HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-09, Page 11YOUR FAMILY' ' SHOE STORE . , , . • . 1. , .. pRINC PA 1 INGREDIENT . • . . , TIT3, PRINCIPA l, INCRTMTIVT in the cost , of a product is labotirlabour,immine or forest, in transportation, in. factory and Office, in whole- sale and retail outlets. At ever)i, stage of pro- duction and distribution, from the extraction of the raw material to the ultimate sale of the , finished product, cost is Added, in the form of - wages. Because wages are so all-important they must be right with relation to the services rendered. Higher wages are sensible 'only when :accompa- nied by greater productivity. Disturb this bal- ance and higher prices are inevitable. When prices get too high, salcs go down. When sales • go down there are fewer jobs. , THE _ ' STEEL 'COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL . GANANOQUE HAMILTON ' BRANTfORO TORONTO , ,. CKNX TELEVISION PROGRAMMES Wednesday, May 9 3.55 Preview 4,00 Round, Round Wild. 4.30 Take a „Look 4,45 Folk Songs 5.00 Cartoonia 5.30 Hawdy Doody 6.00 Flash Gordon 6,20 Political Talks 6,30 Focus-Weather 6.45 Focus-Varm '1,00 Focus-Sports 7,15 Focus-News 7.30 Dangerous Assign. 8.00 Vie Obeek 8.30 I I...nye Lucy 1);00 Hit Parade 9.30 Jackie Rae Show 10.00 Big Town 10.30 Request., Yours 11.00 CEO News 11.10 News Nightcap 11.15 Pajama Playhouse Thursday, May 10 1.45 School Broadcast 3.55 Preview 4.00 M'Lady 4,30 Mr, ."0" 4.45 Maggie Muggins 5,00 Certeonia 5,30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Range Rider 6.30 Focus-Weather 0.40 rocus-Farm #. MO Roy Rogers 5.30 HoWdy Doody et#00 Range Rider 6.30 Focus-Weather 6.45 Focus-Farm 7,00 Focus-Sports '7.15 Focus-News 7.30 The Falcon 8.00 TEA 8.30 Plouffe Family 9.00 Ford Graphic' 9.30 Star Stage 10.00 Gillette Fighta 10.45 Jim Colenlan Show 11.00 0130 News News Nighteap Pajama Playhouse 7,00 Focus-Sports 7.10 Focus-News 7.30 Hopalong Cassidy 8.00 Bishop Sheen 8.30 Fireside Theatre 9.00 Kraft Theatre 10.00 Circle 8 Ranch 10.30 This Is the Life 11.00 CBC News 11.0 News Nightcap 11.15., Pajama Playhouse v Friday, May 11 145 School 13roadcast 3.55 Preview 4,0.0 Round, Roan 0 World 4,110 Peppermint Prince 1.11.0 445 Sniall Pry Frolics 11-15 Sponsored' j3y Saturday, May 12 3.55 Preview 4.00 Western Theatre 5.00 Wild Bill • HicicOlt 5.80 bisnesdand 6.30 Mr, Fix-it 6.45 Tim Tyler's Luck 7.00 Navy Log 1.80 holiday Paneh 8.00 laeltie Cileason 8,80 Stage Show 9.00 On Camera 9.80 'Holiday Theatre 11,00 0130 NOWS. 1140 NeAts NighteaP 0;15 TBA 11.80 'Meaning' Sunday. May 13 1.25 Preview 1.30 Faith for Today 2.00 Jr. IVfagazine 3,00 You Are There 3,30 ClimaX 4.30 The Millionaire 5.00 Perspective 5.80 Fighting Words 0.00 tkploring Minds 6,80 Father ii:nows Best 7.00 olik Miss 13roolts 7.30 Theatre of Stars 8.00 Pd. Sullivan 0.00 Pour Star ',theatre 0,80 Showthne 10.00 Piftitei of Perwanee 11.00 GC News 11,10 'News Nightettp 11.10 Pajama Playinnise 11,30 MO News 11.40 News Nightcap gaiiebisr, May 14 3.05 Preview 4.00 Round, R u 4.30 Fur tgv Feather 4.45 Aubtoy & Gus 040 Cartoonla eb..0800 Rhaon‘vgdey xiEficrerdy '6.30 Potus4Weather 6,45 roeus,Varirt 1.00 vccaa,sports 7.15 roam-NO.1/a 7.80 Paragon Playhouse 05.100 Cacactea Hour 0.30 WID:lidilleY 'Vaughan 1 01:0000 SctEllodlOmOwnse 11,10 News 'Nightcap 11,15 Pajama Playhoust TvieSday, May 15 1.45 School BrolichaSt 3,45 Preview 4.00 M'Llaily 4:30 Travelogue 0.00 Cartoonia 5.80 howdy Doody 6,00 Range Rider 6.30 Voeus-Weather 0.45 rioeus-Varin 7.80 Vedua-Sperts 7.15 Focus-News 1.30 hoer 1301 8.00 GM "riltaro 9.00 tragnot 9,35 Pick The Stars 1.0,00 Alrriartae 10.80 What's my thit 11'40 CI30 Newa 11.40 :News 'Nightcap 11,15 Pajama Playhellte 4 V Phone 966 CENTRE FACTORY SERVICE Victoria St. WINGHAM Imar WilliehatO 4CIVAAIC45-1110100p Mil)" 10. APO et 'your .chest X..tayecf at th4... TO XFRAY .VIVINOHAIM TOWN MAY 14, 45, 51.6 W1NGHAM "The Pirates of Penzance Scheduled for Radio, TV ITIMON '1%13. .ASSOCIATTON MEN'S AND OPYS!, RUNNING .SHOES , Youths' $2,25 . 139ysl, $2.48. Men's $2.98... WITH MOW ..TIVIn Borrowing is a sensible solution when it corns to so many springtime needs-like getting your 'car back in shape, paying bills, home repairs, the kind of money problems that are always sprouting up this time of year. And you need labk no further than the .nearest HFC office for sound, sensible money help. The men and women at Household Finance are specialists in , putting budgets back' on a sound basis. At HFC you can get as much as $1060-usually in one ,day or less. If you have a steady hkoine and can meet the convenient monthly payments, you can borrow without endorsers. To get that money problem, off your mind simply phone or drop in at HFC today. HOUSEHOLD rFINANCE B. F. Bedford, Manager 35 West Street, second floor,,phonel SOT GODERICH, ONT. F.) PO NSO r The British sense of duty "hap never been more soundly and sa- tirically rocked than by the rollick- ing. •pirates and policemen of Gil- bert and Sullivan's "The Pirates 'of Penzance", The fourth of the fa- mous 13 Savoy operettas,- it is. fill- .013 with the ,airy, happy songs 'for Which the two Engliahroen are noted, -Arthur S. Sullivan was born • on May 13, 1842, .destined to become a -sup.erior musician and to • Joni with William, Gilbert, the &area- tist, to create light-hearted operas. It is on May 13, 114 years later, t4p,t the CBC will present their "The Pirates of Penzance" on CPC Folio. This 90-minute production, the last Folio of the season, Will J1 e produced by Norman Carripball, On CEO Wednesday night, three days • later, radio listeners will bear more "Music' by Sullivan, Book .by Gilbert". Ernest Morgan, veteran G. and . S. producer, will - stage "Trial by Jury" as -a curtain-raiser at 8.00 p.m. followed: by "The rates of Penzanc.e" with the Saille cast as Folio,. •, • The music. Will he under the di- rection of Godfrey Riclont, who has conducted Many Gilb.ert and .$id, livan performances for the OEM. He will be setting the page in alkeh favorites as "The Policeman's 14 Is Not a Happy OPP" and "P9r4e# Friends Who Plough the See"- known better as "Haii., Jiall the Gang's All Here", A' chorus of 20' Will yepremept pirates, pollee and the daughters of the major-general. The opera opens on a aection of. the seacoast of Cornwall where a band of pirates *re toaating'their erstwhile apprentipe,, . Frederick, whom they consider to have regal- ecl maturity as a full-fledged pi- rate. •Frederick doegrikt#, think so,• but believes himself slave of duty", He.intencis taleaVe the pi- rates and return to his father's world when, a. bevy of niaidena ap- pears, The pirates prance out and each one seizes a girl. Their plans to Marry the maidens fall asnrider when it is revealed that the girls are all wards of chancery, their fatUr being the raajorrgeneral, A ruined chapel in. the moon- light is the setting for Act II, as Major-general Stanley breeds Over' a lie he has told the pirates in order to get his ' danghters and Frederick away train them, Soon the pirates enter the Scone "With cat-like tread" and a fight ensues between the rascals and police. The pirateS are on the , verge of vvinr fling when they are asked to yield in the name of the, Queen, Being loyal fellows they dsfst forthwith'. They are granted Pardons and re- vert to their former ranks, fOr they are all 'noblemen gone -wrong'. Thus it becomes possible for them to marry General Stanley's- daugh- ters, Frederick has nctet fortilne in love also, and has ten,der encohn- ters with gablel, the herkoirie ,claagh- ter of general -Stanley. • "JEANNE [AMIE" IS NEW,I)UEEN When *ger Lemelin started writing his Pionftn Family, seripts for the CBC the,, role of Jeanne Labrie was a minor- one. She was .to appear in only a few .scriPts. But Therese Cadorefte interpreted the part with such • anderatanding that Jeanne is 'now a leading per- aanality in the world of, the Plouf- fes, Recognition of Miss Cadorette's achievement came last month when she was crowned the 1956 Queen of Radio and Television in the an- nual conteat sponaored by Radio Monde magazine in Montreai. She has taken over • the throne from Denise Pelletier, the 1955 winner who plays the role of 'Cecile in the ; plouffe Family. Miss Cadorette got her start in acting in 1942 with Father Le- . gault's .Compagnons du St. Laurent,' She was 17 then and in ten years with the company became one of its most-starred players. In 1952 she turned to radio and then to TV where she has often been fea- tured in Frenen-language dramas on. the CEO, 'Her husband is CBFT, program 'administrator Yves Vien, they have tvVo small daughters. • A Day at Polo Park. With Racing Crowd An eventful Aay with the racing crowd at Polo Park in .Winnipeg is portrayed in the "Perspective' film to be shown on • May 13 at 5.00 p.m. on MCNX-TV. Drawn out by reporter Fred Davis, judges, jockeys and other men Of the turf provide a fund Of inside informa- tion about racing Activities cover- ing everything from the breeding and training to parinautuel betting An exciting photo-finish provides thoroughbred horse-racing, and a Davis with his introducfion to Chat With the presiding steward, Judge Schilling, increases his knowledge, particplarly on the im- portant matter of weights of jock- eys and horses, going behind the scenes, he learns about the mecha- nism of the monstrous parimu- tuel machine, sees dope-tests being given to horses, t discovers the duties of a paddock. judge 'and collets facts and figures on a jo,ekey's busy life. Then, in an interview with a trainer Davis learns how" horses are "imiseled up" avid "Iireo,e,1", and watches them praetlae at the Starting gate. In the grandstand he chats with R, James 'Sneers, Winnipeg's "grand ol,d man of rke- ing", (Mr. SpeerS died 'Shortly af- ter this film Wag M.acie in the stun- nier of 1955; in the filni he tells Of the prairieS' contribution jockeys, trainers and horses to the racing world.) Star Stage The 'Star Stage presentation on Friday at 0,80 p.in". on ohanrici tells the dramatic story of a range rider Ladled Sam Hedges who tries to help an ailing Man who MS tOrike to teach sellers in the West. The situation becomes difficult for Hodges When he realizes he la fall- ing h love with the Man's svjto, Be stiN to see -Barbara Hale and Preston Foster in "The an exciting .0,vcatera about it Man of irOfti ointiloals TM,* to PHONE 12 John Fisher Shows Films of Victoria Thia week Vic •Oheelt again pre- aents a 'colourful prograin. The filvw will feature film mccerpts of the Canadian Volleyball Champion- shipa being played in Montreal, and Vie will introduce seam ,of the winners and outstanding players Wbri are participating. As a regular feature, "Know Canada, BettOr" with John Fisher will move Out wept for a view of Canada's colorful island city, Vie- t-Oda, B.C. The third part of the show will feature the noted Olympic runner, JPS.Se QwenS,. who give :h1.4 prespions and cOnlinentS •on the coming, Olympic -Games to he held , in .MplOotirne Auatralia, neXt•fall.• The Vie Obeek Show is presented every Wecingulu .Pig4t at 8 o'ciPck op Channel 8, H1114T)Ty „DENTE 3NATPV,IS .01MTA. The Beauty Bush (Kolkwitzla amabilis), a hardy flowering ahrqb, bearing masses of rose pink flowers in June, was' sjisemrere4 in China In 1890 and named after a Ger- man professor of botany, R. wits of Pelljn. Tie Search "The Seareh° OKNX-TV on MaY' 18 brings a feature called "Normalcy in children" 'limed at Yale university, It. presents sense pew ideafi arid techniqUeS to help parents determine normalcy in their children, emphasizing that the range of nermalcY is Wider' than parents usually It to be. The camera observes a psycho- lOgical interview with a young couple soon to be parents, watches devblopment tests ,,with children Of Varying ages and discusses the birth of a baby by the "natural" childhirth technique, Maxine Miller plays the title role in a 13-week CEO radio ,series about Johanna' Spyrrs great child- ren's classic of life in the Swiss Alps' "Heidi". Maxine is well- known to youthful viewers as the rincess on' the "Biov.Vciy. Doody" program, She can be heard as "Heidi" every, week on the Trana- Ca nada network. Gorrie: Community 7 p.M. to 10 p.m.. Ethel: Community 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ,,,,, 1$11” , llllll l lllll lllllll 1111)111 iiiiiii ii iii I i iiiiii i ,11.1,9Ijf AMY JOHNSTON DANCE RECITAL - in I he HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Featuring Quartette, of the 48th Highlanders of Canada FRIDAY, MAY 11th 8.15 P.m. Admission-Adults 50c , Children 35c The Time Is Here! GET YOUR ES gagami•••••••••••••••••••11,11111•11111-11111•111111111111111111111•11101•111111111111111111111111111112 • • N • a • • • • U U • • • N • • N • ' • • U N • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wingham: Town Hall-May 14, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.; May 15 and 16, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m„ 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Fordwicht Community Hall-May 16 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Brussels:,Library-May 16, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.; May 17; 2 p.n. to 5 7 p.milo 10 p.m: 13lytht fown Rali-May 18,2 p.m. to 5 R.m., 7 ,p.M. to 10 p.m. Hall-May 14, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., Hall-May 15, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.; • , 11. "mot16 otn4h4 Merit tO the witong vvottititt„