HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-30, Page 3A ii ti Part of a clean-up campaign in Morris ceme- teries which started last year, the St, Michael's Cemetery has, been completely put in shape for the centennial celebrations, to be held in tile township this sumther. Last year a cairn was erected to the memory of the pioneers and St. Michael's Church, which was formerly situated on this site. A feature of the coining centennial will be a centennial mass and blessing to be held in the cemetery by Most Rev. J. C. Cody, D.D., Bishop of London, on Sunday, August 3rd. DOMINION FRESH ROASTED I LH. ER RICHMELLO Corr 11 " RIPHNELLO—.;WHITE , 'SLICED BREAD HEINZ QUALITY PRODUCTS' ADDS ZEST TO ANY MEAL!—PURE TOMATO HEINZ KETCHUP JUST HEAT AND SERVE—OVEN BAKED IN TOMATO SAUCE WITHOUT MEAT 2 15. *X' TS • HEINZ—Condensed Tomato HEINZ—Celnistissid 'OZ SOUP 2 Ia. 250 soul) I 2 iSnt& HEINZ OVEN BAKED BEANS with PORK '1 I1 az. ,n HEINZ BEANS FOODS 2 434algz. 190 MUSTARD ALWAYS HANDY !—ECONOMICAL I IN TOMATO SAUCE—COOKED HEINZ SPAGHETTI ADDS ZEST TO SALADS: WHITE—SPIRIT HEINZ VINEGAR . SS 0*: ISThr • Infant or Junior—HEINZ BABY II 0 2 Is'on;J.. THIP6 0 to, 250 Lbs. ERECT CAIRN FOR CENTENNIAL - H5, DIML4toDoN4 ,S6VELOPID Wfig. CLOSE. A4t..r cAlts.un A SAIL-LIKE cAts FOUR FEY h1414, yl 11 ...,44c0,I,B14.EAmRciiTilDINE, ,1/4. LIBERTINE, I hTaft,(146666 LIBERTINE, OriL FREE iFitom 561,F-lits-famrii i A ciAl<L --•?•• FLtLS s‘fr,austtnt NAVi, ER ,n5 tg tsE.ky ivozef a Ala watt. imitkapfta g wmoileg.4). 0(.4'4 RE4I04' OF LAJCI. Ci{,11 /4 D. • ••! J•fitt WOM1.1.1 CiskitAl: Axa.10-. SPEND mos( OF ',fag?, iii4L lu ISIZA.s.st A.R.RAii4LAp4 tfilfriNR.,/ 04 ain't any of your business," t she replied, obut r might have been Married a de4eit times if I'd felt like providing for some poor, shiftless wreck of a man him yon." 1407 •Atetltd rOlroact ita- tivo not hundred, miles from end said she wanted tieket; ,fer. London. The Valor coliinCellq!* asked, "Single?" HINT UP FOR THE CENTENNIAL! 10% to 15% SAVINGS ON ALL PAINTS For one mond?, starting May 28th SuPer Kern Kern Glo Kem Varnish "Complete Line of .Martin Senour Paints and Sunworthy Wallpaper • SPECIALS Used TUB and TOILET (like new) $60.00 Plastic GARDEN • HOSE, 50 ft. length $2.59 Swirlcut Rotary. LAWNMOWERS 2 & 4 cycle COMPLETE LINE of FENCING SUPPLIES 1 only New Sunshine Electrice. RANGE Reg. $199.50 with glass in oven door $149.00 G.E. Featherweight IRON SPECIAL $9.95 G.E. Electric KETTLES $9.95 1 only'Eureka VACUUM CLEANER „ ,Regular $99.50 NOW .... . . . . $69.50 tamomononamdlemaamumpoomomwasierkampa ambers Hardware %outer Phone 65 n YOu Straighten It Out? 4 .Maniac ,;las Driving Too Close In Front Of Me Straighten it out? What a question! k.‘s,Ver. yet„ saw a Car so badly bent up that we ciii,dirret .'brini back the smooth good looks ik .SHAM MOTORS Wingham Western Ontario History to Be Seen On TV Program In a combined film and live sequence, three hundred years of Western Ontario's Catholic history will be shown on television when "JOURNEY INTO FAITH" a Lon- don Diocese Catholic Centennial production will be presented over CFPL TV channel 10, on Sunday, June 10th, at 2 p.m. London's Catholic Diocese is this year celebrating' the Centenary of itS foundation, and this spectac- 'War program is part of the cele- brations, • Under the distinguished patron- age of His EXcellency The Most Reverend. John C. Cody, DD„ the program is being directed by Rey. Jos. P. Finn, Director of Catholic Education, assisted by over a hundred laymen and women, from all walks of life. Members 'of the London Little Theatre Groups, and the staff of CFPL TV Station are lending a hand in the program, This interesting program will bring to life some of the most out- standing persdnalitles of Western Ontario in the past three hundred years, from the coming of the Jesuit Martyrs and the founding of the first parish in the diocese at Windsor, to the organizhig of The Family Daily Ropary Crusade in St, Mary's Church by the world- renowned Father Patrick Peyton. Scenes from the life of Bishop Alexander lVfacdonnell, the pioneer Highland Scot bishop of Kingston, who travelled pack on back, on foot and by canoe the length and breadth 'of his tWo thousand miles of territory which included Wes- tern Ontario, Colonel Torn Talbot, ,and Denis O'Brien. will be seen, and Father Peter Schneider, as well as inci- dents from the lives of Father Steven Eckart, native of Dublin, Ontario, who founded a famous mission for negroes at Milwaukee, of Predicting something of what We may anticipate for the :future ZYf4 Jehostell Yieektil'004 the day when' a,* person would ,he given bin indi- vidual telephone numbOr at birth and would Carry in WS pocket a tiny instrument which would com- bine the qualities of a telephone and a TV set, on which calls Could be placed to any point On the globe and the parties in conversation would actually see ' one another. Film Shown Following Mr, Johnston's talk, Mr. Croome, who accompanied him from Stratford, showed a most in- tempting film on the use of the transistors which are playing such a mighty part in modern electro- nics development. The speaker and his assistant were thanked on behalf of the club by Barry Wenger, who presented a gift from the Lions. The meeting throughout was particularly peppy one, the music being in charge of Harold Victor Pym at the piano and Jack Reavie as Lion Tamer, Mike.McPhail was at his imaginative best as he ex- tracted fines from the transgres- SOrs. Bernard Rutledge, whose vocal solos are invariably well received, whenever'he is a guest of the club, sang the aria from "Martha" and followed with "The Garden Where the Prayes Grow" as an encore. Other guests for the meeting were. John Crawford, son of Lion Harley Crawford, and Charles Lloyd, who was the guest of Lion Gordon Bu-. chanan. Lion Don Nasmith, who was invited in from the snack bar next door, however, failed to meet the proper requirements as a guest. When cut flowers begin to wilt, give them the hot water treatment. They will revive quickly if the ends 'of the stems are cut and im- mersed in hot water. Have the water about as hot as your hands can stand. ILASHMAR Drive-In Theatre *LISTOWEL Turn at Armouries on Hwy. 86 Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 31, June 1 "The President's Lady" Charlton Heston Susan Hayward Sat., Mon., June 2-4 "CATTLE QUEEN OF MONTANA" (Color) Ronald Reagan Barbara Stanwyck Saturday, June Znd is Prize Night The following will be given away FREE to winners of draw made during intermission: Honeychild. Wardrobes, valued at $15.00 each 2 Van Heusen Shirts, yalued at $5.00 each 4 Pair Whisper Nylons, valued at $1.75 each 2 Lucky Penny Hats, valued at $2.00 each 1 Pair SpeedIrIng Roller Skates, valued at $5.60 2 Tom Girl kyjamaS: valued,at $8.00 eitch 1 Helen Tarper Sweater, valued at $9.95 rye. NEW! CHILDRENLOVE IT!—CADBURY'$ rigSTANT 'CHOCOLATE 'Mt . STOCK UP AT THIS LOW PRICE! FLEMISH BEAUTY—CHOICE 400 FRAY SENTO* COMM) HAM *214:1:z. . MAPLE LEAF coming, 12 TIN 390 OZ BEEF QUICK I EASY TO PREPARE! GOBLIN OZ.% BRAISED. STEAK -.mg' SPECIAL OFFER I 'SAVINGS AT TIME. OF PURCHASEI. IT'S NEW ! IT'S INSTANT!—NO MILK REQUIRED • 'CHOCOLATE MIL-KO PKG.. 16 OZ: }r):)! QUAKER—WHOLE WHEAT MUFFETS 2 gfl!. 330 AYLMER—CHOICE SLICED PEACHES 3TINT 2.10 LYNN VALLEY—Standard GREEN PEAS 2 VIE* 190 Gold Seal—Fancy Red SOCKEYE SALMON 7 V.I2z. 410' Breakfast Club, .Pectin, Raspberry 370 JAM JAR Premiums Without Cortifk REGENT BATHROOM SCALES With" Even' SSAIO in Cash Parch* friivi141FRUITS Br VEGETA RI. ES Guaranteed Ripe Florida WATERMELON, ..... . • New Crop Texas No. 1 Yellow COOKING ONIONS ► New Crop California Valencia SUNKIST ORANGES; Siie 2887 .• Sweet Ripe Cuban Red Large .size . PINEAPPLES . 4 for.99C BUY TEEM BY THE CASE OF 12 AT $2.89 VISIT YOUR DOMINION FOR FULL DETAILS ASO "FAMOUS BRANDS FORTUNE HUNT" and the Hon. Henry Edward Dor- mer, young British officer who died in 1866, also from, the life of Madame Rose Lumis who was con-44. spicuous in establishing a church at Simcoe. All of London's bishops will be= seen in scenes from their eventful lives. Bishop pinsenneault the first bishop of London; Bishops Walsh, O'Connor, McEvay and the, late Bishop M. F. Fallon, OMI. founder of St .Peter's Seminary ,and Brescia Hall. Highlight of this interesting pro- gram will be, the personal appear.. ance of His Excellency Bishop J. C. Cody who will deliver a special message to the people of Western Ontario. Also appearing in person on the program will be the'world famous Irish priest, Father Patrick Peyton CSC whose Family Daily Rosary Crusade will its motto: "The Family that Prays Together, Stays Together" has been carried around the world. BELL TELEPHONE - AREA MANAGER SPEAKS TO LIONS (Continued from Page One) points on this and other continents without any reference to. a human telephone "operator". In this par- ticular field the tiny electroniC valve known as a 'transistor has paved the way for tremendous strides as it replaces vacuum tubes and their accompanying aced "of space and ventilation. Another tremendous undertaking is the trans.-Canada radio ,relay system which carries hundreds of radio and TV programs to all parts 'of the, country. The major telephone systems in Canada' haVe pooled their knoWledge and re- sources to 'construct the mid-Cah- ada warning system for the dm- adian government as a part of the vast net work of communications which Would warn military auth- orities of enemy approach in case SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK SCOT, • \ AYLMER. PEARS 2 n GOBLIN—With Gravy MEAT BALLS TIN 16 OZ. PORK LOAF K A M FLAKES KELLOGG'S, CORN ' 12 OZ. Miss Canada—CHOICE RED RASPBERRIES 15 Z.Ttifl, ' Bright's Red. Pitted: ; CHERRIES ALLEN'S CHOICE AlIZ JUICE BEEKIST—W HITS, NO. 1 HONEY cAvrovr.. Clear - Box Office Open at 7,30 Two Shows Nightly, Rain or First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in Cars Free Cartoons at Each Performance 111111111111•1111111111111111111611•1111011•1111111 ' ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE IN WINGHAM Until Closing Time Sat,. June 2 • OUR GUARA.iiiii ,', All merchandise giblib,-atriiisit Dominion Store is utaitimmiNma ally guaranteed to (Of Inn* 100% satisfaction. ' DOMINION STORES LIMITED • . • • • • • • * • • • • p ••••• 6•••••• * . 3/ Of for thret ;of Q /0 four Vittoria,* ' • THF HURON & ERIE NUIRTGAI.F. ( nRrCCRATION 1.41111A Yti icr Mal ENE 'CAW TRUSt THE rrizt -sT he Wingham A4vantemii }:lead Office London, Ont. • District epresentatives • obnAwvon Its IRETMEIRINTOTON, Wit0XtTZlit • tY. 131,1,5411PIELID) WINGFIAIMI , ****46,4*******•••••0 • •