HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-06-20, Page 5' • ' ' • DUDS OF PROMISE MET ON TUESDAY WROXETER—Tielen• Magee, Pre-sident chaired the meeting of the 131405 of Pro011ae Mission Band. of the United Chure11, which was held on Tuesday afternoon following school. She ,gave the call to 'VOUS Loves Little Children". "Tell. MC the Stories. of „Thstia" Was the opening hymn, Mrs., Grain- ger read the Scripture lesson, Matthew 18-22; 1.0-2, PaYld Grainger led in prayer, The hymn, "1,J.raise Him, Rand° Him" was sung, The roll call was .answered by naming 'a -tavnnritn summer, sport:` Leader Mrs. 'ken Edgar reviewed two chapters from the study book, "The Boy with the Busy Walk". "God. Sees the., Little. Sparrow Fall" was the closing. hyran • with the Mispah benediction, Games' were 'enjoyed outside on the lawn and the leaders provided a, treat of candy, Leaders of the Mission Band are Mrs.. Morwyn Grainger, Mrs. Lloyd Magee, Mrs, Ken Edgar and Mrs. Jim Sander- son, 4111111113111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111•101111b ViiriOxure.0--1Wargaret Papua, s respnnsiblo for the cover„of the latest,' rilagazine • edited and Printes10,11/ the; n/iliN of $;$. NO, 2 Turnberry. an :attractive •bas- ket of flowers in iteePing With the "Sa8h9011ri stories. are under :such headings as 'Mother's Bad Boy" by Mae Harris "Mother and Tom" by Audrey Kirtonl "Joan's Flowers", Jill Thornton; The Ball Game", Larry Elliott, There pis an article on music where the children tell aboUt studying the life and music pofrectiti ;ocno.ruposers and music ap - Announcement made Of a ing bus trip to Toronto on June 27, Mac Barris,first-year, student, who is clever adrawings, is responsible for the monthly Cartoon. This eleVer little rnagasine' is a credit to teacher ancl,pupils and its subsCrip- tion' list Is ever growing. , • • Parents to Register Children for Camp WROXEr,PER—The church camp for boys and girls, which is situated near Goderich, will be held July 22- 29 for girls and August 12-19 for boys. A fine staff will be in attend- ance to take charge of sports, swimming' and other activities as well as Bible study, Age required is 9 to 15. Parents are urged to send, their children for a holiday at 'camp if possible and are asked to contact Rev, W. J. V. Buchanan-before June 30th so that reservation may be 'rookie. 00-.4ete I7evuge $11.95 >t I 60 PEOPLE PORTRAY HISTORY OF HOWICIc WROXETER—:Th'e platform for the coming Centennial 'has been erected and it., is expected fpur more rehearsals will wind up the preparation for "The Pagbs froM the Ages", Some sixty will take part and the pageant, which prom- ises a great variety. It is hoped those who return to help celebrate this important mile- stone in the history of this banner township, Howick, will enjoy seeing its history depicted by its own people. The pageant will be preSented two nights, June 29 and 30 in the Gorrie rink, WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol were in Stratford on Saturday visiting the latter's :sister,. Mrs. I Edith Spencer. . Dr. W: G. Robinson and. Mrs. Robinson. of Noranda visited during the week with the Misses Mary and Beatrice Howes. Dr, Robinson is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Art Robinson of SaSkatoon, who were natives of this village. Word has been received from Mrs. R. B. Palmer of Hazelton, RC., expressing appreciation for the bale of babies' clothes sent by members of the Woman's Mission- ary Society of Wroxeter United Church for their work on the mis- sion field. Mrs. Palmer stated that already some of the artiele$ had been Mit to 'good use. .' ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke were recent visitors at St, Thomas, ' Members of St, Jarnes' Church joined with St: Stephen's Church, Gorrie, and Trinity Chureh, Ford- wich on Sunday afternoon when a speCial confirmation service was :held. A social hour was enjoyed by the . three congregation5 following the service in the Gorrie Commun- ity Hall, , Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacEwen,. of Brantford, visited with his brother' and other friends during the week. Mrs. J. H. Wylie returned on Sat- urday following a two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. George Bradley in Toronto, Church service was held ins the church schoolroom on Sunday at the United Church. Renovations Will soon be completed. Pews are being refinished, floors sanded and the exterior painted. It is hoped the• church will be ready for use oil July 1st, when special centennial services will be held with Rev. George Wylie, a native of thiS dis- trict as guest minister, Open House Held At No. 2 Turnberry WROXETER—S.S. No, 2 Turn- berry held open house on Wednes- day afternoon When all the ladies from the section wet!' IhVited to attend. For their enjoyment and interest there was a display of the Work of the pupils, A short program in- eluded a puppet, show, and social Studies plays. Members of the Junior Red Cross had handmade 'articles for sale and served tea at the close. MasonIc Service Borrowing is a sensible solution w6 hen it comes ,t6 so many springtime needs—like getting your car back in shape, paying bills, home repairs, the kind Of money problems that are always sprouting up this time of year. And you need look no further than the nearest IFC office for sound, sensible money help. The men and women at Household Finance are specialists in putting budgets back on a sound basis. At HFC you can get as much as $1.000—usually, iii One day or less. If you have a steady income and can meet the convenient monthly payments, you can borrow without endorsers, To get that money problem off your mind simply phone or drop in at TWO today. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE t. [tread, Matitiffitif OS Wit? Street: tetittndl float, Oahe 1301 0001Ricft, ONT. fi THE BELE TELEPHONE COMPANY Or 'CANADA S le,11121110111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111, 1 I 1 1 enclored Thth I lI Splendor is everyWhere in Oldsmobile- There's the splendor of distinctive Starfire styling -fresh, dignified, but so alive. -There's 'the splendor of rich, enstoni-tailored interior's =luxurious, gracious and so com- fortable. And.there's the splendor of mighty power, tamed to go quie4 about its, task of producing swift, •smooth motion. And this Oldsmobile splendor is libt a sometime thing, From the -4. moment you proudly take posses- sion until 'that distant . day when you decide to trade it in on an even more exciting Olds of the 'future, you'll keep discovering new splepdors in this unusual car. And you'll keep reflecting all the While how wise you were in. 1956 to step up from the ordinary into an Oldsmobile. I I I. ft ••••44,;•444:.• •:',,, ••••••,;•044;41,4* ;t W ,•,,,•;.•• 4.t ' •\:;,,,..„ ..,,,.. :. W-g:.iNgiiM WORN . t A GENERAL' MOTORS VALUE IL tors Wingharn It • 7'1;11,7, It ' • ,,,,,',., ".:,4-11 it • ,,x , .' '- , . • i ., , • , . • ..,,„ 'f: .0ila. ,,.... • .'• , .. . ,:ft...v...: ':r ,;;''. i. h . ,,..1.,o . •,,,, , . • . ' . °''I•:-- ,. •,,,, , .., ... t r.„t • . -., ..,,..<4 t .•'.'f''- ,-';.,.., 0:,4,,. ,:,:,,, =.,,,, ,„ •o , ..i';•;,71, ,..4; -. •, • : :i.,,h.,:, x -', i ' , . ,,. , . . ,. . ' , - , . ...,,,......... 4 '' • A • • . ' . • „ . , A. All. B4 . . . • •Are .Paid ,. •, , ''•+''i r'twf t' ' • 4 I ir‘ ;'. ' • t .. ... , , I N KJ S I N t S $ \V VO'ii:: IA 1 brils a 'epaid 'at the end . of ji year,' NY4a.i',is' left ' (af Sidi'. faies) . is profit., . A, . f • . Profit provi4s: theMoney, froth, which dividendS to allarehOlddr8 or;',Ownersffepaid. .... 1.- -..•.t.,.. 'Cei,o' tlt, . -. Any entetprisc that year .!i,f ter year disburses all cif its profits ,indivigends is headed fOr financial trouble, :Prudence dictates that a portion of. each year's profits be retained 'and used in the business. . . lhese retained earnings enable a business to pay' t .lSt par t • a t ' a par o f the cost of the constant need . ior.•better equipment and additional capacity. : Profits are necessary, for business growth. And ,. business gilowth creates , more jobs.. Thus profits • . , It:, i I ;retained nil a , gr9wing i business benefit em- .: 1plilyees, shAl'reholders and!'cust.oiher's., , Ait. 1 , - .:! --- - ../..: ., ,, • . . --f-i!•:t . .....,,,,-, . 4.• 4 "! „ . „ • . 4 .i•J •-.. ,s . ` ,THE' . ' .• • --', • • • •• • ST E L COMPANY OF CANADA, '. .. °-. . . L um i T ED • ., ' .•.' ' • MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO ' • ., .. . • • ' . , . • ' • .: ,• . . . • . . , ... . . . The W/4141444. Adlitince-Timcsr' WORN_ 11.941m.10,09).10, SCHOOL MAGAZINE 'HURON 'LIBERAL ASSOCIATION For All Liberals, Their Families and Friends JOWETT'S GROVE, BA FIELD WEDNESDAY afternoon, JUNE 27th Plan now to attend. Further details next week, Allimillimunummouglisiminummitins HARRISTON ' WA Completes Plans For.C.4terlog:otuff Centennial Sundayi. mrnaxwm.13,--mrp, X. V. Buchanan and MSS Gorty as arranged the June ,meeting of the WoMares Association held in the church parlors ,On '11,40(43,Y. noon, Mrs. Buchanan eonducted . the devotional service- wall the theme •"Availing Ourselves Of GO'S. Presence", "Tor the Beauty of the Earth" was the opening hymn, Mrs. George Gibson read a -poem_ "To uch the Iflarth with Beauty", The •Seripttire lesson was read ratijkalaiYalr 11* lowed by. the singing of the ,hymn "Where "Where :Cross the Crowded Ways of Life", Mrs. Buchanan -gaVe'a very fit, teresting• talk on the 'theme of the meeting and quoted ,from ,a•,•book "The Power - of Positive Thinking for Young People", .especially deal- ing with the chapter on how to pray, „ Dorothy Magee gave a ..reading entitled "Alone with •Pod":„ "Open My Eyes that Z. May See'." Was the title of a solo by. Mrs, Charles McCutcheon, Mrs, Buchan- an closed the meeting with prayer, Vice-president Mrs. Stanley Gal- laher took charge of the business and 15 answered the roll call. A. catering committee was set up to look after refreshments on Centen- nial Sunday, All ladies of the church will be asked to contribute.' A decision was made on the pur- chasing of new carpet for the , church and will be financed jointly by the Woman's Association and the Tuesday Starlight Group, The remainder of, the afternoon. was spent quilting 'a.tid' a' pot-luck supper was served' by. the commit- tee in charge. . 'DRIVE-1N THEATRE • Two Shows Nightly - Rain or Clear First Show At Dusk Children, under 12 in cars FREE Cartoon at Each Performance Wed., Thurs.; June 2041 • Aldo Ray, Phil Carey "THREE STRIPES IN THE SUN" 1 • '",t4. carefree because •it's- weatherproof — can't rust or warp... . ..' won't fade, run, stretch, sag, tear or nrildeiv! 'And so inexriemiliV.: , you'll want to buy at least a pair: , ; 11 t li "Gee, Mum—is it already " Fri., Sat., June 22-23 "Pearl Of The South • • Pacific" plus "Texas Jamboree" • Covered 'in handsoine,'Inulti-coloured "Toreador" Saran,—. ,q 'long-lasting as the sturdy aluminum frame: ?"- r.: • Doubly reinforced sent and• Track, are gently curved, fa lit/ your body comfortably! ' • ' A"ri • Wipes sparkling clean in a moment,,,:witIC stlap and' water ... dries in a jiffy: t • • Coolly comfortable, because Saran actually breathes! - • ..,..tty?.!. • Fluted arm rests add streamlined good looks! . 4' Mon., 'Tues., June 25-20 ' "Hell Below Zero" , Alan Ladd, Joan Tetzel t.'m'1311. •• • ," '.anti' FOLDING' BED ideal for Suminer,1,9 Flower Service Has Been 'Caneelled WROXETER-The United Church Sunday School has cancelled they Sunday School Anniversary and Flower Sunday, owing. to renova- tion to the -church- building,. The usual, church service will he .held, on Sunday, at 11 a.m. Cottage(- or "to - • -• "i4 a Spare Bed In fili`1- ome., • " -• ComPlele with 441 :excellent,,, sprin g-filled mattress, •30" width •$2 Other Models Available iii,36" Width "Jr' k' •rii. 7:01t.**.. 'S. 3. WAL K HOME FURNISHINGS mmommummitammumummttimmasmommummium Telepholie. ''.11Ourid p Every parent , knows hoN1 easily a two-gun cowboy can lose track of time — especially around mealtime. But she also knows it's a simple mattet to round him up by telephone. And any vague feeling of anxiety about where he is or what he is doing' is quickly dispelled by that eager Voice at the other end of the line.: Yes, • t.W fteIephon'e is a conveiiieiice and a comfort, , all, day , long. It means 'fewer meals grown cold because yoUtigaterd hr bus- !hand are late getting home. '' it meads ,rnore security when you're alone at night. It therms, more things done with less tithe and effort , Yet this endlessly useful servant works for you for just a few cents a day. • t WROXETER—Foreat Lodge A,1 A,M, will hold the annual church Serviee in Gerrie United Clitirch on Sunday; June 24th, at 7,30 b'elotk. Rev. W. J. V. Buchanan will be the speaker, All ate cordially invited to Attend this SPiseit11 serviee•