HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-30, Page 6ao, athanco-Tiniesk Meant cleat Me,a 30, leao "IC4',\717 .ar • . 4.41:4;11, "KV )11141x' i lien VViiral 6 PI R tisi , a . , . t: '. ..,...... COMING EVENTS — A NEW SERIES of Prenatal Class- es sponsored by the 'Huron Coun- ty Health Unit- will begin on Tuesday, May 29tb, .1946 at •8 P.M- at the Branch Office of the Health Unit, downstairs in the Wingham Hospital, These will be held at weekly intervals. Those interested are invited to attend on the, above date or phone the public health nurse, Wingham 864.1' between 4 p.m. and 5 lam, CE23:30b CARD OF THANKS *We extend sincere thanks and appreciation to all those, who in the time of our sorrow,, helped in so many ways. Per the kind thoughts and deeds, the beautiful floral tributes and, messages of sympathy, also those who lent cars.—Mrs. Wm. Tucker and fain- tly. ' ' 30b CARD OF THANKS We wish to 'extend a sincere thank you to all ' our friends and - neighbors: for '. their cards, memorials and- other ,expressions of sympathy at the . time of our recent bereavemeot. We are truly grateful' to 'Rev," Fat her Nolan and' to' Dr, Treleaven for kind assistance.—Mr, Albert Schurnack- er and family. .30* CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who visited me and remembered me with flowers, gifts and cards while a patient in Wingham Hospital, A special thanks to Dr. W. A. Mc- Kibbon arid the nursing staff.— Mrs. Mae Blatchford. „ 30b ORGANIST WANTED Applications will be accepted until June 15 for the position of organist rand choir leader for Ont- ario Stree£ United.Church, Clinton, Please state qualifications and ex- perience and salary expected. Reply to Elwin Merrill, box 406, Clinton, Ontario.- 30:6b , TENDERS: WANTED Tenders for painting the exterior A St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Wingham, will be received up to June 15. Please send your ap,- plication by mail of Personally -tii Murray Rae, Treasurer. 30b , UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of en Execution issued out, of the supreme Court of Ontario, in which :he Canadian Bank of Commerce is the 'Plaintiff and J. George Gal- braith is the Defendant, and to me , firected against the goods and .thattels, 'lands and tenements of :he •said defendant, I have seized end taken in Execution all the right, title, interest and equity of re- lemption 'of' the said I,. George raalbraith in, to and out of the fol- lowing: I ALL and Singular that certain I parcel or tract of land and prern- .ses situate in the Village of Brus- tele in the, ,County Of. Huron and ,E'rovince of Ontario and being tomposed of Lots Six Hundred and• Pliirty..six , (630, Six Ho/aired and; thirty •5e,ven.-(637);;;Siii Hundredi 1#0 ,( 'flirty' eight (6313)0 Six Hun-i fret] and Thirty-nine (639), and •i'ix Hundred and Forty (640) on aueensbury Street in the said Vil- age of Brussels, ALL and Singular that certain tercel or tract of land and prom- ses situate FIRSTLY: The west mil of lot number Thirty-one in ,he B. Concession of the said rovvriship of Howick, containing by almeasurement fifty acres of land and SECONDLY: Part of Lot num- ber Thirty-two in the B. Concession if the said Township of Howick, which said part may be more par- icularly described as follows: :lommeneing at a. point in the northerly limit of said Lot number Phirty-two distant seventy-six and me-half rods westerly from the northeast angle of said Lot number Chirty-tWo; thence westerly along he 'said northerly Unlit Seventy4ix and one-half hide to a point; thence southerly patarlel to the Weeterly imit fifty-two rods ten and one-half inks to 'a point; thence eitsterlY atrallel to the north limit of said Lot seventy-six and one-half rods o a. point; thence northerly par- dlel to the easterly limit of staid L,ot fifty-two rods ten and one-half inks to the , place of beginning containing by admeaetitenrent WeritydiVe acres of land more or ese. ALL of whieh right, title, interest and equity of redemption of J. ''.4eorge Galbraith, in the said lands tad tenements, I shall offer for sale ay public auction at the Village of -rtisSeltio in the County of Huron, in Ttiesday, the 19th day of June, :956 at 2130 in the afternoon, Day- ight Saving Time; DATED at Coderich, WS 6th lay of March, A,b, 19k, NELSON Ilit,L, Sheriff, County of Huron. ZOO ilt:18b NOTICE. The OrkvIng. *hoot Is noW. 4). for a Ihrilte0 time, Phone PO for apholotmeht Lees, Phone 1:05 iminiummimmiummowr —Seven-year-old Douglas 'Porter, son Of Mr, and Mrs, Albert ;Porter.. of Lueltnow, and grandson of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, King of town Pll . from a tractor on Thursday breaking his hip. —Gail Perden of Stratford pitol .4is spending .three weeks days with her parents, Mr, ana., Mrs, Elmer Purdon, —Mr, and Mrs, gen Johnson and Terry, of Birmingham, Ivilehigan, spent the week-end with his. Mother, Mrs, Murray Johnson, who. returned with them for. kt visit, -a•Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Williams are spending a week with relatives in Detroit. —Mrs, R, A, Coutts spent over the 24th holiday with I her son, Elgin, Mrs. Coutts and family in Toronto, - and Mrs, H. Crawford were in Toronto on Thursday .At- tending the graduating :exercises of their son John, He received his Rachelor •of Arts Degree, After the graduation they attended the wed- ding of Mr. Crawfortla • nephew, William Crawford Lawrence to Jean Catherine martin. -Mr. and alas, Wm. King and Mr, and Mrs'. 'Jack King visited on - Sunday evening with the former's: son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Porter, of Lu.citnow, —Mrs, Garnet Pearson is visiting at the home of her uncle, W. J. Henderson. Mrs. Pearson is en route from Halifax to her home in Winnipeg. -• BIRTH WALL—In Wirighant General .Hos- pita', on Thursday, May 24, 19.e13,. to Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Wall, R.R. 1, Lucitnow, a men. Winghent •Gerierel on Friday, May 25, 1009, -to Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Hill, Tee'swater„ a daughter. P~TTISON -In Winghain General 'Hospital:, pa Tueoday, lay 29, 1056, to.--1Vkr. and Mrs: John Pat- goon,. Winshana•a son, DEADsTocK WANTED -"- • REAL ESTATE WANT•Elha-lr .EMAI.E. VOA SALE BARN FRAME for sale, about 6 or 7 miles froin Clifford, Wori*Id de for a barn 60.140. Apply to Gea, Duncan, Dundalk, or C. R. Law, rellee, Durham, :23 :30 ;61i eASII PAID for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows, Phone Atwood 153 cLileet. 1'400+ SALESLADIES in or put of town, anxious to earn in spare time, 110 .canvassing. Write to Nova Horne Utilities, Mrs. Grace Wagner,.• R,R. 1, IVIonitton, •Ontario,, 23:30:gb TWO ADDING MACHINES—One Machine by MeCaskey, $50.00; of e l3bp'ough's electric just overhauled $125.00. See them at 'The Wingham Advenee-Timea SEE CAMERON'S BILLIARDS DEADS'TOCK REMOVED from. your farm promptly for sanitary emosal, Telephone coile c t: Palmerston 123W, Durban!. 3.98 or Win ghem 378. GORDON - YOUNG LIMITED, lrrb NINE-ROOMED. two-storey frame dwelling for sale, Five room up- stairs apartment, four rooms down, Centrally located, Phone 453. 23h mivivr FOR SALE GOOD BEEF for sale by the guar-1 tea, Beef killed under Itemise front the Department of Health Choice Hereford yearlings. RAY- NAM) ACKERT, Holyroo phone 24-30, Ripley, 10:0) MASON & RISCII PIANO for rustle .Mahegeny .finish, good condition, Phone 05.8,1 after' (i p.m. 23;30b ORDERS WILL be taken for all types of berry o evry typ.• 'of hamper, meat baskets, etc. Price available, alerly ordi r filled first. Apply to Fred V' .Daw & Sons, RE, 3, Wingham, • phone 741w21, 23:30h FEMALE help wanted, full or Part time. Apply Blyth Rest Home after 6, phone Blyth 167, 30b for guaranteed WATCH REPAIRS, WANTED TO BUY eAsII FOR SCRAP, highest prices paid on batteries, "dieters, metals, vast and steel, PhOne 502w4 or 975w Wingbam, 2,501130* TEXACO GAS, garage, post office, living quartets, $4,500 down, main paved road, particulars, snaps. John Bretton, Roths.ay„ Ont, 30:6* LLOYIXS THIRD CENTURY . According to. the Rook Of Know- ledge, Lloyd 'o • of London, the great- eot.. marine insurance organisation of the world, dates from the; end of the 17th century, when a group of insurance men met to transact business at Edward Lloyd's coffee -house It is not an insurance com- pany but an .association of Indivi- chw unoprwritors, These under- writers engage in other types of insurance;-except life insurance, and it is" possible to insure at Lloyd's againat'alniost any WO of accident or, contingency. MALE DELr• WANTED 1VIAcnnsrisT For lathe, milling machine acid earfaco And cylindrical grinding, NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY WALKERTON ,2330h 6 111 44444444444444 44 p 44 1 ii 1111111111111141 iiii 11111114101 ,, 1111 WE'VE SAID IT . . WE'LL SAY IT AGAIN There's a lot of charm and livability in an older WELL BUILT home, Won't you call us for an appointment to see this 4 bedroom home in Teeswater? Beautiful living and dining areas with wall to wall broadloom, drop- es, and venetian blinds included. Large 'kitchen with PLENTY' of built4n cupboards and inlaid lin- oleum.' Two bathrooms, oil heat, std./ans, and screens for all win- dows: This is an outstanding home in aevery respect and the asking price is *only $7,050.00. Call, or write Paul P. Seigner, Realtor, Walkerton, 30,6,13,20b IlARLEY GROWERS—For best barley contract available see John Dumstead, Wingham, phone 455. 1.1.rrb AIfliwiNFiSS „ •_. OPPORTUNITIES MEN WANTED • TO TRAIN AS DRAFTSMEN IN a Pew Short Months You Can Be Cashing Big Pay Checks.. There' is a Tremendous - Demand . for Draftsmen- We Will Train. Yon at Home or Your Spare Time to Be -a Draftsman. No Drafting Background or PreVious Training Needed. All Books and ••Inatrac- tions for as Little as $1.50 a Week or $0.00 a Month. Established ,1897 Not For Profit. Draftsmen • are Despaeately needed by Industry. • HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO PREPARE FOR BIG STEADY PAY AND A GOOD FUTURE AS A DRAFTSMAN, Write For FREE *Information — — AMERICAN SCHOOL, Dept. A-T, 71 Lorne Crescent, Brantford, Ontario MAIL without any obligation com- plete information and 156-page book op over 50 good paying jobs, including — Draftsman. ANTENNA SPECIAL ONE FIREMAN WANTED -for Wingharn . Fire ,Department, Please apply by letter M. S. Cow- an before June 11th,, 30b' , ALL BAND SUPER 10 ELEMENT CON1cAL SHAVINGS for sale. Contact Wingham phone 576. WANTED AT ONCE-LRavileigli Dealer in Huron Cenrity, Write Rawleigh's Department. 'E-45$1k, Montreal, P. Q. . Gob • $8.50 ONE USED chesterfield for fade, reasonable. Apply H. P. Car- tole-heel, phone 490. 30b SUiVIMER STROLLERS now avail- able at ' R. A, Currie & Sons ti 30b When. you have finished painting 'a room a new colour, don't clean the brush until you have brushed some of the' color onto a piece of paper or cardboard, Tuck it in your handbag as a ready reference When you go shopping for • new drapery or upholstery fabrics. TV SERVICE CENTRE; I Victoria Street Wingham;: • lllllllllllllllllll llllll 11111111 l l ll 1141111111111M WANTED, ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders for the contract of con; structing the Johnston and Breck- enridge Drains in Morris Township will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon; June 4, 1956. The Johnston Drain consists of 2569 lineal feet of tile drain .and 3425 lineal feet of open drain, The Breckenridge Drain consists of 8879 lineal feet of open drain and 185 lineal feet of tile drain. Tile for these drains wilt be sup- plied by the Township, A eertifeid cheque for ten per cent of ' the econtract price must accompany each tender. Lowest or any•tender not necessarily accepted, Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 23:30h Furniture. BLACK AND TAN for sale,* six weeks Blyth 167, hound pups old, Phone 30b SIX-ROOMED HOUSE for sale, with three-piece bath, cement basement, hot air furnace. Phone 471J. 30b ca Only Three Days Left! Hanna's Pre-Hol iday Sale ENDS SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd Men's Boys' = Worneli's Holiday Toggery at Drastic Reductions SHOP NOW . . . AND SAVE! Nothing ia so oppressive as a secret. It is difficult for ladies to keep it long; and I know, in this matter, a good number of men who are women,—Fontaine, 'PIANO for salo. Goad condition, Phone *1.97 Wingham, 30a FOR RENT COTTAGE for rent. Phone 300, 30b VOWING GO-CART, baby's large size 'drib, girl's bicycle and boy's .bicycle for sale. Phone 59. FOUR ROOMED heated, apart- ment for rent with television aerial, private bath, hot and cold water, heavy wired for elec- tric stove. Splendid location, available June 1st. Phone 973w. 30b TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DIAMOND RING prices slashed unmercifully at Reichenbach's Jewellery Store, Walkerton, dur- ing their great ,Quitting Busi- ness Sale. Remember they must all be sold, and in order to do this in the shortest possible time we have cut prices to the bone. Imagine getting a fine $100.00 ring, for only $59,00 or a $250.00 ring for only $169.00. It's hard to believe, but that is exactly., what you can .do, 'be- cause we must dispose of every one. And here is a Super Scoop —6 only diamond rings selling regularly at from $30,00 to $40.00 going, now at' the rediculous price of only $14.95. How can you afford 'to miss it? 30b $50,000.00 WORTH of Jewellery, **atelles!C pla`morids," English China, Silverware eta. of The Reichenbach Jewellery Store, Walkerton, being sacrificed for quick selling. Costs have been thrown to the winds. Big dis- . ajolateounts on English China dinner- ware patterns by Spode, Royal WeclgeWoocl, Royal Al- bert, Royal Worcester in open aoa, ,e.emplete, sets. Entire store last ona • big bargain counter. Whatever you do — don't miss this great sale. 30b NAME AGE ADDRESS HOUSE FOR RENT. Farm house in good condition, five miles from Wingham. Phone Wrinc- eter 18r1, after 6 p.m. 80b HANNA & Co. Ltd • NOTICE " SALE OF LAND TOWN OF WINGHAM Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12, o'clock noon on Monday, June 4th, 1956 f'cirI the purchase from, the Town of,:ning- ham of approximately one acre of land situated in the angle be- tween the west side of Diagonal Road 'and the south Town limits. An accurate description of the property may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office. Tenders must be sealed and plainly ,marked on the outside,. "Tender for Land". W. A. Galbraith, Clerk-Treasurer Town of Wingham. 23:30 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY -FULL OR PART TIME HOUSE FOR RENT. Farm house on highway near Gorrie, bath- . room, garden and garage. Pos- session June 1st. Apply to Harry King, Gorrie, phone Forclwich 26r31. , 30b zeiteounwinsunimotioitlimmilimatinimmuniolorunuoit W. R. HAMILTON PONDS COSMETICS AND VASELINE PRODUCTS BABY BUGGY for sale, like new, grey lined with blue. Apply to Mrs. Ted Whitby, Shuter St, 30b• OPTOMETRIST MISCELLANEOUS TO GET your garden ploughed, harrowed • or cultivated, call Harold Dennis, 658J1 at meal time. 30:6* 'CORN instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve • and Pads. Don't suffer any long- er,. Salve 54c, Pads 25e, At Mc- Ribbons Drug Store. ThoroUghness Ability — Time tested • Phone 37 MUNDY'S • This can be handled by a reliable man or woman • Work consists of DELIVERY and REPLENISHING stocks of these INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN products in EXISTING RETAIL STORES established by the Corn- pimy. 'ABSOLUTELY for appointment IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb 30h NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims againtt the estate of Irvin W, Merrick, late of ,the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Area Man- ager, deceased,. who died on or about the Third day of April, A.D. 1956, are notified, to send to the undersigned, on or before the 2nd day of June, A.D, 1956, full par- ticulars of their Claims. in writing /rnmediately•after tlro,sazd 2nd "day of Jaine,' the assets of th6 tater will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administrator with Will annexed shall then have .notice. DATED. this Eleventh day of May, A.D, 1956. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON WINGHAM., ONTARIO, SoIleitors for the Administrator with Will annexed. Free Delivery a Phone 82 DOES YOUR FLOORS • NEED Coverings? See the selection of patterns in. Linoleum, 6' 9' and 12' widths. Inlaids 6' wide, Tile- Line and Decoray Patterns. Plastic, Sheerloom and Broad- .' loom carpet. Colour for every room. Let us help you, The • Wallpaper Shop. 30h Quality and Service since 1915 Save on These • Week=End Specials sec. Walpole STEWART SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- surance, Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers. For further information phone 293, Winghnin. 29rrb ' SASH Pittsburg . SCREENS PAINTS FRAMES HARDWARE * Sugar,- RiPe • PRUNES Medium. • 1 lb. pkg. 29c no selling or soliciting as tall sales are hatalkd by the HEAD OFFICE STAFF. • AGE education or past experience is not important, as full training is pro- vided for a pleasant, dignified and HIGHLY PROFITABLE FUTURE. • CAN BE HANDLED in 3 to 5 hours a week without interfering with present entploy, merit, UP TO $75.00 a week lu- cerne to START with immediate expansien if -desired. • APPLICANTS must he in a position to POST $1,093.00 IN CASH fot BONDED MERCHANDISE' Which is covered by a RE-PUR;CHASE AGREE.. MENT, ON IF YOU have the necessary cash available immediately• and: desire a business Of your Own that Will protide a steady income with life-time ettrity then Wiite at once, giving your name; address and telephone nuntaet CUP139ARDS GLASS STAIRS Custom ViOodwoi:k Carpentry - Building Telephone 260-w Wingham SEWAGE :disposal septie tazika.'"'CliaspOOle, tellara, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels, lrirrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED HOLSTEIN hulk tip to serviceable age. Good re- Cords. Front good plus, and very good dams accredited. Thos. Hay. den & San, Gorrie. 91a161) 1,114/4"0140,40.4.1,411,,,,,, AYLMER Choice TOMATOES 20 oz. tin 19c WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used", "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 or Mildrnay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 0.30 a.m. We have all breeds available — top quality at low cost." 25rrb BUSINESS and PROFES,SIONAL -:- DIRECTORY 9 PIG'S for sale, 9 weeks old. Apply to Geo. Fisher, White- ,Chttreh, phone 747W11.- 301) 201 PIGS for sale, weight about 80 Ilia Apply to Jack Inglis, Bel- Mote. 30b Eddy's Silent MATCHES 3 box pkg. 25c W.11/44,41NW/VW LIBBY'S. Deep Brown BEANS 20 oz. tins - 2 for 37c 15 oz. tins - 2 for 31c 16:23:30b A. H. AFTAVISII CRAWFORD HETIIIERINfiTONi NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having' claims against the estate of MARY JOS- EPHINE RING, late of the Village of Teeswater in the County of Bruce, Widow, who died on or about the 29th day of March, A.D., 1056, arc notified to send to the undersigned on or before the and, clay of June AD., 1956, full pare titulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 2nd. day of June the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to 'claims Of which the executors shall then have notice, DATED at Wingham this 7th day of May, A.D„ 1056. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 16:28:30b GOOD DURHAM COW for sale, rising 4 years old, due to fresh- en,. Apply to Roy Turvey, 2, BlueVale, phone 11r16 lirus- -, Sete, 361) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR mai NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER -, ONTARIO Telephone 29 Teeswiter Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. NOTICE TO HOME BUILDERS IV YOU ARE planning a building project this summer, we are in a position to give you first 'Close service for your cement work. House' basements and floors, barn walls and floors (conipleted in one pour, Contact Niads Christensen, phone 1111, Blyth, 25rrrb Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Phone 46 J. H, CRAWFORD, Q.C. IIETHERINGTON, Q.C. Winahatn, PURE BRED SHORTHORN PULL for sale ea-Wettable age, unit Sire, Min Well bred, priced "'toe sell, Wm, Nickel, telephone 5r14 Wrexeter, 30a RED ROSE- Orange Pekoe TEA 1/4 'lb. 64c • RED LABEL TEA 1/2 lb. 58c FLOWER AND / ,VEGETABLE PLANTS Large Variety .Name your require- n2ents and we will try to get it. DUTCH SETS, GARDEN SEEDS FrecIerick F. Horauth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homutli, R.O. Mrs. Viola 11.11emuth R.O. OPTOMRTRISTS 11,110NEI 118 Harriston, Ontario J. W. 'BUSIIFIELD: Q.C. Barrister, Solieltait, Notary, Etc.. Money to'Lottn Offite—MbYer BABY' CMICKS FINANCING, A CAR?' Before you; buy task about our LOW Cost Financing Service With complete /nourance Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 293 ' Winginitn 25rrb WE WILL BOOK your order for Kitehener Big-4 Broilers, for de- livery your own date, hut etrong- ly aciVise your order soon, Hatch- cry has foe itnmedlate delivery afixed chicks, pullets, cockerels, standard breeds, crosses, hybrids. • Dilyeila, started. Ask us for full itifelantition, agelit Bluevale Mill- tog", Co., Bittevale phones 610:1121 Sitingharri or 30E14 Brussels. ' 30b PERSONNEL MANAGER Namerco (Canada) Limited 392 Bay Street TORONTO 1, Ontario .4.444411.44mortr FOR INFORMATION concerning ineurtatee coveting Anedleal, sur- gical arid hospltat expenses, phone- Renry jolldnia Beintore 21. 22:30b NOTICE 'this Will Inform and advise those whom ft may coneern that I, Kee. troth Jackson, Will not he respon sible for payment Of any debit or accounts charged to me after this date, Without my written direction Or consent therefet. Dated lYtay 16, 16$6, WELLINOON FIRE 'Instlittnee Company Est. ISO An nil Canadian Company ith his faithfully derVed holders for over a Century, Head Office Terent0 /11. 0. MiteLein Inatiratice Age Witithint RONALDh. MCCANN Public Actounta,nt Office; 'loyal Bank Bldg, ReSidendet Rattenbury St, Mamma rill' & 455 CLINTON" - ' ONTARIO' WANTED TO nErer 1 LOS 1.1../ AD GOLD Wrist wateli, be- tween Prembyterion 'Church and Illtierbohdy's, Reward. Contact 80k (PERSONAL HOUSE WANTED to tent either within Wing:ham or o 16 Mile radius, interested, only hi Mad. ern house, wilting to pay Good rent, Apply to BOri Varittt4n, phone. 186. 20**10)1 WOULD Tag PERSON who bor- rowed the eXterrelerl ladder from' Wingham Sawmill 'please. re- WA' .10.06* ftxrmrilitttety. ?0b ....raga •