HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-30, Page 1•_... .,...... ALONG TIlE MAIN DRAG , By The Pedestrian atlr1111;1611malokuum.amliolaue.1.111111111. fi With which is. amalgamated the Coorfie Vidette and Wroxeter News W/NOXIAN, (*MA RIO, WRONESDAY, MAY ao, 1.950 Olier '330 Scouts, Cube and leaders of the Saugeen ig „front; 'et the Bost 9140 In • District assembled Wingham on Sunday,afteee" ";the'lipper pictUre the Yong parade marches down noon for one of the most successful chureh, Josephine . Street, on its way to church, Pesradet ever held in the district. The beYan'a District Coinmissioner Archie Gowanlock takes niarched ,from the toWn park to the, United •.the'ealfite at the reviewing stand in front, of the 'Clitiech, where a special service was conducted pest, office.: • by Rev. D. J. MacRae; and then back, pasta . *. • ' ' Enumerators Get. Ready for Dominion Census Start Friday SAUGEEN DISTRICT SCOUTS PARADE Biggest Show Ever:, Seen. by Lipp. For This . Year's Frontier Days. ,Fet NOT NECESSARILY SO—The Wingharn Businesernen's Flowerpot Fund' got an unexpected (and un- deserved) 1300A in the Paper last Week, in the listing of contributions to the fund, According to the list Warren Callan was responsible fo'r a donation of $200, Somehow the little dot got left out between the 2 .anclthe zeros. Lot anyone should think the quota iS•killed because of Mr, Callan's donation, we hasten to, make this correction, • - BUSY PLACE—Wingham's Un- ited Gliureh was a busy place on Sunday, with two church ParadeS being held there the aame day. In the morning the Masonic Lodge. paraded, to church and• in the after- noon 'it was the Scouts and Cube. Next Sunday is liable to be just as busy, with Plower .Sunday' coming LADY 'GOLFERS DESSERT BRIDGE • , The Ladies' Section of the Wing= ' ham Golf Club have arranged for Opening Day this Thursday, May 31st, at 2 p.m. There will be a des- sert bridge at the Club House and a genie planned for the golfers. Ladies' Day will be as usual, each Thursday for the summer months and now members will be wel- comed. F30b UNITED CHURCH FLOWER SERVICE Wingham United Church Sunday School will hold their annual Flower Service on Sunday, June -3. The theme will be ."Anchors for Living"; guest speaker G. H. D'ubrindt from, the Teachers' Col- lege, London. There will be sperial inugie by- Miss Karen Dobrindt, talented marimba player and the junior choir., Services will be at 11 a, in. and-7. p.m. (both services the same). Offering from these ser- vices will go to Dr. R, B. Palmer to help furnish a new hospital chapel ,at Hazelton. Everyone wel- come F30b HOWICK 'CENTENNIAL AMATEUR CONTESTS Howlett Township Centennial, June 29, 30 and July 1, Remernbet the amateur contest on ,Saturday, ,) June ,80, prizes are $15.00, 00.00, $5.00, Send entries to Mini. Glad Edgar, Gorrie, Ontario not later than Jaen 22, only first 15 entries heeepted, Old agree Fiddling Con- test prizes are $10.00, $5.00; Old Time Step Dancing Contest prizes are $10,00, $5.00. Send entries to 'iota. Tinn Okrafka, Goleta, On- tario riot later than Julie 2, f30b WINO0A1g 110sPITAIL LADIES, AIMILIARir ALCM The regular meeting of. the Ladies' Auxiliary to ' Wtngliani General Hospital Will be bold in the Council Chaniber on Friday afternoon, June 1, 'at three .P'30b DANCE AT WROXETER, Wroxeter Community Club will )sponsor a dance hi the corinnatin- ity hall, Tuesday evening, June 12. Music by boo Robertson and the' Ranch Poys, Pfttib Friday, , June 1st will See the opening 'of the Dominion Census taking, this year,. and, enumer- ators in.4.he 'district will be calling • . oreevery reeident in the area with, fornis , to be fillocl out and ques- ticins to be answered. This year urban residents will, answer nine queStions on population, while farmers, who have been presented with sheets • pricir to the census taking, will be asked to answer 79 :questions tegardiag themselves and their livelihood. A. preliminary census of hotels and hospitals will be conducted on Thursday night, May 31st, to cover transients in the area. The com- plete census taking is expected to ENGAGEMENT, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton, Wroxeter announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Ida Rae, to Billie Raymond Hart of St, Catharines, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hart, of Wroxeter. Tire Marriage to take place at 3 o'clock Julie, 23rd,, pm, at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Gorrie, Ontario. F30* Bi'LdRAVE GARDEN PARTY A garden party sponsored by the Woman's Association of Knox United Church, Belgrave, will 'be held in the church on Wednesday, Julie 13th. Supper will be served from five to eight p.m. followed by a concert in the' church auditerluiri by the forty voice Atwood male choir. Admission, adults $1.00, .eilildren,' 00 emits, A booth will also be available, 1.1'30:6b --- TOWN OF WINGIIAM WEEKLY PACK-UP SERVICE The, regular weekly pick-up ser- vice for garden cuttings, eto., will start ,on Friday Morning, May 25, and will continue every Friday Meaning throlighout the summer, All sue Materials eliotild he, placed in suitable containers at the Curb on Thursday evenings. Alexainier, Chairman Public Works .COMmittee V23;30:61) take three weeks.„,, , An `agrieultuiiii,queetionnaire has already been' .sent- to; tariners• in the district, , ;:Theyeare ,abiced . to, hold these, queetiennitiee,.until the enuineratora call, and'ncit to send them in by niait„'ai, had been done in the. past. • Three Ridings i > Area For the purposes of 'the census the district has been .broken up into federal ridings,, three of which are represented In the Wingham area. Alex Corrigan, •of Bluevale, has been appointed supervisor for District 565 in the • riding of Wellington Huron. -Enurnerators working under him will be:• Wing- ham, Mrs. Gordon • MacKay, MrS, Andy Lunn; Turnberry, Gordon lVfunclell, -Hugh Gillriour, Wilbert Franck; Howick, Bert Harris, Clare Harris, Robert Gibson, Mrs. Harold 'Doig, 'Mrs. Flai•ey Rhame, Mrs, Bob Gibson; 'Clifford, Walter Schnur; Harriston, Mrs, Ethel Jordan; Minto, 'William Hale, Cassell Thompson, In the riding of ,,Hutori, Bill El. ston fine been appointed super-, visor of District 526'fist, the' north- ern part of the Enumer- ators under hiM Will be: Grey, Douglas lIemingWay, 'Andy Brem- ner, Kenneth Melon, Donald Dunbar; Morris, Wilbert Garniss,' Louis Phelan, Earl AnderSon; East Wawarioeh, Olive Anderson James 0. Currie, Simon, Hallahan; West WaWanoSh,.Cairns Aitchison, Mrs. Tla H Godfrey, liliaeNt Gaunt; Aehtleid, Robert ' SIM:0We Finlay MeDelutki, joetplf O"Itecife, Wil- fred B, Hackett; 'Colberee, Ernest Bogie, It.usseil Ketainghant; Mies Rhia . Hall; Beneeele,. Ben Walker, Cecil MaliOnd, of, 'retarder, has been eppoilted eillieriOset Else teiet 005 In Bruce. Ills enumerators' will be!' Cillabee, Jo- seph king, Pattiolt, Canipbett, ,bouglas Kennedy,' firiioss, ittOsA McGregor, s Greenock, Prank ityAttott, Ittooplift; Piiikettert, Hereied. Mof- fat; TeeetWeitea, ,Pranic' Renwick. FLOWER POT FUND The following donations have been received to the Wingham Flowerpot Fund: Women's Institute $15.00 Harry Merkley 2,00 Norman Keating 2.50 Warren Callan 2,00 Hanna & Co 2.00 Robin Campbell 2,00 Calvin Burke 2.00 Jack Alexander 2,00 Lee's Restanrant 2.00 Walker Stores Ltd. 2.00 Ff. C. MacLean 2.00 George Drehmann 1.00 "Dutch" Dttcharme 1.00 EdigriofferS, Wingham 2,00 Mrs. Carrie Taylor 3,00 Wingham Kinsmen Club 15,00 Jack Walker 2.00 W. A. Galbraith 2.00 R. A. Currie & Sons 2.00 W. 'J. Clark ,. 2.00 Wingham` Kinette Club 5.00 Total $72,50 Donations to the Flowerpot Fund May be left at Callan's Shoe Store, Canadian Tire Store or Burke Electric. APPOINTED PO, NCIPAL Harold d, Henry, formerly of Wingham who has served £18. ptih- cipal of Chapel St. Ptiblie School, Georgetown, for tile past six years has been appointed principal of the new Rarrison Public School now under construction in that town. Georgetown is growing so rapidly that the selieol population has led inn the IAA eke years, —Pinto by Naltreetteal, II TELEPHONE A EA MANAGER SPEAKS TO LIONS I. 'P. 'Paul" Johnston, mana- Or of the Stratford area of the Bill Telephone Company, was the guest speaker when the. Libns gathered at the Hotel Brunswick for their meeting on Friday even- ing, Introduced by Hugh.:7,armichael, president of the 'club and a former Bell Telephone employee, Mr. John- ston spoke not only, of the vast and complex development which is today's telephone system, 'but dealt in a most interesting manner with the innovations which the next few years are likely to bring through telephone research .laboratories. The speaker said that though there are 2800 telephone companies in Canada, seven major• systems eentrol the majOr portion of corn- inftnications in the Dominion. Bell Telephone operates in th'e provinces of Ontario and Ruebee. Speaking of the rapid growth of telephone s' ice he "pe:iiited- Mit' that 'mere .phones have been Installed in the past ten years than were put into use in the 70 years preceding. In total number of telephones, Canada is gurpassed only by the United States and Great Britain and the ratio of telephone use per person is higher in Canada than in any other country. Mr. Johnston spoke, too, of the trend telephone equipment' is likely to take in the future. Tomorrow's telephones are likely to be smaller, as a result of the development of transistors and other space-saving devices, Dealing with the research which is currently under way in the Bell Telephone laboratories lie mentioned work being dune on a solar battery which will store the energy of the sun for controlled use. The telephone company is also engaged in the laying of new trans- Atlantic cables which will speed communications ,to the British Isles. Two of these cables are al- ready laid and a third will soon be completed. Electronics Play a Major Role Among the tremendous improve- ments now in use are the various devices which provide for automa- tic switching and will soon permit the telephone user to dial distant (Continued on page three,) Tractor Damaged by Fire in Howick A tractor Owned by Morley Johnston, R.R. 2, Gorrie, was badly damaged by fire on Monday morn- ing,-after a spark from the motor ignited gasoline which had over- flowed, from the tank while the machine was being refueled. The fire broke out when Mr. Johnston attempted to start the engine, A call was put in to the Wingharn rite Department but Mr. Johnston was able to.eXtinguish the blaze by shovelling dirt onto the machine before the firemen arrived, Tires, ignition and the gas Wilt Were damaged in the blaze. ENGAGEMENT The 'engagement has been an- nounced by Mr. and Mrs. Victor- Albert Krueger,' Stratford, of their daughter,'Marilyn Jeanne to Mr. George Arthur Wearying, of Tor- onto, 8011 of Mr, Mid Mrs. Arthur Wearring, Teronte, formerly of Wroxeter, The marriage will take plaee Saturday, June 0th, at St, Peter's Lutheran Church, Strat- ford. .Plana for an even bigger and better Frontier DElya; in Winghein this summer were formulated at a special meeting of Liens on Mori, day night, When members of the executive and activities .committees met with Frontier Days Manager Johnny Brent to discuss this year's show. The following Lions were ap- - Deleted to committees; W. T. ,Cruickshabk, general chairman.,; executive committee, R, E. ,Mc-, Kinney, N. J. W, Grose; promotion, H, F. Carmichael; publicity, Barry Wenger; decorations, Jack Alex- Mrs. G. Johnston Wins Lady's Priie Thirteen tables were in play at the regular euchre, sponsored by the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary, at the Legion Home on Monday. Mrs, Gershorn Johnston was high lady, while Prize for lady playing as a man went to Mrs. Wilfred Henry, High man was George Brooks and the mystery prize went to Mrs. George Brooks. ei • • Rev. J. L, Coyle, pastor of Wing- ham Baptist Church for the past six' years, has accepted a call' to Orangeville Baptist 'Church, it was announced this week. He will leave Winghain on June 24th and will assume duties at his new pastorate, early in June, Active in young people's work Mr. Coyle is now starting his second year as president 0.1 the Fellowship Baptist Young People's Association of Canada. During his Ministry here the Baptist Church has grown spiri- tually and minierically, and sever- al renovation programs have been completed. Last summer Mr. Coyle was director of the Muskoka Baptist Conference, near Hurtse vihe. Mtn in Glasgow, Scotland, lie came with his parents to Toronto in 1021. Following three years overseas service with the IttlEME, he took up studies at the Central. Baptist Seminary in Toronto, graduating lit 1910, Before coin- ing to Wingham held several summer paateratee. Beth Mr, turd MM. Coyle have centributed iereatlY to church work, Mr, Coyle is A. tenor solo» igt find his wife, the former Rowlett, has been organist. tinder;. make-up, Clfgenoe. Armi- tage; program and entertainment,' Bil'i ,Conroe; finance; Norm Wel- wood; Property and lighting, Rod: Macintosh; parade, Mike iViel?hall; • concessions, Dr, A. W. Irwin, Different Type of Show The program this year will fol- low a somewhat similar schedule t9 that of last year's celebration However various, changes have been made in the events which 'are expected to produce a different type of show this summer. Although ...arrangements have not yet been completed, headliner for JOHN L. CRAWFORD Congratulations to John • I., Crawford who graduated in Arts and received his Bachelor of Art. Degree at Convocation Hall or. Thursday. John was enrolled at Victoria College and has now completed his Arts course. After Over 300 Scouts, Cubs 'and leader8 from eight centres in the Saugeen District attended one of the first Boy Scout Church parades to be held in Wingham, on. Sunday after- noon. Headed by bands from the Wingham District High School and the Lucknow High School, the par- ade moved down the main street to the United Church, returning by the same route past the reviewing stand in front of the post office, to be formed around the band- stand in the town park, Scouts, Cubs and their leaders were present from Walkerton, Kin- cardine, Lucknow, Hanover, Dur- ham, Tara, Paisley and Wingham for the occasion, many of them coming by chartered bus for the parade. The parade formed.up in the ball paf'k and marched down the main street to the United Church, where a special Scout service was held. (Please Turn to Page Twelve) • Declaring that the newspaper was the 'outstanding med7uin for the dissemination of thought, Rev. Col, C, Krug, Belgrave, radio and TV commentator, told Foil Elgin Rotarians that thefne could be •no Substitute icr the printed word. "Radio and television have an immediate impact" he said, "but it soon vanishes, An educated pub- lic requires a medium Of neorronunl- Cation that has more permanent form." Krug was guest Speaker at the Rotary Club's tine Cal students' night, when students (If Grade XIII of Saugeen District. High School were guests. this year's show is ePeetedi to be Ci3C Star Juliette, of the Dips O'Connor television.show; who will star in the Thursday evening show at the arena on the first day of the celebration, The popular singer will be supported by Orches- tras and other entertainment dur- ing the evening. On Friday afternoon a children's parade will be featured, with num. erous prizes to be awarded far t best costumes, and following the parade the celebration will be of- ficially opened. A highlight of the Friday afternoon program at the town park.wili, be the choosing of a Frontier Queen, wile will reign throughout the celebration. A full variety program will be, given dur- ing the afternoon. Frontier Ball The Frontier Ball, a gala affair In costume, will again be a feature of Friday evening, following the Dominion Old-Time Fiddle • Con- test, candUcted in the Wingham Arena. Entries for the contest have already started to come in, and it is expected that the event. Will be even bigger and better than last year. Saturday will be the (la's, of the big parade, and preparations are already being made to make ft?' bigger than ever, Negotiations are now under way to bring back the Six Nations Indian Band which proved so popular at last years celebration, and it is possible 'tiit another Indian band will be oh hand during the afternoon. Indian tribal dances will be a ;feature of Saturday's program at the 'town, park, together with square WI step dancing, barbershop quartette,eisind other features. On Saturday evening the 'biggest barn dance ever assembled, in, the 18-year history of the Blirri D•nce Oaug win. take the., , stage 'at , the . arena, when six bands will head a cast of 50 for the grand 'finale of the celebration, Special gdeets at the Barn Dance will be winners Of the various contests held •during Friday and Saturday. Sheriff Johnny Brent reports that there will be more horeat than ever in this year's show, 'and that there will be pony rides- at the park for the kiddies. A new deputY- sheriff has been elected in the person of Dick Balla:Mine 'of CKNX-TV, who will ta:ke over the job held last .,year by Reg Bitton, who was forced to withdraw • this year because of pressure of Voile: 99th Battery at Ipperwash Camp Sixty officers and men of the 99th Battery went to Ipperwaeb, on Sunday for the annual classifica- tion with rifle and Bren gun at the camp there, The convoy left here Sunday morning and returned in the evening. During the exercise gun numbets 1 test and layer's tests were con- ducted by WO2 C. W. Fuller, of London, assisted by Sgt. William E, Grover, of Wingham, The Battery was under the com- mand of Capt. Bob Ritter. A full-length feature film tie- pleting life In a, small town, to be filmed around Wingham with local actors, is being planned by two members of the local televisian station. Gerard VanDtlyn, TV artist, and Saek Mitchell, centieti- ity writer, are hoping to teem up this summer in a private film pro- duction which , will portray the "human element" of life in a small town, Cost of 'the produce tion will be 'in the neighborheed Of $1,500 sod 'It Will be financed privately, without any particular hope of financial gain. 'The brain-child of Artist Van Duyn, the IBM will be shot sound and possibly in color, aAtl, will be in story form, as opposed to the usual type of documentary film. Running Unit; is expected 'to be approximately cue .hiSill, Prot of the film will be a "sins' le human story" about life itt ham, possibly concerning a perkoit. (Plow Turn to' Page Twelve) 0 - 0 - SIGNS OF SPRING—Signs of spring haven't been too plentiful this year, but there have been some that point to some warmer weather around the .cornier. ' On Monday members of the Polar Bear club were out swirmning In How- son's Dam, 'which leads Us' to' be-' lieve that it may actually be warm- er than we think. Personally, at the present rate of progress, 'we'll. wait until mid-August for _the -first: • dip of the season. Members of the >40\ Club, however, said it "wasn't bad ' once you got used, to it." , 0 - 0 - 0 WARMING UP—We're glad to see 'that something's warming 'hp, however. We mean the baseball players at the park. Members of the girls' team were, out in full strength this week, and the Cubs were knocking a feW balls aronrid,.. too. ',There are hopes the townwill: see some realjniseball this summer. CALLING ALL TURNBERRY To a reception and presentation in honor of Warden' stitalIre. J. V. Fischer in the Winghain District High School on Thursday evening,. May 31st., at 0 p,ra. A 'she'd pro- gram and music by Ranch Boys. Everyone welcome: F23:30b NEIGHBORS MGR IN, 8a ACRES A .0pleit of brotherly lova sVas shown near Wigtave on Mon- telt neighbors and friends with six tractors, two trucks and two !teed drills, formed' a bee and prepared the land and sowed thlrtYetave acres Of crop for Wilbefp Proc. ter. Mr, Procter has been con- Tined to the Wingham General Ifoepital for ,the past week, and returned home on Sunday fac- ing this 'task, when the group arrived Monday morning, and by evening had completed Mr, Procter's seeding. Mr. Procter expressed bis thanks to the -ereighbors for this act .of kindness. Kinettes Plan Fall Bake Sale The regular meeting of the Wingham Kinette Club was held on Monday evening, May 28th, at the home of Mrs. Lorne McDonald. Plans for the fall tea and bake sale were discussed and the mot- ion accepted to raffle an electric frying pan at 'that event. The motion was carried to donate a cheque to Wingham's. Flowerpot Fund. 'The neXt meeting will be spending the summer in Europe he held Monday, June 11th, at the will be attending Osgoode Ball in home of Mrs.' Andy ,Scott. September. Saugeen District Scouts, Cubs At Wingharn Church Parade %INGHAM PASTOR TO ORANGEVILLE GRUM Local ion'panning Movie of &union, We in Wingham NEED NEWSPAPERS, CLERIC TELLS Will Nks