HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-30, Page 13!OUT had 0, It dams Canada iminum• laeadian, outdoor am foil. showed idy mate s, steak's ie camp- ! frestrin :cling 4.t mission lea back ilia may lore 4.14- ueh kid in 'a d reaele, .NY OF LEAN) 99 N. $.ce Wednesday, May 30 3.55 Preview 4,00 Round, World 4.30 Take a Look 4,45 Folk Songs 5.00 Cartoonia 5.30 Howdy Doody (1.00 Flash Gordon 6.30 Focus-Weather 6,45 Focus-Farm 7.00 Focus-Sports 7,15 Focus-News 7,30 Dangerous Assign, 8.00 Vic Obeck 8,30 I Love Lucy Q.00 Hit Parade 0.30 eticisie Rae Show 10.00 Big Town 10.30 Request. Yours 11.00 CRC News 1.1,10 News, Nightcap 11.15 Pajama. Playhouse 'Thursday, May 31. 3,55 Preview 4.00 M'Lady 4,30 Mr. "0" 4,45 'Maggie Muggins 5,00 Cartoonia 530 Howdy Doody 6.00 Range Rider 6.30 Focus-Weather 6.45 Focus-Farm . Round Friday,. June 1 9.30 3.55 Preview • 10,00 4.00 Round, Round 1.0,45 World 11:00 • 4,30 Peppermint Prince 11,10 4,45 Small Fry Frolics 11.15 0.00 Kraft Theatre 7,00 10.00 Circle 8 Ranch 7,15 10.30 This Is the Life • 7,30 11.00 CBC News 8,00 11.10 Newe Nightcap 8.40 11.15 Pajama Flayhouse 9,00 7.00 Focus-Sports .5,06 7.15 Focus-News 5,30 7.30 Ropalong Cassidy 6.00 8.00 Good For nis Saul 6.30 6. 8.30 Fireside Theatre 45 NEW LOW,PRICESI ".••••••,.• ,,,W.,•••••••••";”.•••,01••••••,•••••••••%,"••4•••• Sponsored By FACTORY CENT SERVICE - Victoria St. • • • • .• • • Monday, June 4 3.55 Preview 4.00 Round, Round World 4.30 Fur & Feathep 4.45 Aubrey & GUs 5.00 Cartoonia 5.30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Range Rider 6.30 Focus-Weather . 6,45 Focus-Fern 7,00 Focus-Sports 7,10 Fecus-News Stop the Music Producers Show Denny Vaughan • Steidle One CBC News News Nightcap Pajama Playhouse •••nrs••••••••••••‘.1w... . • • ,„ .,,• . Tuesday, 3.55 Prev14W.-: 4.00 *Lady, 4.30 Tr.0viki?gt3e 5.00 The 4.egifiTBreingee 5.30 IfaWdy J?oridX:91 6,00 Range: Ride .7 6.30 Foolls,-We4thet.i, 6.45 Focus Farm 7,00 FOcils-Spdrta 7.15 Foctia-igews.'„:, 7.8i) HOrner,Pe)1;;:. .8,00 •GM-Theatre i:, 9.00. Dragnet' 9.30 Pick, The Stars 10.00 Almanac • 10.30 BUres 11,00 OBC''NeWe"e 7: 11.10 NeWs Isleeffsteii.P ; 11.15 Pajanati'Plaiheinse Sunday, June 3 • 1,55 Preview 2,00 Junior Magazine 3.00 You Are There 3.30 Seaway Spectacular 5.00 Perspective 5.30 Fighting Words. 6.00 The Search 6,30 Father Knows Best 7.00 Our Miss Breek'e 7.30 Thdatre of Stars 8.00 Ed. Sullivan 9.00 Four Star 'Theatre 7,30 9.30 Showtime 8.00 9.30, 10.0QeSerenade for String • 10.00 10.30 Faith For To-day 11.00 CEO News 11.00 11.10 News Nightcap 11.10 11.15 Pajama PlayleauSe 11-15 THIS NEWSPAPER FOR ONE FULL YEAR WITH . . , .. . OFFER NO.,.2, _ . 3 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A , d $4095 OFFIER,A0atr, 4 MAGAZINE& FROM • GROUP A i $5.60/ Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose, list With •ordeir. GROUP A, O Maclean's Magazine (13 issues) 6 Mos. O Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr. O Liberty Magazine 2 Yrs. q Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. ' q Free Press Weekly, Prairie Farmer I Yr. O Saturday Night (bi-weekly) I Yr. O Country Guide 2 Yrs. 0 Chatelaine I Yr. ri Farmers' Magazine 2 Yrs. O Canadian Poultry Review I Yrs, O La Revue Populaire I Yr.. q Rod & Gun in Canada I Yr. O Modern Screen I Yr. list with ardor. Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose GROUP B O Redbook Magazine I Yr. o Coronet . . .-. , I Yr. 0 Maclean's Magazine I • Yr. , 0 McCall's Magazine I Yr. 0 True Story ' ' I Yr." p Canadian Homes & Gardens I Yr. „ O Sports Afield I Yr. I D Photoplay 1 Yr. . O Parents' Magazine I Yr. O American Home I. Yr,• ED The Ensign ' I Yr.. D American Girl I Yr. El Christian Life (For Conservative Christian Leaders) I Yr. f . Hunting & Fishing in Canada -- .. - ......--_,........, I Yr. E Outdoor Life . :a_..,- 11. `er. '.1.1 OM. 1•1•1•1 Willa IMMO 1.= MOM - MIR MI= MOM Ili - • CHECK MAGAZINES DESIRED AND ENCLOSE WITH COUPON Geniloment I enclose . ... -_r---Neese tend ixte thateffer I checked. With a year's subscription to your newspaper. I S treet I Post I OFFER No. 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A $4.45 OFFER 'No.'3 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A I MAGAZINE FROM GROUP B $5.50 en" :1 • dr School Telecast 0130 Television, in 1 conjunction with the Nation •• reef:earl Council on School Broadcasting, has recently completed teas' second series ,of insehool television broadcasts. These were heard, over 29 TV stations, by an• estimated 750 schools acres, the country. Here, Percy Saltzman explains the• workings of the modorn phone on one of these school broadcasts. , . a ei . • , ..., , . ' , . .. .. . ,• ' , ! . , . .• . TlE~l{E RIGHT ' SRI E TED,' PRIM' of a basic industrial product in an expanding country such as Canada should be low enough to encourage maximum sales against world-wide competition. The price should also be high enough to recover all costs and proVide an adequate profit. Without profits further expansion could not be paid for, and expansion is necessary if there are to be newt jobs for our increasing population. . In fact, without profits there would be fewer and fewer jobs than now, instead of more and more. And without profits there would be no return for the shareholders on their investment; and there are almost ,as Many shareholders in in- dustrial companies as there are employees. _ Th'e right price for Canada, then, must include a profit for investment in our future growth. THE „.._ . , :STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED • . MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON 'BRANTFORD - TORONTO . ,. ... . ,„... i • Mosiv.tro Ativonflowonooto, woonessity., atot 109, SPX OW, tAT,IN',4.' 4N UMMER. .FOOTWEAR IaAlt;i1 4':SANI)ALS, - $5.95 onipss sons Illusion .or 'Ugh, $6.95 M $9.95 *OUR FAMILY SHOE STORE WINGHAM - • • • • .WPPORT THE FLOWER POT FUND Take your donations to these "torso Callan's Shoe Store Burke Electric Canadian Tire Store PHONE 12 6. sal Sr ... THE JURY had _deliberated 'for several clays .and finally filed back into the emirtroem, "Have you reached a verdict?" the judge aide- .ecl the foreman. • • • C.KNX'..TELEVISION PROGRAMMES O Chatelaine • roeuier Science O Canadian Mann* Gardens 4.00 • 0 Look 4.911 Lei Family irei.nu1 and Weekly Star 3.75 O Mantling C Fishing in Lariat-lit 1.15 0 'Child Life 4.85 0, Flower Grower 4.85 0 -Redlienit Magazine 1.60 • 0 Collier's (il-weekly) 4.85 • 0 Mnonty 1)umpiy'i (10 issues) ....... 4.85 1:1. 'Esquire • 0.90 Z, 0 'Outdoor Life .4.75 Ij Screen Stories r 4.25 I:1 V.'S. Camera MagaZine 4.90 0 Le Saihedi (French) 4,75 O Argosy (Maii's Magazine) 4.75 Christian_ nerata 4.95 Li, MaYfitir 3.00 0 Woman's Home Cowie:aloe) 4.05 q ercesims Magazine 4.110 Oaleree Press IVeeltly Prairie .vernier 3.75 . 0 Trtie Stab. 4,15 0, Parents' atftgatine 1.35 (:" American Girt 4.40 ▪ Compact (10 litstieS) ..... 4,85 0 kepulak Ottrilenleg. 4.80 a Children's Digest tie wiles) 4.85 Newspaper and Magazines I year; unless' ferny Shown Any Magazine Listed and This Newspaper,Both for Price Shown Pleithe alto' .1 to 8 Waelte foe Iritat Coulee of 'Magazine to ArtlYe stuurso- (hi,-weekly) \ 0.10 O Maclean's Magazine (26 'mates) r 4.40 0 Canadian Mane 4iiernal 3.0(1 O American Magazine 4.85 3.90 4,95 FILL IN AND MAIL TODAY! SAVE MONEY ,:eigaby_cooN uTHNESTE Ens 'OFFERS moriminnormik Profile in Courage "TRIAL viwyEr T„ro., to the prisoner, the foreman Politely ,asked. 'Do Ygle want AC or nc current?"--Al On Kraft Theatre spcmg. Star' Stage;'.. Flighte" , 1 Jim Coleman Show, CBC News7 e, ' e.- News Nightcap:, pajama PlaYhtnise Roy Rogers Howdy Doody Range Rider Focus-Weather Fnells-Farrn Focus-Sports Focus-Newa . The FalCOtil, Wayne• 8e1Sleueter Pi414ffc.:Fkii.VW _ Ford ,Graphic: „:„ one of the events: The admiral had concluded his visit and was walking to his, wait- ing car with his flag lieutenant, With them went The Tribune's Jim Greaver. At the car, the admiral swung about and saluted smartly. "Now how did the admiral know I'm 'an ex-Marine?" Greaver re- flected, "No doubt my military carriage." He threw back his smartest salute, Pedestrians giggled. Greav- #1, s7;(:;di ll 848 Rev. `/////11' Costs little more than a standard tire! ."A Profile In Courage," the dramatization of a vital rnerneet•in Arderlean history based on Sen, John • F, Kennedy's best-selling book, will be presented on Kraft Television Theatre, Thursday, at p.m. "A Profile In Courage" is„the true story of Sen. Edmund G, Ross whose one vote saved President Andrew Jehieson from being must- Atl-fromthe. White House. His one cast •88, years ago to the day,. not only saved Johneon but also eset,Ved:the' United States system' government at a time when out- ,raged public ,opinion was, calling fqr doWnfall t 'of the system. Ross. 19/3t hia.politicel neck,' and more, as a,`, result, He never• again held elee, tiye'offiee; he ,and his family un- elerwent social ,,ostracism, physical attaCkeand the degradation of pov- erty, Only history would give him 'reward. Jamee Whitmore :will gay- the part of Sen. Edmund C. Rp'ss *and VictOr Jory will play his ,:bitter antagonist, Rep. Thad- deutir''Stevens. ,The e bbok's author ia, the junior senator, from Massachusetts and naval 'heti) during World War Hr His "Profiles 'in Courage" hag been finaliy established in ''''the lists of the nation's• top ten be..t sellers for nearly., four months, is'weelt• the Via Obeck Show track' star Jack Catroll, tht,seeond swimming feature with and' John Fisher talks - orit.'N4thern Ontario, ,.$,Carrelt,, a native of Southern Ont- ario;,atterided University in Michi- g-an,::,Where he still holds records itff the:. 'Big Ten' Championships. The versatile • Canadian is now Coaching the 1VIOntreal Track and Fier.d.C1Uh. • a'lleAsec'ond segment of the swim- Ming./Seridawill"rnove„,kto more,of tfie ..-'iiindainentals of cwimming Wititop, authorities such as Miss Bell, Cliff Lumsden and Gus Ryder. AISA: slated to appear on this weeks' Vic Obeck Show are mem- bers.of , the Canadian, Army Bisley te'am'ikho in 'the near future will depart for the famous meet in England. This interesting and Informative half -`:hour on sports is presented Wednesday night at 8 o'clock on Channel' 8. • • • Star Stage The Star Stage presentation tells the cirainatic story of a beautiful girl' who was a. provocative riddle• to a man who usually had all the answers. Don't miss "The Real P.alnier,, -an t peorge MacReady on CKNX-TV at' 9:30 ON BIG TOWN The Illtestrated Press and Steve Wilson call tipen the ,eervlees of a famoUs old trial lawyer and save an innocent boy from eXeetltten in 'Trial Lawyer." Young truck driver Joe. Rand (Harry Landers) is. on trial for the kidnap-murder of his boss, Techni- cally, he's guilty of kidnapping, but ?heists he, is innocent of mur- der. However, under . state law a kidnapping conviction :carries *,the death penalty.,so Rand.,stands to lose on either Count. Rend's clelenSte lawyer is a' Mr. Vincent (Francis de .Sales); dapper, shifty-looking .ebereerer of gees- tionable motives. In desperation, Rand appeals to: the -Illtistrated Press for. City,. editor. Charlie Anderson (Barry'Kelley) id doubt- ful of-Rand's'-guile as' a murderer, but is aware that •conviction on the kidnap charge would :mean execu- tion for the youth arid the possibil- ity that the murder would still go unsolved, , • On the first day a ,trial McCall makes a brilliant sununation of the case, and against the objections of the prosecutor ( Kirby Smith) scores, with both. judge and jury on the real issues involved. How- ever, •as the trial continues, Mc- Call visibly shaken by the strain, is losing ground, Meanwhile, Wil- son and Anderson haVe been' in- vestigating Rand's case, discover that the boy, is innbeent of murder and that Vincent' engineered the crime, With these; facts, McCall delivers a scathing „indretment of hew law and justia are not always the,sarne, and ,Rand •is:acqUitted. Jim. Anderson 'Falls Prey to Old=Age It's a had day for Jim' Anderson when he makes 'a date to play bad- minton at a friend's house. War- garet, his wife, reminds him :that his one "athletic" claim to lame was the winning of a. poetry con- test, Fourteen year old son Bud .inalwa him, feel ancient , when. he asks; to borrow, Jim's razor; and daughters Kathy and. Betty are amused by the very thought of him playing badminton ,at his age. This series, of family condem- nations prey on Jim's mind, lead- ing ,to a nightmare in which he plays badminton with a white- bearded octogenarian, far more agile than Jim, Convinced he has one foot in the grave, Jim doesn't even rise for breakfast the next /miming. • • Margaret, realizing the gravity of this situation, works 'out' a plan with 'the children• in' which they revert to what Jim callS,"two-Aar- olds", almost 'citfying HIM 'crazy with theirs antics . Wheh ri:copege classmate, . Eddie .Gifbert, now a gi.h.n;dialher, arrives claiming that Jim doesn't look a day older than he used to, Jim is cured, Husband and wife then. go off far a game of ba d Min tort trid. barsebaCk. successfully completing Jim's re- juvenation, The Ploulle Says '44 Revoir"' The entire rimiffe family ,is serribled with relatives and friends_ to await the arrival of Cecile's baby In the final episode Juno 1 of the TV show's 1050-60 aeries. Most pf the major .characters Of the family show will appear, including Oncle Ge.deore his daughter Mar- tine, and the three girls, Rita, Da- nielle and Jeanne, who gave the Plouffe- hoS many an 'anxious ma- nxent during the season., For some- of •the players th'e ei-r7 of the season will he the beginning of a holiday, Others plan to con- tlnue working during the summer. Writer Roger Lemelin, who made his debut as, an actor a few weeks agO in the role of an. Obstetrician, will be sailing up and down the St. Lawrence in his new. yacht. Jean- Louis Roux will be in Stratford, Where he will appear in a French production of three farces by Mo- Here and in "Henry V", Denyse Pelletier will take part in the Mon treal Festivals production of Ra- cine's "Athalie",• moving from the role, of a present-day mother 'to that of a queen of Biblical times. Five members of the cast will be touring Quebec in entertainment groups, Paul .Gueyremont . (Papa) has been entertaining week-end patrons of a MOntreal night club and plans to continue. with his show, taking it to summer .resorts, Pierre Valeour (Guillaume), Emile Genest (Napoleon), Therese Cado- rette (Jeanne) and Jean Duceppe (Stan) are the principal members of a revue with which they plan to go on a summer tour. A phenomenon of the 1055-56 season has been the increasingly warm response from viewers out- side Quebec, particularly in the To- ronto area. Prestimably many view-• ers who were at first baffled by the unfamiliar atmosphere and accent have developed an attachment to the show. MILITARY CARRIAGE ' Habits die hard and so do the memories of service life - at least that's the way. an American news- paperman found it when Rear- Admiral Hugh F. Pullen, Flag. Officer Pacific Coast, called on the mayor of Oakland, California. ' The occasion was the visit of a Royal Canadian Navy squadron to the United States and this is what the -Oakland Tribune reported on er acquired a feeling of .appre-- hensien. Abruptly he understood. He Nits hatless; and a Marine. never salutes' when uncovered. "Ah well, ; It's. been 10 years," he rationalized. "One forgets." But passersby were still chuck- ling. • Then Greaver, out of the cOrner of an eye, perceived the lieutenant behind him was busy observing naval courtesies and sainting 'Ad- miral Pullen, • NYLON TUBELESS -Super-Cushion. Y GOODAIEAR Safert Extra strong! it's made with Goodyear's exclusive 3-T Nylon Cord- the process that makes the most durable tire fabric; ever developed. See it today! BERT ARMSTRONG PHONE: 181 WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN TV Phone 966 'Saturday; June 2 3.55 Preview 4;00 Western Theatre 5.00 Wild Bill Hickok 5,30 Disneyland 6.30 Mr, Fix-it 6.45 Labour Saver 7.00 Navy Log 7,30 Holiday Ranch 8,00 Jackie Gleason 8,30 Stage Show 9.00 On Camera • 9.30 Holiday Theatre 11.00 News Nightcap 11.10 Wrestling ite-46I &Ma MOM'? ALL OF PERS ARE GUARANTEED • "We have, your boner," was the reply, "bet in .order to. make this trial as fair and agreeable as possible we'd like to rile the de, fondant one question," CARROLL SEEN/ VIC OBECK kee. • Kingston Redcoats to Set Mc-edit-it. in- U.K. ;B w. .. . . -centril eress camellia A precedent will be set by the appearance oft the 10Id Psi:jet Henry ,guard of Kingston, brit, at the Royal TOurnaMent in t hind from June 0 to /8, For never beret° has a Canadian corps been invited to. this deittenstratioli of pageantry. 'Seventy-fourt "students from Queen's university' form: the nori-militerY drill Wald which wears Uniforms of the 1867 era, Even the Maidot4-,6 "DeVid," the purebred goat4-is authentic, atom the Royal Welsh Mainers (1842.43) has had' a goat mascot for centuries. The in- vitatien to the tournament stems front a visit to Kingston last Itiininer by Glen, Sir Templer, chief of the imperial general staff,. RI Was SO Impressed during one Of their daily IWO that en his: return, he spread the 'Word that Canada WI a WOW Which WOO woriddamous,Reyal