The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-16, Page 3Baptism Service
At :Knox Church
BELQRAVE—Special baptipile
services were held in Knox Prey,
bYterian Chareli here on Sunday,
May 13, Rev, H. Colvin was in
charge and the following bableS
Were baptized; Katherine Margaret,
daughter of Mr. and Mre, Alan
Dunbar; La Margaret, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Scott; Alec
Floyd, son of Mr, and Mre. Stew-
art Cloakey; Duncan Lloyd, ten
of Mr, and Mrs. Reds 'Anderson,;
Raymond Frederick, soil of Mr,
and Mrs. Garner Nicholson.
CASH if yen live. CASH( if you
die. Protection for the family.,.
Comfort for your retirement;
All in one Holley.
Canada Life
Brown Mohair - In good condition
$45 00
Table, Buffet, 6 Chairs
Sofa-Bed and Chair $89 50 Reg. $129.00 SPECIAL .... ,
-Homg FuRmsHIN.
S.S. 1 Hullett, unison chorus
(over 25); U.S.S. 17 E. Wawa. and
Morris, two-part chorus (over 25);
U.S.S. 6 E. and W. Wawa., double
trio (over 25), trio No, 1 and 2,
tied; Bruce Currie, S.S. No. 9 E.
Wawa., boy's vocal solo 9 yr. and
' Third Prize Winners
U.S.S. 6 E. and W. Wawa.,
rhythm band; U.S.S. 6 E. and W.
Wawa., two-part chorus (over 25);
U.S.S, 11 E. Wawa., unison chous
(under 25); U.S.S. 17 E. and W.
Wawa., double trio (over 25); Bar-
bara Krug, U.S.S. 17 E. Wawa.,
vocal solo (11 year and under);
John McDowell S.S. 13, E. Wawa.,
and Bill Shaddick, S.S. 11 Hullett
tied for vocal solo 14 years and
Mrs. A. Campbell
Speaker at W.M.S.
DONNYBROOK—The May meet-
ing of the W.M.S. and the W.A.
was held last Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. C.
Washington, with 13 ladies and 10
children present.
Mrs. Stuart Chamney was in
charge of the W.M.S, program and
the meeting opened by singing
Hymn 488. Psalm 714 was read in
unison and Mr, Washington offer-
ed prayer. Mrs. H. Jeffersoa read
an article on Christian 'Steward-
ship and Mrs.•Sam Thompson sang
a solo, "Transformed". A reading,
'True Worship Is Valuable to
Every Man", was given by Mrs,
Chas. Jefferson.
Mrs. Albert Campbell Was guest
speaker and gave a splendid talk
on , "Racial Diserimination" and
wee thanked by Mrs. S. Chamney.
Mrs. Hardy presided for the busi-
nese. Minutes of the last meeting
were epproved as read and the of-
fering was received by ,afeanette
Johnston. Hymn 556 was sung in
Mrs. H, Jefferson was in charge
of the W.A. meeting. Hymn 490
was sung in opening and Psalm
728 was read in unison. Minutes of
the last meeting Were read and a
.collection was taken for the flow-
er fund. Mee, R. Chamney gave •
a reading, "A Good Creed", and a.
bazaar in aid of the bale was held,
Lunch was served •by the hostess,
aesisted by Mrs. C. *Jefferson and
Mrs. H, jefferson. The president,
Mrs. Hardy thanked the hostess
and all who assisted,
BOX 473
The Advance-Thneaf
Witigham, Ont.
bear Sir:
Herevvith Bank M.O., my rellewal
subscription to The Advanec-Thnes
far another year,
Although I have been away from
the town Owl: was my home ior
twenty-one yeats, since 1931, T still
eajoy reeding the home town paper
each week, have been a tontin-
nous subscriber for forty-six years
and probably Will be for as many
More years at the good Lord spares •
yours very truly,
C. 'It Copeland
Makes Plans
For Wiener Roast
BBIARAVE—The regellar Meet"
ing of the C,CaLT, held ,90
Friday evening, MAY 4, in KnP4
United Church, The meeting come
meneed with the girls! finishing
the ecrapheoits, maps and working'
on some. Indian beadwerk,
It was decided to send $10.0() to
the Presbyterial treasurer, Pia.ns
were made for a wiener roast on
May 18th, and each mintier is to
bring a friend and enough lunch
fen both:
Kay VariCamp and Dorothy Cook
were in charge Of the worship Ser-
vice and opened it with a hymn
and the "911 to Worship. Kay gave
t1. reading and ,Dorothy led la pray-
er. Thih meeting closed with TRIM
Special Meeting
On Tueeday.evening of 'apt week
a tpeeial meeting with the Even-
ing Auxiliary was held when 'the•
became, affiliated .e With
that group.* Mrs, Ross Anderson
president of the •Evening Auxiliary
'and Mrs, Clifford Lpgan and Mrs..
Ted Fear, leaders of , the C.C4J,T:
were in charge of the affiliation
Two New -PrO4chers
111'•E#st WA*41119$11
144V+RAVE--TWo new terieherS
'10 the Pest' WeaValleah School
Arca -eeinnineneing irk .Septerriber
Will be MIPS .Abria McMichael, of
Wroxeter, to teach la the pnior
room of Belgrave:Se4001 and Mrs,
Aubrey Toll; of U.S,S, 3 East Wa-
wanosh and lVforele,
(Intended for last week.)
Mr, and Mrs, Glen Shells and
family and Mr, and Mrs. Herb
Lennoa and family, all of Listowel,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hanna and family,
Mr. and Mrs, Julias Fazekas of
London and Mr. George.Kovacs, of
Delhi, visited en Sunaay with Mr.
and Mrs. Rosa Rebinson and Keith,
Mr. and Mre. Biil Manning and
Mr. and Mrs, John Manning, all
of /Myth visited Saturday evening
with,Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea.
Mrs. Cora McGill visited last
Week with Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Car-
diff of Grey Towaship.
Lloyd Aadereen 4 London, spent
the week-end 'Witty hie parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jotrit' 'Anderson.
Friends will" he seery to hear
that Mr. Chester Higgins had a
severe attack of pneumonia.
. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker
called, on Mr. and Mrs. 'Chester
'HigginS of Blyth on Sunday.
1VIre. Shera visited friends in
Blyth one day last week.
Barn, ,K. Scott
Struck,by :Lightning
- large barn
'and impleinent 'shed. owned bY
Kenneth Seott of the 9th line of . ,
East WetWariosh, about two miles
weit' of Belgrave, was struck by
lightning and 'burned to the ground
on Wednesday evening 'about 9.30
during an electrical Storm.
Mrs. Scott called the Wingham
fite ,departnient imthediately after
,the barn, was struck but the fire'
sPread se.qu'ickly that the firemen,
, nothing to save the build-
ing. Luckily the 'Wind was' blowing
aWay from the 'house, so it was in
no'dramediate' dan, ger.
Mr. Scott was able to save the
'stoek, about 46 head. LoSt in the
blaze were' three pigs, '100 hens,' a
threshing machine, <chopper and
roller, milkieg machine and a large
quantity of hay, straw and grain.
'Some insurance was carried.
Elizabeth GaMphell and
Mrs, Richard Charnricy are sPerld-
ing a few daye* With the latter'a
daughter and son-in-lava, Xrk and'
Mra. Tiaynes and faMily .ef
Xr, and Mrs, .Georgo -I.nneg and
falaY, of ,feendeni'ePeat the week-
end with the iatter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, John McCallum.
Miss Mildred Higgins, of Preston,
spent the week:end with her, par-
ante, Mr. and Mrs. Neleon Higgine,
Miss Donna Anderson, ef London,
Spent the week-end with her par-
ente, Mr. and Mrs, John Anderson,
Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Pieltell and
family, of St, Thomae, Spent the
week-end with Mr. and 'Mrs, Herb
Mr. Floyd Campbell was in These
salon over the week-end and at-
tended the funeral .of his aunt,
Mrs. George Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs.,Bill Schreiber and
family, of Streetsville, and e Mrs.
Carol Schreiber, of Oakville, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Anderson and all attended
services at Loadesboro United
Church, on Sunday, when baptism
service was held and Vaughan
Elizabeth Hunking, daughter of
,lyfr. 'and Mrs. Ted Ifunking, was
baptized. Vaughan flunking is a
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Procter, of Oakville,
Spent the week-end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Procter,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shiell,
Elsie and Brian, of Milverton, visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Joseph Holmes. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson,
of SmithVille, spent the week-end
With his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilkinson. ,
Mr, Norman Stonehouse, of Lon-
don, spent a few days last week
with .hie pareats, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Stenehouse and with Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse.
CHATHAM, .Ont. (CP)—About
100 pheasants which wintered in
care of the Dover Rod and Gun
Club have been, released here,
siniultaneously with planting 1,000
multi,flora plants which in two
years will provide natural cover
for the birds.
Money. for'Stretcher
Given. 10 Speaker.
F.'4GRA.VE—The regular inect,,'
ing of the EVening Auxiliary.of the
Winneres MissienerY Seeieter .
Kmiec baited Plumb WM 1104 in.
the church On Tnetaay evening of .
lest week.. "queste .at thin meeting
Were .rilerlebere Of the Afternoon'
Auxiliary and, the to. bow
affilietion eerempniee.
The president, Mrs, Ross Ander,
son was in charge and opened the
meeting 'witheat, poem and a hymn,
Reporte. were lie,,ard from the seem-
tary and treasurer, The next moo,
'Ing will be held at the herne ef
Mrs. ,Geo, 1V.fichie„ with the group •
led by Mrs, Ted Fear, .•
Plans were aiscueeed regarding,
a mother and. daughter :banquet fel.'
the C.G,I.T. mennbers to be held
near tbe•erid .of May, The following
committee wee appointed to look
after the menus and other things
for the banquet:: Mrs, J, R. .Coul-
tes, Mrs. Sam Pleteh, Mrs. Norman
Cook and Mrs. Rose Robinson.
A piano duet by Margaret Wight-
men and Kay VanCamp was enjoy,
, Mrs. Norman Cook's. group was
in charge of the devotional period.
Mre. Harold Waleh read the
Scripture lesson arid Mrs, Walsh
gave a 'reading,. Dorothy Cook end
Marilyn Goll sang' a duet and
Mrs. Cameron Walsh led in prayer,
Affiliation servicee were con-
ducted by the president of the
Evening Aaxiliary, Mrs. Ross An-
derson and the leaders of the
C,G.I.T., Mrs, Cliff Logan and Mrs.
Ted Fear.
The guest speaker was , Miss'
Black of Clinton, who was a nuree
at the mission hospital at Bella
•Coola, B.C. She showed films of
the work among the Indians. The
Auxiliary 'presented Miss ,Black
with $25.00 to help in the purchase
of a Stretcher for this hospital,
Recreation was held for the
C.G.I.T. and lanai was served,
Honor Mothers at'
Belgrave Service
BELGRAVE—The theme of. the
service at Knox United Church on
Sunday was "Planning the Future".
Rev. C. A. Krug was in charge.
During the service Rev, Krug
presented all the grandmothers
and Mothers present with a carna-
tion or chrysanthemum. The choir
sang an appropriate anthem for
Mother's Day and all the pupils of
the Belgrave School were present
and sang their unison chorus
number for which 'they won first
prize at the Goderich Music Festi-
CALGARY (CP)—Few promi-
nent visitors leave Calgary without
the gift of a white cowboy hat,
symbol of the Stampede City. A
civic report shows Calgary spent
$559,50 last year in handing out
these hats.
BELGRAVD---Several East -Mo.
wanosh and Hullett Township
pupile were successful in winning
pritee at the Huron County Music
Festival held in Goderieh last week.
Mrs, Elaine McDowell of BeigraVe
Is the music supervisor, Schools
No. 1, 11 and 12 Hullett Township
were under the Supervision of the
late Mrs. Gertrude Wendorf, of
Special Award Wiiinere
Mettle Koopmans, U.S.S. 0 E.
Wawa., won a special prize donated
by the Goderich Home & School
Association for girl's solo, 9 years
and under.
5.5, 11 Hullett received the Gode-
rieh Lione Club Shield for two-
part chorus, (enrolment under 25).
I,J.S.S. 17 E, Wawa, and Morris
received the CKNX Shield for rural
rhythm band.,
U.S.5, 12 Hallett received the
Huron County Shield for double
trio (enrolment under 25).
U.S.S. 12 Hallett received the
Goderich Board of Trade Shield
for unison chorus (enrolment under
Dorothy Cook U.S.S, 1'7 E. Wawa.,
received the $25.00 Scholarship
donated by the Ahmeek Chapter
I.O,D.E. for girl's vocal sol 14 years
I.O.D,E. for girl's vocal solo, 14
U.S.S, E. Wawa. and Morris re-
ceived the Julius Kayser & Co.
Ltd. Shield for unison chorus (en-
rolment ever 25).
Dorothy Cook and Marilyn Goll,
U,S.S. 17 E. Wawa., won the cash
prize donated by the Gorierich
French Dry Cleaners for vocal
S.S. 1 Hullett won the Huron
County Shield for two-part chorus
(enrolment over 25).
S.S. 1 Hullett won the Goderich-
Signal Star Shield for double trio
(enrolment over 25).
Second Prize Winners
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