HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-30, Page 8"BirCh of a Feather" Also Fly Together PrOss CanaOlen Identical twins and handsome Flying Officers Bernqd, at left, and Gerald Gower of Wentworth, N,S,, .add a twist to the old., ' saying about "birds of a feather." • In this case, they fly together,,, with the RCAF's No, 2 Fighter Wing at Grostenquin, France, where they have just received their "Mach Busters" diploma for exceed-.. ing the speed of sound in a Canadian-built Sabre jet, Mach (pro-, nouneed Mock) is a mathematical designation for the speed of sound, which varies at different altitudes. A Highland Scottish pretteher whose native speech . was the Gaelic, carried over a . mannerism of that tongue intO-English when he talked. This consisted of: in- sorting a personal pronoun after a proper noun. On one occasion his text was. "the devils goeth about as a -roaring lion seeking whom 'he would . devour," .„. "My friends," he began, ,"We shall treat his text under three questions, First, we will deal. with a question of itlentity, and ask ourselves who the devil he is. Then we will consider geo- graphical problem,. where the devil • he was going, and finally we shall face the question, what the, devil he is roaring about.':--Churcih Magazine. , _ MENINGITIS STRIKES EQUESTRIAN STAR . - U U U U U • U --Central Press Canadian Stricken with spinal ineriins gifts, Col. W. R. ,(Bob) Ballard, one of • Canada's ,- foremost equestrian stars is in serious condition. The 41-year-old Wes , tante rider was conspiculously, absent from the Canadian team, which left on May -7 for England where it will train for the; Olmple equestrian events ,in' Sweden beginning June 10. Bal.,' lard has represented Canada, With distinction in international equestrian competitions since the' early postwar years 'when th'e Canadian team was reorganized.] this,, the short girl, too, should choose the mid-heel, but in a color" that's more subtle' than dra- matic. Particularly smart this season are those' in the beige-to- •brown shades'-such as french bread, sand, coffee-and-cream, cannel and ,toast, ' Other features in the new shoe styles will prove a boon, too, par- ticalarly the elongated toe, for the short girl with a short, stubby, foot. And the leather Manna, with an exaggerated "V" line at the throat are wonderielQ thinning to the ankles. YOu on become Part' owner in Over 100 widely diversified and selected securities with one single investment in InvestOrs ,For full informas „ tiori contact your In- yesters Syndicate repre- ;Rotative.. Thos, A. Jardin • Phone 147 wotollAn ONT. John W. Waines R.R. 3, LISTOWEL Phone 1042 • InvessterS nviatues1 OF CANADA 1.t0; Crynqdtes rayed muitzai turd 44140 9r115111 WINNIPIG • OFFICI5 IN 194INCIPAI, CIT1t$ • imit.m..mko4mNt.o•Drpormoompo•amp.nom.utlam.00m...oum.ufax......o.atrolwar.a....0..epago-ornA.D.ael MITCHELL Electric • ELECTRICAL . . . MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS *INDUSTRIAL .1. • MOTOR REPAIRS *COMMERCIAL REPAIRS i • DOMESTIC ' 13EATTY SALES SERVICE source, M..134•6.1.....1=1.1.1•11•110111111.11.•• 11.015M,OMOINDIEW.9% 11.Z.14,1•!...1171110,19.1CM. 4.100.150..M.1.11414.1341,016 • Ithe original Come an FREE DELIVERY FURNITURE , iiiiii ttttt ttttt .,111101.1Fin Use Advance-Times Classified Ads for Results PRECISION BUILT HAND RS BUILT TO LAST! Easy running, light to push, all 5-blade mowers with rubber tires and tubtilar steel handles. 14" cut — $13.95 16" cut — $14.95, $15.95, $17.50, 1 i Yes we have them! Moult JULIENNE SHREDDER ItiALADMAKEI • ' Standard Size No. 1 a $2.98 Deluxe Size No. 2 $4 98 a ; rtioliiiiiiiiminmoinumoimmumionienanus 1111011111111 aiimutiniA STAINTON HARDWARE AND 4. FARMERS SUPPLY HOU' SE- PHONE 30 .WIMGHAN = JVItKIE, EVEN IN AltAy4 TELE1140Ne CONVERSATION yoU SHOULD GIVE THE OTHER PERSON A CHANCE TO EAV SOMETHING NOW AND THEW Illnillg IS an ,almost forgotten Ver+CJAY art, bat it still has a 113e- A14 Place. Even with modern wash- inirAlethOde, billing will ireproVe the OeatttY pf white- Silk and white wegllen fabries. Elected President- Of Young People The Rev. ,f. L. Coyle, pastor of sVingham Baptist Char ii, 'kess re- Sleeted president; of the ship Baptist 'Voting People 'e Ae- Jociation 'n Canada, at its :loth annual conference in Niagara Vans .Collegiate auditorium. More than 1,200 young people, in- eluding many from this ihslaset„ at- tended the convention. Other offlee"rs on the executive are; Res; Robert Snyder, Milton, .first vive-president; Gorden tni-- ston, second vice-president; Owen Saggett, secretary, and Eldon Beuhler, Hespeler, ttettsurer. 'Named to the council were Bev. Charles Tipp, Niagara 14',Sile; Whitlaw, Toronto;. Tobert Myer, Waterloo; Boy Lawson, Kimberley; Rev, Jack AditMe, Byron, and Rev. E. Nullmeyer, Barrie. Ifev. John Boehmer, of Hyde Park Baptist Church, Toronto, was the speaker. When Queen Mize:bah was just seven years old she was told Blot all people were equal before God. "Grandmother Mary, too?" she asked: syms tlizabeth shoot: bet head, "Oh, she wouldn't like that!"--Bevue, Munich. MIC4OW .60Ar.S.-OVASP. • AN At it-1101014 PE.ST Yellow goat's-beard la another undesirable of the gliroPeal/ plant kingdom which slipped past the immigration authorities and set- Ord in Ontario, according to the Yield Crops Branch, Ontario Pe- , pattment, of Agriculture, Finding soil and climate to its liking and !the natives tolerant to its presence, i• it has taken up permanent regi- !•dence iu parhe, rotidshics, along railroads, and in permanent and long term pastures. Its Uppearance, tall, coarse, crowned with a bright yellow flow- or like a dandelion, does not add to the beauty of the landscape,. even before the downy seed heads form in early July, These seed heads, incidentally, are round like the dandelion, only larger, , abut one half the size of a baseball, The seeds, of course, are airborne and parachute down to invade new grassland. In the bud stage, and when the flowers are closed at night, the shape of the head re- sembles a goat's beard, which is the reason for the popular name. Goat's-beard is a perennial, with a single, slender tap root which does not stand cultivation. The plant is filled with thick milky juice not palatable to livestock; so it is not controlled by grazing. In its early stages of growth, before budding, it is vulnerable to 2,4-D, but is not readily discovered at this time; since it resembles coarse grass, However, this is the best time to spray pasture land, not only for goat's-heard, but for a variety of ether weeds which are most susceptible at that time..Cut- tiog is only successful before' !blos- soming and must he repeated. fre- quently, since it grows back and blossoms after repeated mowings. Stray plants should be pulled and destroyed. Blossoms will ripen and spread seed after cutting or pull- ing. Goat's-beard prefers to travel by air, but it is not above hitchhiking on motor vehicles. The downy seeds cling to the sides of wheels and only let go when the vehicle stops down many miles from Architect Frowns On Tall Girls In Flat Shoes Tall 'girls who slouch about the city streets in flats and an in- feriority complex would do well to study a few basic principles of design, according to a well-known architect. He points out -that a baste fact of architecture is that appearances are usually deceiving. Take a look at any public building that has Greek columns and imagine those columns without a base, 'he sug- gests. They would look much taller and certainly less pleasing. That's what happens when a tall girl tries cut doWn her height by wearing flat-heeled shoes all the time. She would do well, instead, to wear heels that are two and one-half inches high. These make her taller certainly, but paradoxically, They make her appear less tall — because she looks more graceful and properly proportioned. So, if you are 5-foot-S oe keep this in mind when buying a new pair of leather pumps or sandals for spring. The new mid- heel — which is 2 'to 21/4 inches high — is perfect for the tall girl. It's high• enough, without being too high, gives the illusion of real- ly high heels through skillful de- signing, aria. is as comfortable as a flat walking shoe., You can have this mid-heel in pumps or sandals in every type of leather you've ever heard of — and a. few that you may not have seen yet,.sech as printed and em- bossed leather, punctdred corkette and reversed calf, But whatever you choose buy shoes that. fit well. The most beautifully designed hods in the world won't 'improve your Appear- ance if they make your feet ache., And it' you want the good fit •to last, be sure that soles as well as uppers are of ,leather, Leather soles' don't spread, thus prevent distortion of the shape of the en- tire shoe. The girl who wants to out her height but still look trim should also carry a fairly large, flat ree- tangular-shaped leather hag. If she isn't too thin, a contour belt of bright-colored leather would also help, Architecture also has lessons for the short, stocky girl, She often teeters around in high heels thinking they make her taller when, actually, they only call at- tention to her lack of stature. The effect is something like put- ting a chrysanthemum in full I 'Moons in a bud vase. To, avoid TO HOLD RECREATION MEETING TODAY :- Recreation, directors. and other recreation eppreeentativeg from the various communities in the Laite Huron Zone will. meet iri Lies towel on Wednesday, May 30th. Purpose of the meeting is three- fold, tamely to organise inter- community meets for the summer track and field season; to decide upon the date and place for a Square dance . festival; and to make final plans for the play-, ground leaders' training course, to be held at• Camp Kintall, June 22 to 26 Inclusive, under the sponsor- ship of the Lake Huron Zone Recreation Council, in co-operatioll with the community programs branch of the Ontario Department of Education. Centres.expected to, send repre- aentation to the •Listowel meeting include Exeter, St, Marys, Wing- ham, Milverton, Walkerton, Han- over, Port Elgin, Southampton and Listowel. U U U ;mpg Au The 'in horn Advance-Tithes Wednesday, l'fas• $0, me RANGES — WASHERS — POWS Phone: Molesworth 1 or slows Thrilling flying shows. Colorful ground displays. Something for every- lucky winners. one, Bring the whole family. Free. airs rides. at station'S for HCPUSE between 143 M and 5 PM -11 T L 'r s Vs • ‘/Atk.'-' ',Rotary-Type MOWERS- See our Full Range of Rotary Type Power Mowers 6 MODELS Priced as low as $64.95 Choose from new gleaming suites with colorful' heat resisting tops and chairs in matching covers. 50 5 PIECES $69. , Table and 4 Chairs! , We can now offer you an easy payment plan. .ALY4 -T4444111S. 1:41inGrl 30" WIRO 11151M21110101111111111131101h. U U U U Featuring 18" Cutting Width - • Big 1 3% H.P. Easy Starting Engine • Automatic Rewind Starter U U rt U Ed U a • Totally Enclosed Drive — No a a exposed chains or belts. that no other mower in its price class can offer Priced[ at Plus S more outstanding features $149°00 11=51112.110.0114,1611411%ia.11111.M1.00111Mill11.01 11 1 13 1 11 1 1N I IN I I I CHROME SUITES ,,• darnimusunommonommisannisim Professional Gardeners Still Prefer REEL-TYPE 'over Mowers SEE THIS eluxe Reo Runabout OTHER REEL-TYPE MODELS Priced at $156.45 & $115.00 it !IT" U THERE'S NO DOUBT ABOUT 'IT! We can OFFER 'you a BETTER DEAL on a Power Mower . HERE'S WHY-- We have a Big Stock of either type — Reel or Rotary, Our Prices Are Right. QUALITY iS TOPS, AND WE GUARANTEE SERVICE AND REPAIRS YACK -YACK rf