HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-23, Page 5 is MAY Is SAFETY MONTH .. MAKE SURE YOU CAN SEE, sTFER ANO .STOP SAFELY (HECK 'YOUR CAR — CHECK ACC1D uron Mothis Limite Ford and Monarch • Ford Trucks Telephone 237 A. D. MatWilliam Wingham, Ont. • Mr, and Mrs. Allan Miller attended the graduation of nurses Of St. Joseph's. Hoepltal, London on Wednesday ne the guests of their coueln, Miss Anna Raft, a member of the gradtiating class, Miss MaePherson4 etu- dedt nurse at St. Joseph Hos- pital, London is spending a two- week vacation at her home hue. Mr, and Nye, Gordon Miller and Larry' and Donald Taylor, of Lon- don, were' holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Chester %Eyler. Judy and Jimmy Wilson, of Whiteetturch, spent the holiday week-end as guests or their cousin, Terry Wilson. Miss Anna Stewart, of Toronto, was a holiday visitor with Mr. and Gearge, Stuart and Mr. Joe Stuart. Mrs, Wm, Gallaher, of Norwood, was a• Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller, IVIisses Lois and Ruth Webb are home from the Teachers' College at Stratford for the vacation. Ruth has successfully completed her course and Lois returns for one exam. Both girl's will teach in Brantford next year. Con- , gratulatione. • Mr. and Mrs, Mel, Brown and Bob Murdie, of Kitchener, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods and Mrs. Alex. Murdie, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Gaunt and Murray were at the O.A.C., Guleph feet Wednesday when Murray was a ancinher of the graduating class for the two-year course, In addi- tion to receiving his diploma, Murray won the general pro- ficiency .award for an average, of 50% • for the two Years.. This prize donated by Dr, W: P, Reik, was $40. Be' also won the 1949 SEE YOUR FORD-MONARCWOOALIER MARK FAMILY SUNDAY MINTED CHURCH URI.,XNS:. "God In the • Forne----Peaer in the World," was • the theme of the Family 'Sunday eerviee held in the United Church On Sunday with large .eorlgreff tiong at both services. A miniature' braise with flagstone walks leading across the green lawn, froM the home to the world„.throngb flower ed archee depicting love, peace, truth and -falt,h, formed the centre' for the decorations, In spite of the. backward season,' flowera wore every wb ere, Professor Robert Debbie whe had- come last year from St. And-. rew's College, Scotland. to EMmane eel College, Toronto, was the guest speaker and delighted his listeners with his appropriate sermons "The Christian. Mother" in the morning and "Christ and the Film, ily" in the evening,' At the morn- ing service Terry. Wilson read the Scripture lesson, the children sang a thorns,, the choir chose as their number "On Wings of Praise" and Mrs. Howlett and Mr. Mel Brown sang "The Lord Is My Shepherd." At the . evening service, whien was in charge of the Y,P,U., Marion. McDonald assisted in the worship service. A young "people's choir sang "God Who Madest Earth and Heaven" and Anne Todd, sang "The Glory of His Presence," . • * 4.1...rataa*m*Warra,„".""teatilltarratasrattlaarTantetireeate.,,,,---,-=g-7,----ar-ra' ,its .fashion's newest topper . styled with youthful- -ness and good looks aplenty . , ready to go on a mumerit's invitation, . straight, finger-tip length ... intriguing polished wooden toggles give front closing double-breasted effect and trim the side and sleeve tabs. In, fine cotton Poplin, lined with golly checked taffeta, % Walker Stores Special price, each: 12.98 IF you feel ALIA These days most people work under pressure,, worry more, sleep, less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness .easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered, resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal, kidney action, When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and' wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "fired-out" heavy- headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal Action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at. any drug counter. Machan Brost, Witigham Ont. tMOIRE I3RASS MtOj CO.; LIMITED two kt Nolo St. aalharinat Iiiktionat a larant4 Stalbuty • Winnipag Vitounavor ' CiTO s, Etc. Phone C. Ow; O. 11611 E Wingba FIRE ilanY any Mil it* poll IWO*, rbate kee.Avin. gham' ham IIIuulu unt LOOK' AT THE POWERlin—a—n-y-iiiodel you choose you can have a traditionally finer short-stroke V-S by the world's leading V-8 builder! 'In any model from F-100 to F-500 you can have a V-S or 'Canada's newest short-stroke Six—the owner-proved, road-proved Cost Cutter Sixt Whichever you choose—V-8 or Six—you get the industry's greatest line-up of engineering advancements. With modern short-stroke power you get more power per dollar. more "go” from every gallon of gas. LOOK AT THE SAFETY, THE COMFORT! Ford. Trucks bring you Lifeguard Design, with safety steering wheel and safety-hold door latches as built•in, features, plus new nylon seat belts and plastic padding for instrument panel and sun visors as low-cost options. LOOK. AT THE CAPACITIES! Ford Tracks offer higher capacities light through the, line . . stronger springs, aides and frames! LOOK AT THE PRICE TAGI dOmpare Ford Trucks, model for model, /*Ogre' fot feature) price ler price, with any ethers, 'You'll find you Let more truck for your money when you go Ford! • • • • • , • • • • v asleetaaaaa akt„,":„...eae, .....aaete. .; kaaaaiga:asaeaa..ai":;•aalIgiaKni'Xi,EM.1,07. '`•••••Nn., . aateerteaSiee BEI4/QP,E—A highlight of the May meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Knosi, Pre;- byterian Chnreh, was the presenta- tion of life membership pins to Mrs. Scott Inglis and lairs. Elmer Zinn by Miss Jean Inglis, and Mrs. Robt, ',Inglis respectively. Mrs. A. Mundell spoke briefly during the ceremony after which the life members reticle fitting ,reply. Mrs. D. McPherson, first; vice- president, opened the meeting with, a call to worship. Mrs. Ross McKague read Luke's account of the story of the Good Samaritan, after which Mrs. R. Inglis ,led in prayer. Interesting anecdotes recounted by missionaries on the, Bhil field, India , were read by Mrs. • Wm. Darling, The roll call was an- swered by quoting from the writings or life story of St. Paul. The June meeting will be held in the evening. The ladies are in- vited to attend the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Kincardine Auxiliary on June 12. Mrs. S. Inglis presented the topic "Scenes along' the Jericho Road" as a word picture of refu- gees around the world to-day, their plight ..and what has been, done to aid' their rehabilitation. Mrs. Darling, Miss Jean Inglis Mrs, Curie, Mrs. 'R. Inglis and Mrs. Jas. Dickson represented the refugees and Mrs. Leeson and Mrs. !Zinn spoke for the churches and the World Council of Church- es, A. lively discussion concluded a most interesting study. Mrs. Wm. Darling told of her recent trip to Thorold to attend the Hamilton-London Synodical and gave inspiration to the various secretaries by her reports on each department. Mrs. McPherson closed the meeting with prayer. LIFE MEMBERSHIP PINS PRESENTED A special investiture was held at the regular meeting of the 1st Wingham Boy Scout Troop. Tho'se invested were Donny Lee, Doug Hamilton, John Strong, of the Buf- faloes, Lyman Jardine of the Swans, and Donny Gurney of the Beavers. During the ceremony Mr, Overend welcomed the new scouts into the brotherhood of Scouting. A hike was held on Sunday at 1,00 p,m, The scouts met at Paul Bennett's home and then hiked out to London Bridge. The boys camped in small groups and cook- ed their meals over open ''ices, Church Parade Sunday Cubs and Scouts from eight groups in the Saugeen District will converge on Wingham this Sun- day for the Saugeen District an- nual church parade, About 400 Cube and Scouts are expected, The boys will line Up at the town park at 2,30 p.m. and march to We United Church, where a speelal Scout service will he held. Following the service a march past will be held at the post of- fice, after Which the boys Will rally ut the handstand for tow .Worda of welcome, from civic t Seats Will he reserved .in the church for Members of the public Who care to attend the snviee, -whieh :starts at three pan. Otstritu, ttnt.gtOtlitelt,, stort at. the Weekeend, parents are Mr. and 'Mrs, Victor Haines, Morris, Mr. and Nits, Robert Turnbull Old family, of Wyoming, Mr. and Us's. HarveY Webster and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Hardy, all of St. Marys, visited Mrs, Edward •John- Oeory0 vionoon Wed at Sackville The United .0.harak off: Canada, waft ,thg scene of .wedding :of wide hateraSt on Monday, May .1i. when, -lib*. Rev, George :Russell unkted.inAnaarlilage, with the dub itAig .eareninny, Dorothy Franc a, only daughter: of Mrs. Rarnayna- .HoYt .p4.4 00a late XL 'WA of SCArlark., .and, geOrge ,Ifenry• ThOr4olli Ohm OP Mr, and: Mrs. 'GROW A:flierii.Serl • of.Phievaler, The bride was Oxen" ins marriage by her • uncle, A. 4. Hoyt ot'Sainlw John. .She was .4.00004 by Mrs Ian 11 emnp,bell, of, :$.0.cloyille as MatrOn of .1M9r1:, The, best man was Tan, Campbell and the 1.1sliers. were Mr, Hugh G, Thor- hum. and Mr. taurie The 'church, organist, Mr, Osoffray Pargtat• :played the wedding niuSie, and thia. soloist woe,' Miss .Evelyn, Adarnaen, .44 senior .muele. stedent. at Mount Allison, -Cniver- sky. The bride' • wore a ballerina length dress of white nylon lace* and. net over .patjod The dress had. a iftee bodice with scalloped neck- line, and. a wide/ front panel of lace extending,' to.. the..hem of the skirt, The. matehltg lace jacket had long sleeves and a • small peter-pan collar. • Her finger tip veil was held• in plage by a cor- onet of lace embroidered with seed pearls, --Her only ornament was a strand of pearls, ' the gift of the groom. She carried a spray of white carnations. • . Mrs. Campbell looked charming in a ballerina length, . dress of bronze shot sills, taffeta, The dress was fashioned with a dropped waistline and: very 'bouffant skirt, Her small, close-fitting hat was in a lighter shade. She carried, a, nosegay of yellow Mums. ` The bride's mother wore a dress of navy blue crepe with white trim, and navy and! white aceesT mulles. Her corsage was of red roses. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, , Mrs, F. L. West of Sackville; and Miss. Alice Lockhart of Saint John, poured'. Mrs. Hugh Torburn; Mrs. H. V. Weekes,, Miss Dorothy Allen and, Miss Rosamond- Crocker served.. After a few days in Montreal, the couple will visit the groom's family in Ontario and then fly to. Europe for a twelve-week holiday, travelling, in Britain, and on the. Continent, The bride is' a graduate ' of Acadia and Boston Universities.' The groom, is. a. graduate of the University of Western, Ontario and of the graduate school of. the University of Toronto, from which he holds a Pb.D. Degree in, English Literature: Upon their return from overseas, Mr. and, Mrs. Thomson, will take up: residence in SackVille, where- they both are members of the faculty of Mount Allison Univer- sity: BLUEVALE 'The Maitland Presbyterial of the W,M.S. will meet in Melville Church, Brussels, on Tuesday, May 22nd, with sessions at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Mrs. Russel Self will be the guest speaker and Mrs. Gordon Greig of l3luevale, soloist. Anniversary services will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 10th. The anni- versary, preaCher will, be Rev. W. S. McClure, BA. ' of Moles- worth. ' ;Whitaunday, oa,I*enteecigt Day, 'pci days ,after 41-la ,resurrection,, Vine observed: InL.Rnme;Presbyter-1 ian and I3luevale United Churches on Sunday when the ministers gave appropriate aermons. Mr. and. Mrs. Russel Hollenbeek and daughter Linda, of London, called on Bluevale friends on Mon- day, Mr. Bernard' Lillow, of London, visited his mother, Mrs, Nellie Lillow„ for, the holiday. Mrs, Neil. McEachern, of Clif- ford; and Miss Louise Ma.cEach- ern, of Toronto, visited Mr. Mac Scott at the week-end: Mr. and Mrs., John Perks, of St. Catharines, Mr. and, Mrs, Jim. Banberry of Woodstock and Mrs. Martin Calder, of Moncrief, were visitors at the home of Mrs: P. S. MacEwan on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Gaston and baby Jaynep and Mr. Howard Brook, all' of Toronto, visited at the parental home with Rev, R. A, ,3rook and, IVIrs, Brook, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Horton at the week-end were Mr. and. Mrs. John, Wallace, of St. Cath- arines, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dad- swell, of Harristort, Mrs. John Newton, of Clifford, Mrs, Douglas and daughter, Waccerley, of Tees- water, Mr. and Mrs. Allan White and children, of Clifford; Weather seemed to. be ideal for fishing en the 21st and happy fishermen could, seen on, 'the banks of the pond patiently wait- ing for results. Impatient 'people never could be, fishermen? and so Miss the long hOure Of dreaming leieurely in the finest environment of spring air and leafing trees. A largely attended' shower was held In bluevale Community Hall on Friday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Calling Raines, recently Married; A presentation Of a purse of money was made and a dance enjoyed, Mrs. Hafnee was forinerly Hazel Marie Flynn, daughter of Mr. and 104, 3oseph Children Vaptized. On Mother's Day J3E.L1VIORE--- The service of bap, tlsat -Wag eoleganized at the .Pres- byWilan Church in gehnore on Mother's Day, with six children being 'baptised, Those brought forward were, Phyllis "Maine Darling, daughter of. Mr. and', Mrs. James Darling; Ross Wilfred Crahem, Bork of Mr-. and. Mrs, 'Elmer Jeffrrm,y; Omen- dolyn jape, daughter of ' Mr, and Mrs. N. G. Press; Wanda. Kathryn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Burebill; William Neil .Applelry, son of Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Apple- by and Beverly Ann Balltigh daughter of Titfr, and Mrs. Harvey Bridge. :Club. The Club wound up its local acti- vities for the season two weeks ago,' 15ut the-members enjoyed being the guests, .of the Goderich Bridge. Club for a game arid luncheon last Thursday. Our players were victors in the match by the decisive score of 2002 to 1770 popts. The following took the leading positions in the scoring column: North and South, L:P..F.,Carey and F, Donnelly (Gil 2. Mr; and Mrs. 3. I. Crawford; 3, Mr. and Mrs. K,. Hunter „(G); 4. Miss Y. McPherson and H. L. Sherbondy; O. Mr; and Mrs. Dean (G); a; Mrs. Cl. H. Ross and C. Hod- gins; 7, Mr, and Mrs. . J. A, Wilson, Last and West, 1. Mrs. D. C. Na- smith .and W. H. French; 2, Mrs. A, A.- Nicol .and Mrs. F. Saunders (Cl; '3, I3.. •Crompton and G., Wil- liams; 4, Mr. and Mrs. R, S. Hetherington; 5, lairs, I-I. C. Mac- Lean and Miss M. MacLean ;'6, Mg. and Mrs, Curry (0); . 7. Miss C. Ishieter and Mrs. E. A, Van- Stone. Youcantqo &KOUT: oh ,W r ,e§ at the you gel rno you pay Pess when you e cage Mr, Jaclt Ilotole of Ingersoll was borne over the weeltaend. Mies Luay Tbninnson of Oak- ville Was home for the week-end. Recent' and weeir-red visitors at the Jefferson homes included Miss CiladYs Jefferson, Rea^.N., of Wood- etaa/a Mr. mid Mrs. George Reeves. Kenneth, Reeves and Carol; Rollin- 'son of Toronto and Mr. ,and. Mrs. '$41O, Jefferson and, sees of New- Ilitale4gt Barbara Anne, youngest daugh- ter of Mr, and. Mrs. Stuart Chain- nay is a patient In the Winghani hospital at present, Miss Margaret Jefferson, Mrs. Charles Jefferson, Mrs, B. Robin- son and Mrs. Sam Thompson were among those attending the West- field W.M,S, Meeting en Thurs- day afternoon. Recant. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chafriney.ineluded Mr. Berman ChaMney and son Jim of Windsor, Miss Joan Doerr of Nia- 'gara Fall; `1141.s. Olive Allen of Clin- ton, Mr. and Mrs, Elwin Charrrney, Dorothy and Marilyn of Wingham ; Mr. and 'Mrs, Graham. Chamney, Sharon and. Elizabeth of Goderieh, Mr, and Mrs. W. J, ara/g and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chamney, Larry and Paul of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Sherridan and family of Ingersoll and Mr, and Mrs, William Thompson and Billy of Londeshoro were Sunday Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John R. Thompson and licafard, Associate Trophy for the' .student- who had made the greatest pro- gress in all branches of the work in the two-year course. Congratia: lations. . • • Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Webb and Reed, Of Goderich, wer'J recent visitors with Ivry. and Mrs, Harvey Webb and girls. /// *Easy To Turn * Easy To Clean * Easy To Look At Winahan4 4itvatteeelftines. Waiiiinialliaa, CANN TRAC't REPAIRED AUTTIORIZED SERVICI3i Complete Lind of Parts for Clinton Motor Briggs. & Stratton. Motors Bert Arrnstro Goforth Auxiliary Regular Meer? The regniar ,meetirtaa of th. forth . Auxiliary AndreW's,PresiWerlart 4:Wu roir4:), held. in the Sunday School goel'aca Tuesday evening hart.. A ,pot -14 supper was enjoyed prlor to meeting, , The devotional period oponad l with the hynui `The (March's pno ..- Foundation" and Mrs., H. (410$1,' grain led in prayer. Mrs, J. Carr read • the Scripture and Mrs, 13. Colvin gave the mean:n(3.0m' 4,1 lovely piano BOW, by Mrs. B. Mao- .1 Donald was: :enjoyed. Mrs. L. • For- .""), tune gave a very intereetinuout- line ,of her • visit to the SYnodleal. The hymn "Christ for the World: We Sing" was sung. The offering. • Was received :and Mrs. E. Chandler :gave the offertory prayer, Miss M. Wilson read the story from the study book and the closing hymn "Saviour Breathe an Evening Blessing" was sung. Mrs. 1.), Cant- :• .eron closed' the meeting with *Aye, er. 4 When the modern mother wants her young daughter it's foolish:to look for her in the kitchen. Buy Matched sets for Basin, Bath and Showet Come in and see our full line • of EMCO Plumbing Equipment Exhaustive tests have proven that the new Magic Action Faucet will not drip or leak, Yet this EMCO-fashioned tap costs no More than old. fashioned taps. * no more drip-stained basins and baths * no more hot water waste * no more washers to replace adeelit‘ Patented \ a