The Signal, 1926-3-25, Page 2reit 26. 1222.
ty . •
sow. 4..Your
f.01 t CANADA
Comillas WM* Nero -
Pears Amodatiso
Published every Thursday morning.
nbacriptlan prim 412A0 pet year. To
United Wates and Foreign Countries,
2.110 per year, strictly in advance.
TebIlhems SI : Masi, Ont.
W. H. Roberteolk. Editor and Manager
Thureday, March 1928.
Spring la welennie and need not
44° 11' hang hack.
•• • •
This man Mussolini would be a big
but as a movie star. He known bow
to keep his name in the papers.
• •
rocer Sells
alto, Now let's all get together and. make
Goderieh's centennial celebration an
event to be talked of for the next
hundred years.
1 \
By VeirtiEtz HAMILTON. !
lioderich, inkt.
11671 We dhl 11441 see Thee lifted ih
GREN 'TEA Nor heard Thy uns•k. Imploring ery.
Amid that add and satage crew. I
"Forgite. they knoa not what they
Have rod tried it? The tiny rich-
air.tight. Finer than any Japan or sliook the earth. and veiled
flavored leaves and tips are sealed Yen w:winlieve the 41.4441 atm done .
stood not ItY th.' euliziY long'
When. late Tits sacred body lay. '
G12111110•01fdiffffe Insist upon SA.LA.DA.•
election. Mr. Hunnitag's advent at PREMIER KING'S TRIUMPH X" .at within that upper room.
'Ottawa la the subject of a good deal of Nor met Thee in 1y:
he op"
i Ism we believe ilutt angels said. I
has. a forceful person- i 4 Hints's. Citizen 1 IL:Why seek the living with the Ilea. , '
I w In public life is not all
*My and obaervera of political affairs ge'rv3- , • , . , PILIYER ,
thankless. fhe people of I :outdo an
are ...lining 10 144' Iln Just when WtIV not lacking in zwit'se of falr play. It Our Heavenly Father. we thank
he will make his, influence felt. ! should Itetirtela Mr. Melptiten. its well .
flow that Ne 1:1114444 that 1 1 ttttt gli Thou
us the Government side, to re song.
art all Unseen yet 'float :trt standing .
• • •
• • •
The mining recorder at Red !Ake ts
overwhelmed with the Good orclalms
which ate being tiled toy proopectors.
And the rush lms hardly started yet.
• • •
OUT neighbors' of -Middienest -appear
to be rather fond of their ElUotts.
Two of them' are contesting the elec-
tion for the West Middlesex peat In the
House of Commons. and another• rs
the member of the Legislature for
North Mitidleeex.
1P • .•
rrovincial Treasurer Price proposes
a schenw to wipe out the Provincial
debt forty years. The debt has
been created almost wholly In the Iasi
twenty years. Twenty year* to get In
-forty years to get out. Some pro-
fessor of polltical economy might
write a chapter on that.
..titlenee of that in tile 11°''''' ''r I.v strengthening our faith and giving
The old -age; penxion bill which Is' mono, t hip afternoon. Premier Mac- IL, gra, „onit•„,. ,bur Hoed..
somoinew. of refusing to admit defeat.
nutvimum payment of $2-10 per annum
proposed for Canada provides+ for a ketzsie King has demonstrated the
after last 4 klober's election results.
to ItrItish subjects will, have reached
the age of seventy years and nit .
have resided in Canada for twenty
years before the date of the com-
mencement of the ipenition. The Pro-
vincial Govennuents are to go fifty--
1th,- -with titee /wintered llor eminent in
'providing the pension fund. •nti Twit -
skins will he paid only to. residents .4f
those 1.rovinces. whlelt agree to pny
one-hnif of the amount twf stud'
• • the 411141. S14.1114.1 /..1 heilVily 1•V•S'S'41/N FOR It l26
Lennon Title--desits .Appeant to Hit.
Lesson l'atto.aget--.1•iin 26:24-291
(Seiden Text -John 20:29.
Jcsus made first- attpearance to
diseiples on the evetting of Owl
-ftesa-tho,_a_zbe ae.A. Ills second awl
pearanee theta was out wkWii TaTnr.i,
when they were again toowmialed to- 1
gether. Siuce that time Ilse lien day
of the aerk beco oliserVeil in the
chureit :
turn lb.
lie nuns
ones th
1.. per
the ph
a -hat I
his .1.11
Sat ion
aft of -
against him. oppotwut. were eontl-
dent that they had the Liberal. leader
1141%441 i1,11 41111. Ile 4 ‚ 41014•11. /Pat
1114 011!.
Mr. King conies buck with an ell,
hance41 reput:dlon 149- tenacity 4.f pur-
view and courage under disheartening
eirctinostaticeS. 114,s[4611r milthr verily
have overwhelm...1 any matt of unlit.'
ary political rapaeity. as he viewed
the swene of apparent wreek: so tuany
Mlittistz-r.1 defeated and seats lost. Or
disgust under the campaign of ri 1 Ill-
ilitioli. Waged by einigrin-d ..ppesietitS.
might Int Ve driVell "Ill a mon of le.s
detertuint91 character. Iliet in the
stormy period Of polideP Ink •vinter.
while the 1Conservative fore,•4 have
heel. training every availahle gun on
the GoVerunzent in an effort to break
through to the treasiiry brindles. 'the
lellwralx bare discovered that In Mr:
King they have' a deader wlw will
fight to tin. last Shell hole.
For nearly lite 1114.11th. roliftervative
party warriors have bombarded the
Prime Minister's position. Poison gas
ha. been used. bat it has rather tended
to recoil on the critics who 11.441 it.
Mr. Klieg's twif.ituts4sed silence proved
to he tpd oni,y dignified. but Odin -ratty
sagacious. Ile preferred to allow llie
11011.e elf C. anttlla•LIM 1.1 %peak-. and the
Malts.. ha. ai•44•141.4.41. ita several en-
gagements. that the noise of lite Cote
".**Ill1*, 4 OPP... i I Ion is not Ilie ‚...It' -
,,t• 1 Ile people • af Canada.
S • of Mr. 114 -talon's valiant fob
liMernate delivered bold sittarka oil
the Pritne Mitlia.ter'S 111101.4.%/11141/ Seal. N.1140
Henceforth they will have 1.0 reckon jib. ii
1111011 i0Vilig ali.Wered. and they will noon
Milt 11r. Ii ilia; welt egnippcd ,to give (01
them al. 1:0011 11., Illek ,wild. $01111. may toms,
receive more than they bargain for.
.N1r. Kitties vourse lots been el.rrect 111::,14.41.,
.1 1.41 4•01111111•11.111 hie. Its -taking :layout- n. tio
ag, of opportunities aid. 1 4 1 eaglet tho ssivereitady anti thin) ty
fevw d to hint, lit- rotild. have been haek Chris
in Parliament at idle opening, or retY 41.1-114
."011 after. lle devilled to do nothing piton
s for I
• • •
Ibes many people who interel
t lieutael vett In put t I ng on en t ert in-
ments in churches realise OM the,'
Mils!. In order to comply with the
Provincial regulations. make appllea-
Hon to the amusement tan depart-
ment at Toronto, ten days before the
elate of the entertainment sod obtaln
permission to hold the entertainment?
Thla IP lien' regulation. dedmod
to reach those eases in. witielt paid
talent *takes' part in the program. iu
which caws an amusement tax mod
be paid. it 10 WO time this amuse-
ment tax wine aboliniwel. except. in re-
lation to purely commerclal enter-
priser'. and along with It would go the
annoying nictitation,' whieh are hound
up wItit it.
• ti
We trust tile .1,11 intuit 4.f the eem.
etery and parks committee will take
Iteed of the remarks of Prof. Neilson
at the frult-grower.' banquet and se 111.
att opportunity offers. Introduce swine
of the unfatnIliar vanities 1.4 trees
which he ntentioned no suitable for
tido climate. In this way our ventral
park elm In time be made moch more
Interesting than It I.. mut - with the
example thus net private ewitizeux
would begin 10 Net 1111 thePe vont-
mon treet, and the whole town would
he beautified. It take-' time. and :1
good deal of it. to 44..9 an improve-
ment of 11111 1:111id. but a start could
lw made this year. and we hope Chair
luau realgie will live forty or tiro
year. yet to enJay the
• • •
The Mail and Empire could atIr up
a lot of interest by putting on a
guesting contest with prizes for those
who forecast most (-Warty Premier
Terguson's policy on the liquor ques-
tion. To make sure that the
should tw rightly awarded. Mr. Fer-
guson himnelf might be asked to act an
Judge of the content.
• • • •
Like many other stories told of
eelebritiewl, that One about Thomaft A.
Edison's allowing himself only four
bonne a day for sleep turn,. out to he
a fairy tale. Mr. Edition sap. he
needs 'boot 'wren hours' r.leep. it
doesn't make much difference how
long a man'aleeps if be is wideawake
the rest of the time. •
• 4.▪ ** 4. ow 11.0
11°1 Hon. L1'. Elliott. who IP seeking re-
. otor-4.z. election In Writ Middlettex after he-
•*** Ing called to the Federal ,rahinet. WW1
the, hero in a hotel fire at Strathroy
the other day. being Instrumental In
re:cuing recent of the inmates. The
incident will be worth more than a
week's eampaigoing, and Mr. Eillott'a
opponent will feel there in not mach
11W trying to defeat a nem with such
• -
• • •
Another interesting fact with re -
"aril to the new Premier of Saskatche-
wan. lion. J. G. Ilartliner. ls that lila
grstlfather. 00 (114 mother's %hit.. Walt
a firer contain of lion. Alexamier Mac-
Re-1Mb% who wan 111'112440s l'ritne
Minister in the '70's. no 11 Ilium,.
boy who has climbed to ft,- top ..f
politicil ladder in the W..tern Prea•
lnee comewn narai-A, 410 k.v.4 of
politic. and by his devotion to 1.11. -
• • •
onists at Tretitu_ia-teeme tJatatio.
towns ,are tinting that batiks remain
open on Knturelay afternoons sod fake
their weekly half -holiday in the
iIIc of the week. It does look like a
reanonahle request. ns Maturday le In
most towns the biggest as day
of the week. Howe% r. the banks
have their own ways of doing thingn.
and are not easily moved to change
..,1 them.
• • •
•**: Ten days ago Winter scented to he
;;;;;;1-...• Ptill' firmly seated. but the peen week
has outdo a great difference. The
strong rays of the run tiny after day
have reeittees1 the•pliete of snow which
Bade been necututtInting for tomtits.
and the rain on Monday bight
bast. De.' the twocess. A v Wl. rite
this (Tuesday irpratio fakiing
and * north wind I. blowing. 11111 ont
In the garden nre croonsere. yellow tool
white. rather direnturageel but rl'allY
to greet the asst warm rays of the Pun.
Pipring. with all thy fanite.. IOW(
that Mill.
1. Ili,. l'ItriSlian Sabbath, etan-
I a% e of tile restarreetion of
At liis first appearance in the
where 11,.- di se it de s w ere.
4'. 1'. tit* present, 1 10 his re-
• others .111.1 10 hilb. -We ineve
1...r.1.- Thonms replied that
I do More 2111111 see.before lie
nelieve. Mast i•Nalliille
4. .14. if they were- the very
at bad been ruttiest to the efts.,
.re- than that. he wou141 have to •
tattled to.thrust Itis hand ilk
•re..1 side. 4 ovular proof v't 11- •,
ti- mantled. 1111i testimony of
qv:, ten others had seen. By 1 the Chinese border, attempta to enter
•litrati.91 of lie gave the Tibet are being made. and the Na-,
r 411)Illort 111.11 y .10114 1114111g, I Gomel Missionary Sewiety of India has
the- eii-ewiltic. of the truth of Ills I resentiv been giving the subject
Fine French and Wool Dress Crepes
40 inches wide, fresh, new. smart nice
weight and will drape beautifully for •
prevailing styles. Colors, rosewood,
polo tans, sands, hennas, greys, powder
blues, navys and black. At per $1 50
Silk Crepes and Rayons
Soft and luxurious and in most delect-
able colorings. Width
ches. Per yard
38 in- $1.50
Marquisette Curtains, 36 inches x 2 1-2
yards. Deep insertion and lace hem-
stitch edge. Ivory shade. Choice of 4
patterns. Regular $4.50. At $2.95
per pair
Baldwin's Bee Hive Yarnes. White,
black, navy, in 3.ply and 4ily. 30c
New. Per skein
50 pairs, largest size 12-4 Candi Flan-
nelette Blankets. Best make. with k or
blue borders. Perfect goods. For $ 49
March selling, per pair
20 pieces new. yard -wide Chintz ia
dainty floral and scroll patterns.
A splendid quality. Per yard... • dim
Special Pre -Spring Prices
on Rugs
Every size and suitable for any room. Wil-
tons._Brussels, Axminsters.
2 1-4 x 3 yards.
3 x 3 1-2 yards.
3 3 yards.
3 x 4 yards.
.peclt eonaideratIon. To its organ.
wax hencefort h onntikesetit. Thomas I The Nat ions 1 Missionary Intelligetwer.
resurrection. lk proits 100.
1111.1 .1.4..11 11111/elier 11 What IW T. Nardi) Ali writes: -The beat mention
would in -.1•t town. before lie 4.011111 114.1 11/ opening the war to Tibet is to
44.11% bit .1. 1111 1.. the ear. of thew elle-j send a man who Is fluent in the Ti-
eiphs. hut Inc ate. heard by the unseen I beton language and one who would
$11 % 14011 1'. 1 111 'I I .14.411111 appearance( .tart work as a trader. because for
they were all pres.nt and after I nothing else does the Government
1 1.4.41 I 114: pfeV1011. Week 1
lig them as a wnole 111- tlirtlell 1 give permission to enter Tibet -11e
tieittion 1.."Thwenin. T114-14 4W-41. eoutinurs: -Though Tibet is in a way
as ha. 1
oa tipto: ilk IMO ears. Ile beard i
al f is.r....nally invited to put *01 ,
.roof the resurrection of Jeste+. :117.:',,,•••,••*Ig*14frkIti••••• ..tii,.-11 io-, it.y4ktriii.i.4, eat,
tot. lie kiles% it 4111,. the Lord just . r ,, -, , II.4•4•-•VV••••.....4.4.:
/tg' 1.1141.4:/h./.11.::1134101...•
,,. ,1•1,....;.4. wiie.••• ri..•••,.• ,
• telt had and it,' at 0114.4. aektionl- 1 , ,, it4t44-,,A4apiyi.
t. 'My Lont and my God.- This -•''-"-,,,,,t,.,,;,,,,,,`...;'„,-
-,,,,,-, ,,-....,.. , •,' ' ! ''''' -
nano& Jesus took as an espres.• '• 0 14,i•f-t,tk,
of hi. belief and commended him 0'.1.4,2.,* ..
•Oftf,.. 'V '
I. hot emplo,•titti.d mote highly 1
• 1 ii&4"*"441'44:'
Our flaw Materials' 11'44
11.01'011 10 4t10111.1
A gr1011 dent of nonsense has 1114•11
.1111111•11 and Written ailuslit the robbing
of Camilla of it* raw materials for the win
benefit of the industries of hiller As -
?Hee. 11 has been discussed a. if no-
thing were ieft for our pts.ple do 1 1.•
-Wit be "hewers of wood and drawers
of water." It is a fart, however. that
manufaeturing advanced net rap -
under exirting conditions that its
outlast 144194.91 the list of lines of Cale
Iola'. production in 19:51. the Wand
year for Monts 8r11 AV/1 II/1
standing for the first time shove agri-
Usually the United States iP cited
ilii eirprenw ettaelpkita-,Mie
of raw materials. It Is shown In the
current issue of The Amerk4au Review
of ReVIeWs. however, that one Item of
export alone. namely, raw cotton. eon
ettitutes 21 per cent. of the total ex-
tworte id that eountry. Raw cotton to
the value of $1.0110,000,4aNe WISS 04.11t
out in out of a total export of
If tobacco watt an-
other large item making $131,000.000.
These would commonly be called -raw
materials. Iwut they nre the "fininhed
products- of the eotton and tobaceo
do it la with many of our raw min-
tertaln. Pulpwood in a "crop" railed
by thottrands of small farmers,. who
are glad to mecum a cash market for
it. Clot' paper mills *re loeated in
the midst of gr.-ttt timber holdings.
and their OWIlr111 an, 1111411Terelit to the
small offering'. of pa ipW114111 4.11.
..rafraer. or of 1111P neighborhood, hot the
1 lllll gry M1114 in thr-viettodfd Northern
States are eager to buy It. liar paper
Tullis have become a great Anoi im-
portnnt Industry. and it WSW 1141111t/41
41111 by Mr. J. Cofirtla1111 Eilhal 111 11
recent 1/11111P of The Monetary Times
'het. "eseept in 1921. the amonnt
newsprint exported (trent Cambia, ex-
..yeded the amount of the coathined
exports of polo. pulpwowel. en-
balt and enbeetos.-
many jprmitict. go into the making
of mu- export Ire*. and moot of them
represent etestridersble by ono
Mato or another. l'rogrees in the use
of our raw materiel find In adcaneltlit
It to a higher finish has been notable
for some ytdra peel. and Canada there-
by hoe heroine more and more Indus-
• , •
f A 4.•
christi„, view with the Prime Minister of Tilwt.
. • !tut her e
there. and the country is not without who said to me. %hat beaut
closed to us. there are
rbrimia„ witn,„„„, tb, Lord ix to lw found in your Christian re-
fit* where duells the Tashi Loma. In
am an eye -witness to IL have visited
eral pictures of twist. -
1.1 working there in a marvelous way. 1 110".. Als")^f1.4- In the city 01 MN".
nwin. and *„„y tour
ift • shop 1 saw hung un the walls set -
country In connection with my bus '
nese I will never forget bow once In
the 'greets of Lhana 1 came 'terms a
shop of a Buddhist merchant wboxe
wife sang Christian hymns to me of
my great joy and wonder oldie had
learned them in Kalimpong. near leer-
jeciingt Araln. 10041 I had an inter -
A writer pays that a man 11110U14
1/41 master in his own home or know
the reason whr. Married men usual-
ly knos the reason why -The Piloting
to alter the balance .41 ar .
it hatl lasci, ,•tecteri 14 the, tastple. but- the faith of title who shoot it 1 .1
it. Allem ilie 111.4. I I 011/11. 1.. 41e-
. .. without having looked upon Ifis
cid,. ititinfluene.s1 by lottewit. a lo. 004..11 1,4,41y „r it.iini !hi 101,,,,or
l'ittler 11 litimetIled alms, and "Itlesse.1 are they that haze not seen.
'4411 siinis t)f Ilite 1411111rri,titot.-. ,
.tonalid earry 4.11 goveridn.411.
a4,...representa i ion. too, Mr. K ing" re- and yet have believed.- Jesus in Ills
fo-e.1 • to .141144.1.• the con.ervative Io -.t diwollrse to His disciples said that
party's ,claint that. lwealt..• lie' Cole after lie Was risen lie would go 111.-
.4 rvatives tver.• the litrue-t notnerical fore them into Galilee i Ala rk 14 :2,Xo.
grolln. they .110111.1. form tin. 1;10.1111" In the latter part of todays lesson
Multi. /14' took OW .0111141 .41 11.1 1 1111 1 we find that the disciples had left
the majority it, Parliament must Ite Jerusalem and were in their native
alltiwed to deci.14,. he has 1..9. vitt eonntry. Galilee. :tint engaged in their
Bleated by rtputtia-al voles of 1 l''' lorah.l. 0444101 1 1011 1,4 fishing. Thc
Hons.'. ,11"/ 1". lui` "tabli`hed 14 'lento- very first night they etitight nothing.
111111, Pre,041,111 *. 11101 '111.111111 11,1 ll Tilt. lairaci... then. which followed
other leader. oti Vinare "evasion-.
Th.. righisi a 111,. mopte-,- a. evpressed
through Parliament. hart' heel) reaf-
firmed ligtin' the claim. 01 , tile porty
%same political pow,,r uititont the ii„.
approvni of Parliament. 1 awl they would
The Prim.. Minister .. llllll s in by the so the right .1111. wit% that
front door 10 re...4mo lit, .4.0 in on
!louse. Ile ret tiros 11. 11 St rai.44..r
linden strengthen...I hy Ow, ex pall-
•ital• of 9
enhanced l'ellatilt hal a. :1 I.iherai
?all 1 ...Inati whom. sfast.1 for Parlia-
ment also... party most be recognized
as _a_wortity pew ...attribution to Lib-
'Tali:int 111-111inttr---- - -
of the
' „;.*.Z.74--•?4,r167°W1r4=7.11,.
= - ,..77-'"'"'"
1141 appear all ;it'- more remark:111. 00,,,....,,,, v,,::, 436.,,,v,:40,04,
tlrit:ti ..,lirvelw inneittirt..tIgur..sy19,..rte.t14:1,..atiran:11; I .1::...,z^411.,„,,,:0,,,,,,,1 4,!, jp, ::7,,i.:,t14;;,,„ , ,,.,,,,',,,•,,..4",..
.44 1.1141 141 1.4. 4.1 1 lett to I 11011 to east I c,..:.:01,I'7,:::::/;'45:15,:••.*.i:1;1::111:,,,, 40,,,,' „
I '151'/IrktiiI*74"(Ffi 3,,iiil'
ir net on Ilie right sl.k. of the sill 1•''''' '```"'""
I,Srftf..?,01ii;'11'4:il 0,,,k4 ,
..... r .,... gl.,, '., t
niaggcAkitol, siii.*k 0,,,
• • • •
The Government benchea in the
Home of l'otontons have been rein-
Ibreed by tbe return of Premier Ring
and tIte arrival of 's A.
puggIng. whom eleetion in Regina
was 111witspotted. Mr. Tanintiut takes
tite portfolio of Railways and Camila,
rethkquiebse by Hon. neoree P. Gra-
mm, sass Ms declived to Am* re -
Protn Premier Gardiner
County lurk Holman is well
a.•111141 lilted With the ii,.w premier o'
riaskatcliewitn. lion. .1a nies Gardi-
ner. who witA 14n:tight up In the town-
ship of Ushortie alien. Mr. Holman
tonight schwa for a nninher of years.
Mr. Holman sent the new Premier
Message of congratulation MO received
In reply a very pleasant letter. whieli
lit part is as, follows:
Itear Mr. Heiman. - 1 11 111 Ille11.4111 10
be reeeipt yotir letter a ..m-
grattillition, partienlarly when it Is
f*N1 111111401 to, me as a Ilitr..ti lny. I
hove the fondest recollections of 1117
early life ITI the comity a mitt
partictilarly dorhar tile first two years
of ',hoot Ilfe when 1 attended the Ail
Stone school wher,• y011 4.114.1. 11111ailt•
I a 111 1111.11.1.1 to know that NG.... lied -
mai, sits one of my mothers intimate
f rivals Iter
+Isl. 1
be plegscd t.. remember y011 *1)
,Ir. Latta: who 1 premie was tench
inn school In that eichtily about tbe
some time as you were yourewlf. Wills
kindest regard.. I AM. yonr. Oltiverely.
Jalitea II. Gardiner.
For week ending Marelt I.. 111211
II foil. MI, An- Ituron
erich (law halal 'omit y
Total horn ..23 els 12* 173“
Select bacon S ,
Thiek smooth 12 31) fat min
J 4 - a too
Extra heavies 3
tkhop hogs ••
Lights and feeders 6 13
nearest lite shore, alter., there was tha
letf.t probability of taking 11g11.
11111 1 11/1 111 01111 their reeognition
Ili. invitation to lltelli tO
lino.. followed. and then Jeans entered"
into .-onversation %tint Simon Peter.
Thr..• times alten Je.tts was in the
hands 'id' Ills enemies. l'eter
Arallatilllar418074•1110,V4.4_191."' N°W
MOTOR--_-. '
40 Horse Power _....,,,,o4:ilit14-Mtr,
4. g 1VP/4 111M 11111,0 1.1111111111.1 to decTiff - .'''''''' BALANCED CRANKSHAFT - FINISH-
tta.i- -
Engine Vibration . Genuine 'Dues;"--.'• - -
• 0.4hit • 0**4144141.4.41iraiAtifithiltatii
111. love. Once Ile had. protested Om
'th..tigh all men slutll Is• offended be-
cause of thee. yet will •1 never he of-
fended.- dins claiming love stiperior
to III. tiellowiliseiples, Now when
.l, --tis minima if he 1,0,11 Glut mom
than these. Peter made 110 pretension.
I., superior lore. Humbly, ylq confi-
dently. he mid. "Yea. Lord: thou
k llllllllll that Floce Till'4.... F the
time of his first prote.tation until the
•ifing. be the 141n of 'filtering, Peter
1 .1 hid time now hitter iteen.ali4441
mai all 'hi I l
r.• -•a
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f. -111/m of Itin church. making special
refiwrewnee to those youna in yentx and
Christian e%prrioner.
It Is In obedience to this eommand.
"Feed My 'meant,- that finnelay whools
have hem establinhed onel nre provifig
an effectual means wet extending thew
knowledge of the Saviour at littute,and
of lipreading the pylori abroad.
From tb. Masa as wellsas
Ask for demonstrations drpi,soltor4g,,,ruo,,
South Street, Goderich
41110 k*t.,:4i440:kit 47?.,4
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