HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-06-20, Page 1PitOCLAMATION
Citizens of Howick ToWnship.
take notice than pursuant to the
preSentation of a motlish passed by
the Township Centennial Bstecu-
five, the Council of the dairporna:
Lion of the .ToySriship of HoWlek
proclaims Saturday, June aOth,
1066, front noon to 4 Pari; b time
to eine° ell places et hilsiaess with
in the Corporation,
All citizens affeetecr are asked
to observe this same prod/anent/on,
COW/511'y 406ye,
Township of Hiilviek
12 27h
1 •
With which is amalgamated the Oorrie Vidette end Wroxeter News
Local ,anglers are wOndeping what
happenee too epeelt.feil trout piaece
so lovisgly in the Belgrave creek
a coups of months no. ''rho deep.
hole under the bridge, where. sdv-
"prat lunkers were put 'in by the
' local Boy Scouts, is now the scene
of a bridge-budding operation,. with
workmen swarming all over the
plabe and punips pumping the
creek dry iand discharging the
muddy water downstream. Bridges
and ,.progress are fine, but . often
they don't help the fishing.
0 - 0 - 1)
local,. Junior baseball team will
make its first appearanbe on Sate
urday in the ball park' when it,
winds up against Kincardine for
the season's opener: Acecirding to
reports the Juniors should have a
real het team this Yeiti•Nrith Wing;
ham's own Jerry Fry returning to
share pitching with ken
Patterson, of Westfield. Game
starts at 6.15 PM., .so better get
there early for a seat.
0 p - 0
People have been complaining
about the weather. for so long now
that it was with some eurprise that
they greeted . a •couple of perfect
days. Most agreed that Monday
and Tuesday of this' week left little
to be desired in the way of weather
and hopes are that this will con-
0 - - 0
41" SPEEDERS, 13EWARE--I rate
householders in Hillereet, which
street boasts some 80 youngsters of
tender age, rose up in arms last
week when a car roared up the
street, weaving from side to side. •
They phoned Police .Chief Bert
Platt, and he was able to appre-
hend the driver, a young punk froM
a neighboring town 'Who- will be.
charged. with . eareless driving.:
Since" then tW6
been laid, one for careless driyinw
'and °11 ° for 8.00(1108, an looks d it
as if those who are Wont' to rear,
up and down Hillcrest will have•to .
go elsewhere for their speed trials.'
ur Vhe Fedeatirisis,
Open: house at the Berry Door Company's Wing-
harh. plant proved of interest to many visitors lie
the :district. Above, Herb Fuller, of the Berry
staff, showS the workings of the big brake prees
to some interested •visitors. Left to ;right' are
Charlie .Davidson, Brent Davidson, of Brussels,
Gerd Buchanan and Mrs. Charlie Davidson. Be-
loW, Reed Montroy and Herb Fuller, company
any Attractions Planned for
ext Month's Morris Reunion
officials, help load a railway car with Berry
' Deere for shipment co Winnipeg. This
third Such car to be shipped out of the plant
since peoduction started several weeks ago, and
doors from the Wingham plant have been shipped
to Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa
and Kingston.
Ten ,persons were injured in
Minor . accidents during the past
week and taken -to Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital. All but one were al-
lowed home after treatment,
Most Seriously hurt was Mrs.
Mabel Walker, Tall, 1, Teeswater,
•Who !metered her right hip"ia a
fall on the street, She was taken
• to Wifigham Hospital and later
transferred to Victoria Hospital in
London for treatment,
James Robert Hastings, 2-year-
.)1d son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval
Hastings, was taken to the hospital
on Tuesday of last week for :X-rays
after'swallowing a safety pin which
was lodged in his stomach,
On' Wednesday, Charles Draper,
R,R, 4, Brussels, received painful
injuries to his left hand when he
caught it in some farm machinery.
He was' allowed home after
X-rays had been taken and the
wound dressed. Wayne .Martin, 9,
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin,
was treated at the hospital the
Same day for a sprained wrist.
Donald Ross, 32, R.R. 5, Luck-
now, was injured while helping his
neighbor cut wood on Thursday,
when he caught his left thumb in
the'sew. He was allowed home that
evening after treatment. Charles
Campbell, of Teeswater, was injur-
ed the same day when he fell on
the street in Teeawater, tearing
the ligaments in his left wrist. The
wrist was X-rayed and a splint
applied at the hospital.
On Friday, Robert Nichol, of
Brussels, badly injured his left
ankle while employed at the Brus-
sels saw mill. A bandage was ap-
plied. at the hospital.
Ivan Wheeler, age 7, son of. Mr.
and Mrs, 'Kenneth Wheeler, of Bel-
grave, escaped with bruises and a
'tha.king up when he was struck by
a car in Blyth on Saturday. He was
ittempting to cross the main
street when the mishap occurred.
.?e was allowed home after exami-
nation at the hospital. Robert Mc-
Dougall; 19, son of Mr,' and Mrs.,
Mencingal; 'et "'Lanier Wing'L;
ham, fractured the fourth finger
on his left hand the same day. The
fracture was reduced and a cast
applied at the hospital.
Mrs, Frank Eckenswiller received
a. deep wound in her foot when she
caught it on some farm machinery.
The wound was repaired at the
hospital under general anaesthetic
and she was allowed home later.
MINOR ACCIDENTS Coifimerciii Students. Snappeil Up
See Extra Grade 9: at High 'School .
ment of 272 for the month of May, about half of the books suggested, and an attendance of 91,6 per cent,
He told board mashers that 194
Grade VIII students from district;
public schools had attended the
annual Orientation Pay at the high
school and that the School will need
five classes in Grade IX in Sep-
tember, instead of four as previous-
ly. There will be 30 more Grade
IX 'students in the coming school
OK Library Expenditure
R. 5, Hetherington, chairman of
the property committee, reported
that a committee of three, includ-
ing Dr. W. A, McKibbon, W. A.
Galbraith and himself had check-
ed over a list of books for the pro
posed school library, and that the
list had been approved by the com-
mittee. Mr. Hetherington said that
he was personally familiar with
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Rattan,
Gerrie, will be at home to their
friends and neighbors on the occas-
ion of their 40th `wedding anniver-
sary, June 28th from 8 pin. td
10 p.m. F20b,
The dinette suite draw will be
made at the North }Won Junior'
Farmer dance' in the Foresters',
Hall, Belgrave, June 21 Jim Scott's
orchestra in attenininee. Everybody
welcome. 11 20b
- •
A receptiori and dance Will be
held ,at Whitechurisit Community
Hall on, june 27th at 10.30 p,m. for
Mr. and Mrs. Dientlid Campbell
(nee Marjorie ' Tiffin'q
orchestra, Everyooe welcome.
The many plans.- of the 'Morris
ToWliship' Centennial are progress-
ing as the time draws near to the
August 4, 5, 6, celebrations. '
The CPR is oping to run a spec-
ial train from the:Western Pro-
vinces beginning at. Calgary .and
ending in Wingham. It is hoped
Many will take this wonderful
chance ,of coming home,
With some 4000 invitations being
seat out many replies 'have been
received; of which many ,have been
published in the local 'papers.
• Many -plans have been made in
school sections and churehes' for
home of Morris Old
boys and girls who will take part
in .many of the functions that will
be held during the three, days of
' ' Plan Spelling Beee
-Saturday, August 4th, will" see
the 15, school sections taking part
in the school reunion beginning at
10 a,m, Sense are organizing old
classes with former pupils and
teachers, spelling bees and other
activities, In the 'evening in Bel-
grave and at 8 p,m. the .0KNX
Barn Dance will,be held in the Bel-
grave arena,
With a good sinooth floor In the
arena old and young Will be able to
dance the night out.
Sunday Services
Sunday morning will open at
10.80 a.m. with special tape re-
cording broadcast over. CKNX. At
1.11 a.ril1 several of the churches ere
holding -special 'services,
In Brussels Park a memorial
service and a drumhead service
Will be held with special speakers
for -the occasion, at 2.30 p.m.
At 3 p.m, the parishioners of St,
Michael's Ohttrch, Blyth, extend a
-tardier invitatloa to attend the
centennial mass and blessings of
`the -newly areete'd statue Of St.
Michael by the , Most 1icv. J, C.
CodY, .1.1.1)„ Bislion of London, in
St. ,.Michael'e Cemetery, Morris
Township (7th line of Morrie). At
8.204.M, in Brussels Park a band
The 'regular Si ttirday evening
bingo, Under the auspices of the
Canadian Legion, will „be. held 'at
the Legion Rome on Saturday at
A O'clock, Good 1020r rb
conbert will be held with four brass
Big Day on Monday
On Monday the celebration will
have the big day of fun for old
and young in the Brussels Park,
Getting under way at 12 p.m.• A
wonderful parade has been- lined
Up with floats, mines, old cars and
ways of transportation, yoke of
oxen and five bands with. the
Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band in
the lead,
At 1.30 p.m. there Will be speak-
ing followed by a beauty contest
for Morris Queen which is, open
only for Merris Township. There
will be tug of war north against
the south, ball games, old time
Machinery display With a hand fe'd
separator and steam engine to be
working, and many other attrac-
tions to make the afternoon well
worth attending,
For Monday evening the program
committee have engaged Jack.
Thyne, the Kansas Farrner,a form:
et Morris Old Boy; Harvey McGee.
formerly of Auburn, now lining in
North Bay; lyfiss Doris Johnston,
of Clinton, well-known to the
people of Morris. Will p'ay her
marimba; Clark Johnston, of 13e1-
grave, the singing Irishman, with
his songs and jokes; J, Erries.
Meyer, of Isoadon, who with his
magic Will entertain the crowd;
alSO a former Morris girl, Lillian
lacksea (Sinclair)' of Minden,
Ontario, playing"four different in-
Following the program theft will
be a display of fireworks ftilloWed
by two dances and a Shia tail par-
Six',Teamis in
Midget Loop
Six teen's from the surrounding
district have heart entered in a
midget baseball gretipitig, with
Clifford, ListeWel, Walicerton, Han-
over, Mildniey and Wingham par-
The following schedule has been
drawn up Ler the le/O15
,lithe 20 Wingliam at Listowel.
June 22.--Walkerton at, Whigham.
June 25----Mildnlay Whighans,
,Wirightint at Mildrna,y;
.-Wirtgliain at Hanover,
July 14; Witiglitull at Walkerton,
jiily 18--.Witighlun at Clifford.
Children's Band
Planning Concert
Members of the Wingham Lions
Club Boys' and Girls' Band are
planning .a concert in the Wing-
ham District. High School on
Thursday, June 28th.
Members of the band will be
playing numbers for which they
won prizes- , at the recent music
festiVaI in Goderich, The program
will consist of solos, duets and
overtures, and will start at 8.15 p.m. .
The' band Will he under the dir-
ection' of Bandmaster A. C. Robin-
son., •
'John W, Hanna, M,L.A., and Mrs.
Hanna were among those attending
the opening of the .Stratford
val in Stratford oh Monday night.
Hon. George A, Drew, Hon, Dana
Porter and Lieutenant-Governor
Louis 0. 13reithaupt were amongst
government dignitaries attending
the premiere.*
Mr. and Mrs. Hanna also attend-
ed the running of the Queen's
Plate at the Woodbine Race: Track
in Toronto, which was also attend-
ed by GoVerncir-General Vincent
Massey, and at a dinner at the
Ontario Jockey Club, following
the race.
On. Friday of, this week Mr,
Hanna will go to Cnicago to. Attend
the annual meeting of the Thor-
oughbred Racing Commissioners of
'rho engagement is announced of
Matilda Mildred Hutchison, daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert
son, ttn. 8, Winghain, to" William
Roy Dawson, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Philip Dawson, R,R 3, Winglion,
The wedding to take place the
latter part 'of June,
-Two London amen, 'Leslie Mur-
phy and Raymond Pringle, were
treated in Wingham Geniral Hos-
pital fol. minor injuries as a result
of a crash on the McKenzie Bridge,
on the northern outskirts of town
on Sunday afternoon. Mr, 'Murphy
had to have •etiches in his fore-
head and Mr. Pringle suffered
scalp injuries, but both were re-
leased after treatment,
The accident occurred when a
car driven by William E. Smith, of
London, which was going south
and hauling a boat, crashed a
guard rail , midway across the
bridge, the boat piling into the
rear end of the car, The boat was
also reported to have struck a car
proceeding north, drinen by Johan
Tern Hertog, of Herrinton,
William en Miller, a passenger in
the Smith vehicle, escaped injury,
s did the drivers of the two cars.
Damage Was estimated at several
hundred dollars.
Chief of Police T. W. Platt In-
the 1st Guide Company of Wing-
ham was enrolled as a Guide and
Leaclnr recently, Also- enrolled at
the sonic time as Guides of the
Company and Patrol Leader and
Packers for Brownies Were Sandra
Strong, who incidentally was the
ritg; girl to complete her tests,
Sylvia Aleeander and Myrna Jane
Robinsoil, Congratulations to, all,
Over halt the students in the
Winghani District High School's
commercial elms have already ac-
cepted positions and left school,
Principal W. 5, Hall reported at
the regular meeting of the high
school board on Tuesday evening.
Mr, Hall told the -board members
that , under the .circumstances it
was the practice to grant diplomas
to the students, although they
were actually leaving before the
school term was
The principal said that during
the past few yearn it had been the
custom for commercial firms to
engage students from high schools
before the -end of the term, and
that in order that district students
might be eligible for - these posi-
tions, they were allowed to leave
school earlier,
Mr. Hall reported a total enroll-
Juliette, star of the CBC.9s Billy
O'Connor Show, will be the head-
liner and feature attraction on the
opening night of Wingh,am's' Fron-
f.Flarvey U. Johnston, a former
reeve of . Morris Township and war-
den of Huron County, was last
week appointed acting superin-
tendent of the Huron County Home
at Clinton, at a meeting of Huron
County Council in Goderich. Mr.
Johnston succeeds Mrs. Walter
Pocock, formerly of Wingham,
who is resigning, from the u position
as of July let. 17 --
Mr. Johnston has been in charge
of farming 'activities at the County
Horde for time past couple -of years.
with the use of an apartment, in
his new position,
In a report by the County Home
committee, read at the meeting, it
was suggested that a registered
nurse be in charge of nursing and
diets at the home and that a cook.
be in charge -of the cooking staff,
both to he responsible to the sup-
erintendent directly.
The Wingham and District
Branch of the Canadian Cancer
Society is pleased to announce the
list of the executive members. The
first meeting was held in March,
the second in April, and while sev-
eral members have attended dis-
trict meetings of the Huron-Perth
Branch, there has been but little
activity locally,
The executive IS looking forward
to more active Work during the
summer' and fall when it will be
busy distributing ed ucational
pamphlets and doing a . certain
amount of service work. The four
Committees; educational, service,
publicity and advisory will be nam-
ed in the neat future so the work
will be more co-ordinated.' We ere
(Please turn to page fourteen)
tier Days celebration this year, it
was announced this week by,
Johnny Brent, business manager
of the Lions' Frontier Days cele-
bration. Mr. Brent said that the
contract with the blonde singqy
was signed on Monday of this
Well known to most TV viewers
in the area, Juliette has been
featured vocalist on the Billy
O'Connor show for the past two
or three years, and has won wide
acclaim fbr her singing. Accord-
ing to reports she was recently
offered a Hollywood contract, and
it is rumored that Harry James
has been angling for her services
as a vocalist. It is hoped that she
will make a guest appearance on
CKNX-TV during her stay in
Wingham, if Such an appearance
can be cleared with the musicians'
Juliette will headline an hour-
and-a-half *show on Thursday
night of the celebration, at the
Wingham arena. Aimearing="
stagee-With Tier- will 'be -13III-SteW-
art's orchestra, and the program
will be rounded out with top-notch
novelty acts and other attractions.
Following' the show there 'will be
dancing in the arena.
A possibility that the Circle 8
Ranch program over CKNX-TV
might also appear on the Thursday
night show and be televised from
the arena has also been discussed,
but plans for such a telecast have
not yet been completed.,
The announcement that Juliette
will appear at the Frontier Days
celebration is in line with Busi-
ness Manager Brent's avowed in-
tention to even better entertain-
ment than last year for this
year's show. Top-drawer enter-
tainment is being planned for all
three evening shows at the arena.
On Friday night top fiddlers
from all over Canada will compete
for the CKNX Fiddle Trophy, em-
blematic-of the Canadian Old-Time
Fiddle Championship, with over a
dozen fiddlers expected to take
part, Following the contest the
Frontier Ball, costume event of
the season which proved so popu-
lar at last year's celebration, will
be held, -
On , Saturday evening at 'the
arena the biggest barn dance ever
assembled in these parts will. en-
tertain the customers, when a cast
of artists, expected to number
fifty, will provide music for danc-
and that, they were good standard,
works which would be suitable for
a school library, He said that the
teachers' committee which -had or-
iginally chosen , the boo4s was to
he commended on their se/action;
Board members voted to approve
the expenditure of approximately
3770 on new books for the library,
to replace those burned in the
hut fire of 1955.
To Build Fence
The queStion of building a fence
along the school property border- •
ing on the John Street road allow-
ance was brought up by A, D. Mac-
William, chairman of the building
committee, Mr. MacWilliarn said
that the building of such a fence
was the responsibility of the senool,
and that the work should be done
as soon as poesible so an to conic
under the heading of capital ex-
e ,iture, Board members deeldes
ed to hi, ahead with the building -of
the fence, to the Hastie property
at the rear of the school, with the
committee to decide on the type
of fence to be erected, after seeing
samples of the different kinds
Dr. W, A. McKibben, chairman
of the school management com-
mittee, told the board -that the ca-
feteria had been making a better
showing during the past -few weeks,
due to the fact that changes had
been made in the menu, with less
expeneive desserts being served, He
informed Members of purchases of
equipment which should be'- made
to bring'the'operation of the cafe-
teria up to peak performance. Dr.
lVfeKibbon also euggested that the
salary -of Mrs. Carl Douglas, music
teacher at the school, be increased
to cover extra duties involved in
the extra Grade IX classroom 'this •
fall, The hoard 'agreed to this.
Arrangements have now been,
made for the high school to sell
school text books, notebooks and
supplies, Dr. IVIcKibbon told beard
members. A shop will bsia set Up
in conjunction with the cafeteria
during the fall term to handle such •
Trouble with Science Desks:
Trouble with science desks in the
school was reported by R, S. Beth-
erington, chairman of the property
committee. Mr*, Hetherington t said-
that ever since the desks had' iebry
installed they had been gIviS4 a
Certain-amount-of -trouble, in spite-
of repeated appeals to the manu-
facturer through the school archi-
tects, He suggested that Secretary-
Treasurer W. A. Galbraith-writeeto
the company direct, asking what it
intended to do about the desks,
and that other action be taken if
no results are forthcoming.
Mr. Hetherington informed the
board of a number of requests
from Caretancer Wilfred Seddon, in-
cluding a 40-foot sidewalk to the
tennis courts, which Mr. Seddon
offered to build himself if the,
board was favorable to the idea.
It was decided to let Mr. Seddon
go ahead with this project.
Gordon Stobo, Culross member of
the board, asked that arrangements
be made to have a shovel removed,
which has been sitting on school
property since the school was fink
built. He was informed that the
architects have already been no-
tified that the machine, is to be re-
Secretary-Treasurer W. 'A. Gal-
braith was instructed to write a
letter to, Board Member Frank
Thompson, expressing the board's
hope of a speedy return from lais-
Pitali and notifying Mr. Memo-
'eon that the school barn was pro-
gressing well,
BLUEVA 1 ail
A garden party will be, held in
the church basement of Knox
'Presbyterian Church-- oil Wednes-
day, June 27th. Supper will be
served from 6 to 8 o'clock, follow-
ed by a program in the (;ommun-
ity Hail. V201)
CENTENNIAL 4, Remember the Amateur Contest
on Saturday, June 30; lielzes415.00,
$10.00 and $5.00, Send entries to
Mrs. Glad Edgar, Garde, not
later" than June 22. Only first 15
entries accepted. Also Old Time
Fiddling Contest, prizes $0.00 and
$5.00 and Old. Time Step Dancing
Contest, prizes $10.00 and 45.00.
Send entries to Mrs, Tom O'Kraf-
ka net later than June 22. F20b
There will be u reCeption and
dance held in the Foresters" -Hall
at Belgrave on Friday -evening,
June 22nd, in honer of Mr, and
Mrs. Ross Taylor (nee Ada Doyen
Bruce's Orehestra. Everyone wel-
come, ladies please bring lunch.
America, to be held there from k
Juno 22nd to Juno 27th. Racing t Leaders Enrolled
commissioners from Cuba, United --
States and Canada will be attend- For Guide Company
lag, Guido Lieutenant - Edna Davis of
Cancer Society Branch Plans
More Activities During Year
TV Star Juliette Signs for
Frontier Days Appearance
Saturday was a happy day for officials of the'
Belgrave CO40Derative, When, the new CO-Op
,store at Belgrave was officially. Opened, Left to
right, above, are_ lytichies first vice-
oesident; Stewart Pronter, president; Ross Itch., iri$011, manager, and Maftln araciry, ditcoter.