HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-06-27, Page 10'1211W' 414)11,,gAtacni WettayStia4 ilna4' 37, 11)00 oka *Um • 4 HAPPY /1011D4Y with wisHinG 'WELL ORORGE , Real Refreshment! a. 4M y Anderson-Litt Vows At Walkerton BELGRAVE — White snap- dragons and lilacs formed the setting in Trinity Lutheran Church, Walkerton on Saturday, June 16 at 3 o'clock, when Eleanor Emma Litt became the bride of Lloyd Cecil Anderson of London, in a ceremony performed by Rev. R. Rock of WZIkerton, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Gordon Litt and the late Gordon. Litt, while the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of Beigrave. Mrs. Carl Remus• played tra- ditional wedding music and ac- companied the soloist, Mr. Harold Remus, who sang "Wedding Pray- er" before the ceremony and "The Lord's Prayer" during the sign- ing . of the register. Given in marriage by Mr. Nor- man Higley of Toronto, the bride wore a white ballerina , length gown of layers of white net' over taffeta, trimmed with iridescent sequins and styled with a strap- less bodice over which was worn a jacket of matching white net with lOng sleeves ending in lily- points over the hands. A head- dress of white ndt trimmed with iridescent sequins held her finger- tip veil. She carried a white orchid with white carnations and steph- anotis. Miss Donna Wilkinson, Tees- water, as maid of honour; chose a waltz-length gown in turquoise 16 oz. blue crystalette taffeta, with matching picture hat and white gloves. She carried a mauve or- chid with pink sweet peas. The bridesmaids were Miss Marjorie Armstrong and Miss 120's Nancy McCallum, both of Tees- water. They wore gowns identical to that of the maid-Of-honour. Mr. Keith. Anderson, St, Thomas. waS best Man and the guests were -ushered by Mr. Trevor. Moores, London and Mr. Donald Campbell, 13e1g,rave. At a reception held in the church basement, the bride's mother received the guests in a pale. blue Id'ce *dress with white accessories and eorsage of yellow rosebuds.. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, who 'wore a blue dress trimmed, with !nee, white aceessories and 4 corsage of pink roseinicle. Canada, the bride donned a black and, white checked taffeta Vor a• Wedding. trip to Pastern dress with matching duster coat arab yellow accessories With a white orchid corsage, 1.1Pon their return they Will Are- Side in. Loriden. GUesta were presest from Lon- den, Detreit, TON:Site, Dtiiidas, Velitrave, 4ocheitter, WE DELIVER kineardifie, Blyth, Wingliam and VIIIIIIIIIIIN16111111111111111111,1110411111111311111111116111.11111111111111111111111111111111110' 1311'14461 BENNIE Rev, and Mrs. J. R. Townend of Inwood, left reeenntly on a six Weeks' vacation trip to Moose 4,FAve, Sash., and Vancouver, H. G. 1.1rin their return they will re- side at 3,12 Russell 'St. South in Sernia,' where Mr. Townend will take over semi-retirement duties at St.. Luke's Church. M. and. Mrs. Clare Van Camp, Nancy and Keith, Lrussels, R.R. 4, SPE "ViaitM.d• on Sunday with.• •Ifr. and WS. James, Laxient and Dale. Mr, Carl Preeter, a. patient at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the -Neck-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perdue and, family of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and. Mrs, Law- rimee Vannan and. Mrs.,. A, M. Perdue. Mr- and Mrs. •Cordon Hill and family, of Varna,. visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. James R. Coultes and family. WENS REUNION HELD IN MORRIS The annual Higgins reunion was held on Saturday at the home of Mr. end Mrs, Gordon Higgins on Concession 3 of Morris Township. There were over 80 members in attendance from New Westmin- ster, B.Q., Toronto, Mitchell, Blyth, Brussels, Wingham, Belmore and Wroxeter. r • During the afternoon .the sports committee entertained With a wide variety of games ,and races which were enjoyed by an.. After' the singing of grace, a bountiful supper was served on the lawn to all present. The presi- dent; Robert Higgins of 'Belgrave, requested the group to observe a minnte's silence in honour of two Members who had passed away during 'the previous year. The host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Higgins, were, called forward to be presented With a lame in appreciation of their kind invitation to have the reunibn at their home, to help• eelebrate the 50th anniversary of their farm be- ing in the Higgins' name, , The minutes of last' year's re- union were read by. the secretary„ Jack Higgins and the following officers installed for 1957: Presi- dent, Stewart Higgins; 'vice- pres„ Alvin Fitch; sec.-treas., Jack Higgins; invitation. corn., •Mrs. Gordon Walker, Mrs. ' Chester Higgins; sports com., Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier, Mrs. Jack Higgins, Miss Frances Walker, MiSs Mildred Higgins; lunch corn., Mrs. Nelson Higgins, Mrs. Gordon Higgins, Mrs. Robt. Higgins and Mrs, jas. Shortreed. Brandon Decoration . Services .on Sunday' BELGRAVE — Decoration ser- vices will be held in Brandon Cemetery on July 1. Rev. Marl Krug will give the address, In' the event of rain, service will be held in Trinity Anglican Church. BELfiRAVE (Intended for last week) Mr, and Mrs. 'George Jones and family of London spent the week-end with 'the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCall lum. Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKay and family of Winghani, -visited on Stmday with the lattePS parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry' fitruire. Mr. and Mrs. RuSsell Walker, Goderich, visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonehouse and with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Baynes and family of Belton visited on Satur- day with the latter's mother, Mrs. Richard Chamney. kr. and Mrs. James R. Coultas, Marie and Audrey, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, Rita and Kenneth at Thorndale. Mrs. John Gordon of Weston, spent the—vveek-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and attended the Anderson-Litt wedding at Wal- kerton, oil Saturday. Mr, David Armstrong, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Grasby, Donna and- Mary, -Visited on Sunday with Mrs. Hilda Roberts and Harold Roberts at their cottage at Kin- cardine, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell attended a l'arnily gathering on Saturday at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Olen Campbell, Lucknove, honour t)f their 25th wedding an- niverSary, Mr. and Mrs, Sohn, Stewart and Gary, of London, and Mr, and Mrs. Pred Nichol of Vancouver, B. C., visited Over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mr, arid Aft's. Stanley Cook and Mrs. Cora McGill visited bn Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Buehanan, Westfield. Bonnie Cook is a patient in the Wirighain General Hospital, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Vincent left this Morning by train, for a trip tr5 Viait relatives at Milk River, Alberta, and to visit at 0.4 C'eatt, , Mr. mid Mrs, Pred Carbert Whighami viSited en IVfandaY With Mr, 'and Mrs, ThOrilaS Smith, "..rms,r0,• Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Plekell and .of St\', Thomas, sPent ,the week-end with Mr. and 1VIrs Herb WheOler; Mre. Waeler turning with them to St. Thomas, Mrs, .Garner Procter of Yorkton, Sash., spent the week-end 'with Mr. and Mrs. George. Martin, Clarence Hanna, .Jesepb and Norman Keating spent a few Pdaayrsry IS4osut ndwedelisc-trlicits,hing g' the Mr, and. Mrs. Gordon Martin end family, Orangeville,' spent the week-end. with Mr, and Mrs, Gee. •Michie and family, Mr. and Mrs, Les Wills, Mary' and Torn and Mr, Thomas Michie, all of Milton, visited with Mr. Rebert Mr, Jimmie Coulson, Milton, is spending his summer -holidays with the Miehie families, 6th line of Morris. MICHIE REUNION HELD IN MORRIS BELGRAVE—On Saturday June 23rd the Ivliehie reunion was held at the-Thome of Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Nichol, 6th line of Morris. Gordon Martin of Orangeyille, was master of ceremonies and a bounteous dinner set for 54 was served by the ladies. Races and games of various sorts were enjoyed by young and old. Thoinas Michie of, Milton, Halton County, was the oldest person present and David, two- and-a-half month old son of Mr. and Mrs John Michie of George- town, the yoangest. Harold Coulson of Milton was named -president fcir '1957 with Les Wills and J: Michie ,aa sports committee; Mrs. Robert Grasley, Mrs. Doey Smith of Morris town- ship with Mrs. Wilfred.McDonald, Milton, as lunch committee, The next reunion will be held in Milton at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Les Wills. • Lunch was served at 5.30 p.m, at which time Mr. Thomas Michie spoke briefly; thanking, Mr. and Mrs. Nichol for the use of their home and wonderful hospitality of the day. PUPILS PRESENT DONALD KAI A large crowd of -pupils rind ratepayers gathered at SS, No. 10, Morris, on Wednesday evening for a meeting for the Centennial celebration and to spend a social evening with their teacher, Don Kai, who is leaving after four years, with them. He will be teaching in Wingbam Public School next year. After the meeting Anne Peacock read ,the following address: Dear Mr. It is with deep regret that we learn that you are severing the link that binds us together as teacher and" pupils in oul- .schoolr a tie that has grown stronger with the years that you have been with us. We appreciate very much the faithful and very capable instruc- tion as a teacher which, you have given us. The snccess that 'we have had in our promotion examinations and any honour that has -come to the pupils of :,No. 10 in; fan)/ way, has been due to yo_nr untiring efforts on our beimiff Besides'''teabhing hVtilie subjects on the curriculum, you have by your example ancl by the many excursions on which you have 'taken us, opened for as doors into the 'finer and nobler purposes of life. You have taught us to see and love beauty in nature in English and music. What a lot of fun the rhythm band has been and how we have enjoyed it. We want you to knoW that we enjoyed all the car rides .ybu gave us and the wonderful things you took us to see, ThiS was a snpplementary education, for us and 'we hope it will be a pleasure for you to re- member our sincere gratitude„ These gifts that We have chosen especially for you are filled with many memories' and the best of wishes, too. We hope the happy future may hold in every way, fulfillment of the wishes within your heart to-day. Signed on behalf of S.S. No. 10, Morris. kirs, Lawrence Plant Mrs. Sack Nicholson Anne McKercher and Soo Nich- olson drew the parcels to the front in a 'very gaily clecora6d wagon and presented Mr. Kee with a; nylon Du Pont Rite bag and a travel alarm clock, Although taken completely by surprise Mr. Kai thanked them for their lovely giftS and the kindness and. the help of the parents In his Sandi Work, He urged the boY'S ant girls to do their best to Set their goal high,' always aiming higher in life, After singing "rot, He's Jolly Coed Oellow", a delicious 'with Was served by the ladies. Mrs. E, Koer4cn Dies in 101st Year PHLGRAVIKI---Mrs, abet b. 1001401, formerly HII4abeth Nor-. ton, •elatighter of the late AleNan-- 1:1ex Morton and Mary MegurneY, pioneer residents Of the Oth Con,. of Hest WaaranOsh, passed away. ,on Jane 12th .at' the home of her ,daughter, Miss Beryl, Koepfgen ef .Midland, • Michigan, her 101st. Year, Mrs. Koepfgen was hem in Wentworth QM-IntY, Ont„ March 26th, 1853 and celebrated her 100th birthday en that date of this year. In early childhood she came with" her parents to East Wawanesh and was married to Philip Koepf- gen of Cass City, Michigan, in 1881. She resided on a farm near ' Cass City until 1951, when falling 'eyesight made it neessary to move to her daughter's herne at Midland. Her husband predeceased her in 1924. „ 'vlsitur throughout. the )?Vars to the Mor- ton .farally on the Sixth. and was , the laSt atirviVing member of , f4rAily, being predeceased b .six :sisters and two brothers. She la survived by two (laugh-, tars, Reryl of Midland and 'Beat- rice of Kelaniaxoo; two sons Les., he a .Saginaii and Lyle of Cass. City; six grandchildren ,and ten great-granciehildren, She was noted for her fine_ sense of humour; love of flowers• and talents for making rugs, some of.the designs of which are copied from the stained glass windows of which she had -been member caaS City Presbyterian Church, since 1381, She was Cass City's oldest resident. Funeral, services were held June' 14th at Little's Pio-ler:1i home. Rey, Melvin Vender officlated and burial was in the family plot' in Elkland Cemetery. NETI1RY REUNION AT HARBOUR PARK BHLGRAVH---The eleventh an- ,natal Nethery Reunion was held at Harbour Park, Goderich, on .Sat- urday of last week. An even blind- red members of the family regist- ered. The sports committee, headed by. A, B, Nethery, of Wingham, ected various .'acres and stunts which were entered into with zest by those, of all ages. An hour of softball preceded the games and 'was the activity of speeial interest to the younger men of the group. Prizes for the games were awarded as follOwS:. Pie plate race, Mrs. Helen Kelly;. balloon race, George Ives; broom- stick race, Kit Nethery and Mary Isabelle .Nethery; marshmallow race, Ed. McGill; shoe race, George and Ella Ives; treasure hunt, Hlia Ives; basket race, Ed. McGill, Bill Black, Jean ,Nethery and Helen Kelly. . Under six race, Tommy Black; nix and over race, Ross Wightman; - three-legged race, Larry Fisher and Paul Kelly. Novelty prizes were presented to certain individuals. The youngest baby, Sharon Snell; the newest married couple, 'George and LIN Ives; the most popular man, Coop- er Nethery; the person coming the farthest, Mrs. Helen Kelly; the; lucky plate, Alex Nethery; the per- son with the birthday nearest to ,bane 23rd, Marlene Walsh. Mr. •Percy Barker macle his us- ual and always popular presenta- tion of salt, in both the block.. and carton variety with the c ompli- meats of the Goderich Salt .Co., awl he was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his generous • gift. As the oldest and youngest farme& present, Kit Nethery and Jack Ne- thery received the blocks, while the cartons went-to all the ladies, The program, which followed the supper, was ably conducted by the president, Bill Baigent, of Inger- soll, Speeches were heard from Albert Nethery of Hamilton, ,Gar- field Leishman of Michigan, Alex H. Nethery of Sarnia, James •Mcuill of Clinton and Henry Leishman of Goderich. Secretary. Jack Nethery read the minutes of the last meeting. Of- ficer' ' elected for 1957 were Edgar Wightman, president, and Mrs. James Walsh, secretary-treasurer. •sr I ammancliams IGA WHOLE CANNED CHICKENS 31,?i LBS.. $1.39 MIRACLE VVIIIIP SALAD DRESSINO IfiA POTATO CHIPS SA1.41)11E11 HAGS insIMALLOWS DEALER - mmlimmmummumwswino wimommmiumummamminumit 49 H.P. Water Cooled Motor. Two machines in One (hay or row crop) • High capacity - 25 tons hay or corn per hour • Convenient `one-man operation • Easy to change row crop & hay attachment Row Crop Attachment ..... $394.00 6-ft. Cutter Bar Attach. $555.00 No. 3 High Capacity Ensilage and Forage Blower ,, • ... • • $411:00 Wagon Unloading Attach. $140.00 Engine Drive, with Pickup Hay Equipment -PICNIC PORK SHOULDERS 16A: FRANKORTERS • IDA TABLEIUTP kitiRSH: MINCED 'STEAK. HOT DM, HANIERfi & BARBECUE RELISH 33c 45c 29c $1.39 29c READY.TO-EAT MAPLE LEAP SMOKED R EMINGTON International Harvester IAL Low Price GROCERIES MEATS ICK No: 20-C ARYESTER See Your Local Always Fresh EVERYDAY LOW PRICES lb. e,>110 Pkg, $1,786.80 lb. lb. lb" 59c 43c 35c tielgruldie Honored at Danco DHLGRAVH---A shower and dance Ives held. in the Vorester Hall hem oe li'riday evening, in honour of Mr. and Mrs„ Ross Taylor, (the forMer Ada Dow) ho were• recently married, During intermissien the young couple were called to the platform and Clifford Coultes read an ad- dress ,and Murray MeDoweli pre- seated them with,a gift of money. Ross made a fitting reply. Brace's Orchestra supplied mus- ic for dancing, • True liappiliess springs from SOFTER RODE • SILENT TREA . • SKID PROTECTION • BLOWOUT AND PUNCTURE SAFETY Phone 710 Winghain LEN' RAWFORD lipTORS Milmni•or ' c(TAKV, "41;Tral.: SERVICE 'STATION'- "WHERE YOU NEVER,HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN"; lissimmimminummummunouniiimummimilumanclummir:Prienar dommumaimmnimmumi•munumummiNammenineack Just in.rime for the Holidays!' E T ARMSTRONG - LET USI CHECK YOUR- TIRES FOR - CAREFREE HOLIDAY 'MO' TORING Men .lho' thifth lomortoo ..prdetio-moderatio today the Pause, Seagram ODYEA TIRES ra, Moderation 7:GOETHE (1749 - 1832) OF FAMOUS' ' I , 4,aiimmk\s, da$ 1.,•••••