HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-16, Page 4°k. 4300.4.- Ailefulete4-140001 *Ode alai Pi, 11/111,1 .•,4 . e • • a•-'• I .• , FO SE , TWO ADDING IVEACHINES—One •Machine by lVfcCaakey, $50.00; 'Or one Btirrougli'a electric Aust overhauled $3.25.00, See them at The Wingliani. Advence-Thnes. NEAT FOR SALE GOOD 131i3F for sale by the quer- ter. pea killed under license from the Department of Health. Choice Hereford yearlings. HARD ACKERT, Holyr o,o d, lerrb phone 24-30, Ripley, PAIN; KILLER for Corns and Cal- louses—Lloyd's Corn and Cal- lous Salve and Pads. Prompt re- lief, Save 500, Pads 25c—at Me-: Kibbores Drug Store, 16b gARD Wan green frieze broad- loom rug for sale. Nine by nine feet. Phone 119. 16* • 5007GALLON Steel tank for sale. Apply to Alan Dunbar, Belgrave, phone 0221'12. 16* TEN ,CHICKEN STIEWIERS for • sale. Reasonable. Apply Thos. Burke, phone 10, 'Wroxeter. 16* LIVESTOM FOR $U* -REGISTERED IO STEIN bulls up to .serviceable age. Good re- cords. From good plua, and very good dams accredited. Thos. Hay- den & Son, Gorrie. 9rrJ6b ItlEd4,1 10$.1"A,1E TWO-STOREY RED BRICK house on Charles Pt, for sale, Six rooms and g allkireentS, pj fUrnace, AP - p evenings or Saturdays to Verna 1491,41411in, Shuter St., phone 2901', 11rrh 6 -ROOMED INSTAL PRICK cottage for sale, centrally located, 2 bed- • rooms, 4 piece bath, living room, kitchen and •sun porch; furnace and garage. Immediate posses- sion, Priced for quick sale, Phone 013.91. 916:20* TEXACO SERVICE STATION, Garage, Post Office, living quar- ters for sale near Guelph, $18,000 half cash, particulars and snap, 'John Brrion, Rothsay, Ont. 16:23:306h • TWO HOLSTEIN COWS for sale.. Due to freshen, bred Hereford. • Apply Harry Bateman, phone 737W3. 16*: PUREBRED YORKSHIRE Boars for sale. Serviceable age or younger. Real Grade A type. Herd on AR. and government inspected. Priced 'right. Robt. Weed, Laltelgt, phone , cliff.ord 306r7. • . 16b EIGHT PIGS 8 weeks old, for sale, ' c t. One Easy washing machine; one eisposal. Telephone colic chrome kitchen table. •ApPly 'Joe Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Dunbar, phone 618W3. 16* vitinghain 378.. GORDON YOUNG lrrb 3 HMI:LING LOTS for sale in Whitechurch. Apply to Mable Purdon, Whitechurch. 16, HOUSE FOR SALE in village of Bluevale. Taxes around $30. Large lot. ReSPberries an d strawberries. Also small barn on property. Nearest offer to $2500, PhOne Teeswater 420r3. 16 23* • , INSULBRICK sided frame dwell- ing for sale. Five rooms, hydro and water. Donble lot. Scott St., Wingham. Immediate posses - Won. Property of late Mrs. John C, Casemore, Apply to Cameron Inglis, Atwood B.R. 1, or phone Listowel 64QJ3. 1623* WANTED TO 'RENT 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE wanted to rent by July 1st. Will be permanent resident. PPly to Thomson Appliances, phone .29, 9:16* DEADSTOCK WAlsITED • MIX WANT181),-FENALE isTmagEss for Clean, steady work on upholstery fabrics. 47 - hour week. Apply at factory, Fry & Blackball Limited, 16b CERTIF./JO NURSING, ASSIS'TANTS for 50 -BED ACTIVE GENERAL HOSPITAL SALARY ATTRACTIVE Please apply to 'Superintendent LISTOWIf.114 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Listowel, 'Ontario 1628b WANTED OASH PAID for' dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone 'Atwood "153 ecllect. rrIVI30* DEADSTOCK' REMOVED from your farm bromptly for sanitary MALE or -FEMALE help wanted, between the ages of 18 and 25 for work as clerk in store. AP - ply Dominion Stores. 1.6b BABY CHICKS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Kiteb-4 ener Big -4 Chicks. Dayold, start- ed chicks, pullets and cockerels. Booking orders, for Broiler Chielcs, later deliverY. W,e advise you get your orders in now for, these fine chick. Standard breeds, crosses, hybrids. Ask for full information, agent Bluevale • Milling Co., Bluevale, Phone 610r21 Wingham or 30r14 B:rus- sels. 161? MISCELLANEOUS • XS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? • For information phone 293, SteiV, art A. Scott, Wingham. 2rrb pr.mr11B13. WANTED TO BU' CARP W TIIA:NKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all our friends and ne}ghbours for the lovely floral tributes and:deeds of kindness shown 'to us. during our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr, W. A, Crawford, Dr, A, D. McMurchy and Mrs. Percy Harris,—Mrs, Broome and family. NOTICE This will inform and advise those whom it may concern' that I, Ken- neth Jackson, will not be respon- sible, for payment of any debts or accounts charged to me after this date, without my written direction or consent- therefor. 16b. WOODSHED FOR SALE Tenders for the purchase of the woodshed for School No. 6 will be received until May 28 by the Mor- ris School Area Board; shed to 'be removed and ground levelled be- fore July 28. For further partial- lars see Bernard Thomas. No ten- der necessarily accepted. —Ralph Shaw, Bluevale. 9,16,23b VAS H POlt, SCRAP, highest prices paid on batteries, radiators, metals, east and steel. Phone 502w4- or 975w Winghain. 25rM30* BARLEY GROWERS—For best barley contract available. see JOhn Bumstead, Winglia?n, phone 455, "' 11rrb CHILD'S STROLLER wanted. In. • good -.condition. Phone 713W4, Wingham. 16* TENDERS FOR FURNACES Morris School Area Board will receive tenders until May 28 for the installation of oil burning furnaces in schools No. 3 and No. 7; fur- naces to be of size required for heating these buildings. Work is to be completed before July 28. For information for No, 5 see Reg. Watsin and for No. 7 see Robert McMurray. No tender necessarily accepted. —R. S. Shaw, Bluevale. 9 ;16 ;23b Mrs. rank Powell Dies in °Wen Sound Mrs. 'Frank Powell died sudden- ly on May 12th, at the home of her daughter in 'Owen. Sound, in her sixty-second year. The daughter of the late Robert McKague and Elizaheth Turebull, she was born in 1894 lit .Culrogs InTouNrVrnisoltilipt.0 thIen let1e91:00:chiee 0.1v,gas. Powell of Turnberry Township. • She was a menaher of the Whig - ham 'United Church. Surviving are, two daughters Mary, Mrs. Thos. Henderson, of Morris Township; Franees, Mrs. William Sturdy, of Owen Sound, four grandchildren; three sisiel-s,* Mrs, Ed Arise, PEdrherston; Mrs. A. Homuth, Wingliain; 'Mrs. Hpgh Mager,. of Tortint8;•-•: and two brothers, John of Cidrosi Township and Robert,' of Toronto, : Funeral service was •held at the R. A. Currie and 'Sees funeral OAP O THAN)KS I wish tO thank al.l those who remernbered the baby and me with fruit, flowers and gifts and cards while we wore in the hospital.— Mrs. Wilbert Hodgkinsori, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. Adair and family wish to thank each and all who helped to lighten the burden of sorrow • in the passing of a dear husband and father. . 1,61) NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Irvin W. Merrick, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Area Man- ager, deceased; who died on or 'about the Third day of April, A.D, 3.956, are notified to send to the undersigned, on dr before the 2nd day of June, ,A.D. 1956, full par- ticulars of their elaifns in writing, Immediately after the Said 2nd clay of June, the -assets of the said Tes- tator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administrator with Will annexed shall then have notice. DATED this Eleventh day of May, A.D. 1956. 913.A.NVFOR.D & HETHERINGTON WINGHAlVf., ONTARIO, Solicitors for the 'Administrator with Will annexed. 16:23:30h TE WART A. scam, can now save you 16% on your car or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers. For, further: information phone 293, Whighain. 29rrb a'ANIT gSeptib etc., ph' • :And service; all work guaranteed.• APPlY Louis Ple,ke, phone 42r6,, 15rrb • ; SALESMEN' WANTED TOWN OF' WINGHAM I3Y-LAW NO. 1289/1956 A' Ity-law prohibiting and regulat- ing the Thing and setting -Off of fireballs, squibs, crackers or fire- works within the limits of,, the Municipality of the Corporation of the Town of Wingbain. WHERAS in order to preserve property and prevent injury or deaths to persons, the Council of the Municipal Corporation ,of the Town of Wingham deem it ex- pedient to pass a By-law prohibit- ing and regulating the firing and setting off of fireworks within the said Municipality as provided by the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243, Section 388, S.S. 37. THEREFORE, the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts as fol- lows: 1. No person, without having first received special permission 'shall, with the exception of seven (7) days before the' 24th day of May in any year and seven (7) days thereafter, fire or set off fhp- balls, squibs,- era9lters, or, ther, ARE YOU INTERESTED 'IN SELLING REAL ESTATE We require a salesman to repre- sent our firm ,in yew area to sell farms, residential and commercial, properties. All advertising will be pdid by our •firm. Listings and leads supplied to you. If interested' write ns for full information giv- ing details as to 'your age, sales ex- perience, ante•mobile, etc. Write or phOfie 7Lary Weir, Bert Weir & Sant., OniUsa tree4;11- ;r.). 13-fi; tar , 8 year..v • = RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open Brussels. in Huron County. Trade well ea-. tablished. EXcelleet, opportunity. WATERLOO CAI Breeding, Full .thne. Write At once. Raw- ASsociation. "Where Better Bulls' leigh's Dept. E-453-189, Montreal, • Are Used". "For artificial in- P.9. 16b semination information or ser- MALE rizitx WANTED Vide from. all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle ENERGETIC MAN wanted to 't4/11)4. liroonie PAsse$ , In Year ' • 71st. pP4041P, 14Sident Of this district •since 1913, passed away at his •home Op Joirioa, Street, Winghare; Qn Weanesdayr', May Oth, after a lengthy •illness, He was in his Vst year, Born In 'Norwich, Norfolk ,Coun- ty, England, he was a son' of the late William Brohme and Sarah Steward, • He reeelVed his earl), education in Eng1444, taktng,_. "Pt) the trade of Magnet winder tnere, In June, 1.912, he married Harriet Wyatt of Norvvich in St, Paul's Church: Mr. Prinnne emigrated to Cam nada in 194 Settling in Calross Township, Where he- ftirMed for 'some years. About gg years ago he moved to Wingbarh, where he' was employed at the Western Foundry. Hc Was a me'mher •of, St. Paul's Angliean OhltrAll in: Wingbanl. Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 24441 or lylildiriay 130rI.2 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 a,m, We have all breeds available — top quality at low cost" 25rrb' NOTICE TO HOME BUILDERS Y07.1 ARE, planning a building project this sifuner, we are In a position to give you first elass -service for your cement work. house basements and floora, barn Walls arid Poem (eeinpleted in one pour. Contact Mads Christensen, phone 1.1r7, 13jyth. 25rrrb FINANCING A -CAR? Before you buy ask about our,. Low Cost Pitiatiehig Serelee with complete Piet/ranee Coverege, STEWART' A, SCOTT , Ithotte, 293 Wlngham -work in mill and drive truck. Must have chauffeur's license. Steady employment with good benefits'. Apply in person to Can- ada Packers, 'Wingham. 3.6b home at two o'clock Monday af- ternoon with .Itev, D. .0,-; MacRae and Rev. Alex Nimii7IO OffiCiating Interment was" the? Wingliam. Cemetery. BOOSTS LANGUAOP' KITCHENER, -Ont.- (CP) --To en- courage erman-langnage.atudy in' local high schiiols the Canadian Society for German Relief her is offering two annual prizes of *SO and $25. SIXTII HIGHEST' NOTICE TO CREDITORS • ALL PERSONS having claims, against the estate of MARY JOS- EPHINE KING, late of the Village of Teeswater in the County -of Bruce, Widow,' who died on or about the 29th day of March, A.D., 1956, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 2nd. day of June AD., 1956, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing' - Immediately after the said. 2nd. day of June the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice, ' DATED at Wingham this 7th day of May, A.D., 1056. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 16:23:30b 4rewerir.s.kwitlitrif the --lguiveplr- IWits ,TaVvii.•of Wihghaint.t; 2: Any person :who • contraveties and is found guilty of any in- fraction of this By-law, except as hereinafter Provided, shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay a fine, in the discretion of the convict- ing Magistrate, not exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) ex- clusive of costs, with same te be recoverable under the provisions of The Summary Convictions Act R.S.O. 1050, Chapter 379, the pro- visions of which shall apply save that in the case of imprisonment, same shall not be for a term ex- ceeding twenty-one 'days. This By-law shell come into force and be effective on and after the 8th day of May, A.D., $10,00 to 05,0.00 A REAR rosmorr I need an assistant with an agri- cultural background. He must he capable of handling, training other Men, es well as having the ability to sell himself. Applicant must be between the ages of 30 40, able to get along with other people. Must be able to promote and get things done, This is not an office position. SUccesSful applicant will be district Tr ager hi Huron CARD 011' THANES County, e will be fully trained I would 'to express my Sin,' oh convoy policies, advertising dere thanks to all my relatives, end sales promotion. Our corepariy 1056. Read a first, second and third time and passed this 7th day of May AM., 1956. (Seal) B, E. McKinney, Mayor I,V, A. Galbraith, Cleric hereby certify the above te be a true copy of 13y -law No, 1289 of the Town of Winghtnn. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.Treastiter 911.61? Serviving ere his Wife, three' sons,' William, of Wingham; Regi- nald, of Beifest, Ontario, find James,. of Turnberry Townalill); and a daughter Lillian :Mfrs. Clif- ford, Teem) of Langside. Also, surviving are two 'brothers, Al-fred and Sydney 13ropme,• of Nor- Wich, and eleven grandl children. Funeral service, was held pri Saturday, May 12th at 2 pone from the R, A. :Currie & Serie funeral 'home. Rev. U. L. Parker, of St. Penni Anglican Chureh,: -officiated at the service and in"! terment was in Wingham Ceree.: tery, . Pallbearers were porgy Harris, William Casemore, Fred MacLean, ,Tames Smith, DeWitt Miller and; James Sell, all pf VVingliarn: :Grandchildren of the deposed acted. as flower bearers. "Is too' high;” tloclares: :Keith Childerhese, fernyrlY PfeetitiVe Secretary, Ontario Alcoholism -Re, search Foundation-, Ottawa Bianch,. "Alcoholierri is one ef ',Cangaa's major health problems:. It is eon- servatively estirrtated'.., that there, are 150,000 alcoholics..in Canada' and Canada's rate 'orfaleeliolism,, 16 of every 1000 achl*iS tile Sixth .1 highest in the .world, . . "Aleoholisni is ,everylidcly'a 'prob- lem and a special Prie:fer indUstrY. It is estimated that '6 'pr ...cent of, industrial employees, ,from. ,'laborer to executive, have a probleni With alcohol. The alcoholic employee . . „ loses upWards of -18 days a -.year because of his illness -in corkniari. son to I ;or ii ,cliv,s for other eh-' ployees." . . . In addition 'to this , loss,- he causes an' increase in 'accidents, and wasted material. . When IN' is on the job there is a ;dro,p-in pro- duction and ,a lowering of co- workers' morale." .,. "'"The majority of Aicokogics ore, hot mentally deficient :skid. Row bums as many people tiiink. Sixty per cent of our 150,900 .alcoholics are in the semi -skilled, skilled, whitecollar, professiOnal, manager-, fal • and proprietory occupational groups. . . . In other words, they are potentially valuable persons in whom. soeiety. has p. lerge invest-', naent,' lob CENTRAL MORTGAGE and HOUSING CORPORATION EXTERIOR PAINTING SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to content and address- ed to the undersigned will he re- beived -'up until 12:00 o'clock noon, PA,4g4. W.ednesday, May 30th,? :eXt#lor adCli 98 ' Houses Kitchener, Ontario 95 Houses in Stratford, Ontario 48 Houses in Wingliam, Ontario Tender forms, specifications and full details can he obtained at the address shown beloW. • Each tender Must be accompan- ied by a security deposit of - 9,70 of the amount of. tender, Such semi- ity deposit, from the contractor to whom a contract 'award is -made, Shall be. retained by Central Mort- gage and IThusing Corporation to ensure due perforrnanco of the contraet. A certified cheque or negotiable Dominion of Canada bonds will be accepted as Security deposit. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. 3. Christie, 'k Branch Manager, Dunker Building, 261 Ring, Street West, Kitchener, 011E010 tfs MORE -.COINS MR CANAM,41,4 POCKET$, arm m1, 0,,Afsro,, 'oeiO60. friends and neighbours tor . the 'is:national, therefore this job of* I lovely cards, a'iftS and visits While 2.0th fere right mart plenty of oppot- tiOlitr nricl SCOpe. . Man 40edted VosOital; also thanks to the or- rARMER' CoMprehensive Liabill., must be highly regarded eiti2en cl,...,e,11.1e_s.._72.7410181:ps.hingt.gtnaltifribloettr,their ty Insurance, Pot information in bis own eonununitY. ProdUet is 'itniune°* 16* COnterrelfig this special'rormerte. booked with national advertising, , PfdleY eenS4it IlenrYt, -40.13arlli is now b " eing 'handled by some of ' ' --- " - ' CARD OP THANKS phone Beinlere 21, v1"" the largeet firma ift this tefintry, a patient in Whigharn General Predtiet is used commercially bY The family of the late MrS. ; tariff& Itepeat busineal insures Prank Powell would like to ek. POVilltt—A, AMP of Money found; large earning for this man. Car press their sifteere thanks and ap. in Gerrie. °Wrier IOW tiNve esseential. Apply to 0. McLachlan., predation te Itev. Maellne and oftme 'by proving monetehip *44 VIce,rivefdent Na-Clinta, .1.4-ing- Rev, Minim° and All the heigh, taytng thiti notiee. Toopholvi, ittth, 'f3t. Wq LOndeni Ontario Mk* ;23b 16b Ali ' gee] 12x12 aria weft re; cedar' Posts; fanning mill; hOtiSehold ef- fects and other articles, :too num-' erous to mention. • TERMS -CASli GEO, NICH.01ON, rr-op. ki,ARDLa 4,40,R$01g, Auctioneer • 18:23)) t":" he broortii • AUCTION SALE of PARM, STOCK and MACIIINEWY ' at LOT .40 CON. s, GUM TWP. jisif,mile east of Jninestown, — Ott fitIMSOM4. 'RAY- 20th, at' I. p.m. CATTLZ-3 *Vic cows, milk- ing: 8 Durham cows, milking; pure- bred Ayrestare cow, freshened in March; 0 holstein COWS fresh and due to freshen; 5 yearling beifers and steers; if spring -calves; pure- bred Durham bull one year old, SWII4111-4 Sows, 3 due time of Sale, duelit .7uly; 1 'York hog. M:AtiMblhittY---,Pord tractor and plow; tandem disc; 0 -section drag harrows; tr-tt, mower; haY leader; seed drill; cultivators; wagon boars and friends &Wilt their re- with hay teak; threshing machine; cent beteemernent, 16* Yob.A Noto, minute opPett4ory • * Free Delivery - Phone 02 Quality and Service, since,' 1910 , on. These :iNg.eeicEnci Specials', Libby's Fancy TOIVIATO JUICE 48 oz. tin 29c - Royal York 'COFFZE' lb. 89c •60•WW."1"/W,•••••••• • Premiumn YonoY Sockeye SALMON Half tins 43c .• . Winona Maid RED PLUM JA.114, 24 oz. jar 25c' Holly Fancy PEAS . 20 oz. tin 19c • • .; Garden Seeds, Pineapples .for canning. ; * - ' .4-7-70entrol- Previ.cientalia. booming 1.01-. Ottawa's, mint where coins -of the, ':realim,'ore".Made. 'Every year sees reke tleniand 'for coins, '4nd" the Past t.wo,'7ears preiglpetiop has more than, cleeled, with,, _and AkterterS; Meg in. deifiand.' beg years ontlint pot: ColoS-Naliie.crat• ever p,000,000 in circulation. At work here ore sorte s' ,; are • examining. coins Av.-imperfections whle.h 'would tIP.10' »e nturng4 for re41i) 4,10 and re,stapopirig . . • • ‘r: .E.:'Coling DIOS lift...California Fer,.ii,grpoes•wpro:, conducted '911.,:lkinY'.4.thi4 Posinienn, Coling, who PO:Seelr,..P.W4Y%PneiPeCtefliy in that .city T,l-le_aday,,ofla,st week, May fle" was :the , last .surviving brother Ernestt poling, of pal- r.agre,t0P.','" ' • 'BOrn in 'London' Englarid in 1869, he'. Was, the ion of: the, late Ulm ,Coling and: Mary Jane.):39#0..4.1-fe ,canie .to,‘Cana.da, afid",'Mi); 40404,- their - W.1110#0).'. Wel: Cohog' .moire -d. to. California ' with his wife and daughter,:-" His d4t1ghier predeceased„him, '14137.iiiipt surviving: the, , former' Ethel' „tine% E r est' Coll rig,' previcaisly inientidned,' two nephews, 1-larry ,Cohng pf Sarnia arid Geer& Col, hig • Internent .was Made 'in ‚Mountain, Ceinetery, ''Pasadena, ' ' BIRTHS SEDDON-1-in Stratford , General • gespital, FridaY; May loK; "to. Mr. and Mrs. Jas':'Seaddn, a son, Michael Janie's. Whigham General Hospital, on' Thursday, MaY loth, 49,56, to Mr - and ,Mrs., Wilfred Teeswater,, daughtcr, u. EWING—In Whigham General • Hospital, on Friday, May 11, 19513, .tO Mr. aritl4-". Delbert Ewing, Winghani„ a: ion.; WHDATosirp,EitnalS, --oInn 'allruntridgayll,ATIAGarenerla3l, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Walters, 13.,R. 7, Lucknow, a daughter. ^WHITE -=-In tt„ WinghaM, ,: ' General Hospital, on ' Tuesday, 'May 15, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Rey.White, RR. 5, Brussels, a Son, . ., pm:0074n Wingimm„ General Hospital, on Tuesday, May 15, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Preiss, Auburn, a son. and scrate,h . for, it. .• , .„, ., ...,: ... , '.... ". .,' ' , , ;if you haven. thp'.energyste 'go 04' It's,mo', inie.,;1,tchijig for something , MIAOTT-r-14,Sarpig,,Generpl Hos- . pital On Thursday, May 10,4956, son, ,William Randy. to Mr. pd Mrs. P, A. Elliott, a • ,,elypopuipit imlijiliairnilltilt111111111111111111111)Iiillylliolowitnior4 W. —.. . R. HAMILTON ..,. _ ._,. R OPTOMETRIST . 1 .. .0#014.PAINe •••• Town of Wingharn 1956 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1956 taxes up to,80 per cent of 195$ •taxeS, Interest at' the rate pf Vour per tent, 'per annuri will be allowed im such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurees Office., 'Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer,' Town of Wingham • ' fi Thoroughness — Ability — Time tested •-•• , • • a • • -phoua. 37 for appointment S. a Cec. Walpole ' ;SASH' Pittsburg •!-...ii.. FRAMES. FAINTS PIIOARDS ',GLASS SCREENS. HARPWARE: .. ustdiR woodworic v.arp ntr y Inc telplinne 26.0,w ' I Wingham • •••.... iet.A1*SS ;and .,PROFES:116NA1-.. • • •.: .• DIRECTORY -:• A. IL McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIO TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater "Wroiret,or.4Every Wedneaday Ofternomi, 2-4 PAO., 'or by OPPOilitineut. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.13. R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Alrs. Vioia. H. Homuth ; - oPTowTRISTS ' PHONE 118,Harrto, ntario J. W. BUNN Barrister, Solicitor, Nofary, Etc. Money to 1,40 Offrb:0—XeYer. Mock, Wingham • • - 'RONALD fi. McCANN public Accountant Orkket Royal batik )31c1g, 4041(14.0:pdt406;itfriiittt;b41.0siry St, ()LIMON ONTARIO WELLINfiTON ' FIRE . in...p. emnpany • Bet. 1240 . Ali all taliadian eobiony which 'has 161041011y Oared ite policy liOlder$ for (WO a century. , 1041 MHO 16.4 Toronto It aMaeLertit insurante Agehei Win$figtri •