HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-3-25, Page 11 ,• 7. • - 117,-• -..r als Sio l our Advertise in The SIGNAL is an invit more than a thousand families in (it and the immediate vioiaity to do bu with you. Don't neglect your advertis Mr. Merchant. SEVENTY COUN ,TH YEAlt NO. 12 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY' MARCH 25, 1926 MAI !26 TAX RATE FORTY-FOUR MILLS M. C. C. PROPOSES TO REVIVE WATER SPORTS ('o-aperallen s Town Connell to This End L Rettlleatrd Fu' lutiowing letter from the wr▪ re- tary of the Menewrung Conor Club was read at the meeting of the town No pdsion Yet Reached as to eouncll on Friday evening: iesubmitting the Town Mr. I.. L. Knox. Town t'lerk. Hall Bylaw Town fair,-At the laid regular meet - Ing of the Mull. the matter of reviving ! Mull. Ate town emoted a little earlier Imlrrr.'t 11, entering, lasting and gstul Ina Friday evening and kaan sother aquatic spurts was dlwe•nserd, nes" was rushed slung w/ flat the pecially with a view to participating dJournmeut might 1e reached lu aline 11, the prus{arilcr l:uderh h l:cmtrtr .o allow the members to attend the alai in 1927. This wax eru•rg(Nlcrlly centennial celebration meeting up participated In by a large attendance, stain. All the tuemberx were present many of whom had been originator' except Councillor Bailie. who came to of the Menrrrtang Canoe Club. anti Just before adjournment.the coniwueus of 'minims and aubse- Tax Collector Edwards reporter) ad - tile rrmdutluu was that we. rrque'ct [Klima of ;777.061 since Manh.Lth. tile town eotuw•il fu eteperate In an The auditors' report for 191"•1 was endeavor to renew and maintain x11 received laud referred to the finance. active interest fu all water sports. committee a. be printer). In sbbmtt- We have advertised llud.rk h, and ting their statwurut the auditors mads do still. as nu Ideal summer sestet some tJlaercatluns. as follows: where boating can ler indulged in. A a survey of the extent to which this is Seateekprosecuted can readily be entertained "In making a statement of the by your harbor committee; in fact, town's assets we have returned the they will soon find that former facill- valuatlon of the town property- seer tier have almost disappeared. Mak- ers, wallas and buildings -as we found land River has lost moat of its volume it Mitten 111.atu:riuus statements. This of water and In mummer la quite stap- h sot very satisfactory and we would natal in the larger arra. and with the advise• as un pervious ocraaions. tbat !usual bur formation at its mouth an appraisal of the value of these donee nut ;shyest permit safe exltStu properties 1e• wade anti an amend- the lake. - The 1.ewis canal from river Anent for depreciation be allowed to barber las alibi up and in no longer each year in the future. a floating communication. The only '•Due to au Increase in the water aster of shoal depth in which boat - rates owe year ago, there w1, a slab houses could be built to the harbor is stantiai surplus I1, the water depart- at the east rod, where la• summer it went over and above all e.zpemditures. Is filtad. with weeds which would This surplus. however, will be re- prove most hazardous. doted by $455.3.1, the amount of water The tduttuu to moot of the existing debenture charged by recur to the I difileultles would 1e• l44 have a cmt- eler•trie department. } seeh•ut Carat-4uuae in the harbor. "The total sales at the Hydro store iii %here canoes could (e stored and row - fur the year were $20(1i.t.17. The net boats rented. The wuuicipul freight earnings acre $al.:('. 110 allowance d1111. would afford an Ideal location being eased•.• however. for either rent and facility. (tacks at one end of 1,r eateries." title would store n large uumbrr of A cisuwunkatiuu fr the Mete; ellua•s. and the c•anat•a could be ictulti;4'su,N• clue with reference to raltri from or lowered into the water aquatic sports .was referred ti• ha r- I t tl I r over u itarr..w slide fastened to the 0 THE SIGNAL PRINTING 4X0., LIMITED, Publishers. The News of the Town Clink* Spring Showw• in h Tito (Tinton spring altos win held onThursday next. April lat. In couactlot aith thaw event a tiddlers' competition. open to the cointle•o of Huron. Perth and Bruce. oil! beheel In the e•re nhag in the e1'Ilntuu town hall. Portleulnra may he found in our advertislig columno. Votes for Harbors and Rivers Among the cute'* for harbors anti rivers in Ontario 10C11.141441 In the esti- mates submitted at 1(Itawa last week are the folbwing: Kin.asilne•, ;1:1,- Mat: Meafurd. 410.000; Midland. tt12L- (Mal : (Owen Sound. 11,41041; Port Stan- ley. b11h,1NN1: *mitten !Liver. *8,014); tkuthamptou. 14$.400. Aa stated by The Signal lust week. thereis it vote of $150,001) - for GoderiJh harbor. A Little Girl Taken ('apt. and Mrs John MacDonald. Mr. !!cert Maclkeuald and Mrs. E. i►rnualt were at Walke•rville attend- ing the funeral of the six-ytwrold daughter of Mr. mud Mrx. 1/111. Mac- Donald of that place. The littlegirl patwell away after a vete brief Ill- ness. She was the youngest of a fam- ily of four (4lildren. Goderle•h Metals of the lo-resved family extend sympathy. CION .1 North Huron Appeal Toronto. Man -h 'J3. --lost, in con- nection with the North Huron election appeal have leen taxon at 1839.91, pnyahk• according to the statute by the uneucee•rarfuLoappt'llant. (iso. W. Sporn ton. the ('on serestive candidate. The erste of the appeal are fixed at 7244.:/', anti the ...ono of the hearing before • Justice Wright, $31k5.41. The election *Maul «410 opposed by J. W. King. i'r.grevadve candidate. • New Trial Ordered The- Appellate Division at /Mgclode Hull last week heard argutueot in the elite of Standar.[' )tank v.' look. in wide). eiefenduol appealed from the of tit.. }Ira Division Court Jluhitneut to eau Hto, } isA ' i ffi re air - tit nitwit stir *d• f Har f February `2 ty'ti This PERSONAL 1¢s1111,hdl I, Appointed a Justice of the Pewee • Ry onler-lut..u0l•11 of the lIntariu Mrs. 11.. T. Edwards lig visiting tela- (iov(•rumcnt, Mr. G. W. Holman., tiers at Toronto. county clerk. has been appointed 14 Mrs. A. Martial. of ' Kingabridgo. Jm,tlee of the place. In stud for the. visited. friend.' In town iest weed,. county of Ifuron. The. apladl• ntmIi: Mhos 10114 McKay. 41f Ihllicht. 3111"- sill facilitate taking of .h'c•lurr koka. is visiting her alser-16•law. 1tuns ler the• Mothers' .1lluwzlnts Mrs. J. it. McKay. AM.. Mr. 'lunula' icing chairman of Mrs. Jam. Garvey. of KI0R►lsrid1(4. the Mothers'Allowance Marti for this .pent the weekend with her parents. enmity. Mr. and alts. Jas. Foley, of town. • Iter. lir. Colin Fletcher, of Hen- Nen. Easel at Cray Store salt. has Igen under the doctor's. carr the . pnst week ..r two ♦IW a severecold Ur. W. F. Mallow war et Tnrento 'itt the week -end visiting his mother and taklug part i1, the celebration of her Iirthday. Mrs. Trine. of Stratford, with her little daughter Carol. is visiting at the home of her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Item Allen. \'k•turia street. airs. Fort 1'brlackrr. Ot Stratfurl• 111411 line's elating her win, Mr. Harry 1'1 e•tacker, this week, Mr. F. ['b- lacker was here over the weet-end. Mr. Walter Heitman left town du ,Mulalay for Wimisur, where Its is opening up aebut.ber shop. His many frle•uds here wish him every anerese. Mil. J. ear MieIMwalei home last week from St. Thomas, where ' she clotted her Meter. Mrs. &laver. Mr. Morgan Dalton, of Ashfield, tailed on frets In town on natur ey. Mr. IndicanMk just come through a orrery Attack of influenza whkh con- fined him to his' home fur tavern! weeks. Stratford Beacon -Herald: Mrs, Clement Newton, of tloderich. is visit- ing her sister. Mims 14. Cog, Brunswick street. who has heen very ill with new hat who Is ahem:4y o re/verirlg. Mr. mid Mro. L. K. Bender. who have leen spending the last two threeor weeks in town Al the hurs of their petreute. Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm Craigie and Mr. and Mro. Geo. Scud••:•. left last Wesel- for Owen Hemel. where The taloa itnprorewent around the 1Cquare is the urea more trout which has leen pot in by the ti. A. Gray 1.0. With its oak jrurlling *1141 its large plate glass windows. the Ilea front loops very haubslwe and makes an e•Xeellent lasting fur the dlrsp(xy of 1/4341161, Mr. Donald limy, manager of ihr stone. Is to he congratulated upon 1111.. and other improvements he has been making. The S. A. lirny l'0.. we may add Just here. Io linked with large stores at I.Isuw-el and Mea - ford, and the triple connection gives. 'advantages In buying w-hieh are of emitted "give their brains a racking to 1PIM11•Iable benefit to lir firm's find the remedy that was lacking" c'11a1nmer,, MISSION BAND GIVES I AUGUST OF 1927 • PINS ENTERTAINMENT North Street Boys and Girls in Interesting Program Children's entertainments are al - way.. very enjoyable occasions, and that given on Monday .'ret Ing by the Mission !laud of Nort1, linea United church was no exception 141 the rule. I1, spite of the luelrmattl weatber there Was a good attetuWuee and the audience was repaid for bnwtiig the rain by nu exeepitionaIk goo.[ program. The chh•f feature of the program was the pteasn(altun of tau nl'ewe•a from •"Tit. Pied Piper of Ilame•Iln." iter, Sir. Clarke relater' the story and the chll.re•n enacted the sero('* in which the ,olu(•il engaged thea !'llkv,-and then. after lila work was done, refuted to carry net their part of lien bar- gale ear gala. thus twinging on 1hemw'Ives dire puulslune•nt. The title -role war plrytsl by Marl' Johnstoe, who wore. of (ounwc. the "tpnee•r lung ('1)141" that Walt "half of yellow and half of reed." The mayor. ntgdendeut In "a gown lined with ermine." %as L'er•y Sheardowv, while the eldef townsman• Hilly )Sutherland, lid the people I1, a body to hid the 1 Little Hilly Jo,' Johnston was the Tletatia.•ilwmt and yah0ot (91th lame boy "who. bulli not dance the ( whole rat Cur way. and Who wept (111 Thursday ,evening last, a rery eopiotrety when he "found himself out- xtr9Msful and enjoyable social even- I, side the hill, left alone ugainot 1 iui was Ila R spent be the ml•wIN4s and o•ill." Irlegcb of the Home and School Club ,\ dialogue. "Tbe Minister's Mir of Victoria s•hlal. This was the third lake," was given by Erma Foreelrs' as anniversary of the founding of the al r.. Smith. Anna Westbrook. as the Club. The meeting was in charge .ir maid. and 111117 Sutherland um the the new president, Mrs. Taylor. and new windier who thought he was condoling with u Mra. Smith recently the• program refected much credit on the new executive. The program was widowed. but found he had called given nintost entirely by the men of iu.aacl at thehome of parishioner the ('lub, who surprised their friends by their .ability an entertainers. Fol- lowing is a brief -outline of the pro- gram after the usual routhle of Nisi - news: Addreos by' the retiring presi- dent. Mro. Iteddltt (at the tiptoe of this a.bIRrw airs. it11olitt was lone-. seated With a IN.1141net of r..w«I yoet11 duets by Mr. Chao. Itob•ruom and Mr. .1. B. Wheeler, mandolin solos ay air. tier_e•xpct to make th,'I* 011we for A. shore. -"cello ,sdus and oong11 by Mr. r .. o❑ n _. naimrr. -- 'T.3!Iller. smgo by Mr. J. F. Thomson. 111 rea{1.ruw• tun n9pura 'front MM. Jit •.t tl.real. 1,t the foot of the alts 1111 arlto0 1,u a etnrpue. .V trial Mrs. 3l. G. C:uu,•roit nod oleuglter The xrMm{ani.[» were Mrs. 4,uLc. $red itoidusoh. Wolti street. the mat- street fa)1uiug our waterworks build : ludguu rat was gI e'l. pdahtiff for art iti.l Inst - week from' New Yolk MI. Muu'iIdttulQ Glhhn and Mr.. IT44W- ter of the removal of a shade tree hog. which enld 134' mord for persons 1:„41.71: nod clots. .\ppa•xl ull.w111: and urs 1i.lilug for n few dh7s al the Mon. front in frvul,uf her r•sld.itt» was re- elittribg or loping caws S. roaIsso1s '''-1" t .11411.44 ,.et aside new• hunts hf Ile. :utc[ airs, A. (2, lluntyt Thr lunch which 1' llnced was with- f.rr11l )...0.,: 1. ow I.pbli, works tlud „r sal, h.et,'• SutM-ienl r•r.9tw t. 2r a' onl•n•,(. 1'.as t.. 41.341:•'n1dant. air••. ISnn. run will leave abc,tl>jly on a nut n doubt xppnrixled. ns was alesil cem41 rv,,ul park, ronlpliit..•s. nnpN1,04? Ito ntf udallt . '1,h' els-' It. ,'. IL,ys for .11? 11dnut. IR F:. trip In 1' urnp.•, are.mpaU3 $J. some the birthday cake, which had leen _ ±± ryyllert flow the eiollegime 1h•1i :.,r,1 tr.•m th, -.• tom lug 0.• .•I ,Ihr 11'.,tut •s L,1 .:n:utiil'. rz • - fa- 0__,- for Iril=4wt of ssi*MI pl1 t.u-t1lt.ie... There :, nn ii.le tIot*' risk' 1 New York, temple. :1ud meantime Mins Plans!>' 1M1tr ' " a al -..1 • eft.. \VfifOfltll"t-. o .u+ .0 ••rs ltd 11.0:11-h.nn'34I would be run- r with Mrs. A. Taylor n. a:termite dei.•- 11 r',, b•:nrtitn'y 1,7,44.,,i2;.1 t r'a,lv1 f [1 fair ^rnnnds and Truk Gir tt t t lhunr•k Chapter. 1 (l.11,E. Tale plc; Inst when hr em- Its,.,, tri.,• :1,:,i .\ wa trills a the• of the 106• levy was 1 i Iii alai!' Ilbe senna c , mike I Pte(t/rlla n.der Ataspkes .1 *bombs it AnosR roar P.n f0 delve M weld • • 1. oser.eits tuitii 1'ltri.tmam gnome committee. • nrwgrant :1z urea at thethe a"'"`1rllaMf+rgA1tr ael +e l 1 'af negf S mssatay, A - 161. will be under the auspices .f the FOR GODERICH' CENTENNIAL WEEK Big Undertaking Auspiciously Launched at Public Meeting Friday Night 4;,01 rk h *111 .l'*'nve its tate- hundredth anniversary the first arek us.l It 11x'7. This was the de - 1.:11..11‘1111141 f the ,ublh• uter,tng held hl the town hall ee Friday evening last. There NH./ 11 fairly g.N.d'attemdnuee of eltlzens. 11anur Mal•Ewau was toted to the rials 111111 Tutu Clerk Knox acted as secretary of the meeting. The motion to have the celebration the first week in August, 11127. was ie by %Ir. 1;.'4V. Itlae'k, set Mr( by Deputy Reece Moser. amt was carried after H brief discussion. Permanent .fik9r•o of the celebra- tion committee torr chosen by the meeting a4 follows: l'hulrmau. Mayor H. J. A. Mat•Ewan; vier-pr•tsideuts. C. 1.. !'arsons, Alec. Sanmlen•. lir. W. F. Callow, I)r. J. 1t. 1Vhla4N : secretary. T. (1. /onnon: trptourer• J. W. Fraser. Mr. Wm. Campbell and Mr. John /felt Were appointed honunry prowl- doubt- Mr. Galt - la thegrautison uL the John Galt who a hnntlrtrk years Agit. as stgs•rintemdent for the Canada Company. «as the founder or Gud- .rich. Mr. ('ampbell is our oldest e•Itlaru «bit has been nether in the ride IIM of the town. After a number of nominations hail leen' made for the executive commit - t11•. 11 was derided to appoint the prta(b•it. the four vice-preeddtnts, the secretary and the trasure'r n ' a 'striking committee to numiurte the who had Ju.'t loaf •valuable dog. executive ,ommitter. Mr. Saunders Two choruses• . "Se a Rooster" and made ala' suggtatiwr that the Indies be "libationary Hells," were contributed not forgotten i1, the formation '1,f the l' the hand, a pretty "Lullaby" was committee. sung by little girls bushing their col- lie14 11, sleep, and Lenore Silage! sang sweetly "Little Ones Like Me." • Phyllis Cooper reeitert "The Best She, Knew-," .lean R0l)4 rt sH4 gate "Carry the." .Vire Slieonluwn and ,ferry --Cooper- gave n i'hetiot. ended[ .'p,i2tle Brown Bath.- while hilly Joe ;trough .104,11 the Mope Witit his reel - "Those !'ants." then showed Lis %cism(1111y by going as an encore. "t.1( Need Net lb. to India.- .\ tory pett ecrmisr. "i,ittfe Light Itea'rers," s to be tn•ptred by • the ("•Heil!; p res.idelo. nous gi, e n by 1111 til, r ten.! .,. of tion shon!ul Ie• e;ir•i 'd nut 11041 114414 n hr the Ihuui. 4,Io au+weri•lt, rlyrlt•Ir- and N'iiT hu duuhf T11' ewuW(terr.l Ut {DI14 The epteltlop ..r 11tH rare•,. rano. op. Th,' euggs•'.tioii that the tont, e, •11 agar• 11, make rap may deficit %as re- reited rather d!ldousiy. air. Tarsen' pr, i# ,oil that the council allow 111.' comt14ittee 10 draw., 10 the o11)44)1nt-ol SIM this year twine regarded more fin,rubly. - Counrllhlr Ilaili*' .wW the conned ..Mild be depended 141..1 L. 41.. the fair thing i1, sltpp1)1•t of the undertaking. riot's Id. a rd to\11,e attmnurrr i1, c itih'h1 the rt,einbr14- t t 311,'. ice9uuti ens 11Pp".nt11y ns rr 11 oil lcril, qtr. tha4. pr0ls.uudo,l be ' Tutcpl- coarse hi the rcectiti,1 counultu 1 representative the Ontario F111rra- _. ,1.11• of Jiumasud, ?klu1171. las r -rte. !C-fli 'Zf1M• K Ihtlatniti 4..__ '45/01 'M t. to tinr•t nt Torun n in h' •-t•-r ween. i. k'. 1t, t'l. had :t birth0•:n Ilnnivtr- use 11 . '.11114 ell gn(4'. the holding of a rare meeting o1, vcalenlly liukwi. • ills''. "ill 1"• .f an cdlaatimtal unite ladled 111- righty -ninth vqt r. H,•siN•ttt hrLttt glutei,+tc was r0 n.lc red by Ample :hal was referred to the .cmc- !'ant hl!I appreciate That i1, the 1',•1,- 1'11.• utrrtiug wits I,r„uzht to a ri1 w 11'eiromte Exlrtnlrtl to Ihr Pallor and pp1:rod Will 111 1.b full A."* "'ell is i1,; hurt "' thr,dtic shrcelling snow off obit the .singing' or -tied "4:lrs• 1111 °H.'• 111,• .•tuii; Lb:" a.s1.•rd t.c lilt Itrfde trey 11114 Dffirk' committee. The .\s- t, train ,,;i..hraliw,'. 1.111111' 11440' of 11, 111.- l tl:r Will li n' ''.\ Tenrlrpr'. Trip ; the sidewalk.. 31*..lolw,amr was born In' tl y 1111.1 31:1: jor6 Ill u,lersou w..1*111 it also requested that the date lu0ptrimta' to tis. n -et it - throntrti ? nilht'*trihrtartn, (sone 4,. ; " ding,".. I and the th••t white ilii off our alone- the si a fete utiles ..f 1'iiii %I .•bout' I'I,t cto•1,0g nonirl ... w1'h.• Shinln, 1 -i !d1e`Itnt ;;etlr'•riuL ";ts [11.1_ un of the civic holiday he rbiuimil from rat Ilurou11n.' and "I'icfirrwplr 1)t- I ,rafter living for year. 11, -row the lino - -- Light." 4,:t, give a b; .el. rat .'1' ti... 'rid;4r evening 14u.t fu the .: h1e11r,)4 m the first WcInceley to the first Mon- setting River n h11lalre.l year* ago toes. 1'he conieob "\that 1'ro C11IR1:11 NOTES older .1,• .1e4s44,I to repurserlt ..t Norah arc,•[ railed r•h)trrh when should be of rent Interest. 7 . pal ,• I teturnert to town a year or two mot girl.. p In Angt!st. Go..fy" "111 Ills" ler oh.w11. T11en•' - - -`- 10.11 4•liu-i'-Ihtt 11aii'a0'. ,chile 'tlt•r'. tier "dies' .4111 Sth-)rty .f 111,- viineeh tic) ole hl this world nrplre Mali' I'' eruct its, youth, \1'e wish him on in.in if of the milkmco of G41cL 1 •.• ill- will IN• n alai or •1. t:, p.un.:uut fl„' .ahoy happy returns.- . Ito pa int rinlrrli. 3lurch :P. Tho pa<. ropr,.rutc.l nu•'..,ewers who gra t. enirrulLn•d at dinner the shone, the u l rano. i1, =•I I NORTH ETREET CHURCH° eritlt. W. 11. Beattie -and J. 1 tele 441111000441 114 g p, M111111. asked that a trot of m taken for n period of at least three to use the freight sherd and to pr.vidl• Rzhibitisn Uates sept. 8, 9 toad 1; mutihx 1,1,+1 the arernpn• for the period the landing 111111' amid snrm.) tor. The Guel•r(rh Industrial Exhl144140l he taken: a!s.. that all tartlet. selling greater problem. w:111 Ie' belt' this year un Wt i.'sd6y: milk 'Mould come ler the sante test. IWe. shall 111 obliged If can will sub- I fhurslav 441)41 Friday. September N. fl This we. referred to the omelet coot- 11111 our plro{m)sit Io1 t.. the Mayor and, tool lo, corresponding Lith the lilies minas.. 11 h ('unneiibr Turner conned • at all early meeting for I ,, 1611 year's fair. The dlnr•tors thought !!lens a matter for the board pr it act100. which upon aequt'' breve In•eu eer•iing .'vi'ry- direet144y t t denied• erae►w e w only enah11' rw in wr 1,r• then evening for several weeks t,nd have Mr. Coon. of the Mnrnly 4'11,, auntie proper interest of those interested In ler•u mukhu; a ....refill revision of the prize lilt. Tv... new 'sections bare 1, Me- w 1 e 0111141 4l.ws in the crenitg. Ilk be ,n''- The 1N•rmlosio11 i t your eminent favourers of rider, was heard alth re - '101111. spNlr s bliss faithfully. Ord to n supply 11f road-surfaclnR H. L. \\'.(Tt((IN. material 'for the taming m•)la11u and: Secretary. Meuesetun. !ante• ('1111.. wan a01ur11l his firnt would be ton• widened. The Late Mrs. J. B. Reynolds The Mayor Mall n letter from S. 11. ('ca.n k Sou. erchlacts of Te.rouf.. en- Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, whose sudden qufrlug as to nbat was being thaw III a1111 xpi•1't.r1 death In St. Joseph's connection iniad the 141%11 hall prujer•t. hospital. 1A)rw1.11, 1111 March 1:011 was No EMper1M fes Publishing Bylaw as -sussed briefly Is these (villains last w4r•k. was a daughter of Mr. and Mr.. J. J. McCaughey of Clinton and W11.4 born forty oars ago in Hullett uewushlp. Her girlhood was spent In ('111101: and vicinity. lint oluc' her 111llrriiigc 10,• hail liver much of the The folbnttg letter from the 1".0 local newspaper. was rend by the Mayor and referred Lie committee Of the Whole 4' '11: "To the Mayor and Connell.- As we ars deals et I.ar(ng rise taletellers of ( oderlth allowed another upper- tnnily of voting on the bylaw for a new t.wn hall and ns (here may be heel' added in horse*. In .lass :r. agricultural horses. the added ,action Is: F'tlily or gelding. three years old. prizes. $•i. S3 and $1. The other new section is In elass u, heavy draught horses: Filly or gelding. three years old, prise,+ 1P.. *C1 and ltd. A special prise 1. being offered for the beast bushel of canning tomatoes. A com- mitter has been appointed to meet a tomnittet• of the Hating Assoclutlou tNtl also the town rowtell to disease, ways 111341 mem. of itfrprocing the .tnlling anti the grandstand. Huls 1n GrolerlcI. Fur '+ewe years she and hi'r Iweband had enlarge of the Hnrun ('41unty Ilutnc at ('Ihton. some he•sltanoy 1111 ib0 port of the conn- "vinic she watt greatly beloved by the cti_ip, incurring .the expe•um• of sub- inmates.. i"or the last three years w` matting the bylaor n tte—esnf tttm-4-]fr. sties w• tryMxda had !wen ev'•- Within a few months. we hereby offer snow and matron, respectively, of the to make the nereswtry pnblieation of county jail in Goderich, Mrs. Rey- the eythe bylaw in noir papers without tends wax active In eholr and other charge. church work In connection with St. "Tints offerI. conditional upon the Peter's church and was held In high folkoWing pMtntslonw; regnr'k among her friends and newel - "(it That the bylaw be submitted *tee. )ler death leaves a distinct gap within the next two months after tire• 111 the circlet• In which she moved. anti date of this letter. there Is much sympathy with the be - "(%t That the theorem of the !Mild- reeved husband. parent.. and other Ing ermtract as published In the liy• relatives. Mrs. Reynolds is_ survived law• at NeW 3.-ar'r Ie• t..1111'1111l 1,11 by a irrother, Frank 111,4'aughey. of 61111 hulling goal. 'ornate. •11111 111tte xtwtern Mrs. ('has. "((1) That any necessary assllrNm•t' Shatnhnn, of Clinton. 31re. J. Flynn. he ohtinel an to Sir. Hobert Mn'- of Detroit, nod Mrs. Mahon, of Mont- Kay'N offer of ;12,(611." reel. Th.' funeral service Look place This letter was signed by The Sig- lit St. 1',t,'r'N church on Tuewiny nal Printing Co., Limited. nod The Morning. alarrh )lith, when requiem Goderleh Star. mast Wu. 141141 by iter. Father ram - AP the first Friday of April Is Wall. rector of St. Peter's. andtted by Good fertility, it was decided to hold Her. Father Ihwn, of Ashfield, and the next regular meeting of ihr corm- Iter. Father Gaffney. of Clinton. Dor ell colt Thursday, _-Ailed IA. -sod -the lag ikv Myrckr Mrs. leo \Vhitty- smug •oamittee meetings on March 31 et. a 'grin, "F'me to iYnr." whish was a Cement.” Report* fscnrite of Mrs. Reynolds'. Relatives 'Che flnane0 committee ree.nlmetifhi.i and friends. were present from New rat a grant of kV he made. 10 the York, 11t•troit. London. Toronto, Sete golgttfn Trait Awocimtltm; the. :he forth.. Clinton and Hlyth. Among ni of $lefie 111• appropriated ax the th.'*' present alms were many of the rat to the public library Minn! for county official.. The remains were y,•ar 192(1: that the sem of #t he taken to Clinton 011 110 afternoon train pled from Wm. MnrrIoh an pay mud Interment waw mads In the Roman (CoatIi* d ea page 6 ('mtbnifil' cemetery In Hullett. The Mlles are Invited to immett ihr wWomen'1 exchange dlwpiny at Miss Si. Noble's of,re, south x111,' 111 Square. PORTER'S, HIIJ, -Pant res•fe'ittl -- kale of the Stirling Melted farm on the flit ilii, Just east of !Tuner's Hill. to Mr. Rlehard IlarrisNl. who re- cently sold his farm on the 4th eon• coswl,m. has beet. completed. This I. xn elgitty•nere farm. 111141 of the hest in the tnwnshlp, 9101 Mr. Harrhm be- comes the owner of it cert desirable property. Posse:wlun Is given April 1st. The prhe paid Mr. McPhail nos i1, the neighborhood of $(1,(14111. Canino %Henry iN well •Illustrntrrl by an incident that (allured here r- c•ntiy. Mr. Frill l'kkard hail oc- casion to visit 11 neighboring form. 111111 WWI a(rompauial by hie clog, a tine black ('0111e. tin his return he nal*sal the clog and Clay after day it failed to appear. Then. nenrir s week Inter. the dog was found ('aught In a woven wire fever. with he hen} bang- ing down se that It jute touched the snow. The Imprlooncrl food was frese•n and Ito tet•th, where it lied leen lilting the wire In Ite effort. to free ewe', Ie•re broken, but the ,log was still cert' mu dt alive. The reopen Got hes since coma' tiff. hilt ntlerwlec the dug sr'mw to here gents recovered. it waw lost from Wl'dnersdsy after- noon of on4i• week to T1t4aAay nmrn- lqt of the next week and no doubt was hanging from the fence all that time. Liens Minstrel Show Thursday nose Friday. April Std and lath.are announced as the dates of the odd -limp minstrel oho* to le given in Vittoria O1N•rm House under the now Mei* ,if the !.Inane ('1111. TIIt' IM,x•,9.111e F111 tN• llry111141 10 1he children's play- gruum4M fund. Reserved seat plan rt. loanioli'. drug store. Ari Exhibit at the Collegiate The (Isle,' fixed for the e[hlbit of pictures by the Eldon Art 1'nhlicM110n Company of Roston at the Collegiate InotloMe nn• April 14th to 17th, atter-' mo11 x1111 evening. Arrangements are teeing made, to have the picture.' hung In the assembly hall. and teachers and stnd,nts w111 le prepared to show them to visitors. Old Pkturen Wanted Mr. T. (:. Pennon. secretary rat the Guderl•h ve.Itelndn2 ceirhrntiit, fw already at work In long-range pre{aer- for til' -court- He - ants- The Signal to mtuoume Ihat he could like to liear of any 4114 picture. of ps•rw1u• or views ('ulmlr'ted with the earlier dayo of (iraleri•l - Anyone having ,.r to tommnnlrate Pith Mr.I'omtan. Wes. Walker's Summer Resort .\ flew week. Hg. The Signal re. lar at both services. F:venitot sube ea•ry to Ihrn! ih,• Tnoi, r,'ceit4d at ow stuff of the Sunday settle! and the - J,et. "Was refer the tit•st 1'igH• i11 1..1 .1 fhr 1'russ. At the 11.*• ..( the loaders of 110' aliusiun 113.10.1. The Ilam :• \!'hut do. the Scriptures .0': rtrrri.,• tt,• girl•. foruu•d a t•thtrun leathering also forni.hed 1111 upNs.r• W11hu•sd11y, s p.m. gtwlsaill.us t.p e•xu•nd fe•Ikitatiun. 11, asst triudrrlt -The \1uy of the a ens. In Knox church the wnlce•s tdret 'I ad. Ilomr.' the pastor1 1111 of Itis recent marriage and Sabbath will ler r.ulllrtcI by fhr info •1'11,• lenders ..f the Rand. alis F'Inr I" a(,'r till Mrs. Clarke to their midst. iso,•r. Subjects of sermons: 11 a.m..\tier all Itud partaken of the gond 1.1101.,%14141111.V and alis F:I'.zfe Itnulford' things wo%idea. Mrs. J. \\'. 3lN1re. "Thr i'larr .exiled ('afxry." 7 p.nl.. the I. /be co11grutnitted tiilTonly upon "Learning by Experience." Snbballl fhr snrre11r4, df the ronc•rt lent sl., Societe. of Il,. I..,..t Aad reboot enol ltible dames t •t I k 1 Societe spoke a feat grocefld words - the slr11.4 O'nlhrl hind. lira. girls I boys. 'i'h44 prs•wrlw n[ fhr bulli snbJIrjs: I"'idetts and 1'ltarar- iii.,, will 111. 1111/111 to the 141111 the I the Nmtinpul :\nihem. The roust to liVlou does this na•,t, today . !'rarer ono,. Miss- Mart S, -rite sour ••rug, cranny for the tr----1 0 of .' ., or- a 11 r 1)1- .• „pion 111e tine work they are inning with ' (. of wrlruou• to the g11ras. fI)4•u pro- posed r + 1111. Selby Jeffers n, pastor.--alarrh Sale- (1111.1.2. Nbont the i.k-.ltoasto the / sill "hint n•.ptnidh•.1 1., by /lit/ singing ..( tars in the Ilei. ,ion of 11111' 1em1. 4.11i111rn11 are mottling to the \\'. M. S. alarrh 34th, --11 .14.m.. "'rhe '!'tial:" :t of-Ihr• United ,'Mirth. p.m.. 1111,1.. whim!: 7 1.111.. "Tits Leath." - ('ARi.OW The Knitter offering of the of North street Punted ehureh will Ie• - - rerel•vd on N Iny evening' Murch 4'.\111.1)1\'. March 24. Thr Wontrn'u I1t141 41r. I1. 1'. Hnlutltun. the organist -211th. rat 44 p.m. NIP. Agar. Itetlr. allostonury Society held a rrry dears* and choirmaster. responded. The forst , r New Hamburg. 1'rovitu•in1 secretary run meeting ire the hall 4111 Wed11rsli,y. . fhr Sundry school %vas prole.wl !,c of yoiwg women's Work. N 111 give at. M,•s'.rs. \Von !'lark and Toylike - 114•. \C. F. Naftel mud replied t.. by natives.. ani.. Rennie appeared once Lamb took lin the suer of purebred the supH•rlitteulkiut. Mr. Walter Vern. hrfore run it G,,lerlih platform as u .%yr.hlrr 4-41401,' rat Itroutterd our (1413- 314..4. M. Robertson propulsed and Mr. p.dillnl speaker. 31n11y- who bard last week. bringing the prise woe I'. M. Buln•riwm n44.41(1'41 do 1111. roost -leas plsl ,Nr 3irls Wrap. .144. thump -3(r 1 •mh hits 1,i. ! l., fhr Mission 11:utd. which 1. doing occasion,: .\ cordial welcome Is I•r1111y 1111' 11'1111111g111.1..1 i1, Ihr tutu- s1, "‘"411.111 11 work Hamlin' the gay.. cten.k,I ship. '*tad girl', Rev, .1. E. Furl i1, a very North street 1'iiilyd clnlrrh: Rev. C. Sir. linen Si..!'.,lin. finished 'Ihc lullpry ,'{N•rch ptnpo'rl ihr health of F. 41.1(.1,'. Ielstel% S,•nires for Sun• 4ontra.•t 4 f holding lira r1,1 .0 the .rats the paretm' and hl• wife and 41r. Jtanik.gat; -_W Clarke 141 his u.unl N11..1tons 'Wyle. t11111e to be taken by Principal J. P. Who ran att1wrr.._this eta•(tisat.-tllalrLu.1 i1.Is..Infi'mt tar tf, tr 141T'f 3-• _ --T- the choir ate+ prop...4 i by Mitis14x1114•, alio spoke With appreciationof the very helpful s'rvlie rendered by the faithful baud of chorister.. Mr. .1. It. \\'heeler, president of the choir, ilutue: classes for Christina fellow- 11'11114 kill 114e semis be fit for autos': • %cords. .\ 101l4t 4o I)ur 11 so../•s ship and Mission nand. Palate w'or- and ntarkt{er \Cin 1. going to make teas pr.po'sr) I.) 31r. 11. it. Lona ami •111p 111 11 a.m. nlol • 7 p.m.; It H ex maple syrup'' replied to briefly !.y \Ir.. Paril.. eorderl ihr p11n•lu1.c I. Mr. N',•.ley I pecte l 1111t the .errie,•s alit be sou- Mrs..\uders.n lura r. tnrt0d h,.inc to M,sica1 11111116, rs P. re given dnriug Walker of town of a farm io 4balern•h dtte011 by Mr. 11. (i. Whitfield of 1. Ie.INM.' after spwt0lioa 14 fes days the evening by 31r Hamilton and tnwnwllip, with the intention .f milkhtt Knox Colleg,. Toronto. Sunday .411001 %%ill. her (It111Rht.•r. lir.. David Menu. ' 3lr'.sr.. .1. It- W1'''''I'', 44 4"1 4'. 'd. It n p nlcnte annm, r resort. The other rat :t p1.111. '1'!,' attention. of the pooh., \Cm. \!':n.4.1. I. unloading another 11"1.0 11‘"11. 4111 raoltiug1 l'y M''''' day "Wes.- wits sratteriug .nulshlue 1. colied to the special services to lo' car of fertiliser. chi. making Illy Hnwlby. 41f IViuils.'r. 4,111144 r,.munuiity nod eunri•ralt amt in a store on the told it. fhr cihnrch dories Passion foirth. \Ce all k1,." now that \\'ill is sliming hal by \11. 111144011"h added f. Square when a 111410, 11 stronger to \\'..•k. The pa.tnr will have n-wo•l a hostler 1 the• evening. ei.J•yment. ' hint. asked Ilius If he were the air. ta•d ai4!, 141141 Iter. 1).' N. 31c*'nutt' ••t 31r. Ilea. $fulllz b,l, boa r• -engaged Walker who hod recently blight a 1,0llli,111. WI111 11114 had marked sncee.s with 11'. ,1*. -Gitlagher for Ili,• sem-,141 ye: 40 hail y,': v,herete'r ye form. 1A'llghteri t. Imre a tr•4h .le 1, .011.1(9.1 of flag mud. • 4)14'' mouths. I 11tire. 4l comic to SI, G0•orge.'s digit lea p11rtnnlly of 411111111114 11P,l11 Ili,' NH"' The animal tneetIog of the .\ggrt•.- lir.. .1. Wil.ot her reforms' home nus b,vtlar .\pall path. Geo of his country ...tote. '•\Ce." nil. sire 1111.1e eln•11 44114 hell 111 Victoria after nu 1•tten,h"i vl,II slid her sons , milieu he was the mon. tool proceeded elk-tI street t'nite,I 4•1311rch on Tm•s41, 3.1"t'u, ),rape. - I The .1.111141 meeting of the I:oioriel' to tell With enthusia.m and eloquent -4. eveltong, Marr'. 101h. -After the 41,-- 51r. T. 1,11n111 tintight x valuahte !An i. lion ling A wodatIon wilt tit of the .ph'n,br, of his re•11ltly 4.tionnl ecerel.,•. and the winding up , horse nue •h,y last t4,ek front Arthur held iii Mugi.trate Raid's 0fliee 1111 ar•g111nr1 property 114 G,111•rlrh town- of mime ltlslue.x. r•parlo of Idyl Snnngh,il, of B,9lmhlrr. T.y111e'4' Tannin- evening. March :611, at Il ship. \\'her► he gut through the strati- year's work were prosodist Ther. 14111134. m K. .114 horse When he sees If. o'clock. All the metaler, are re - ger thanked him for (he Infnrmutlon. were very one irngh)g and the m,•u0 Mr. Jun. II. Treble lust n valuable 11m•41„I t(1 Ie• preterit, making himself knout' ns the n'M•.m'r of "[bertrtt tiiwft'ihtp. "Wes." tatnktd 4e1e'' nr 1 11.11•1•. bill with the• "1.1111111`• he*" for which he le reined he ex- pressed hit e'mrn,.t amri(llon that there wens nothing on the pine worth atn•thing but the winery fecettert hall taxable►. Now they sac that •'Wes." will not talk abM11 blot farm l4, anyla.'ly without an lattodtlt'tiol beforehand. her. mdlrlpate a splendid -bowing hors, n Week ago. .L . , meet- year.- Thr- following- .414eeea .\. 1. 1-.1ark ruaullite ,-eL-11u'.•.S;iot_ The -.'.' *Mr tawrtiug_et .tee_twl._ were !elected: I'rerl4h44t. Mr. 11. 3(rw ; Isrrue Fagg 41" 11% I'113.••011e 110)114 are ,•rich Women's mediatic will 10' held at lee-pr11dd.n2, Mr. 1t. Heid ; w4•retlry, oork110 11441er now. the home of Mr.. blar,1ut11. Kenya Mrs: It. T. Phillips: treasurer. \Ir. T. - . street. on Ttinraltay. April at11. 11 11. Told.: devotional. Mrs. II. Met: idem 1:.NI•rh1, i-, 41.'•' (rang,' I,oslge, No. e‘fleeted that the dis(rk't president. Is•rship. Mrs. S. 2:11en; 1 wend. Mro. 443. Intend" bolding 9 euMilre anti Mre. 'Cruickshank. of Wingham, *111 \\'m. Moore: pianist. Mr., 11. 14,nley. daft.... In the M41 Made hall 4111 Easter be present and also Mhos Yt.\I I•t••r, elf The trwehpr. for the class are Mr. 11. Mouotr• April 5th. Mush by the El- ,\Ilimrll. ' The • all tall w111 iae mew. Mr. J. 31111fon. Mr. 11. Hell. Mr llett .mhewirn.- Marguerite Sproul. a,, e-ert,l by exchange of 1.11014. and '1'. 'faith and 31rs. It. 'f. Phillips. Iter'. Sic, 3l .Ileo. • mnaklpeb. But two or tote(' tawny* 1,l ,MSN.-* -n. .' .--"s ; •• 11...091111.111011.•••••••••••••••••••