HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-09, Page 8V01,1;11c1 41 nunic of Mr. and! Mrs, Basil ThoMpSOn ,of 1.-?reston. Walter James and Stanley. Moore, who have been working at con-1 struction work at Rrantford, .spent the week-end at their homes here. Mr, and. Mrs, Ross Smith, of Toronto spent the wee4-end with ; her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Russell I Chapmanaand with r.rurnherry and Wingham relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Allied Coulters and family visited on 'Sunday at the home of .her father, Thos. Kerry of Paisley.. Mr, and Mrs. lle.Og .$0104 and sons, of Auburn, spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra. Scholtz. • Rev, and Mrs. W. Watt visited • for a few days last weelt at the home 'of their son, Rev. Robert Watt of Mitchel)•. Mr. and Mrs. Watt received word that Dr, And Mrs. Donald Watt and their family. were moving this week. from the Queen -.Charlotte islands, "where • they have been stationed for over four years to BeIln Coola,, further South on the E.C. Mainland, IvEr. and Mrs, John Hay.es, of Detroit spent the weekend at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel of Langskie and visited with his sister, Mrs. Reuben Tiffin, in' Wingham Hospital where she is a patient with 'LL, . ' .• • Mr, anthIVirs.:,Aussell Koss re, cently liad- ii.'.telephone chat with, his brootir, • • Constable Henneth Ross of .the .: 1R,CIVI,P., and • 'Mrs'. Ross, at thAr'.'home,-atILoon ..J.Jalte, Sask, They:Wad. moved..f .C.41.001 Lake where they hail been station- ed for soine'years, . . Mrs, Wilton has • been under the- doctor's' care during, the. past week, , - • family, of 131iievale, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.' MeBurney, ofTurnberry, visited on Sunday. at the' home of :M. taw Mrs, tiortion McBurneYi and Mr. and Mrs, Dimer Shiell and family,. of London, who had been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M, Shiell, Edward St., Wing- ham, also visited with Mr, and Mrs, McBurney and other East 0511 relatives. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. James frwin, of Hamilton, spent the ,wee15,end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, lierson Mr. and Mrs, John Riirtoul and family, of Toronto, spent the week- end with relatives in Port Ashfield, and witn Rintoul families in this district, Mr. Wiliam Arbuckle, Mrs. Rutherford Reavie and son, Bill, spent the week-end at the home of their uncle, Mr. Robert Ar- buckle in Toronto and visited with Mr. ReaVie in Sunnybrook Nospital. INGLIS In Wingham Ceneral Hospital, on Sunday, May OM, . 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Tack Inglis, of Fordwieh, and formerly of West. Wawanosh, a sou, - • --• On Saturday, May 5th, the l ot Wingham. Boy Scout Troop took a trip to the fish hatchery just out- side of • Chatsworth. About 25 Scouts went en the trip 'and trans- portation was supplied by Ross Wormworth, Harold :Wild, dim Cameron, .A.S.M, Allen Walker and Slim Bomber,' At the .hatchery the boys • saw fish that ranged in size from over two feet clown to an inch and many of wished they had bronah• sonic fish •bool5a and line On the trip, The only .casualty was Doug Spry,. whose hat was blown off by the wind and landed in one of the ponds, hut it was soon recovered, The Scouts left at 9,30 and everyone carried light lunches to eat on the way hack for it was about 2 TO when they got home. JENKINS REPAIR SERVICE Lawnmowers, oicy*s neF and used Phone 27.6w . Minnie $t. • .Wfoigharn Use ClaSsified Ads for Quick ResUltS aterloo Cattle Association "WIIERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED"• Note Change of Calling Hours DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS OF MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER,,CALLS FOR SER- VICE ''WILL BE RECEIVED' BETWEEN 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. 44nrsommunaimintimmulineumummilliaisimuniummiiillor 7,0 eexrpdli e ' .1; ;W•,' 4 iX119INSION7PROGRAMNIE LARGEST IN irifiethausTRy4 - ALCAN Aluminum. ingot production by years • 11.950 9 estimates include npacity,Undg timfruclion) • •••••'''"•••-•'• • ••••••4,4`,,:* 11. v N ,, faster than• new production can be pushed to" the fact is that the &Maria§ IC'ifiriii& 'a-rate' faster , v .t,1 ,, completion at Isle Maligne idOtiebee and Kiti- . Mat in. British, ColuMbia. , • • ,.., , .:1 1 10,40.345V4410' :.., ., ..v. , ,Steady increase -in • productive capacity buoy ,, ..„,1 been accompanied by a Corresponding in'crias'e'''. Ile,:;.:',::; , , , , in employment and paYroll. Today m.canada,: ..t, .0 there are 20,500%Alcan einplidyees. " '' ',.,', 1 , ..,,! The payroll at the rate of $70,000,000 a year • . , ,e0 contrihuto to all phases of ,Canacysistandarcl q .of living. rnit.cTrtro • Its matchless combination of qualities — light% ness, durability, strength, . appcai'anoe ba0 made aluminum second. only to steel in. world markets. New uses --•- for both civilian and de. fence purposes -- keep increasing the relentless deMand. The world demand for aluminum is presently in excess of, supply and the immediate prospect is that, like other basic materials, alu- mintantwill be a scarce metal during the months' 'ahead. Despite continuing expansioti• of pro, tlueing foci sties, as shown hi the chart above, inkstaittV A UMINUM :OillitfANY --CANADAE .LTIi mostigAti. oute.. linotifirtritt Anotia, Mitiong, Sttio*litipOir *Ad 11144110144 41,004*(00 ' -c t PT cr EVERYDAY LOW PRICES :;'• 4 I* GROCERIES iCA MARGARINE 2 49c ifiA TABLERITE LARD 2 lbs. 35c Prr.t.sounv CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX 31c ifintOSS fiLO.COAT 14, 53c DR„ BALLAIW'S DOG FOOD 2,o5.23c MEATS CHICKENS 49c Always Fresh FRANKFIMERS 'EAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL lb. 39c 29c r WINGHAM MOTORS Phone 139 Wiiigham • DELIVER 1110101111110111111011101111011111111111011111110411111•111111011110 h. ,.„.,,. ..• k Q ct fia, Cecil Falconer spent the week-end at galedon, at • the home of :his aiater, Mrs. Blginn , • Wg.lwood.And with his modlier, Mrs. • john. 1'1'41C911er. •• • Mr. agti. Mra, Gordon *nail, of, TOrouto_ Spent last week at the-. hoMe 'Dr her. aister, Mrs. •DUneAll' 7400.regOr., The. 0.:403/aKe zar Mrs. •Kajni Leg-gatt, of W1Figliatn, and Mr. Qeorge. Jae .14E"A Dr Preston was soleMplucl: in GET YOUR • •E Fireworks uulup.I,„n,,,uq",nuuii lllll lll ,,1 llll 101.(1416111111111,111.4.. llll llll iiiikW11,11111611111 llllll lll 1.11.41411,11114,111 lllll 11,"'"!"W1 WP"“,.....4t."WWW0104!..W.4111WMP!MiliM1WMOJIWALAW.W.WOMAIMMAW,1 FOR THE 4th OF MAY, NOW! We have fine asp ortment of Fireworks of all types. Get yours NOW while the choice is good FAMILY PACKAGES at $1, $2, $7,50 A LE?a\iitsvIA9EER'S "My mechank must be having a lot of trouble with your repair job . . he's .been,under there for eight hours." Couldn't- happen here! We know what our mechanics are doing at all tires . . . and so 'do they! You get 60 minutes of 'expert workman- ship to the hour. Presbyterian Church here Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rieman were .Caswell otfielatmg. Arthur HenderSeni little Soli, .0f Mr. and Mrs, .13.o:hart Henderson, of Kinloss Met with a painful accident On Tuesday last and WAS /Shen to Wingham hospital. Milo playing in a neighbor's barns he fell, cutting his ffir e4 severely, Many stitehea surgwy, May 00, and in .the were required 'tP. *SO tile WOUP4- probyterkul Church :here, Rev,, Mr, 4310 Mrs,, Kenneth Mason. and 'Wallace McClean, of .Laelnow, will 'children visited on, Sunday at the have charge of the .anniversary borne ,of her brother, Mr. SARI Services an Sunday, Mai! 17. Skinner of Centralia.. ' Mr. Robert Campbell at St, Thomas, who has been, reenherat- Mg after a serious operation spent last. Week at •tlte bow Of his Mother, Mrs, Wm. Kennedy of Marnoo.h. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Moore of Delaware visited On lIerldaY with Mr. and Mrs. Kenpedy and Mr. and Mrs, Leo Devine and daughters, of Parkhill visited there .on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. ffarry Moss and of Plattsville, spent the week-end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClena- Zhan. Mr. and. Mrs. James Wilson and family visited on Sunday at the home of her ,aunts,- Miss Agnew and Kiss .Bertha,MacKiiy, of London. Mrs, Patterson and Mr. Thos. Gaunt, of John St., Wingham, visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt, on Sunday. Mr, Myles McMillan has pur- chased. Mr. Bd. Waddeli's house on Main Street, Teeswater, and will move there in the near future. Mrs. Andrew Wilson and James of E.). Wawanosh visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thus, Inglis,. of W, Wawanosh, The scho-ol pupils of ,SS. No. 8 Langside, and S.S. No, i)„' 1VIurray!s school are holding .a concert this Friday evening in the- Langside Hall to make funds for their, an- nual summer trip. The 5.5, No. P pupils have been selling tickets on a rose blanket. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Moggach and family moved during the past week-end to Wingham, and* Mr. and Mrs. John. Mitchell and Susan, of . Wingham, moved to the vacated house this week. We welcome the newcomers to the village and com- munity, Mrs. Walter Lott spent the week- end at Port Elgin at the home of Mr. and Mrs.`Ribey. Mr. Eibey was stricken with -a heart attack last week. Miss Jean Currie, of London, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Currie. Two carloads from this district attended the Wedgewood demon- stration in Lucknow Town Hall last Thursday evening and reported a very interesting- and instructive program. The film, showing the making of this well-known line - o dishes, from the clay to the finish- ed product, was also very interest- Mg. However, none of the 'ladies were fortunate in winning one of the many prizes. Mr. Beth Gaunt visited over the Saturday at a p.nl. with Rev, N. tiW at A,4,NYV,4• i;j(,),14.11.0 014 i,.4,Clil.kky %Alb. Pe I his father, Mr. Wm. Rieman hall linen a patient in the hospital.. for t ever .. .. el , ' .1. F 'la , he tools a ' serious stroke. • Mr. and Ms's. Robert Watson of 13tlicefield visited last 'IllOkidaY at the ..tionie of .their danghtar, Mrs •Glibert 1.23eecrOft, The anniversary •services in South Xinloss. Church :will, be held YOUNG PEOPLE 110111 VIEET1Nfi IN CHURCH WHITECITURCII—The young people of the Presbyterian Church held their social evening in the Sunday School room of the church last Tuesday evening with the young people of the United Church. as guests. The presidents Lame Forster, presided for a short worship ser- vice. He also read the scripture lesson and led in the meditation period, speaking on the • parable, the sheep and the goats, and the many lines that divide people into different classes. Mrs. J. Conn led in prayer. Lorne and Irma Forster sang "Take Youi Burden to the Lord, and Leave It There", and Mrs. C. E, Farrier played a piano solo. Mrs. Walter Elliott, Ruby Conn. and • Beverley Gaunt had charge of the games and' contests. Lunch was served and all en- loypd the social half hour together. ARM IN, FAMILY -FOR 100 YEARS NOW SOLD WHITIECITORCH—Mr. Thos, Mc- Creight recently Mold his hundred acre farm on Highway 86 to Mr. and Mrs. % B. Stanley, of RinioSe Township, north of ,Lucknow, These McCre.ight farms were taken up aver one hundred years ago by the late Thomas lVicOreight, arid their son, :Thome & and lila wife lived on the *east hundred, and Alfred and his wife have lived on the west hundred. For the past few yeafs, since the passing of Nits, 'nos, McCreight, Mc- Creight has 'made his borne with his brother, Alfred, • We extend a welcome to the sew- • corners to this community. WOO Ship Collect To Our Registered Warelionso No. It Weston, ontarta Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Obtain SitelitS unit .f v)ria Withattt chose from otonot 1440,I tikurtie lioytemd • icironvo AteutcnAtt, HA, Iiiroxeter NOttittAN Atenovwt,t,' 1130109vd or by Writing to Canadians Co.Operative Wool Oroweis 'Limited 211 Ray ,Street, Toronto ext4,414 • !I kagt,..10,110t.' 1.140 W4144014,40. 41400*0-41,14.0PO: