HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-3-25, Page 45°7!'i,t� w cove, :` ."oar•? :1'7'IfY•mva«i�'tsf?'ti5�i
A clothing expert direct from
Fashion -Craft headquarters to
measure you for that
new suit
`p��t,1� fy
.1@ }5 3II- d`y5
Made to yaur Measure
by Fashiori.Craf t
More genuine value than you
ever thought:apossible*-•m Oe
style, more service. Suits that
you can wear in any company
and feel better than the "next
man. It's a custom tailoring
offer at a ready-made price.
.. ..,�..... tea'+
Let the Fashion -Craft Expert meas-
ure you-- he will be here
Wednesday and Thursday, �k t
March 31 and April 1
-mar-- tmaine
Fuller Brush Service
Orders taken for Fuller
Brushes of all kinds.
ReIYww earner Ti+�gar Serest
and fimbria Road, Goderich.
Domestic Coal
An exceptionally high-
grade Bituminous Coal of
extremely hard structure
and possessing character-
istics which make it par-
ticularly suitable for do-
mestic use.
Economical No Soot
No Clinkers
Will hold fire nearly as
long as anthracite or coke
with but little more atten-
ignites guiddp► after
which it burns witch a light
brown smoke.
Suitable for Ranges,
9uebec Stoves Or small
F urnares.
Egg size, $12.00 per ton,
The Dean Coal Co.
Phone 96 Goderich
ST. iHELENS. March 22. -The me-
ple syrup season has started.
Mr. and Mra. John Woods and
(Laughter, MI10 Dnisy, who spent three
months with their friends here, have
left for their home at Melford. Sask.
They would spend a few r ire in Dick Richards at the week
gns rIMttng with there nt.ccs dies--And-lura.
Manch '2:1 The
young lidless Sunday se•ht&d e1am
dery M4 4eamt-t' J(jgu Maizie Ivalte•rs
on Friday evening teat.
The young eel's Illble class tact at
the home of Mr. Will Snyder un. Fri-
day evening lust `and twwpleled orsea-
lsatIuu matters. They chose as their
motto "We Will Work."
The play "Tide Pillage Lawyer" will
he given In Ik•umlller chureh on Fri-
day evening of this week. Admlltslotl: *erred, the guests were ea PI to •t-
Adults, ai trots: ehbkkru; YS reeves tentlon and Mr. and Mrs. Morris were
presented with a handsome rocking-
' Go1)ERil'H TowNSH1P chair each and the following adder's
was read by Met. Jos. MttCIlnn:--
llOt)Eltll`H T(1WNdi11IP. March To Mr. and Mrs. Abner Murrls.-
•.I3.--Mr. and Mn. ti. Itarwood eater- Your guests of thin evening cousldrr
tallied a number of nelght oro and till. au opportune occasion to expreaa
friend/eat lit a darer lust Thursday' even' their ee•utimeUI' I0*.4e 1 you on the
lug. All report a gecod time. eve of your deps,rturel from our mldst
Mr. J. Manner was at Kitchener to to►e up cane rr*Idclxe elaewlare.
over the week -end. aud attended the
funeral at his sister -In-law..
SHbWPARIYTON. Manch ' 2. -Yr.
and Mrs. .Abner Morris entertained a
number of their=frh•uds and neighbors
at th.4r.liotd4.-Iast Thursday evening,
the Knish" uuulIM•ring ala,ut seventy-
five. The: evening was slswt 10 card
(,laying and 11a1w1UK. As Mr. and
Mrs. Morris are alwut to depart from
this community the friends end neigh-
bors thought this au opportunity W
slow their esteem ante respect and w,,
atter a bountiful lunch had been
Mr. Whitfield's f'arewelL-Mr. H. G.
Whitfield preached his farewell ser-
mon to a large-eingregatton In t'niou
church last Sunday evening. Two
years ago Mr. %Vhittield succeeded Mr.
N'. 1). Mkxw•e ll. Iwo of Shelburne.
as Mttl4Ylt-pastor here and Murine
this time he has bullt tip tile church
eon,dderably. Hu also organized the
young people of the rommunl•y 111W a
Young l'e.pplr'* Society. in which as
leader he will Ice greatly miaaal.
While the offering was being received
un Sunday evening a duet was
rendered_ be Mrs. Harwood and. Miss
Inion CMtrde Nates.-) rldity night.
--anneal meting of the Sabbath
school In the church.. Sunday evening
-the aecrans•at of the Lord's Supper
will he dlsi.eus+l by Rev. t'. F. t'Iarke.
(loderleh. Tuesday evening next -an-
nual congregational meeting. The
hatter part of Easteri week. the U.Y.
P.S. S. iuteud to ?risen! the four -let St. d'erric'k a dame 1p
play elltitlyd "Palley Farm." deutan .attended dile time. for the past year their horse was at
I;,cJrrirh. All report a real good Stafford. The dc4)a44ts1 Iwrar. he -
and Mee "Aaarlab' Mr. 1). Jubnstoa, whir haw beta► uu *1414)44 his wife and his pen'nt*. fart
brothers and two misuer*: Jack. of Hyc
der the weather fur *one time. s urw'
making Itis wio back to lwehlh. yeah.• (int.: Frank. of Turnnto: ('evil.
{ Syrtt,►'taa b the urde•r *1' elm of 1►etroh: Stanley, at home:
�_ �aa►aaw�...a
glare readUnga, all of wbk•h ie're well
seeaekreel.• The hull was co,ufortably
A very interesting ,a,elat ,coat was
held b► )'r.h1ur eltureh on Friday
ereming, when the d,ugregatIOU as►
s,•wbaPd la the lasetuelt to Vend a
s,*•hu vte•ning together. .After game's
and aluase'we111.. of ,ariuua d.h,ds, the
aase•whly set ,down to a sumptuous
Oyster supper prepared by the ladies.
All eUJuyel thee s,eulug heartily.
)Zany are laid nl. with [rids at
Luu't fall to wee• the special display
of ladles' ,oats, sults, skirts and
tinea,.., mini KIris' ,•nets aL Alt )U'4
slur, un the nftrru.a,n and evening of
Monday. Mareb ':991h. and '1`ut•sday
In trnh►g. Goods unlere.1 tr111 he• here
in time for Faster.
idled ('hurl+ News.-Jualur
League will wet at 4.13 on Wednes-
day uftermxm An election of
Sunday wrMool 'Avers will be btdd un
We have found you to be uelgblc,e►
uud friends of the right sort. always We /le,alay night by the executive
ready to meld a helping hand when olid all those, interesUd TIw Wo -
Next was needed. uud we hardly 114),1 say nlen'a Missionary Society will hold It*
that you will he greatly missed in the monthly meeting on Fritlsy afternoon.
community. We wish you all manner at 2.30. T.•* will be served at 6
0f happiness in your new home. and ,clock. All are welcome
10 contribute In solar slight way to Sualay a services will he held as
emir comfort we lees to present to ,sial: Sunday srhuol nt 10 a.m. and
1 church w•rrites at 11 a.m. And 7 p.m.
The Late Horace Orser. -The' fun-
eral of the tate 1Mre•y Horace envier,
all 4M'Il
whose 41eat)4. as mentioned In Hume
bomb Alex. W,t,rrn. i.ralle Jeilli IWt. i ,.,lumor last week. occurred at Salt -
Mr. and Mr' Morris were taken I r. rd on Sunday. Merril 14th. after •
by surprise. Mo but wade very brief Nine.",
of pneumoela, took
pilaw 1411 Wedne•*h1y last to Dungsn-
.14.n The Arrested was the eldest
son of Mr. and Mrw. William Orser of
/'alley. Parry Sound, thirty-two years
each of you a rut•klug-'hair. sitting in
which you may sometime* think of
your old frlelds in ('olbyrur. (Signed
If of your frientW and neigh -
a very fitting nide anti also eapritasel
filet. t ,,..1 a4 Waving the community.
After a number of solos 'e�su�.
-Tinting e•ilmmeneed -amslav
Milled till the small hours of the
wonting. Finally. after singing "Auld ago and came to MCA Naw•anowth
Lang Syne.- all went: home feeling a with his parent," and their fatally
bit tired but with light hearts. .eleven years ago. About right years
(recall .Allan's pture.nniso uwrme►t UI atm. nt Toronto. be married, Mot toot•
the 1►ungaunutu verrespendruee. •11e Lambkin M Bolden /Talley. They
unite a number trues aroaad here lived In Goderk•h for a few years. but
AUBURN, March 24.- Mr. Arthur day. Mex N. rdire•1. of tenhh•n / a11. y. and
Yuaugblut. of Detroit. is *pending his Mr. Uobt. Bogie led . Monday - to Mrs. Abe Smith. of West %V*wanertb.
holiday's with his parents, Mr. and start fitting out ,the beat he Inte•da Thera was a large ott,'odnner at the
Mrs. Geo. Younghlut. selling uu this twamun. funeral. Itev..1. R. Peters .,,nduc•tad
Mr. J. Bpgle, of Sheppardton, visited 11'r an• glad to • say that Mr's. Alex. service In the United church. and the
Ids brother. Mr. 11. Nagle. for a hew Bottle. who has been Mlck the past Interment mss made In Dungannon
days last week. (we k. is naw Impruving.., ' telnetery. The pallh earers were three
Mr. atnl gas. 11.-meddle.lit llotlydeb-._.let*' Neat. 9051.'. wino was vialtlug' brother*, Jack. Frank sad•('ecit, and
t theweek-end with the latter's at her son Harold's and her "alnig l-} a broth, Tl iiw. Mr. ,A. Stmlth.
• • t
1 $.
Even lift -long habits can be
changed. '
People who have been burn-
ing Anthracite Coal all their lives
felt .as if they couidh't do with-
out it.
But the Coal strike which des-
cended on us last fall has made
us change our heating habits.
nose 'who- have -solum ter
our Genuine Pocahontas Coal and
Wyandotte Coke. find that their
houses are just as warm as they
firer¢ with Anthracite.
Don't let ,yeur:Iplf be worried
over the.. Coal.situation when the
remedy is as close as your phone.
parents. Mr. and Mra. Wm. Roberton. ter, Max N'lIl McMblla'a at 1144. time
Mier };lien Bradly visited for a few 0t 1he recent Are. has now come back I
1 last week with her friend, Mrs. to make her bona' at Itlebard Carney's
penult a• wart
T. Hamilton. of O0A4Meh. shell the weather *111 pot
Mr. and Fax N. i'at.,.,. w. riveted in building a home. -
with the lettere sister at Waterdown MI,a F. FUAer 1►aa beery► visiting at
last week.
the home nI 3tra. William Igniter the I
Mrs. Wm. Stewart went to Ihtrolt l>•K wtiek
last week to undergo anther treat- i
m f her eyes 1jrjOH �r
fined to the hoose' with illness for the
past month. wan taken to Goderich DUNGANNON. March '24. -Mrs. T.
hospital on Monday with the hope of li. .tion Is in Stratford
Jin: week ik
Improving her ,•ulslition. rlsltbllt
Rev. J. L. Small, a former popular Harris.
pastor here, preached to a large ,1141 Mr. Jas. smith is moving to Mrs. •
appreciative congregation in Knox ,'hits. Browns farm on the 4th con-
Unitevf 'thumb on Sunday last. ct•Nstou, wbkb he has rented.
Mr: Jas. Nicholson has purchased Our mail e,urlcr failed to make his
the house owned by Mr. It. King. and usual trip .01 Tues ayJeddly:' enacMsl
intends moving It to his farm in. East byThe playthe s nt people -D of Nile in
WThefun. parish hall last Welneeday
The funeral of the late Mn. Thom. the Da
1 of Colborne township. took place from evening, was well received and ape
Ithe residence of her sun. Mr. Wm. predated I,y those supplied musk bee
Thom. on Monday to Wingham Hombe-
tween acts oda Mise E. F. Higgins
Fol Good Clean Coal
Phone 98 -- Gorier ich
Saturday night.
Mite" Irene Moors. of Whitechurch.
wan the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jack
Henderson. of Paramount.
Mr. Peter MeNay and Alex., of Para-
mount, spent the week -end at x.ite-
Messrs. Frank Fair and Italpb Hill.
4ap" ler of Purple Grove. were guests of Mr.
Arnold Barbour and Mrs. Gammie.
Mrs. Cumming was the good of the
evening' at the (%.11.1.T. banquet held
at Wingham.
Itead Alton'l store announcement in
the Dungannon onrn*pondence.
On Sunday. March 21at. the stork
left a baby hey at the home of lir. and
Mrs. John Paterson. (:ongratulatkS•s.
Also eongratulattona to Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Altcheson on the birth n"
A New lavender. -The agricultural
element 1n Paramount 1• all enthut+
lasm now over the invention by M which
Dexter - a dleuek•fost..b arrow .
►w claims with one stroke will cut all
the weelr, pulverize and turn the land
110 as to double the t Iasi hd on n salt fan
crop, eetpt e y
ploughed. 11 will not ice offered for
sale this year, but will DP oal on his
own farm for exper
little daughter on Friday. March 19th. The alao;hlae is no ebanee find. but is
The monthly meeting of the
institute will b• held at the
home of Mies Anna McKenzie on
Thursday, April int. at 2.311 o' oKk.
11011 call: Suggestions for the care of
young, poultry and house cleaning.
Sublet : "flow to t'nmbat the l'se of
Mang." The meeting will be In
barge of Mrs. Ed. Thom.
Mr..lames Gaunt, who has been laid
up all winter. 1. at prwwot very
I'ARAMI►IJNT. March '2a. -Mss
Finlayson, of l,wha1*h, loft on
Wedne*My for Toronto. where she
will enter the general howpttal as
Mr. and Mac flair Irwin, of I'ara•
mount, visited with Zion friends during
the week.
Mr. Jack Mason. of L.,chatsh. who
has been sack with pneumonia. Is some-
what better. we are glad to report.
Mrs Peter McDonald. of Huron. is
the sue* of her daughter. Mrs. Eldon
Oenderaom, of Paramount. for a few
Mr: and Mrs Jim Richard. of Rip-
ley. *pent the week -end *1111 him par-
ents. Mr and Mrs. Dick Ithehard*, of
Pa remount.
MIs. Janie Ke(ehabutw. who went
through an operation In the Memorial
hospital. 'Brampton. was able to re-
turn to ber home In Paramount lad
bawd on extensive agricultural ex-
perience of the Inventor, both in the
Mother Country and here.
If Baby Does Not Enjoy Refresh-
ing Sleep He is Far From Well
The healthy child sleeps well and
during its waking hours is never
cross hut always happy and langhing.
It Is only the sickly child that 1. erose
-9q) inoi yl 'aattals 'gslt.sat putt
1414 ,fagt 11 ' 11a- dear 1011 op help
401.0.14 and cry a (treat deal. give them
ltlrby's Own Tablets and they w111
soon he well and happy again.
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowel*, sweeten the atomactt. banish
eonatipattnn. col 1,,r and Indlrestion and
promote healthful sleep. They are
absolately gnarenteelfree to the new-
and may N. given
born babe with perfect safety.
You Mn obtain naby'. Own Tab-
lets through any medicine dealer et
211 eenta a hex, or by mail. Iposl. pall,
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine ('0..
Brockellle, Oat.
ant lir a +m y.. DV •"r"'
Mrs. M. .Ailette who has been run -
Clinton Spring Show
Thursday, April 1st.
An excellent prize list has 'been prepared.
Come and see the cream of the stock of Huron
Ask' for prize list.
• est
H. C. Cox, W. Miller, E. Rozell, S. B. Stothers,
President. Treasurer.
nummmmmmmumiummmmmnammmmmmmmmumuumnmmnm mom ummmnmmmmunmmmum ummmmnn
ewSpring ere an iset��f��
W an
O 1.00
New Merchandise has been arriving during the past two weeks. but owing to altera-
tions to our store we have not been able to show these attractive new fabrics and
new Ready-toWear.
They are now ruddy fox your choosing and will be on display during the coming
You are invited to come alooking.
New Spring Coats and Suits
MINA,a.so.t V7 , iswniffilaNdliffe
We have a larger assortment than ever before. The Cloths are
Poiret Twill, Tricotine, French Needle Point, Ottoman Cords, Tweeds. Velours.
We have a size, a price and a style to suit everyone. We sell only one Coat
of each style.
Spring and Summer Dress Goods,
purchased from the Montreal markets and comprising such fabrics as
Fancy Crepes, Beaded Voiles, Figured Silks. Beadora Voiles, Broadcloths,
Printed Voiles and Crepe Morocain.
Silk Gloves
We are agents for
Kayser Silk Gloves
See the attractive new Spring
Prices 75c, $1.25, $1.50
and $1.95.
Silk Hose
in all the newest shades.
Chiffon Hose. Fuil-fashioned
Hose. Silk Hose (spring needle
knit )
Prices 45c, 95c, $1.50,
$1.95 and $2.75.
The S. ` A. Grey Co.
-CQy' Buying connection with three 1111110 E017 Goods Stores,
Goderich, Meaaford, Listowell.