HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-07-04, Page 3IiAltitISTON DRIVE MI THEATRE Two Shown„Nightly , Rain or Clear First Show At PIO* C hildren under12 in cars MBE , Cartoon at Eaeli, Performance Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sylvester Doerr, who were married at the Seared Heart Church,. Teeswater, on Saturday, June 30th. The bride is the former Joyce Violet Houston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Houston, of Whitechurch, and the groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Albert Doerr, of , Teeswater. After a wedding trip to Sault Ste. Marie, the couple will live in Teeswater.--Photo‘by Hammer- ton. floor ',Tr Royal Roundups .„, . . .. . ... . . wkoom myfinee.Tignog, wedneoar,. July itb, 11IIR l'as• • Wed at $elfast .111I1111111•1111111111111111 11011111111111111.111Elia . . . Tues„ Wed., July 10-11 `CHANCE MEETING' David „Knight Fri„ Sat„ Jolly :6-7 "Ride Clear Of Diablo" (TeelutleOler) Audio Murphy, ,Sasaa. Cabot "Jungle Main Eatirs" (Jungle Jim) Clear - Box Office Open at 7.30 Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear, First Show at Dusk Children wider 12 in Cat's Free Cartoons at Each Performance 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111151111-11111111av 1 Mr, and 'Mrs, William Geoage,,Stewart, who were married on Saturday, June 30th at the bride's home in Belfast, Mrs, Stewart is the former Lila Elaine Marie Campbell, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs, Glenwood, Campbell, of Belfast, The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, William A, Stewart, of Dungannon.—Photo by Hammertoh. Will Live in Teeswater 0 irestonq .23e age/xe CHAMPION. —Then drive in for a brand-new set of Cangdq's Number One Tire . —FIRESTONE. It's the safest, longera( mileage tire built today! Mon„ Tues., July 9-10 "Treasure Of Pancho Rory Calhoun, Shelley Winters 1111111111111111111•11111113111111111111111111111•IIII4 LEN CRAWFORD, MOTORS Royal Roundups 4 cups frosted cereal flakes 1/2, cup coarsely chopped pecans (optional) 1 package instant chocolate pudding '/A cup light corn syrup Measure 2% cups sugar frosted, cereal flakes into a large bowl. Combine with pecans. Crush .re- maining sugar frosted cereal flakes slightly. Set aside, • Add puddingmix to corn syrup, stirring until well blended: pour over sugar frosted cereal flakes and pecans, mix lightly until well coated. Drop by teaspoonfuls into crushed- flakes, rolling until coated. Press lightly together. Let stand until hardnened. Yield: 3 dozen cookies about 1 inch in diameter. ROYAL TREAT QueStion—Whea is a pudding not a pudding? Answer—when 'it's combined with sugar frosted 'cereal flakes and corn syrup, Here's an easy Way to convert your favorite pudding into delectable goodies to go Along with that afternoon or evening cup of tea or coffee or glass of milk, And there's not even the flick of an oven switch involved! It's a wonderful idea to have on hand for the day when at the last minute you discover you're to have unexpected visitors. These Royal Roundups can be made from items you're almost sore to have on your kitchen shelf. Everyone likes something new and different—so here's your ."scoop" on the culinary front, '43 Phone 710 Wingham Sat., Mon„ July 1-9 "THE CADDY" Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis LLASHMAR rarhurs,, July "DUEL ON THE MISSISSIPPI" (Colour) • Lex Parker, Patricia Medina Drive-.In Theatre LISTOWEL Turn nt Arnworlos on jIwy. 8G found twining up small trees, shrubs, telephone poles or along ;Fends, ,All Parts of the plant are poisonous to Many humans, *Pk' en twigs or leaves .:give off a Volatile oil matfett vaporizes read- ily, so that. susceptible persons can acquire the painful skin rash by simply wallting through , patch of the weed, or by beirig posed to the smoke Of httrning Poison A good first aid measure upon being exposed to -poison ivy Is thorough and repeated washing with a strong Soap solution. If contact, and infection has not been detected before skin • irritation and blisters appear, it would be adVisable to get the advice of a physician, Like many plants, Poison ivy can be killed with chemicals. In permanently populated \ areas, parks, roadsides and public' re- sort areas, infestations should be located and heavily sprayed with 2,4-D using a power sprayer and a 2 per cent solution or two ounces of 2,4-D acid pet! acre, Brush kill mixtures are more costly, but more effective and should ,be used according to directions. Atlacide can also be used at two pounds per ,gallon of water. Cottage owners on is- lands or where power sprayers- are not available ,can get effect- ive control with the use of Ammate and a hand or knapsack sprayer using one pound per gallon of water,• The best time to spray poison ivy is in June or early July, with any regrowth touched up later. Wed.,'Omra, July 4.41 "The Naked Street” (Advil) Farley Granger, Anne Bancroft. Travel accessories are catering to the easy washability of today's wardrobes, This year stores are of- fering lightweight' •plastic clothes pegs, little envelopes of detergents for the nightly wash, and even travelling clotheslines for hotel room use! gaskiOn s , Satisfying Refreshment Parented All Aboard for. Mars .... Exhaustive tests have proven' that the new Magic Action Faucet will not drip or leak, Yet this EMCO-fashioned tap costs no more than old- fashioned taps. . * no more drip-stained basins and baths * no more hot water waste * no more washers to replace * Easy To Turn * Easy To Clean * Easy To Look At Buy Matched sets for Basin, Bath and Shower Come in and see our full line of ' EMCO Plumbing Equipmeek With us this summer Is the real afternoon dress, softly ele-, gant, and quite distinct from the, pretty all-day dresses that we like so much. Still, once in a while, for a special luncheon or tea, one has to have such a dress and this would be a good choice.' It is Of fine silk shantung in r, Mediterranean blue with white dots. The narrow banded neck ties in a bow above a narrow slit that extends to the yoke line. The draped bodice is very flat-- tering and the skirt is gathered to the waist and is cut on the bigsfor gracefully_ flared fullness. Machin Bros. Wingham Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton • St. Catharines • Kitchener • Toronte Sudbury • Winnipeg • vancouver As for the question of propul-, sion and steering in • a vacuum, where there, is nothing to push against, " the explanations given seem to me fantastic. Even if the ship would continue in a direct course by the original impetus, it would probably go into a spin and explode into gas; or if it remained intact might'join by attraction one of the wandering lehools of me- teorites that burn themSelves out In pour upper atmosphere. Anyway, having made this brief escape into vacuity, it is good to get back to solid earth where end can breathe and move about com- fortably and when tired of pipe- .), „ , • , Nt4. ".3r7N\illr .41,41e EC-53.15 • • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • RECEPTION CARDS • THANK YOU CARDS • Stepped-up and intensified programs inithe engineering divisions of implement firms are producing a great variety of machines that offer more and more value to the users. .styra ty INTER-NATIONAL-ARICkAfTS Today's machines look better and they do better work. In them you get igher qtiality Materials to operate at higher speeds and give longer service. t1 get design that provides for the comfort and efficiency of the operator. Today's machines are equipped to cut-down lubricating chores and to give quick and easy coupling and uncoupling. They 6ffer a wide range of speeds to suit the work and the conditions and they have more capacity to do your work quickly and economically, See your local dealer about the machines in the 1.966 Massey-flarris and rerguson lines, machines that offer More value in modern mechanization, . Featuring "THERMO-GRAVURE" PRINTING i (Raised Lettering) LET US ASSIST YOU WITI-I YOUR 'WEDDING PLANS You may select your Wedding Invitations-, Announcements and Acknowledgments with complete confidence as to quality and correctness Of fort& W,i ALSO 14AVS z PERSONALIZSD ilV5DDINO NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE' SOUS Poison ivy is said to ruin more well-planned vacations than, any other single factor, mainly because so few people recognize this plant which can be dangerous to Child and adult alike. "Berries rod have no dread; berrief white, poisonous sight; leaves three, quickly flee," IS good description of poison ivy. Most people snow the harmless Virginia ercpper with its Whorl or cluster of fine leaves, Poison ivy has a somewhat similar leaf but they appear in groups of three. The berries when mature are white, never red. Poison ivy is never found Cultivated lend, but does grow along roadsides, in waste places, parks, summer re- sort areas and in Weeded, rocky and sandy areas. The WINGHAM ADVANCE • TIMES MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON' LIMITED Its habits Of growth are varied, SoInetitries It is upright plant, while in oth4 cases it is a low Woody creeper and can also be I donditioning, This least is very poi'tant out there• in that vast ve,,, cauin exposed to the full blase of the min on one,side and nub"hero --,--- -s-...--z--.*-. '''''''''--:,,,,,, --7-7-----• -------- -• •-•'"-'-'-'^a:aaaaa,'''-'2'm."4:.1,,- , - ---M ' '`-.4.47-;47.-Z74-.f.,:-,r,;.•.--:" ', ‘.,1",;,.,=. -----4,--._.•,,A.,,,, N1,,•-,;,:,:-„„;L„:„..-......_:.:5-=' ..„--.-___,-...-- ,. -- : T:-,-------:__,-.--w--,--,,,,..-,_,._.,.,,i„,, . ._....,....,..,- - .--.t.'-'-‘,1.....1,...S.,-Ir-`.... "-... • THERE'S MORE VALUE FOR YOU IN MODERN MECHANIZATION sG;l'I 'i According .to the prospectus of the .would-be travellers, the moon is to . be the 'first stop on the trip to Mars, and according to scien- tific observations of that satellite it is 'an utterly dead world, void of atmosphere or moisture. Its flat surfaces are deserts of fine dust of great depth and would hardly provide a safe landing place for a parachutist much less for a heavy space-ship. There are much greater difficulties to , contend with, such as the known fact that the temp- erature of the moon in the daytime rises to many degrees above boiling point, ,and at' night descends to as many below zero, The lack of water or of-oxygen is unfortunate, but they skip over all that for the time being and proceed as follows! "When an observatory is built on the moon, the difficulties caused by an atmosphere will be largely overcome, for the atmosphere of the moon is thin indeed, if it exists line polities can take a pocket-trip. at all. It is generally agreed 'that, if to the quiet fishing waters. That's and when such an observatory is an ideal set up, it will be the greatest single adVan,ce that has ever been made in the history of astronomy," How to MoSt of the preliMinary Recognize ationa are peppered with "ifs" Poison Ivy plant Which conveniently span the gaps of space and time and slide over present factual obstructions, We ate assured „that man has a mar- vellous capacity for invention' and for adapting himself to apparently impossible conditions, The chief thing is to gef on with the story. The initial difficulty of a space- trip is that of getting away from the atmosphere and . gravitation of the earth; but we are told that the rocket can .achieve this and once the Ship is out Into free apaee all would be plain sailing. The crew of the ship Would be provided with modern household facilities, on a . very .striall scale, of course, and. • the machinery for propulsien, steering, Observation and boraniunietttion by radio with. the earth, to say nothing of fuel tanks, brectrie batteries, oxygen cylinders, and equipment for air- A DISCOIJNT'OF 10% will be given on all orders of Storm Windows during the MONTH OF JULY We will measure and install windows if dcsirCd. CAMPBELL & GORBUTT Wingham . Phone 1J 0 - 0 - 0 SWEET AND BLUE . Whether the sun shines or not, summer is officially, here. It's time to think of having the neighbors in for afternoon tea or Morning coffee before., everyone gets pre- oecapied with vacation tictivilies. It isn't necessary to post pone in- viting them until you can plan something' fancy. Cups of tea or coffee and this Blueberry Tea Cake can be as attractively setWed as the most elaborate menu, This recipe offers an appetizing way of serving bluebeiries whirr will soon be at' their most luscious best, Blueberry Tea Cake 1 egg 2/3 cup granulated, sugar - , 11/2 cups sifted pastry flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt Vs cup milk • 3 tablespoons butter, or rnargar- hie melted 1 'teaspoon almond extract 1 cup blueberries Iii cup granulated sugar e. Grea*se one 9x5x2-inch loaf - pan. Preheat oven to 400 dogs. F. (hot). Beat Until light and lemon colored. Gradually add 2 2/3 cup granulated sugar 'and continue beating until light and foamy.., Sift together pas- try flour, baking powder and salt. Blend into egg mixture alternately with milk. Add melted butter or .margarine and almond extract. Beat together lightly and fold in blueberries. Spoon batter into greased loaf pan. Sprinkle top with •'/I cup granulated sugar. Bake in preheated oven for 49 minutes. Serve with butter. the clamor of Wars and rumors of wars, I have been reading the latest books on astronomy, especi- ally 'those dealing with the moon and Mars, with particular refer- epee, to space-travel, Not that I have the least desire to visit either of those orbs, for the more I read about then,' the more I am convinc- ed that, even• if it were possible to reach the moon by a rocket-ship, the occupants would be dead before, they got, there, or, if living, would never return to tell the tale. By Lewis Milligan , on the other. But the space-ship As a means of escape from the builders have got that and all other babbling confusion of politics and impossibilities figured out. I have read and re-read the de- tailed descriptions of, the interior of one of these rocket-ships de- signed to take off on a trip to Mars. As I am not an engineer ,or an expert in elctronies,-I•am will- ing to take it for granted that there is every provision for' keeping the crew alive in such close quar- ers, but I do not believe a dozen, men could endure the physical and mental strain ,of such confinement fo'r six months, much less for 'a year and a half, which it is reckon- ed the journey 'to Mars would re- quire. The monotony alone would. be sufficient to drive most- men, crazy, to say nothing of the•physi-. cal discomfort. and the psycholo- gical effects •of so unnatural an• existencb. Makers of High Quality Farni Impleteents Si.nre 1841 • , •