HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-04, Page 7SA ill(04111 abbatittvZinttO
410VAN'CID-TIMES, WEIPNU$PAY, JPVix- 4th, 1908.
School Picnics Were•
FORDWICH—quite large n1101".
hers gathered et the different
School sections' on Frld0Y, whoi
Picnics were held Where eX-Puplis
could „meet and renew °I Rg4Fairt~
At, t3,El, No, 9 the oldest lads Wes
Mrs. W. Brears 87 and the oldest
man, Jim Douglas, 00, Or Garrie,
Conking the furthest distance was
lYfrs. C, M. Ilf:Consti; from Varlet:.17
Ver. The register was signed by
In Fordwich, at S.S. No. 17 ahout
285 signed!' the register, The old-
est lady was Mrs, •Emma Collins;
coining the greatest distance," Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Donaghy, New
Glasgow, N.S,
At S.S. No, there were 00
names .on the, register with the
oldest person being' William Soth,
• ''f.09.1qC11.
PPd Mrs, .Dick Aldrieh and
Pavia. of 044 'Wont the weekend
Week-end 'visitors with Mr, and
lVira, Ray $irmeons were Mr, Cher-
lie Hewing. of Toronto, Fred
alnireons of .5tratfet.d. end Mr.. and
Mrs, Pang Wildfang of TorOnto.
Mr. „and' Mrs. Alex, Wray and
Brian of Toronto 'visited relatives.
over the week-end here.
Mr. end. Mrs. William ,Campbell
of TerePitO were weekend visitors.
with Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sothern.
Mr, Peter .Ckilorney of Port
borne s pent the weekend at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Keith.
Mr, and Mrs. .George Moss of
Galt visited over the week-end
with Mr, :and Mrs. ftet, Oeniphell,
Ucliday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Ira .Schaefer were, • Mr. and
Mrs, :George Trethewey and fam-
ily of Stratford and Mr, arid Mrs.
Dan Schaefer and faMily of Kitch'•
ener, °
Mr, John Tilden visited over the
week-end with his wife and child,
ren in Fort Colborne.
Zr.VI , Earl Dielh of Toronto visite
ed one day . last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Tom MeClement.
Over 6,000 pirople jaromed Gorrie on Saturday. .
afternoon in the biggest influx of people . ever
seen. in, the .village for the, big Centennial parade
any his%#ors Welcomed to
ring Centennial
Miss tiowiek, Daisy Gibson, gets her picture taken for the TV screen by CKNX photrigrapher
There wire 00 entries in the parade, many of
than depicting scenes , from 'the. pioneer days Or
. ,
the Township. Wheels of the early,. buggies
tormecl a faVoi,Wei•inethod of clecoration..for.floats,
111/ 1 !11
INE41111P 1!I
The little red schoolhouse was the theme of a schoolhouae model, surrounded by a,-white.PiCket
float entered in the parade by SS. 17, flowiek. fence.
Teacher and pupils Were seated in front of the
Contrast in transportation is shown in these two
entries by Hyndman Transport, of Gorrie, The
covered wagon is followed by an ultra-modern
tractor trailer.
Mrs, T. J. Schaefer.
Week-erid visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Moore were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack tricker and, family of
Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs, Prank
Benin of Galt,
family of London visited over the
week-end with Mr. AM 1\kts d
Mr. and Mrs. „Isiel.t. Gibson of
Toronto spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mn.a Doug Eiolt,
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Of Agin-
Court were week-end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Newell,
Mrs, Victor O'Breeht of Mimic()
visited over the week-end with
Mrs. Ruby Foster and other rela-
tives in the community. Mr. Jack
Poster' of Toronto also visited;
with his mother.
Mr. Wilfred Tolten of Saskatche-
wan visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson „Armstrong one clay mat
is an ,old-fashioned high-wheel ‘bleyeit, i;ittich
attracted ,much attention,
Another float was built to 81111118U One of the
pioneer log houses, complete with windows" from
Which the children: Oetild look oUt. On the right
ie f
Star Stage
"The Marshall and the Mob"
tells the story of the new marshall
in a tough western town Who
pretends to be UMW in a plan to
outwit a gang of cowboys bent on
carrying out a seamless lynching.
Dan Duryea Stars in the Star
Stage program Playing oh Ohanm
nel 8 Friday at 9.30
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and
family spent last Week at Peter-
borongit and Lakefleld district.
Mr. Mid Ws. 'red Maris and
family of Brownsville Visited over
the week-end with Mrs. Nellie
Gamble and John. Nothing is Impossible. We inOte y
don't know yet how to do it.
Thomas A, Eldison. Mr, arid Mrs. Mae Corbett and
Mrs. Nellie Rums and Mr, Alfred
Jones of Guelph visited over the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
William Soth ern,
Week-end and Saturday visitors
with Mr. and, Mrs. Nelson Arm-
strong' word, Mr. and Mrs, TOM
Wilson of CizeektoWaga, N,Y., and
Mr,. Bob CoWan nt Ilarriston.
Mr. and Mrs, John Mowatt or
Milton Spent the week-end with
Mt. And Mrs. Brine Armstrong.
Mr, and Mrs Pert Artball of
Kincardine Visited over the week-
end With Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Orangeville, Mr., Gordon Ridley
and Michael and M. Earl Ridley
of London.
Mr. and Mrs, Williams Nichell
and three sons of , Welland spent
'the Centennial week-end with
friends in the .conarriunity.
Mt. and Mrs: Gordon Roth of
Hagersville visited on Sunday with
Mfr, jo hn Harrifield and wlt
Mt: and Mrs. Harvey Williamson
aria' two children of Thornhill and
Mr. • arid Mrs. Evan Fallis and
daughter of Ohio spent' the week-
With Mrs. E,
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. boles and
Celia of TorontO and Mr. Bruce
Williameon spent the week-end
with Mrs. Emma WilliamSon.'
Week-end guests at the home'
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig were
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson and
three children, Mr. and Mrs. Don
'Seabrook, and two children of St
'Catharines and Don Doig of Galt.
Mr. and ' Mrs. SheldOri Bricker
.of .Kitchener and Mrs. Eva Dan.
or 4itowei SPeaf week-excel' at
:the hoine. of M"rs. 'William Wade
sail' Beatrice,
-Mr, and, Mrs.- 'Pert' Bellamy of
Londbn visited with Mr. and. Mrs
Jack 'King over the week-end.
341i s. R. Aldrich and Ken of
visited over the centennial
week-end with friends'in the com-
Mr and Mrs Trey' Hainstock of
Milton ,visited relativeS” here over.
and Mrs. Jiin,Hardie and'
Miss „"Ernma, Hardie of Winghaan
'visited Sunday with Misses Letitia
lizid•L'Oulse Matthews.
'11-i"lieek-:end'.visitors with Mr. and
*ti's', 'George Balker were Mrs. 'Geo.
b'o'ater,'" of Elmira, Mr; and Mrs.
GOrderi'Jeffersen of Owen, Sound;
Mrs. William Marchand and Alex
Of 'Saeltateon, Mrs: Irene Benson,
Pesston,' Sask.; E.' Dorothy Benson,
London and Mrs', Elmer Giles,
Gary. and Ei•uce 'Of Delhi,
Mr, and lYfrs. Stave Butchart and
Toronto spent thA Week-
end with: ah M. Mrs. a
,,Mr. and Mrs:'''Mel,,ean Rabb,
Etaymanville, spent Sunday visit-
ing ar , the" home of Mr: and Mrs.
Glenn 'Johnston, •
Week-end and Sunday visitors
With Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly
Were Mr. and Mrs, Weldon Horribly
end children of Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Max Hambly of Kitchener
and Mr, and' Mrs. Vern Harrrbly
and, family of Guelph.
Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Hunter and
children and Mr. Jades Hunter,
All of Toronto, visited over the
week-end•With Mrs, Jennie MOsure.
Mr. Mervyn Wallace left last
week for Bolton, Where he Will
be Spare operator for the C`P.R,
Miss Velnia ,reason of Laurel
visited Over the week-end at the
home Of Mrs,' Pearl Patterson. '
Guests at the home of Mr, and
ths, Earl Cober oti:Sattrrrlay were,
Mrs. M, Xelly and four. children
and Mr. 4apti , Mrs, Wenger and
felir children, all of Markham.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Dunlop rif
TOreritO Spent the weekericl With
Mrs, Herb Rogers,
Mrs, Eunice Harris of Colentay
and standatIght6r, Miss Heather
Harris of Regina. Sask., arrived
here on Thursday Where they will
visit With the former's father, Mt.
VVilliain &Ahern and Other rola-
tives for several weeks,
Mr. George .Arrristrong of 'Tyner,
Sask., Is Visiting relatives here for
a fear 'Weeks.
Mr, end Mrs. Ken Rolland and
little Son Of Kitchener' visited
&vele , the Week-end With Mr.' and
:Mr. and: 'MrS...'Gordon ;Brown,
Margaret, May Alice,: ;Of
Reinnsville,; spent •SiinclaY witb
latiyee. in :the eerinnurtitY,.. ::/',
Mr. and Mrs Fred Dane:'of .Wa-
terloo, were Centennial visitors on
Saturday:: . ,
Mr,,, and Mrs.:11areld.../libberd :and.
family w o1 : clOder,ch, Mr and Mrs:
Kont.:41felierid'And- faintly: el :Kitt.
of .:w.$4400,,, Marlokret,...00h4; ,
.., Nile Spehner of u„kitchen-
er 'visited over.;:the'''WeeitLenti'Vtiith
Mr: 'and:, Mrs:::,EYfierit- 'Aittur:!
Mr. ' and .Mth, 'Jack 'Kies, and.
farnilY,I. Guelph; 'over.
the , Week,end.. with: Mie
Wally !-: ;.
Mrs-, Clara' MeDerinit0,0401Har-
bid of dEili
the coninin pi ty Mister Larry Me-
. •
Derniitt returned: to, Galt .:fdr .trio.
Mr. -and-,Vs; .'Erie 1:clotbett-,. of
WoodatOok, .400* .the'' Vv4:1(tend
With triendslin: the,.C.OnitnnriitY..1
Mr. and 2VIi;S.1',Frailk.::14Oriagrry:of:
.Nova ..
agily of Montreal 'silent "several
days .1aSt
Mrs. Lennie' Erlsv%oftki grill 'Miss
Laura Otin4i0r..::' , .
and :dau0ikt.e..pf;X:prici.0.0.0nt' the
holiday week end ; at tli~ ; home of,
and Mrs
also: visited `at thg name bare
Kttt-0.1i4i4 ;Mr;k 'E }Upton,.of rt'o
rontoTspen4 "the we '
.'dilifiki,,t1'01:01464..,'"Vv Col;
Lin wood visitedr lash Weep and
MtS.j.'!7.rank'rlitiai0311/2/iye*,': and
Ed 46;4046: anii''two sobs
of Westen, and .4irs. E.,
borosoViteli.:-andNanOY of!"terente,
Mr; ;end Mra.;.)7V.,iirnOt.:=Craig and;
Mrs.: Yerniiii,'";06,Stle:"iii ''2'Otent0
spent the Week-end: Withl Mrs, Wil-
liatri Craig and„.•'Nti,an,:c1"Aki's. John
Mrs.. ' Jock :k7teittirderi a n d
Wayne of London spent the week-
end in the community, ,
Mrs,. george, *pi) and 'two sons
of Galt 'spent ttlie',Week-eild -With
her mother; Pearl Patterson.
Mr. and: Mrs.' Earl ',taker . and
family of 1.,,Ondan .spent the tvqek-
end With •Mrs. George
Mr. and' Mrs:..ddrdOn •Vittie 'of
Weinfleet and . Mr. and' Mrs. JIM
.C.illmth'e!•and'ItimillY,, "Port Col-
berne visited Saturday ' With ;Mr.
gild Mrs. James Vittie,'
'Mr.14-Chaprifilii: of 'bright anent
the 'week-end With. Mrs., A. Wallace
and Mr: and Mrsc,Joho Topham.
MISS, Marilyn .Cooper Spend-
ing the suMmer months , at .Port
Mr, and "Mrs.. Lrint . 'Belden of
Raney, : ..vhek , Alowick
Township 60 yearS.ago; are , visit-
ing. with 'Mr,: arid' +1Y1rS: . Henry.
HOwe and attended. the
Centennial. :Over ;.'“„the 'Week-end,
1110 see. ttitkiliOPaiieesiriee they
left the: old. herrit toWn..-
Weekttrid Vigiters 'With Mr, and
Mte. Cecil tintiper „Were Everitt
Cooper, 1lanniltonr, .Miss
Tygli 'and Mr. -Allen doener f .o
TerontO.,' Netirien
Stephetiebn and fiiriiily, bf, Braissels
Old MISS 'Atria .COoPer of Wing-
ham. ' ' . — • ,
and ia:nt0 and
WO: Children . bade'n anent the
week-and Witt*, Mr, 410
ttani astthdii ';
-Eck-etld ' guest's at the "home
tit Mrs: .Eard Ridley We i% Mra end
MrS, Cecil 'Lynn arid 1f iten of
(xntentled.for last week)
Sara Catiswell presided for the
eoting of the Mission Band in
e Presbyterian Chureh on Vri-
day. ;.TtOy Wilson road .the Scrip,
ture .c lesson arid Mary Caswell led
in pram Mrs, Jos, Wilten, super.
Mr. arid Mrs. darMan ,Farrier
and children spent the week'end'
with his parents, Mr, end WA, W.
R, Farrier and with .Mortis
Mr, and Mrs. Ciatelice kitchlo
and children visited oh StinclaY, at
the home of his brother, Mt.
Lorne rtitohie, of UiPle,Z
intendant,' had charge Of the Study
book chapter, and JAW, CasWell
told the sfory Of Jonah, Alex
Craig led in the offertory Prayer,
and the. reiceting , Was Closed with
tiro Lord's Prayer{
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Ilucktotii of
tucithow, spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, E,
which !leached a mile long, Fart of the `crowd
on the main street are Shown.-above„
Children partidularly enjoyed the parade. Here
it couple of little girls step out to get a good
look at the 100th anniversary cake, which pre-
ceded the float with members ,of the gowlck ' Council,
One of the big attractions of the parade was the
Atwood Boys' and Girls' band, headed by three
tiny drum majorettes.