HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-30, Page 14POWER (AWN MOWER GARDEN TRACTOR REPAIRED AUTHORIZED SERVICE Complete Line of Parts for Clinton Motors Briggs & Stratton Motors Bert Armstrong • • lr...'...•.i..n•m.!ir.•n'....•ni..i•i...•b.e!9...n.•eomnn•nr.•o••••n•mmo•omm•nom•ooiwu•••.omm•awnen.n,pi000umo•eo pe,mosprsum•••u9r.ommoo•mwoolonoonnmson;•neerouetwoommtpmworfo•v 3 Days Only May 31st June 1st and 2nd JUNE 17th IS FATHER'S -DAY - Remember DAD with an Attractive Gift, Save Tab on Holiday Wear = .= This alone will please Dad. MEN'S Men! read- this ad; then act fast - for 'here are...terrific values in Men's Suits t . A;' full range of siZes;froni-,36'to• 46.'. „a*MkirkmOri Oiiiiii,oimniot 4e avant IT'S LIKE 2 ALWAYS SAY:#/4,, N.,..., , 1-1EleE's ONE PLACE YOU CAN BUY 7HE Gamunqe ARTICLE AND f/.. f ) , Xi STILL-GET STLINGIP '44/1 HEE -HEE -HEE . „, _6 eV flIG'"' A 011.,f ,S4 Cc M ni /117/ p ttf:Artii,.'e n ~cf VA1 (tmt4;1,0011 StIOECT TO OtiAN'or, wall( UT NOTIrck, IR s • l!ilIt# 11*1011,0„ lirtngbant Adral: We,TinleA, WelnesilAy, illay 30, Ma BLIND FROM IHRTII, EXPERT 'IN OWN LINE Historic Sottiorriiiiit HONOR COL E. BELL Masons Parade to Church Service 4,b01,1t. 85 members of Wingham Masonle Lodge Al? AN.1 No. 286. ON REIN EMENT Ink !hop Dorothy Bctland to lead . the team, She had been with hlanarin for' five years, was an eNpert ,. in her field, and oeerned, a natural for the .jeb, 4t. the other plant, Dorothy, a pert brunette of 24, promptly ex, Andned the strange assembly line, Own delivered a lucid lecture on the particular type of bottle cap- ping, sealing operation that she and her cicIleagues. were going to do, ..sapnvWde ral 114i nat to: aoct:txiPeovrnoe, were, impressed by her dexterity, 4c04,:qpd ..eampetence, They. ,..reeelyed a shock a few moments later when A..Q. Blphick, Dorothy's boss, • revealed that .t she had been blind from birth, had never seen the work her nimble fingers performed. "Showing off Dorothy to strangers, then watching their amazenielit when I tell them of her triumph over adversity,- is one of my favourite forms of mild practi- cal . joking," says Elphick. "Most people who see her at work for the first time. never realize she's • Dorothy,. who comes from Rouyn, 9ne.,„ was recommended to him the Placement department of CNIB. She had attended the Ontario School for the Blind at Brantford frern.'the,age of 6 and had never 1'90*d:training in industry. Now.,'Ole is ta, star employee at the factory,, is proficient at half of the 4.ii€1,10xl.tiObS„Opyo. that's, exceptional,". `says Elphick, "It's a betteenyCiar,e tbzin most of my 20 Oth'er .‘employees boast." Nearly 100 guests, were pre eent In Listowel on Monday night, for a presentation to Lt. Col. E. 1). Bell eh the occasion of his re- 01411er with _giieats from 'Peee- • " • • ItVatCr, Brussels, Blyth and Lis- towel, .Were present for the Annual ehureli parade of the lodge in Wingham on Sunday. Members assembled at the Mas- onic Hall and paraded to the tirernent FG4) Officer Commanding United Church; where IleY. E. T. the 21st Field Regiment, RCA. MacRae conducted the service, Alex Capt. E. W. Newton, Brussels, Beid was master of cerornoni ea.•long-time friend of C"ol. Bell, made Following the church service the presentation of a cabinet on members. 'paraded back to the Masonic Hall, where the parade was dismissed. 411111111111.111111111111111.111111111.111111111111111111 EUREKA 'DELUXE TWIN BRUSH SEE THE behalf of those assembled. POLISHER Just Arrived! A Fine Precision Polisher with ALL the Modern Features When the manager of a Toron- to cosmetics company was asked to send two skilled workers to demonstrate an intricate assembly line technique at an Allied f#14911'3" Qoadridgg, of the Salvation Army.. A separate service was held 'for Catholic boys in the Sacred Heart Church,• tinder the direction of Father R, Durand, Music at the ehuroh was pro- vided by members of the United Church junior choir, under the .direction of Mr. R, dray, organist, Past Reviewing Stanil Following the service the parade formed outside the. church and marched back up the main street 'to be reviewed in front of the post office_ by 4 District commissioner Archie Gowanlock, of Walkerton.. On the reviewing. .stand with Com- missioner Gowanlock were Stewart Conyer, assistant district commis- sioner; Carl Homuth, of Harriston, assistant district commissioner far the Maitland District; Rev.' D. 4. MacRae, John W Hanna, IVI,L,A, for Huron-Bruce;. Louis Pletsch, Walkerton; Thomas Lambert, Kin- cardine; Warrpn Callan, Frank Madill and William B. Conron, of Wingham. At a brief ceremony. at the town park the boys and their leaders were welcomed by, Warren, president of the local association, and Councillor W. B, Conran, on behalf of the town of Wingham. Other speakers included Mr. Han- na, Mr. Lambert and Scout offic- ials. tru jaes Millman was on hand for some lively entertainment, and music. was .supplied by Slim Boucher, Al Cherney and Lucky Ambeau. A buffet lunch was served, following which Col, Bell thanked the guests for 'their gift. Among the guests present were Col.' Bell's old friends from Drew, Brussels and Exeter, as well as offiCers and warrant officers of the regiment. '•:,:he presentation was arranged by Major M. Oliver, of Listowel, and Lt. J. J. Lewis, of Wingham. Present from Wingham were Lt. Col. R. S. Hetherington, Major A. W. Irwin, Captains John Jackson and Bob Hitter, Lt. Jack Stephens, Lt. J. J. Lewis and is O's of the local battery, ONLY 95 ,4? Made by the lualcers of the famous EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER -Central Press Canadian "Progress," in the form of a low-cost housing development, threatens to destroy one of the few remaining links with Canada's pioneer past. It is a settlement of log buildings, including two homes, two barns and a cow shed in North York, north of Toronto, built by Pennsylvania Dutch settlers 160 years ago. Mrs. H, H. Hill, above, is one of the nearby residents who regrets that the settlement has fallen into rack and ruin through the action of weather and vandals. Many of the relics found in the buildings are shipped to U.S. museums. th 0 11 Radio and Electric Attend Graduation In Toronto Mrs. Wm. Forgie and Miss Anna were in Toronto a few days last week attending the graduation of Miss Marie Forgie as registered nurse from St. Joseph's Hospital and School of Nursing in Eaton Auditorium where sixty nurses re- ceived diplomas. Marie 's the elcdst daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forgie of Toronto and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forgie, of Wingham, • After the graduation a reception was held in the Round Room of Eaton 'Auditorium, for the rela- tives and friends. She received many cards and gifts. OUR PHONE NUMBER IS 171-J The production will be a first major effort for Mr. VanDuyn, who has hithertofore confined his movie experience •to 'TV ' com- mercials and short features. He will be remembered for the fine film on the building of local TV installations, shoWn over CKNX- TV during its opening ceremonies. Mr, VanDuyn has had consider- able experience in short film sub, jects in Europe, ,before coming to Canada a few years ago. He is expecting to. work 'on, the film this summer as a spare time venture apart ,,from his work at the television station, and to have the picture completed some time in the fall, Hils Own Equipment For equipment Mr. VanDuyn has approximately $3,000 worth of sound movie cameras of his own which he intends to use on the job, including a sound camera which can be run from a mobile unit, using car batteries for power. He plans to shoot practically all • the film "on location" '-in the streets, buildings and houses of the town, Asked about the financial end. of the venture, Mr. VanDuyn said that it is being taken Care .of. • "Money isn't the only thing that counts on a job like tills, how- ever," he pointed out. "hist as important is the help, encourage- ment and moral support of the people in VVingham.", Plans • for distribution of the movie, once it has been made, arc still indefinite, but Mr. VanDuyn is 'hoping to have it shoWn on television and possibly in movie houses. "Where You Never Have To Blow Sour Horn" °4101msiimitognonsiflainsimininwir LOCAL VETS ATTEND HRH CONVENTION Legion members from Wingham's Branch 180 were amongst those at- tending the annual district "C" convention of the Canadian Legion at Guelph on the week-end, Dele- gates from Kitchener, Galt, Owen Sound, Preston, Kincardine and other Western Ontario points at- tended the sessions. Those from Wingham at the con- vention were President John Pat- tison, Vice-President Dick Bur- bridge, Don Adams, chairman of the provincial membership com- mittee, Deputy Zone Commander Jack Bateson, Ralph Hammond; George Brooks and Robert Chettle- burgh. A former Winghamite, Alex Forbes, service bureau officer, also attended. A feature of the day was a par- ade through the main street of Guelph and the placing of a wreath . on the cenotaph. Morning and af- ternoon sessions were held. Guest speaker at the convention was a member of parliament for Esquimalt-Saanich, 'Major-General G. R. Pearkes, V.C. He told mem- bers that it is the knowledge that we have the means to strike back immediately that is deterring the Russians from attacking the North American continent. Referring to Canada's armed forces, General Pearkes said this country's main objective is "the maintenance of an adequate deter- rent which will frighten off any enemy." ALPHA TABLETS for Arthritic or eicalefeif'4 ALFALFA Rheumatic Pain! ALPHA TABLETS containing powdered extract of the ania.zing,,ALFALFA plant, plus fast working pain re- lieving agents, offer effective same day relief from agonizing ARTHRITIC, NEURITIC, RHEUMATIC Viz; AND NEURALGIC pains. ALPHA TABLETS are sold on a money back guaran,w. 100 ALPHA TABLETS $2.49 - 300 $5.95 - 600 $9.95 I For ,Sale at McKIBBONS DRUG STORE LADIES' Sfrtiel &zed Our complete stock of Ladies' Spring Coats is being offered at 1/2 PRICE Reg. $29.50 to $59.50 SPECIAL $14.75 'tom $29.75 4 Zadeed' Set A GROUP OF 10 SUITS' To Clear at 1/2 REGULAR PRICE LOCAL MEN PLANNING MOVIE OF SMALL TOWN LIFE IN WINGHAM Regularly,"pri'cc (Continued from page one.) from the city who comes here to live. So far the producers are still looking about for themes and plots for the story, and they are open to suggestions from the people of Wingham themselves as to what would make a . suitable plot on which to hang the local story. NOW ONLY $24"15'''' $34!75 Yes exactly 1/2 Price! Thurs., FA., Sat., May 31, June 1-2 William Bendix, John Lund "Battle Stations" A good melodrama dealing With life aboard a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier and with the part it took in the war against japan. Men., Tues., Wed., June 18-19-20 Howard Keel Ann Blyth Vie Damone "KISMET" A lavish Arabian Nights tyPe of extravaganza with fine musical sequences. .•••••••••••••••*••••x SPECIALDISCOUNTS ON ALL MERCHANDISE IN THE STORE Includng New Stock Just Arrived - Swith Suits = Sport $1-iirts = "T" Shirts Play Shorts. GOSPEL HALL Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 21-22-23 Gordon MacRae Shirley Jones "CAROUSEL" A story with beguiling songs, dazzling choreography, and a tender and poignant love story, Admission 60e - 35e - 25c wiwir\e‘•••••••••• Housedresses A group of ladies good qual- ity .Cottun housedresses in attractive patterns at this SPECIAL OFFEB MJI;N'S, 'JACKETS Group.. smart Jackets in- cluding Gabardines, Velvets and Novelty weaves. REG. $13.95 to 00.95 MIIIN'S COWBOY HATS. Felt Cowboy Bats in cent- plete range of sizes inchaling all, the polder bright totem's. Price $2,98 MEN'S SOX Plain shades of very fine qnality Sox 75% lamb's wool and 25% nylon in neW,pepu- COlourtL $1.50 2 for $5.00 `Cotton PLISSE THE OLD. HOME TOWNP4r,;.!%.4-..,, STANLEY; Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 7-8-9 Alan Ladd. June Allyson "The McConnell Story" The story of the military Career and personal life of a famous American flier who became the first triple jet ace in history, ',BOYS' SUITS Boys' and Students' Suits Sizes 6 to 16.yrs. REG'. $19.95 to $39.95 IA PRICE \ $9.98 to $19.98 Damaged HATS A grotto of Men's FeltC Hats slightly damaged, hut suit- Ole, as a scuff bat. ONLY $1.95 Special $1„19 p . Poynterh sades in plain or figured ntsse. REG. 59e yd.. Special 49e yd. SPECIAL $2.98 PRINT An excellent selection Cotton doo Special 39 c • y ;10LAN*KLETTirt BLANKETS Medium Weight Blank4Ats, seconds of a regular $5.50 line. Size 70 X 90 Price $4.44•Pr• Heavy quality lllliznitots Seconds of a regular $6.95 ibid. Size BOX 90 Price $5.89 pr. Mono Tues., 'Wed, June 25-26-27 (Adult Entertainment) Anna Magnati Burt Lancaster Marisa Pavan "The Rose Tattoo" A fascinating, adult cOmedy- drama, based on Tennessee Williams' earthy play. Thurs., Fri., Sot., June 28-2040 John Wayne, Lauren Ilneall :"IlLOOD ALLEY" The story of ass American. Sea Captain who helps an entire Chinese village to escape from time ChifieSe Reds. BOWS' COWBOY HATS Mon., Tues., Wed.y Julie 11-12.13' Robert NeWtan, Glytis jeliiis "The Beachcomber" colourftl and witty South Sea comedy-drama with att- thentle tropical backgrounds. BOYS' JACKETS, A good selection of fancy Gabardines and Sharkskitts. Sizes 6 to 16 Yrs. IttG. $3.95 and $4.05 IGHOFFERS UJITIGHAfil Thtirt4., Frig, Sat, lune 14-10-10 Yew. Ferrol', Trevor Iloward "Cockleshell. Heroes" A thrilling War-adventure- Melodrama based on true-4 life exploits of ten Royal IttaririeS. "The Friendly Store Mon., Tues., Wed., June 4-5-6 Robert Taylor, Kay Kendall "Quentin Durward" ThiS is an entertaining, ro- mantic tale of the action- filled Medieval adventures, of a gallant Scat nobleman. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT, First at 7.15 MATINEE SATURDAY, 2.00 pin. Ask Volunteers Messrs. VanDuyn and Mitchell are' also hoping that, besides giv- ing forth with suggestions, Wing- ham people will also volunteer their assistance in producing the picture, A cast of actors will be needed, for instance, and it is hoped that some of the citizens will volunteer, their service in this capacity, particularly those with acting experience. Props and settings will also be needed for the film, and some of these will have to be borrowed to keep the budget down.' , SAUGEEN DISTRICT SCOUTS, CUBS 'ATTEND WINGHAM CHURCH PARADE A (Continued from Page Chid) Rev. E. J. MacRae preached a fine sermon on the Scout motto, "Be Prepared", pointing out the similarity of aims between Christ- ianity and Scouting. He was assist- ed in the service by clergy of other churches, including hey, John Coyle, of Wingham Baptist Church; Rev. L. W, Owen, of Simcoe, of the Anglican Church and, Lt. D. Regular Sunday Services' Sunday School 10.15 a.m. Remembering the Lord at 11,15 Gospel Meeting at 7,30 p.m, Each Thursday evening at 8 pan. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study -041.04•444//' 0401041.111.111Sii•Oill*Oiniidatft A conipleto tango M -sizes in Boys' Pelt cowboy•HotS. Price $1.98 . '4', •