HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-04, Page 5Est A int 11111 .'op• left; Grade 6, Mr.. McIntyre, teacher; centre ' ieft, Grades 4' and' 8, Miss G. Howe, teacher; :ewer left, Grade 1, Mrs. G.',1Vtundell, teacher; .top right, Grade 1, Miss L, Walker, teacher; lower right, Gi•ade 3, Miss M. MaeMillan, teacher. Other public school photos on paga twelve.—Photos by Ilantmerton. DRIVE IN COMFORT! BALANCE THOSE WHEEL-S NOW Or* takes a few minutes. Latest Electronic Method., , Done right on your car, SAVES -cost on Tire- Wear DOWNES Sunoco Service Phone 38J. Wingham Where Your Dollar Goes Further EXCLUSIVE! [14 TT Weekellth Gaifinia PLAY-BY-PLAY Coverage hy KEN ELLIS Saturday, July 7, 2:35 p.m., P.S.T. Sunday, July 8, 2.35 p.m ,D.S.T. DETROIT at CHICAGO DETROIT at CHICAGGP Money .on terms yo# select When a customer borrows from HFC, he is shown what we call a payment table. This table (sample below) shows exactly how much you May borrovV, how many months you may take to repay, and the exact amount you pay each month. You select yot'ir OWn repayment plan, to make repaying your loan as convenient as possible. This dependable servicp is available to you whenever a prompt loo is needed for any worthwhile purpose'. SAMPLE "Meta Ms YOU' RECEIVE MONTHLY PAYMENTS kNilmatil OP MoNtat $105.7$ $10.00 12 308.38 24.00 15 510,68 27.00 24 756.46 40.00 24 Borrow with confidence from Ballade's' first and foremost consumer finance • company HOUSEHOLD FINANCE IledfOrd, MOOtinLit -35 Wiett Stronfi intotid.Ooor, phone. 50 it 60btificti,. tokt, qr, '1/1"//110otio .4t.tvaattantt*Tigoo'itt, Woat.aoktatatf t 4•144 144.tit, 'Powdery p, ATAsun 4,1$. ?gating on tnn alptAne ,f01./nd moot pane ,,garanrip4, texon and floW-43, buds; on tuberous begonlas, delphinitono, Lrolleit FLP.PlYing 13Pnliti phlox pantettlata, etc., and conspl, Zaining a high pereoatagg onoon In( a heavy white powdery 1,11V-Ir• •••110.0o0 I lolhe Ito oiAlloo: I keionee oao p ono: o 91,1,14•11.I !OW f Ile1411111111414 0:1)1 SPACE SAVER Sow 11 7 EX-• • nt as an be week resent ;trod), LEEK '911 A comfortable lounge by day - a comfortable bed at night! Sturdy Spring construction, with ply- wood wardrobe. Choice of colours and materials. $46.50 $52.50 $64.50 Easy Budget 'Terms' 120.111,....1•11 [FREE bELIVERY FURNITURE • 0 A. ON NING 11 AND • OF* COS, eit "S. • 1, G OR, ;LING WM), r sons t for a re- welted ;dyer- • ately, apital le in- [dress etails re ono , tt, • PUBLIC SCHOOL (Continued from Page one.) Mitchell, Brian Murray, Noreen Ni- col, Pauline Redman, Lynda Sang- ster, Douglas Scott,' Jim Scott, Wayne Seddon, Wayne Stratton, Sandra Thompson, Joe Vanstone, Paul Wolper, Lynda Whitby, Joan Whitby. —Mrs. a Shera, teacher, Promoted, froth, Grade' IV to Grade' V Susan' Bennett, Sandra Cataeron, Wayne Casliek,. Jane Ann Calvin, Brenda, Conran, Sera Crawford, Beverley Canningham, Kathleen Hodgins, 'Mary Lon Jamieson, Es- ther Kerr, George Kerr, cberyl Lem, Bob Lunn, Brenda IVfaeLen- nan, Terry Merkley, Mitehell; jimmy Newell, Charles Sangster; Eugene Skinn, Mary Jane Slosser; Mary 'Helen Thompson. —Miss G-. HOwe, teacher. Prontoted,fom Grade IV to Grade V Edna ikae Armstrong, DeVid, Arthur, Wray Brooks, Douglas. Campbell, - Don Caskanette, Tom Chettleburgh, Lynda Sue Cramp- LO 111 .0. imeniemia• WI; Let us have your holiday mailing address - The Wingham Advante: Times, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips 40 Years Married On Thursday night of last week the family of Mr. and Mrs. George. Phillips of West Wawanosh drop- ped in to surprise them, and help them celebrate their fortieth Wed- ding anniversary. Mary Phillips, of Wingliam, read 'the address arid Betty McDonald presented Mrs; Phillips with' a tavely wall' mirror, Ronald Foran prenented•Ar. Phillips with a signet ring. Both made a suitable reply. A' social time foltovved. The couple has six 'children, Al- bert at home, Leonard of Wing- haat, Russel of P Belfast, Rozella; (Mrs, N'arman McDonald) and Isobel (Mrs. Elmer Foran) both of West Wawanosh, and Vyetta (Mrs. ,Beicl) of Kincardine, There are twelve grandchildren. On Sunday about fifty relatives' dropped in to honour the couple, and present them with several lovely gifts. ton, Sandra Cumfaings, Martin Garniss, Sheila Gthbons, Lynn Hickeg, John Hopper, IVrary Joan Lapp, Jimmy Lem, Bab Lewis, Douglas IVIeTaggart, Mary Phillips Joan Redman, George Rich, Don- ald Rintoul, Betty Sangster, Keith Scott, Mary Ann Southern, Patsy Stewart, Judy Stone, Fraser Strong, Jill Thomson, Dennis Wharton, George Whitby, Bill Yemen, —Miss V. McLaughlin; teacher. Prornoted from, Grade V to Grade VI Philip Adams, Trudy Allen, John Bennett, Dennis Callan, Barbara Cameron, Brian • Cameron, Sohn Campbell, Joan Chittielt, Nancy Clark, Charles Congrem, Dianne Deyell, Sohn Donaldson, Barbara Hall, .Tanette Henderson, Paul tHutton, Shirley Loder, Freda Lott ,Harold MacTavish, Kenneth Mac- 'ravish, Jndith • McKibben; Janit Payton, Maureen Payton, Beta Reda-Jan, Wayne Richl, Donald Rin- toul, Gordon Rintoul, Russell Rob- inson, Jane Salter, Dick Scott, Bonnie Steuernol, Paul Strong, Linda Templethen, Hilda Tiffin, Barry Thompson, Fay Yeo. —Mrs. E. Webster, teacher. Promoted 'Tem Grade VI' Grade VII Helen Ann Armstrong, Karen Beattie, Ann Clark, Stanley Clark, Carol Crawford, Bobbie Downie, Karen Elliott, Douglas Fowler, Kenneth Fowler, Deanne Griffith, .:Jrcen •purney, Douglas HaMilton, Eil:warci, Hand, . Pa- tWIY,OWdatl;' Cecile- Jackson, 4 ,rt ,Tones; *.tty Ann Lapp, Don. ald '-'rieef •'Bruce Meehan, Sandra iVfti4erfnart, Jahn Madill, Beth ;Merrick; • Margaret Morrey, john Tym. Overend, Paul Rill- touI, Phyllis Rntledge, Teddy Sed- don, Glen Shinn, Douglas Spry, Janet Steuernol, John Strong, David Whitby, Paul Jardin. A. Macintyre, teacher. Promoted from Grade VII to Grade , Byron. Aderns, Joan Angus, Reta Brooks, Charles Campbell, Frances Caskanette, Marilyn Cheinney,, Linda Clark, Joan Col- hifti; Bab draWfOrd, Douglas David- son, Greer Dunlap, John Fry, Barry Fuller, Eleanore Goy, Patsy Hall, Alex Hand, Alberta ten Hertag, Jane Hetherington, Ruth HodgIns,, Bob Hollenbaek, Murray Kerr,; 8erttricc Klein, Rosalind toder,; Gloria MacDonald, Robert Melliail„ Sue Nasmith, Frank Mehl, Marilyn Ross, George SItirin, Ruth Stone,. Lynne Stuckey, Gary Teinpleman., —Mrs, G, Mundell, teacher.; Grade VII' to Grade Bob Brooks, Ken CroMpton, Joy- ee Crothers, Shirley Redman, Janet Saint, Sarah Mary Stone,; Dianne Teinplernan. . G, Rowe, TeaCher.; Grade 'MI to Grade ES: j'ird'Augus, Doh Angus, Shirley Armstrong, Willa Arthur, Patil Bennett, Sharon Brown; laizabethi 8iltretl, Peter Carmichael', David, Carr, Kell Chettleburgh, Joe filark,, Bill Crawford, Bob Deyell, Marie Deyell; lVfation Geirtld Paxton, Lyman , Jardine, George Jones, Douglas Locktidge, Shaton Lewis, Rob McIntyre, Malcohn 11/tacitly, Walton IVIcKihbon, John ni:Itwleyn,ct Donald MntraY, Brian alder, Milt Scott, Nancy Slosser, 'Saban, Stenernoi, Laurie Stuckey, •1* •