HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-09, Page 10limilointutfliu14H.00..111 oo 0000 oo oo 14111M1101HAH..n.M..n.W...,"1.“411,..,,MMU...10,01 M.1 41 lllll uP PURDON'S IN WINGHAM 10 Day May Sale MAY 10th to MAY 200 $5.00 off SHO All Ladies' RTIE COATS Ladies' LONG SPRING COATS $10.PO Off $10.00 or BETTER OFF ALL LADIES' SUITS OFF ALL LADIES' $5 to t10 ALL-WEATHER COATS RACK OP LADIES' DRESSES at SPECIAL PRICES! 10% OFF ALL LADIES' DRESSES, BLAZERS, SWEATFIZS, SLACKS, SKIRTS FOUNDATION GARMENTS LINGERIE, HANDBAGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES', ETC. PURDON'S ARE OFFERING SPECIAL PRICES on all Children's Coats, 2-piece Coat Sets from 2 to 1.4x REDUCED FROM 20% to 30% OFT REGULAR MARKED' PRICE 10% OFF CiAilibL UN S-vagR JACKETS, BLAZERS, SWEATERS, DRESSES, BLOUSES, HOSIERY, SPRING HATS, GLOVES, ESMOND BLANKETS; PANTIES, SKINTSy ETC. , 10% OFF Throughout the Store ON A.B.L.GOODS SUM Woql Blankets, WabaSso Sheets, Tableclothsj Towels. All Dry Goods, Yardage, Rugs, DraPerY, Etc. Comp in and See the pargains! PURDON'S Ladies' and Children's .Wear ft lllllll ittittieflifilfttifilttl4Itittlifltt,,,,Iirliftiftit(flIff.fffttl$1101111i111111(11111101(111i thelloi8e of Sectgrcim, Mew who MIA of union,tW practice Odera/ foir lady 'to,* 44( 164, visaibo...4-4404.....4444b,,,,, ,411, k I True happiness lageo---141461/rFA springs from Moderation (1740-/.934 WROXETEFS---The .Gorrie and Wroxeter -Velma People's. Union Was held on Sunday ,..evening in Wrexeter United •Ohiirch, President Bob. Black was in the ehair and Barbara Li ten was in charge of the worship service. Force Cook gave an interesting paper on •citizenship followed by a story -entitled "The Red Letter Day." Rev, W„L V. liluellanan ehowed pictures on the topic, "The Right Outlook in Life," A discus- sion follewed. Arrangements were made for the next meeting to be held on Monday evening, May 28th. This _last meet- ing Of the season will take the form of a social, Refreshments were served. with Marie 'Hastie and, an Howes in charge. draw to Mrs. A. Munr6 and. Mrs. D. 5, lVfacNaughton. Mrs. W. T. MacLean, Mrs- Wes Newton and Miss Margaret Jardine served re- freshments. Customary remarks were given by Mrs. A, Munro, SAFETY noon Looms InfOrlacklAs 'rotary safe• ty door latches help to keep does safely shut under 'Watt, Chevrolet Introduced theth wIthOUt fanfare In mid-1155, another laniard slap, PLENUM CHAMBER ARCH Massive resistance to road shtick—an Unusual- ly Strong bulwark arches frOm one side of the, frame , to the other be- (woes the engine and the front teat, giving extra strength and protection. ANTI-DIVE BRAKING Designed toprevent' pas• Senger•pitch ng nose- dive" Stops, This feature" reduces braking dive Op to 45% for Safer, , flight stopping, BALL-RACE STEERING A blessing for tight.sPot manoeuvring I R eel rcu• Ming bell bearings re- duce friction, give you far easier, Safer Central- Chevrolet steering is precise, self-centring! OOTRICGER REAR SUSPENSION LONGER rear springs are mutated outside of the frame for rock-steady riv rtrig, superbly se, cure readabilityl SWEEPING PANORAMIC WINDSHIELD Chevrolet Opened neW horizons In •the low, priced field with the wide-view Panora/Ills Windshield. Safer see-ing! CENTRE Rani Riivt Greater Overhead pro.. toction -is provided' by Chevrolet's unique double-ribbed roof bow that ties .in with the door pillars, giving add-ed ,strivigth and bracing to the alisteol 'ferret 'TOP. SAFETY GLASS ALL • ',ROUND • A historic ohovrolet. "first"- Wrap around tear window was another. Chevrolet advance, Mak- ing driving and parking very.thuch safer, Poriation s Asked for children's Shower WROXBTFF, — The Woman's. MiSaionary, Scielety of the United Church will holid the May meeting on Friday evening at 8,M at the home of Ws, Melvyn Grainger. 1Vl.embor4 are 114.ged to bliOg donations-. for the Children's. Shower to he forwarded to the mission Mrs 'Grainger is arranging the programme. MOnkhersplease :note ehaloof time of _meeting. Evening meetings will be held throughout the sum- mer months, rocery iii)zna. Maple Leaf Socke070.. 714 oz, SALMON 47c St, Williams strawberry 24p& JAM • 10c. (WV Inger4011 :,10 oz. Cheese Spreid Scl Ph one: Our Prices Are Lower $90 We Keep Down the Upkeep Free Delivery Make store yoit clle SEE STEttail HOP 000 MAY is Safety Month 11011 tLACK PRE3InEs 1)1,scu,$6 Retayee,s at ;NO To's; • liendon Couple Buy jociatn Property' WRONETER--.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr of London. have purchased fronl, gra. H. Adams the former Jaels1111 home on Josephine Street P.XAd will take immediate possession. Mrs. Kerr is the former Jean Barnard and at one time lived in. this community,- ow friends will Welcome her back, WROXETER gr. Fred Beck, of Harriston was the guest speaker at the Sunday morning service in Wroxeter United. Church and gave an inter- esting and informative address on temperance. The service conducted by the minister, Rev, W. .7, V, Bncliapan, was well. attended, Mother's. Day will be Observed next Sunday in the United 'Church Witt.- a V • ,MeMb.o,rs ut .thq Sunday School and their tetieli- ere will attend in a body. Baptismal service will he conducted by Rev, W. J. V. Buchanan, All are eori- hilly invited to attend, Mr. Carl, MeCallister, Guelph, spent the weekend with his niece, Mrs. Ruth MacDonald and daugh- ter, Catharine, Mrs. T. Burke and Mrs. D. -S., Ma0Naughton attended the execu- tive meeting of Huron East Wo- men's Institute on Friday after- noon at Moncrief. Plans were made for the district annual to be held on June 7, Miss Audrey Spencer of the Home Economies Department and Mrs. R. J. McKellar, board member for Bruce and Huron East, will be the speakers. The meetii.g will be held in Brussels. Bill Hart, St, Catharines, spent the weekend at his home here. Miss Donna Maclean, andon, visited her parents over the week- end. a • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White and daughters, Lucelle and Pat, spent the weekend at their home here. Miss Catharine Edgar spent Sat- urday visiting at the home of her uncle, Gordon Edgar, Gerrie. • Miss Getty Bush spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. W. Dane, of Gerrie, wno is ill, 23 .Answer Roll At Mission Band WROXETER--The Buds of Promise Mission Band of , the United Church held • the April meeting in the church seboollooni on Tuesday afternoon. Twenty- three answered the roll call by naming a spring flower: President Helen Magee presided. The meeting was brought to order with soft music.- All joined in singing the hymn, "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam," Catharine' Edgar chose for the Scripture reading, Mark 10, verses 1240- Lynn Wright read a prayer and Birthday pennies were presented. Sharon Elliott gave a reading. Mrs. Art Gibson gave the chapter from the study book entitled "Sur- prise Callers" from "The Boy with the Busy Walk." Two chorus num- bers were sung by the children. "The Books of the New Testament" and "Safe Am I." The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. 4113. JIM 0010 ADDRESSES W.I. 01‘ EDUCATION WRONETER---Memhers • -of the Women's Institute enjoyed a trip_ to Florida at their April meeting when Mrs. Crawford Gibson, by . word and movies, described a holi- day trip of last winter, Highlights were a crocodile farm, Cypress, Gardens and the various kinds .of fish with , the pictures taken' far bblow the surface of the water. Mrs. Jim Doig gave an interest- ing talk on the motto "It's what we learn after we think we know it all, that counts." The speaker asked, "What is an educated • man? • What is the . aim of education?' What ought it to give •Os?" She said there are three sides to a human being, body, character and . intellect. The first object of educa-, tion is to help body, mind, and character to reach the' perfection within its reach. The speaker dos-. ed her remarks with the-se words, "If I was in a single phrase to give the definition of an educated- man, I would say, that he is a man who many what is first rate in as many fields as possible." • , .President ,Mrs. Herb Patterson • presided and Mrs. Thomas Burke presented the minutes.. 'Two. dele- gates will attend the dinner given for Mrs. Berry of Australia • in Guelph on the evening of-June 19. Plans were made to cater, for the Howick, Lions Club dinner on May 10th. The roll call was.ans- ureeed narning v,roMan'in "the news. "Know Your Ontario" was the title of a short talk prepared by Miss X. Hazelwood arid in her absence, presented by Mrs. Burke, A questionnaire followed which tested the knowledge of the mere-' hers on their .own province.. Prizes were awarded following a St, Andrew's .W M'S Miss Cora Gillsinson presided for the Meeting' of St. Andrew's Auxil- iary of the WKS, of the Presby-, terian Church, on Tuesday after. noon, May lat., and opened the Meeting with a call to worShip on service, The Scripture lesson on the Good —Samaritan was read by Mrs, W. Hammond. Mrs. R, Appleby led N.41. pPliacylteel, l readhe theseer9tarY' minutes Mrs, anc correspondence and called the roll, Mrs. W. Ringrose, supply secretary read a list of things to be packed in the bale during the summer, A special offering, was taken for the supply allocation. Mrs, Horace Ait- chison asked that good, used clothing for adults be collected and sent to Formosa. Miss K, Pringle led in the dedicatory prayer. The treasurer, Mrs. N, L. Fry, presented her report. The topic, "Along the Jeriebq Road" was prepared by Mrs. J, urchili, and Mrs. N. Pickell and depicted scenes of everyday on the Jericho road, where we might see victims of war, plagues, earth- quakes, famine and disease. • Mrs, will be in WINtilIAM TOWN Mil, WEDNESDAY 16 MAY Noon to 7 p.m. •dorenili rep.tvperlceO is Gt'aY4adwt the Jericho road meeting a refugee in general, represented by' Mrs. A, Hastings; an Arab refugee from Palestine, represented Mrs. 0, Day; a German from the Soviet zone, Mrs. 3.), Facile.; , a Korean refugee, Mrs, H. .Gliniour and- a refugee ATM . CoMmuliist Chinn, Miss C. Isbister, Mrs, J, Macintosh spoke on the need for church buildings to serve the refugees and Miss Don,. aide- McDonald told of "the Work being done by the, World 'Council of Churches, Each of the rktigee representatives then told of work being done among her people. Christians the world over Must: be good Samaritans. Mrs, l.,,,Forture gave highlights of the Synodical- held in Thorold. in April. Miss C. Isbister and Mrs, T. Currie were appointed delegates to the Presbyterial to be held in Brussels, May 22nd, Mrs, R, Mc- Donald closed the meeting with prayer. • • ' Cancer is an expensive disease, Contriimpohs to the April Cancer Campaign help cancer Patients meet this heavy expense. 'rho iidyainet4itifoo, Wednesday, Mitty V,. 1950 illohineed right on the ear takes ONLY a few minutes! • "Where Your Dollar Goes Pstrther" Phone 38J Wittgham have your WIIPIElLS BALANCED on our Electronic .WHEE,11., BALANCER: STOP Shimry, Front.-End Bounce Cut down repair bills DRIVE SAFELY SAYE TIRE WEAR DOWNES Sunoco Service AT Y.P.U. MEETING .A GENERAL MOTORS VAIAJE • UNISTEEL BODY BY FISHER Pantries all-steel, all-welded body — ail ow• portents fused Into a,sol- Id "Fortress of Steel", for your protection, A sense of security is Standard equipment In Chevrolet, e(Ix GIRDER FRAME EXtra-stlirdy bumper•tri• bumper strength — spe- cially designed to carry the Cody lower — giving You A mord solid, more comfOrtable ride, a sat- er, steadier hold on the read. emu WALLS OF STEEL Double-walled steel strength to tho front, rear, and oath side of you{ Only Chevrolet In its low•price field gives you this dual security. rot YOU.' Prate 6 '" I BABY-SUARD REAR 00101 Chevrolet's body Is fur, ther strengthened by a LOCMS rugged structure gird- j interlard protectiOn for leg the centre of the 1 your children. With lock body-46p, side and goer button &Mt, door catt- ier a sturdy lifithfiedy not beoperied Mean from 4 frame., r lire ladder, Alte.ttent .010Atillt Ammien, A SPECIAL RCAF OFFICER WHILE HE'S HERE SEE HIM ABOUT THE TRADES TRAINING AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES OPEN TO YOU IN CANADA'S AIR FORCE The ° N. 1 1. '100410:**. '"ItISP* ,ealigogo% TreefeWeet 418 oz. . ORANGE JUICE 41c As- took them over ccirefully. Most of these important safety features were pioneered by Chevrolet-- the car that has. ALWAYS taken your safety seriously. 18 Safety Firsts ... by Chet/tiler ... a vital dem- onstration of Chevrolet's cOnSistent, Matiy-sided leadership. Leadership, you will note, not merely in protective safety features but in PREVENT1V8 features. Features which bring you surer, safer con- trol of your car , new ease, precision and security ,of handling under,a11condilions. This is no neW con- ,,C,044:45C$eVket '4tiiineers, and it has always been gratifying to find other Cars eventually adopting many of. Chev'rOlet's:ctintribittions to your motoring s l Si f a ety. trecoonagnals,,Sa ety Padded Instrument .Panel anti Seat :Belts With Shoulder 'Harness, all are available to you'witb Chevtoiet. The largest-selling, most trusted car-in the world MUST take a conscien- tious and a comprehensive View of your safety, And ,it does. Look over the record of Chevrolet Safety Fitstt. It "speaks eloquently for itself. C,16581) Aylmer Palley Dewdrop 20 Oz. PEAS '19c Stokely's Tomato. oz, JUICE 2 for 29C Stokely's Fancy .15 oz. CORN . . '2 for '29c Always Fresh Miiler's Sweet • G4 oz. Mixed PICKLES 79c • y f ' ikeala MeLfiren'S '• 16 oz. , CORN RELISH, $9c &midst Navel, 288's doz, ORANGES „ -39c New Thrum qvicic 75 lb. POTATOES .. $2.79 Shredded Wheat: . 2 'pkgs., 35c :Hie OPP • large VEL Detergent 29c HOT: ONE'S -oven ,kiostriFit- in SAFETY, ,too evrolet Wirigham Motors Phone 139 Virinshaint Ont.