HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-3-25, Page 6.........0000-s** ea mita' itt1111111**416141i. la„;11r-
Save Money
by buying your Wall Paper direct
from our store
This season we are not selling our papers through
paper hangers, but only direct to th€ custoniet.
The result is rock -bottom prices to the consumer.
It costs nothing to look, and we will be glad if,
before ,buying, you will
Compare Our Prices
c. •
F___orter's Book Store
"On the Square for forty years."
I 1 Funeral Director and
Au eatis promptly attended to
.4aror Dirin
StJ. R. Wheeler
ore 1136 Residence 355w
itasatitos Street
. Goderlcb
Brophey Bros.
birders carefully attended to
.t-gli--baura. night or day
Newgate Street. 1' 0. Box 601
------- -
Your friends can buy
anything you can give
them except your -
Photograph --
No Miler remembrance will give
stud' happiness.
_Telephone 1ST Goderki.
• .• .111,
wesiirc.ias '
Mae} -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing
Toronto Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies I '!
Farm Lighting Plants
Hamilton Street, Goclerich, Ont.
Keep Your Eye Peeled
for 01.1 and 4)1)1) ijNs1/,t alt counm
There are many cedar in circulation ate' ly-
ing around in drauer-, that have great •value. For example -the copper penny,
tod with the Rank of Montreal ten Reface. it today worth $1 5.0.. It is not
an much thi• age that (minds -it is 11,, scarcity orparticular coins at certain 4a4e4.
THE RARE COIN CATALOGUE tells you about the rare coins of different
countries, including Canada and the. British Colonies; and gises you the prices
, I guaranteeto pay for mine.
James Carson Doherty, 96 Wurtemburg St., Ottawa, Ont.
SENT POSTPAID FOR EIGHTEEN CENTS (Sii Threes -Cent Stamps will do
General Line of Hardware
How about a new Stover -Quebec with Oven.
Call and see our 5 -tube Radio Sets before you
-hey one.
We sell ammunition, etc. - -
PHONES Dungannon, 5 ring 3; Myth. 32 ring 12.
11. r!:' Osseo
t_,. ,
Mate es. seetabsseilvets
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders
to hand, 3 for 25c. A good teaspoon, King George
design, given away with each 25c worth.
24 bars Mnitp, flitrii.:tren'ri Swint, SI 011 :4;01krnpopplinyttrr
11 eaki'S Pahl/ Tree Toilet Soap for 25e. .411401,4ftrit,•**1
3 loose Coma for5c. •
fl lbs. of Sulphur or Sane, suitable for stock purpoges, for 2bt.t.
Just to hand n tow hundred pounds of a real good blaek Tea
Wer -wilt give 1 ib. of this Tea, Iktaf Bread, 1/2 lb.
Biscuits, 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound
of any package Tea.
Special price 011 large FlonneIrttr Elankels. irotsimommmoo,,,,ti'
Swells] prier on Fancy Blankets.
We are rutting 04e rive on Mena /01 -wool Underwear find
Xetl'S ripper -lined l'ifilerseehr.
Good linen roller Towelling, 25e per yrinl tif44:4144/01,w2.
Good large hath Towels, 90r nor pair.
Some niee table and floor Oilelotha, differeat widtint, at right
'sow its this time to buy a net of dishes 1,er cent. off. ;:fro;
Free de:ivory 10 any part of the town. •
Iiro.7::•-• •
; <
Grocer South Side of Square
:The .79'qqexatioq society
231/ J. S. Fletcher
(Clintinued from hut week)
Chapter XI1.
. Tut:
The •ressagnItIou had come from
Serayt. He had taken the scrap of
pular ont of Jimmik•'s. tiuicrs with an
"ubviotm start of surprise.;
wate11ii.4 him keenly, could have
sworn that he wait ou the rety point
of taliing knowlealge of the
!iambi riting. !tilt just as suddenly
the expression is eyes Mad uu
ehasigesi ti. one of careless indirter-
tt-wns 0* If a kiosk had Well in-
stantaneously gated over u face to
retie -eel what it ivas, not Just then tou-
veulerit to show.; It was all liver it%
o fraetien of time that could nut he
reckoned In parts of u%%retool-hut
Jimmie knew that his first lustluet
was right. Seraye. be was -positive.
had recognized the handwthkag. and
had suddenly th.terminest. 10 keep, his
recogaition tohhaself.
This *P1111111 filet 1111111•11.11111111111.1 to
make up bir mind 'on a -point wide)]
t talecieled. He
had 'ma . hem attn. that ht. wut
-these two of his recent discoveries;
Scrayes. neaten with regard to the.
serail of parer made him. decide to
speak. He must know why sieraye
professest ignorauce: also he must get
hie knowledge of that iu bis owu waY•
Tie turned to Parke, who in his
tura had possessed himae.tf of the
fragment illl W1111 100111/g PftrIOUNly'at
it. •
"Know it. l'atke?" he naked.
l'aeke shook; ids !Ulla and handed
iha, i.ttper back.
-No." be- replied. "all 1 we is that
-tiarrier -of -letteramper-luillain_tt
the writing is of that big. bold type
which NO tunny women affect 110W •
0111y11. WIlllt of lilt..
mutt than tlittl." observed
Jimmie. MY' 'pan 0- a 41:11t... and
part of an lit&IrPS*...
'Parke. took the. paper a:fain and
looked at It half-earelessly. . .
sulhasittrtele-aftkitlibik tln, 1 aright sptsly-to-a'-hd
of country houses. Let me see -I can
think nt Se% cral
Mins Sliiiior, Gissienliam Manor. Vick-
Viti111111 Manor. i'bermillain Manor --
those are ail real tilnees; (minim it a
common termination.-
-Wit* f. .7.7:ren trk a n 3041 aUaeli - • to
ik'serap of impel.. Trickett?" asked
seray-%•.• half eareles..1%. isIt a eine
io someiltit.g":" ,
"May le.. and mayn't". reviled Jim-
mie. drit %%ilia up a t•hor betwe.en them.
"I'll tel you haw 1 find it: in fact.'
I .
1111 goii.z to tell you of my tioings
at purtrsl alt
tul With
.s.an 47011:;1,114;o:
tn.atret1 Ji_tuetutum_le.
, The tWo --nriThanst-
11/ 1.1i 319111110 hadltt,tt at n .41,1 111,4
narrative: now allot risen they lessiost
/11 1-1111 other. Set;))•e - was torsi11,
spe-ale after J111111111. 11/111 ft:1141M.
.t.v.„r_awihjpg you know: that scrap
or v.ip,,r tiasi:rii-itt Unit grate
fer some days, tsefeEr GAman visited
rollr fmted." *ant.. -The termina•
of the data' io,-.03Lifhat nifty
Mean Ilettrher--a tan
it May mea Septeueb-r;
-so." replied Jimmie. "Ile had a
• lire in his bedroom the nialit. be
stayed turrr. I had 11441S4 4-111101 to
ascertain that. ' And '1 itritue from
that that petalt was thrown into
that fire. ,4Iista.- that- --slight_etr. teat
"Anil yeltt------"fin"-
with this 1ItI11 1110110..
meekest Seraye. f
"Deal know,- said 3imMite. It
may lend to eonti-thing. 1 watt to
know what /earth -Mar manor this Is.
and whoop Writing ilii* 1* -
interrupted eray).
"111,1 1 think I shall have fount!
4,04. of the work e”neerneil 111 this
.jLolt,1tt1 Jimmie. "That:4 Itft
"Von are not sure. t111. OM. the
Roto witutn you /mom' -as Curtis had
anything 1,, 4t' with the._ exclusion. af
the iscetal packets," observed Stilly,
"Von hat en.1 positive proof."
l'atke. who had awls silent for a
while. took lila tiltre out of lthe month.
and -turned to the other. -
"I think there's little thinfit tin that
point" he restuarkts1 Mealy. sat
hefted. at any rate. that Curtis mile
knitted the dummy pocket for 1114
IV*/ 911P. Whale. 1111/r11. 1 t11111&- 1
*knit* how the diffiehlty alsont the ad-
dreSs W1111 gilt over." .
Jlibnitt. tarried eagerly in his elmir
' "How? How?" be demanded.
"Thar,. what I leave -HI Issal nine to
make, out. How was it done. Pike?
"Prebably in this way,- 1.1.11111111
Parke. "Two men r1.1.11111,11 1101111111'•
there Treat Colds
16., Lawn Neogene" to "Doec"0433.
WR ' lotorsal Modiciooe to
Children's diges-
tions are racily up-
set by too much
"dosing." Vicks
VapoRub bring ex-
ternahy applied.
dues not upset little
At the first sign of
cmup, sore tlarcgd,
any other mid tmuhle, apply Vicka
There is nothing to swallow --
"rub it on."
%/Ake° Rue
ONFS 2 MILM0,04411$ koro Wm"
lions (mat One. Curti* took
up bir quarters at your hotel and 'our-
veYeti the ground in order to see what
could he (kale. The other" Mall took
Ull his quarters at another hotel *lose
by-71liere are several. aren't there?"
"Half a doZelt 9.11 11411 -it minute's,
walk." said Mamie.
"Just .' Tti, dummyliana& was
selit lo the mssoliti man. '['hp.in:4AM
he received It lie took out the name
of the hotel from the brown paper
wrataang. with chemicals. tool rale
talltuted the nause 'rileli he
wunt out wet ('urtis. am) gore him
the titimtay- peteket._Curtie aunt beiek
to your plate, 711111 PIC13111111jed the
packet. A •lever trick ! Nothing
.1.11111 spoil 11 except oue thing."
"Wharf- asked Jimmie.
-It wo11111 tia, vi latit stioiled of
t-ourre if your 101111. Keurever, had
collie down for your letters -as soon all
the mail was delivered. They toOk
the spurting 41hau(e of that. They,
torilliably argued that tell. twenty,
thirty mintices* grace might be relleg
upon. And the tirst wan wouki, of
he ve
pot itt residue -4a for his opt.ra-
dons un the packet." .
".is to that." tamers -eel Scrap., "do
you mean to say that he eould take
out certain words from au 'address
and !attest it ate others'!"
Paeke got leisurely alit of his easy
chair mud weuenver te 0 hehre*n. *Orli
Which he took somesmall a
;sieve of sponge, a rag_of flannel, and
a sand/ !nal. Ile Pet the Iron. On the
top bar of (1.. tire grateand began to
rummage in a waste -paper basket.
"111 show you 1111 -aid. "It's not
long_ I• was extol -linen! In; hi this
s -Ery matte -FT: T d'anyertite-intow it It
00110 really possible to take certain
minis out of a dot:tinter'," AIM PIANO i•
1111r Otheis. Nies*. here:. a :.rown
tower wrapper with lay usage and ad-
tire.r in ordinary a rithig-we'll take
!Ike address out: and you'll me
that the poper is lett absolutely clean
41414 dwirJj_a simpir affair ---1 got
tier -as-rex-Duni 41i1"of mino who
dabbles in expe.rimentel chemistry. -
The others lookeel on with eager in-
terest while Plieke made his experi
Mehl'. It scented Massed. as he had
said. a simple affair a mere motteez
Ina of liquid upon the paper from the
*punt:A% a were laying of the re -rap of
Muted upoit the saturated surface.
then the application of the hot Iron
to the ilantsel, aud--when the Satinet
wens reusaved---t be wrltbng had ellsaptseareti and the paper reinaltisst
..umoth. and ready tee reveise any
further operat fon of pen or peneil.
-1 here. you t. t - liree minutes is ig
paitiSch lit for that." sniel l'acke. -Slue
ple7.7is,i4 trAmi effretive. ve;r_i.
That). how- the thing's lies -ii
Jituuthy-there was 111, riot. about ir.
The' mil) risk (her.. a as NA, trIP on.,
21 sittP"--1119**414414 eitatiet
of exchanging the naekets before Ktilt•
T9.111 fut_Yonr it•rt' '••• They
took Iliat-altit it ilium.
-Yiiit're isirserves1 Senile
"that do ts-elle. are full of all ,sorts
Fluke, and to- Ille. litilliWttelri at
present.4 shan't say anything: I'U go
oiclu thy 1711-11 W-111•-.''
V _
”0t1 L10t1111 :11 111/ -.that?. aakw
Seraye. •
-For the redMoli 1 slated. 1 do." de-
elared Jimmie. "1 «ant to live a
peaceful -merriest life. and 11 1 see
dauger to that peace. rtu either going
to remove it or let it remove Me ill the
attempt. mai'. est:" ,
iy, went g was Mitteretn011iousiy,
leaving the other too looking doubt-
fully 111 1111111 other. atoll returned to
his rooms before going on to fetch his
Mint and her charge from the theatre.
He had had no opportunity of asking
Keutover about lila errand to the book-
seller. in quest of the gasetteer. The
bought of that reminded him of the
-rap of paper.
i "Seraye did recognise that writing!"
le' muttered. "He did! Now, why
ti e deuce did he pretend he didn't?"
In the Ilatt••room of Ids suite, Jim-
mie found Kentover ai the telephoue.
Ile turned- as his iuttrier entered.
.?.Ir.'. llyuater »ants to *peak to
yousir." he said. -She's rutted you
up, Abe's at the llyzantinia Theatre.
and she wants to know If you could
fere) round 111111 meet her there in tile
tire • eireic saloon at MCC. -
n answer.' sold Jimmie, "that
I'm en my 0111).'
(To be continued)
Bask* at Publle library
ming are titles of new books
tat Goderich peddle library:
lye) Adrenture,-Jettrer Pante).
WWI -fit-NSWPA44--„W„. Sinclair.
We 11 et Hangs- H. W. Morrow.
The 1auglibttg Buddha -James L.
The taper of, the Beei-Gene
Stratton Porter..
Wheat Ryer-roam Fall -Laura G.
Salverson. •-
Doe hut slag Purpose -A. S. M.
The Pere lal Ilachelor--Anne Par-
land !tight -Jeanette I.a'*.
Not Under the Law -Grace, lev 11111. 1
- Tao- -4esettl - F mud -4,1. E., 0 -
The Power and the Ulera-Gilbert
The Oobweh -.Margaret la Tut t le.
Greenery Street-lien:Ms McKail.
The Reluctant !Mt -helot -Alice 1'
Treading the Wiucpresti Ralph
Ernestine Sophie-144.phi* Cleats -h.
The Hector of 31selissecti-- Leslie
The Carolinian -R. Sabatini.
queer Judson -Jos. 1
Mr. l'etre----Ililittre.
Twenty -dee Years -Viretaue• Irreg.
A Klieg In the Making -Genevieve
Tibt. StOry of Sacri-el Searg-W414.
Proctor. '
WlIhtaiau Itobertsun Nleall-'T- 1 1-
I hi rkm.
one Aet .
White Shadows in the Smith Setts-
Frederivk IERrien.
The Garden Priiner--Gract.Tabor.
Far Horizons -11111w earrain.
tianadlan Singers and Their Songs
--E. 14. t'aswell.
Teal/ Life In the t'anadlan Rockies
-It. W. Mitt -bell.
The Jeans of History -T. H. Glover.
Paid 01 Tarauts---4'. 14 Glover.
IA*4141111 1*break-tete-Th.4.10r i'harles-
Page. Vol. . .
Finland and Its l'eoate-Roberl
Visage is Sielly-Arthur S. Riggs.
From 14,0 sco to 11111.. Mit-- Morita
canaelee Vernon titlinn.
Here'. Ireland Speakmaii.
rzetiv.t. trmie Seca to Sea - Arthur S.
/1 (*Ali lte thilo---Ilorria anti .ida nue.
Meissen, of Canadian Literature -
1.140111 & Frt
Business Ccilege
The leading commenial Wool
%lateen Ontario. Experiential in -
'amnion, giving thonaigh
Graduates placed in poritiona.
Write for our free catalogue -
The forerunner of colds
and grippe.
Heat and inhale Min.
ard's and rub it on the
throat and chest.
The great preventi
miNARD s
"um OF PAIN"
0111101111 • Slink IM Mil 111111111111 • X X Ill1111111111111• • • 111111111111 111 as 11UNMI
E \ster Apparel for the
-Ladies and Misse
S r tiAgel-i1144
...a» they a
-people engaged itt an affair of this
meit tut toe r,-..oree titer 1E
edit kl.t f.ntrlif,r, 111111.11.-, clever
-ititsrnai0 tI ter. lint 1 1 rou 'eat a
don it Yet
and I,sikeit tl‘eilly at Jimmie.
:111 -rayl- drespisel. Into leis eitair again 1
ine tisk pia a (gain dlleatnat.
Ts-n10qt," h raid. -Why ten. you-- 1=
travking Ihil. 5011? -
Mandy." replied -=
Jimmie. -14-'4- this a ay. I've fa II =
in hoe with Miss Walreteii. 1 mean X
to marry her -if shell only have me.
And- risitt4 believe that site's were
001111,. this hors lit large. That's why." 1111
111;1- why is she not safer neked
Sera ye
'inshalay ;111•1414. r
t lot t
proMptly. "Just think!" he etto
with.n 'sudden HUPP,* (11.
"They know that sl... was
imi-r !Hive 11 fund of infortetation idiom
- STS4T.-11nrmespir who weist-to the hat
sfo.p. Tin -y know that she knoWa a
good ,leal about the branch shop in
l'aris. And -they aim, kitt,w that
o Its. 111,' innocent rause of my getting
hold of those things stolen from you
and) -..fl r friends."
"Dm don't you think that you will
bring danger on 'her by itete-rfertnee?
asked Ywraye. "If that warapig in
The Tinos was Meant seritAl$IY. 41
beetned to 1111/keNte that It Y'ou did net
pursue this matter ' furt l,er. there
would Ise no meddling With you."
JinIn1111 shook Ills load. Ile Itiof @t-
rendy made up Ida %%dud. nnil Ire was
not Mello% 0 n, 111100' hi in.elf to 1H •
tinned oat 111011
1,tirw• he had 411 la
rioted to adopt.
people aro detected itild
-I shall never feel any vertiiint
tintll theseI
brought to jostler," he mid. -
l'neke lame bark to the hearth from
Saittiag, away his ehe.mleal.
word issrples." he said - "Von
forget that yotire up agidied --people
It's not one criminal, nor two, nor
three: It'S what Selemiett ealleat 11-3
('ombine, )frIrid What yinfre about."
'What 1 14bettild like 1., Mum,- re-
torteel * little- Impeitlently. "Ir
what, ate eon alsont; Iteulember,
Mew people here onee more peemerskted
themselves' of your CrIptii. Seraye. and
,f that oh) Amok, ant) of the old chain
lre yea' guilts to let all this Aide. or
Ladies' Coats
Featuring straight lines and:flare effects, with
trimmings and pleating and tucking, buttons and em-
broidery, or fur. in all the new shades of_ grey, rose-
wood, French blue, sand, cinnamon, etc.
New Easter Millinery
Come in and see the new
Easter Millinery. The new-
est colors are here, such as
cheri, dove, sand, circassian,
platinum, atmosphere, flesh,
grain, as well as the staple
If&4%,t4 147,
pring and Easter Needs
for Men and Young Men
Men who appreciate the need for smartness during
_ Easter and early Spring will prefer to make their selections
where sty and that1itylook' are atways
"1 at -identities, that sve'lead decided
that It wee heel to lie gilled and lei
the. pollee harp lt tnett.". intermitted
siernye. "The end of 1111s South 31.1
too street manter hasn't l -en got at
0 -$et, yen know."
"And elp Jo *tow.- seaM
gale lly. 'nobody ha. seurgesstesi to the
police 111111 11tere 9.414strong Mot, vu
for it %bilis 1. know es to 3 nit an.I 10
s -os ?f ''''t " ",10 r
Of!i4; ,A(;
is /1474
e-i4o not stand _for high prices, but we
stand for high quality.
Men's and Young
--"vo Men's Suits
We have a wide range of men's and young
men's Suits Suits in the season's latest styles and
shades. Our showirigs have never been more
select, nor the variety of apparel better.
We have new lines of men's
*01" Ties, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, 'etc..try..-1,
.......0 of„.....i.
'Shop where you are invited to shop.,,
Ladie' and Men's Wear
9.'115-02 M�5
rr owns:slaw.%
West Side of Square Phone 418
Goderich, Ontario
rm. Immo 1 1 nuns 1 11111111111111111111111111101s 1 1 11111111111m • 1 11111111iii