HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-16, Page 14
With which is amalgamated the Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
H. L. Sherbondy, local merchant,
was named assessor far the town
of Wingham at a special Meeting
of council on Monday mignt, He
succeeds W. H. Haney, town as.-
sessor for 20 years, who realgried
the post recently.
Mr, Sherbondy's application Was
chosen 'from three submitted to
council. 'Addison Fraser, of '1Vfor-
,ris Township and A. C. Agnew, of
Luelenow, were the other appli-
cants. ,
buties of the ,new ,assessor will •
Start' immediately. •
,Donald Kai, Who has taught a
schoel for .the liast • seven.
years, was hired as a -teacher• for
the Wingham Public ;khool,' at a
meeting Of the school board on
Monday eight, His duties will
commence in September.
Mr. Kai will replace Arnold Mc-
Intyre, who has taught Grade 6 at
the public school for the 'oast three
years. Mr, McIntyre will leave the
teaching profession to attend' Una:
Final 'draft of a salary schedule
for teachers was approved at Mon-
day night's meeting. Under the new
schedule grade teachers will rO-
Ceive a 0,400 yearly minimum, with
an annual increment of $200 up 'to
a maximum ,of $3,600 per year. The
sehedtele of principals will ineltide
a minimum salary or $3,600 W.
annual increment of $200 to a maxi-
mum of $5,000.
Board Cnalrman Scott Reid, wao
presided at the meeting, said t
these schedules were comparable to
other schools in the district of 'a
similar size. Retirement age . or,
men has been set at 65 and Ica:
women at 62. Upward adjustmc-ht
of the salary schedule are possi de
for teathere with certain special.:
ized teaching certificates.
Discuss Now Additien
The new four-room addition to
the school, which it is hoped ein
be started this year, was discussed ,
at the meeting. Information Teta-,
tive to the new wing has been
gathered and will be forwarded td
the Municipal Board for its hp,
proval, After approval from the
Municipal Board has been obtain
wok* will be started on plans ier
the new aciditiora It is hoped ti' at
work oh the new addition will ;he,
started sometime this summer.
Flails for summer maintenaree
work at the school were discussed
by the board, Re-decorating of th0
elassrciorns has been cohipleted
over the past few years, and this
sinninte the halls will be paltitigi,
and the picket ten outside the
To Peceive Degree
At Guelph O.A.C.
Mrs. a 'Louise Ituhrike,• of
Guelph, the fotrner Peetleit;
of Wifighttini, Will be amongst the
Bachelor of Selene° hi AgrieUlture
gradiltitta to receive degrees at thr
gnuteitao bilAgurieteyuItiu,:tahl,, College
Mrs. kidllitilte is 'the daughter1,1
Mr. and Mrs. Walter I'Oeook
011atou, tooter tesiderits of IN ,
At .,Goder10.1i MilSic Festival
john V. Fischer; right; Warden of Huron County,,
was ethane' the first to be X-rayed in Winghara
when the Ontario Departmentof Health TB seer,: .
vey, unit moved into town on Monday. Part ef
a mass chest X-ray survey in Huron Countya
the unit's stop in Wingham will be followed by
Other calls in the district during the next fedi
bays. .Left. to right are Frank D. Madill, 'Wirt44
• barn; president of, the Huron County TB Aseoca.
„ atipre, 'W, Dorian and S. Sheldrake, Toront'
X-ray 'technicians with the Ontario Departme t
'Of Health, and Mr. Fischer.
By The Pedestrian
. . . .
ing to the towns new firewor'he by-
law, it's only legal to' set off fire-
works a week before and a week
after May 24th in the town liniite
Which means that even season for
fireworks starts tomorrow. Unless,
.of course; you figure that the 24th
of May is the 21st, as it is this
year, in which case the' season
opened on Monday,
0 - 0 - 0
sent weather conditions keep up
during the euunner, perhaps we
could organize Earle, water sports
for Wingharres Frontier days thiS
year, The way it has been for the
past few weeks; the prairie would
be a wonderful place for water-
skiing and other such aquatic past,
o 0 - 0
men are wont to bentoan the .fact
that when the fish worms :are
plentiful—as they have been lately
the fish wouldn't look at one if it
were served- up on toast. Later on
in the summer, when the fish are
biting, worms will probably be ae
scarce as hen's teeth.
.0 - 0 - 0 •
WHOA, DOBBIN—Times have
'changed, Runaway horses used to
he a major headache in the old
days—now it runaway tractors..
'George 'Fowler had trouble' that
way. last week, after he. forgot to
take his tractor out of gear when.
he was trying to get it started. We
can understand that, but we find
it hard to believe the story' about
the ,game leg he got at the same
time. Cleirns, the 'tractor kicked
To Visit Wingham
141trsa4)•.: Steplienson: visit':
gharrywithirietheatexb.feve days
and will call on, friends of The
Lord's Day Alliance, .She will 6.:0-
Predate a hearty Welcothe aid re-
sponse When called upon.
Valuableawerle is being perform-
ed by thie organization in Safe-
guarding the aationalaweekly day
of rest for Canadian workers
against 6ommercial .exploitation,
Two Girls Injured
As Car Hits Tree
The Wingharn United "Church
Sunday School floWer Service will
be held on Sunday, Jiine.3id. More
complete details will be given next
week. F16b
Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Townend of
% Inwood, Ontario, will 'be at home
to their frielicli at their home In
Inwood on Wednesday, May 80th,
1956, on the 'occasion of their 45th
Wedding. eirmiVsrsary, Pleb
The first of the summer bingos,
sponsored by Brandi'. 180 of the
Canadian Legion, will be held tin'
the coarteil chamber en Saturday,'
May 10 'at 0 p,m, Legion bingos
• will be held each Weak thereafter
on Saturday, throughout, the •stini-
Obtel prizes, everybody wel,.
come. , F9 46b
iiANOE AT iktitOXETiti.lik,
, Wroxeter Cottitoohlty,Citih Will
hold a dente, on Wednesday night,
May 16 in 'Cho' .(joiryarttinity
Musk; bY°D011 Robertson and his
:kabob nOYS, tletith hi 'the hall. P:to,
needs for conthatiolty hall fund,
Like a - tidal wave, the bargain
hunters rolled into the Wingham
Arinouries on Saturday afternoon
to attend the rummage sale spon-
.sored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to
the 'Wingham General Hospital,
All day Friday and Saturday fore-
noen, members of the auxiliary
were busy porting. and marking
the articles as the parcels poured
in. Never before- had so much
been received, never so much sold,
an d• never , so much money re-
• . •
ot In).Ure
Rescuing Child
Mrs. Jean.Bewiey, 1'Ln. 1; Walton,
Was injured during a windstorm
en Saturday, when she went to
rescue her child Who had been
blown doWn by the high wind.,..She
was taken to Wingham General
Hospital suffering Irani facial lac-
after being hit by eapiece
of 'metal from the barn which
struck the door in which she was
standing. At first: thought to have
concussion she redo\ ered con-
sciousness in the hospital and her
condition yesterday was described
as, satisfactory. '
Mrs. Archie Nicholson, of Pais-
ley was taken to the hospital on.
Saturday • with an injured back,
after being knocked clown by a
falling tree. Mrs., ,Nicholson was
helping her, husband cut down the
tree when it' fell the wrong way,
knocking ,her td the ground. Her
condition is satisfactory.
Ronald Jones, 14, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Jones, R.R. 1, Bel-
grave, received a fractured nose
oti Thursday, after running into
another bay while playing ball, 1-le'
Was allowed Fenno alteraX-rays and
About a Linked Legion mem-
bers and their guests were preeent
at the Legion Houle, on Wednesday
last, to commemorate the eleventh
anniversary ol; V-E Day, Ladies of
the Legion Auxiliary provided 'a
bountiful ,dinner for the veterans
and joined hi a dance which fol.
Raved, later in the evening.
Despite inclement weather the
evening started with a march to
the cenotaph and brief cerehmales
there honoring. the dead of two
World wars. Wreaths were placed
by Provincial Vide Chairman, Mee.
tee Merriant, for Ptovitieial Com-
mand; by Deptity Zane Contniander
&Mk n111:08611, fOr the zone and by
President ,iohn Pattisort, for the
local braneh,
A highlight of the evening was
the honerihg of eleven past Presi-
dents of Branch 180, each of Whore
Was presented' and asked to say
few words. :present were Past
Presidents I, Weaver, George Wil-
liams,, 0, Coolies, W, W. Arm-
strong, Walter ValiWyck, Dr, A. W,
Irwin, DeWitt Miller, jack Pato-
Son, Don Adams and Robert 8cOtt,
TWO other post presidents, Roth
told If. C. lVfactican, were
unable to he preSent, *
It all Started :at two; o'cloek
wheh the , opened, and
four o'clock, ;the, counters, which
had been piled high,,,were,
bare. The taillOS ' hats,
novelties• etc. are. placed around, ,
the walls and „racks, of, 'clOthing
run down the Centre.' • - • ,
At one 'end WO the - long table;
where women Stand. to wrap the
parcels as every: stile .must be
wrapped. At this too,., sit
the cashiers 4 ore .- -100 . . than a • .
workers ware arequired to, handla
trio Safe,
tures, bade; plants;-:thyi0eir-ringe,•
radis 41-1 q tea could 'fib& ite '6,
This is afeetelli and carry .sale -..ancl:
the prices are SeJow, that, accord=
ing to soiree 'volunteer s", are
really ludrieciva;'Theee iruintrige,
sales, ' which sta rted
way 20 years' ako,,,,haire; become;
eominnnity ,eVeatell tlie outside.
towns, as ...Winghikrn carry-,
ing a shard, ,."
In connection With the Sale;
tag day was:. held ,
Bluevale, BelgraVe,' LucknoW,;
Whitechurch d TeesWeter,
which realized-,•.'$160.0•¢.: in";
Wingham with . • '
Proceeds by, ‘11Depirtmente • '
Adult clothing,,t2A2.16; :Childrera!a ;
clothing, $61.49„; 14lisce;llaneousr $143-;
'.24; Shoes' ..2$7044. Hats- $49.0;:
Novelties and,,,;,DisteeS F,,.$114.38;,. •
Groceries $53.91a Furniture M00..46;
Tea ROOM. 05.10'; .$30.00;:
Vallee of goods • 'klt 't6 hospital'.
$25,00; Total' 033.18;5: Tags ,sold ,
$322.00; total:proceeds' $1;20,48.
This money' will all' be used to
purchase bedding' - durtaiasa aura;
'cry supplies etc:, :for the' hespital.
All articles of clothing which were
left 'over, littite ebelin packed and
will be sent ..Korea.
The Ladies' Auxiliary wishes to
thank everyphe t who helped in
any Way to , Make this rummage
sale the be'at's eVer,.
PreSeatted 'IOW Watch
;Past Preeident Clarence Ohm,
who resigned hip pesition earlier
in the year .to re-Join the army,
was preSented With to 'wristwatch
by President Pattiaon ;on behalf of
the members of tte .and
whined autieeilS in new enclereee
Mayor R. I5( *Kinney. brought
greetings ,to the, branch from the
town, and' ;'Chester' Merriam,
spoke briefly. but
to the Point oh . Letitia.: prhatiples
and what individual Legion Mehl-
berg can do tb irtiPriWe the country.
Other speakers' : were Gatirge
Inglis, of tiblimMer; and Rev, Kart
rug, padre of the branch, WhO
suggested that VIO,Day observiancea
be conducted, eyety year. Alvin
Smith, oC hArievEk thanked the
ladies fora delialOde ,ditiner.
Vollowing AIM.* a. draw ' was
held for 0)0,,iikitled Oa by the
Legion With proceedi In aid of the
13taneh's bet4Pitiir fund, , Oarold
Taylor Was Abe ,,WiaiieCof the OM
prize, • .
dance.Willi beijOYCA by ntoinbees
and their ladieee, later .4' the eVen-
Grade • 8 children from district
Schools who attend Orientation
Day •at the Wingham District
High School on. Monday, June 11th,
will be served a lunch 'in the high
school cafeteria, it was decided
at the regular meeting of the
Wingham. District High School
board' last Tuesday night, Each
year children who will be attend-
ing high school the following
September are invited to the
Orientation Day to acquaint them
with the workings of the high
Principal W. S. Hall told board
members that has been cus-
tomary for childrea visiting the
school. on that day to bring a
lunch, and in the ,past the school
CoupleHonored on
Silver Anniversary
A surprise party was held mob.-
clay night• Al the home of Mr, and
Mrs Eph : Parish in honour of
their 25th wedding anniversary.
Cards were enjoyed followed by a
"'hock wedding which was very
much enjoyed by all.
A short address was then read
by Isabel McCall and Mrs, John
Jamieson anil Misses Kathleen
and Eleanor Hardy presented the
guests of healer With an electric
tea kettle, toaster and vase.
Mr. Parish made a very suitable
reply thanking one and all, and
a delicious lunch was served,
Print Wins Prize
At OS'P Convention
tan Hainneetten, local photo-
grapher, was successful in having
two of his photographic prifits
hung at the priet eXhIbit of the
Ontario Society of Photographers,
at the '0,S.11.' convention lei Nia-
gara Falls last week,
A portrait of Xtcv, Karl Krug, of
BeigraVel was awarded the bine
ribbon in the show, Mid a portrait
of DP. A. W, Crawford was also
aotooted, of these prints,
along with other examples of ,his
phiettigraphY, Were aheetal on
station ,ORX-TV following his
return froth the convention,
The two prints wilt be displayed
ixl the window .of the HaMtrier.
ton Steidle 'during the next few
Al. Rettinger, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Cletus albttinger of Turne
berry. won the cup for singing at
the Huron County Music Festival,
held In Goderich .an Wednesday;
May 9th, fie sang. in the .eolo
Class; for, boys 11 years and under
and . topped the class with 83.
points.. .
At the Township Music' Festival
held ire Bluevale i.n April, he came
end in the same class with 83'
points out of 24 entries:
Damage totalling $400 was done
to two cars -in a collision on the
corner of Josephine and. Victoria
_streets, on Tuesday 'of last' week.
According to police a car driven
by Harvey. 'Boyd, of Mitchell, was
proceeding east ,on Victoria Street
when It came in collision with a
car going south *on Josephine
Street, driven by Mrs. Hazel Johns
ton, of alanover. Damage to the.
Boyd vehicle was estimated at $50
while that to the Johnston car
amounted to $350.
Boyd has been charged with
careless driving and failing to stop
at an intersection,
Publish Thursday-
Of Next Week
Next week's issue of The Ad-
vance-Times will be published on
Thursday, instead of Wednesday,
owing to the fact that Monday
will be celebrated es Victoria Day,
Correspondents are asked to
lat've their news in at the usual
time to 'facilitate the work of
the mechanical staff, and adver-
tising 'should he ready by Friday
afternoon if possible.
Mr; Hall asked the board for
permission to purchase $600 worth
of books fox the school library,
as replacements for those lost in
the fire last year. He suggested
that these could be paid out of
the fire account, a fund into
which insurance covering the fire
had been paid.
A. D, Itle,cWilliam, chairman of
the finance committee, questiOned
the advisibility of purchasing'
works of fiction for the library,s
saying that these were readily
available through local libraries
and through the Huron County
Library, It was decided to appoint
a committee consisting of R. S.
Hetherington, W, A, Galbraith
(Please turn to page twelVe,)
Mrs, Lorne Gardner of Carl-
ing Terrace, last week found
that Adyance-Times want ado
bring quick results When you
want to sell household articles;
Mrs, Gardner advertised a
baby buggy for sale in last
week's paper, and by eleven
o'clock, on Wednesday morning
iihe phoned The Advance-Times
office to say ,the buggy Was
if you have articles around,
the house for which you have
no further need, try an inex-
pensive Advance.-Times want
ad. You'll be surprised at the
Simply Phone 34 and place
your ad. An experienced ad-
taker Will help you with the
werding,,, if you wish. Then
Pay at the office next time
you're down town,
It's easy as that:
Prospect's that the town of
Winghare would have flowerpots on
its main street after all, seemed
good' today after kspecial meeting
of the' council on Monday recon-
sidered the question and decided to
go half way on the maintenance
of ,flOWerpots. Councillors decided
that the thew' could afford to water
the flowers' in the flowerpots—if
soniebody else planted them.
The dontroversey about flower-
pots arose last week at the regular
session of council, while estimates
were being discussed for 1956.
With a 9-mill jump in taxes in
prospect, Councillors decided that
'flowerpots were a luxury the town
couhlat afford, .,-An 'ttem of $500,,
eevering• cost of planting. and
!Watering the'lloWeriobis,'Was'Struck
frOm 'the estimates, as council de-
bided that stern economy measures
were 'necessary • to cope with the
\ rising -Min rate.
Since that time a number of citi-
zens haVe complained to the mayor
about the prospects of Josephine
Street Without flowerpots. Harry
Merkley, president of the Wing-
ham Btishiese Association, even
offered the services of his organi-
Ketc' in' getting the pots planted,
and metlabere of the Women's In-
stitute have volunteered their ser-
vices in the same cause. The dif-
ficulty heel been in watering the
flowers, since it must be done
regularly and few of the people
on the math street have the equip-
The cburicil's decision to pay for
the watering of the 'flowers was
welcomed by Mr. Merkley. 'The
main expense of the flowerpots—
buying the pots, having the brac-
kets made and put up—is over." he
said. "It seems silly to not use
them now."
Mr. Merkley said that business-,
men would help get the pots plant-
d this year, but that they expect
the town to bear the expense in
future, as they have in the past,
H. P. Carmichael
Named Lions DDG
Hugh Carmichael, president of
the Wingham Lions Club, was 'el-
ected deputy district , governor
of District Al at a, Lions Club
district meeting in Wroxeter last
week, Taking office July 1st, he
will succeed J. Howard Wylie, of
About 70 members from Arthur,
Mt, Forest; Harriston, Palmerston,
Teeswater, Wingham, Blyth and
Howick attended the meeting.
Guest speaker was Whitney Mar-
tin, of Bancroft, district governor
for District A3.
Dance Pupils Held
Recital on Friday
Pupils of the Amy Johnston
Dancing School held a recital 'at
the Wingham District.High School
on Friday, at which a goodly num,
ber of parents and friends were
present. The program included tap,
ballet and Scottish-. danCingg,. and
guests from Owera Sound -display-
ed some of the more advanced
fOrms of the dance in Scottish and
Irish flings and jigs.
The school pianist was, Laura
Hayden, of Wingharn; and addition.
al music was providedbY,pipers
of the 48th Highlarider'S: of 'Can-
ada who. played 'seleCtiona and ac-
companied the Scottish dances.
Taking part in the dance recital
were Marion Farrier, Pat Heywood, ,
Pat Hall, Saran Ann. Grubbe, Bar-
bara Steuernol, Cecile Jackson,
Marilyn Ross, Debbie Gibson, Deb-
bie Grose, Brenda Grubbe, Billy
McKibben, Tomrhy Deyell, Janie
Adams, Julie Dauphin, Nancy Du-
charme, Wendy Fuller, Cathy'
Hicks, Ann Gibson, Fay Musgrove,
Sylvia Alexander, Coralie Hammer-
ton, Linda Hayden, May Ling Lem,
Lynda Green, Mary Ellen Mc-
Phail,.Sonja Ross.
A number of honere were taken:
by Wingham students at the, 15th '
annual Huron COunty Music ire,sti*.
vat in Goderich. last week, when
students from politic and high
schools in the district competed in
solo, duet,' doable trio amid chords
singing events, as well as inetra-
Helen Haines, of Wingham, was
the winner of the Goderiqh Elee
Vigor Rose Bowl in the girls' solo
classes, and the Reg. McGee
Trophy for mixed chOrusea was
taken 'by the Wingham District
High School. The Stan Prevett Cup
for girls' chorus was taken by the
high echoers NO. 1 chorus. •
Walton McKibben, of the public
school, won a wrist watch for. his
singidg in the boys' vocal eolo,
open. The A. H. Meek LO.D.E.
.Seholarship• was taken by Dorothy
Cook, Belgrave, who also shared
honors with Marilyn Goll, of Bel
grave, 'in winning a cash award
donated by the gederich French
Dry Cleavers in the duet Glass.
IT.S.S, 17 East Wawanosh 'And
Morris was. awarded the Julius
Kayser Co. Ltd. shield for unison
chprus, and also won the CKNX
Shield in the rhythm band compe-
titor'for 25 members or less.
Other Local Winners
Other local winner in the festival
were; Sarah Skinn, seCond, girls'
vocal solo, 14 and under; Marion
Farrier tied for third girls' vocal
solo, 14 and under; Welton life-
Kibbon, 1st., Brian Rider, second,
Douglas Lockridge, tied for •third;
boys' vocal solo, open; Charles
Knox and Susan Wightman, and,
Sharon Brown and Sharon Lewis,
(Please turn to page twelve.)
Auxiliary Rummage Sale
Exceeds Previous Records
Two teen-age girls were injured
on ,Friday'• event* when the, car'
in which they\ were travelling went
out .of conttbl ohathe New Side-
road, north••of Wroxeter, ran 150
feet into a field atidStrucit a tree,
Ardelle Weetheire, la, daughter of
Mrs and Mra, George Westlake, of
• Belmore, ,was admitted to hospital
suffering from shoqk and abdomi-
,hal injuries, and Shirley Reidt,
5 also 16, daughter of Mr, and MrS.
Harvey Relay 'of Wroxeter, receiv-
ed. fac&al laceratioas and injured
her left wrist in the mishap, Miss
Reidt was .released from hospital
after treatrnelit,
Aeccereling • ,to- Provincial Con-
•stable Robert Lewis, of Wingham,
who investigated, ..the 1951 Chev-
rolet struck a patcleof lease gravel,
causing it t0 go out of control, He
estimated damage between $400
and $500. Local Veterans Mark VE-Day
With Dinner at Legion Home
ree Lunch for indents at
Igh. School Orientation Day-
has provided them with soft
drinks and ice cream. He sug-
gested that it would not be too
much more expensive to provide
the children with lunch, now that
the cafeteria has facilities for
preparing it. Members of the
board agreed that it would be a
good advertisement for the cafe-
To Purchase Books
1108,0y a hundred ineMbera of Branch. 180; Can.
adian Le ion. Marked VE4::.aY at the Legion
Herne WethieSchtY And honored eleVen, post
prealdenta 'the which wks founded in
1931. Above et the 'head table are George
bf Belmore; PreVinCial Vitc-Clittimanari Cheater
Merriam, of Tara; President John W. Pattigen;
Vice-President Dick Berbridge; Mayor It. Me.
kinney tthel Past President Clarence Ohin,
Morris Teacher Engaged by
WI**:Public School :Po'ard..