HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-06-20, Page 44dvanco4hrms, Wonlmt go, 1954' .13.TOP RAT DAXAGEI—Warferin Rat Killer, lb., 69c; 4 lbs., $2,39, ara.„.Melartibons. ant • 4 Mckg.AzipAgG MACHINES—One machine by MeCaskeY, $50,00! oneBilrroiagh's electric Just reverbartled $125,00:. See them at The Wingham AcIvence-Tinies- MEAT FOR SALE GOD BEEF for sale by the quar- ;ter. I3eef killed under license trom the Departrilent of Health, 'Choice Hereford yearlinga, BAY - ARP .ACKERT, Holyroo d, phpne .24-30, Ripley. larrb CORNS? Ilse Lloyd's Corn and Cal - Ions Salve and Pads—for painful corns and callouses. Quickly ef- fective, Salve 50c, Pads 25c, at MeKibbons Drug Store. 2013 NO, 55 1VIASSEY-HARRIS Tractor for sale, excellent condition. Best ,dffer. Apply to M. jerznyn phone ,a0r12 Brussels or 576 Wingham. 20* HQH BACK UPHOLSTERED ocker for sale, cheap. R. A. rrie & Sens. 2513 Y.3,, CYCLE for sale. In good con- ', pition. Apply to I'vrnry Frames , turrle. 20b JER-TIRED LAWN MOWER or.sate, good condition. Apply to Ors. R. BR. 4, Wingham, • phdfie 607W3. 20b QU.A.NTITY of Buckwheat at $2.25 blisher for sale. Apply Murray linrn, phone 4r1 Wroxeter. 20* 5 -SIDEWALK pedal car, n good condition for sale. Phone 35J3. 20 • STER RUG for sale, 6'9" x 0'9". Phone 395. 20b MERCURY sedan for sale. none 779w4. 20* CTRIO 'JANITOR, thermostat raft control for sale, also atherette breakfast set. Rens- liable, one 706. 20b MOVIE „Rao JAW') mower for ale, 1955 ,model, good shape. hone KS. 20b ER • YOUR" strawberries and lack currants now. There will e no cherries this year. Apply eo. Baird, Town Plot. 20:2a* IS still a • good selection f „animal*? Waachs, English hints, t:Silyerwaxe, Jewellery, etc. ut the 'end is near. Soon the treat frQT.It'rrING BUSINESS ALE of the Reichenbach Jewel - 1 ery Store of Walkerton will be Istriry,, and the real money eying oppertranties will be gone dreveat troW ia your chance to ave.VogliHt Wait and then re - ret. Me' ember It can't last ihuch loner. 20b MISCELLANEOUS • IS',VitlitRIE'LEVISION properly iniguredfor all risk coverage? !or information. phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Winghana 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance. 'Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers. For further Information phone 293, Wingham. 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal • septic itial!ks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pricined and cleaned, auick service, all work guaranteed. Apply Leans Blake, phone 42r6, lartissels. 15rrb WATERL60..,cATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better •Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- seminatann . information ot ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterlbo Cattle Breeding Aseociatioxi at Clinton Hu 2-3441 or Mildmay 1300.2 be. tween to and 9.30 fun. We have all breeds available — top lallalitY at low cost." 25rrb .00TICE TO HOME BUILDERS, afF. YOU ARE planning a building project thie siltricler, We are in g poser:di ta give you first class (Arvid& fee your Cement work. ' House basements and flOors, barn walla and floors (completed In eine pour, Contaet Mads Christeingen, phone 11r7, allyth, 25treb ,FIJNANCING A CAR? Betbre Sion buy ask ebont out "LtriV Cost kinaileing Service with AsOrrip)ete' Inatiraned Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT POOirlei 293 Wingiltain . Ottrb leAVirNMOWEPO SHARPENED ' and repaire-d„ reconditioned ItinAN, 'Ore t�rra1e AtiolY th tagie ltd" tOltUphelnia 653W, 8;18;10b Otf CAN RIP yont barn and eidlinY 'house of fate cheaply:I *kilittPARIN type . ; '090; 4 lbo, 4,a4. at MeRiblieliff, 114 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE • 3'HOLSTEIN heifers for sale, due to freshen, Vaceinated. Apply liarry Bateman, phone 737w3, 20* EIGHTEEN PIGS, ten wceita for eale, Allan Dunbar, Bel - grave, Phone 622.112. 20b ' 13 BEAD of grass cattle for sale, weighing approximately 700 lbs. Apply to Mel Jermyn, phone 53r12 Brussels, or 576 Wingham. 20* 30 10 -WEEK OLD PIGS fer sale. Apply to Chas. Gathers, phone Wroxeter 13r4. 20* 7 GOOD YORK PIGS, 8 weeks old for sale, Apply to C. H. Bosman, Bluevale, phone 610W3, Wing - ham. 20b PILCH WHITE ROCKS fee your broiler markets, Available from Big -4 Hatchery. Also other breeds, etc, And pullets, mixed chicks, dayold and started. Ask us for full Information, agent— Bluevale Milling Co, Ltd. Blue - vale, phone 610R21 Wingham and 30R14 Brussels. 201) 200 RED -SUSSEX pullets for sale, five months old. Stated to lay. Edward Powell, R.R. 1, Wing - ham, phone Wroxeter 18r14. 20b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MILK ROUTE for sale. Complete with new insulated milk van. Immediate possssion. ' Priced reasonable. For full particulars write to Box 8, Fordwich, or phone Fordwich 142. 20b GET YOUR SHARE! Sell wide range of household necessitiea in your surroundings. Wherever you may live write in for details. Dept. C. Familex, Station C, Montreal, 20b RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent opportun- ity, Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. F-40-189, Mont- real, P.Q. 20b DEADSTOCK WANTED CASH PAID for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone 'Atwood 153 callect. rrar30* DEADSTOCK 'REMOVED from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone c o41 e c t: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398, or Wingliam 378. dORDON.YOUNG LIMITED. • • 1rrb REAL ESTATE, , WANTED TO BUY—Brick home, preferably three bedrooms, in Wingham. Apply t�Bo 43, Ad- . varme-Times. 13* WE'VE SAID IT. , WE'LL SAT IT AGAIN There's a lot of charm and livability in an older 'WELL BUILT home. Won't, yon cell us for an appointment to See this 4 bedrobm home in Teeswater? Beautiful living dining areas with wall to wall broadloom, 'drap- es and venetian blinds Included. Large kitchen with PLENTY of built-in cupboards and inlaid lin- oleum. Two bathrooms, oil heat, storms and screens ,for ala win- dows. Thi e is an outstanding horne in every respect and the' asking price is only $7,950.00. Call or write Paul; F. Seiner, tteRator, Walkerton. 30,6,13,20b DUPLEX, two large modern apart- ments, oil hot water heating. W. W. Armstrong, Shuter St, 6,13,20,27* Victoria Street West DWELLING, 2 -storey frame, for sale, asphalt roof (new), furnace, Insulated, 4 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, built -1n cnriboarde, Lot 66'x230'. PossesSion immediate, Perfect condition, must be, seen. Apply H. C. MacLean, Realtor, Wingham. 6:13b NINE -ROOMED two-storey frame dwelling for sale, Five room up- stairs apartment, four rooms down, Centrally located. Phone ' 20b BRICK HOUSE for sale in Wing-, ham, all convenieneeta good value. Plume 45 during bulginess horira. '20*' 7 ROOM 131tICK dwelling for sale. Modern conveniences, barn and garage, in town of Wingharn. Apply I3oX 40 Advanee-Tirires, 20127b FOR RENT „ a now AP,AWTMENT with at piece bath for rent, heated, heavy duty wiring, available September 1st, Phone .330j be- fore 12 or after 6, 20ti , LARGE' Sto-srrallIC room for rent. Apply to Box 44, Advance, „ gob WANtEn to RENT HOUSE wArtfsb refit either within Whnginint or *10mile, radius, interested only in mod em house, willing' to DAY good. reitt. Apply to 1161/. Varibuyn, 1)bone 158. ,8(118:13-:2dbir ammo ip,vgn§ THE rolow.fAn meeting of Wing - ham Women's Institute will; he held Thursday, June 21 at 2.30 P.M. in the VATingirant Pennell Chamber. ,address by Rev, A, Hoetesses are Mrs. W. Henderson, Mrs. J, Henry, Mm, S. Bateson, Mrs. J. Mitchell, MI'S, Carter and Mra. A, Halli- . day, Ar,ICTIOnt SALE of purebred Kit- karen English Yorkshire swine at the farm of R. J. Hoak, 3 miles west of Lucknow, 1/4 mile south of Highway 86 00 Sat, June 23 at '2 p.m. -15 bred gifts; 5 and -litter sows; 5 open gilts; 0 service boars; q 3 -month old boars; 30 etintiks, R. J. Beak, Prop. Emile McLennan, Auc- tioneer. 20* ATTENTION - VETERANS— Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents—The Canadian Legion Provincial Service Bureau Officer Mr. A. M. Forbes, London, Ontario, Will be visiting Branch No. 180, WIngharn, on June 214, 1956 from 10 •a.xm Anyone wishing informa- tion, advice or assistance, regard- ing War Disability Pensions, Treat- ment, Allowances, ota, is requeiteil centact the Service Officer, or Secretary of the local Branch, whose name appears heloW, to ar- range an interview. George Williams, 'John St. • I C11120b ) CLEARING AUCTION SALE • • t on • • • SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1956 for the t Estate of Hie late OordolOStanley, Ripley, Ontario. of Choice woodworking tools, mach- ine tools, fittings, dies, carpenter. tools, 10 electric motors, 2 G.E.. 3 phase 60 cycle heavy airily motors. This is a choice line of equipment. Terms Cash ' Donald 8.. Blue, Aactioneer, 20b FOR SALE OR 'RENT, SUMMER COTTA,GE for sale. or rent -for season. 4 rooms second , front cottage. at :Point Clarke, built in-1952,coMpletely furnish- ed. Apply to A. G. MacLennan, Realtor., Inkerman St. E., Lis- towela Ontario, Phone 4.12. '20b ROCTM. AND BOARD 'BOARDING . PLACE, wanted by .1.:male; taahei atartliagaaSentern- ber, 'td Bth •Iri Advance:: - . • 20*. ' HELP WANTIEDaaFE,MALE . • ' STENOGRAPHER wanted: for hydro and .insurance offiee. Apply,: stating experience if any ,and qualifications •••tb. Alex B. McKague, Teeswiter,ahone 96W, • 'TEACHERS WANTED HURON* COUNTY—East Wawa- nOsh Area Beard -'requiree one nnalified'Protestaiit teacher at ti 6: (Westfield), 35 pupils; ; Miles North East of Auburn: Music sup- ervisor in Area. Applications befOre June '30. C, H. Wade, Seclatary; Belgrave, Oritario, 20:27b .SALESMEN . WE REQUIRE .TWO SALESMEN Fot, tins covisTa•• "Car Essential':. VVE.' CAN OfEER * Liberal Commissions • * Nan Competitive Service for Farmers * Commissions on annual repea•t business assured . * Pension Plan • I • * Blue Cross * PA.!. AU replies shohld b addressea to P.O. Box 309,• London, Ontario and will be held in confidence, 20b CARD OF THANKS . The family of the late: „Mrs. J. Thomas Brydgee wish to: extend their heartfelt thanks and aprireci- ation for the acts ofkindness, messages of sympathy and the beautiful floral tributes received harm their friends, neighbort and relatives In the recent .loss Of a beloved Mother and seandinother, Special thanks to the Rev. It Parker and Rey. Breh' de Vries and the R. A, Carrie 4 Sons funeral borne, 20* CARD or YritAN•s.•. We Wish to Xtend ey'r 1:Wattle# Otttiktt 'arid appreciation- 10lt friends, relatives and' 'neighbours for their many nets - kinctrinee, expreedoea � sympathy and floral telbutee dining • our recent sad bereavement ro the loss of Our dear mother, Mrs. Agnes' Wheeler.. We especially thank 'Reif,' It ra Parket -foe his consoling Weeds, ibe„ 8-, N. Catrin, Mrs. Mereey and her staff Of -nneseea the pailbeita. ers and the It. A. Currie funeral hOme fen their kind, efficient management of tile Sernieelia-aThe 2011 CARO OF THOR'S would illte to etpiess fllY tore thanks and appentiation to ell my Memiti, neighbors and relatives fdt the f kfairers, 1;efits; had Ada r)f indness' shown to the When r vvaa b patient In Whighant 'General HOSPiteil.—Mee, Otorge hottatifi, 2(3* BIRTHS SMITa-•In Eaat General Hespital Toronto, on paturchiar, June 16tb to Mr- and Mrs. Rase Smith, ,a daughter, Cathy Lee. alcKENZIL—a ,Iolin and ' Marjorie McKenzie of Teeswater , are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kenneth William, In WIngham General Hospital, on Wednesciaja June 18th, 1956, a brother 'for Eric, , WYLIE—In Belleville General Hos- I, pital, on Saturday,. Julie 16, 1950, to Dr. and Mrs. H. Glenn Wylie, a Hastings Drive, Belleville, Out,, a daughter, Barbara John. WALKER—In Wingham General Hospital, en Tuesday, June 12, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Walker, Belgrave, a daughter, IvIcTAVISH—In Wingharn General Hospital, on Tuesday, June 12, 1956, te Mr, and Mrs. John alc- Tavish, R.R. 1, 13luevale, a daughter: Gaunt Reunion Held in Seaforth , In spite of Inclement weather the tenth annual Gaunt reunion was held at Seaforth Park on Saturday litat; with about' eighty relatives attending. They were pre- sent from Owen Sound, Sarnia and near -by points. Races, binge and buil were en- joyed by young and old alike. A, bountiful dinner and supper were enjoyed, It was'ananlmously agreed to hold the ninteen fifty-seven :picnic in Seaforth, The officers for 1957 are as fol- lows: President, Leonard vice-president, Mrs. Keen, Owen Sound; aecretary-treasurer, Gordon McTavish; grounds committee, John and Harold Gaunt; sports, Mrs. Norman McDonald and Mee. Leonard Phillips. GALBRAITH=:In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, Jtbre 13, 1956; to Mr. and Mrs, Glen Galbraith, Wingliana, a on. JOH SON—In Wingham General Ifespital, on ,TharscirtY, Jane a4„. 1855, to. mi, and mils. • Morley Jniansorcat.R. 2, Gerrie, a dangh- GOLLAN—In Wingham General General Hospital, on Saturday, June 11; :1956, to Mr. and Mr, Grant' Geller), Lucknow, a son, Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, June 18, 1956, to Mr: and' Mrs. Harry Rinn, Belgrave, a, son. DIED TAYLOR—At the Toronto General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 13, 1956, Isobel Taylor, 581 Shaw St., daughter oa the late .Williarn Taylor and Isabella Menzies, be-, loved sister of Jean and Gertrude, of 4ndona, Catharine (Mrs. Geo Spotton). Toronto and the late Elspeth and Annie. ' .The memorial service was con- ductedfin the Earl Elliott funeral 'honie.pir Friday evening lgst. -Rev. C. IL Wayaofficiated. Inter- inentawas• -:•-areizat: Pleasant perneteFy, Lormen, on Saturday ,,at 2:p.m. -IN MEMORIAM YEO--In loving rnznory of George Yee,. Who passed away June 18, 1.947. -a -Ever remembered by his Wife andsons .. • 20* 'HOWSON & HOWSON ' LEIIITED Noy= is, hereby given that Under. the Corporations Act, 1953, an applidation will be made to the Lieittenaht-Governor of the Pro- vince of Ontario to accept the sur- render of the Charter of HOWSON ife HOWSON (WINGHAM) CRAWFORD dr HETHERINGTON . Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Company . • • 20b • TENDERS WANTED • renders will be received by Grey Towrishin Scheel Beard for paint- ing 'inside and out :of S.S. No. 4 and SA No. 10 until :June 26th, 1950. Tenders will be received by Grey Township School Board for instal- lation of a furnace at 5.5. No. 6, until June 26th, 1956. Tenders will be received Until June .a6th fez. the. route at S. S. No. 2 by the Grey Township School Board, J, Carr Hemingway, sec.-treas., Brussels, Ontar10. 1820b itionp• to clattgt.rous , 114 '111,E ESTATE Ofr WAtairt WR/011T, late al the', Town ef Winging:in hi the Camay of Huron, Retired Fernier, Deceased. - Cit -EDITOR$ and others having elaline against the Estate of the above neared deceased, who died On of ttbont,the 8th day of January, 1956, are required to send full par- ticulars of such Claims to the un- „dersIgned out or before the tOth day of Juriet LA. 1000, after which date the &mete of the estate will be distriblited, having regard only to claims of wideh notice has then been reeelved, DATED' at eLlotowel this 8th clity of Jade AA 1950. . M. Pratt, Q.C., Barrister, eieq UstOwel, Ontario, Solicitor Or the timeutrices, ISO!,21b, PERSONALS —Earl Cunningham, of Birming- ham, Michigan, vice-president in charge of finance of the Steel Door Corporation, was a visitor in Door Corporation, spent several nays this week in town. —Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waller, Ralph and Johnny, spent Sunday with their: grandfather, Mr. John Roby. • ' and Mrs, Quinton IL Cook end Mrs. Trufelt of Galt were Sun! day visitors'. at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harima, Victoria St. =Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McMichael of Port Creait, and Mr. and Mrs. John McMichael and Miss Beatrice Joynt, of Liitowel, visited on Sat- urday at the home of their sister, Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, Minnie St. —Mr. W. W, Currie and Mr. Gee. Guest attended the fourth National Conference of Men of the United Church at Elgin House and Keswick in Muskoka, June 15th, lath and 17th. :—Mr. E. S. Copeland and Mr. D. H. Mundy, London, are attend- ing the American Furniture Show this week in Grand Rapids- and Chiaago. •"* James B. Hodgkinson asses in Windsor Janes Si HOdgkinsora a resident of Wingham for the past fourteen y'ears, died at the. home of his daughter at Windsor. He was in his 88th year. -Born at Vvyton, he went to Bruce County as a young man, and' was ea blacksmith at At -mow, Glamis and for a number of years • at. Kin - lqugh. He came to Wingham to line in 1942, after the death of his ION, the former Elizabeth A. He was a member of the Church of the Ascension, Kinlough, and of tae IOOF lodge, Lucknow. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Gerald McIver, London; Mrs. W. C. White, Windsor; Mrs. Wil- liam Bushell, Godericb; and two sons, Wilbert, of Wingham and Jo- seph, of Goderieh. Funeral services were conducted in the MacLennan and MacKenzie funeral home, Lucknow, with Rev. L. Parker officiating. Inter- ment was in Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow. Akre You 40 YEARS OF AGE OR MORE AND la0D.EINO FOR SOIVIETH1NG - PERMANENT Tone experience is valuable to both yourself and to us QUOTE "You take all the jutigenient and experience of men over 50 out of the world faria there wouldn't be enough left to run it.” - 'Henry Ford THE ABOVE QUOTATION EX- PLAINS THIS OFFER: WE° NEED. A MAN Mature hi thaught and presence— 'Fully rounded out with these years Of experienno 'behind him a capable of being his witat beset - and tarn - log ink the $400 $50.0. PER MONTH 43RACKET This ItJW of Ineteetut ilairsirmse relations built on employer •- empleyeat 400-opotiLtiou and' the best facilities availableIn Its held. Sedulity and Hosphalitation ete.. Ttimicr, its NO CREDIT 011101 ON 01.14 These are the king -weaning ,eival. ities of a good Jeb, lteidy giving age, ernploynacart etc,. BOX, 47, Advance -Times tab BUIEVALE Frfrncts Ogthet ..fot Mr.. and Mrs, JO» Spivey and. cirildren ef,Ingersol were- week -end • visitors with Mr. •and Mrs, Harold .. Prote, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Gaston and daughter of Toronto spent • the week -end at the parsonage, • with ,R.. A. Brook and Mrs. Erook, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Maahers had as their guests on Sunday her ,father, Mr. j, Elliott, of Bluevale, and nia,father, Mr. Henry ,Mathera and sister, Miss Jean Mothers, Mrs. A. 'Jones, Mrs. H. Hooper, all of Binevale, also alles Adeline Math - era, of Wingham GeneraI Hospital in spend harther'e Day, • Mission Band Sings Greetings for Three ,r3zoovALE---The United Church Mission Band met In the achool- room of the church, when' the meeting opened with a poem "June", road by the President, Shirley Johnston. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Anne peacock. Twenty-eight answered the roll call, "Something beautiful God made that you saw on your way to IVIission Band." Betty Heth- erington gave a recitation "I Have Ten Fingers", The prayer for missionaries was given by Marie Johnston, the peace item by Jim Sellers and the com- ments on last month's story by Nancy Taylor. Birthday greetings were sung for Jim 'Sellers, Ray Math'ers and Margaret Curtis. The worship service, the theme being "God's love . shown to us through the beauty of summer— the flowers, birds, trees, etc.", was conducted by Anne and Lloyd Pea- cock, Rose Marie, 'Marlene and Joe Nicholson Betty and, Billy Heth- erington, Wayne and Yvonne John- ston, The offering was taken by Terry Johnston and Gerald Brewer, and the offering prayer was given by Patsy Taylor. Miss Margaret Cur- tis continued with the story from the etudy book "The Boy: with tire Busy Walk", telling of the children from. Friendship House attending summer, camp. Ross Hamilton Is Institute Speaker BLUEV.ALE—The local branch of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Stanley Denting on June 14th. The president, Miss Ruby Duff, presided. .The roll call was answered by stating, "Why I like to be a member of the Wo- men's Institute." • • Reports of the East Huron Dls-, trict annual meeting, held at Brus- sels on June 7th, were given by Mrs. Spading Johnston and Mrs. Harvey Robertson, It was decided that the July holi- day would take the form of a bus trip to Elora. Mrs. C. B. Hoffman spoke on the motto. "Corninunity Organziations and Their Value", showing that the homemaker -should be interested 'in important issues outside her home. Ross Hamilton, of CKNX radio and television station, gave, an ina ter•esting address on advertising, He said, "Advertising Is important to everyone: because of as far- reaching influence. Contrary to general belief advertising does not increase costs. As it real:tits in larger sales, it enables firms to re- duce costs. Advertising raises the standard of living because wages are increased when advertising causes a greater turnover. Our Canadian government regulations forbid false .advertising.", Mr. Ham -- Ilton illustrated his talk by the use of statistics shown. on • a screen. Mrs, Eldred Nichol, convener of the meeting, conducted a quiz, "Know Wingham", Prize winners were Mrs. Stanley Darling and, Mrs. Sperling Johnston. Refreshments were served at' the close, the, committee being, Mrs; Raymond Henning; 1VIrs: A. D. Smith, Mrs. M. L. Aitken DON'T BELIEVE US: These paid advertisements— "Voices of Temperance—have been aapearing in Huron County Weeklies for more than six years. No facts printed in them have ever been successfully' refuted. If ynu are on of those who have at times discenurted our "temperance propa- gandira this Voice le especially for you. It has come alma that treinein. dens backing for the facts We have stressed through the. years has an - peered in print recently, not in ad- Vertisernents, but iii feature arti- cles. Net In Church or Temperante papers, but in popular petiodical Some of theee magazines moreover are about as 'fat removed, as poe- slble from being temperance Vehicles. Indeed, one at ienst carried in a recent issue 10 very alluring liquor advertisements, Another' had 15 in one issue, BUT--lieverage alcohol at work in the World today is big treive. Don't believe Us. Read these articles. Pageant — Feb./a—The 'Tenth, About Moderate 'Drinking. Health naS Welfare-44arell/56— Siath 1 -highest Is Too High, Maclean's,brarh/56--Has Prance Learned to Drink Safely? • -Readers' Digest-4fay/56—T he• Uphill right Against Alcoholism, Chnteleizie-LIVreY/56—HoW DO You kiloW 'YOU Can't 13ceorrie nil Al toilette / tab The best way to remove paint from thrOilitalii to rise nail polish, or acetone front your druggist. These will arse remove paint, even. &led anemel, from Meted, wood and woollen garments. Never use On plastic, rayon or other synthetic fel:stick &x421 evening BLUE VALE—A 'social evening te honor Mr and Mrs. Ken McMichael, recently Married, 'was .the community hall on 1, riday evening, A purse of money waS Presented, to the couple and the evening'was spent in -dancing. Ken EVY 1008 the' presentation and Pete Camp- bell read an address, TIDY CEMETERIES PLEASE VISITORS: BLUE,VALL-0 Residents' ef Mor- ris Township are making plans for their centennial be held early in August when residents of earlier years will return from places near and far to celebrate with them, renew friendships and revive mem- orleg, The churches and schools will be centres eagerly sought. Cemeteries too, will be viewed by many, seek- ing the last resting places „QC all- cestors and former friends, They' will be pleesed when they. find them carefully kept, WROXETER Mr, and Mrs, 'Robert MOntgom- ery, Jim and Marjorie Allen; Quen- tin Montiomery aria Mies P,heotie Ross, all. of Toronto, spent:. the week -end at their home !Imre. Mrs. T,, G. Hemphill' lig under Oa: doctor's care this week. Ifee many friends bobe she -will won. 011nY good health. 1k/1e and Mei *Lloyd Weir, Ter: - onto, amid Mrs. Avia Edgar, Kitch- ener, Were weekend 'guests .of Mrs, W. E, Weir and hfiqs Oerty Bush and attended the Edgar rediatik at Gerrie on Saturday afternoon. .' • '• Sunday .visitois with 7g.r. amid. mMtrse,.„:hwon:Eter:ou,:kIceilvvpebroe, Mr. -and ;004d. Mrs. Wilfred Mettle ,and. Mr, and Mrs.. Lea Allen and Mr. and 'Aftea Jim Welch, e,11:or Loirdriri, and ifr, and Mrs. Al HarrisOri,'•Atwood, 01166M6MOMMMIIMIOOMMMIMOMOHOMMMOMMI4ililMMMeMOMMAIMMUI' Notice to z •ANNUAL RECITAL' of pupas of • • Harerd Victor Pro I will be held iv St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church Friday, June 19, 1956 at. 840 pan.. ,Everyorte Welcome • Si14rer collection. e . UMMOOMWMMMWWWWmmMMMMMMW91 For the Finest in Taxi ,SerViee LEES TAXI .„. ws • 24, HOUR sic•vivE : Weddings, Funerals and Shopping Trips Going Downtown • . crosstown • • • Out pf town,,. CALL • LEE'S - 18$ - SEE CAMERON'S 'BILLIARDS for guaranteed REPAIRS .. Water COniumers i The hours for Waterlog lawns and gardens afrre(•;thfrO6::,M,a. 1,411.0;,l07.to ,-.,p,'•9-',...411 t m This be, sit:kali/440s. • An ANNUAL Charge of $4.44'gross;i eas payment discount :• 1.0;*er the use of a hose U • • . *9.t!,(1:purposes Anyone found wateringlawn's or•tklfdhi hat.; not paid foi-ihks service will be billed.'aceordingly. 'Avtho .....: I Wingtam i PubliC -Utilities Commission I ' a 11 II IR . .. I , ti C t, Sliiii• Superintendent • i Faisimmilmammillimitit•milallimaliipaticinflimei isnininiialli•inisinial*IIIIIiiiiiiIimmotomminnifilmourpo i ILION 1 > • ii OPTOMETRIST''' d i a i - = . ThOroug.hhiia • - Time t#004. • ,• ..4 111111111611111111101011111illii11111•14**0410111; Pbon 37••foi appOinttzzent • , vpa' BUSINESS AndPROF' ESM6NAL 'DIRECTORY At II: McTAVISII BARRISTER, SOLIOITO* -Arid NOTARY Ptnittate TEESWATPR ONTARkil TelejOhonn 23 Tie/mate? Wroieter-,--Eviry' *41)464: • atterflo�fl, 2-.--4 pm„ or. . by appoltitMent.. F.redvehriknie.aF.:140 R,0:m.. tit.61 Carol E. Homuth, Mrs. Violaili.11otaath R.O. • orromEtuurts • • p." • ritioaki Hitrristota,t Ontario RONALD 6. McGANN Actotivitini " Oftieet /tom Hank Melt ReSidetteet Ratteitinify Rep Phoned MU & • • awn* wow°, maw. CR4WFORD...1i HETHERINGTIIN Barristers, • lialingbarn, Athlone:AS .1; It. `CRA‘O'ORD',•';',,a • .1 . S. notmaifisortibrAfp. , MISHFIEUP Q.C. Notary, Etc. Money tojoan..,,, , \ Of1iehlq4. leek, Wip)ihitm ,.• . ViELLINfiTtli FIRE . • 1464160164.,Nottottor . Eat tate Alt nit tanadnut COntnitity *Mott IWO faithfully merved Its polley• Wilds for oven, A telitttry, , Rend Office Terento C.SItitatiottil linattraftee Agene#: .„., , ,