HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-04, Page 4rage rote,. '.Le Wogliege Attietneen nenunsclenen, 4'tT4 nine; lna FOR SALE nen-, PRICES on furniture, appliances, bedding, pinnos new and us1. carnats, useil furnie ture at the Grime 0-pening Sale at the newly decorated, Mildinay Forniture Showrooms, July 0 to July 2L 4b • NEW FLEURY tvisSELL, TRAC- tor plows, 2 furrove $125.00; 3 • furrow, $105.00. Parts available. nneanc Kitchener Sberwood 224.38 collect evenings. Jeterb — 1937 STUDF,IDAKEP enanDAN for • sale. Apply to J. n', Davidson, Patrick Street, or phone 429W or 93J. CORNS—CALLOUSES. Prompt re- lief from painful come and eat - Ionics with Lloyd's Cora and Gui- ions Salve and Paine Salve 50e -- Pads 25c—at Melnibbonn, Drug Store. 4b ACME RANC.ETTE for sale, in good condition. Apply to lVfarion , Simplon, phone 5591t. I* GRAND OPENING Sale of Furni- ture at the newly renovated 3Vfildiray Furniture Showrooms. Sale begins July 6. Open Friday evenings during sale. GodfreY Schuett. 4b • 2 STUDIO COUCHES for sale, suitable for summer cottage, modern small cogswell chair. Phone 712 after 6. 4b 1050 AUSTIN Sedan for sale, clean, new battery $375; also 5 ft. bath- tub with, wash basin including fittings $25. Contact Bob Rider or ring 631.w. 4* DRESSED SPRING chickens for sale, average 6 lbs. Will deliver Saturday morning. Phone 735w3. 4b SPARE RIBS, SAUERKRAUT served every Friday, Saturday night, Commercial Hotel, For- mosa. 4,11,18,25* TWO ADDING MACHINES—One machine by IVIcCaskey, $50.00; one Burrough's electric just overhauled $125,00. See them. at The Wingimin Mvence-Times. • MEAT FOR SALE • GOOD BEEF for sale by the quar- ter. Beef killed under license from the Depantment of Health. Choice Hereford yearlings. RAY- NARD ACKERT, Ho lyr o o d, phone 24-30, Ripley. 16rrb TV ANTENNA complete with rotar for sale, also Weseinghouse , 8 Cu. ft. fefrigerator, 5 years old, and Sunshine tricycle. Phone 683,1, 41 4b REAL ESTATE BUILDING LOTS on Diagonal Road for sale. Apply to J. Gorliutt Jr., phone 481. 27:4:11:18b SEVEN -ROOM brick house for rale. Possession shortly. Apply to. Box 53 Advance -Times, 411 FOR SALE storey' Cottage type dwelling 8 bedrooms Living room Dining room and Kitchen 3 piece bath Full Basement '(concrete) Furnace heated Location — Bristol Terrace; Wing - ham. This dwelling is priced for quick sale, Anply: H. C. MacLean, Realtor, In -Ingham 4:11b Victoria Street West DWELLING, 2 -storey frame, for sale, asphalt roof (new), furnace, insulated, 4 bedrooms, 3piece bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, built-in . cupboards. Lot 66'32$0'. Possession immediate. Perfect condition, must be seen. Apply H. C, MacLean, Realtor, Winghain. 4b CLOSED CLOSED REICHENBACII JEWELLERY STORE, WALKERTON July 2nd, 3rd & 4th For the final swing of the axe RE -OPENING JULY 5th • For the last three days we 'have been busy going through drawers, over the shelves, through the stock room, putting new LowErt PRICES on everything. Yes sir— 'prices on all remaining goods have been reduced again, Our only aim now is to clear out the balance of our stock and wind up this QUIT- TING BUSINESS SALE in record, time. Therefore all prices now reach a new low. It's now or never. It's your last. chance. 4b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWELVE SUCKLING PIGS nfor sale. Apply to Ross Button, lot 11, con. 2; Morris Township: de 23 WEANTANGS for sale, Apple to I -I, Wilkinson, R.n. 5, Brussels, phone 13r16 Brussels. FIVE PIGS eight weeks old' for sale. Mrs. L. Ste. Marie, phone 72531. 4b FOR RENT LAKEFRONT COTTAGE at Point Clarke for month of July for rent. Hydro, near store, Jas. 8. Armstrong, R.R:' 3, Brussels, Ont. • 27:4h UPSTAIR APARTMENT to rent, 3 rooms, 3 -piece washroom., Pri- vate entrance. Apply Box 52 Advance -Times, 4* MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all rink coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, STEwArt:r A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Speeial rates for farmers„ For further Information phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb STARTED TURKEY Pamirs: Broad 13reasted Bronze Non -Sex- -ed, one week old, 80e;" two 'week old 82e; three week old 87c. Toms, ohe week old 700, twct, Week old 72; three week old '71e. Also day old turkey poults atid day old chicks. TWV,DDLE CRICK HATCHERIES LIMIT- ED, FERGUS., ONTARIO. 4,11b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK REMOVED torn your farm promptly for sanitary disposal', Telephone e oil e e Palmerston 123,W, Durham 398 or Wingham 373. GORDON YOUNtn. LIMITED, Irrle WANTED 1$1100)114Ann SELLERS -In affectionate re- membrance of Mrs. Roy Sellers who ,departed this life, July 4th, 1950.. 'One lees at home! The charmed circle broken— a dear face 1`..lissea day by day from its usual place, But cleansed, saved, perfected by grace, One more in Heaven, "One less on •earth! Its pain, its sorrow and Its toll to share, One lens the pilgrims daily cross to bear, One more the crown of the. bleesed to wcar, At home in Heaven!" 2.8b ° --A True Friend, e CARD OF THANKS the fentily of the late Mrs, Jeanette Hargrave wish to expresS their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and. neighbors for the kindness and sympathy extended to them during their recent loss of a dear mother, • 4b CARD OF THANKS 1 . would like to thank all' the neighbors and friends for treats 1 and, cards and for their kind- visits 'during my recent sickneis. A 'special thanks to Dr, A. D. Mc- 1Vilareby.—Mrs. Percy King, 48 SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks,' cesspools, cellars, etc, pumped and 'cleaned quick service, all work guaranteed., Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6,. Brussels. 15rrle ant4TD TRICYCLE gOod, tendi- tion wanted. Apply fammertori Studio; wAvrtii To IIENT WAN',1101) for rent a house with bedroenis in Winghatt er sue. rounding district. Write or phon* John. Martino Illyth, 40:1* CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our friends and neighbors for the cards, flowers and expressions of sympathy shown to us, in the loss cif n clear %'if: and. mother.—JObn Shen and family. ' 4.1) CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my eine cere thanks and appreciation te nell those who so. kindly helped .me locate my host dog Slcippie. Many thanks—Dorothe, Comber. EXECUTORS SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND. HOUSEHOLD . FURNISHING'S AND BiermoTS. • To close the estate of the Rite ELIZABETIT GRAHAM •there will be offered for sale by public auction; SATURDAY, JULY 14th at 2• o'clock at the 'premises, JOHN. STREET, WINGHAM, the following: HOUSEHOLD FUR NIT UR. E consisting of the following: Com- bination Electric Rant e, , Refriger- .atez 6 Kitchen Chair, Sewing : • Machine. 2 Antique Chest of Draw- ers, Writing Desk, Light Oak Bed- room Suite, Antique Tables, Rock- ers, Modern Bedroom guite, Night Tr -light Lamp, Settee, Step- ladder, 2 Single Beds and Dream, Floor Covering; Lawn Chairs, Roll Top Dnek, Office Chair, Vanity Bench, 3 Trunks, Daybed, Fernery, Dresser, Odd Bed, Console Model Radio, Studio Couch, China Cabi- net, Dining 'Roo& Table, Buffet. Book Case and Books, Chesterfield Suite, 2 Occasional Chairs, Libeary Table, Case of stuffed birds, Mir- rors,„13nittanica Encyclopedia; Hall •Tree, Hale Rack, Rall Table, NOTICE TO HOME BUILDERS Gramophone and, Records, Set fine IF YOU ARE planning a building • 1.Begrien China'quantity of French China, Laren amount of glassware, ,Quantity of . silverwan (Mims), Annlgeie enlace: Wattle., riln Linens,. WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used", "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2e3441 or Mildmay 1300.2 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available — top quality at lovin cost." 25rrh Project this summer, we are in a position to give you first cfann service for, your eminent mark, House 'basements and fletorn, barn walls and floors (completedo in one pour. Contact Mans Christensen, phone 11r7, Blyth. 25tanh, FINANCING A *CAR?' Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with Complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 293 Winighamt. 25rrb 'BELT' WANTED. ---FEMALE FEMALE Hin.LP WANTED for 13lyth Rest Home. No experieeee necessary. Phone Blyth 167. 4* WANTED . GIRL TO CLERIC in store and, learri bookkeeping. Steady em- plpyrnent. Apply by lettet only to P.O. Box 178 Wingham, 4b CARD Or THANKS I Would, like to express my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all these who sett cards, letters and treats to me and also those who visited me while I was se pat- ient it M. ,losoph$,B Hospito Lon. lowing two gamin No.'(, Gihnours I don, At this time n would like to and No. 8 Glenatincen Both schools take this opportunity' of extending to be painted inside and Outside, a special word of praise to all the ,doctors anti Mance for thole tine stinting efforts, not only for me, but for all fellow patients. --Mrs David' King, ' BIRTHS SHIELL—In Wingham General Hospital, On Wedasday, June 27, 1950, ivf. and Mrs. Jack 514e11, ;Ito, NETHERY- -In Wingbern Genera, Flospitel, on Thursday, June 28, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Neth - cry, Wingham, a daughter. Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, June 28, 1056, to Mr, and Mrs'. Cloldwin Knight, RA, 3, Brussels, a daughter. PARKER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Medan, June 29, 1950, to Rev. and Mrs. In, L. Pariten Wingham, a son, mrro-uaiL—Irt Wingharn General Hospital, on Saturday, n'une 30, 1956 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mit- chell; Whitecburele a daughter, Zr.;Licrivr--ao wiogharni General: Hcepital, on Saturday,. June 30, 1956, to Mr. and 'inns, Harold Elliott, R.R. 4, Ripley, a son.. JOHNSTONE—In Wingham Gen- eral'--Hoepitat on Moloney, July 2; 1906, to Mr, and Mrs. ' Gordon Johnstone, R,Re 7 ucknow„ a, daughter. COURTNEY—In Wingbarnetinerat Hospital, on Tuesday,' July 3„ 1956, to, Mr. and: Courtney, RR. 1, Dungannon, a son. MED- , ALDERSONe-At the Nora Frances Henderson Hospital', Ilemittore on Monday, July 2nct., 1956, Ida, H. Keri,, of 15 Fairholt Rd., N, Hamilton, beloved wife of Alex- ander J. Alderson in her 80th year. Resting at j, 13. Marina funeral' home, Hamiltonener ner- nice on Wednesday at a p.m In- terment Wingham- Cemetery on Thursday. , • . 4b Ralph Wallar Passes In Eighth Year Ralph, Howard Waller, 11 State Court, Waterloo, died at the Kit- chener-WaterloolHospital; on Wed- nesday, July 4th, ,after an illness of three months. Born in Kitehence on March 21st, 1919, he was in his 8th year and was a student at Mc- Greger Public School. Surviving are his- parents, Mr. and • Mrs. Howard R. Waller; a brother, Jon Douglas, age 3;, three grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Waller, Lexington, Mich., and Mrs. Mabel Hare, Whigha.m; and. a great grandfather, John Baby', Wingham. Mrs. Waller is the former Elizabeth Hare. Resting at the Edward R. Good funeral home, Waterloo, until Sat- urday at 12.30: Funeral service will be held in the chapel 9f the First United Church, Waterloo, at, nn0p.m. Burial will. be in Mount ntnenenCenrrieleeiy, .Vitateeled.t. et. U4040i..,2,P-1144i14:•- 1nnasher (new), Coal Oil Stove, ,Other articles too numerous to mention. REAL PROPERTY' at the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to a, reserve bid, the following Real Estate; Part of Lot No. 1, on the North side of Tolle, Street, Government Surney in. the Town of Wingham, new owned by the estate of the late Elizabeth. Graham. On this propertn in said to be a 9 roomn brick house. TERMS OF SALE: Personal estate :—CASH; Real Estate -10% on date of. sale mod belanee in 80 days thereafter, Further partieulars and condi- tions of sale may he had on (mph - !cation to the tIndersignecl. DATED at Witighani, this 29th day of June A.D., 1956. CRAWPORD & IIISTIIEttINGTON Solicitors for the Executor , L, G, PRYCE, Auctioneer. 4,11b ' TENDERS FOR PAINTING enders-tevilt be reecined by, the Turebeery Township School Area Etdarci for the painting of the fol. PRSONALS --miss Marion Simpson spent the holiday week -end with Mr, told Geo T, Janine, Mount Dennis. • Mr, and Mrs, Swett Reid and Judy and Mrs., Eva prownvo re- cently returned from a ten-day tow through ReeptucicY, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia —Visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery were Mr. and Mrs, Barney Keemar of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Barton. of Goclerich; Mrs. Joe Seleltzer, of Regina and Mrs, John Fitch, Sr„, of Belmore, —Mary Catherine Atm; of Phoen- ix, Arizona, is visiting with her grandmothers, Mrs. Rae and Mrs. Fry and other relativeand friend. —Miss 'Grace Inardenhurg and Mr. Ray McKenzie, at Flint, Mick., spent a feW' days' _at' the borne of Mr, and Mrs. V. Shover. —Mrs, tr. N. Cook of' St. Ste- phens, ,nneve Brunswick and Mrs, n Perry of Medicine Hat, Alta., were visitors in 'Wingnarn last week enuoute 'to the Taylor re- union held at Seaforth, July 2nd.' They are guests- at the home of Mr; and Mrs, Chester 'Baylor, RIM 2, Lueknow in the meantime, —Mie and; Mrs. Seam Halliday, of London, visited with, Mr. and /gra. Robert Higgins and other friends, last week. —Ivties. Margaret Higgtns, of London; spent the week -end with her narente,. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Higgins, of Betgrieve. —Mr. and Mrs. Wan Smith of New Weitminster; RC:, visited oh Sunday at the home, of their niece, Mrs. Huger Sinnamore Minnie St„ and Mr. anct Mr S; James Mestere of Ansa Craig visited there, on Tues- day. Mrs. Archie Hertel and child. - ren of Kitchener, spent the, week- en'd' with Mr. and Mrs. Sinnamori. A POLICE OFFICER .COMMENTS: • also windows, Storm windows, win. dOW screetne cotnish, eavestrotighs, deske to be sanded and receive two Coats of Varnish, piano and bench and teacher's desk te be CARO .; Varnished also. Walls and Wendt I Would like to take this opper- work to be washed before painted tunity of elepresaing now sintere 'tenders to, be in hands of score. thanks to all my friends who re,, tery-treasuret by july Sth. Lewest membered lee- With cards and tor any tender not neceasarilY treats and thoet Vellei 'Visited fne ,dented. Board to supply the While te patient in the hospital Paint, ,during nty theeet illnese.—Nntielart Alex Corrigan, See.-TreaS, Iteating, 411,* b intteltain, te Andrew E., Hun -kin. Passes in Exeter . Andrew E. Hunkin, of Usborne Township, tidied at the home of his sister, near Exeter on Friday, June 29th. Be was 66. Surviving are three sisters, Mtn. John Coward; Usborne Township; Mrs. Robert Duncan and Mrs. Benson Tuckey, both of Exeter; and one brother, Nelson, of Ed- more, Funeral. . service was held on Monday from the Dinney funeral home, Exeter, with Rev. Alex Rapson, of Main Street 'United Church, officiatiek. Interment was in Exeter Cemetery. "You know, it's not the delvers that are definitely' drunk that cause most accidents. The drunk onns are so obviously under the influence that they travel at a Slow pace, weeny, weave' n lot oft the rciad and generally show other motorists that they can't drive. The other motorists stay, out of his way, "But the driver that's just had a fola under his belt; why there's, no very noticeable outward appear- ance of his condition. He feels on top, of the world, He thinks. he's a superman -the best driver on the road. e "He takes unnecessary chances, and when these develop. into a ser • ious traffic situation, he hasn't the ability to get out of the jam. into which he has put himself," • 4b „ New Publication Discusses Problems Of Hearing Loss BOYS' •It Whir DAND Relatives in . . 'Western Provinces FEATURES EXCELLENT :Tacit Porter BM of Mr and Mrs Bone, of oder of town, and Charlie R AM AT CONCERT of Brnssels, left last week tor a three-week trip to the Western Provinces. During their trip they ettneet to visit Nosli:b. Battleford, Saskatoon, and Maidstone, 'Saskatchewan, and, to \deft Mr. Porter's aunt, Mrs, W.' A, Kirkpatrick in 1Vianistone. Later they will visit Lake noniff and Vancouver, NI,Nv.:1 Wingham CO:Ose1,11ei ea( Ill 0101 trshlis‘e; BMA held in the Wingham -Dis- trict High School auditorium last Thursday night, Although atten- dauCe at the eoncert was light, the musical program was enjoyed, by all who attended. President Whit- ney Grose, of the Lions Club, wel- comed the totalence. The program. consisted of solos, duets and overtures, with several selections by the band, Under ,the baton of Bandmaster A. O. Robin- son, Members of the audience not- ed that great progress has been made with. the band since its in- ception e about eighteen many! ago, Bandmaster Robinson has an- nounced that he is willing to run aMos111;:Vsltlf' oerlastialodsrix34,Tiothwe9isillicrlillecor to play a musical instrunmat in the nand. is particularly anxidun to have move teen-agers in the .grOup and has extended: aa invite - non to the yotleg people in either town or the.surrounding commune ities to join with the band in learn- ing to play an instrument. Boys and, girth who take the Summer classes will be prepared to reeve on into the regular band. in the Some of the instruments are supplied without charge by the Lions Club; in co-operation with, the Town of Wingham Ville oth- ers may be purchased on reason- able theme, , ' Boys and gine interested in join- ing the band are asked to. eon -tact: 'members of the band committee, U. on Goodridge, Ed Eclighof- fer or Bill Cruikebank. ovga 6,000 ATTEND CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS Better Hearing magazine, a new non-technical publication for hard - of --hearing ,neopee of all ages, is nove, ayannine neer:tidings, n'JOhoin nikdriabbon at McKibbons Drug Store, Wingham. Free copies of Better Hearing are available without obligation at the store, JOhn said. Ie the first issue now off the presses, he stated, are stories deal- ing with various phases of the hearing problem. The authors In- clude Dr. Herman N. Boindesen, president of the Chicago Board of Health; Helen Keller; and other. outstanding authorities and person- alities, Dr. Nathan Kohn, a specialist ih group psychology, tells of the psychological problems corifroete big those who ,discover they have a hbaring lose.' A. new frontier of research invol- ving infants nncl pm -school child - ten who are hard -of -hearing le the subject of ae artiele by Owe, Grifn fiths. Dr. Griffiths is executive director of the Veering Education Thorough Auditory Research Poen, dation. of Los 'Aegelee, and a eon- sultant to sehools for the 'deaf. The editor of Better Hearing is Dr. Edward. A. Rumely of New York City. Explaining the Maga. tine's purpose, Dr. Ronnely pointed ent that some fifteen Million people out of the total poptilation In the United Statee suffer from a hearing deficientsr, "Prom the stannpiint of numbers alone," he said, "deafness le a health problent that is national in (mope, yet one that receivee virtual- ly little recognition, , "By mass distribution Of Better fearing magazine, we hope tle sup- ply hearing -handicapped people With up,to.datc Otithotitative infot- illation that Will help theta to solve their problems and lead eiOrnial, happy liVea.—Achit'g. Lady Bowlers and Golfers Doing' Well Mrs. Norman Elliott and Mrs. 'A, It DuVal attended the ladies' golf tournament at Wallterten last week, where 'Mrs. nniVal Won the lbw grose in the third flight of the bronze clivitqn with a, score of 101. Last .Wedneaday two rinks of local lawn bowlers attended' the ladies' ftebles tournament at Code - rich, and Mrs, 13uVara rink Was suecessful in winning the Gettetird' Trophy. Members, of the rink, be, glace- Mrs. DitVai, Were Wk, C, W. Lloyd, lend, and Miss Ir. :Maser. son, vice. week 00161101y the same tick Won third /Mite DI at tontettirtent at Clinton, IN IIOWICK TOWNSHIP (Continued from page one.) Lord, and George Brown, Gorrie; best decorated car, Bill Gibion, Wroxeter; Whitney Dane, Toronto; John Brown, Gorrie; best decor- ated bicycle, Yvonne Sperling Brock Inueston, of Gorrie, and Brian Madill, of Wroxeter; best decorated tricycle, Wanda Spar - Reg; best comic group, Mrs. Glad Edgar, Gerrie; Bill Felker, Ford- wich;* Mrs. P. L., Davidson Lis- towel; best clown, T.- 'J.. Schaefer, Fordwich; Harvey Thompson, Lie- toweee Don Whit -field, Gorrie; best old time costume, lady, Mrs. Wil- liam Demerling; Mrs. Bert Abel, Listowel; and Mrs. Sam Timm, Gorrie; best gent costume, Warren Zurbrigg, Gorrie. , Mrs. Robert -Hunt was adjudged the oldest resident.. She will be 97 on August 4th. Denise Milling- ton, of Sydney, Australia, won the award for coming the farthest. 'Oldest married couple Were Me. and Mrs. Ernest King, who have been married 62 years, and the oldest man resident was William Sothern, of Forciwich, who is 94. Oldest non-resident was Goorge ,Roe, 95. Pageant Attracted Many Over 2,000 potpie attended two neresentations of the centennial ngeant .depictinn progress- townshin durin,e,; its* fitht 'hundred years, Four groups from Gerrie, Wroxeter, I3elmore and Forclwich, with. a cast of over sixty, each gave a quarter-century review of happenings in the township. There were two performances of the pageant, on Friday and Saturday Mrs. Molly Graham, of Listowel, directed. the groups, and the choir was under the direction of Mrs. An Douglas, .E. A. Schaefer, of Ford- wich, was chaiennan of the pageant committee-. Taking part in thet,pageant as narrators were Tom O'Krafka; of Gonne; Campliell Bowe, of Wrex- eter; .131mar Ferguson, of eLaltelet, and Retold Pollock„ of Fordwich Bruce Graingen f Garin depicted the future et the township. The pageant Was followed by dancing in the community Sfieehil Services Sunday Oui Senday Morning special ser-, Vices were held it the churches of the township, followed by the serving of luneh At each of the churches. ' A cairn in the etietilOrY of the first settler in Hewlett Township, Sohn Carter, Was unveiled in- 'the afternoon by William %othern, one of the Oldest teSidente ef the ttiwne ship. Mc K i.b(Pott!, HELP! HELP! September 1st tie. the date of tIre giant Frontier Days parade lie Winglione, nlnitte et every tin- enription are weicente to joiw the precession Special itivitne tion to Wet yette sponsors as well as newcoinere anti entities frone the. Provviok and Morris Centenliials, Minket 4I-oloin* Illremt for details. inninnOtrentlinninalinaliMinalMw h. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Winghain loodimingome Phone 770 For the Finest; in Tinci Service LEE'S TAXI . „ it's 24 HOUR SERVICE Weddings, Funeeals -end Shopping Trips 'Going Downtown , . Crosstown . , Out of town'. , CALL LEE'S 185 FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE Good location in.Wingliam. Six room and bath. A real bargain) for quick sale at ,95 5 during Phone -4 business hours. • amaamamommoolrillimmor SEE CAMER9 BILLIARDS for guarantied I WATCII modcwolcurevocioloolomow OPPORTUNITY FULL • or PART TIMEG CANADIAN CORPORATION HAS EXCEPTIONAL OPENTNG FOR, RELIABLE MAN OR 'WO-, InfAN IN THIS AREA, WORK CONSISTS OF Dp.mmortar AND REPLENISHING. STOCKS" OF. TETO WORLD'S LEADING' COS. IVIETIC LINE in PletinTING, liE- TAIL STORE ACCOUNTS, • ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING OR SOLICITING AS ALL SELLING IS HANDLED BY OUR DEAD , OFFICE STAFF, inGE, EDUCATION or PAST EXe PERTENCE is not important ea full training is povided. Can be ban -died in 3 to 5 hours a week without interfering with present employment (Full time if desired). Wrrkx UP TO 8100.00 a WEEK TO nTART. Enquiries are invited from persons able to post $1098.00 cashfor bonded products covered by a, ,re- purchase agreement Mid backed by a Multi -minion dollar adver- tising programme. e . a. Persons available. bernediately„ that have the nenessary capital and desire a steady dependable in- come,' should send 'Name, Address and Telephone number for detail to: Personnel %mat& Namerco (Canaar Limited 392 Bay Street Toronto 1; Ontario Hamamamamamamimmmomamiwak 011111111111111111111111111011M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111E1(nallitlInallillitn . Water Consumers The hours for :watering lawns and I' I gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and Notice to w Golf 'Bridge There: were fine tables of mem- bers playing bridge at the golf eeutee Thneaden afterninni. ' The high scores wore hold by Mrs. Chao. Lloyd and Mi% 13, klinde: The hostesses were Mrs, VanStone, Mrs, Vronch, aVlim, bats, Mrs Olms, Mrs,. Callan and Mrs, W; Pitro.sy, • from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.. This will be strktly enforced. a. An, ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less pr t payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for P.: the use of a 'hose or outside tap. for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens who "t has not, paid for this- service will be billed accordingly. Winghani Nitric. Utilities COMMNSIOD a' C E. Shera Superintendent qinmimammmammamamwmicamawammmammmatuawnmaummaummi5 Oka.m.dianfx****1 BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL • DIRECTORY A. ii, IFTAVISH BARRISTER, SoLIOIToa ma NOTARY maw Talswimat ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WroXeter--EVern Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment, Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., Parol E. Hoinntb, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Hfirauth R.0.. OivromehusTS, PHONTI 118 Harriston, Ontario 41.101•1101•411•11.MdAtribl CRAWFORD & HETIERINHON 110,1,risters, SOlibito '4, Etc. WhigInten litheite J, H. CRAWFORD, -0.11. S. liVrin61IiNOTOr414.0. J. L BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Selleitort NotennUtu, Money to Than Office—Meyer Meek, Vingliant RONALD li, McCANN Pubft ACCOUbtant Offiecl Royal Bank Bldg. Residence -t tattenbury t. itluniiS 561 k 46In CLINTON e ONTARIO WELIATON FIRE Insuraueo Company Est 1840 An ail Canadian Company which ims fainitolly Retired it hey- Winne foe over a 0.01111 aima OtrieO Tornio o tr,C Mitelin;im Iiito trance Agent*, Winghtten