HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-09, Page 7ingbatil 2.b.banc.,44rtiurb.0
ONTARIO,. IVERNIalSOAaail4Y Oth,1956
GORRIE -.A Meeting of thi
HoWick Township Cditennial ex•
ceritive met In the Gorrie Commun
ity on Tueaday evening, Ma
1st, to make farther plans for th
celebration ea ;lilt° 29,, 30 and Jul;
There was a largo atteeclanee 0
women from the ee-Verie groups al-
ready eet up in the townahip to
make &kat arrangements for the
supper on dune 80th.
Those taking part in the pageant
met in the basement; with IVIrs
Mollie Graham of Listowel assist
• ing to make final atritagements.
Bills ate being •atatt out inenled,.
lately, by the donative, outlining
some Of the actiVitiee to take place
and priaes Offered,
Officers Appointed
At Agr. Society
Meeting of 1.897
CORI:LIE-The fallowing is a
news item from the laordwieli Re,
cord of January, 1891;
"The I/6Wiele Agrietiltural Society
held its annual Meath* on the 18th
inst. The Offieera felt the corning
year and Johii Kahle pres.; Rebt.
Heeding, Viee-PreS4 Peter. HePih-
.. stall sec,-ttota..; tlirdaters, Wim
Evans, Sohn Stevvatt, Sait Sohn-
Ada iahio lell, dWard CosinS,
James Perains AleXt- Rebetteon,
Times. Iiiglia and Jarata SPertee.
"Assist, diteetork johia aloitana,
Gibatma 1,8 Cook, Wm,
Btew arid Weir; anditota
John Donaghy and Aliglia Me,
arla ealease :ea • aiseet •,,e<4.- aa. aaaa.....aaaaaaralaag
,M.P, FINDS' RELAXATION BEHIND THE REINS' • ..„.•••...• • ••„:,••,:.4,•,,,,•„„:•
The Hon. W. Earl Rowe, M.P., of Newton --cericrai Preto Oarlar0511
Rebinson, Ont., is shown driving one of his hurst track in North Carolina, Mr. Rowe is one
famous trotters, "Plash Riddell,' at the Pine:. of Canada's foremost breeder of harness hors's.
WMS- Receives. Letter
From 'Dr -. Palmer
G•ORIIIE-Mrs, W, 'W, Strong
Opened her home for the United'
Church W.M.S. and the C,G.J.T. on
nursday evening. Mrs. A, Step-
lens- presided for the worship per-
lod and' read the Scripture from
( John, 4: ll-11 and offered prayer.
Those taking -part .in the C,G,I,T,
re-affiliation . service were Sandra
_Edgar, -Ccreinne • Rhame, • Margie
EIaetie, Mrs, A. Taylor, Mrs. B.
j'arrish. :Faye ...Edgar presented a
Oft of money from the 0,G.I.T. to
the W.M.S. The • proidaata MO, Glad Edgar accepted tile gift. •
.'Stranger 'in . Their • Own . Land"
(the Sioux -Indian • family when:
whey .leave the reservation) Was
hewn. Mrs. E. Whitfield gave a
-mport of the morning -session at
Presbyterial in Exeter,
The' president, Mrs. Glad Edgar
aonducted the business. A contri-
eution Was reeoived• from Miss
Alice Edgar, of St.. Catharines. Mrs.
Buchanan read a letter feoni. Dr.
'Palmer of H'El.elton, B.C., in ap-
,ereciatien of a bale -, sent from
ltotrie and. telling how it was used.
Lunch was served by the hostess
meeisted by Mrs.' A. 'Stephens, Mee.
'a. Parrish and Mrs. Glad Edgar..
Yormer Teacher
?eplies in -Verse -
lo Invitation
Ces sir! Sure thing:
You bet! That's right!
Tell be there Ito celebrate
Or try with an Our might. „
Vhere's one thing that's embarrase
We don't know what to do
e„finnily reunion comes
On June the 30th too,
kr many, many, many thanks
, For sending invitation;
We'll try to get there Friday--
Perhaps at railway elation.
But then again, perhaps we may
Arrive by family car,
Dr maybe even walk, although
It's just a bit too far,
Well train or ear or plane or
Or even by shank's mare,
Be very sure to lobla for us-
We'll try hard to be there.
Perhaps yoU hadn't better try
To find for us 4 billet;
We May be there for just it day,
And Cearldril, even fill it.
Now tell' the folks I Used te know,
And kids I used to teach,
I'M cording for another rotted-
They'd best keep out of reach,
But taime to think, / might do well
• To show no signs of fight;
The boys Of fifteca years ago
Are men of .weight and height,
-Gladys, Harvey, Joan and Elaine
,Robertson, Sutton West, Ontario
GORRIE-A regular meeting of
the Howiek Township Coancil was
held in the elerke office on May
5th, All members were present an
Reeve H, Gowdy in the chair.
The minutes of the last regular
and SPeeial Meetinge were road and
On nmetion. of MeMiehael and Gib
son Were adopted as read, Carried.
Allan-Haokine-That ..mve, give
the Gorrie Community Mb a grant
of $75,00. Carried:
Gibson-IVIallehaele-That the as.
:lesser attend the convention of the
Association of Assessing Offipert
of Ontario at North Bay, and that.
we grant him $50 towards his ex-
neneetr, Carried,
Gibeon-Haskinsy-That we joh
the Huron County „Municipal Of.
ficers' Association, Carried,
Allan-liaskiee---That we appoint
Arthur Gibson as trench inspector,
Haskine-Gibson-That By-law
No, 8-56 for the Township of How-
ick for the year 1956 as read tn,
first and second time be passed
Allan-Haskine-By-law No. 8-56
of the Township of Howiele for tni
year 1956, a by-law appointing
trench inspector, as read the thira
time he finally passed. Carried.
Gibs:ea-Allan-That By-law No.
9-56 of the Township of Howick for
the year 1956, as read the first and
second time be passed. Carried.
Haskins-McMichael-That 'By-
law No. 9-56, of the ToWnship of
Howick, for the year 1956, amend-
ing By-law No, 1-56; the bank bor-
rowing by-law as read the third
time be finally pass,ed, Carried,
• Gibson-MeMielia,e1 - That we
delegate the reeve Gowdy, to
the conference of the Association
of Ontario Mayors and Reeves
Caeried. •
Allan-Gibson----That the treasure:
be instructed to return the roll by
June led, .1956. Carried,
Haskins-Allan-That we instruct
the reeve to issue a proclamation
for the closing of all places of
business within the corporation on
Saturday, June 30th, 1956, from Je'
o'clock noon to 4 p.m, Carried.
Gibson-Allan-That we notify the
• Toronto Star circulation depart-
ment re-concession signs. Carried,
Gibson-Allan-That the road ac-
counts as approved be paid, Car-
Gibson-Haskins--That we -engage
• Carl' Douglas , to paint ,the Gorrie
Township shed. Carried:
Haskins-MeMichael-That tin
following accounts he : paid, Car-
Corporation of Wingham,
ham, rural fire track attendance,
$350.60; R.. V. Brittain eeWalkertop,
Saugeen Valley dons. Auth. levy,
$39.98; "WM. Marriner, re--e
lief, March and April, $96,78; Enge. ,
land! Produce Co., warble spraying
April, $709,1364 Tifoe: IliOden, 1 foe
bounty, $1.00; Bob Gibson, 3 fox
bounties, $3.00; John Hupfer, 3 fox
bounties, $3.00; Lloyd Felker, 5 fox
bounties, $5.00; Stewart Strong:
fox.bounties, WO; 'Gordon Under
wood, burying feces,. $7.50; R.. W
N. Wade, adjustments on insur
anee, $2.09; S. H. Blake„ member-
ship,Huron Co. Mun, Assoe., $15.00
County of Huron, hospitalization,
$14e.25; Listowel Banner, advertis-
ing, $6.80; Wingham Advance.
Times, advertising, $4.50; Muni-
cipal World, offige supplies, $60.07;
W. B. Whitfield, part salary, $50.00;
J, H. Pollock, part salary and U.
Stamps',. $91.92; Wroxeter Commun
ity Hall, provincial grant install
rnent, $3000.00; W. E. Whitfield,
'exchange, etc., $2.15; -H. Gowdy.
$5.00; Alex Pottle, inspector':
wages, $190.00; Road Account
'transfer, $2016.30; total, $9892.76.
MeMichael-Allan-That -we di
now adjourn to meet. regain on June
5th 'or at the call of the reeve
Gowdy, Reeve,
J. Harold Pentode, Clerk.
Business Places
Will Be Closed
Afternoon June '30' meettng waa held in I CORRIE-Tbere was a large at.
the Oorrje School on Monday even- ' tenclance in the Gorrie Community
ilig' April 90' to In4lc° 41711110e' I Han On Friday evening, When a •mentsafor the Picnic in vonneetrerr imoctiag, was held to complete or-With the Centennial celebration,
The school picnics are to he held rangentents for the chest X-ray mm Caal school on aariday afternoon, clinic for Howl* Township, Kee
By John Giles
I will toy to tell you some things
le have beard my parents 'Say about
coming to Canada and their life in
the bush,
Chairmen Named for Final Arrangments
School Picnics IMade for Clinic
Tom Olarafka, principal of the
(Joule &hoot, chaired tJmj meeting, Mrs. P,iithm IVIeDortatal was secretary,
Tao acatownig were named chair-
men and each may ' secure more
RegistratIon and reception, 'Bob
Edgar; grounds, David Neilson;
decorating, Mrs, Sandy Edgar;
lunch, Maa, Caron, Mrs, Allan
Hyndman, 'Mrs. Cecil Grainger,
Mra. Chester Bennett; sports, Tom
O'KrafIca, Mra.R..MCDonald; school
float, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel;
booth, Robt. Harrison,
First Hussars to Celebrate
100 Years' Service to Canada
GORRIE-The May meeting of
the aWmpert'S Institute was held
at the home of Mrs, Gladstone Ed-
gar, .on Wednesday evening with
the president,' .afra, 0, Edgar in.
.he Chair, "0 Canada" and the Ine
ititute Ode was' sung, followed' by'
inatallatier,t of officer for
956,57, •gondueted by a former
rocealent, Mrs. Mal, Taylor Mrs.
.ilarence •Sp.arling gave the treaa-
Urer's repot,
It was decided' that the presi-
dent and secretary would attend
the banquet 'on. jape 19th, at the
).A,Ca Guelph, to bear Mrs, Berry,
Australia, President of the As-
iociated Countrywomen of the
Arorld. Plans were made tor as
early as possible to attend the dis-
trict annual -meeting at Brussels
an , June 7; In place of the June
meting a family picnic will be
told during Farmers' Week: at the
eA,C„ Guelph. The W,' I, will plant
lowers in the cemetery . flower
beds. •
Mrs, Mel.. Taylor commented on
:he motto "Don't be .like the rock-
mg chair, all motion and no pro',
;MSS" .saying, "Decide what you
vant most in life. Clear your, life
g clutter, and shake the habit of
lever having time for the better
Cecil Wilson g• ave a- great
tnany interesting facts about the
quinquennial census to be taken
,.his Year. This. is the first census
o ba• -taken' in five years:. previous
to this it has been taken every ten
'years. The census is taken to mark
the progress of the country, rate of
births mind deaths and livestock will
be included in this census. - She
told of the making and packing of
literature, and of the - different
machines Used.
Mrs. 'G. Edgar' and Billie Keil
won the! prizes in the Dutch truce'
non. Lunch was served by Mrs, C.
Snarling, Mrs, Norman Cadelce
and the hostess.
Mn,'arid Vire. Ken Arscott, Billie,
Jihrinie and Bobbie arid Mr, and
JaakaOri, all of Toronto visited
oh Saturday with. Mr. and Mrs:,
Amble Miller. -
A nurnbet from this district at.
,tended the, re-opening tetvicea at
'the Moleawetth Presbyte Han
ChUach onStladay. Eateriallre to-
pairs have had to, be Made elhee
the church W,,a8 dailiaged by fire,
Edgar, chairman, presided,
Reeve Harry Gowdy and Miss
Mary Love, public , health, nurse,
spoke briefly, Films were Sba.wiri
and Writs presented. Literature Was
handed out to canvassers.
It is hoped to have 100% attend-
ance for Howick Township. Hours
for the clinic in Gorrie are Tues-
day, May 15, 2 to 5 p.m.,. and 7 to
10 lama Fordwieh, May 1.6, 2-5 p.m.
United Church News
GoRRIE-Senday, May 13, is
'Mother's pay or Family 'Day as it
is now called, A baptismal serVice
will be held. 'Families are invited' to
attend , and also to remain for The
Sunday School service which will
be held in the church auditorium
following the morning service.
Mission Band ,
Mission Band will meet in the'
Church 'hall 'after I p.m., on Thurs-
day, May 10th. , •
The Canadian Girls In Traiaing•
are planning to have their ice,
bazaar and bake sale in the ch4ch
'hall on Saturday, May 12, at'3 On.
Truth has only to change!. hands
a 'few times to become fiction.
left ehoulder'. Ile was, in bed a few
days but the swelling .wao getting.
worse. I think it was one of the
Milne boys who walked to Elora to
get a doctor. He came on horseback
to see him, and said - his 'shoulder
joint was out and that it had beep
first census. At times this was
rather a trying. job, because some
of the people did not twelerstand
what it Was all about, and did , not
wish to answer the questions.
When ray parents' came here the
only road was the Elora Road
(No. 9 Highway) from Elora to
Southampton. They came in by
oxen and cart, staying at Milne's
Until their cabin was. finished. ,
Dad and mother were members
of the Congregational Church,
which was built on lot 31 Con. 12
of Howiek (John Hill's farm) in
1862. The first pastor was Rev, B.
W. Day. This church was taken
down about 50 years ago, When my
parents were able to have horses
they attended the Presbyterian
Church in'17'ordwich. There were
horses here 'as long as I can re-
They were less than 20 years
clearing 80 acres. I can remember
helping to burn. ten acres of
slumps, but at this time the rest of
the farm Was cleared.
While clearing the 'bush they
raised term of a family, five girls'
and five boys of with% I am the
yoringest, and the only one gill
hiving. 'We all received our educa-
tion at S.S. No. 6, Howleit, When I
went to school there were about 90
Oh the roll and about 80 of an at-
tendance, Mr. Jaihrr Porterfield is
the only. living one in the .section
that I went to school with.
As the family grew older they
left borne, My oldest brother wont
to North Dakota, before 11,1anitobe
was opened up and as the rest, of.
the family grow older they View-
ed him, The family all Went West,'
but one sister, evhd Married aed
lived at Port Elgin, Being the
youngest I stayed With Dad aed a
few years le,ter took over the farm
on Which I still
Father was one of the first die-
octets of the Howiek tare Inset -
mice Company, Wtoxeteo, which
was atarted In 1878. He died in la02
at the age of 16 years, mother in
1010 at 84 years of age.
The original bath Was set oh:
cedar posts with it stable at each
end. Xn 1873 a hay loft was built
30 ft, by 60 fa with a stable Under
it. The Present barn Wag erected in
1902. The first log shanty was on
the solitheaat corner of the lot, A
number of years later another log
cabin Was 'Mit near the centre of
tie let, idiot 13 rods from the
road and to tic teat of the present
brick house built ii1 1900,
These pionetra loft a heritage of
perseverance and Thrift; and show..
ed those Who followed them how
overeemittg diffiehltida ritakea ,
strong and Sturdy people,
Mr. Hugh Mandell held a suc-
cessful Sale Of ilYeatoelt and imple-
ments on Saturday, A .large4rowd
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron 'Brinker and
antMrs. Earl Brinker, of
:Sandu.sky, Mich, attended the fun-
eral •seaviec for the late Mr. Wm,
Maim' last week,
Mr.' Doble, of Aulnan, is Vista.
trig. lier datighter, Mrs. James;John-
Mrs. Gordon Oreig, Mrs,. Arthur
•Grubbe and Mrs. Arnold Lillow
spent • a, day in Toronto last week,
Mr. Don Macr,oean, Of Toronto,
Spent the week-end with relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. C„ E. Hoffmari.
visited friencla Crecilton on Sun,-
Guests from Beim ore,
Gorrie Attend WilVIS
Knox Presbyterian Church ,held its
spring Thankoffering meeting in
the Church on May 2nd, Members
of Belmore and Gorrie W,M,S.
were guests.
Mrs. Lloyd Felker presided and
opened the meeting with a gall to
worship. Mrs, Gordon Greig gave
the secretary's report, The roll call
was anewered by naming a spring
The offering was dedicated by
Mrs. Bernard Thomas. Mrs. Burns
Stewart of Gorrie read the Scrip-
tare and Mrs. Sam Robertson, of
Gorrie, gave the comments.
The president, Mrs. R. J. Mc-
Murray, gave a, splendid report ea
the synodical meeting held recently
at Thorold. Mrs.. Reuben Appleby,
of Belmore, sang a solo.
The guest .speaker was Mrs. Mc-
Kinney, of Teeswater, whose topic,
"Christ's.Gospel to Women" was
inspiring and much enjoyed.
Tea was served and a social time
, BLUEVALE-The president,' Mrs.
John Wickstead, conducted the
W.M.S. meeting on May 3rd. Mrs.
Milton Fraser gave a brief report
of the Presbyterial held recently at
Mrs. Stanley Darling presided for
the study period and led in prayer.
Mrs. Jos, Horton read the Scrip-
ture. Mrs. Elmer Sellers read the
essay, "Prayer Is Life," stating
that prayer changes us, regardless
of whether we receive what we ask
for and that listening Is more im-
portant than speaking.
Mrs. R. A. Brook gave the chap', •
ter from the study hook, "No Van-
ishing Race," describing mission
work among the Indians along the
Pacific .Coast Missions in British
Columbia began in 1859. Now the
work is--carried on through schools,
churches and hospitals, and by
mission • boats.. There. • are • five
United Church hospitals .in Brit-
ish Columbia, the one at Hazelton
being in chadge of Dr. Palmer,
fotmerly of Wingham.
Tour TV Station
BaJJEVALE-Instead of having
a regular meeting on May 10th,
members of the Bluevale Institute
are to enjoy a tour of the Wingham
television station. Tea will be served
by members of the Wingham In-
stitute. All ladies are welcome to
ati reid.
Mrs, Gerald Gray has returned to
her home in Sudbury after spend-
ing the last ten days with her
mother, Mrs. Arthur Chapman, who
is improving in health.
The ninth annual commemora-
tion of World Red Cross Day,
May 8th, marks the 128th anniver-
sary of the birth of the Red Cross
founder, Henri Dunant. The theme
for 1.996 is "The Red Cross and
Disaster Relief" chosen because of
the large scale disaster relief act-
ions Which Red Cross has been
called on to undertake.
The Supper Club with Mrs.
Glenn Johnston and Doris :Dins-
more as leaders, has 16 members,
Dell Irwin is president and Sandra
Miller is secretary-treasurer.
Sandra and Faye Edgar were
whiners in the Communnity Club
Poster" competition for Grade 8 of
the Gerrie 'Public School. Posters
Will he treed to advertise meetings.
Next meeting 'Of the club will ' be
held on Friday evening, May nth.
Mn, and Mr's, Fred Hy n chn an
visited on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Roy Gowdy, They also visited
Mrs, Jolla Gowdy' in the Winghara
General Hospital. larionda will be
glad to know Mrs. (howdy Is im-
Miss lVfitude Higgins spent a day
Iii Winghtun and Visited her
brother, Mr, Chester Higgins, hi
Blyth, Who has been in.
Mr's. Gerald Galbraith spent a
re* days in Toronto and attended
tho funeral Of her uncle, Mr; Wes-
ley Fydell,
Mr: and Mrs, Cecil Grainger and
fatally visited on Sunday with Mr.
Mid Mm, Stanley Grainget, of Lon-
Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Lawson and
Peter of Gantt, spent the week,.
end with Mr, and Mrs. M. U. Irvin.
'Mr. and Mre. Nelson Armstrong
and Miss Margaret Armstrong, of
Pordvaleti visited on Sunday tit the
tame nettle.
Mr, OlaYtort atitiaget, Con, (1,
Howick is span/hag a- few days
Mr. end Mrs; Geo. ilatilidell;
NOLO and Gary, of Catlike, visited
Mr, Alex Casettiote reeetitly.
Mt. and MO, Ray Pitatil arid
Madly spent the Week,ead With 141..
and Ws, Enact Dowiley.
Vita, JIM Rirby and Miaa Beasie
W.A. Discusses Plans . ,
For -Future Work •
BLUEVALEa-The Woman's As-
aoeiatian met hi the, United. Church
en .May 3rd, with the president,
Mrs. R. A. Brook, presiding.
Mrs. M. L. Aitken read the minu-
tes and Mrs. Alex lVleCrockin gave
the treasurer's report.
It was decided to pay shipping
• charges on the • 'bale . to be sent
overseas by the WeVf.S.
Some plans for future work were
discussed, The. attendance was 20.
Temperance Theme
In Bluevale Churches
. BLUEVALE-The services in
Bluevale Churches on Sunday
were used to give publicity to the
Ontario Temperance Federation,
Rev. Maurice McNabb preached
in Knox Presbyterian Church on
the temperance theme. Gerald and
Douglas Thomas played a cornet
duet. An offering was taken for the
work of .the -Federation.
In the 'United Church Mrs. H. G.
Middleton, of Clinton, a former
teacher in Seratfo.rd Normal School,
presented the. aims of the Temper-
ance Federation in combatting a
great social evil.
Contributions were made to the
work of the •Pederatiom
Happy Helpers Meet
In Belmore Manse
BELMORE-The 'Happy Helpers
Mission Band met at the manse on
May 3 at 4.15 p.m.
The meeting was opened with a
work period followed by the read-
ing of the Mission Band Purpose,
and a hymn "God Sees the Little
Sparrow Fall."
Ross -Fitch and Billy Boyd took
up the collection and turned the
meeting over to Mae Doubledee
Thirteen ansWered the roll call,
Mr. West read a temperance
story on Citizenship, while Mrs.
West illustrated it on flanneigraph.
The 'meeting closed with prayer.
Scott visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Torn Douglas on Sunday evening.
with Mn, and Mrs. Cecil Grainger.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Brown, ,John
and Jean visited Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Brown, Kitchener, on Sun-
Mee Esther Harding; Preston,
visited relatives here recently.
Mr, and Mrs, Everett Spading,
Landed, spent the week-end with
Mrs. H, Ferguson.
Mrs. Laughle Ashton, Mrs.
Claude Watt and little daughter, of
Weston called on friends here last
Wc ' Miss Beryl Bennett was home
from Kitchener for the week-end.
Miss Kay (lathers was also home
from Toronto.
The Brotherhood of Anglican
Churehmeri of the parish of Getrie,
Pordwich and Wroxeter will meet
in Trinity church, Vordwich, on
Friday evening, May ,lath.
.M.ra, Gordon Edgar visited with
Mr. and 11/lts, Vie Shera at Moore-
'field on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Percy Colmer, Don-
na and Gary, Toronto, spent Sun-
day wit h Mr. and Mi's. Ernest King.
Mrs. King Mrs been confined to
bed for the :oast week. Friends are
hoping ior an improvement in her
condition eaten.
Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Graham, Mr,
and Mrs, Harold Robinson, Marion
and Carol atterated the wedding in
Toronto on Saturday of Miss Betty
Clraharn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Us, Graham, Tomato, and Glenn
Kannada, also of Termite,
The Rev. 'Harold Watt, et Don
Mills tainted Church., a former'
Gorrie Minister, is the speaker for
morning devotions at 8.1e Over
CM: all this week,
tMayriem(41. vIln.ig(141 r eSgeg, h o otie tifcolt1 pant st
year, has boot engaged to teach
in the 'Sarnia Collegiate foe next
school year, Mr. Torn Olarafka,
priacipal, and Mrs. Ruth McDon-
ald, teacher of the Jurtiot room
have boort hired again in the Gallo
:School. Mrs. Delude' Irwin has also
been re-engaged at S.8. No. 1.0.
Gr hd aefra G Mills spent
Wednesday with Mt, and Maa.
Harry Aalderaloa, Strathroy,
Mr, and Mrs, Tent Edgar And
rrn were hr ton-'
One hundred years ,of Service to
Canada will be marked May 26-27
by, the First Hussars Armored
Regiment at a centenary week-end
in London, Ontario, highlighted by
two parades through London's
streets and a drumhead irerviee in
Victoria Paelc.
Invitations have gone out to
1,500 members and former members
throughout Canada and the United
The unit began as a cavalry
squadron in 1856, and has had
squadrons based in Courtright,
Leamington and St, Thomas, Ont-
ario, as well as London during its
long history. Its battle honors list is
long' and distinguished-in the
The East Wawanosh Council met
on May 1st., with all the members
present, The reeve presiding, the
minutes of the meetieg held April
3rd, were read and adopted • on
motion by McGowan-Buchanan.
Hanna-Purdotr-That the council
join the Huron County Municipal
Offieere Association and pay the
"fee of $15.00, Carried.
McGowan,-Bilehanan 'Chat the
'tender of Frank Kirkby for eon-
3tructing the Purclon Municipal
Drain for $1473.00, thq Township to
supply the tile and piPe„ be accept-
ed, the work to he completed be-
/ore the let of September, 1956,
Purdon-Hanna-That the . road
and general -accounts as presented
be passed and paid. Carried.
The court of revision was held
and the by-law read for the John-
ston Municipal Drain. As there were
no appeals it was moved by Buch-
anan seconded by Me0owan that
the Johnston Municipal Drain By-
law as bead the third time be pass-
ed and the court' of revision he
closed. Carried.
Cheques issued were as follows:
Roads:-Stuart McBurney, sal-
ary, $175.00; bills paid, $1.10; Wm.
T. Irwin, wages, $88.40; .trucking
snow.fence, $82.00; John Jamieson,
wages, $9.00; Robert Burchill,
wages, $30.75e. Sydney Thompson,
wages, $26.25.;• IVIerkley Motors, 10
gallons -Tellus 27, $10.70; Howard
Meehan repairing sprayer , screen,
$4,75; Feeavie's Service Station, 1 30
grader, $5.00; brake fluid, $1.25;
Pardon Motors, 1. 80 grader, $7.45;
truck, $1.60; Geo. Radford, snow
removal, $47.50; Ross ;Jamieson,
patching washouts, $60.00; William
Kennedy, 40 yards gravel; $2.00;
Russell Purdon, spring road re-
pairs, $12.00; Can. Oil Co., oil and
grease, $14,35; .gasoline, $17:88; fur:1
Jil, $39.60; Dom, Road Mach, Co„_
grader repairs, $14.77; Treas. of
Ont., tax on fuel oil, $22.00.
General ',..'Harry Deacon, salary
as W. F, inspector, $166.95; Prank
Cooper, wages, as W. F. sprayer,
• $149.50; Earl Caldwell, wages as
W. P. helper, $132,00; Cr. to roads
for use and maintenanee of truck,
$148.00; Rec.-Gen, of Canada, in-
come tax remitted, $11.50; eihron
Co. Man, Officers' Association..
$15,00; The Winghater Advance-
Times, advettisment re Purclorm
drain, $8.42; The Wingham Rural.
Fire Committee, 1055 account,
Haana-Purdona That the coun-
cil adjourn to meet June 5th at one
o'clock tit the 13eIgrave Community
Centre, Carried.
Orval E. Taylor, R 4N.'tiO,
R. II, Thompson, Clerk.
Bridge Club
Mrs. A. la, DaVal wan the win-
ner of A two-session torn•nanmelit
held on Tuesday and Thursday last
week, Next in sequence Were Miss
Johnston, W. H. French, J. A,
Wilson, O. liaaelgrove, H. Craw-
ford, Mrs. D. C. Nesmith mid C.
Trophies amid prizes for the sea-
son will be proaditea to-reortow
evening, and this meeting will take
On a social aspect following the
A return visit to Goder/ch on
May itth will tonelude the clab's
attivities wail fall,
First World War as a cavalry Una
and in the Second World War
an armored armored regiment, reading on
the beaches of Normand,,-
with Sherman tanks and eentinu-
iing through the'NorthwestEurop-
m,acihlyie'e aaatron of the eenteaary-
ean theatre of operations into (e'er-
celebration is His Excellency
• •
Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, CH, gov-
ernor-general of Canada.
Other patrens, equally '.distin-
guished Canadians inealdea
General H. D. Grahaniz CBE, chie,.
of the Canadian Army. general •
staff; Major -General Se P. Clark, .
CBE, of Oakvilie, genera., "officer .
commanding Central .0mi-inland;
Brig. T. G. Gibson, •GEE, o. London,
'Western Ontario Area Military
commander; London Mayor Ray A. •
Dennis; Col. Ibbotson Leonard,.
DSO, of London; who •took the Hus-
sars overseas in the aarsa World
War; Col. B, F. MacDonald, DSO,
Canadian Army Director of Armor;
Brig, .G. F. C. Pan.gman,- .OBE, . of
Kitchener, commander of. 18th•
Militia 'Groin); Major General A. C, •
Spencer, BCE, former unit .-cona-...
mending officer; and Lie Cole, J. B,
Smallman, ED, and J. Gordon
Thompson, former and preSe.a.„
honorary colonels; and. Major _Gen-
eral Pe F. Worthington, Cran, ,one
of • the founders of the Roe ai Cana--
dian Armored Corps who' is Ilea
Canadian Civil Defence chief. • •:
Regiatration.tOr the reori.vteelt
will 'begin at 12 p.m. on eattri;cl.keee
May 26th, in London •s eaten-Le
Culture Centre.- Tactical :Signs
bearing the' inscription' eree tesid wum
be posted at .all entrances 'to-
city and continue at intervals
pointing the way to the registration
. .
A parade of present rni.itiamem-
bers, the association • o,.
members, the First Hussa2s
the Royal Canadiah
Band from Camp. Pe,:.awawa," ain.4
many armored vehicles-both o.
present-day and -Second .ViTo.1;*d
War vintage-will' form up on the .
east side of the Blunders -Street
Bridge at 3 p.m, At 4 p.m. it will
move east on Dundas. for a match •
past in front of the Blunders Street
Armories and continue on to a dish.
persal area near Burwell Street
The order of march will be: he
ROD Band; three horses witri
riders depicting three historecar .
periods in the cavedry &le e -or, ti-
regiment; the former .Hasseres;
World War II tank amounted oe
traneport; an old Vaienerne twee
on transport; the First teussa,s
Band; the present mihmea unie; a
jeep; two Ferrets-11ga armored
reconnaissance cars; a Sherman
tank and a giant Centureon tank .
bath moving on their own tracks, •
Expected at the marelniest base -,
are: Lt. Gov, Louis 0, Ereithaupt,
of Ontario; Brig. Gibson, Col. J. W.
,Forth, MBE, of Ottaara, senior
Canadiaa Army chaplain ; mayor •
Dennis; Col, G. J. a Wattsford,
CD, Central Command chief of
staff; Col, H. R. Dare, DSO, CD,.
commanding officer .of the Royal .
Canadian Armored Corps School,
Camp Borden; ad of the patrons
with the exception of Gov. Genera), • "
Massey, General Graham and Gene .
eral Clark who have other cone- •
mitraents; R. W. Mitchell, QC, MP • •
for London; Ernest Jackson, MLA
for London South; J, P. RobartS
MLA for London North; and ail
living iornier COs of the regiment,
including besides those acting as.
Patrons or serving , on the relation
eorraalttee, the followirig:
Lt. Col, Thomas Smaderson„ ED;
Col. R. Crouch, OBE Ea:
Co], 0, M. Puller, CD; Major E4..
MeEwen; fit, Col, P, A. Taylor',
DSO, and Lt. Col, Murray Biggar..
A t•el ten t iie c letratrir i ditztin .00m e1:3-darnee will be-'
On Sunday, May 27th, another
parade will form all at the ArMOut-
ies at 10.3(1 a.m. and march to Vie-
toile Park.
A •arrunlicad service Will be eerie
ducted by the unit padre, •Cliptairt
J. A. Ostia, assisted by Col.• Forth,
, Major Currie •Creelmati, of Ottawa.,
aSeeend World War padre of the •
!eb(d •tinta of Ottawa, anothet fo
illia,aclitt, ,e and Captain Fred -jOblin,:
In an impreerriVe teteineny, Lt.
Gel. D. F. 8cabroolf, present toltla
inanding officer, • will read the -..
-nanies Of 186 .Hussara killed . 14
Action during the Second World
The reunion committee •lealtidetia
IA. 'Col. Seabrook, chairpnark; rtSlvt•
}Tarry -Muff, Lt.. 'Col. A. zortrott,, ,•
DSO; Major 11., M. Leak Unit setaaa
oial-itt-aeramartel; Fell C. W.P.OB)Pi
Jason, CBE, lilt); Captain .3,
bIt.d.1,tocists,..nnct Lt, A, B. Sit
GORRIE-Mrs, E. Underwood
was hoateas for the Meeting of St.
Stephen' W.A. 'on, Thursday after-
noon. The ladiea sewed on quilt
blocks. Mrs. H, Ring pros., operied
the devotional arid business period
with the 'Members prayer and a
Rogation prayer, Mrs. F. E. Russell
acted as .8ecretatY in the absence
of Mrs, Geo, King, JyLs. G, Tinder-
wood read the Seripture.
Therm for the roll eat] was
"seedtilne" and Mrs: T. C. Vittle
gave a Paper em the seine subject:,
bringing- ninny fiae ,thoughts. She
said a seed is a little thing but it
grows and grows. Front small be-,
ginaings great eaganiaittions have
grown. Seeds seam by a fe.W in-
dividuals haVe Wielded a Mighty
influelme, The aeeds of evil as well
as good may grow in life's garden
UnieSS 'we Weed 'ahem out,
Mrs. F. B. Russell gave a Spien.,
did report of the annual Meeting
of the Vymbanis.Atix1fial9 of Huron
'Diocese,. held reeeetly in St, Paul's
Cathedral, Leaden,
Ws, Chas, Lawrence paid tribute
to the bete Miss Ella Perkins,
charter rhembee and a secretary
for Malty vent's la the early days
of' the W.A.-
Bales' fea the,. Indian Residential
Schoolat Cardstom Alberta, and
the Mohaci4 Institute at Britatfood
arc to be allotted 'this moral',
The Huron Deanery WA, sprig
Meeting will be held la Brussels
On May 30 With Holy Communion
at 10 rani.
The lioateaa a'ssisted by Mrs. it.
Dennett served tefteshinelits,
GORRIE-The .C.G.I, a, meeting
was held at the borne of Corinne
Rhame .on April .30a wilert Dell Ir-
win was in charge of the worship
Margie alastie• read the... minutes
of the last meeting' and the Toll
Call was answered by seventeen
members. Posters have been hand-
ed for the bazaar on May •12.
Maureen Buchanan offered her
home for the . next meeting winch
was to be held on Monday evenieg
of this week., . • Lunch was, served, and the moot-
ing Closed with .Taps.'.
procee d ed to fwora wh ere nay f at h er thing with it. It was ,never put
worked for about three years. Then back. .1' have been tol thet he
in :406, they Came .to HoWick sett- dleareci acres with one arm,
ling on lot, 2.3,..con .18, Where they • When he was able to be around
fiVtiethe',;rat" ortifell'IlVeg, • '"1itinEhie -ebilitUl '6A lifin'
shanty and started w
in to Clear the. forest, logging and he held the' position for ten
bhich he we very thankful for and' e'
As soon as they arrived in How: of assessor of Howick township,
ick they- built
a blaze on taees to tell where the
road would be later on. They had
n o neighbors 'at that time,
but _there waS .a large family of
MiMes (cousine of mine) with boys
grown up, .whieli were here, I be-
lieve, before our folks. They took
up 1000 acres across from father
and put their buildings about the
Middle of this acreage, where Jack
Wallace now liveS.
I have heard -Mother talk of
having three or • four sheep and
having to' keep thorn in a log pen
close to the shanty at nights, on
account of the wolves. Sometimes
the sheep would make quite a, fuss
in the night. my parents would
have to get up, light a light and go
out. They would be unable to see
anything, yet the sheep were half
scared to death. As soon as they
returned to the house and put the
lights out the wolves would start
to howl a little 'Way back in the
- They were not here very long
ween father had a limb fall on his
They left Aberdeeirshire, Scot-
land, in 1853. After '45 days on the water they landed in Canada and out so long ,he could not do any-
Father-of John Giles Took
First Census 111 HOW1Ck TWp.
h burning, T Were no toads, jmist While he had this job he took the
Gorrie Personal Items