HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-09, Page 9Winitimm Advaries-Thines, Wednesday, May 9, Oa Mission Band Bears
With Mrs, Jennie Mosnre.
Yen are using ti inert-
() plan 01 ist.10111.; yaw home,
110 slruultl .1c.tmw 0014 PM'
ANCE, Col still
,--Representative— •
Canada Life:,
Paterson, of Kelowna, O.P.;'
I‘t, Prceter. of VanainVOr;
,A, 0. Gardiner VreSt,.. pX, Van,
cOuvor anti six KrandehilOrfAi 'Woo
s, sister, Mrs, A, h, of 'Stratford.
• -imemesioeweeee,o,,,,,,,,oroostair;;Hitii
for guaranteed
Sunday morning, with Larry Me-
Dermitt, vice-praident and Fraser
pormeit, secretary, in .charge,
The.. meeting was. opened with
a poem by Larry MePerrnitt„ the,
MISSiOn Band hymn and Purpose...,
The roll •call was answered With
Awry Favourite hymn" -by 'N
Spent a couple,. of days at her
home, .
Mr. and WS, James Wray spent
.twO..days Londen last Week.
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Guy of
si . one day ,ist
with Mr, and Mrs. henry lime,
• Mr. and Alm, Roydrm Devitt
.were Kitehener 'visitors one day •
last week,
Mews, •NelsOn Armstrong .and
Vail. Newell spent a couple of days
last. week .at %Agincourt .and To-.
sboes and hag and a YenOW OP"
nation eorsage.provided tieconts..
.rrbo maid of honnr, Miss Jonn sbmsen of- Kitchener, slso wore
a wheat cdloured suit fitted
style, ller Milan bat and shoes
were pninpkin colour,.
nest man was Mr. yonald
man of Kitchener.
Receiving at rthe village inn, the
bride's mother wore a navy frock
with white accessories and. white
earnations. The groom's Mother
chose a tUrquoise dress with , white
accessories and a corsage of white
Following a wedding trip t9
United States the Young couple
will live at 78 King St„. Waterloo.
:Cow* Morried in' •
Woterloo Church • FORDWICI5 White chryaan-
tliemums • and porfi-poms, deeopsted, std. Jows Lumeran, Oh ure h,
Waterloo. Pp Saturday, April •28th,
for the wedding. of Dorothy Jean
Allan kind Rdvvarri. Charles Mundle
of Waterloo. Rev,' .Conrad I
.offielated and Mr. .Rohert ?Weil I
was organist, :rile bride is tluil
daughter Of Mr. turd lgre, Everitt
•Allan Ferd.wich . and the groenn
is •the .son. of Mr. and Mrs. „Tames
Muddle of "Owen Sound,
A wheat,tened box . suit was
worn .hy the bride with white
gloves and Milan .straw hat, Beige
' Mother's Day Story Mr, and MI'S. Arnold gepousail of Palmerston. visited on Sunday FoRtywxu, -The .$ilver star
MISsiOn Band met in the base-
Mr. and Mrs. Cara Johnson 9f ;rent of tho United Church on Heapeler and Miss Gladys John-,
son pf Galt spent Sunday at the
/wine 0 Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Baker.
Mr. Sanford Walkorn. and Mr,
and Mrs, Harvey Walkom of
Strond attended the funeral of the
late Mrs, James Wpiltdin last
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Reid Of Lis-
towel visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. S. Hargrave,
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Hallman and
Kenneth of Listowel visited Sun,
day with Mr, and grs. .Tack
Waliaee and Mrs, J, Hargrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hainbly and
family of Guelph visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Harribly,
Mrs. Irwin Witmer spent one
slay last week in Kitchener.
Mrs. Ron Massey. and children
arc spending this week with rela-
tives,in Rochester, N,Y.
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McDermitt
and family visited Sunday with
relatives in Galt,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pearce of
Port Arthur visited last week at
the home of Mrs. Hprvey Gibson
and other relatives in the coin-
Mr, and Mrs. Don Lciunsbury
and daughter Pat of St. Ca-
tharines and Donald Doig of Galt
visited over the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Doig.
Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Patter-
son of London spent the week-end
with Mrs, Pearl Patterson.
Week-end visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Everitt Allan were Mr. and
Mrs. E. Mundle, Miss Margaret
Allan, Mr. Nile Seiner and Master
Teddy Holland, all of Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Englis of
Guelph visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs, Torn MeClenbent.
Mr, and Mrs. Doug McLean ana
Wendy of Toronto visited over the
meek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Art
Forester. *
Mr. Peter Chiomey of Port Col-
borne visited a few clays last
week with Mr, and Mrs. Alex
Keith. Miss Phyllis Keith of
Hessen spent the week-end with
her parents,
Mrs. Stan Bride and Mrs. CrosbY
Sothern were in Walton on Thurs-
day night where a new branch of
the Women's Institute was or-
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Wray and
Brian of Toronto visited relatives
in the community a couple of days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Browne and
family visited over the week-end
with relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. Stan Bride spent a aouple
of days last week with Mr. and
bse Advance-Times Classified Ads for Results
INGLIS—To Mr. and Mrs, Alm
Inglis, on Sunday, MON Oth,
the Winghara General hospital, a
children. BirthdaY greetings were Onto,
sung for Marion and Elizabeth
Diekert and Ruth Rumple, The
'Offering was taken by Jack Rattan
and the dedication was sung,
, The hymn 1 ,Testis Loves Me" was
sung. Glenna Hibberd read the
Scripture lesson and Phyllis Wil-
son led in prayer. Mrs, Robert
Gibson told a Mother's Day story.
A poem was read by Margaret
Former Resident
Dies in Vancouv'er
1.,A0134S: I Arnow you 419 went
a new inuranet dress, Nnw yen
eau make It under singer 99:41,
A •Siuger S es up g Colliurse
statling TluirsditY, May 17th In
Wingilarri Leglon Wine
Contact your Singer representa.,
Giro for information.
Phone 665 Winghain
George Henderson
Ann ;Wilson.
The meeting closed with a, hymn
and prayer. Lt. Col, Athol] Griffin, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
Griffin, of Wingliam, passed aWaY
in Vancouver, B. C, on Sunday
morning, May Sth, 1956.
leayes to mourn bia passing
his wife, Jessie Murray Griffin,
and three daughters, Mrs, H. W. J,
Look Your Best for
mother's ay
Rata 4-44,1,44-
NEW QUICK :11172
FORDWICH—The W.M.S. of the
United Church held its Thanoffer-
ing service Sunday night.
The president, Mrs. Wray Cooper
and Mrs. Hird were in charge of
the $crvice. Miss Minnie MeEI-'
waine and Mrs, Ken Graham
favoured with a lovely duct, "The
Twilight Falls at Even Tide."
Mrs, Wm. Wilson introdueed the
guest speaker, Miss Caroline Well-
wood of Wingham whq spoke on
her trip to Trinidad and showed
slides which everyone enjoyed.
Mrs. Jack Wilson favoured with
a lovely solo, "0 Lord, My God."
The service closed with the
hymn "Christ for the World We
"NO 14 I'M POI ONG ,-ATr
1/2 the curlers, Y2 the
winding time!
All of the natural 'gook!
(2 waves in each box.)
"Well, aceuidly, I'm not really pointing at anything;
I'm merely here to point out the value of having
a well-known trust company to administer your
estate. You see, your estate is far too important to
put away in the background."
He has a point, you know. If you were to take
advantage of the co-operation and experience
of The Sterling Trusts Corporation noW, it
could very well save a lot of inconvenience and
trouble later, Write today for our free booklet;
'Blueprint For Your Family." It covers many
Of the aspects of estate administration. ** •
GENTLE Mrs. Jack•Ridclel at Teviotdale,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Graham
visited e couple of days last week
with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Par-
sons at Belmont.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McIntosh of
Brussels and Mr. Harvey Bride
of Toronto visited ' -Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. H. M, Bride.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Graham were Mr. and
Mrs. W, E. Montgomery of Wes-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boryse-
wieh and Nancy of Toronto.
Friends of Dr. J. D. Forde will
be sorry to hear that; he is con-
fined to Victoria Hospital, London
suffering from virus pneumonia.
We wish him a speedy return to
g o To Idle hseyaml t ph athy
of the community
IS extended to Mr. and Mrs. Les
Louchran in the sudden death of
I their 8-month-old daughter on
Saturday morning in the Wing-
ham Hospital, .
Mr. and Mrs. Wess Gilmore of
Gowanstown visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs.' W. Hargrave.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell
of Toronto visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. John Mowatt of
Milverton visited relatives in the
community over the week-end.
Mr. Geo. Bolander of London
spent the week-end here with his
wife and little son.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith of
Guelph visited SundaY with Mr.
and Mrs. Lindsay Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Frome of
Georgetown viisted Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell.
The .May meeting of the Ford-
wich W.I. will be held Tuesday,
May 15 at the home of Mrs., Wally
Gibson. Roll call, "What I would
do if I was a reeve?"; motto,
"Homes are gre,enhouses where
plants of citizenship are planted."
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Hird visited
one day last week with Mr. and I
Mrs, Morris Hird of Owen Sound,
Miss Esther Harding of Preston '
Minister of Travel and Publieill
.for-the Province et Ontario:
"We, in the Ontario Department of Travel and Publkity;
are happy to regard Ontario as Canada's Vacation
Province. Annually, on your 6ehalf, we welcome
increasing thousands of visitors from the United State9;
from other Canadian Provinces and from all around
the World. In doing so, we are proud of our a6undant
attractions and facilities which provide a complete and
satisfying holiday. We are also keenly interested in .
encouraging you, our fellow citizens, to see more of
younown, your native Province, and to come to know it
intimately. All our facilities are at your disposal
quite as much as they are for visitors from acroSs the
Borders or across the Seas." BRYAN L. CATHCART •
1-3 Dunlop St., Bente s-s
V2 Bay St., Toronto W.A. to Serve Lunch
Centennial Sunday
FORDWICI-1 — The Woman's
Association or the United Church
met in the church parlors on
Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Glenn
Johnston, first vice piesident,
**Opened the meeting with the
hymn, "All People that on Earth,
Do Dwell" followed by prayer.
Mrs. Franklin Campbell read the
Scripture, Psalm 8. The theme for
meeting, "Wonder, Reverence and
Adoration" was 'read by the presi-
Final arrangements were made
for the C.G.I.T. banilifet. Plans
were made to serve lunch to
guests attending church on cen-
tennial Sunday.
Mrs. John Harrifield donated a
crib quilt for the bazaar to be
held in October. Meeting closed
with prayer and the afternoon was
spent quilting. A pot luck lunch
was, served.
I Room 398, 67 Collige St.#
I Toronto, Ontario.
I Please send meiree literature and road map at Ointida.
ON MONDAY NIGHT "Set• M4...1144c.K4,4
Past Office
Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity, Hon. aryan t.. Cathcart, Mtatifor • FORDWICH—The C.0.1,T, met
last week at the home of Sharon
Pollock With an attendance of 28,
The meeting opened with the
National Anthem, Lord's Prayer,
Pnrpose and Answer.
The worship .seryiee was taken
by Marie 13rowne and Glenna
Hibberd, Mrs. C. Carswell led in
the Bible study, Committees re-
ported that final plans had been
made for the banquet which Will
be held on Monday, May 14th in
the United Church, The guest
spealser will be Mrs. 3. W. Mc-
Clure ofiMolesworth.
Lunch was served by Mary
Johnson, Velma. Eurig, Bonnie
EOM and Sharon Pollock, The
meeting elosed with the Taps.
sna'n,--this is travelling!,
. .. . ..... ...
Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited •
me in,
rn about
Mrs. James Walkom
Buried Thursday
FORDVVICH----Mra Jas, Walkorn,
of Paris Ontario, died at Willett
Hospitarin that town on Tuesday,
May 1 at the age Cif 82.
Formerly Olive V. Rogers, de-
deceased was born in Howtelt
ToWnship on July 12, 1878, She Was
Married ,to the late James Walkom
hi Fordwich and was a inerriber of
the United Chinch and the Ford-
wick L.O.B.A.
Two sons surviVer Daniel, of
rarI8, With whom she made her
home, arid Herbert, of Belleville, A
brother Ben liveS In Winnipeg and
there arti liVe grandchildren,
The funeral Was held. frOm the
Edgar funeral . home Thursday
at 2 p.in, With Interment hi the
Foist/win Cemetery, Rev, J, W,
Hird officiated.
and thence to
When you travel by tlie dIllt Super Continental, 66:
tween major Canadian cities or the entire run you cart
work, rest or play—you take your choice. 'You tan
enjoy a snack or a delicious meal in the coffee shop Cst
dine in the luxurious atmosphere of the dining car.
There is no additional cest to go by the Super Continental '
i and a wide range of accommodations is offered to Suit
every budget. A rented car, if you wish, will await yoor
arrival at Major points,
contact ybur Canadian
National tapratentadva
for Information and
There's a Surprise in store f(ir you!
For buys that are mighty hard to
beat, see your Plymouth dealer, Hes
offering better deals, bigger driving
bonelits, bonus surprises during
Plymouth'S Jackpot of Values.
'Come see—corne save—come :get
the features other cp.rs still lack.
You can hit the jackpot . . today 1
Biagest tor of the low-price three,
Plymouth is up to 7.8 inches longer
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OrtlY inii,-riew styling its claSS
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Plymouth lets you cheose up to 240 More infety forituret for accident
li.p. in the Plymouth Pury—the car prevention and protection:. Your
that recently broke all stock oar dealer can show you a convincing
acceleration records arid the ,speed safety 'comparison of Plymouth '
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You needn't wait for soinething now ...Plymouth has It now! 17,:••!•.7.
Watch 0,IrriaX—showar of
e oRva vr11,42$101,ya,e).frytiirTgJ
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00:Y.4)!OgO. MAY, Cs 0 t
.Old? Get Pep, Vim
foil Full of Vlgot; Yeart Younger
:1111EN,VioMEN 00.10,5yet 1,6 •old,sverik,worriknit,a11, • •eillatisted,.try Ostret•Tootti.Tableis. often .siended Mier 40••,-,-, by body old, nue, • down becaose tanking:from Inerisitsts- via; Vigor. vitality, Tliorisehrts 'feel frill or pee. $?ears .yrionsret,,•Onit being bid. Get Oottex teday. *liet.atipminted"
Vilna ponolat "Boorioniy" Cite 753".. At all drug-glow