HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-23, Page 477,1417 ' V0040/ 4.400,4; Winghe Wee: 441a lee FOR SALX LmsTooR FOR SAIE Q. ALESNG MAINES--One Metehine by lVecCaskey, $00001 Mee lierr-olegles electric just everhatieed $e20.00, See there, at The Winghtun Advetice-Tirnes, MEAT FOR SALE GOOD BEEF for Sale ley thet clear - ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health, Choice Hereford yearlings, RAY - ARD ACKERT„ Holy r a o cl, • Phone 24-30, Ripley. 16rrb 3,955 DODGE MAYFAIR eight for sale, In excellent condition. Call Wirgharn 356M, moreinge or after six, 23b RANGETTE for sale in geed con- dition. Thermostat controlled, Suitable for summer cottage. $20. 3”. Kerr Sr., Dlahonal Retie. 23b BABY BUGGY for sale, like new, grey lined with blue. Apply to Mrs. Ted Whitby, Shuter $t. 23* FEATHER BED for sale. Clean, like new. Plvene 634W21. 23b, CORNS? Use Lloyd's COrn and Callous Salve arid Pads for pain- ful corns and callouses Quickly effective. Save 50; Pads; 25c, at Uceeiblems Drug 'Store, 2b BOY'S SUMMER PANTS for sale, size 12, grey flecked with. white. Phone 31.7. 2$1) % STEEL BED and springs for sale, Apply to Mrs. Geo. Tervit, phone 505W4. 23le MASON & RISCH PIANO for sale, mahogany finish, good condition, Phone 558J after 6 p.m, 23:30b, SET OF WAREVER cooking utensils for sale, brand new, never been used. Phone 2813, 23b TRICYCLE in good condition for sale. Phone. 212W. 23* ORDERS WILL be taken for all types of berry boxes, every type of hamper, meat baskets, etc. Price available; Early order fieled first. Apply to Fred W. Daw & Sons, R.R. 3, Wingham, phone 741w21. 23:30b MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR TELEVISION, properly. insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham, 2rree STEWART A. SCOTT can now save yon 15% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are available. ' Special rates for farmers. For further Information phone 293, Wingharn. 29erb. SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellaes, etc., pumped and cleaned, %melt sevvice,, all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels 15rrb W,AT11.111L00 CATTLE' 13reeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Usede. "For aetificial in- , ,Semination ieformatiene or Ser- vice fjimee that $.pleeee Breed ne,Aeedeirettee, eve ,Glineen Hie 2-441 or Mildmay 130r12,-. be- . tvveen 7.30, and 9,30 a.m. We have all breeds available — top quality at WR cost." 25re1) N;OTICE To. HOME BUILDERS IF YOU ARE' planning, a building eroject this sumnier, we are in a position to give you first class Sets/ice for your cement work Home basements and Mots, barn walls and floors (completed In erre pour. Cdntact Ma,ds Christensen, phone 3.1r7 Blyth, 25rrrb VINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Cest rieancing Service with complete Insurance Coltetage,. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone, 293 Wingham 25rrh vAnivitns, Comprehensive Liabili- ty, Irisutanee, For information concerning this special Warmer& polley constt Henry Johann, phone Belteiere 21. von INFORMATION concerning insurance coveting Medical, Sur- gical and; botipittet expeiredie )lhene Jeiheinte Heine:ad 21. 2330b LAWN MOWERS' tepititecl and • Shareened, Also te-dientlielbeed etteWete foe &tie, jenkitiet Repair SetVieee Minnie Steeet, Phone, 47(fW. 23b. MIND A SUM OltMONEY fOiind in Gertee, Oehler may have ;Mine by, proving ownerahlp and paying icir this notice.. Telephone VordA Wieh Or31 44h REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull. up to serviceable age. Good re - ogees.. From good plus, and very good daises aceredeted. Thos. Hay- den &Son, Gerrie, err.j6b , . TWO HOLSTEIN COWS for sale. Dee to freshen, bred Hereford. Apply Harry IlAterriae, phone 737We, 16* 21 PIGS and four young sews for sal; Phone Wingbens 729J12. . 23* 11 PGS few sale, 8 weeks old, Phone 510W3. Apply to Harold Casemore. 23* BAB)/ CIIICIeS KITCHENER, BIG -e Hatchery has for immediate delivery chicks. Dayokl, started. Also Pullets. cockerels. They will book your • broiler orders for later delivery. We strongly advise immediate action in ordering. Standard breeds, crosses, hybrids. Full • Information, agent BIuevaleeelill- ing Co, BIuevale, phones 610R21 Wingham or 30R14 Brussels. 23b REA,L ESTATE TWO-STOREY RED BRICK house on Charles St. for sale. Six rooms and 2 sunroome, oil furnace. Ap. ply evenings or Saturdays to Verna IVIcLaughin, Sbeiter Se, phone 2903, 11rre TEXACO SERVICE. STATION, Garage, Post Office, living quar- ters, for sale near Guelph, $18,000 half cash, particulars and snap, John Brydon, Rothsay, Ont. 3.6:2e30 ;6b HOUSE FOR SALE in village of Bluevale. Taxes around $30. Large lot, Raspberries a,n d strawberries. Also small barn, on property. Nearest offer to $2500. Phone Teeswater 120r3. 16 23* INSULBRICK sided frame dwell- ing for sale. Five rooms, bydro and water. Double lot. Scott St., Wingham. Immediate posses- sion. Property of late Mrs. John C. Casemore, Apply to Cameron Inglis, Atwood R.R. 1, or phone Listowet 64033. 3423* MODERN 2 -storey home on Cath- arine St., featuring spacious liv- ing room with open fireplace, family -sized dining room, large kitchen and, separate breakfast room, den, a bedrooms, 2 bath- rooms,, ample cupboards and closets, oil, heated, landscaped lot. Apply Box 30, Advance -Times. 23b NINE -ROOMED two-storey frame dwelling for sale. Five room up- stairs apartment, four rooms down. Centrally located. Phone 453, . 23h BARN ram/1E for sale, about 6 or e miles from Clifford. Would do for a barn 60x40. Apply to Geo. Delman, Dundalk, or C. B. Law- rence, Durham, , 23:30:6b 5 ACRES. goad garden land in Gorrie for sale, some small fruit, 1 -roomed house, bare. 25 by ,30 90,ithE:V44torte. ' getifideteeee kel*t110,4§,Cto,r 'kktfitie I-121111W*tke'kembkeiel:Vtfrille' ••otePlierie Weeieter 23R7. 23h DWELLING, one -storey, frame, in- stil shingle clad, asphalt roof. Contains, two bedrooms, living, dining and breakfast rooms and bath. Oil heat, furnace, electric refrigerator, • new washer' and dryer, Moffat electric stove. At- tached' garage. Located north centre in Winghtina. To be sold at a bargain for cash. Apply to H. C. MacLean, Realtor, Wing barn, Ontario. 23b NEARLY NEW one storey house for sale. All conveniences, Ed- ward Street, Phone 773W2, Wing - ham 28b WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WANTED to rent either within Winghaen or a 10.milC radius, interested ,only in mod- ern house, willing to pay good • rent, Apply to, Bob. Variletten phone 158. • 23b DicAnsvocK WANTED CASH PAID for dead, old, silt or diseblecl horses or cows, eOne AtWood 18 llect. erM30e DEADSTOC1C nnmovEn ftorit your' farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephene 0 elle at: Pelnetitston 1.2avv, Duthani 398 Or Witighatre 3/8, GORDON YOUNG Liivrrrtn. lrth WANTED TO BUY aAsti roit SCRAP, highest prices Veld on batteries, eadietote, rrietals, east and steel. Peden 60eitie or 975W Whighrun, 25e1e180* HARLEY GROWERS—For best barley cootraet available _See • John Durestead, Whigharm phone 455, 11rrb MALE—HELP WANTED $10,000 to $.1.5,00 A YEAR ,Posrrxox I need an assistant with an agri- cultural backgroUnd. He must be capable of handling, trainieg other men, as Well as having the ability to sell himself. Applicant must be between the ages of 30 - 40, able to get along with other people. Must be able to promote and get things done. This is not an office position. Successful applicant will be district manager in Huron County. He will be fully trained on company policies, advertising and sales promotion, Our MUMMY' es national, therefore this job of- fers right man plenty of oppor- tunity and. scope. Man selected must be highly regarded citizen in his Jevn community, Product is backed with national advertising, is now being bandied by some Of the largest firms in this country, Product is used commercially by farms. Repeat business Insures large earning for this man. Cer essential. Apply to E. McLachlan, Vice -President, Na-Churs, 2 Lang- arth St. W., London, Ontario: 1.6 :2313 WANTED AT ONCE—Rawleigh Dealer in Huron County. Write Rewleigh's Dept, 4-453-R, Mont- real, P.Q. 23b MACHINIST For lathe, milling machine and surface and cylindrical grinding. NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY WALKERTON 2330b HELP WANED—FEMALE CERTIFIED NURSING . ASSISTANT'S for 50 -BED AcTrvz GENERAL HOSPITAL SALARY ATTRACTIVE Please apply to &Superintendent LISTOWEL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Listowel, Ontario 1623b RELIABLE GIRL "WANTED for full time employment. Phone 440. ash SALESLADIES in or out of town, anxious 'to earn in, spare time; no canvassing. Write to Nova Home ITtilitiee, Mrs. Grace Wagner, RR. 1, Mankton, Ontario. ' 23,:30:6b WANTED FARM CUSTOM WORK wanted, Harry Christie, phone Wingleam 705W2. 23b TENDERS FOR TRUCKS Sealed tenders clearly marked. as to contents, will be received by. the undereigned, until 5.00, p.m. Monday, June 4th, 1956, for the supply of 2 — approximately 3 ton trueks — equipped as follows: —heater and defroster —electrical' directional signals, front and rear —9.00 x 20, 12 ply tires —outside mirrors • -'2 .,speed rear axle. . fa' .04.41, • 7'4T ti$116:i'Oitfeekee)eie ---equiPpeci with 'Leaflet); v. pip (7' x 11" approx.) 12N3 box with No, 710 heist. Wheelbase Sufficient to allow mounting of above body. —No trade in, —Lowest or any tender not neces- earlier, accepted. .3, W. Branch', e Huron County Engineer, 23b Court House, Goderich, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders for the conttact of con- structing the Johnston and Breck- enridge Drains in IVIOrris Township will be received by the updersigned up until, a o'clock noon, June 4, 1956, The eohnstore Drain consists of 2569 lineal feet of tile drain and 342 lineal feet of open drain. The Breckenridge Drain consiste of 8870 lineal feet of open drain and 180 lineal feet of tile drain. Tile for these drains will be sup- plied by the Township. A certifeid cheque for ten per cent of the contract price must accompany each tender, Loveest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo, a Motto, Clerk, e3:30b Nonct SALE OF !AND TOWN Or WINGIIAU Teeclers will be reoeived by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon. on Monday, june Ath, 19tt6 for the purcint.se from the Town of Wing - ham Of apptoeitnately tere aere of land situated in the angle be. tween the west side df Diagonal Road and the south Town. limits, Alt tmeurate descrip,tiori of the property may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office,Tender$ must be sealed and plainly marked en; the outside,. 'Vender for Land". W. A. Galbraith, Clerk,Treasiiret Town of Witlenart. t8:40b COleiteNO EVENTS IT'S GOODBYE FOREVER; When the doors open Thursday releas- ing, May 24th, it's the beginning of the end for the Releberibach Jewellery store of Walkerton, They're quitting business, Entire Steck of Jewellery, Watches, Diamonds, English Mena, Sflver ware etc,, being thrown on the Market for what it will bring, It's the greatest selling event to hit tide part of Ontario in years. verYthing meet gO regardless of price or loss, Whatever you de - don't Miss this great sale. • CE23h ANEW SERIES of Prenatal Class- es sponsored by the Herm). •Courie ty Health Unit will • begin on Tuesday, May 29th, 1956.at 8 p.m. at the Branch Off le of the Health Unit, downstairs in the Wingham Hospital. These will be held at weekle intervals. Those interested are invited to :attend On the above .dete or phone the public health nurse, Wieghara 862.7 between 4 p.m. and 0 Pelle CEZ:30b TENDERS FOR FURaTACES Morris School, Area •Iiloerd will receive teeders unto May 28 for the installation of oil burning fueeaces in seboole. No. e and No. 7; fur- naces to be of size required for heating these buildings. Work is to beint ruatcompleted'fonobref before Jail) y5w2ea, aFeogr. Watsin and for Nos' I see Robert Melefurray. No, tender necessarily accepted. —Ie. S. She,w, Bluev.ale. 9 ;10 ;23b. WOODSHED FOR SALE Tenders for the purchase of the woodshed for School. No. 6 will be received until May 28 by .the Mor- ris School* Area Board; shed to be removed and ground levelled be- fore July. 28; For further particu- lars. see Bernard Thomas, No. ten- der necessarily accepted, .—Relleh Shaw, Bluevale. 9,16,23b Novicki To, cum:mons All persons having claims against the estate of Irvin W. Inerrick, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Area. Man- ager, deceased, who died on ,or about the Third day of Abril, AD. .1956, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or beford the 2nd day'of e June, A.D. 1956, full par- ticulars :of their claims he writing. Immediately after the sale 2nd day of June, the assets of the iiaid Tes- tator will be distributed ;amongst thetarties entitled theretb, having regard .only to claims of vithich the Administrator with Will annexed small then have notice. DATED this Eleventh' (*lay of May,-A,D. 1.9561. CRAWFORD & HETHEI,NOTON WINGHAIVI, ONTARIO, SolicitorAir the Administrator with Win annexed. 16:23130b. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS • ALL PERSONS' having claims' against the estate of MARY JOS- EPHINE KING, lare of the Village of Teesweder in the County, of Brime, Widow, who died on or 'atimet the 29th. day of Merch, A.D., ieehileeetee, elotifiee' le- iced to :tlie eleA,Oeigieee on or beforaihe...2.4 day 'of June, AD., 1906, lull Par- ticelars of their claims in writing. Imenediatery after the said 2ee, day of June the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to 'claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham • this 7th day of May, AD„ 1056. CRAWFORD & HETHERTNGTON Winghare, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executora 16 :23 :3913 AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK mid MACHINERY at LOT 4, CON, 2, GREY T. . Half Mite east of Jamestown • on TUESDAY, MAY 20th, at 1 p.m. CATTLE -3 • brindle ,cos, milk- ing; 8 Durham cows, neilitieg: pure- bred Ayeeshiee cow, freshened in March; 0 Milstein cows fresh and due to fregien; 5 yearling heifers and stets; le spring (salves; pine - bred Durham bull one year old, SWINE -4 Sows, 3 duo time of sale, 1 due in Jule; 1 York 'hog. MACHINERY—Ford tractor elle plow; tandem disc; G-soction drag harrows; 0 -ft, mower; hay leatlete seed drill; 2 cultivators; Wageh With bay rack; threshing Maehine; john Deere manure spreader, Hite new; all 'steel stone boat; 12x12 brooder house; Jameswa,y oil broo, der stove! k range shelters; cedar posts; fanning mill; household et- fects nod other articles too nuiriA cram to Mention. Trims -CAM -I GEO, NICHOLSON, Prop, HAI1Ot.4 JACKSON, Auetioneer 16:20 NOUVE This will inform and advise those whom it may concern that 1, Kee- )100144-ckf$Pe, wilt ot be respon- sible for payment of any debts or accounts cbergett to me after this date, without my written direction or coneent therefor, Dated May IA 19(1e, 23,30b ATTENTION HOG PRODUCERS C. R. Coultes of Belgreve, hae completed Arrangements with Schneider Peeking Co, to handle all hogs shipped through him to be Paid at currently quoted prices or better F.0,13; `at Belgrave, There will be no cherge made for yard- age or tattooing- of your bogs but a charge of 50c per. bog will, be made on hogs. picked .up at the farm.- More hogs have keen ship- ped with a R. Coultes in the first 4 months of 1956 thee any other 4 month period of' over 30 years of stapp ing hogs,.because 'of the fact producers: know the price, where they are. going and. when, they are, going to be killed thus' having no shrink caused, by'. 'unnecessary standing around. . .; Ship your hogs with a shipper with over 30 years exPerience of selling" your .bogs for the. best net returns available, obtained on a market close to home .where they can be killed the dee' they leave your pens. Shipping days are every Wednes- day, Thursday' and Friday. Phone Winghana 64433 or Brussels 72r4. 23b - ACC'PKIN SALE OF HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES At the residence of MRS. GEORGE JACQUES Coiner of Victoria and Shuter Sts., at 2 p.m., en SATURDAY, MAY 26th, 1956 Chesterfield suite, 3' piece; dining room suite, 9 piece; 2 bedroom suites springs and* mattresseee 1 studio 'couch, refrigerator, elec- tric range, electric washing. mach- ine, sewing- machine, -counter, vacuurn cleaner, radio, verandah wicker furniture, end tables, small tables, Door lamps; table lamps, writing desk, chairs, clocks, dishes, floor coverings, wardvobe, cooking utensils, bedding, linens, anti num- erous small attigles, TERMS:: CASH L. G. BRYCE, Auctioneer 25h UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an. Execution, issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, in which the Canadian, Bank of Commerce is the Plaintiff and e. George 'Gal- braith is the Defendant, and to me, directed against the Foods and chattels, lands, and 'tenements ot the said defenda,na I have seized and taken in Exeetition all the right, ;title, interest and equity of re- .demption of the 'said J. Geerge Galbraith' in, to and out of the fol- lowing: ALL. and Singular that certain Parcel or tract of land and prem- ises sithate in the Village of Brus- sels in the. County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being cemposed. of Lots Six..Hundred and: ,Thirty-,sik,(636) Sho.../Himdred and Teiety.,Seeakeeti370eSee Hundred 'ai.WT1gektY':Ofglii00,3keril Six Hun- ched': Vete. :TliiiteeedriCe (630), and Six Hundred' and Forty (640) on Queensinnet Street in the said Vil- lage of I3russe1s. , ALL, and Singulai that certain parcel or tract of hied and prem- ises situate FIRSTLY: The west half of lot number Thirty-one in the B. Concession of the said Township of Howick, containing by admeasurement Why aeres of land and SECONDLY: Part of Lot nutne her Thirty-two in the E. Cencession of the said Tewriship, of Howick, which said, part may be more par- ticularly described as, follows: Commencing at a point in the northerly limit of' said Lot numbee Thirty-two distant seventy-six and one-half rods westerly from the nertheaet angee. of seid„ Lot nurnber Thirty-two; thence westerly ,along the 'said" northerly limit seventy-six and on -half rods t� a point; thence southerly parallel to the westerly limit fifte-tWo,eods ten and one-half links to a pointe thence easterly patallel to the re:nth limit of Said Lot seveney-six and one-half rods to a point; thence northerly par - 'elle' to the easterly' limit of said Lot fifty-two ieds ton and one-half links to the peaceof, begteniirg contabilog by admeasuremcnt twenty-five acres of land more or legs, ALL of Which right, title, interest and equity of redemption of J. George Gtelbraite, in the said lands and tenements, I shalt Wet for Sale by pebile litiatiOti at the Village of Bruasels, in the County of Huron, on Tuesday, the 19th day of Jane, 19,56 at 2:80 in the 'afternoon, Day- light Saving Time. DATED at Gedetieli, 'this' 6th clay of March, A.D, NELSON' HILL, Sheriff, emility of Huron, t3:30:0;13b Kr. and Nit's, U. Rutherford, of 'Si, Thomas, called on friends M town over the holiday. Ur. and, Mrs. Marvin, Small - Man of Longue, visited with Mrs. Gwen Adams over the. holiday. —Mr. Alien Cheritert and Miss • Dorothy Broughton of Hamilton, spent the week -end with the form - pea parents, Mr. end Mrs. Walter Charlton, —Mrs, Hugh Sinnamon of Minnie Street has been a patient In Wing - ham Hospital since Tuesday last, —Miss Gladys Bradley, of St. Thomas spent the week -end with Mrs. George payed, John St. —.Mem; Laura and MOM OamP- beli of Toronto spent the holiday week -end with their mother; Mrs. W. j, Clark and Mr. Clark, also taking in the South Kinloss Church Ceontteerrn!ial, Anniversary with their In4 —lefr, and Mrs. Ee C. Hicks of Welk= Orange Free State, South Africa were week -end guests of his aunt Mrs, and Re A, Seotten. Ur. Hick e is geologst for time Anglo American gold corporation. and Mrs. Joseph Little, of Seaforth and Mrs. Norman Geddes 'of Toronto spent the week -end with !their 'eieter, Miss Aline Geddes, —Mrs. H. Moore of London Spent last, week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris. Miss Floreece Harris et, London spent the week -end with her parents, —Mrs. Jas. Leitch of Owen Sound is visiting with her son, Kenneth, Mrs. Leitcn and family, —Mr. Fred Haney, of Calgary,. 'and granddaughter, Leona Brooke, spent the last two- weeks With his brother Mr.. Will .Haney anti Mrs. Haney, Leopold Street. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Agar,' of Strat- ford spent- Suncley with his cousin, Mr. Will Haney and Mee Haney. —Mr and Mrs, Care McKay and. family of Marmara, spent the hole, day week -end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Bateson and Mrs, If. McKay and other relatives. • —Mr. and Mrs. George Town and sees; of Owen Sound spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Town. —Dr. and Mrs. W, Davis spent tee week -end in Brantford with Dr. and Mrs. 3. Redick and family and visited with 'friends on: Monday at Oeltwekete —Mr, and Mrs.- A, 'M. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Davis spent Sunday in Toronto with their daughter, Mrs, E. Ryan and Monday in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and eamily. ' —Mr. Ross Hebert; left for Kit- chener .on Tuesday to take up hie new work with the Bell Telephone .there. Mr. Jack Hilbert, of Sarnia, epent..the, holiday at his home in Wtng17,A; iwah Williams tu*id Mrearid Mrs. Geo. Williams visited in Tor - Baby Ronald White Ronald; White, newborn son of Mr." and. Mrs. Ray White, le,R. Brussels, passed awayein Winghtun General Hospital on Wednesday, May put Sureiving besides his parents, are two brothers, Rodney and Robert. Funeral service :Was held on May 17th, with interement in Blyth Cemetery. BIRTHS .BATES2--Mre and gre. qiieries e. Bata' (nee Muriel ;Wilhelm) 5' aoanith Drive, Toronto, wish ,to announce the arrival of a daugh- ter, May 16th, 1956, a sistee for Patricia, at the East General Hospital, CROSSETT—In Sarnia General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crossett, a son. HANNA—In Wingham Geneva( Hospital, on Tuesday, May 22, 1956, to Mr. and leirs, linymend Hanna, R.R. 2, Auburn, a son. CAMPBELL—Ie Wingham Genetal Hospital, on Wednesday, May 23, 1056, to Mr, and Mrs. William G. Campbell, Goclerich, a daughter. ADAMS—en Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, May 23, 1056, to Mr. and Mrs Allen R.R. 2, Wroxeter, daughter. .IN MEMO1IIA1VI SAINT—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Robeet H. Saint, wha passed • away one year ego, Mayl 21st,, 1955. When Met We saw his smiling fee° He looked so bright, and well, We little thought he had to die Without a. last farewell, BM; God saw you getting' weary Then did what tElo thought best He put His arms around you And Whespered mine and- rest. And When old'times We oft recall It's thee we Min you Most of ale —Ever remembered by the family, 234, CARD or looms Wo with to express our siticere thanks and appreciation to. the host of friends for all the kind thoughts and deeds, floral tributes and 'Messages oil sympathy extend. ed to us at the tiMe of our bereave- vomit—Mrs. John T. Make eatt Mt. tuitt Mrs. Gordon Johnstone, L• • :-1, ,„. , . onto .over the week -end with their daughter, Mrs, Charles Bates. --- Dr. And. Mrs. M. G. Dales, Tweeeli Ontario, are visitors at. the home of Mr ,and Mrs,. ,Geo, Huron, Victoria Street. -dies Gladys Guy and Edith Marks have graduated from the Canada Business College, Toronto, and are now in secretarial posi- tions. Mus. aectoC. McLean of W1n3olinl, spent the week -end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Andrew Camp- bell 'of Turnberry. NOTICE vie Driving solool is no; •open for' .1k liknjteil.; time, phtme 185 for aiiPointinent & C.ax Wash Phone 185 iiimossmalmasanalsoisamasaiir. AV PR 'fAiltAVE Mr. and rs. John Spi've family, et itigersolt„ visited the week -end with Is/fr, and Harold Proctei, Mrs. Margaret Field. and. All Wilkinson, of Toronto, spent,a, dais with Mr, and Mrs. Wilkinson and. Miss Annie Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Seeden family of Thorold visited. with and Mrs. Wilitard Armstrong a other' friends on Monday, , Mrs, Cora Messer and Re Messer and Miqs Martha strong, of Windsor. 'spent t week -end with Mr. and Mrs, bard Armstrong and Team ' for guaranteed niElt REPAIRS . . SY oo!,' vato " et. ,t0 • vvIt4OHAM' 21:1 to 0 '444";;;;;-"•4' Town of ingham 1956 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on account oft 1956 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1255 taxes..., Interest at the rate of INV per cent, per annum will be alloweton such prepayments. • Prepayments of tae s musthe.made at Town. Treasurer's Office, Town Hall,• W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer,, Town of Wingham ignistatitilloinicirentitiummirsmoonsilmsnivinimationanomprin We Ro }4,44.4MILTON.. 1 OPT ETRIST • Thoroughness Ability Time tested Phone, 37 for appointment 1.111111111.111111111i1111111111WIltilillall10111116111111111111111B111111111111)1111111111111111111111111111 Cee Ipal SCREENS, HARDWARE CUPBOARDS GLASS Custom WoodworkCarpentry - Building Telephone 260t,v Wingham , SASH • FRAMES Pittsburg PAINTS BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL non ,D1RECTORY 4110.6,*(0/1 A. H. IFTAVISEI BARRISTER, SOLICITOR sted NOTARY PUBLIC IDES WATER ONTARIO Telephone 23 TeefiWnter Wroveter—Evory Wednesday afternoon, p.m., Or by oppointineet. Frederick F. Hornuth Phrn.13., RA Carol E.\Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola 11.11orntitli OI'TOefel'eltISTS PHONE 118 tlarriston, OntAriO KONA! h McCANN Publit Accountant Office; royal Bank Bldg. Residenee: Rattcnbury St. Plianea SU Is 445 mutts otmuto soonmentramorneniinow CRAWFORD & HETHERINOTO Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PhOne 3. IL CEAWIFORD, 41.0. B. S. IllETLIERINOTON, Q. Ookonoresk 1oniOnforeolimononailinlioOnimoomOiO J. W. BUSOFIELD nartistee, Solicitor, N'Otaryt E Mons Y to Loan Office libffcr, Block, *Went WEILINTON FIRE Insurances ComOsktY Pg4t 1840 An all Canridian CoMPaliSt has faithfully Serred Its, poll ixolflors Yoe ever is, centuryv. Matt Offkitf torOntd it 0. matteati, itootteMos.A eh W114(0404, ,"'