The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-06-20, Page 74111 0. 0111 400104'40V11,14,0041,0100.$ IWG04/0600YR 411.1040 00,4, 14041
• , f KIM 0.31•••
• ,
0-ply VV41014 toa; Birch base; ,? deep drovers, one on each
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There is 4 eebtre drawer over #1,e knee :hoe.
PRICED - . $58•50
Easy Budget Terms
• .... i•A ..... ; ,,,, .A1 ,, API , ,,, rliglimmp.$11,141A.40.4.0.) . A ,,, A , ,,, ,,,,,,,,,
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These are all First Quality
We also have a Very Special
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60-15 NYLONS for ONLY . "
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TIN $1.4
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PAH D06 FOOD 2 for 23c
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6 oz. pkg. 43c
8 ore. pkg., 35c
IA lb, pkg.
Rev, Mr, Green of Prineeton, hap'
accepted 'the invitation of the St,
Helena •United .Cluarch to' be
their minister Commencing .00 Sun-
day, lea A reception for Rey.
and Mrs. Green Will be bold •the;
ehurch .7ttlr$04Y •PV•WrinO, June:
28th. EverVerie is invited, •
And'IVIrii. Mel Brown, of
.eheneia were viaitors for Vather's
P1 7 With .1Vir, WO Mrs. R. Woods, ;
MUrdie, latchener,
holiday vieitOr with hi$ mother,
Mrs.. Alf% Murdie and Mr. and Mra.
R. Woeda.
Mr, arid Mrs. Milton Taylor and
Mra, Burnatead, of Meaford, Were
Week-end gueats ,Of .aricl Mrs,
WM, 'Ratherferd :and other Tele,*
tives, The ladies Were the former
Mary gntl Sarah Radcliffe, flange-,
tern .of thelate Mr, and mrs. John
Radcliffe, and were fennel* resi-
derita Of the ..coriMannity,,
Manse Improvements
Discussed. 6il W.A.
ST. HELENS—Sixteen ladies at-
tended the meetings of the W.M.S.
and the W.A. held in the United
Church on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. W. I. Miller was in charge of
the W.M.S. with the theme of the
AwcocroshrdipingsertvoieTeouhe%ing "The Gospel
Mis$ W. D. Rutherford gave the
meditation and Mr$, W. A, Miller
led in prayer. The topic "The Mis-
aionary Obligation of the Church"
was given in 'dialogue form with
Mrs. Chap, McDonald a.s leader in
a program on the Willing,an Con-
ference. Mrs. Frank McQuillin as
a delegate from India, Mrs. T, J.
Todd a Missionary from Japan and
Mrs. John Cameron and Mrs. Ross
Errington as members from the
Mrs. T. 'J. Todd presided for the
W.A. the theme of which was "The
Psalm of the Social Consciousness",
The meeting was opened with the
theme hymn, prayer and creed.
Mrs. W. A, Miller read the Scrip-
ture lesson and Mrs, Errington, the
meditation. The treasurer reported
$169.12 on hand,
It was agreed to postpone the
afternoon tea set for June 28th, and
plans were made for a reception
fnr Rev, and Mrs, Green on that
date. Needed improvements at the
manse were discussed. Afternoon
tea was enjoyed with Mrs. John
Cameron and Mrs. Eldon Miller as
Johnston, to spend her summer
vacation. Mt. and Mrs. Kenneth
Johnston and children, of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnston, of
Turnberry, and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Ritchie and children visit-
ed there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer
MOved into their new home on Fri-
day and are having the hydro turn-
ed on and the telephone installed
this week.
Mr. and Mrs.- Edward Nicholson
and Colleen, of Thamesford, spent
the week-end with heraparentsa Mr.
and Mrs. John Hutchiaon, and with
Goclarich relatives. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ketchum from
Palmerston visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, and Mrs.
Weber and daughters spent Satur-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Chambers, of Walkerton,
Quite a number from East Wa-
wanosh attended the program and
opening of the new Co-op Store in
Belgrave on Saturday. Alex Mc-
Burney won a prize on a draw, a
bag of mineral and a bag of fly
bait. Mary Isabel Nethery, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethery
won a box of notate chips, and
Ronald Beecroft won an electric
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott are
holding a reception' in the Memor-
ial Hall here next Wednesday even-
ing in honor of the dewlyweds, Mr.
and Mrs. 'Donald Campbell.
Miss Patricia Standing, of Lon-
don, spent a few days last week
with Miss Barbara eGaunt, before
BarbaraReft on Satilid'ay to start!
her work this week hi:the National
Research Council, Ottawa,
Mrs. Christena Jefferson, Miss Jefferson and Mr. and
Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and family
visited on Sunday at the home, of'
the former's son, Mr. John Jeffer-
son, of Munroe. Mrs. Jefferson is in
her ninety-first year and doesn't
go out very much now and enjoyed
the trip very much on Sunday
even though eyesight and hearing
is failing.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner, of
Exeter, spent Sunday at the home
of their daughter, Mrs, Kenneth
Mrs. Roger Inglis, of Walkerton,
spent the week-end at tlie home of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman, and
returned home Sunday with Mr,
Inglis and George. Neil Bieman,
their two-year-old son, wag a pat-
ient in Wingham Hospital for a
few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Good moved
last Week from the 8th con, of B.
Wawanosh to the Good farm in
Turnberry on Highway 86. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart lVielaTeill of
StratiliatV visited on Sunday with
their sister-in-law, Mrs. Willis and
Billie Willis accompanied them
home to spend the holidays there.
The following attended the gra-
duation exercises held at Alma Col-
lege arnphitheatre, St. Thomas, last
Wednesday, whon Stisanne Mildred
Shia, only daughter of Mr. and
Mra. Alex Shiell was among the
graduates of the hospital there,
securing the special award for
surgery technique: Mr. and Mrs.
Chatlea Shiell and Marilyn, Jack
Shiell, Sidney Thompson, Mr, and
Mts. Gorden MeBurney, Mts. Ed-
ward a/dant:hey, Mts. .7aelt Step-
hens, Mrs. R, aT, Shiell and Mr. and
lifts. abates Hardie.
Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Batt anti
thildten, of Belwood, spent Sunday
With her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Purdon,
tast Genetal,Hospital,
Toronte, on Saturday, June 16,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith
(formerly Shirley Chapman, of
Whitechurch) a, daughter, Cathy
I y
There was no aervice In the
Presbyterian Chuirh and many
froM here attended the aniliveraarY
services at 'Langaido .elmrah,
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Campbell
of London, spent the week-end
with . her parents, Mr. and Mra.
Gordon Elliott.,
,Mr. Elroy Laidlaw. made a 1:10•Si,
rit,SS trip to London on Friday and
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mr, and Mrs. Jamea,Perdlie and
faMily. of Toronto, and Mr. and
Mts, Matlieta and family,
of Morria, and other local telaa
Uves visited on' Sunday atahe home
Bzuee'a on:hr.:lira provided music
niiimy nowt., Al.w&tioro tot or Ma and Mrs, Claretwe ehammay. HoLo nowt"( m ak,, plane t ar kni$ rho girt and their kindness to thein. , Mr, and. Mrs, Mason Robinson, . , „,
Trip at WI Meeting
Chryter CorP94t ,bh ot
Canada, Xdtnt ilea
Mr. and Mrs, Zamea Irwin, of
Harriliton, spent the weelt-end at
the heme of his, parents, Ma and
*Qs, Heraon Irwin and Mr. and
rs, Edmund Irwin, of ,ona,(irich,
' , isitecl there on StindaY,
1Vir, and Mra,1 Jelin Purclori via-
ited on Tneaday last with Mr. and
Mra, Kenneth Plirdon at. London,
A reeeption was held in the Me-
Maria' hall hete reeently fOr Mr.
and Mrs, Kenneth Carter, newly-
weds of East Wawanosh, After
they were called to the front, Milt-
raY Shiell read an address and
Kenneth Currie presented t h e
ePtiple With a purse of over $70,
Mr, and Mra. Carter thanked their
Mr. find Mrs, Clifferd 'Farrier
and family, .of Wallacelnirg, spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, W, R. Farrier. Mr, Farrier
was among the, 16. •winnerS. of top
priaea Wear,Ever Allinlintim and
won a fishing trip to Parry Sonnd
laut week,.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Scott and
children spent Saturday at the
hotrie of her sister, Mrs, WM. WO,
barna, of Goderich.
-Mr. and Mrs, Boas Thoinpson and•
family, of Tillaonbutg, visited on
Sunday with Mr-. and Mra. Roy
•WHI.TECHIMCH---Drielc United
Chnrch on Sunday was beautifully
decorated with flowers, in many
different designa, in honor of their
Sunday School Flower Sunday,
When a junior ehoir sang apeelal
:Rey, C, Krug was in charge of
the services as Dr. Beaton's alae
aence was unavoidable, In the
evening,. „a mixed .quartette sang
apecial anniveraary numoers, and
Miss Claire •Chanmey s,a,ng, "Hold
Thou My Hand",
Prior to the evening service,
Rey. Krug led in a song-aervice,
singing the old Scottish songs and
Psalms, and tolling of their Wa-
tery, Ana how he had attended
many of these services far back
in the Scottish hills. He told how
•the people although they couldn't
read, learned the Psalms by heart
and were comforted and helped
through different \times of perae-
Rev. C. Krug Speaker
At Brick W.M.S.
WHITECHPRCH Twenty,six ladies attended. the' regular monthly •
Meeting. of the Women's Inatitute,..
held :tn the Memorial Hall, laPt
•Tuesday evening, with: the .preaa.
•dent, Mrs, George Fisher, presid-
ing. Mrs., G. Farrier was
anpointed eeretary the abaence
of Mra,
After the opening exerciseS,
arrangements were Made tcl. •have
mile of the rnerribers go on. the
bus to the gathering at the Fan-
ahaw Dam, on Janie 20 to meet
Mrs, Berry, of Australia and plana.
were made for the bUs trip to
Southampton Alla to send a groin).
to Guelph.
Mrs. Metcalf then gave a Well-
did report of the .alistriet annual
meeting at Tiverton, Joyce Wallr•
er and Brian Greenaway delighted
all with their step-dancing. Mrs,
J. D. 13'eecroft had charge of the
topic, "International Day", and
spoke .of Ceylon as the country
for international study this year,
on account of the eeming meeting
of the A.C.W.W% in that conntrY•
Mrs, Albert McQuillin gave two
humorous readings, "Sorting' the
Mail", ana "The 'Company One
Chooses". The roll call was an-
,lArered by telling "What .r Have
Gained from the Women'a Insti-
tute". Mr, McAllister was present
and ran the projector- for two in-
teresting films •on eancer, and the
meeting was closed with the Na-
tional Anthem.
The hostesses, Mrs,' .Geotge
Walker 'and Mrs, Robert .Piadon,
served sandwiches -and cookies.
Mr. Eldon Emerson left recently
to work for the summer on a
freight boat on the Great Lakes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thompson, of
Goclerich, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Robinson of East
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bieman and'
children visited on Sunday at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Howard
McKelvie, of Walkerton,
Mr. and Mrs. Shelden Jacklin
and family, of Ethel, Mr. and Mra.
Harold Messer and family of Gla-
mis, Mr. and Mrs. Ray White and
family, of Brussels, and Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Lewis and children, of
Winghana visited on Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Cook, of Marnoela Mr. Austin
Cook, of Toronto, alSo spent last
week,end there.
Mr. and Mrs, Lance Grain, and
r. and Mrs, Proctor, of Bluevale.
1iiSited on Sunday, with Mr. and
Mrs. Orton Grain in Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chapman
and Gary, and Mrs, Mary Chap-
man spent Sunday in Toronto, and
the latter's grandson, Lorne Smith,
accompanied them home to spend
thus week here.
Mr. and Mrs, John McBurney
and Grant spent the week-end at
London at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Armitage,
Mr. E. H$Groskorth spent a few
'days last week attending company
meetings at Toronto and left on
Monday to work this week at
Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ste-.
Phenson, of Oshawa, spent the
week-wid with Mr. and Mrs. Gros-
Many of the Wingham and Luck-
now District High School pupils
are winding up their exams this
week. Some have very few to write
and,we congratulate them on their
high standing on their year's work.
Mr. and Mrs. John Woolcock and
family, of Glenannan, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Kennedy of Marnoch.
Miss Jo Ann Casemore was a Pa-
tient in Wingham Hospital for a
few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Zinn and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor and Mur-
ray, of Woodstock, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. and 'Mit, Willis, .of Goavans-
town,. visited oh Sunday ai:ti,tia afrs.i
Doris, Willis and son's. ,
Mrs. Irene Patterson, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her moth-
er, Mrs, Wm. Taylor, and Mrs.
Graharra of Ripley, has been at-
tending Mrs, Taylor during the past
Mr. and, Mrs. Earl Caslick spent
Sunday at the home of their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Ronald Coultes.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron, of
Lucknow, spent Sunday at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Ma-
arm Robinson.
Gaunt families in this district ga-
thered on Saturday morning in
Seaforth at the :Lion& picnic
grounds, for their family get-to-
gether. Over one hundred from
Wingham, Belgrave and Lueknow
attended. The races, contests and
bingo were in charge of Mrs. Len
Phillips and Mrs. Norinan McDon-
ald. Leonatd Phillips, who was
president last year was re-elected,
With Gordon MeT'avish as secre-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore,
Doris and Shirley Of Lucknova
Visited on Sunday with Mr, and
Mts. Moore, Theit daughters, Rena,
Phyllis and Doris are working this
summer at Inverhurtm.
Donald Rosa' Mot with a painful
aecidene on Friday laat when work-
ing with his circular saw at Rus-
sell Gaunt's. His left thumh cattle
in contact with the 'revolving Saw,
and was badly eut and down
on the inside, He was taken to the
`Winghain hospital, whore several
atitehea weke required to close the
M, and Mrs. Gerald Watson, Of
Forest, viSited on Saturday with
her parent% Mt. and Mrs. Allan
Paulson, and Mr. and Mrs, AlVin
Armattong, Of BruSsels, Visited
there on Sunday.
Mr, and Mts. Leslie Wightinan,
'Snarl and Susan, of „Blyth, were
anniversary visitors with Mr, and
Mrs, Edward Sraythe.
Mr, and Mial. Robert HigginS, Of
BelgraVe, and Miss Margaret Mg-
gibs, of London, Visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Pattlsola
Miss Violet jelinatorae Of 'Wind-
Sot, is at the horrid of het grand-
parents, Mr,.. and Mrs, Gershein
Pi k
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to
the many friends aind customers' in the Wingham area
who have been so generous in their patronage during' the
past four years when I handled Esso products here.'
My business will be carried on by William A.
Tiffin, who, I am sure, will provide the best of ,*ervice
to customers in this area.
Charles Deyell
Latest Dominion of Canada
registration figures prove
more people are buying
Plymouths than ever before.
You see them everywhere.
Plymouth's eye-catching style,
its big-car roominess, its pep and
go have made Plymouth the
popular choice, resulting in
greater volume of sales. Bigger
volume means better deals at
real dollar savings to you, That's
why it makes sense for you to
take advantage a the deals your
Plymouth dealer offers . . 4
because that's where you'lllet
Ma and Mrs. Calvin Robinson and -
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson apent
day lapf. week in London.,
^W HITE CHURCH—Ah out seven-
ty-five ladies attended the W.1.1T.S.
meeting at Brick United Church
on Monday afternoon. Mra. George
McGee, president, presided, and
ail read in unison, Psalm 139,
Mrs, Gordon McBurney read the
Scripture lesson from John, Chap.
12, and gave the talk, "The Key
or missionary Endeavour and In-
terest is Prayer", and •Mrs. Mc- -
Ritchie led in prayer, Guests
were present from Belgrave, West-
field, Donnybrook and White-
church United Churches and all
were welcomed Tiy Mrs, Norman
Rev. C. Krug was the guest
speaker, and gave a challenging
address on the great need. of
prayer, consecration, and workers.
He said the Christian women of
the world must devote more time
and effort in behalf of these in-
terests in their homes, oesee com-
munist-thinking peoples take over
in conquered lands. Mrs. Clar-
once Charnney ihoved and Mrs. Ed.
Wightrnan seconded . a •• Vote of
thanks and appreciation of ''a
splendid address. •
Little Judy McDowell sang, „"If
COme to Jesus", Mrs. Jas. Fal-
coner gave two reacli”ngs, "Work";
and "Daily Strength Mrs. john
Nixon gave a musical' number on
her piano accordion, Miss Marg-
aret Jefferson gave a reading, "I
Love Old Churches", and Mrs. E.
Rice sang "There's A Rainbow
Shining Somewhere". The meet-
ing was closed with all repeating
the Mizpah benediction.
The Brick Church ladies served
a bountiful lunch and all enjoyed
thefsocial time together.
is the time to step into a
M 0 U
6 orV-8
on the Plymouth you want
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Pick the Plymouth yon prefer
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• 6 or V-8 powered engines that
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get up and go. „
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Pike automatic transmission or
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Get the best deal on the Plymouth You want at your dealer's right nowl