The Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-09, Page 4lt!ifcr lficrio °l'#te i1 iitkhuir't 41114110 0-11004 Weilitesosys May a, .UJSti FOR, SALE Moms ESS. 'til' YOUR FURNITURE with custom-made :slip covers made to order, Call 1Vl:rs. Harold Elliott, Bluevale, phone 709w4, 25:2;9'1 TWO ADD/NG MAG'HINES--One machine, by McCaskey, $50,00;. one B>,irrough's electric just overhauled $125.00. See them at The Wingham Advenee-Times.. BABY OHICliS WANT BROILERS—Want eggs? Rig-$ Hatchery has chicks bred for either, or both, A full line of breeds, nrosses and specials like `1'ilcir' . etc. Remember this Hat- chery has been at this business for a full generation. Canadian Approved, of course, plus their own complete breeding program. / Let us give full information, order what you need. Bluevle Milling Co, Bluevale, phone 610R21 Wingham and 30R14 ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, Brussels. 91r awnings, railings, steel of alumi- num barns for sale, Apply to Jas, S. Cowan, Listowel, phpne 527M.. 25;2,9* T+URNITURE--Try the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms, specializ- ing in Suites of furniture includ- ing chesterfields and bedroom suites, ''Free delivery. Trade-ins accepted, ,Godfrey Sch.uett, Mild May: 2;9b TWO RUGS 61/t•'x9' for sale: Phone 90 after 6 p.m. 2* CORNS—Callouses, Prompt relief from painful cornsand callouses with Lloyd's Corti and Callous Salve and 'Pads, 'Salve 50e, Peat 25c - at' McKibbons Drug Store. 9b 1 -TON LOCK and tackle hoist, endless ehaif,, worth $125, now $25; tricycle with adjb§table feet, looks like view, w'oith $12 now $6; 10 house doors, take your choice at $3 each; 150 feet galvanized fence 2 ft. high at your own price; set of lawnbowling bowls worth $50, now $25; set of golf clubs and bag, $7,00; custom- made c made two-tone boy's sleigh Worth $12, now $6; smaller boy's sleigh $2. Apply to Alex Crawford, phone 144. Oh READ OUR ADVERTISEMENT About the big wallpaper sale. Quality wallpaper at 19c a .roll. Wallpaper Shop. 9b TWO USED ENGINE LATHES, 4' and' 10' centres. Two 300-a/tip. Motor Generator Welders. Phone 268, Seaforth, or write Seaforth Steel Supplies: • 9b BAR2 BUGGY for sale. Wine Sunshine model in good condi- tion; Phone 673J. 8" SIX CHICKEN rain shelters'fb.r sale. Ed. Powell, Wroi:;eter 18R14. LLOYD SILVER-GREY baby buggy for sale, used 18 montbs, excellent condition. Phone 708w. 9h 1951 CHRYSLER SEDAN for sale. Automatic trailsinissibn, signal lights and radio. Cheap for quick sale, Mr's.,Murray Johnson, piroiio 234. 9b 40 'FT. TV TOWER with London and Kitchener aerial; 2 -Wheel trailer with 16" tires and rack; 8 window sashes 22'x76".' Wheel harrow; quantity used lumber. Apply to Bill Stapletorr, phone 74332. 9, • CABIN TRAILER. for sale, apply to Gordon McNeil,. phone 103, Wingham, 9b, MISCELLANEOUS - ZS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all ride coverage? .-For intormat,o?i:phone49 ,.,Stew- t'art Igrb YVAItU4. Zak) AttlirneW yolk 15% on your car Or truck in surance. Yearly ter elk months policies are available. Special rates for farmers. For further information phone 298, Wingham. 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc'., pumped and cleaned, iiuick sere!** all Wiork gire.rairteed, Alip'f/ touts Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb WA'1IERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Built Are used". "tor • artificial ins semfaratioii fnf6rxri tibi'i Or sof- Ilice fiord All breads of' cattle, pfibne . the Waterloo Cattle Breeding. Association at: Clinton l -3441 Or ll m" 13 r12 1'VF d a 0 be - Weft Y 7.84 and 9.30 kin. We have till breeds 'available top duality at loW Cost." Mirth NO VICE TO' 1 oiw i BUILD) IF 'rad RM' planning a building project this summer, we are fit it liosifl'en to give you, first class fierVice for your cement Wet tretlse bttsettirnts And floors, barn Walls and alders '(eonrtiietdd iii one punkt. Contact Mads ChristeiIMMfi, 'phone 1117, 2firrrb 1$ANCING 'A CAR? _lgefore you Puy 115k .about out Low Cost ,1'iriahcin,g Servicci Witte complete Insurance Coverage, STEWART A. SCOT Phony 291 'Witiathilm. • tth Atri e , "bi1f �' all ns i� e v im � R bt► p ty Ift'sriitdirde, For inforflktttioii eoifdbrlPiing" iii{s special ratifier/I' pomp nisei#lift` en ,iobatut, * Pei* 'i lilii♦l6te tin STARTED PULLETS for sale, 200 Red Sussex, 7 weeks old; 400 Leghorn Rocks, 2 weeks old; 250 Red SuSsex, 2 weeks old; 400 Sussex. Red, 2 weeks old; 300 Sussex Red, 4 weeks old; 250 eociketels, 2 Weeks old. Phone 743W2• 9b LIVESTOCK FOR SATE 53 LITTLE PIGS for sale. Apply to Glen VanCam'p, R.i&, 4, Brus- sels, phone 1737, 9h 11 ' 7 -WEEK OLD PIGS for sale. Apply to Mrs, Loretta Ste Marie. Phone 728.11 after 4 p.m. 9h TEAM OF well -matched Belgian horses fot sale, 1550 pounds each, sire and seven years old. Apply .to W. J. Clark, phone 141. • 9* 2 HOLSTEIN COWS for sale, 1 dere May 8, and 1 due May 24, carrying the third salt, Apply Chas. Kreller, Wroxeter, phone .19r14. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bulb, up to serviceable age. Good re- cords. From good plus, and very good dares accredited. Thos. Hay. den & Son, Gerrie, 9r.r'J6h DEADSTOCK WAITED CASH PA/D for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows., Phone Atwood 153 cCllect. rrM30* DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your farm promptly for sanitary cnsposnl. Telephone c o 11 e e t: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED.. lrrb BOARDERS WANTEI? BOARDER WANTED, male pre- ferred Phone 611R. 913 WANTED TO BUY CASH FOR SCRAP, highest prices paid on batteries, radiators, metals, cast and steel. Phone 502w4 or 9'75w Wingham, 25r'1VM30** BARLEY GROWERS--Fot best barley contract available see John 13iirnstead, Wingham, phone 455: 11rrb SALESMEN WANTED ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SELLING REAL ESTATE We require a salesman to repre- sent our firm in your area to sell farms, residential and commercial properties. All advertising will be paid by oUr firm. Listings and leads supplied to you. If interested write us' for full information ing details as,to your age, sales ex- perience, automobile, etc. Write or phone Larry Weir, Bert Weir & Sons Ltd., 237 Dundas Street, Loi: - don. Serving London and district fey, 38 years;: :9;16ia` . ia'AaWlfttg•IVANegt1.• ED. • Reliable WA1VT ..R.e ble man as` Dealer in Huron County, Experience not necessary, A .fine opportunity to Step into Old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. E-453-163, Montreal, P.Q. 013 EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER for Southern Ontario furniture manufacturer. New l • only. a Wbr c o y Steady employment, good work- ifig' conditions and wages. Apply to Box No. 39, AdVahco-Tildes. 913 'MAL CS'IliTE 'MC -STOREY RED BRICKS house oft Charled get, for sale. Six rooms and 2 S inroofris, oil furnace. Ap- ply evenings or Saturdays to Verna McLaughlin,. McLau hie1 Sliu, ter St, e phone X903 11rrh 4 ttDROOM t'"I AlVtE `louse In the town of Wingham for sale, nitdated In good resldcntiai d3s- trict, 'Contact 'Mrs. Fred Ross, phone 20 b w 25:2h 3 6 -ROOMED INSUL ERTCI<'cottage 'ft3f side, centrally Ideated, 2 bed- rooms, '4 piece bath,. living room, lkitciieri and sun porch, furnace arid MgO.dIiilirtedlatc posses- Sled rieed for quick sale Phone. 410.I. 9'1.5 23" DWELLING, orie-stofcyr frame, in. • sul shingle clad; asphalt roof, C'on'tains two 13edro'oars, living", dtriiiig and breakfast rooms and bath. Oil heat, furnace, 'electric refrigerator, new washer and einem, Mtotfitt electric' stove. At- tached garage, Located. north Centte lit Winghttiir. 'too he sold if li ba'rgai'n for naafi. Price 46,000 AIipijr to H. 'C, MaeLeite, Real- Of,Winli;har1, ()Marla Oh COibitiE for s'eiit oil the aur: sitirto of *Ingham, drone :100, " Oil FOR RENT FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT with bath, hot and cold water for rent on Leopold St. Phone Mrs, Hen- derson, 552W, FARM HOUSE for rent, $ miles from Wingham, immediate pus session available. Apply to Alex Whytoek, phone 36r2, Teeswater. TWO-BEDROOM ultra -modern apartment for rent. Heated, pos- session June 1st, Apply Box b Advance -Times, WANTNTED. TO RENT FARM WITH BUILDINGS wanted, to rent or buildings alone close to Wingham. Apply to Box '38, Advance -Times. 9'* 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE wanted to rent by July 1st, Will he permanent resident, . Apply to Thomson Appliances, phone 29. 9:16* WANTED CATTLE WANTED to pasture. Good grass and water, Apply to L. R. Greenaway, Bluevale, phone 709J1. 9b FOUND A SUM OF MONEY found in Ger- rie. Owner may have seine by proving ownership ' and paying for this notice. Telephone Ford - with 13r31. ` 9b APPLICATIONS Mit ASSESSOR Applications for the position for Assessor for the Town of Wingham will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon on Monday,. should 14th, 1956. Applicants . hould state qualifications and salary ex- pected. W. A. Galbraith, clerk-treas., Town of Wingham. 9b WOODSHED FOR aSALE Tenders for the purchase of the woodshed for School No. 6 will be received until May 28 , by the Mor ris School Area Board; shed. to be removed and ground levelled be- fore July 28. For further- particu- lars see Bernard Thomas, No ten- dernecessarily accepted, —Ralph Shaw, Bluevale. 9,16,23b' • TENDERS FOR FURNACES Morris School Area Board: will receive tenders until May 28 for the installation of oil burning. furnaces in schools No. 3 and No. 7; fur- naces to be of size required for heating these buildings. Work is to' be .completed before July 28. For information for No. 3' see Re. e g Watsin and for No. 7 see Robert McMurray, No tender necessarily accepted. —R. S. Shaw,Bluevale, 9;16;23b TOWN OF WINGHAM BY-LAW NO, -1289/19516 A By-law prohibiting and regulat- ing the firing and setting -off of fireballs, srinibs, .cracker's or fire- wor9cs within the limits of the iVlunielpality ,of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham. WHERAS in order to preserve property and prevent injury or deaths to persons, the Council of the Mrinicipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham 'deem, it ex- pedient to pass a By-law prohibit- ing and regulating the firing and Setting .f 9f fireworks within the si£i: 'MiXnic?PalktY ns:: provl'ded .h , then Munieipal ti Acta` It S O:":1,9 Chapter 248, Scctiort 388, THEREFORE, the ",Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts as fol- lows: 1. No person, without having first received special permission shall, with the exception of seven (7) days before the 24th day of May in any year and seven (7) days• thereafter, fire or set off fire- balls, squibs, crackers or Other fireworks within the Municipal' limits of the Town of Winghahn, 2. Any person who contravenes And is found guilty of any in- fraction of this By-law, except as hereinafter provided, shall, upon. conviction, forfeit and pay a fine, in the discretion of the convict- ing Magistrate, not exceeding the sunt of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) eta elusive of costs, With same to be recoverable undertheprovisions of The Summary Convictions Act R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 379, the pro- visions of which shall apply save that in the ease of imprisonment, sane shall not be for a term ex - weeding twenty-one days. This' By-law shall into h Y w OM force arid be effective on and after the 8th tley. Of May, A:D., 1056, Read a first, second arid third time and' passed this' '7th day of May A.D., 1050, (Seal) It, ii. McFtinney, Mayor '"Cr: A. Galbraith, Clerk I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of Bylaw No, 1280 of the Town of Wingham, W. A. Galbraith, Clerk -Treasurer D ddb Mr$ii J•« Fe:t¢ttson W.as Rosident flere Mrs. John Ferguson, a formas resident of Wingham; died in. St. Joseph's Hospital, 'London on Fri- day, May 4th, The forrinrer Catherine M.'Carnp- bell, she was a daughter of the late Mr, and 'Mrs, Duncan Camp- bell. She had been living in Exeter for the past 17 years, mov- ing there from Goderieh. Before her marriage she was a nurse at Kincardine Hospital, Her husband, who died in .194$, was a police officer at Blyth-at•the`time of their marriage, .later joining the Ontario Provincial Police and being stationed at Goderich' and Exeter, Mrs, Ferguson was a merirbdr of Main Street United •Church, a Past president of the W.A., a past worthy matron of Exeter Chapter, Trio 222, OES,, and . ate honorary member of Seaforth Chapter OBS, and a member of Pride 'of Huron Rebekah`Lodge No, 338, » , Surviving are one son, Murray, Galt; two, sisters, Mrs. L.,11. Hiss lop, London; Mrs. W. S. Mills, Goderieh; two brothers, John, Windsor, and Victor, Detroit. Funeral service:.' was held Mon- day from the • Hopper-Tlockey funeral home, with goy. Alex Rapson officiating and, burial in E+cetor Cemetery. BIRTHS CAMPBELL—In Listowel Memor- ial Hospital on T' esda , April 17th, 1056, to Mt. ,and Mrs. Don- ald Campbell, a son, Douglas, HALLAM—In Wingham General Hospital, .on. Wednesday, May 2, •1950, to Mr. arid Mtg. Charles Flaliarrr, R,R: 7, Luckndw, A daughter. • HODGKINSON-fri Wingltam den- eraf Hospital, on Thursday, May 3rd., 1956, to Mr. and. Mts. Wil- bert Hodgkinson, a son.: SIMMONS—In Wingham General" Hospital', on Saturday, May 5th, 1956, to ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simmons, Wingham, a daughter. INGLIS In Wingham . Gene,ral IoSpital, on Sunday, May 6th, 1056, to Mr. and Mrs. John Inglis, Fordwich, a son, • BROWN—In • Wingham General Hospital, on' Monday, M&' +7th, 1956, to Mr, :. and Mrs. John Bio'wn, Wingham, a daughter./ ORVIS—In the • C. E. E. Fo pital , .Petrolia on' Tue daY, ay1st. 1956, td Mr. and Mrs. Ross Orvis„ 011' Springs, a daughter;- 13oniire Jean. COMING EVENTS ; THE HISTORICAL RESEARCH meeting of the Women's Institute will be . held on. Thursday, May 17th, at 2.30 p,m. in the council chember. Roll. call A Place I Would Like to Visit This Year. Address "Huron County" by Mrs. Walter Scott, of Belgrave. There will be an exchange of bulb's, slips, roots and seeds and the lunch convener is Mrs. Horace Aitchison. CLOfi PRIVATE' SALE OF household articles at the premises. of Mrs. James Robertson, Lower Wing - ham; during the nein, twO, iveeks., , A(JC1'L?ION SALE of "�i'i Weed of. Sliortlio ni cattle;',2 sows'skrt'd 20 chunks of pigs, on •Friday; May 11, at Lets 4, Concession 8, Morris Township, One And one-gtrarter miles north and one Mile east of Blyth, commencing at 1 pat. George Wilson, Proprietor, • Harold 'Jackson, Auctioneer. 9'e' CARD OF THANKS To all my kind friends and neigh- bors who came and did such a kind act of cleaning in the barn, I ex tend my sincere thanks, -•--Mrs. Hazel Procter.' 90 ' CARD OP' IDAN .i8 would like to express my sin - tare thanks to all my relatives and friends for the lovely: flowers, gifts and cards sent to me while a•pat- lent lit the Wingham General IRs- i al n h t and at ome. S eci 1" h t' a t anis P p to Di', Corrin and the very kind nursing staff and to wee Disraeli and Sharon for the beautiful. roses. *Mrs, R, Griffith. D*' ALCOHOLICS Reasonable estimatesrepresent- ing epee ant- ing projections on the basis of figures for the ten-year period ending in 1053, indicate the ntiln- her of alcoholics per 100,000 00 - talon --• 20 years and over -•- in collide Ontario counties, to. be at follows. Middlesex 3160 adults per 100,000 York 2610 " r, " Carleton 2540 WentWd1rtfi 05-6 Frotiteriittb 1105 Essex 1980 Iur8rt 701 NOI5 These estiitztttda alit bared tin ' its tib'fry ' iiiiva edit 114064 •s ti he • 's'eiextitic fdritiula developed . by !3t', lalfinlit, fotil'it'tly Ylfeetdr` Of the Tate, &haat 'of , feoft:olltr Stirdi'eS, and m.oW 'connected 'with : the- World Health OrgAfizatlOj'i. Tirol otirity, Heider the Cartirtil't Tenlperanae - Act, has no lekal li tier outlets, All 'tire• 'oher's list. Aitit. . 0 rr , Fr Y, Orr „ MARRIED JACQf7ES4LEGGATT--At C it al l- mers. Presbyterian Oh u re h, Whitechurch, on Saturday, May 5th, Mabel ; dit)i Leggatt of Wingham rand George Milford Jacques, of Preston were united in marriage with the ttev: 1<l, Caswell officiating, Their attend- ants were Mr. :and Mrs, L. W. Winitler, of Kitchener, Following a Wedding trip they will reside in Preston, Ontario, On : Parade! Ey,.'Windy'. The RHQ and 99th Battery of the 21st Field Regiment, f.CA. held their regular training night on Monday Arid the Attendance,' was. very good, considering that . the fishing season is in full' swing and the weather was nice.! 0 - 0 =0. • The 99th Battery held an out- door . exercise, complete- With the big smoke, poles and trucks. Some one must have been playing hide- and-seek as they all did not arrive hack here at the same time. Capt. Ritter had better have a look around as a few bodies may still he hiding out. 0-0 0 l+ollts will be wondering why old Windy is writing, this column in- stead of d..d M. Moore (the. Big Wheel)'. Well, the truth is that Charlie has been absent due to rea- sons beyond his control and old Windy is . hack' from • the West eouritrjf for a:while, or at least un- til the 15th of August; 'so please bear with me I'll leave for good soon, And back to the *est again, where it was so cold that: you have to go back in the'good:Weather to' see what you said during the doitl spell,' While there I asked an oid Westerner how, he ,put up with'the weather. Be"Said fine, that they only have 'eleven months of whiter, and one month of poor ski-ing; -0-0 : The QM stores was a busy place during the later pert of the eve- ning, ening, with a, kit inspection. Every Mae lied to show up with his en-' tire kit. Those• with no ,kit did not show up. Makes sense, Ev- erything most have been okay at the two sergeants in charge had smiles from ear to ear; the two being Casemore arid Dawson; In fact it was so good that even a few ball unifcmfrii5 were ttithed in. These are usually lthfit as Souven- irs and not worst, 0-0-0' This is the time Of year for for- mal . inspections and''• there snits to be plenty in view. The High Scheer Will hold 'theirs nekt week acid the Regiment on may 2/ in Walkerttdn. then off to Ipperwash on May 27th for the annual range qualification, Thai: is where we separate tire Davy Crocketts from the rabbit:•hunters, in other Words, they, will he 'Ming t#ie'':r`fle, 0 -0. If thikband : Was out est Monday ev'efiltg they Must have been play ing way out in the back forties, or with cotton , drum sticks and bugles with no . mouth pieces, as riot a sound was heard., tut we are informed that they Will be out for the annual inspection, 0'-0' 0 'This seems ° to be all: fel' this .I ANGLICAN WItLS GO i0 hODENI.H Thirteen girls represented 'St Foul's Anglican Church, Whigharn 01 the .second. annual Juniet Aux - Wary 'Festival for the Deanery of Huron held le St. Gearge's Church, Goderich,, last Saturday, The opening service field in the c11uteh was conducted by the rector of St, .George's, the' R4+.ereird tyth, Taylor, The junior eheit of St, George's ocetipied Jireir ahSCncel positions and Sang an, antljern .dill- ing the Service, The rally Was' held tri the parish hall tinder the direction of Mrs. H. L, Parker of Wingtigltn, score- tory of Junior Auxiliaries in the Deainery of ifuron. The president of the Goderieh Auxiliary acted at eh.airlady .and introduced the vo- ices branches for their• parts of the programme, Highlight of the rally Was the presence oa. Miss Eleanol' Rice, of 'Toronto, dominion supervisor, of children's worst hi tile, Anglican Church of Canada. After Speaking 'tqthe girls on k spiritual theme: during the church service, . Miss`, Ripe, with a dynamic personality taught the 110 girls present at the. rally a ries ;sdng' and • two new. games. Then, to the amazement of the, leaders, the dominion- super- visor had each girl preterit make a puppet that she:'was able to take home. One girl from' each branch took part in a short 'skit using the puppet she had- made, The tally was closed by the Rev - week folks, , and tf CCM Moore does not basil out this column you Will 'have Id p(t up With me again., Remember, you can't cure it pain in the neck' by getting hot under' the collat. • . . MUNDY'S Free Delivery- Phone 82 Quality . and Service since 1915 Save on These Week=End Specials NEW SLUE`. SURF Giant package`- 10c - � w`rv4Cii�...,.,..wv�n AYLMER • CHOICE 'TOMATOES I 28 Ot z` i 24C .t 11FlI)',iz TOMATO KETCHUP 11 oz. ,bottle 23c Crown Brand SYRUP 2 lbs tin " 29c 5 lb. tin 75c MONARCH FLOUR 1 lb. bag 5.1c' - 25r alb:. ba- $1,69 57i)r,:iw.iwc.�w�. M r DU CT l SETS P1 NSY PLANTS PINEAPPLES tor ' canning SAlE MONEY BY PREPAY/NG ,Y 'FIN O • 'fy WG NM t HR ' ilii RPd 410‘! -} itATEO ,p Or 87£l 0" Town of Wingham 1956 Taxes W ,• Taif]3,a1yers 11`61, ' Make pil''li'i'lehts Cin accoltfit tf1951t,fdgtittb80...., redritcit19 a'tax s, . 1 n /Herta at the rate of., Votir per ee it,r per annum m will be Mimed 1)11 siicl'i prepayti,etitg. Pre'iY� a •fiient§ of ta,xds iittISt he illitt4+ ;at the • y Town Feft.Silrerl§ Office, Town Trail, W. A, GAL R� lT • A t tregsttreir# Town of, Wtn ham tend.. f. Parker, Of Wi.trguurtt, rural dean .of Huron, after which the Goderioh Auxi.ii.arY, under the dirfeetion of their leaders, Mrs. V. Sale and Mrs, E; Carrell Served lunch, 'Mello girls, many iii .the official 1,4, iip forne, came from branches in Goderich, Clinton, Brussels, DIxeter, g'erifortli,• b'ubiln anti Wing- ltaiii, Hgndietafts Made by the girls and displayed at the festival brill be forwarded to London for kits - play and competition 'iii the Dio- cesan Festival in June, Money can't .db'.Iritleh about :get- tingyen g eu friends but It can .et you a better class of enehntea. IthLTEIMURCQ " Mir. Fred • Ward, .of London, Eng- land, visited recently with Mr d WS. John ', utahlson. 4.1011111.0.11011•11111.111.111111W ,lent 1,h0 l)'liaest la Taxi Service • a• , .it's LEE'iS TAXI 24..10114 sratvireic WAddings, ][+ir nerridrr and Shopping Trips Going Downtown Crosstown Out of town , . CALL, ' S - LEE'S 185 Oet your' Extro big Trade - iii allowance. Trade your way -to smoother, safer, 1ortgar-milleage at CH LEY LEY MOTORS oxrkato . ill■Illriii■Ili/Ill■iilRIllaliiuilialilaiihUUli lflifllilliill)Alii'iiiIliifiiiifi illIlililliriti• ■ •i R. HAMILTON ii i ii � i it• Thoroughness. --Ability ,Titre tested di g , .,r I i_ Phone 37- for appotntnilent . ' - i ilinl ifiliti laic■tiomilll11in111ti111101ili1liiii11111111811 li118101141i 10i11iu111ul■1N Wail, ole SASH ' PittsburgSCREENS ..rte..' - - . ,..:+�� PAINTS EftAMES HARDWARE CUPDARDS GLASS STAIRS, RS; Custom Woodwork Carpentry - Building Telephone 11-w. Wingham BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL it DIRECTORY A. McrAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR ' enol NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - " ONTARIO Telephone 2'3 1e'eslvnter roxe W torte=Ev cry ,WedSttlptlny afternoon, 2-74, p.m,, or by apinointmeht,. Predel felt $t Hloiinuth R10. Carol E+f Ho Berth,: RSO. Mti Viotti It Hiittlltitll' Il,O otottllt/tit t ts'!f,''S! >rii`1',i4 st ' H l.i6i% Ontario CRAWFORD E• INGTOI HETO R barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingha»i, Phone 48 .I.H# 'R•/{ • - ibttD,- . (, W>1TR It, S. lirelPHIDRINOTON, te) 1 W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Baromt6r, Selit!itOr, NofaT1t lots. =' looney to Loon Who—Mow Block, Wirighuif' RONALD MCCANNO� i4 AcCounant Nilo: t nomtltltffe Ring'. ei I'tt+dlctenoo, itlri'ttbt►lrury I'l atota Mil p !hili: it%i'Ctlrt n1to WELLINGTON F1R • Iftain'ii.nce Cointrany l' st. 1840 Ailt.itIl'Crtnaeiiltn CetnpMiy Wh1•clti has faittrteily paved. Its tI& hot/foto rot 6ifer ftoleins y , ." III) � v 41614.1 Offieei a,. Taroritg irti. C. Mier eaa tnptirayrea Agana, Wingh$m