The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-06-27, Page 4r4.040 :1004. W iglam AnYaneo-TiMe f•13 01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111131111113311111111111111111111E111011115111111111110111111112 Notice to Water ConSumers N The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and I: from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will 'be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prom payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. iw Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be a Irl • billed accordingly. C. E. Shera, Superintendent • ticull11111111111111111111111.111111111111111111411111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111l31411•111111118111W1 BUSINESS and. PROFESSIONAL -:- DIRECTORY N U U U U U U U U U Win am Coinmission • A., IL MCTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday ' afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Frejerick F. Homuth Phrn.B., R.O. Qfirol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O. orTosno,nusis PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario RONALD G, KANN Public Accountlint Offieet Royal tank Bldg. Residence; RatteriburY St, Phone 501 & 451 014iNtoN y ON' Alt10 CRAWFORD & RETHERINOTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Phone 48 J. II. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, (4, J. W. BMW Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office Mityer Moth, Wing} am ommaamomnwrigiremosimmormommemommonols...:imiosim•iimr4 YELL LNG too..#ieo co imittly Est. 1810 An all Canadian Company widelt has faithfully served Its 1),' holders for over a eentaityo, Head °Mee TorOnto II. a I VtailtArtit ItisiiraneeAgehol tviotifito wound, VAUNTING TIME is. I-IERE—Try DURAHIDE — a truly one coat 011taide finish white. DURA,- FLEX — the all weather paint its high resistance to. moisture conditions makes. it outstanding in quality. PLANTATION OUT- SIDE, WHITE only $3.49 per gal, LOW in•Price but High in Quality' A paint for every need at the WALLPAPER • SHOP. 27b VAT° ADDING MACHINES—One machine by McCaskey, '$50.00; one Eurrough's electric just. overhauled $125.00. See them at The Wingham Advence-Times. MEAT FOR SALE GOOD BEEF for sale by the quar- ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health, Choice Hereford yearlings. RAY- NARD ACKERT, Holyroo d, phone 24-30, Ripley, lerrb ORDER YOUR strawberries and black.. currants now, There will be no cherries this year. Apply Geo, Baird, Town Plot. 20:27* THERE IS still' a good selection of Diamonds, Watehs, English China, Silverware, Jewellery, etc. But the end is near., Soon the great QUITTING BUSINESS SALE of' the Reiehenbach Jewel- lery Store of Walkerton will be history, and the real money saving opportunities will be gone forever. Now is your chance to save. Don't wait and then re- gret. Remember it can't last much longer. 20b SPECIAL price on young Budgie Birds at WELWOODS $4.99 each. Make wonderful pets - easily trained and raised — take ad- vantage of the special price this week. 27h LIG1-i1 GREY Springtime baby carriage for sale, including mat- tress and runners. In excellent condition. Phone 674M. 27h 3-QT, PRESSURE cooker for sale, good as new condition; 1934 Chevrolet sedan in excellent' "S"hape. Apply to Mrs. Gordon Crispin, RR. 5, Wingham, phone ,•,;729w21. Wingham. 27* HAY FORK \and qar for sale, 130 feet new rope. Apply evenings to Wm. Errington, Wroxeter, Ont. 27e PEARL LLOYD baby buggy, in excellent condition, complete with hood and wind screen. Priced right. Prone 422R 27* GIRL'S I3ALLOON-tired bicycle for sale. Phone 656J1. 27b 1949 VAUXHALL 6-cylinder sedan for sale. Good shape, $150.00. Phone 967M. 27* WALNUT DRESSER with mirror for sale, also electric train ply- wood hoard, 8 ft.. x 4 ft. Phone 712 after 6 p.m. 27b CORN INSTANTLY relieved with- Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve 1, land. Pads. Don't Suffer " any longer..Salve 50c - Pads 25c, at McKibbons Drug Store, 27b WORK WANTED EMPLOYMENT wanted by teen- age girl for afternoons only. Phone 15015. 27b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED AT ONCE — Rawleigh Dealer in Huron county. Write Rawleigh's Dept. F-453-R, Mon- real, P.Q. • 27b $50. TO $100. WEEKLY can be yours. Join our dealers. The line sells Itself. Write for free catalogue to Dept, D. Familex, Station C. Montreal. 27b TEACHERS WANTED Wi•RON COUNTY—East Wawa- fieSW,. Area Board requires one qualified Protestant teacher at U 6 (Westfield), 35 pupils, 4i4 miles North East of Auburn, Music sup- ervisor in Area. Applications before June 30. C. H. Wade, Secretary; .Belgrave, Ontario.' 20l27h Mu> WANTED-FEMALE STENOGRAPHER wanted. Apply - to 130X 51 Advance-Times. 27b rtrvi.A.LZ 'CLERK wanted im- nielliateiy. Steady job for right person. Apply to Wingham Fruit Market, 27* MIA:, WANTED, female, for part time work in the morning. Phone 11. 7b MALE. HELP WANTED HIGH SCHOOL HO'S!' wanted for summer ratititha,, also female help for egg APPly to Box AdVatiee4inteS, a Ot SNELL — In Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Friday morning, 'June 22nd, 1956, Gertrude Ellen Ames, beloved wife of John Snell, in her 57th Year, Funeral service from Edgar Funeral Chapel, Gorrie, Sunday, June 24th, 2,30 p.m. Rev, W. V. Buchanan officiated. Interment in Wrox- eter Cemetery, CARD OF THANKS I would like to' express my sin- core thanks and appreciation to all the people of school section No. 10 Morris, neighbors and friends for the kindness shown to me during my days in that section and for the lovely reception held in my horior and the gifts which I re- ceived, These kind deeds will always be remembered.—D.• Kae. 27* , CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this oppor- tunity of thanking all those who sent cards or treats and came to Visit me while I was a patient in Wingham hospital. A special thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her staff of nurses and to Dr. B. N. Corrin,—Lois Gilkinson. 27* IN MEMORIAM GALLAWAY—In loving memory of Oliver Gallaway, who passed away June 29, 1950, No one heard the footsteps Of the angels drawing near, Who took from us to Heaven The Dad we loved'so dear.--Ever remembered by Ann, Gordon and famil y, Kenneth, React and George. 27" TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned -up until, 12 noon on Saturday, June 30th, for drilling a well at No. 8 school, in Howick Township, Four inch casing to be used. Work must be guaranteed and completed by August 15th, 1956,—East Howick Twp. School Area Board, H. B. Collins, sec.- treas., Fordwich, Ont., phone 22r3. 27b TENDERS FOR PAINTING Tenders wily be received by the Turnberry Township School Area Board for the painting of the fol- lowing two schools, No. 5, Gilmours and No. 3 Glenannan, Both schools to be painted inside and outside, Also windows, storm winciciws, win- dow screens, eornish, eavestroughs, desks to be sanded and receive two coats of varnish, piano and bench and teacher's desk to be varnished also. Walls and wood- work to be washed before painted, tenders to 'be in hands of secre- tary-treasurer,oby July 5th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily acaepted, '-.13eard 'to'' .supply the Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas., 27:4b Bluevale, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WALTER. WRIGHT, late of the Town of Wingharn in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, Deceased. CREDITORS and others haying claims against the Estate of the above named deceased, who died on or about the 8th day of Jantiary, 1056, are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 30th day of June, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets of the estate will be dittributecl, having regard only to claims of which notice has then been received, DATED at Listowel this 8th day of June A.D. 1956. W. M. Pratt, Q.b., Barrister, etc., Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrices. 13 :20 :27b, We, the previsional committee, appointed by the Hog Producers of Huron Vounty, call for applica- tions for the position as manager and suitable buildings for asset- blY yards 'at Blyth, Clinton •and Bengali,- according to the policy laid down by the Ontario Hog Prodtteera Marketing Board. Also applications for the Pick- ing up of hogs at the producers' premises when requested and de- livered to the assembly yards, Albert Bacon, Chairman, • Belgrave, Ontario, Alfred 11, Warifer, Secretary, 1, hayf fel d trb Fortune Reunion Field at Elora About 70 members of the For- tune families gathered at the Gorge Park, Elora, for their an- nual reunion, A picnic simper was enjoyed,, served under ideal sum- mer •weather conditions, and was arranged by the committee in charge, Jean Wilton, Wingliam, Eva Patchell, Owen Sound . and Peg Fortune, Toronto, A brief business period was held when the new executive was elect- ed and plans discussed for the re- union `which will be held in the Riverside park, Guelph, on the last Sunday in June, 1957. President Woodburn Fortune, Toronto, was in charge. The minutes were. re- corded by the secretary, Mrs. Myrtle Schenk, Ayton, An enjoyable program .of sports was arranged by the committee, Don Fortune, Wingham; Danard Bell, Owen Sound, and Bill Bolton, Listowel. Prizes were awarded for the couple observing their silver wedding anniversary in . 19,56, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fortune, Wing- ham; Mrs. Eleanore Bolton, of Chesley, received the award for the oldest lady in attendance at the reunion; Mr. and Mrs. McCallum, Woodbridge, for the largest fam- ily present. Eva Patchell.won the prize for, coming .the greatest dis- tance. Youngest girl present was Valerie Fortune, Wingharn; the youngest boy present, Paul' Hooper, Brookville; birthdays, Dale Schenk, Ayton, Ross Rudolph, Toronto, and Mabel Howie, St. Catharines The officers for the coming year are past president, Woodburn. For- tune, Toronto; president, Bob Schenk, Ayton; vice-president, Ag- nes McCallum, Woodbridge; sec.- Mrs. Mrytle Schenk, Ayton; limeh comm., Helen Hain, Toronto; Rita Schenk, Ayton 'Isobel Fortune, of Wingham; sports comm., Ross Ru-, dolph, Toronto; Danard Bell, Ow:. 'en Sound; Bill Bolton,: Listowel, with Don Fortune, Winglfam; as convener. Gifts were kresented to the retiring president and to the secretary. Certificates for Church Attendance - In Wingham United Church on Sunday morning, the centre pews were filled with boys And girls, who had gathered to . receive certificates for attendance -at church, covering the period from September 1 to June 30, In pre.;, enting the certificates, Rev, D,. J. MacRae emphasized the value of regular church. attendance and the worship of God every Sunday at church. Those having 100% attendance were Jane Cruikshank, Brian. Cas- lick, Wayne Caslick, Lynda. Green, Sandra McLennan, Brenda McLennan, Ronald Yogan, Ken- neth Vegan., Donald Rintoul, Hel- en Ann Armstrong, , Karen. Beattie, Robert -Beattie, Brenda Conran, David MacRae, Russel -Robinson, Roeli Sehipper, Hilda Tiffin, Joyce Walker, Jane Salter. Ninety per - cent attendance: Rene Jousma,. Anne, Jousma, Bob- by 'Lunn,' Bruce • Mtichan, James Machan, Glen 'Madill, Jcihn Madill, Linda Reavie, Paul Tiffin, Joe Vanstone, Joe King, Susan Ben- nett, Julia Cruikshank, Ronald Goy, Billie geq, George Kerr, Tommy Miller, , Elaine Moffatt, Ivan McBurney, Graham Mc- 'Burney, Jill Thomson, Dale Thom- son, Ruth Hodgins, Kathleen Hod- gins. Seventy-five per • cent atten- dance: John Bennett, Lynda Me.. Taggart, Douglas MeTaggart, Pet- er Callan, Dennis 'Callan, Judy Callan, Ruth Ann Ht.milton, Es- ther Kerr, Susan Spry. Sixty per cent attendance: Carol Crawford, Sara Crawford, John Hopper, Lynn Stuckey. During' the service Mr. MacRae christened three infants: Kathryn Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross-; Susan Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Under- wood; Sandra Marguerite, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Currie, Commencing , next Sunday for the month of July, union services will be held in St. Andrew's Pres-- byterianv ChittelV ' with Rev'„:" A.' Nimmo in charge of both con- gregations. BEI RAVE STUDENTS VISIT MIDLAND BELGRAVE—Thirty-seven stu- dents of grades 3-8 from Belgrave school with their teachers, Mrs. Janet Mothers and Mrs. Margaret Walsh, enjoyed a bus trip to the Midland area on Thursday, June 21. They visited the Provincial Forestry Station at Midhurst where Mr. J. Alexander gave an interesting talk on the growth and transplanting of 'seedlings. Lunch hour was spent in the park where the it lass saw several cages of wild animals and birds. Dr,, Wilfred Jury 6f ,the University was present at a tkoui "bt'Ae"Tridian village and told a very informative story of the Indians of Huron. At the' Offiders' Quarters Mus- eum at Penetanguishene, many in- teresting relics of the war of 1812 were viewed in the old fort: Fath- er Philion conducted the group through the Martyrs' Shrine from which they enjoyed a Wonderful view of Georgian Bay. From Collingwood, where the entire class ate a delicious supper at the Little Red Hen Restaurant, Mr. Robert Reid brought the class home via Wasaga Beach. William japes-' Pyto Passes at Age 93 William James Pym, of Wing-, ham, passed away at the McKay Nuraing Home on Wednesday, June 20th, after a long illness, He was 93 years old, Born in Usborne Township, lie was the on of the late John Pym and Janet Wright. He was cal- eated at Ellmville School, Ushorne and farmed all his life on the town line between.' Blanshard and Ful- larton Townships, in the county of Perth, He retired in 1021 and came to. Whxham to live eleven years ago. He was a member of ICirkton United Church, His wife was the Rimer Jane Esther Wiles, 'of Science Ii in, where they were married at the, home of her father. Mrs,. Pym predeceased him in 1922. Surviving are a son, Harold Vic- tor Pym, of Wingham, a daughter, Mrs. Gordon Batten, of Chatham, a brother, Cephus, of Exeter, and a Sister, Elizabeth (Mrs. James Horn) of Winehelsea. Two grand- ters and a grandson, WO II Wil- bent Harold Pym, who was killed ' overseas with the R.C.A,F, in 1943. Funeral service was held on Sat-, urday, June 23rd, from the R. A. Currie and Sons funeral home with. Rev, Alexander Nimmo offic- iating. Interment was in Union Cemetery at 'Kiritton. The pall- bearers were Jack ,Pym, Robert Rae, Alvin Pyrn, Ewart Pyrri, George Davis and Ernest Pym. ANNUAL RECITAL. of pupils of Harold Victor Pym will be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Friday, June 29, 1956 at 8.15 p.m. Everyone Welcome Silver collection. ACIADENt MOTO AT HOSPITAL Victims of nine minor accidents were treated at the NYingliam General Hospital during the past week, In most cases, patients were allowed to go home after treat- Ment at the hospital, On Tuesday of last week, 3.0- year-o/d Robert, Iirkby, son of Mn and Mrs. Kirkby, of Walton, Was injured when horse stepped on his hand, He was allowed to 1 go home after it was found that no broken bones had resulted. Two persons were injured or Tlinrsclay from falls, Mrs. Mary Firilayson, age 76, of LueknoW, factured her right hip in a fall on her kitchen floor, She was confined to hospital where her condition is • satisfactory. Mrs, Elizabeth • McPherson, of Tees- water, received a painful Injury to her left leg 'when she fell off a stepladder at her home. She was released from hospital when X- rays did• not, show any broken, bones. • Arnold Thompson, Wingham, an employee of the Kerr Construction Co., was. treated in hospital for a sprained ,right ankle on Friday. Lady 61 oilerS • En joy Bridge There were five tables of ig( at the golf course,on Thurs ternoon. The prizes went' to:Mrs W, Burginan and Mrs. W...liengh. Miss Isbister received a: gift for having'a birthday in that week, The hostesses were Mrs,,. Greer, Mrs, 171, Hinde, MO. W. l3nrginan, Mrs, W. Adams, .Nfr$. W. vanWyelc and. „Mrs. Hellghan, UNDY'S Free Delivery-Phone 82 Quality and Service since 1915 Save on These 1Week.End Specis •••••••11140...1•,,MOM Dr. 13allarit's Champion Dog Food 15 oz. tin 2 for 25c r,,,r•-!.."!'Ner"^",•••,..^"*". Treeweet LEMON' JUICE . 6 oz. tin 2 for 25c E. D, Smith. Cherry PIE FILLER 20 oz. tin 35c hovweseso".".""nen", Aerowax • PASTE WAX 1 , 1.1): tin rei.,43c SPECIAL 35c Heinz TOMATO CATSUP 11 oz. bcale 25c Frosted Food large variety Fresh Fruits and Vegetables MISCELLANEOUS TS YOUR, TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage?: For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingbaril. grrh STEWART A. Scow can now save You 15% on your car or truck in- suranee. Yearly or six months policies are available, Special rates for farmers, For further information phone 293, Wingham, 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cella. ete,, pumped and cleaned, quiek service, all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 or Mildmay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available — top quality at low cost." 25rrb NOTICE TO HOME BUILDERS IF YOU ARE planning a building Project this summer, we are in a position to give you first 'class service for your cement work. House basements and floors, barn walls and floors (completed in one pour. Contact Mads Christensen, phone 11r7, Blyth, 25rrrb FINANCING A CAR? Before you . buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage, STEWART. A. SCOTT Phone 293 Wingham 25rrb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK REMOVED from * your farm promptly for sanitary disposal, Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb LOST LOST—SKIPPIE, Black Cocker spaniel, not pure, little white un- der chin. Phone Mrs. Connell, 32, or Dorothe Comber, Bohcay-, geon, 50W or 503', collect. 27411*, ROOM AND BOARD LADY WANTS room and board in private home. Apply to Box 48 Advance Times. 27* WANTED. VERY GOOD quilt, suitable' ifor wedding gift wanted. Phone 347. 27b BABY'S PLAYPEN wanted. Phone 658w11. 27* REAL ESTATE DUPLEX, two large,modern apart- ments, oil hot water heating. W. W. Armstrong, Shuter St. 6,13,20,27* BRICK HOUSE for sale in Wing- ham, all conveniences, good value. Phone 45 during business hours. 20* 7 ROOM BRICK dwelling for sale. Modern conveniences, barn and garage, in town of Wingham, Apply Box 46 Advance-Times. 20:27b MODERN 2-storye home on Cath- erine St,, featuring spacious living room with open fireplace, family-sized dining room, large kitehen and separate breakfast room, den, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath- rooms, ample cupboards and' closets, oil heated, landscaped. lot. Apply' Box 35, Advance, Times. 27h BUILDING LOTS on Diagonal Road for sale. Apply 'to 3. Gorbutt Sr., phone 481. 27:4:11:18h FOR RENT 4-ROOM APARTMENT with pri- vate 'bath, hot and cold Water, heavy Wiring for eleetrte stove and rent $35.00 per Month. Phone 973w Winghatil 21* FARM HOUSE, on highway for rent, 1,4; Mile from village 8 Miles trete Wingham, nice kieft, lity„ hydro, laW fent. Apply to, to* ISO ACitatnell4lhitiO,, 27* Belmore.United Ladies Meet The Women's Missionary Society of the Belmore United Church held its. June meeting, at, the. home .of . Mrs. Alvin Fitch on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs, Harry Gowdy as leader opened the meeting with the call to worship and prayer. Hymn 2 was sung' and Scripture • read- ing, 3.st C'or, 13 was taken by Mrs. West. Psalm 130 was read in uni- son: The study book was taken by Mrs. Doubledee who dealt with the subject of.' iMmigrants arriving in Canada and the work of the Un ,• ited Church in" welcoming and helping there people to become es-. ta'olisheci in the new country. Hymn 245 was sung, with Mrs. NOWEIn8 as pianist. Mrs. T. Abra- hain , gave a temperance- reading and Mrs. West Look charge of the meeting fel' -the business period. Mrs. Farrell' reported on the bales of clothing Sent for overseas relief. 4nd was thanked by the president ,for her work in packing the bales for shipMent,' ;Items for a baby's layette are te ilethronght to' the -July meeting for ;• ..-• 110],atrelief work. 3 For the Finest in Taxi Service LEE'S TAXI ... it's 24 HOUR' surtvicap Weddings, Funerals and O Shopping Trips Going Downtown . . . Crosstown , Out of town . CALL LEE'S - 185 mosomelmeinein.smaaminemea.ne eiwoolioneaba•musimisioanotimanamoamoUmn.ombelotr - Furniture AUCTION in BLUEVALE SATURDAY, JUNE 30 at 2 p.m. 7 ft. Frigidaire Refrigerator Beach Electric Stove 2 Chesterfield Suites, Hall Seat, Coal Stove, Rangette, Bedroom Suite, Kitchen Cabinet, Small Tables, Tools, Some Dishes, and other articles. A. D. SMITH, L G. 13RYCE, Proprietor Auctioneer LAKEMONT COTTAGE at Point APPLICATIONS Olatke for month of July for rent. Hydro, near store, jas, S. Artestrong, 11,,R, 8, Brussels, Ont 27:4h STAPLETON — In Montreal on June 10, 1956; to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Stapieten, Laprairle, Que,—a daughter. KUENZIO—In Wingham General Hospital; on Friday', Tune 22,1059 to. Mr, and Mrs, Oswald XuenzIg, Wingham—a daughter, DONNYBROOK Induction services for the new minister, Rev. Robert Hilts; will be. hold on Friday evening of this week in Donnybi•bok Church, The annual Robinson reunion will be held in the community park, Sarnia, on Saturday, July 14th. Mrs. R. Chamney spent last week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Verna Doerr and family, Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and daughters were Sunday visitors with Mr. andMrs, Cliff Henderson and .family' at Kinneri:, •••• ' Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thompson and Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge of Goderich were Oshawa visitors over last week- end with the ladies' sister, Mrs. Mina Sherridan and family. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thompson included, Mr. and Mrs. 'Mark Armstrong, Bel- grave, Mr. George Nivens, of Lon- don, and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Thomp- son, Goderich. Pack Overseas Bale A.41, Donnybrook WMS DONNYBROOK —T he June Meeting of the W.M.S. and WA, was held tat the home of Mrs, R. Chamney, Mrs. Gordon. Naylor was in charge of the W.M.S. meeting which opened by singing hymn No. 378. Mrs. Chas, Jeffer- son read the Scripture lesson from the 6th chapter of EphesianS, verses 10-20, Mrs. Harold Woods introduced the new study book, Mrs. H, Jef- ferson read an article on Chris- tian stewardship and minutes of the May meeting were approved as read. Hymn No, 356 was sung in closing. Mrs. Hardy presided over the meeting, A poem was read by Miss Hazel Stamper. There were 11 ladies and several child- ren present. , A bazaar was held ,by the Lunch was Served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, Hardy and Mrs,. E. Snowden. Mrs. Snowden offered her 'home for the July meeting. Later in the Week, the ladles met at the home Of Mrs, Chas, Jefferson and packed a bale for Northern Oritatie and overseas re* lief. Mary Lou Belrose, 8-year-old "children also survive. He was pre- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William deceased by two brothers, two sis- Belrose injured her left foot while swimming on Saturday, but was allowed home after X-rays had been taken at the hospital. Four persons were treated for minor injuries at the hospital on Sunday. Wilfred Kennedy, R.R. 2, Teeswater, had two bones broken in his leg when a cow kicked him. The fraettres were set un- der ether, and he was confined to hospital where his condition Was described' as satisfactory. Mrs. Luella MeLauchlin, Brus- sels, who was struck by a bicycle in Toronto on Sunday, was X-rbyed at the hospital here and it was found that her left arm was fractured at the wrist.. She was allowed home after a cast was applied at, the hospital. . Mae Doubledee, daughter of Mr. and M.I.s. Fred Doubledee, R.R. 1, Wroxeter, bruised her right . thumb while catching a hardball. She was released after treatment. Fred ,Lewis, of Wing- ham, suffered a nasty gash on his right' foot when he slipped while he was cutting wood. Sev- eral stitches were required to close the The • iaal, ••• •