meyer Block, Wingliana BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CRAWFORD & HETHEMMTON S RONALD D. VCANN Public Accountant Office; Royal Bank Bldg. Residence: Itatteribary St, Phones 601 8z 455 auNToll ONTAtio WELLINGTON FIRE Insloance Company list. 1840 An ell Canadian Company Width lilts faithfully Served its policy holder:oforevieet century. nd ofrts Ite,MadLean Insure t •,,Agetiey Wingliam Notice • to George Kennedy' Was Native of Culross' George ,Kennedy, Clif- ford, died suddenly, at his late residence in Hpwlek •Townkiiip on Monday, July 2nd,, In his 06th year, He had been in failing health for three years, Born on the second concession. of Culross, on, February 12th, 1801, he was a son of ,the late Mr, and Mrs. John ,Kennedy. He Was, eclua cated at S:S. No. 1, Culross, „ and faraied in the district' all his 'life, He married -the former Elizabeth Willie- hi Teeawater on' September 16th, 1920. was a member, of .the.Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater,. , Surviviag. are his wife and -five children, John and Patil ,'at home; Mattie of Kincardine; Rota • (Mrs, Robert Thomas) of Kitchener; Veronica (Mrs, Bert King), of Cuirass: three brother's, Jim, of TeesWater ; Wilfred; of Carrick; 'Stanley, of kitehener, and one sister Catherine (Mrs. Jack Frank) of Au Gress, Michigan.. Seven grandchildren also survive, Funeral service wa,a , held from his. late residence oh. Thursday, July 5th, with Rev. Father Jordon, Of Riversdale, conducting RequieM Mass at 9,30 o'clock, Interment was in the Teeswater R. C, Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ed, Horton, Lon Metcalf, Cliff Boyde, Dave Shoe- maker, Ed. Bruder and Jack Mor- an. NE 3W FLEURY BISSELL TR.A,G- top plows, 2 furrow, $125.•'11; 3 • furrow, $195;00, Parts available, ?bone gltellener Sherwood 22.438 collect .eveninaa. Jirrb SPARE RIBS, SAUERKRAUT served every Friday, Saturday night, Commercial Hotel, For- mosa, 4,11,18,25* MEAT FOR SALE •QOOD BEEF for sale by the quar- ter, Beef 'killed under license from the Department of Health, Choice Hereford yearlings. RAY- NAM) ACKERT, Holy •r o o phone 24.30, Ripley. 1.6rrb GOOD HAY LOADER and horse for sale, Phone Wroxeter 1282, 11* ALL STEEL, rubber-tired lawn mower, - in excellent condition. Only 2 years old. newly sharp- ened, Phone 752, llb MASSEY-HARRIS oil bath horse mower in real good condition, for Gale. Also boys' bicycle. Cecil Grain*, Wroxeter Phone 11r4, USED GEHL forage harvester and. blower; 2 new forage wagon box- es for sale. Reasonable price. Apply Belgrave Co-operative. lib .MOFFAT ELECTRIC STOVE for sale, good condition, Phone 283J. PRIVATE SALE at Miss Rey- nold's Estate Home on Wednes- day and Thursday, Household furniture and appliances, chester- field and chair, washing machine, Hoover cleaner, bed, etc. 11b IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN eating out a new patch of Rasp- berries this fall or next spring contact the WIeadowbreoke Nurs-, ery, Box 357, Trenton, Ont., for now heavy bearing varieties, full planting instructions and care cultural management supplied. All replies must be in by July 21st. 11:18b FOR FLOOR COVERING, Wall- paper and paint visit The Wall- er Shop, We help you choose *int colours and mix them while you wait.—The Wallpaper Shop. 11I) AIN KILLER for Cornk and Cal- louses—Lloyd's Corn and Cal- lous Salve and Pads. Prompt re- lief. Salve 50c—Pads, 25e—at Mc- Kibbons Drug Store. 11b WANTED for rent a house with 3 bedrooms in Wingham .or sur- rounding district. Write or phone John Martin, Blyth, 4:11* DEADSTOCK WANTED 11-ACRE FIELD of hay for sale, Apply V, Mathers, phone 228. 11% MISCELLANEOUS IS 'YOUR TELEVISION properly insured, for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb STEWART°A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers, For further infermation phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb BOARD WANTED SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspobls, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used", "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at; Clinton Hu 2-3441 or Mildmay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, We have all breeds available — top quality at loW cost," 25rrb NOTICE TO HOME BUILDERS 11? YOU ARE planning a building project this saunter, we are In a position to give you first class service for your cement work. Renee 1)a:1er/tents and floors, barn walls and floors (completed In one pour. Contact Mads Christensen, phone 11r7, Blyth, 25rrrb FINANCING A CAR? Before yeitt buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with abfriplete 'Insurance CoVerage, STEWART A. SCOTT **ono 293 Wingham NOTICE WARNING—Any dogs caught tres,-c' passing on Lot 12, Concession A, Howiele Township, will be des- troyed, as dogs running at large have killed a calf on this pro- perty,--Mrs, Walter Ward, RR. 1, Wroxeter, Rh WERE ASKING "Does local option no-license de- elease local drinking?" Yes, definitely, So declares Dr E. M. Jellinek, an outstanding authority of the World Health Organization. On the evidence of many surveys it has been proved that the volume of drinking in any given community is proportionate to local sentiment" iii regard -to alcoholic beverages. We in Huron County have had for many year's what amounts to county local option in the form of the Canada Temperance Act. That is why we have the very lowest County incidence of, alcoholism In Ontario according to figures re- cently released by the Alcoholism Research Foundation of Ontario. Middlesex County, with multi- tudes of legal outlets has 3160 alcoholics per '100,000 of ,adult population. The Ontario- average is 2210 per 100,000. Huron County has 750 alcoholics per 100,090.---Advt. lib. New Hearing Aid Can Be Worn•Ten Different Ways CHICAGO, June 1—New versa- tility in a hearing aid was intro- duced here today with Zenith Radio Corporation's announcement °t s p._ aullsp.owered instrument that weighs less than an ounce, and that can be worn ten diffe'rent ways, even as an eyeglass attach- ment. The tiny aid, called the Crest, offers virtually the same gain and same output of larger standard- power .models made by Zenith, It draws its impressive power from four miniature transistors, accord- ing to William N. Brown, vice- president, Zenith's hearing aid division. The "mighty mite" is composed of two basic parts: an amplifier and a super-sensitive extension microphone. The elements can be used together as a single unit or separated for use in a variety of ways. "Morels a Way to Wear the Crest," Brown declared, "with any' type of clothing — from active or spectator sports attire to decollete gowns and- full ,.evening. 01'04 leweler-designed eosturlre adceaacia aletarrialee'll pO'skibld 'tei-edinfitetelY: conceal the instrument, The changeover from one style of wear- ing the aid to another is as effortless as putting on a hot." In one form, the amplifier and microphone arc attached to the tips of special eyeglass frames. Detached from the .frames, the hearing aid becomes a brooch, a pendant necklace, or a fashion accessory for wear on a neck scarf or suit collar. Women can also wear the Crest in the hair, held by a special comb, barrette or filigreed circlet. The aid can else' be worn con- ventionally. Men can wear the aid 'as a tie clasp, lapel pin, shirt or pocket ornament. For the active sports, the Crest can be 'attached to a headband securely out of -the WaY., of a golf swing, Brown explained,' Eyeglass frames used with the Crest arc light plastic, completely modern and graceful in appear- ante, He said that they are produced by one of Arnericara fore- most manufacturing opticians and conform to the standards and re- quirements of the Optical" Manu- facturing Association in every respect. A design feature of the Great, Brown said, is that the "Mike" and ainpliper attach to either temple bar nt the frarneS, depend- ing upon whether the earphone is worn in the right ear or the left. The Crest Is one of Zenith's complete new line Of heating aids, Suggested retail prices of the in- atrurnents range from $50 to $150, Optional accessories available with the Crest at slight extra cost include a special "Microi-Magriet" extension microphone with built-in telephone pick-up, for these who use , the 'phone frequently for btisiness or NINE TREATED FOR MINOR ACCIDENTS A fatal of nine persons in the district were injured as a result of minor accidents during the past Week, five of them being confine& to hospital, Q71. Thursday of last week Irvin Cook, 17-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs., Peter Cools, "tit.. 3, Lucknow Suffered .a aeverely sprained ankle when he fell off a tractor,• X-rays at the hospital revealed that PO bones were broken and lie was allowed home after the ankle- was strapped. On 'Friday Andrew Lunn, Wing- ham suffered a fractured spine when he fell off, an oil car While working as an employee of the Supertest Petroleum Comparaa A body cast will be applied at the hospital, where his condition is described as satisfactory. - Dwight Wagner, 17-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Wagner, Atwood, was injured in a baseball game in Wingham on Friday, when he fractured his left ankle during one of the plays. The "fracture was reduced under ether and a cast apply at the hospital. -Eleven-year-old James McDon-, aid, son of Mr: and Mrs, Peter McDonald, R,R 7, Lucknow frac Cured his , right leg while playing horse with some of the boys at his farm. He was admitted -to hospital where a cast was applied. Douglas McBurney, age 2%, seemed to be none the worse for his experience after drinking sense perfume at his hOine. His' stomach was, weaned out at the hospitals Douglas "is'. the son of Mr, and Mrs. John MeBuiney, 1, Wingham. Miss Lois Dodds, Brussels, - re- ceived painful injuries when she tripped on the' sidewalk in Wing- ham on Saturday. X-rays were taken at the hospital but failed- to show a fracture, She Was alloWeel home after the ankle had been strapped. Mrs. Clarence Hooey, 65, of Kin- cardine, was treated at the hos- pital for a fractured 'left shoulder; after a fall on Sunday. She was allowed. home after treatment, Mrs. J'ohn Haggitt, 71, R.R. 1, Blyth, was adthitted to hospital on Sunday after fracturing her hip in a fall at her home. The hip 'Will be pinned -at the hospital. Mrs. Sarah Mackenzie, R.R. 3, Goelerich, suffered severe lacer- ationk to her head and an injured' left ankle• in a car accident qn Monday. Her condition in hos- pital was described as fair. 'Pread Storage IfOt Weather Problem At moderate temperatures bread will retain its original moisture content and a high degree of fresh- ness for several days, if kept in its original wrapper . in a clean, well ventilated, metal bread box. If mould is a problem because of hot, huMid weather, refrigerator or cold-box temperatures may he nec-. essary. However,, refrigeration will' hasten Abe stain-4 process. Quick freezing' of fresh bread • (any kind) and. frozen storage, is -the ideal Solution to your hot weather bread storage problems.- and Mrs, L, C4, Will and Son, .Lary, left for their home in GlareshOlin„ Altos, after visiting their ,parents and other• relatives in this district, —Mrs, J. Ia Main of Winnipeg, Manitoba, is visiting With relatives in this .district. —Mr. and Mrs, Harry Amos of Port Credit, were guests at the home of Mrs, J, W, Todd last week, —Robert Toinlinson„ ,of is .spending his vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs, W, R. Hami Roe —Mr. and Mrs. .Jas, Henderson and Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Trdtrie of Brantford were guests 'of Mrs. C../1, Henderson on Sunday, —Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hoyt and family of -Heyaville, ,Kansas, are guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charlton, —Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Gathers, Colene, Elden and Murray, of Fort Eric, spent the. holiday week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs.. David, Callers and attended the Howick Centennial celebrations, --Mr, and Mrs, Tom. Rafferty and children of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr,. and. Mrs. joint Langridge, _Mrs. Robert 'irenger, formerly of Mildmay, moved to Winghairn on Friday and has taken up residence in the apartment above The Ad- V.aaste-Tioles (iLtie —Mr. and 'Mrs, Carl Clark,. ut! Detroit, visited over the week-end with ,Mrs. Clark's mother, Mrs, Janet Buchanan, Donald McLeod is . ing the /7 summer months with grand- mother, 13ochanon: They all •visited on Sunday with Mr, .and Mrs. John MeLeod of Searber0, —Miss Mary -Catharine Rae, of .phoenix, Arisona, is visiting With her grandmothers, Mrs. 1), Rae and Mrs. N. Fry and with other • relatives, CARD Or THANKS The family of the late John Montgomery wish to thank their many friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness shown dur- ing their recent bereavement. A special thanks to Rev. George Wylie and Rev. McClure and the T. V. Edgar funeral home; 110 CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all my friends, neighbours and rela- tives for the many treats, flowerk, cards and visits and the many acts of kindness shown me while I was patient in the Wingham Hospi- tal.—Mrs. Albert Walters. 11* CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Sel- ena Stephens wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement. 11b CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to my many friends and relatives who so kindly remembered me with flowers, cards and kind words and acts, while I was a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London, It Would' -be difficult. to write each one per- sonally but my appreciation is no less sincere, and to the many friends who called to help cheer me' while I was forced to stay in bed. All these acts of kindness will ever be remembered-.—Carl Procter. 11* EXECUTORS SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND EFFECTS To close the estate of the late' ELIZABETH GRAHAM there will be offered for sale by public auction, SATURDAY, JULY 14th at 2 o'clock at the premises, JOHN STREET, WINGHAM, the following: HOUSEHOLD EU R NI T U It E con:siatiag. 'of thp ienowina::. coin binalioit::Electric siitutS Os': 'Ref rigAitz: atm., 6 Kitchen Chairs, Sewing Machine, 2 Antique Chest of Draw- ers, Writing Desk, Light Oak Bed- 'room Suite, Antique Tables, Rock- ers, Modern Bedroom Suite, Night Table, Tri-light Lamp, Settee, Step- ladder, 2 Single Beds and Dresser, Floor Covering, Lawn Chairs, Roll Top Deska Office Chair, Vanity Bench. 3 Trunks, Daybed, Fernery, Dresser, Odd Bed, Console Model Radio, *Studio Co&ch, China Cabi- net, Dining Room Table, Buffet, Book Cake and Books, Chesterfield Suite, 2 Occasional Chairs, Library. Table, Case of stuffed birds, Mir- rors, Brittanica Encyclopedia, Hall Tree, Hall Rack, Hall Table, Gramaphone and Records, Set fine English China, quantity of Fresoth China, Large amount of glassware, Quantity of silverkvare (Adams), Antique vases, Waffle Grill, Linens, Large quantity bedding, Electric Washer (new), Coal Oil Stove, Other articles too numerous to mention. ' REAL PROPEUTY at the same time and place Were will be offered for Male, subject to a reserve bid, the following Real Estate: Part of Lot No. 1, on the North side of John Street, Government Survey hi the ToWn of Wingham, now, owned by the estato of- the late Elizabeth Grahatri. On this property IS said to he a 9 room brick house. TERMS OF SALE: Personal estate —GASH; Real lilStateas.10% oh date Of sale and balance in 30 days fhergafter. Further particulars and Condi- tions of sale may be had on appli- cation to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, this 213th day of ,Ittrle A.D., 1086, CRAW.PORI) itTV,T1/111RINOTON Solinitets Mk the 'Executor L, d, AV M% Atiationeets, • 4,111) COMING, EVENTS TI-1111 ANNUAL PICNIC of Wing- barn WOrnen's Institute will be held on Thnrsday, July 19th, in Wingham Town Park, Bring lunch and dishes for your own family. OEM THE REGULAR SATURDAY evening bingo, under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, will be held at the Legion Home on. Saturday at 9 o'clock, Good prizes. CEllrrb Mrs. John Robinson Dies in Kincardine ' Funeral service for Mrs. John Robinson, '75, who died in Kincar- dine Hospital, was conducted on Tuesday, at 2 p.m.. in the Kincar- dine United Church. Rev. W. R. Lake conducted the service and an- ferment was in -Kincardine Ceme- tery. Mrs. Robinson was the, former Minnie Abram and was born in East Wawanosh Township. After her marriage she lived in Kincar- dine Township, moving to Kincar- dine four years ago. Two brothers and three, sisters survive. - • FOR SALE IAL-irESTocK Won $1kilA STARTED TURKEY POULTS: Broad Breasted Bronze Non-Sex- ed, one week old, 80e; two week old 820; three week old 87c. T.onis, one week old 70c, two week old 72e, three week old 77c. Also day old turkey ponits and day old chicks. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMIT- ED, FERGUS, ONTARIO, 4,11b 20 SMALL CHUNKS, 7 pigs eight weeks old for sale, Apply to Stan Marks, Belgrave, phone 72934. 11* GOOD Double Bed for sale, with felt mattress and springs. Phone 1071W. 11b LARGE SIZE TRICYCLE in good condition for sale. Complete with parcel carrier. Phone 65. 11b. cheap. 11*, • REAL ESTATE BUILDING LOTS on Diagonal Road for sale. Apply to J. Gorbutt Jr., phone 481. 27:4:11:18h DUPLEX BRICK HOUSE for sale, on Bristol Terrace, new heavy wiring in both apartments, .056 taxes $136, Full price, $5,000. Terms $500 cash, balance in monthly payments over a period of 8 years at 6% interest. For full particulars please apply to John Falconer, 913 Union Street, Kitchener, phone SH3-9717 or 576 Wingham. 11:18b FIVE ROOM brick hoine for sale. Most central location, all modern conveniences. Apply post office box 445 or phone 124 in evenings, 6 to 8. 1118* FOR SALE 1 storey Cottage type dwelling 3 Bedrooms Living room Dining room and Kitchen 3 piece bath Full Basement (concrete) Furnace heated Location — Bristol Terrace, Wing- ham. This dwelling is priced for quick sale. Apply: H. C. MacLean, Realtor, Wingham. 4:11b FOR 'RENT APARTMENTS available in Luck- now. Apply to Gammie Apts., Lucknow. 11* WANTED TO RENT DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal, Telephone collec t: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, , arrig WANTED , BIG SIZE BABY CRII3 and mat- tress wanted. Good condition. Apply to Eldert Gertsma, Bel- grave, phone Blyth 41r10. 11* WANT LAWNS TO CUT. Mowing only, Charge according to size. Lyman Jardin, phone 147. 11b WANTED—Office Man requires boarding home for the summer months. 'Please call 34. 11* SALESMEN Canada's largest Farm Service Organization requires the services of full and part time salesmen for this county, WE OFFER * Non Seasonable * Protected territories * Non Competitive Service * Guaranteed annual repeat busi- ness * Company Paid Pension Plan * Blue Cross: P.S.I Coverage Paid Training Course • Unlimited Advancement Oppor- tunities Write giving full particulars to FARMALLIED SERVICES, 243% tondos Street, London, On- tario. 11b IN MEMORIAM MORRISON—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Eleanore Morrison, who passed away two years ago, 'July 11th, 1054. Looking back with memories Upon the past you trod, Bless the years We had ;With. you And leaVerthe test With God, terrierabered by band and &Mils% s 1111 BIRTHS 1? lNAHA.N—In Winghain General Hospital, on Sunday, July 8, 1.956, to Mr. and MiS, William Nina- R.R. 2,Laitlenow, a daughter. O'LOUGHLTN--In Sarnia General Hospital, on Saturday, July 7th, 1956, to Grace and Manrice O'Loughlin .of 140 4ro on Drive, Sarnia, a aon—janleS Parker. • FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK on Josephine . St., Wingham, consists of 4 apartments and 2 stores, :mod- erately priced. • A SOLID BRICK house 'with 2 bedroonis, 3-piece bath upstairs, living room, den, kitchen and dining room, with 2 lots. ALARGE BRICK house and barn in Wingham, large sun porch. Has roomy interior. For further information phone 593; Stewart A. Scott, represent- ing Robert Martin, Realtor, Han- over. 11,18,25b s-'1111111111•11111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111Alli,1101111111111111111111J11101111111% ,z. • • t: 4 6- U U U U a U U IT'S TERRIFIC N ii a a U • UNLIMITED HEAT SELEcyrioN for a choice of over a j thousand heat positio204. • PRICED FROM .,179'95 e 11-1 Easy Pagment Ternts $10.00 DOWN $230 PgR WEEK • THERM-0-FRVER and THERM-o-GRIDDLE Built-in aPpliitnees that permit 'twenty different• Surface Cooking oPerationfi. , • THERM-0-GUARD ELEMENT . .". thermostatically trolled . . . makes every utensil an automatic cooker, • 1411lVER KING WE OVEN Canada's No. 1 Range Packed with such features as°:— ELECTRIC (RANGE Coll, PLR‘SONAL For the Finest in Taxi Service LEE'S ,'TAXI ... 24 HOUR SERVICE Weddiogs, Funerals and Shopping Trips ,Going Downtown . , • Crosstown . Out of town . . . CALL LEE'S - 185 FOR SALE -BRICK HOUSE. Good location in Wingham. Six room and, bath. A real bargain for quick sale at $3,950 Phone 45 during business hours.