HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-23, Page 1With which is smelgsmated the Carrie Vidette and Wroxeter ,News
feet ,his:
83? The redoetirlin
trifle Day passed off enietly thii,
year, with, nothing of' a' eiVie ,ena
titre' to liven up the propeedings
Other towns in the distriet seemed
to he having fun in various ways
brit dogs •weld have slept in thc
maim etreet of Wingham. Per
naps there ehotild be a committee
formed, to find euitable ways of
Marking the national holidays* in
0 - 0 - 0
cording to dispatch, 'in the Toronto
papers, Main:real! hae stolen a teal
from Whighatiree book and is going
tie: install flower pito on its main
enthusiasts who would like to see
some action here this Summer, are
Iniked‘to attend the baseball meet-
ing tonight hi the arena and help
get things under waY,. It will be
a late, semen for the game this
rear, what with the winter weath-
er we've been haVing, but it won't
last forever, We keep telling our-
selves. AnYhows it allows lots of
time for organization. .
0 - 0 - Q
'GOOD SHOW-Bright spot in an
othprwise dark picture on Victoria
Day, Hillcrest attracted a good deal
of attention On Monday night, with
its annual display of, fireworks.
Quite a number of people from
other parts of than were there for
the show. Talk of charging, ad-
mission, , Which has been rife
among the Hillcrest phnulation for
several years now, carne to naught
again this year, as did the idea that
all the inhabitants should chip in,
4 dollar or two for a community
display. .
0 - 0 - 0
• THEY'RE , THERE-Norm Wel-
Weed picked off' a,nice.' fourteen-
flitch brown trout the other day in
stream net too far from town,
to prove that there' are trout in
the vicinity. What with cold wea-
ther, rai' and. suchlikea many of
the, local fishermen are, beginning
tfa W9PO'Ssciihk
wotse the. Weather' is now, the' bet-
the thee fiehing should' be later on,
SORRY,'1,1700t0 "BARD. A
neighbor on . the .nriain drag was
surprised this week to receive a
neautiful birthday card,and hand-
"kerchief-on .her , Wedding k anni-
versary, We never 'could remem-
ber dates, either'.
0 s (/` -
WHO'S GOT ot,sgariDB-The pub-
1Mer of The Advance-Times (thole-
, ed on his 'grapefruit one•moridng
last'wee}': when he &and his own
*tare ,eteirlag, at! hjah from. the
pages of The, London Free Press.
Hasty, reading of • the: •cantion in-
dicated that' he had been appointed
assessor for the town of Wingham,
but. further 'investigation' disclosed.
that the face which Should have
appeared Was that of H. L, Sher-
'bendy who actually , did get the
job, The picture of the publisher
wasn't any too good so we were
happy to have H. t. taking the
The Rev, and Mrs. Harold Temp-
lar West, of Behhore; Wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Jeari Moya to ,Mr. John
Jarnee ,RutherfOrd; only son of Mr.
gild Mrs. Roy Rutherford, of
R,R, 2, Wingliana The Wedding is
planned for :fame.'', 'F23b
To a reception and preeentation
in hOntir Of Warden and Mrs, J. V.
Fischer in the Wingham District
Highs School On Thursday evening,
Nfay 31st, at 9 P.m, A short pro-
gram and music ,by Ranch Boys.
Everyone Wokn*. F23:30b
Other .officers • named at the
meeting were; Honorary presidents,
,YST-47E,0:1 Reel,eloY4 'A.
Carr* • '.vicei-president, Cordon
MiseKily; secretary,treasurer, .How-.
and SheflidildP;- twiligfiranatjitritk'
committee, in conjunction with the
Ladies' twilight and jitney manna-
tee), Harry BroWne, Casey Case-
mdre, William Isbister; greens
committee, Ed. Harrison, William
Isbister, Art Wilson, Jim Murray.
The following tournament corn-
mittees were named: Western
Foundry Doubles, to be held on
Friday evening, July 13, Bill Me-
Cool, Reg, DuVal; C, Lloyd & Sons
Doublees. to be held Wednesday
afternoon, August 1st, W,
French, Charles Lloyd; 3, 'W. Han-
na Doubles, . to be held 'Friday
evening, August 24th, Harley
Crawford, Omar Haselgrove. • .
Art Wilson and Ed. Harrison
were named to 410 membership
committee with the suggestion that
other 'members of the club can -
vase 'for members, and that each
member try to bing in two new
members during the year. Club fees
will be the same as last year-$8,00
and $5.00 for out-of-town members
and new members.
It was decided that, the greens
committee be empowered to hire a
caretaker for the club, subject to
an expression of opinion of the
meeting. in selecting a man. The
caretaker will be supervised by
the greens committee.
The engageinent is announced of
Eleanor Emma, daughter of Mrs.
Nellie Litt and the late, Gordon
Litt, to Lloyd Cecil Anderson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, of
Belgrave. The marriage to ' take
place at 3 o'clock, Juane 16, 1956, at
Trinity Lutheran Church, Walker-
ton. F23*
A play "Mr, Beene from Lima",
will be presented by Wioxeter
Contrinielty Club in the White-
chureh Community Hall on Friday,
May 25th, at 8.30, sponsored by the
Whitechurch Library Board, Ad-
rfliaslOn 500 and 250, 23b
TOWN OF igiNallfAl11
The regular Weekly pick-up see-
vied for 'garden tettings, etc., Will
start 'on Friday Morning, May 25,
arid' Will eentiritte every Friday
Morning throughout the suit/nee.
All such Materials 'should be nittond
in suitable containers at the curb
on Thursday evenings,
3, Alekailder, Chairmattr
Public Werke COmmittee
P23 ;30:61i
Bad weather conditions on Thursday afternoon • •
forced Wingham District High School cadets 'to
hold their annual, inspection inside the. WIWI; and ranks were formed in the main 'hallwaYaof
the building for the inspection by Major' a R,
Oliver, of Listowel,, Above, Cadet Lieutenant
Rae Murray accompanies Major Oliver on his
inspection of the ranks.
Mayor McKinney in
London Hospital
Mayor R. E. McKinney entereda
London hospital. on Wednesday of
last week and underWent an ;operas
tion on. Thursday.
He is reported to .be• nrogreseing
very favorably and is. expected to
be home in about two weeks.
Kinetics Mark
Sixth Birthday t
A two-car need-en collieion on the
second'. concession west of :Culrosa
Township killed a 17-year-old
Walkerton girl and _ seriously. In-
jured five .others on Monday after-
noon. 'Three of the accident vic-
tims have been sent sto Victoria
Hospital, London, and two others
are' in serious condition in Wing-
ham :General Hospital.
Gloria M, Hewitson:, 17, of Walk-
erton, was killed in the accident.
She was travelling In an old model
five passenger coupe along with
four other persons including W11-
fred "%alley, Hanover, who suffered.
a broken leg,- Buts, and shock.;
Gordon Barthian, 21, of Hanover,
several fractures and internal in-
juries; Darol George Seigmiller, 21,
Seaforth, dislocated hip, broken
leg, shoulder and arm. and
Blanche Wilton, 10, of NfildinaY,
broken leg, brain injuries, cuts
and shock,
Driver of the other ear, a late
model Buick, was: Wilfred Walters,
32, 2, Teeswater, who re-
Businessmen Launch Appeal
For Flowerpot Fund Donations
Frank McCormick was elected
president of the Wingham' Lawn
.Bowling Club at its ,annual meet-
ing on Tuesday of last' week.
their ..guests,- The •winnersafoS
mail and Mrs. Ken Baker.,
The next meeting will be held on
Monday, May 28th, at the home of
Mrs. Lorne McDonald,
The 14010' Auxiliary to the
Caintiliati Logan is fielding the
last euchre of the season on Mon-
day, May 28th, At 8,30 O'clock. Geed
ptizes. Lunch, Everyone Welcome.
PA0.1,11? ,
Gorrie Usnitod • dhttOch will hold
its' annual garden party on ‘Wed-
;meat:Ise May 30th„ Supper served
from 5.30 to 8.30 o'clock, Adults
75. cents, ehildren, 40 cents, child-
Ten tinder WOOL age free, Everys
one Weicerne, , peels
Winghato Lodge NO, 286,
ot Air einergent ineeiing Of
will be held
Sunday Moretti* for tliO pukpose of
attending .bitolirsd IlherVide at the
'Wingham 'United •thuith 'at ii-
A.M. Lodge Will Onein at 10.30 ann.
Masonic Teiliple. Visiting breths
fen Weledelei j. G. Le: *gat, W,M.,
L ,Ah0fl'intiOYy See'' t'28b
A public; appeaFfor donations 'to
keep 'flowers, in the Winghara Ilow-
erpots was launched on Tuesday
night at a meeting of the
Wingham • Butitiess. Association.
The Businesi Assepiation is appeal-
ing to organliatibue and private
individuals in 'Wingham to send 'in
their donatione to alPlowerpot Fund
to ensure that the' main street this
year will be deCorated with the
colorful' flowers' which beautified
it during the past two years,.
The. .association's move was an
maim/tie 'of Ain:St:awn council's de-
cision 'la' forego. 'Cos/ye/Pots ! this
year because of the riling,infil rate
cluncil'inCet ing /Mil' in Cet
two weeks -was decided to
diecabinue„are!eitpeaditure of ap-
proximatehe $500 on flowerpots as
an economyymeasure, in the face
of increasing costs and taxes2Sub-
sequentlis, Our/ail' decided 'to pay
the cost of watering flowers in the
flowerpots:if ,somebody else would
bear the expense, of planting thorn.
Estimated; eiSt. of ,filling the pots
with .flowers ia,3150.
At the Mecting.,on uesday night
it waiAeCided to launch a public
'appeal Jet'. this ,'amount, and the
association' *Ring' donations,
which' maY, be 14L at the Canadian
Tire Store,, Callan's Shoe .Store or
Burke Electric; ;Any money received
in excess of 115f) will be used by the
association In' other plans` for
beauLifying1 the' town.
Names of ,'those ;contributing tO
the Flowerpot Fund Will be. pub-
lished in The Advance-Times from
time to time, 'The following dona-
tions have been received to date:
Women's Institnte, $15,00; Harry
Merkley, $2.00; Norman Keating,
$2.50; Warren' Callan, $200; Hanna
& Co., $2.00;'Rabin Campbell, $2.00;
Calvin Bu ire, $2.00, total $27.50.
The annual • inspection of the
21st Field Regiment, RCA, was
lucid in Walkerton on. 'Tuesday
night, whdn theregiment'e three
batteries, the 97th from Walker-
ton, the 90th from Wingham and
the 100th front Listowel, were in-
spected by Brig, G. F. C. Pang-
man, of the 18th Militia Group,
Accompanying Brig. Pangman on
his inspection were Lieut.-Col, W,
D. Nielkle, also of the 18th Militia
Group, and Capt. D: B. Butte, staff
taptairi of "0" Branch.
The reglinent Weis formed up in
the Walkerton Agricultural Park
for thp inspeetiona following which
a march past .Was. held. During a
presentatibia'of awards Capt, B, S.
McCannel, Of Walkerton, was pre-
sented' With the 2nd `'Clasp to the
Efficiency Medal, and the :Can.,:
adiali .Forctis Decoration was pre-
rented- to Cant..3, Klench and
Cent. 0. H, tattier, of Walkerton,
and to, WO2 A, W. Mitchell and
VV:, Winters of Listowel,
The reek/tent was tiedet the
command of Mayor' M. R, Oliver
of. LietOWel and, Caen V, S, Me-
Cannel, acting second-in-command,
Of Walkerton.'
A deinenstration of artillery
troop clepleyrnea Wtte ft feature of
the evening, fellieWing the preaens
tation Of aWards',
Further glans forethe building
aif a, Clubhouse for the Wingham
SPortsinan'e Club were discussed
at a Meeting of the club. in the
Legion Rome on Tuesday last.
'President Don. Hildebrand presided
at the meeting. .
A six-man committee was an-,
pointed to conduct a survey, of
quitable‘ sites for the clubhouse.
Serving' on the committee will be
Joe Clark, Don Hide-
brand, Jim `Purvey,_ Bob Casemore
and Ed, Chandler,
'The committee will investigate
sites for a clubhouse and bring in
recommendations at the next
Meeting of the club, 'Several sites
in the neighborhood are now under
Finance plans for the new club-
house were also under discussion
at the meeting, A suggestion was
made that eharbe in the new
Venture 'be sold at $1.00 each to
the value of the land and building
decided upon. 1,1; is expected that
total value will be In the neighbor-
hood of $3,000. Members of the
club volunteered their services in
building the clubhouse.
Don. Adams, 'of the membership
committee, reported that member-
ship has risen from 60 to 130
since the last meeting, two weeks
ago. It is hoped to eventually.
have at least 200 members in the
The next meeting of the club
will be held in the Legion 'Home
on Tuesday, June 6th.
Fingers Amputated
On Basket Saw ,
Lloyd Griffith, 48, of efilt'R..
Wroxeter eulsered an utifFrtunate
accident on Tuesday of this week,
when lie caught his right hand in
a basket saw, amputating four
fingers. Re was taken to Wingham
General Hospital, where his con-
dition is satisfactory,
Julie Roane, 21/2 -year-old daugh-
ter of, :Nir. and. Mre. Gerald Roane,.
T •eeawitt4; was- admitted to the
Hospital, after 'failing
out of par'ISaid !eufSering a nasty ••,• ••• • cut on ,th e .
Oshawa suffered painful injuries.
to a finger when he caught it in a
car door. He was admitted to the
hospital for , treatment.
John Morrisey, Stephen Town-
ship, was selected president of the
Huron County Municipal 'Officers'
Association, at a meeting of the
assodiation held in Seaforth last
week: W. H. Brockenshire, of
Zurich, and George Cowan, of
Hallett, were named vice-presi-
Named to the executive were
George Martin, of Morris, Harold
Pollock, of. Howick, and . Alex
Alexander, of Goderich, John G.
Berry and S, H. Blake, both of
Goderich, were re-elected secre-
tary and treasurer,
On the invitation of Iiiuron
Mrs. 14 1 l n Jane Dawson, Wing-
1 grand old lady, who now
lives at the McCormick Home, in
London, celebrates her 100th birth-
day today. There will be a party
at the home to mark the occasion
and it is hoped that some of Mrs.
Dawson's Wingham friends will be
able to be there.
Born in St. Marys, she was the
former ...Mien Jane Logan, daugh-
ter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cloyne
Logan, pioneer residents of that
district, She spent her early life
in Nissouri Township, where her
father. was a school teacher, be-
fore marrying William Dawson,
Wh6 'brolight 'her to Kinloss Town-
ship iaz...11:4rfieeyttett,:ve: farmed,
o0 ftooe
Liam .to -retire, and several Months
'Itlfeze:'1a12-"WDeanir t4:1o;'412oincidohnel.tell6liuvS:
Mrs. :Dawson is the last of a
family 'of five children. Her hus-
band died several .years ago.
Although' she is officially cele-
brating her 100th birthday today,
there seems to be some doubt as
to her actual age. The family
Bible, which recorded her birth,
has been lost, and friends say that
she is actually 102-or more.
Whatever her age, Mrs, Dawson's
many friends in 'Wing/tam will to-
day be wishing her Continued
health and. happiness.
County's warden, John, V. Fischer,
the 'fall session will be held in
Turnberry Township.
. John Eckert, reeve of McKillop,
was chairman of the meeting, W.
A. Blower, Mitchell, clerk-treasur-
er of Perth, showed how Perth
appointed its expenditnree.
'Other speakers. were R. J,
Mods, Toronto, supervisor of mu-
nicipalities.; James Blackwell, pre-
sident of 'Wentworth County As-
sessors' Association arid county
assessor and Bob Carbert, of sta-
tion CKNX, Wingham. •
A, T. Butler and T. B. Hunter, of
the Department of IVIehicipal Af-
fairs, Toronto, reviewed amend-
ments made to the municipal and
assessment acts at the last session.
Leland Vance, Wingham pharm-
acist, was elected president of the
Dietriet 12, Ontario Retail Pharm-
acists Association, at the annual
meeting of the association in Wing-
ham 'last Wednesday, He succeeds
Murray Hammond, of Thprribery,
who served in the position in 1955.
Over 100 members of the. associa-
tion and their wives met here for
the annual meeting and dinner.
During the afternoon business ses-
alone were held' in the Legion
Home, while the ladies were enter-
tained at the home of Mrs, J. P,
McKibbon, by the hostesses, Mrs.
IVIcKibbon, Mrs. Leland Vance and
Mrs, IVfogga,ch, of Chesley. The
ladies toured the hospital, where
tea was served, and joined the men
at the television station, where
they were shown around the stud-
Dinner was served in the cafes
teria of the high school by the staff
of the Brunswick Hotel. Music was
Provided by Harold Victor Pym at
the organ who ,accompanied Ber-
nard Rutledge.
Guest speaker of the evening
was Dr, F. Norman Hughes, dean
of the faculty of pharmacy, 'Uni-
versity of Toronto, 'who spoke On
"Pharmacy Today". Other guests at'
the dinner. Were Dr, and Mrs. A. D.
MeMurehy 0. M. Corbuth registrar
of the faculty eel; e pshaemaey,
O. M. "Patterson, president of the
Ontario Retail Pharmacists As-
ceiveel head injuries, broken p'
and hip, Mr, Waiters was t.8
ferred to Victoria Hospital
Monday afternoon, wk Ore his .0
dition was cleeerihed as eati
Also transferred to London
Monday was. 0ordon'Bartmen,
Tuesday night Miss Wilton
taken to Victoria Hospital,
complications made her tiatnif
advisable, The condition of
was listed as serious On Tuesd
Also in serious condition
Wingham General Hospital ai
Wilfred Bailey and Darol Se]
The crash occurred at the broN
of a hill on the second coneeesio
shortly after 3 o'clock on 'Mc
day afternoon. Both oars we
extensively .damaged; and came
rest on •opposite aides of the rot-al
Provincial police 'from Walker
ton investigated the accident.
Wm. H. Gurney Was
Manufacturer Here
For Fifty Years
William 11, Gurney, well-know
Wingham business' man, passe
away in the General Hospital here
on Monday following a brief ills
ness. Although in poor health for
some time, Mr. Gurney had bee
active until his final illness. go
CLUB HOUSE SRAM Ore I~il~ed, Five Injured Itesult
ulross Twp. Sideroad
Rain and bad Weather marred
the annual inspection of the Wing-
ham District High School Cadet
Corps on Thursday afternoon, but'
the oval: prOceeded as scheduled,
with most of the program being
held in the hails and gymnasium
of the school. Major H. R. Oliver,
of Listowel, C.O. of the 21.st Field
Regiment RCA, was the inspecting
'officer, assisted by Capt. A, P.
Rankin, Wesarn Ontario Area
Cadet Training Officer, and RSM
Alex Corrigan, of the 21st Field
Regiment, The cadets were Coin-
plimented on their fine turn out
by Major Oliver and Capt. Rankin.
at the conclusion 'of the program.
The inspection of ranks was
carried out in the main hall of
the school, followed by girls' and
boys' physical education demon-
strations- in the gymnasium. A
signal demonstration by boys of
the signal troop showed the use
of "Walkie-talkie" radio sets in
the sending of a message in morse
At the close of the program the
presentatiOn o.0 awards was made
'by .Major 'Cadet Capt. Ian
Gibbons was presented with the
Stratheena Shield and tirest, for
the, best rifle shot in the school.
It Was announced that cadet sig-
nalling certificates bad been
awarded to David Marks, Tan
Mundell, George Naylor, Wayne
Nleol and Ralph Watson.
The instructional cadre of the
cadet corps consists of Capt. W.
5, Hall, chief instruotor; Lt. Freak
quartermaster; Li.. 1,
jacksoit, 'instructor; Lt, R,
Ritter, instructor; Lt, R, V, Vegan,
signals instructor, 1st, R, Cenite
bell, instructor; d, I. Kalbfieleth,
instructor; 'Miss J, Thompaen,
girls' .physical education,
Cadet officers in the corps are:
Cadet Major I, Hetheeingtbri,
battery commander; Cadet Ca*, Si.
Gibberrie, stand in ceinnuitid;
Cadet LLB,. Murray', Alpha Troop;
Cadet Lt, J. Campbell, Bravo
Troop; 881/ J. tocicarlgo; 110148
Sioeeer; TSIVis W. roster and
K MeKeitale; band sergeant, Sgt.
W. Martin; signal sergeant, Sgt,
A: Nicol :Section 8gts, R. Peel,
Bain and H. Hether-
The Wingham Kinettes held a
potluck supper at the OildfeboveSi
Hall an Monday, May 14th, t!O 'cele-
brate; the occasion of the t sixth
anniversary Of the Klnette Club
of Wingham,
Following the 'sapper court,, whist
was enjoyed by the Kinettes and .. Willie Wiersma 3-year-old sou
scores werse'Nfre. Mervin 'Terespra'avr t; sande:MrS,'"Reitee..
Bad Weather Fails to Halt
High School Cadet Inspection
Over 100 pharmacists and their WiVes train
District 12 of the Ontario Phatinacists Aesoel-
Atkin gathered in Wingham last Wednesday for
their annual meeting, After business sessions
in the afternoon, the group attended a dinner
io the cafeteria of the Wingham District. High
gehoel at which Dr, F. Norman Hughes, dean
of the Facility tir Pharmacy, 'University 4f To-
The formation of an • industrial
softball league in town appeared to
be in the offing this week with
the announcement by Vie Lough-
lean, recreational director, that a
meeting will be held for the per-
pose of organizing such a league
in the Wingham arena tonight,
The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m,
ft is hoped to get an industrial
softball series going this summer,
both in town and with other cen-
tres in. the district, Goderich,
Clinton, Kincardine and Walker-
ton are being mentioned as other
possible centres participating,
The league in tewit here would
comprise at least four teams, with
probably 50 players participating.
An all-star team of players picked
from these groups would enter the
district schedule.
Meanwhile three minor groups-
peewees, bantams and midgets-
have r been entered' in local base-
ballgroupings, although schedules
have not yet been announced.
Everybody interested in ball over
the age of 15 is invited to attend
the meeting tonight in the arena.
Tonto, was guest speaker, Left to right, above,
are Leland Vance, Winghain, incoming president
of the district; Roly Elitighausen, °tithe, district
representative of the Ontario retail Pharmacists
Association; Murray Hammond, Thornintry, out:,
going president Of the dietriet ,tteireelation;
Norinah Hughes, Toronto, arid JY F, Me-
Xibbora Winghani,
was admitted to hospital on Sun
A son of the late William • ea
Maria Gurney, he was bOrn it
Acton, Ontario on June 3,1377.
received his education there and
entered the glove making business,' .
learning his trade! In Georgetown,:
in 1906 Mr. Gurney carne to,
Wingham and rented the glove
making department of Pringle'
Tannery, situated on the corner
Victoria and Leopold Streets. The
years later a fire wiped out be
firms and Mr, Gurney continteed'
operations in a building on toe:
corner of Victoria and Seel's'
Streets, About 1916 he Much:es:A;
the Kent Block en the north-wait
corner of Josephlhe and Victoria
Streets, where he hats martufaetaire,'
ed gloves since that time, with 'WSJ
son W‘ W. Gurney joining the,
busines's with his father 'in 1930e
The late Mr. Gurney wan air
active member of St. Arairew'S!`,
Presbyterian Church and had been
an elder for several ,years„Re was
a past master of the Masonici
He served as councillor on the
municipal council from 1916 to 1010, 1
when he was elected mayor', Dur-
lug this time outside hydro. powot'
was brought to Wingham and Me,'
Gurney was appointed hydro cones
missioner, a position lie held :Of'
27 years.
Active In sports, his special
terest was in lacrosse and batte-•
ball, He played lacrosse with Gait,
Georgetown and Weston teams, ;
In 1904 Mr. Gurney married Mar'
garet Wallace of Acton, who Nos
deceased him in August, 1937, 'MIT
son W. W, "Jim" Gurney and a
daughter Marjorie (Mrs; R. B. me.
Ithiney) are both residents of
He Married Mary Dirrient pns-
liff in 1938, who survives, as t.lt o'rl
his step-son Harry Posliff of
Also surviving are five sistem,
Wilma (Mrs. Fred Rueffer) of Wa-
, tatted; Gladys (Mrs. W. Itirboy)
Guelph; Violet (Mrs. W. rtob!ri-
son), Pergus; Stella fltra. :Si, tors.
lie), Xitchener and Ada (firs. Fr.'d.
Lawrence) of High River, Aber A.
Three brothers predeceased hinv
There ate five grandehildren,
Puller:al. service will be held o
Thursday afternoon, May
the H. A. Currie and sons funs'
l''ulte at 'two 'o'clock with
ider Nitruno n0161.1111
termini. Will be in Whighain.c