The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-30, Page 50 0 With 'rt. r M 4 ur r a itt 010 87112 Glanworth Consignment Sale 85 HOLSTEINS THURSDAY, MAY 3i, 7.30 p.m. (D.S.T.) at the GLANWORTH SALES ARENA between Glanworth and St. Thomas - , I - Mostly Pure-bred, and Accredited, Several Grades There,will be a large selection in all age groups. Cattle financed. • SHORE HOLSTEINS Ltd. In MI Sales Mors. FM I I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 /11111111111111111111111121111111111111111111111111111111111111117 n U • U U U 11 U U U 44lioulcipuitioltiowlioloortssigimultopollusoliogio.111401 40. and grows them. ECONOMICALLY• too. When they're five months old, your pullets will be strong, healthy, and ready to withstand heavy egg production when you grow them on SHUR-GAIN Super Growing Mash. It's a high-efficiency growing ration designed to be fed 50-50 with scratch grains. And because we make it right at our mill IT'S FRESH AND IT COSTS YOU LESS. Whether you grow your pullets on range, or in confinement, make SHUR-GAIN Super Grow- ing Mash your choice in 1956. If you have grain of your own, let us show you how to make a high• efficiency growing feed using . . SHUR-GAIN Super Gromix Concentrate. CANADA PACKERS LTD. WINGHAM ininnamminustunsionntstomonsitottemstumentosumur. ,••••11411MO.M..O.N1r1141r.4.•004M04•••.•••04MDVOMPOM011001D04110••••040•0 Waterloo Cattle Breeding ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" We purchased two top Beef Shorthorn bulls at the famous — Killearn Farms (owner Claude Gallinger) twelfth Annual Shorthorn Sale at Edmonton, Alberta. Gallinger bulls have long been known for their size and ruggedness and still retaining lots of quality. These bulls 'will satisfy the most critical. FOLLOWING ARE THEIR PEDIGREES -353769- Killearn Howard, red, born' Aug. 9, 1954 Taped 1,450 lbs., May 15th, 1955 Cruggleton Aehillek Red Margo Clippkr., Killearn Max 5th. Red Norma Jewel. Red Cruggleton Cyril Red, little white Maxine Norma Jewel 2nd. Red SIRE. Killearn Cyril 9th. Red Killearn Monarch 156, Red Killearn. Emmeline 7th. Dark Roan Killearn Monarch 34th. Red Killearn Norma Gem 4th, Red Killearn Max 5th. Red Killearn Norma Emmeline 6th. Red Roan DAM Killearn Et-timeline 14th. Red -361488- Killearn Welfare 22nd. Red, Born May 4th,,1955 Taped 1,050 lbs., May 15th, 1056 SIRE Calrossie Welfare. Red DAM Maxine Norm's, Rosewood. Red Calrossie Welcome Red. Roan Calrossie Nesta Eroatthooks. Red Killearn Max 5th. Red Calrossie Harmony Dark Roan Augusta Laura. Red Kirkton Baronet Red Roan Calroasie BrOadhookol. Red Killearn Max. Red Peter's Nonpareil. Dark Roan Norseman. Killearn Norma Red Room lEtoSeWood Ziid. Red Killearn RosewOod ttli, Red These bulls will arrive at Waterloo *owlet me during. the *eek of May 28th and will he put Into Service as soon posikible. This nay he seVeriii Ii OR 1140BE INPORMATIOST ON AILTIPICIAL HREEDINO SP.IRVICE at() ANY Oil' OUR BMA'S all' ALL BitElfgtotk ritONipi cicittuey rO Clinton flu2.3441 Milamay 1301x12 NEW BEEF TESTING ing program for Ontario. Following recommendations of PROGRAM ;ANNOUNCED tt hh ee Bp or ott jr ed ct it hshasoubleden bdeecideehdantgheadt from a progeny test to a perform- ance test. During the past five years 52 sire groups have been tested at the Advance Registry. Station Ontario Department of Agricul- ture, on the advice of the Advanced Registry Board for Beef Cattle re- cently announced a new beef .test- Come in ! MAKE THE 'DEAL OF A LIFETIME AT • YOUR FORD-MONA CH DEALER'S in • ED CARS and TRUCKS 'You can cagh in on the biggest used car and truck bargain spree in - town . . . right now at your Ford-Monarch Dealer's! You can make the buy of a lifetime on a smart late-model trade-in, at a pre-vacation bargain price! Come in right away—while the selection is at its height . . choose the model that suits your needs, at the price you want to pay! Drive away a bargain—enjoy many miles of happy motoring! OeFOR 771Eg' 576-N_S 711AT MEAN \"c/QE.Am of "TUE CROP" SOLD ONLY BY YOUR • FOAD -MONARCl/ DEALER WHAT A.1 MEANS car and truck that rates Every used the A-1 sign has been ..• ? • Reconditioned by expel:, servicemen for appearance and performance. • Inspected and checked for safety. • Priced for outstanding value. • Truthfully and accurately advertised. • Warranted by your Ford-Monarch Decrier and backed by his reputation. CASH IN ON OUR CARNIVAL OF DEALS-YOU'LL DRIVE HOME A BARGAIN N.. .. • • • . f ;stir ii si` 1-4954 MONARCH CUSTOM SEDAN, like new inside and out 1-7-1954 FORD GREEN SEDAN, a 'beauty' 1-1952 FOR CUSTOM SEDAN, a one owner car 1-1952 CHEVROLET COACH, a snap 1--:-1951 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN, a real buy 1-1951 FORD GREY CUSTOM SEDAN, A-1 shape inside and out 1-1948 FORD COACH, dependable transpoitation 1--•-1946 FORD SEDAN, cheap driVing uron otors Limited Ford and Monarch Ford Trucks 1....•••••t• Telephone 237 AolibtlacWilliont Winghanio Onto 1." 0 ,04.:;are Neevoa Prevent Ring Pot .0.44.4..preventio11 Against infection sro Rocterial Ring .Rot in pare,- toes which often results in serious. crop losses, a few simple .precaut- should be taken, says the Field Crops: Branch, OntoriO .3Department of Agriculture, The use of high .quality geed ;will of course bo the A'' 'first step in paying big dividends, • by way of a, guarantee against Bac- , terlal Ring Rot and other seed- borne diseases, Good seed will be more likely to produce strong vig- orous plants With a bigger crop • which, will also conform more closely- to the true type for. the variety, If Machinery such as planters, mechanical cutters, and graders. are being moved and used from. one farm to another, each machine onvaln tnorultghly disiateeteu, as. well as any pulls, bags or other containers which may have come in contact with diseased tubers., Several satisfactory materials are available for disinfection par- poses, among which is a compara- tively new one, yet commonly used, known as quaternary compound, now sold under several well-known trade names, It should be Used at the rate •of i. pitit In 05 gallons of water. A 2 per cent lysol solution may also he used, Other materials in .common use are: one pound of bluestonc in ten gallons Of water, or one pint for- mall, in thirty gallons of water, Bags should be soaked for two. hours, In the' case of storage space, some growers follow the euatern of yearly whitewashing riterids 14 ed near Guelph. Results indicate that there is a wide difference in the gaining ability of beef cattle,. even among animals sired by the same bull, It was after analysing the results the Advanced Registry Board decided to make the change in policy. . According- to the Board the de- :(,',reep!og w '1111stle .Chokes Out Cereal All types 'of sow 'thistle in Ont- AVM :have ,come: originally from . Puropo, but the perennial or creep- ing sow thistle ISonchus .a.rvemils 14 is the most dangerous). Says the Field ,Crops Branch of the -Ontarie Department of Agriculture. Usually found in moist, fertile, cultivated. land. It spreads rapidly by creeping • rept stat4s or by wind-borne seek, Qlo.Y land -that. has poor to fair • drainage seems: to harbour this. plant more readily, Perennial sow thistle is a vigor- ous,. • deep rooted. weed containing . a milky juice .and producing orange-yellow flowers about one-:. lueh in width across the top. The flowers; found on stems with few leaves, have numerous bracts which have glandular, sticky hairs, The leaves are short at the top of the plant but longer at the base with long, fairly pointed tips, Good after-harvest cultivation. with t- 0, cultivator or spring -tooth harrow is the best approach to eradication. The underground root stalks must be lifted out of the soil and allowed to dry. The use of a disc harrow is 'dangerous as it cuts the roots up and each small piece will spread and re-infest a field. This plant is very competitive and when found in grain fields will choke out the cereals and reduce the yield, The use of 2,4-D is recommended at, rates of from G to 8 ounces per acre. It 'will curtail only and sev- eral such applications may be necessary, together with further Cultural practices. One application will at least keep seed from form- ing and prevent the spread of mature seed to other places. Parts or all of grain fields that are badly infested With perennial sow thistle should be cut and destroyed before seed sets, to be 'followed at once with a good cultivation to destroy the roots. cision was reached by the belief that rate and economy of gain are highly heritable characteristics. It was felt that the main objective of a testing program should be to identify the young bulls that have demonstrated their ability to gain rapidly and economically because these characteristics can only be transmitted if they have been in- herited. Under the new policy tests will be restricted to young hulls. For the time being breeders will not be required to test a specified number of animals. One or a dozen may be nominated. However the number on test will be lirtilted according to accommodation at the station. Provision has also been made for home testing and such tests will he authorized in the event that the station is filled mid provided that the breeder owns or has access to a suitable set of scalea. The official test will commence when a bull is 8 months old and will cover a period of 168 days. Breeders will be charged 75 per cent of the cost of feed consumed by their bulls while on the station; the Board will assume the balarIce of the feed cost and all costs con- nected with the operation of the station, W. P. Watson, Ontario Live Stenk-,Commissioner and secretary :b.Dthe Board, said today that a new feature under the plan would be the classification of bulls from the standpoint of conformation. "Although there does not appear to be a close correlation between type and performance, there is ample evidence to support the con- tention that Many bulls of good type possess the ability to make rapid and economical gains," said Mr. Watson. Mr. Watson said that at the end of the test period bulls would be Placed in one of the following grades: choice, very good,. com- mercial, plain, or ejected, Bulls that are graded "rejected" and bulls that fail to gain at the rate of 2 pounds.per day must be sold for slaughter. All other bulls will be returned to their owners. At present about 75 per cent of the station' accommodation is oc- cupied by Members of groups being tested• tinder the progeny test pol- icy. The majority of these calves will be marketed within the next two months. As the pens occupied by them are vacated space will be- come available for testing youn..-,! bulls. Hence breeders Who have bulls that are now 4-5 months of age, and who are interested in hav- ing them under this new pol- icy should get in touch with W. P. Watson, secretary of the Advanced Registry Board, Parliament 131tIgs., Toronto, at brine., GROWTH GROWTH RETARDED BY FROST IN HURON Cool, dry weather dining the past week has resulted in the eera. pletion of the seeding of spring grains, A considerable acreage of corn and sugar beets VMS also Seeded ht the setith end Of the county according to G. W. .Mont7. vorrtory, agricultural representative for Nuron •County. Cold, backward weather with, two nightii of heavy frost has somewhat retarded growth of spring grain., wheat itnd. bay and pasture fields, .I.isresto* with the exception of milking• herds are :Cite Wroopvki Agylog4.4143m4poo, Weioloolhoit Asop. ft Members of Belgrave Co ,,op Visit O.A.C. Members of the BelgraVe Co-oPeratives Association on a recent visit to ''the Oritarib Agricultnral • College,' Guelph, ;are. seen 'chatting. with 11on Slinger, a graduate of the O.A,C., who is now a field expert With the . United Co- operatives. Left to right: Don Slinger, Don Hallahan, ' Hen Barbour, Gordon James and Jesse Wheeler,' now oOt J01141nee TWo 'huodre4 and 43041ta tools part In :the cot oty lualor. Pomo Fudging competition forth op $0,tOrolV WAS 0.3.04 :MOrt ,011140.411#0, '04 took part ilt the pmvompettticv