HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-09, Page 1BALANCE SHEET
Cove:Ana Operation of WInghani Coonititnity Arena
from October lst, 1955 to April 301,1i, 1956
Bank Balance, 'September 30, 1055 • $ 80.26
Grant from Town (through Recreational Council) 1,000,00
Atone, Receipts
Skating $1,000,00
Heekey , 1,100.71
Hockey Practice .20,00
Refund of Hospital TeX 2,22'
Figute Skating 273.211
Miscellaneous 416,41
Repairs and ImpreVements to Buildieg-
OPerating Expenses
Skating i ........ . .. -a 3 11.55
aliseellaheothe 322,75
Hydro and Water ,-, 1,293 87
Wages k 868.24
Heat ;562,40
Telephone ., 4.58
Bank Waite:it 52.55 — a
Bank` Balance, April 30th, 1956 . 183,98
test 'O/S ch eques 8.50
0.00 17,55
C 11 tieentintt paid,)
E. Edighoffer, Treasurer
op in nthreateiIa ce of an extra mill on h
To Italee $253,782,40
Estimates ShOWed, an ,expeeted in-
come- of $253,762,40 for 1906, of
which $165;096.00. will be raised -'by
the new tax rate.-Other ;income
includes ail amount of $62,022.29
recoverable debenture debt;, grants
and nub.aldies amounting to $20,313.-
00, and other revenue of $5,830,60.
Expenditures listed in the .estie .
sm7atltoots; wmiuliniioniltutd1)e uittladirnngitsii,St;71000n.:
protection to nersoM -and PrOPertY,
$17,000; public works, $24,000; rani,
Cation, $3,900; metal. welfare, $1,400;
education, $59,880.59.; recreation .anal
community -services, $6,010; general
debentures, $74,98317; County of .
Huron rate, 12 ' mills,. $20;521.49;
Hillerast amortization,. $6;000, and
deficit from 1055; $9,505.07.
Need Extra $20,037 - •
By increasing the rate -another 9.
mills,, the town will raise an extra
$20,037 over taet year's income:
While expenditures in some de-
partments are expected to be lower
this year than last, other costs
bave increased considerably;
ing the extra revenue -necesSatY.
Increases listed in the estimates
include $1,000- to the public tchool;
$6,221 to the Wingham District
iligh School; $2,621 to the County
of Huron, and last years deficit of,
$9,305, totalling over $20,000 in
increased expenditures on thote
(Please turn to page twelve.) •
With which is amalgamated the forrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Operating on a; -limited bUdget, and Cater, receiving a grant of
$1:,000; from the -town, the Wingham 'Arena. was Able to eqd, the teason
With a larger bank %Mamie than last year, it 'was revealed last week
in-a financial statement issued by the Atone CoMiniesion, Receipts
were dosyn alniost $3,000 from hitt year, 'but ,eXpenSet were pared
accordingly, allowing the commission to end tip ill 'a better financial
condition than in 1955. Camas from the town on' ittet year's statement
amounted to $3,000.
The statement shows a bank balance of $166.13 compared to
$80.26 last year, 'Operating expenses were $3,137.04, compared to
$5,363.56 in 1055, and receipts tot:ailed $3,913.81, coaipared with $6,924.30,
which included the town's grant of $3,000.
The complete statement follows. ,
Three of the girls who started the nursing
assistants'-- course' at the Wingham General Hos
pital last week learn to make I` bed under the
instruction of Miss A. Wootton, clinical instruc-
tress, as part of the preliminaries to. Hospital
Day, which will be marked at the hospital this
Saturday. Members of the class of twelve
W. H. Haney Resigns
William H. Haney,' who has.
been the Wingham town assessor
for the past twenty years, has ten-
dered • his resignation, in a letter
read at the town 'cc/tined meet-
ing on Monday night.
Mr. Haney said in his letter that
he was retiring from the position
on the, advice of his doctor because
of ill health. , • ,
A former. employee of the Mac-
Lean 'Lumber Company in Wing-
ham, Mr. Haney has held the job
continuously since firtt starting
in as assessor 20 years /Ago,
greatest task :during the yea:rs he
held the positi'op 'was the job of
equalizing Winghant's assessment
in 1904, which he undertook with
the assistance, of Alex Alexander,
assessor for the Coutity .of Huron.
Mr.', and Mrs. William Star110
:Dennis, R.R 1, chatio annound
daughter, Ida -Einelah, to ,Mr. Ro-
bert James •Wallacti, ScrifOrth, son
of MtS. Edythe Wallace of Toron-
to and the late Russel Robert Wal 7
lace, the wedding to take place in,
First Presbyterian' Church, Sea:
forth on May 26th at 2 p.m. •
Assessor 20 Years, DOPE TO MAKE 'DOORS
which, started /VW:y .1st will, have; their first trite
of Hospital Day-thiS week, when the publie 'is
invited to visit the hospital and see it in °per;
ation, Left: to' right. are June abbotson, Itin4 ,
carcline; Catherine McLeod, Kineardine; Donna
Ayers, Parkhill and Miss Wootton.
. .
dictions aboet,the kind of weather
Which can be experiepeed in ,Wing-
ham in the so-cancl spring were
bandied around the council table
on Monday When councillors dis-
die cussed a government' grant on
cleaning streets after the winter
sanding, which is good only until
May let, Consensus of opinion
seemed to be that winter is still
here on that date, and- 'Councillor
Bill Bergman said he's seen 10
inches of snow in Wingham
streets on May 24th. After this
spring we can believe it.
0 0 - 0
Josephine Street Woke& much bet-
ter for its cleaning up this week
after several tons of send, scat-
tered througimet the winter, -had
been, removed. Trouble is now that
the litterbugs arc' at • work, scat-
tering popsicle bags and suchlike
around, and before long, the
street may be back to anormal.
What the town needs is either
more waste receptacles or better
use of the cries we have.
0 e 0 - 0 •
NOT BITING-Cold weather and
high water seem to haVe cut into
the fishing hereabouts, judging
from the, reports of disgruntled
fishermen. Only successful angler
we've heard of is Jack Henderson,
Who got 14 nice ones Saturday -be-
fore the regular week-end flood.
High water Sunday 'killed hopes
for another week, At the present
rate it looks as if the weather is
going to be the greatest .conser-
vationist of all.
0 - 0 - 0
mobile: X-ray unit, will be in town
next week to make a T/3 survey of
the cerrimunity chest, and all citi-
zens are asked to co-operate with
the surVey by getting thenntelVes
X-rayed. Doesn't cost the individ-
ual a cent and it's the tutest•vvay
len.ovvits of stemping out, T. The
X-ray unit' will he at the town
aan, on Monday, Tuesday arid
Wadnetday evenings and on Tucs
All gpod citizens should attend,
, COME ON, tfIRLS-Antly Lunn
is 'back at the old-stead this Year,
trying to get a senior girls' ball
team lined up, Firk praetice will
• be. on Thiasclay evening, at the
ball park. How'a about it,- girls?
"'sponsored by Branch -180 of the
The first of the .'summer bingos,
Canadian Legion, will he .held in
the -cotincil chamber on Saturday,
ItittY 10 at -9 p.m. Legion bingos
will be held latch week.- thereafter,
on Saturday, througheut the sum-
. men Good prises, everybody wel-
come. 109;16b
There will be a ball practice on
Thursday at 7 p.m. at the diamond
for all minim- girls Who wish to
play ball this season,' , Fab
The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Ca-
nadian Legion, will hold a euchre
'party at the Legion /10mo on >len-
day evening,. MaY 44, Lunch Will
he served. Good Mime. Fab
DANCE AT AT wRoxt9fElt
WrOXOLOr COMMitiiity Club
hold a danceen latethiesclay night,
May` 16 in the 'Ceremunity Hall.
Music by Dian Robertson and his
Reath Boys, teeth la the hall, Pro-
ceeds for community hall fund.
F2;9 ;16 4'
The Spring Rummage Sale spoil-
eored by, the ladles' Atixilitay to
Wingham GenerltlCttlpitai will be
held in the Winghath Armottriet on
Saturday afternoon, Uay two
e'eloOlc. Etnityene in the , coati-rain-,
ity .is, asked for clentitibils:--eloth-
ing, hats, shoes, neVeltles, fUrni-
titre-anything that you do not
. need can he field. ,Pleinie lean
parcels at the AVtt46011%1m PridaY
11, so that they tail be sorted
Mal marked, Anyone Wishing pan-
eels. called for 11111Y PliOne MI'S., It
C, MacLean, niimbdi, A -of MIMS
Margtlertte johns,- Maribor .208,
Plettee eat! before Friday, especially
if you hM'e flirtiltaitea tit the truck
gees out early, Proceeds'horn the
sale are tised to pi:eche-Se kneel,
• misery supplies, elirtalet etc for
the hospital. P219b
'Hopes were running high :.this
week that the first finished garage
door will be rolling off the aSteinh-
ly line 'at the new Berry Door
plant in Wingham 'by Thursday. oar
'Friday of this week, Herb Fuller,
in charge • of the ' operalione hi
Whigham,•told Tim Advaace-Tinies
yesterday. Mr. 'Fuller Said. -that
although it is. still. a bit toe.early
.to make predictions ; the staff. is.
hoping that Una, week will. see the
first of the ;finished, product'. roll
Off "the line 'within the next, two
or 'three days....
During the past week' three
treejcloade of equipMent have' Ara
rived in the Plant: 'and IWO Staff
-in onetating' -Cad& -Tile tar-e-ga'
brake and shears are now tune
tioning and the spat Welder was
scheduled, for operation yesterday.
To date about twelve people have
'been employed Ili the plant, but;
it js.expected that the number will
rise sharply as soon as the Intlen.
inery Is ready to roll.
The Easter Seal Committee for
C4ppled 'ichildren for' Winghern
inici.,vien'tity, was pleased to receive
contributions amounting to seven
dollars from two-grades in Wing-
ham. Pnblie School, Grade V, with.
Mrs. E. Webster as ,Leacher, sent
two dollars and Gracie VIII, whose-
teacher is Mr. S. Beattie, collected
five dollars,
It was-a happy thought for these
children to give money which may
kelp to bay .a crutch or a brace for
a lest fortunate child and help him,
toward a new way of life,
-In this connection, the -bona for
this fund will (dote shortly, and
anyoae still. wishing to have a
share in this good cause will please
send contributions within tire neat
ToWn by-law No, 1289 "pro-
hibiting and regulating the fire
lag and setting-off of fireballs,
crackers and fiteworks
within the limits of the Muni-
cipality of the Corporation of
the Town of 'Whigham", was
read a firSt, second and third
time at the. tionneil nuieting On
Moeday and paased, The new
by-law Cattle into ferce Tues-
day, May 8th,
Designed to "aresetve propcia
Cy Strut nreVeat mid death
to perselat", the new law sass
that no oiie shall set off flee-
weeks Without steteitil
sten with, the ekeeptioo or sovo,
thtys haute and fieVen idays
affair the 24th Of May Of eat+
:Persons fotiiiiir gain* of an
hafratithin of Ode talalaW arc
liable 4,0 a. fine net eXceedifig
$50 'or lanalsonniteet not ox-
welling21 clays.
$-'AVE 1131 ram
Wine: ham Bitismea are eon-
ducting their regit'ar paper
drive on Wednesday, Miry 16th,
aini are asking teitizens to put
out scrap piwereou the roadside
'"_by 9 o'clock that morning. Van-
anes of paper should be securely
There will. alAti be a collection
of waste paper in Bluevale, Bel-
grave and Whitetail-n*1i en the
same morning.
For further information, eon-
' tact any member of the Bans-
: men club,
A number of the members - of
Braneh 180, Canadian Legion,.
journeyed to Kincardine, on Sunday
for 'the spring meeting of Zone C
of the,Canadian Legion. The veter-
ans paraded down the -Alain street
of the town. and placed a wreath on
.the Cenotaph, later gathering. at
the' Legion Hall for the meeting.
la,epreteatativee from EXeter„Gode-
tick Seaforth, Clinton: Brussels,
•Winglia,m, Tiverton, Luck-
now and Ripley were present.
At the business session of the
Meeting - it was decided to send
Zone Commander Herma,n Young,
of Kincardine, to the Dominion
convention to be held in Vancouver
in June. •
Two former Winghamites, Dur-
ward Preston, of Waterloo, and A.
M. "Scotty" Forbes, of the Legion
Service Bureau, were speakers • at
the meeting.
Am sag those attending tr from
Wingham were Deputy Zone Com-
mander' jack Batesori and John
Pattison, president of Branch 180.
750 Chickens Drown
As Truck Bogged
Seven hundred and fifty chick-
ens were drowned on Thursday
near Simcoe When a 'truck driven
by Keith Thompson, of Wingham,
sank in a hole in the road, spilling'
a number' of the crates into a wa-
ter-filled ditch.
Three trucks loaded with chick-
ens were on their way from Tit-
sonburg to the United Co-opera-
tive progessing plant in Wingham
when the mishap occurred: The
first truck passed over the hole
without trouble, but the second
truck' sank into the hole up to the
racks, spilling the chicken crates
into the ditch.
Every citizen of Wingham is
asked to take part in the mass
chest X-ray survey scheduled to
take place next week in town 'on
Monday, 'Tuesday and Wedn;ssda.y.
During the past week members
of the Wingham•Kinette Club have
canvas:3m every house . in -town.,
and . each citizen will have a TB
card which is to be filled out and
taken Lo the mobile . on either
Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
There ,is .no charge for the chest
X-ray: ,
The mobile clinic will arrive in
Wingham on Monday morning and
at 1,30' in the afternoon will com-
mence the work of X-raying the
residents of the town and sur-
rounding district. First point of
call will be the Maitland Crea-
mery where over 40 employees will
he X-rayed between 1.30 and 2.00.
Industrial employees will also be
X-rayed at the Wingham Manu-
facturing Company, C. Lloyd and
Son and Fry and Blackball during
' Plans for the future of the Wing-
barn Sportmart'm Club Were dis 7
cussed at the first open meeting
of the. neatly-formed organization,
in the Legion Home on Tuesday
last, President Don, Hildebrand
presided at the meeting.
Mr, Hildebrand told members
that already the club had under-
taken some projects for the com-
ing season. A' .22 rifle has been
purchased and will be raffled off'
as a means of raising funds, and,
the Club it planning •an outdoor ex-
hibit for display at Wingharn's
annual Frontier Day celebration,
with the co-operation of the De-
partment of Lands and Forests,
M'ensbers of the club have already
(Pleetea turn to- page twelve.)
-ing, for a rate of 78 mills, had been
pared to, permit the lower rate of
72, but not before - .Cattncillore
Elmer Wilkinson and Bill Conron
had spoken in favor of the higher
rates to provide a cushion for u.n-
foreeen contingencies. It was fin-
ally decided that a rebate on roads,
amounting to over $2,000, which
may 'be forth corning, from the pro-
vincial government ;might fill the
the afternoon.
Public X-rays will be to=ken at
the town hall between 7 p.m. and.
10 p.m. on Monday; between. 2 and
5 pan. and 7 and 10 Pan on Tues-
day; and between 2 and 5 pan.
and 7 and 10 p.m. on Wednesday.,
X-rays will be taken At the high
school on Tuesday and Wednes-
day, mornings between 10 and 12
.Schedule for Other Points
Schedule for the mass chest X-
yay survey in points outside of
Wingham will be as follows: 'Ger-
rie Community Hall, Tuesday, May
150, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 10 p.m.;
Fordwich Community Hall, Wed-
nesday, May 16th, 2 to 5 p.m,;
Brussels Library, Wednesday, May
16th, 7 to 10 p.m.; Blyth Town
Hall, Friday, May 18th, 2 to 5 p.m:,
7 to 10 p .m.
- The survey will be condueted un-
der the auspices of the Huron
County Tuberculosis Association.
Members of the chest X-ray sur-
vey committee are Judge Ping-
land, Q:C., chairman; E. D. Bell,
Q.C., Exeter; W. la Roberts, Sea,-
forth; Rev, Alex Nimmo, Wing-
ham; -Dr, R, M, Aldus, Goderieh;
Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth, F. E,
Madill,. Wingtam, is 'president of
the Association.
Area-..chairmen .in - this. .district .
are Whitney Grose, Wingham;
Mair, 'Brussels; R. Knight, Brus-
sels; J. D. A. 'Corrigan, TurnberrY;
H. A. McDermitt, FOrdwich; C.
Hanna, Beigrave and R. Walker,
Attend Convention
At Niagara Falls
Mr. and Mrs. -Linville Hammer-
ton and children, Coralie, Warwick
and Roger, on Monday and Tues-
day attended the annual eonven-
tion of the Ontario Society of
Photographers, ,held at the Shera-
ton-Brock Hotel in Niagara Fails.'
Mr. Hammerton has entered four
prints in the photographic salon
held there under 'the auspices of
the Society.
'an •
-. wasf usivn$ wtailsoisthw, MAY
Tha.- annual meeting of the
Wing-ham Golf Club with about
thirty people present was held on
Monday night. After briefly .re-
viewing the progress made last
Year,. PreSident. R..H.'Lloyd, 'called
the chairmen Of the various com-
mittees for a report.
The financial condition of the
club had. improved somewhat in
the• past year but it was felt that
20 ;13r 30. more playing members
Were , needed to bring the revenue
up "to 'better level, The member-
ship .• increased :last- year to 143, a
decided' improvement over the
previous` year,.
Mai:RS0n • :Oa plaice! ittipebytie
in en ts • an • • the greens an d fel rWaya.
'led ---•-tO' • the7 a' agave
Would if 'possible, increase - the
funilecl debt: Better greens and
better fairev'ayt might, it was felt,
attract more . playing members to
the course. a The ladies' organiz-
attiam • had,. generously donated a
(Please' turn' to page twelve.)
Milt Rate Jumps 9 MiIIs to .72
As .Council - Faces Rising Costs, BY The Pedestrian
Arena in Better Financial PUPILS DONATE TO
Shape, 1956 Statement Shows EASTER SEAL FUND
New Sportsman's Club Plans
On Building Own Clubhouse
'The first Week of 'the' fishing season may 'stave
been a wash-out as far as the admits' are eon,.
Corned, but the kids still seem to get a kick out
of trying. as witness trio, Who spent tiltql,
Friday afternoon off ftoM school trying foe the
A tam rate of 72 jump after original estimates', preParcil
of 0 malt from last year's rate of by the finance committee and call-
13 was ettiick 'by the town council
at Its regular meeting on Monday
night. The increase.. was attributed
to rising -costs of education, a
higher .county rate, and a deficit
last year amounting to over $9,000,
The new rate 'was strtiek after
lengthy discussion among -council-
lore as to ways; and means of cut-
ting down expenditures in, the face
of rising casts. It was arrived 'at
Chest Nay Survey to Start
In Wingham on Monday Night
big ones below Howson'S Dam, Left to tight
are Dave Cara Charlie Cailipbell and Frank
Richt While no startling catches Were repotted;
the boys seemed to 'be enjoying themselves, any-
• Special services marked the op- •
ening of the Pentecostal Church
Wingham on Sunday tat 3 and '1.30
Guest speaker for the occasion
was Rev. J. FL Blair, of Hamilton,
district superintendent of the Pen-
tecostal Assemblies of Canada. The. :
bull `n dt 35x60 feet, will accom-
modate 250 people. The be:se-
na-art" ,or the bbilding • asbt••---
classrooms, pastor's study, two
washrooms and a furnace rOdni..
Volunteer labor played a major
role in the construction of the Ilea?
church. The building, which would
normally cost $40,000, was' eon-
structed for $14,000 under direr=
tion of the pastor, Woodrow W.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank 'Stamper, of
R.R. Bluevale, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Zelme.
Anna Frances to Mr. Berend ten
Hertog, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Len Hertog, of Wingham, The
wedding to take place the latter
part of May, ..F9*
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haines, Of
Wingham, Ontario, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Freda. Mary, ' to Mr.
Kenneth Fraser McMichael, son
°DM'', and Mrs. Morley IVIeMichael,
of Wroxeter, Ontario. The wedding
to lake place in Winghare. United
Church, Saturday, May 26th. :11-'0*
Children's sun suits and home-
made candy for sale at the Mis-
sion -Heed table at the United
Church spring tea at 8 pan, 'Wed-
nesday, May 9.. Fab
OPEN' N [Gm, MAY 17
Wingham District High School
Cadet Corps will parade for Its.
annual hispeclien to , the Town
Park id two o'clock in the after-
imou of Thursday, May 17th, In-
specting officers will be Major M.
R. Glitca of Listowel, command-
ing officer of the 21st R.eg.t.
A.., and Cara. A. P. Renkine, cadet
area effteer of London,
fir rho evening the Whighttni
District High Gramm will be open
to visialea from 7.30 to 10.00. There
will be 'Walleye of students' wotk,
Partirailsely that of the industrial
arts, department, both day and'
evening classes, iii the cafeteria and
the, art room. 'In the gyinnaaitan-
auditorium, liegimitnr, Itt, 8.30,
there will 'be two short exhibition
gathea boys;' and gilds' basket.,
bait and the girls of the home Pea
enomies classes.; will Model the
suits,:Skirts and blouses which they
have made for thenuielveS,
P aents and interested friends
are invited to come both to the
-cadet inspection in the after:16On,
arid to the school in the oVenita;
of Thursday, May 17th, to see the
work being done by 'the students
of the Wieghtnii District 1-11gli
a. ly
ospita in Ingham Saturda ay