HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-3-25, Page 8• s- ThnI...1.if, NI re • THE SIGNAL, OOVERNMEUT'8 LIQUOR POLICY STILL HIDDEN Mr. Sinclair hrrlaretl for Mainteuamee of the O.T.A. T. reye.. larch 19. --The proceed- ing. 4t the Legislature during the eels have illustrated In a moot i Orena theme to anmiunce htmaett e hkiog nMtuler the methods of the GODEIUCH, ONT. ( kept on we tarty relish w F' Whom OSI?OA•Y LECTERN UNVEILED 1 (mows sax I of Windsor boldly wet s ccs that hr. IN CORNWALL CHURCH March 27. -Mortgage would support art the wet amendment to Satur.lu)', the Widget and criticized his own lewd -I II 4S• I. R. CHILLmt tale of valuable residential and gar- er for his 4vnsia, of the question at the: The (teeth at Moe. cholas. wkh,w of Iesierial to the esllate Dr. Neurite dies pro{w•rly to the town of Uoderleb. last sesslun. The Conservatve whip the late E. It. Chilies, oceurred•on See attvrrtlsealent idsew•here on this was craekt•d overt "MP. over the 1. F'ridny hest at 41'hlthy. The bud)" ryas The following article• t► from The page. Tory following and the speakers so brought to 4:uderk•h on Saturday, at- (,,e,,, 'ill) Standard of Isrnh 411► TIu• •rranged that none of the "Wets" was 'mpaui.d b> \l r. John Kay of Tor- late !►r. M. ('. Hamilton was a son d rola BALE w.tu, ''"heel uI the det•eanar4 and by .- C J Ilnmllton. M.P., of l'uruw'yh. _ _ live old parties In 1'ruvindal polltica. /k•fiultrJy. The (0nservative following of Premier This introduction of the ame.dulc•ut. }'rrguaon ALIS meets In secret behind however. ha* prevented any serious at- tyled doors to agree on policy, but in tempt at a 41 (14sloe of the budget public by evasion and abuse of other and the more important features of 'Earth.* euIMeavorn to leave the lmpree- 1'ruvhsc•Ial finance. Harold Fisher, nem that it (e salted The Liberals the Liberal financial critic, did not, on the other hand have shown their daring the week. have an opportunity little diferencee in public as they to mak'' au analysis of the budget always have. The Liberal leader; W. Z. N. Sinclair. took occasion during the week to reiterate again the stand of the Liberal party ou the prohibition gee*tion after two Liberal membe k The public amounts eoiuwiue• has „ the ul right it f4- w R 1.. Itretkln (Wee Rent I and J. A. .farted Its work as K Pinard (Fast (Ottawa 1, had wooed an I firm the Conservatives have w11dc amendment t• the budget providing free now of their majority to see that i the t' u i.4 lith w held of i a f he In (•.esti •At 1 I 1 Ir n 1 ,t Government lint .a 1. . e t oil lir w for n system desire. I )heir .own d 1 bounds of L liquor under lees! option. Mr. $l11clalr , limited Iw lit to nia.le it {slain ',at these two members' Ity a straight party vote they killed were acting on .heir own initiative and the effort to continue an Investlgatlou \lenses. tart. and U. Kay of Strut - the Ic .•f llook•rirh, ,u " ne4 hew of DES PROPERTY F O R fora and the funeral tuck place from Mrs l►, F, t'an•y elf tows. uud a Xruud ,1.11,}:•_{org4r North and Nelson the C.N.R. Mallon 40 Maitland ceme• sun ut Ibe lust 1)e-. Morgan J. Ilam- str(eis. Apgtiy to W. H. JACKSON. tory. Rev. R C. MdA•rwld conducted Ilton of e,cwh 4-I ch: c o,1st nbeauti- ful .lectern Nan delicate,) and un - In church as a memor- ial ue u - 1. tee Dr. M. t of mese eGurch, 1' ientest4 i the day the rector. the Rev. W. Ne-tte'l. M..\.. at- VENEERED house, two -s . • tended by 100 rlloristcr4, lvme down 17x21. hi gond vouditton. Apply to tato the nate where the lectern stands M. SH.\RMAN. SI. 1)arld'a street. to the north of the •441IMel st441'. There the the -prayers of de+td'atiuu were v4llwl. N"e14 1111 Hie lectern i and Ih Mild Itwwrltatrly aflcr the uureillug the t the funeral service. and Meows. R. l'. Ou KuudA, nodules i hl'1"}'.\(:F: (ON Kltl'T}! STREET Hay*, C. A. Nairn, J. E. Tom and O. F. b for sale or rest. It not sold by Carey. were the pallbearer. Mrs. (tele) at leu 01 r April lath will be, vestry). !'oessessi'{` Mines was a daughter of the late dal to 141, a M Hamilton, May. 181. IIENIIY H(►RNEY. \Vllliam Kay. M.A.. who fur many formerly a warder ----- years eh. tone of Guderk•h'a prominent Just ante too LIIHI SALE•-K}:CTION OF BRICK - and and the Government's financial prupo- i t It Irene sal*. He will speak next week and! the budget debate proper will get un• 111Iniarr SIMMONDS tier wry. '!'tee brief Illness o(. Mr. Robert Stm- ulln de. following a Stroke. terminated Sanford tf . •411 +'til I bl his ikrlth at hie he nxt on Thursday la*t, M}. Simmonds woe in hl. wevtyaty t•ighth yens. lie was their lel the (•au .,olgregution iu horn s.4 Everton. Live -11100i. h:ngluntl• singing Dealt .Utunl's glorious hymn and enure 1" 1111$ e""alry whet a boy, for the da•purt411. "Ten Thpnsand Fur most of 1114- time since then be Tomes . Ten Thouss11.1 111 Sparkling had been a rt•xident of Snitturd, al- ,Raiment !Wight.'" Then the lectern that their action nvas hot taken with into the 'legal" or thousand -dollar though at varte.us theta Ise• mss en- wA.s r• toot f - the terst Hair. the sanction of the 1.tle•ral party. He hill twalldalt. whk•h were such a sen- 'gaged tp hie trade -id +e4oue-('uN4r at it to wa-atinsesiosi i+"--ut..nerk of polished bra.. throughout 4144 With it. irYlPstal it i• oder ...cell feet In repeated his ufteu mode statement } .atlou when the committee was in - that the polka- of the Liberals was to 1111 (eitiaating the affairs of I'eler Smith, -maintain the Ontario Temperance Act former Provincial Treasurer. It was On the statute honks until the people claimed that certain -thousand -dollar i by their voles changed It. hells" 1134 1w•en paid to a now defunct On the Conservative side there 1 publication. knowu as "Rural t'anadx" were gins that tar "wet" following of for n political advertisement inserted the Premier ovule not much longer 1.e by a Conservative assoeiatiuu. The (4onaervative majority would not in- vestigate. talking the rather prevarious 1 4wledtlon that no Provincial money sus 'slid to the paper In que.lion and that Irate trunaactIons were beyond the jurisdiction o t e comm Mr.-- R{ t4-. avutdwyed' lila first examination of James: Lyons. eget re- cently resigned the 4N*Mlllou of Minis- ter of Lunde and Forests in the Fer- 4111Auu Government. That examination will be continued when a firm of audi- tors rnffA affairs . matte' ifs report on , ha l t4 lis of the I, iMneis firma with which Mr. 1.yun14 11. connected. Mr. Sinclair en- deavored to get from Mi. Leone the - hie r •signation and the lat- ter wow FOR SALE One Complete- Thresher WILL I roe 15x:4) Hart 1St r t ra.-tor; one (:oodi.en separator :tit by 52, self feeler and str►vr blower: 120 -rt. drive belt : one Bilixatxl corn blower, 10 -ft. blowpipe and dhNrtbutor. One Ham- ilton in Ilton tractor plow. S-1►ottom, g «+refer, eumbin4-eI skimmers: one Ham Ilton tractor. double dim!. 22(1 on rack. 12 ft. Thi+ outfit lei in first --else 40n444ti't4 Pricer for ulek nate, 411:.00.(x,. Reason for se ling. boys o the selves. •I o u4Mf for have all ne t Z0110 Jaz. R. It. 3, G WANTED Acres of 100 Tomatoes We are prepared to con- tract for one 11 i ted acres of Tomatoes to be grown the coming season. Those who are interested are requested to call on Mr. Brake Cheer, Man- ager, at our office, Bruce street, within the, next few days. - Huron Canning and Evaporating Co., 1 -td., Goderich. ee. IN•Ihf, Toronto. ilawIlton and other plates. For many yearn latterly he and leis ttifi• had lived quietly In their comfortable home in :4lltfonl. He had outlived all Ws brothe'rsnrarand sI*ters re *wield. tvlfe in hie only surviving. The funeral took place to Colt.mu• cemetery on Sun4My after - 110011. Rev. 44. S. •Hur ly. rector (if 8t. 4 ei,rg•' . church. officiating. elating. The pall- bearers *ere Meow.. A. .1. Goldthorpe. .las. Buchanan, EQw. Harrison and ate.. Jklgla. Annotate llomll400, M.D., I.31.. Rrs•• restore tato not' nu abn C(441 K -\le}:.- 1'in11'.\'r}: SALE: ' OF I d ref. ec • and goods. stove a pipes. X household lwrlding. ashler.. etc. Apply afternoons between 4 Sud 4. MRS. M. FINN. Waterloo sree•I. I'' SALE. ---SEED BARLEY. SIX - i$ mw O..\.1•. '2I: Banner oats. Tiatutlty . awed and sweet clover. FRANK 1.. Y4il N(1. H. 1t. 5. Golrri h. Telepitene Carlow 20s. • TO MINT To RENT. --APARTMENT ABO ■ O'Brlee'a Apply ALEX. SA DER8. F4)It REN'T.-DOUBLE ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished; heated, electric lights; one room has a fire- place; centrally located. Apply at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. lodght. Thr.ti Hon, sulq*.rt Ile' Isea(y VEI.L4)W SWEET )'LOVER SEED. base fn.w wi.ich rise••• a .Iasi ly orate a SCARIFIED, 4014 SALE.- -t:..v- uit-olnl .04041O surmuuute4 1131 1, Inriee f rnwent test No. 45.5311A Price $4.50 glol.•. 1'I'.w the gl"lle et:utdl• 11 uta1e per Iutshel. RAYMOND FINHIAN, •wive eagle' urs whose outstretthfd It. It. 1. ihnigalr.oll, Telepiuste 71r5. wings the Bible rests. .% plain brass 1►uuganne.n central. shield fastener to 111.• trent of the main column 'tears--tttr following 11e Ce ►R SALE. -T1 O C'OMF(1RT.\RLE serlpIlun:-"1'o the l:lury of Gad and i' dwellings ill good locations in In L.ciug Meniery of Maurice ('aylee: I:otlerlch. Also forty acres of goal) ndance ed tors Rurd.1's.•f tbh -Y,.rrh, wh--1 w■t.4'. .leo.. 4•, lawn. 111($. DOl•G1.A14 )ItI.ARTi entered into ken; Sept. lith. ilt45.4 pi,relw..e,.►.--'1'_ ()liNi)RY. .\11 neer) nrddent of Colborne town• aged :;2 -year. This Lepers i. given' ship passed away oil Friday. March h)• his Father. Charles James Ham-) re(lu S.\'1.}: OR EXC 1'2th, Ili the pietas of Mrs. Douglas Ilton. M.D., M.1'.. mud by 'itis Step- I as ltrieJt re.fdenef•. hot Aa Mcldrty, who had reached the great nM(ther..' i fug. Mreplare. two toilets age of ornery -tont years. ten months \I the emei14Iou of the serue,u the -1 electric light. hardwood fi4. 7111,1 S4eren days. -A native et Seat' rector said 441 ntlfttne: '•Thr idea ofei«t. w..41 amused uu Rrlta 1 1' M Mrlarty whose maiden commemorating the drinrrirl is al Engnir• . at JENNER'S MANGE. - ter heat - and bath. ,rs, Urge unlit road. MUSIC TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Public Library Board for the de•oruting•of the needing room, stick room sus halls of the public library. Work W be done 4+4441.• a* the wore to the children's rousts and the Itonr.l room. walls cleaned and three cuate of paint. Tender.* reeved until April nth. Tenders to be left with the sec- retary. Mlt. T. M. KIDI►. 2t and . ea 1114111.1 wet; Margaret Ha11, tame to fanifliar,u11*' to 1114 111 4444. 4.11444. Our STOICS. Canada 91 the age of funrttrn and fur (-art- chinch -itself Is a -mentons). ( It Volt SALE. -FI t•ldit years tired itt Galt. when• her Nearly ever. orris....! Its•furnlshfngs, H , s nn Eliza VE -HO )M torch street. o9. /iterTk w1 level lot q and ac• Write to 1 Jcffert+on cause o 1 441011(1)• repeated his reae0rb as marriage took pleb. Klxty-*Ix )'ear* s1w•aks t(i u. of 4enue one who ere feats. b u r Ctreyh in the Hon*( that he would not ago she and her husband morel to worshipped herr ben w•ho Ills now 1 lot 2'. ties stone fom4datl tell of his firma relations with other W Triage t In flit+ e•unnr31. where Mr. I.t,,.44 on. Ther iuorufng we hare' lights sod water iu14ide;.go hos m, T11 mot- with-t3m'ern _I(el.arty slid rutty -sex yd11TfwlrtN. %r 1»,•n {1rTi'TTit•e perste ndihat tenet; ave' light. rid J. r insi*Il cb.'a me'nt. Mr. Sinclair mantel out that the last 4444411 year* she had tired another worthy . memorial. 'We are cep! .mall 4low11 paymett. If was 94ralge that nt Ihr would not gleest h e with her se. n Mr. loan Jticl..t' of d 1 rIntl)' al,t.. receive It not tn,rele} a 'MISS al. FINLATNON. ase the 'Howie thio infonnatinu an.) yetColborne lire eurvisitig e1ildn•th are for Its Intrinlc worth. ttur4gh as 104 E:.. Petrels yk►t., aper. Dl. Good. o McLarty. of Cnhs.rae: William• of ant on nt•e•ou11t of the nlent.ries eel,T111th:Sfll\c: III Fl welt+ einem and .k•.irou9 that the pab1i''iioroiults c.ruml)tte .should get It all. Mr. Sit.ctnir got the edml*s(on are Williem C of Ooderic1.: John that hut Jt is 1w. th beautiful and Mostly \ttM'rtn : Mnledm. c.f 31911114,48, and cherish ..f him -*Wee ire n.•rlal-it is.; con -Ming of one (.e•rg ro \1 I that A a wholesale d AlIG tAnderson of Wenn Ste, \!e toe' rs warden he-.r•ei{lel In this ' Son: )it SALE. e WWhiteA euge•r engine mounted 01 r. ,311,1444 . Fa .eem n'.LLLtal11l_;tt<"Marie hr had v■vie s._.L.tft-Fixyears Yrer parish the hiahe<t.it4•e olk•uf• • «u JS h.r.wwr 1».Ire: l+a3 mad gh*eels to it cereal!. 11r. 11(dfoni.I Mcl.artyhad._►wrlt ir•memlwr or the +suss ite tial aur ..t' .hr lust sur- li. T1=1 -' 'n wlu in turn rends tow meets lack to pre•6314. rf140 c•dn1re1., .'lit sad her hna- 1' .• .• 'wit -tee -M.1.. -" -"Mazer. cutter thud, .nu•rd.:rs o[ the well-known VI I% en '-I r e been -fur nrlav yowTm Ifs•h veld so nnu h 'decker. Iw 1 fetidly nl c111 :inul hn ' in f 1.1'011 a nota I 11 far 1r .. Thr a I u t anent (.r Nh W 1, *PTs Identified with the e•hnrie• .al Man - I for tar church in this region awl to ttngaoa )tel . Ilrr kindly eti4R sitk.il 81111 1'(•14191 mon- i wlitctr +lir Nr.1 plie•hly. ,.f 4p4.1.' 1*:• i iu t. d re pr,r :111-1 p,' life at to r mrd* Awl kept for her MAO, : inm,i.d. _ Hr -we. 8' 414.9-4711 -*I.,t iwt,,gi-, order anal_ will 4w• ell*" eho fri.nols- through • her journey Ili 111' l g i k tt war be-' Prupri• for i- uuali'e to + is." a4- 6'1" swan,- uwL a►ku. ddl-swi 1 ,rl'p f• t. F i sltrtui !tofu le- lribg ugfiiocllina wit- I t l:• i l3. ltnte•tal.4d. (hit • lir-• L. feed et;,e r= sh- a h iienlght it - _ -_ rater -ria oto^we-. -9'i, ►t+ who. 1-t,•.a-i.i1,. e mrtlneut of northern th'velnp- i A w'a • Ica . r. .r. n will proceed .Idhhg.- \\T.. he investigation 1 .-\t We'l'l,. . 1 pre.asure : rotor and wield • tank "tank. outfit bete 1 11I el running •ap.. a• the operate it ureter par. 1'2 teeniest), verandah swing, rustle and bkiury verandah and lawn seats. window team verandah rugs. wash lug mrchlue and wringer, garden hose. garden tool•, awning. screen win Iklw'a, laws mower, stepladder. mai ill stove, ironing board, electric toas- ter. oar ter. electric ted trlriner, tde•trle lrou; a umber of *valets. and all kitche•u - uteuslls. TERMS.-l'asU• lilt. W. F. CLARK: T. G1';NURY. Proprietor. Auetkltseer. 1)r. Clark is offerers for immediate sale the Clark homertsad lu Colborne towuship (lot 9, cones -salon til, W. D.1. containing 14x) acres. It will be sold ou very reasonable term*. A14 in- formation regardiug same may be had from Dr. Clarke Gudertch NURSING MISS EDNA ROBINSON, VISITING nurse. For terms, 'etc., telephone AUCTION BMX Goderlclt. • 1 VALUABLE j c>•iII'e ssD ACCOUNTANT (F A 1 MORTGAGE BAI.F. RESII)ENTIAI. ANI) GARDEN FRANK }'. UIBBS, CHABTEBED PROPERTY IN TIII" TOWN +OF , 1) Accountant. 102 Ontario street: (.(1 F.RICH. Phone 1580. Res. Stratford. 1JIs0J- For Rent THE OPERA HOUSE is now availab for any- one wishing. to rent for amateur shows or ncerts. For terms apply o Wesley M. Metra P. O. Box 50. \ reef c1111 r•hllla 1. N M 444 '4-•• t' iii :r alt h. Feer f 'fi... r till. w, -r.• laid lit re.teL ttl4Hlte ••metery. [Wretch ou SL r.• 174111. flu• fuOrril service. 4.•44)41 (.1411•- , 140404 •, 11,14044,4 t.y-1i.4>7-1'••ystyr •.r.:lil.11Llii_ I. r .:s.si.s. I l,y= freer 1!_ , Itane* StL abide, Th .lsil-lamed. WPrc. rot - .44.; ctuateJ. b :1 The property consists of $ stolen.I did. stone house in mood crwdltiou, to- gether with stable and garden. 1'nder and by virtue of the power of 1lnlr euntainel In a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the tante of mile. there will be offered by' sale -by publii. auction. un Saturday, the '7th day of March, A.1). 191)11,, at the hour of two o'clock In the after- n.wiu. at the 'Wrinkle* *finale in •the Iowa of (1ex1.•r14I. In the comity of Huron anal 1'rovince of Onterlo. Ming cuml*iscd of lot letter •'B" 0n the d road In the town of God- erlce, to the, (runty of hums afore- said. u said. belug a aubdlrlelon of lot 'num- ber one in the Maitland emcesslon formerly of the tawuwhlp of 4:od- erk-h, as per a plan known a* Park and Marwood's survey. containing %even. nems and twelve nod enc -halt 1111(1 1•...; a e err l • • m 4-1 I * r hr* reserving there out a portion of the mild land conveyed by the late Robert i'arke to the Buffalo anal 1.ake Huron Railway l'ompnny. which wait{ piece or parcel of land may be described as follows: Commenting at the northerly angle of Bald lot "It," thence due mirth -Gail -three (leered and forty minutia east one hundred feet to an angle; theme tine south forty-six de- creed seventy minute. east three hun- dred and fifteen feet six inches to an angle on the limit between the said t B" nd Y"' :. theme due south AUCTIONEIIMINO THOMAS GUNDItY, GODERICH. a LIVE STOCK AND GIIP(IRAH AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Salsa attended to anywhere and evert nicht made to give .atL actba. Farmers* sale notes discounted. ROBERT ROBERTSON, Qualified Auctioneer. Eiden Street. Gederieh. will conduct any sale In the, count/ r te- 8f Huron. For information apply uta P..7. Ryan. Hamilton 8t.. or orders left with him will receive prompt at- tention. of " .a forty•Ihre• degrees. and forty minutes j sentient hundred feet to an angle: thence. along tar north-easterly limit et the Maitland road dui. north. *11431 pMtiF'. W. H. JACKSO:C, Organist w three 1 ••ns. North Inures• estlir Ie, ,• ••s twenty mand I ectoc u. d ne t t hundred and fifteen feet- six. inches to street 'Methodist church. :=atructloa the westerly angle li of said lot "B: `l given In Voice Culture. Orgt:n, Plano. the piers- of l.eginnlwg, a ntsialag-aa, Violin. Guitar, Theory. etc. Studio AL J• M. STALKER, AUCTIONEER. for household affects tarns sleet. ere., tor the Comity of Heron. Addnas all communication W J. 0. STALHEI3. Auburn P- OPTOMETRY L. COLE, H. 0.. OPTOMETRIST. OPTICIAN. West Street. Goderich. Ronor Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Eyes examined by the latest meth - oda, and the proper fltting of gleans at moderate prices. Ontario Boar* of Examiner* Certife ate No. 875. MUSIC urea of 0414' hundred and sixteen per- roWelooce, 37 North street. phone 384. • 1' I'i.,It,l 444int r.4l1-IN THE1i47wX- e1111 ` (;n„•rirb. ofd j'fili'redst thway, ill it( frons t;oh•rich end .(., ,, ) 1,):elt} •! lel .lar- «.t, ..i _ ewer ter•ki.• I e' I \lI IIIm e'.1 \\ AMR I •441 44.11 41 11 d I i • d J'hi. Lone. r.• . t •.th ••:1rse, 11e'or me-- .ix triton (lit, tn. nilj.tDg tent to cru \ :Ind thew) rote rising thirty s.4 (41 Tek i;i»li t Tile " troye. i_ Ttl .41Ir 1. ;:tll,'. 1 slay 1.• '+•: m:i tet t Myst . Fw+s- --torts well tlwltsln - jet„• W 'tri. '' , t'". nen 11:4.111• of- the eur_ leas.• money to ay pard at the time 'f the ,rn4a: talnnee-tn•-4te prti+l-is.-.thirty dire."- The -sale v1441- le subject- .u. ; reserved bid: . tree For furth4r .jinrfletiIir' and c•und,- of t i.dhw of sub• apply to ,H ATB & HAYS. ed. tl1.l(iltuu. e+treet _(aleri. fl. Ontario. 11444ee at (lode/kit, thaarlo, Illi+ :14-11 CHtROPR.ACTOR -- Dn. .4 N. ATKiNSON CHiROPRACTOR- ('•,dericlt. Chronic organic' and nervous die eases, ('onrattatioo free. Cake hours 2 to 3, an. 7 to 9 p.at.. ezcept- , '•{. 1+4J =-}-afternanne.. tnwsse, nank•hnrn 41)S:d►: driving •l i) of ?larch. \.D. 11)211. " appointment. HAYS A }1 4 '., and eceilnga. and by x t lit 1e- {. 1Y1,•k Ing w.M•k N'441 telt. 4lt4as:■e nude x.iragP. SC%1; ur•h+lyd o; Resl4enn• and-om.•e-Cor. East • - e4-__ 1nuw.r7: 1 •l -ale he des of-Tiifi' at-t:uut' W11 - Hamilton str.»•T. t':alerieh. (Mt.. t..r. r_ u.. it '1 e4-- wlncr•r npp.es n4vertailfng tend Victoria streets Its 44 oo11µ.l and n .rlghr l) +'gt>'r ,ria; . fair- farther parolee- Solicitor'.. for the Mortgagee. W11- . , -lHwN+i-H.• 144,44....._ ,Au1u _ - at a -r `t . +flee i not _ . 17i ih11 lei, 4-i h: i«AQtY Tn ;a4-+ aiydv to fOSW.U.D I:INN. R. R. 1iiie S4Titelisn. . 'h' • - • bfewk - arveen-runmed _r14p. one 4eight r at (t•ry *pedal Meter: fora -pole cal.-. 1- i L-(1u.'_enc41. _l'hgne 10-(:04. 4':1u1.'0'I's Drug store. lets 141'44 lir 1l -oft jbois that of I' bnI,liir,'h. for the, •born- .d 41 reale lilt' AUCTION BALE \ . I recut. Judge.- - -- Si SALE. -- H•A V 1 2 G ';.dug away for est,r', ltern.It- rented me- fertile. 1 intend heel+ •i,rrr es envy a 4.111 .ant -.intake. -111 auction .ole of farmMor'► 441111.Im-. 1+(1114 r.Ca _convener. luti\ho5,' : ate,- 4Aem4tlIS 4 yrly to April: ante will finality g••••.). nt right prier.. SHAR he an11 un til heee-Kaii"T• - rt:7at3 11:174....4. \, 1 1'ISI1Fa1..'en. , oe Mil ihip: _ .- - eemntr11•ing at 1 ,i.)reek "lump: I \. I CLF:.\Irl\.. \f )'TNI\ SALE OF \s l: The shim{.untirely 7144 Golfer's Elation V residence. corner of Vle- A golfer. ordinarily n dub at the )441111.-, I 11111.SE 1'1'ItNI'KiHIX(:14- one day holed out m one. Non • n. eget -` Direct Toll Service is quicker Starting April 1st, Direct Toll Service will be available to the points shown below. On this type of Service it is not necessary to ask for Long Distance. Your local operator takea_the number and while you "hold the line" connection is speedily established wlt'i the distance telephone. If you do not know the number, ask "Information.' Following are the . points available by Direct,,_, Toll Service, with rates: ' Goderich - Carlow IOc. Goderich - Dungannon 10c. Goderich - Clinton 15c. Goderich - Wingham 20c. For 3 minute. talk. ail others 3 minute... J. T. PATTON, Manager Use Direct Toll Service s - it is the most omicol way to the points shown Ccon- reach above i.II'ea1LT.tNT A1'CTION S.U.F: toe V.V•I .\144.1: It}:SIDE:X.'l: 1'Ht44' DR. F. J. lt. FoRSTEit E:IrrIF:S .4XD 110I'SHIIIH.ir. F1'11 RYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT NISIIINGS. Late Mouse Surgeon New York Oph• thalmlc and Aural Hospital, assistant Ivalit instructed by Dr. W. F. Clark at Moorefield Eye Hospital aid Nett by pgthhr nnetiott et the l'r'-" Golden Square Throat Hospital, I.oa- 4,, -(l..• T«w.+s .,f a'••d••rl••h• tau don. Eng. SATURDAY, -AI'Itll. 17th 58 Waterloo tet. S.. Stratford. Taft KEDICAL #non -golfers know. this is an unusual feat.. I Glu {list rnete-d by the Misers Far- finifenc-have played ail their Hie. eiti -row to mai eat public aw•ton at :their. lever *renin dulling it. Naturally, there- tome, corner of \Vaterloe. and Light - fore. the Oiler in queetiem Was highly It Ilse struts. Goderich. on elated, and lit order to give gent to hist SATI'141'ti'...4!'1(11,141111th feeling. Wart.d to do a little dance on tlae4 to nmeSe•fng n1 1 efelo•k .114-4): green. "What have yen suddenly gone•.411 t 4'. cunl1.111 of the lineae'. he mad abut'."' inquire) the gi-Ifer's Nife, I euth.4 : Loring roots furniture, din - who wa14 tryinghy, 1 'list mettle the holetn to learn eemething about i the game. "Why, 4-•.m fttreltart. I14131(enu 1'111111"i".• ,,. piano mid sen. coal range, refrlgera- he .114wie. el.1 deur. i (114111'1 PPP your." e'I twain, . DIED I_t_IMM1INUS.-114 Sanford. en Atty.-70W+ h isttl year. TI"." will Iw no Teeervc. OK in (:cwh•ri-li town.hip. Oh T. 431 XIg "ger"' .\uctleineer. Tm. *. March irt, Thomas Oke, In Ms 1 vena. lI F VtING ,\I'('TiON SALE OF (VILLA . -At Whitby. on Friday. _1e- }•\R\! STM'K ANh 111:111 - alnn•11 141,fir-. ('h111As. relict of the 1tYNT' - IN MEMORiAN Mlt. \V. J. KEltlt ('lll'It('ll.--144 Whine memory of out will se41 by 4)nhIN autlon at Mt 10. deur mother. Mr..' George ('hnrrh. /•once.slon 1. West Wawene14h (one who died Marsh 22n1. 11'Z4. mile east of Ntle)• on Day -4 of -.Ones. still maw •her us. IIt 11"F:I)NEsl►.\1'.,')fARI'H Al. 19241 Tears of .144uco oheu fl w _ emtmt•uteltg-AI L4) eikJnok sharp: }'..r her memory kretw her Hear ns• tl,e{,....(hic marc, 14 years old : 1 Though -he diel A yetis ago. leder. It years obi. weighing 1,7111 lbs.; --V?tM41:V: _ 1 horse•. rtshia 9 314-114'9 old, HiEltit. in loving memory of Mrs. (y(tIP,-(Ire aleck tow. 4 Tears alergnrete 1►evine herr. will. enterl'd aid, w Itt. calf nt foot ; 1 2 4tn ears In"' res two Years alt".,\ltln•h 244414• . heifer with coif nt foot ; 1 Mack row• 7 aold, s! In May; 1 2•year-old heifyeer.rs ch1,' IndM41y ; 1 3•yeac Old 1st• f,•r. eh1' to 4.411?; 1 e'uW, 4 years old, tine to teal!: i milking mw. R oars __o1.11:11.1-Xtnr_'ald -Offers. I earvid entre.; 4 winter calces. 4wine,-Pw.' ares..1 1' to pet April 1rh : 7. pegs. 1fk► Mrs. Int,l'menis.-4hle w*lkl*g Most; 1 .W 1.ob.l4igtls, needy new; 1 set 'kruhlc harness. eve new : 1 22.111811 horst• miler. Jnst new : t n4hlsr•tltr'O hugs). . Kix 'nipple.; 1 Wetly Runt TERM$.--MIx months' credit 0111 1.• g1lrn on fnrni.hing aminded \loin notes. A deieon,t of 4 per trent .qt17 11g, htKR•flRowed for (T1sh.O A'Nn•tfllntnr.c firoprietor Thiers - electric wn.h(r. 2 caret. WIreepere. 4.11 After. typw•wrIter,. •orpr•t14, nlgs, .wrtninn and tdc•tttre*. dflthe s, gUs► ware. a•ntl*ry m,n'.,n - holm. garden ■teles. 1924 Snrone,l,l by friemis We are lous- ea'me• in the midst Of plealsure we're blue. A ,mile us. _tmI ltxlnrz 11111 n hleart- ache Arising. longing for ,vert, = re ha ilei Rth.te ttioU-ir*n(ItInr1S1►-" ter F:l. ,our Smith. Niugal'A F'allg, Ont. -=.r..oeaa •sr. CARD OF THANKS - C.\ltl, uF' TIF.\NM4.--MILS. 11(►R• \('F: (41tSF:1t .\X11 NHL'. .\X11 1tite. l4' .4. ORK1:41 welsh to diner .tracer,• thank• to ninny friends anal nel4hlwr. for their li.lpfnl sympathy 11114 Mesal tribute. al the 41m1' of their sod lu•rrnt,rm•nt In the 10.. «f AwaHttvrt4 and .oil,-nl )larch 14th. 19211 • 1 et*: sewing nom meet. ottnmana, kit- eben cabinet. retrigvtatar• gleam cup - . Marl. fall leaf ethic. (electric plate nett be- torts and Newgite stpi•ta, eonutlufgg living nem, •Ith tele fir.•plae•. dining ing day. Tuesday. at 1 p.m. r .one. MeilpI4,,, fent l.drosm*. lath„ viten efeetoiTh tsireh. .\ *141 ttght'd .. ha a ment tinder a hole Iwo%• and a splendid hot water healing 4)'44telu. The huts+• is well hdlt old MIII44he.1 111 evemi an has u huniber of special features to recommend it. There. is else a well +•,I4 'pewee enable N1111 nbunchatw•,' of route r autos. SEAGER K. C. BARRIRTER, f r OMttyf Adlug. Klltlatet on Vletorin me4.44. Oaderteb. Thos house contain. living- h4pr ro.m, kttehett. foul' heetr0ums and R. DARROW, RAi1RISTER, RTO Noll. has .plendld electric fixttvee. • Successor to J. L. Killoran. Tbadeprt►perth-+_, aaee h frml-, Phone 97. age of alert -4 feet on Vietorin street. (office -The Square. Goderich. They w i(1 be offered- lea ape Int : if not sold that way «411 be mold leper Hely. TF:ItMS.-141 per rent. of mishh:4c price to he plh4 at 11 111P a Acle. Val once within :N1 day* or arrangement* may be made its to fltrther laymenL•. t'. iwe Itis Nsle d 811y epbone 267. At Ilorel Bedford. 4;odrrteh, on the evening of third Monday of each month, from 7 o'clock, till the follow- Li1GAL Di'DLBt E. HOLMES - BerrUter. Etc. Olpce-itlamllton street, Roderick. Phone 27. Ferrel f..2, LYG9 .41netvrtgble) ,--„eoucirros Notary- Pvb31 aM 111111' 4 we•ilhlg ,•u\•e•rl-Il with, me1al.r, The properties may 1 ane•raoou after April 3n1. .4? the %Am4 time all the •(intents of the hrI,k hos%• CDs. (lark's being.) will l'' wild. comprising lIvtug sem. dining rw,ut, .bedt'ew,nl Hurt kite' •n furnishings, Including: :-pier,' wicker wet. IArge davenport. large upholstered arm chairs. Morris ehnir it I1(1 nwv- enll ((they tables, pelt:stela and chairs. floor lamp. 4414111111 whatnot, cherry writing '4e.k. combined hooka...toe and writing desk. 3-seeMlnn Iwakrao a anti number* o1 books. mn44tle dne•k, nig 1254%12. rug 10x1). runner 3x12. pfc- (neve% curtainto and email rug*. hail o wet. dining- rnntn forfei- ture. abet all 4tshr.. glassware. eater - ware and rttlery: thea' competes• sots Of Ir,In.n1* fnrnitere. I,i.Incltu■ 1 en*nn•I pull. con1A1n1ng bed. m1411FI'... .po•I44R.s• dre•asr. (h►ffol4Mr. Indy'. writingdeck and chair; will le .41d 911 together: sw•teera, Iwedr,n,m rngs and 1111 .nrtalns anti ovenlrepes; Ma - kettle ele•trle heater, 1 throphe+ad Khtgt•r swing ma.•bine with motor. 1 large morrur. 'Ampere flower Isltk- Mare & A'taps 111RIII.TFn., F`re . R.C.HAYS-RC.HAYS,i*., R.A Hamilton Ft., (ioderien INSURANCE. LOANS. ITC. IeK11.LOP MI'TI1AL TiRE IN- SURAX4'F. CO.--Fnrm and Isolated town property insured. Om4Pre-Jas. Connolly, Prete, God". rich P. 0.: Jan Evans. Vice -Pres.. Be.cbwnnd P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. See. -Tran. Seabirds P. O. Directors -A. Rrnaelfoot, R. E. bio. 8. eesfnrth • John O. Ortete, No. 4, Walton; 'Vllllam Rtnn, R. R. No. 2, 2, Seeforth; John Rennetwles, Brod- hagen ; fiord. Mc 'artney, R. R. No. 5. 8eeforth; Robert Ferrta, Airlock; Murray Gibson, Rrueeflald ; Jamie Evans, Reeel*wood ; Jamse Connally, Oodcrlr•h. Agenta-J. W. Teo (Roderice%t Alex. Leitch. R. R No. 1, (111atna; John Mnrray, 8eatortb; R. iiinehley, IItaforth. Pnitcy-holden eaa day all payme.aa and get their -arca resale.. *4 at ... J. KorrlaYs ''Jothing Stora Clinton; R. R. Cntt'e Grocery, Elt.f sten street Ooderfdh, or J. R. Deify (loner 1 Stot.. 11av .Ld. iorsi •