HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-02, Page 11,:oat lilt rod exY OS that it ,PrOP• earlind The :d ana low at semi- k with mpeals QED ME now and d maybe nothing try toxic Chilfd's kidneys, action of I. .Then better. eok for l at all ra. 52. 111111111111. Tonight on 7 p. Illustrated Press Organizes Campaign On Skid Row When • Illustrated Press reporter Frank Ferris is sent out to cover a Skid Row fire, he turns in a story about a hproic derelict .who is responsible for saving many lives. Steve Wilson, managing edi- tor- of 'the Ilhistrated 'Press recog- nizes the rescuer ass Andrew :Tack- son Peters, baseball hero 'of twenty years back and decides to base a Skid Row series around. him, • New Singer Monique OadiouX, the ' pert 16- year-old Montreal vocalist, 10 now a regular fixture on MC, Tele- vision's weekly variety "Holiday Ranch" Her rapid rise to the top bracket of popularity has been unprecedented in Canadian enter- tainment circles. MEN WANT -ED To Train as DRAFTSMEN! IN A FEW SHORT, MONTHS YOU CAN BE CASHING BIG PAY CHECKS. There is a tremendous demand for draftsmen. We will train you, at hoine in your spare time to be a drafts, man. No drafting, background or, previous training needed. All books and instructions for as little as $1.50 a week or-86,9a a month. Est. 1897 not for profit. ?Draftsmen am desperatelY 'needed by industry. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO- PREPARE FOR RIG, STEADY PAY AND A GOOD FUTURE AS A DRAFTSMAN. Write today for free information, Mail Without any obligation complete information and 150 page book on over 50 good paying jobs including - Draftsman. 'American School, Dept. W-AT, 71 Lorne Crescent, Brantford, Ontario NAME AGE ADDRESS Head Office - London, Ont. District Representatives CRAWFORD (1 HETHERINGTON,' WINGHAM - 7. 111, WYLIE, WROXETER T. W. BUSHFIELD, WINGIIAM • • • • • • • • • 0 We00•0•rfee* 44. .0t!' !1r, "El thelastesif soiling loaf :41 National Leader SOCIAL CREDIT PARTY • Vliefinesday; May ,g 3,55 Preview 4,00 Round, World 4.30 Take a Look 4.45 Folk Songs 6.00 Cartoonia 5.30 Howdy,,,,Doody 6.00 Flash Gorden 6.20 Politiaal Talks 6,30 'Focus-Weather 6,45 Focus-Farm -7,00 Focus-Sports 1,15 Focus-News 7,30 Dangerous Assign, 8.00 Vie Obeck 8,30 I LoVe Lucy 9.00 Hit Parade ANNUAL MEETING. "GINGHAM GOLF CLUB Monday May 7th 8.15 p.m, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Everybody Welcome Roun4 • w.MV,W,WKVMWAOW.. Al,o.ftWOm YOUR, FAMILY' SHOE STORE Central Press Canadian Canada's, Eskimos are• learning a new way of life, For gener- ations their contact with the •While man lids been restricted to casual meetings, purchases of necessities at trading posts, and 'visits by missionaries. Only a few have worked for white men in ;the past, but 'now with the building of the DEW fine, millions 'of dollars 'are being• spent arid, jobs are available on a. more or less permanent basis. Many are moving into government-built house; collecting regular, pay cheques. With this new way of life,, too, is coming education, and.many Eskimo children are learning English along with their mother tongue. This lad on Baffin Island has' a whole library from' Which to choose. ESKIMOS LEARN WHITE . MAN'S WAY•S • • • t • • • 0 PHONE 1Z - 0 • • • 0 • • IDEAL FOR CASUAL SPRING WEAA , Bore .01E'PE SOLE OXFORDS., dr Woihn..Ado, 143q. 2, 000 $5.95 and • $7,95 Saturday May 3 3.55 PreVieW 4.00 Western Theatre MO Wild hill Hickok '5.15. Keritticity Derby 5.45 Disneyland 6.45 Mr. Fix"it' 7:00 Burns '& Allen • 7.30 Holiday itairlt 6,00' Jackie Gleason 8,30 Stage ShoW 0,00 On Camera 0.30 Holiday Theatre 11.00 0110 News alb News Nightcap 11,15 'PHA 11,20 Wrestling Phdne 966 ' 4010 11411. i STARS AS TRUCK ,ORIVER James Daly stars as a discourag" ed truck driver who, halts his truck long enough to pick up a homeleas Mexican waif and thereby solves, nis marriage problems in the Kraft television drania "No Riders" on Thursday at 9 pm, on CKNX-TV, Audra Lindley co-stars as his mar- riage-weary wife and Jose Perez will be seen as the small 'Orphan boy, "No Riders," an original television script, written, by TV movie writer Wendell. Mayes. Mayea just .returned to the East following an 'assignment as scenarist for "The Spirit of St. Louis", the film .bio- graphy of Col, Charles A, Lind- bergh. The-motion picture, which is still being filmed, is scheduled to be released later this year. WINGHAN1 After a great deal or urging, Peters 'agrees to cooperate with the Series to. see if something can't be done to improve conditions along Skid Row. There is an election campaign • for mayor going on and • Peters agrees.to speak in favor of Illustrated 'Press-hacked Mayor Brandt who favors cleaning up Skid Rovir, but when faced with ac- tion, Peters becomes afraid and goes on a drinking hinge, -Steve sends reporter Ferris, disguised as a bum, out along Skid Row to find Peters. He doesn't find his man, but he does uncover enough information to blast the Skid Row situation wide open. Big Town will he seen at the usual time, ten o'clock tonight on Channel 8. PERSPECTIVE' VISITS FREIGHTS. R IN VANCOUVER HARBOR The arrival in` port of an ocean freighter is the signal, for a chain of activity to begin, as, reporter Fred. Davis will show on Perspec- tive, May 6th at 5,00 p.m, In a nautical mood he visits, the rreight- er Loch Garth in Vancouver oar- hor to see, customs and immigration officials going about their duties, cargoes being unloaded, and• a ship being cleaned from bow to Stern. Produced by the National Film Board, the program is titled Ship ,in, Harbor. Gordon Burwash is the writer, Hawser; hatchways and other 'fittings all receive attention as they are explained to viewers. The leisure time of sailors while a ship is "in port, always of interest to landblubbers, is, shown as the men of the Loch Garth visit The Flying Angel, a seamen's mission. When the time nears 'for the 'freighter to sail the tempo of load- ing her, is quickened and Davis watches the boilers being fired and the radar switched on, before ;he ship moves quietly out tr.; sea... Jim Anderson Wants Private Life Jim -Anderson, decides that he needs a private life of his own, and tells his children they must work out their own probl ms: Complications promptly ensue.. Son Bud manages to break the wind- shield of the Anderson car and can't get to his father to report, it' and young daughter Kathy pur- loins a cardboard Zulu from the local movie house and is haunted away from home, Jim decides that by a guilty conscience. • When Kathy attempts, to run his family is more important than his private life and tells the chil- dren to bring their troubles to him as before and life at the Ander- son's settles once more into it's normal routine. Father Knows Best 6.30 'Sunday. evening, • Star ,Stage The thirty-fifth Star Stage pre- sentation tells the moving story of a young boy clinging to the mem- ory of his dead father. Be sure to see Brandon de Wilde and Meg Mundy in "Bend To The Wind,' on CICNX-TV Friday at 9.30 p.m, DST. "Here and 'There" Features Manitoba Visible links with the past will be revealed by the camera in the series Here and There on May 6th. In a documentary film called Signs 'of the Past southern Manitoba's historical base will he explored. The host: Will. be Don :.MacDonald 'of CEO Winnipeg, Viewers-. Will od through the gate of Old Fort Garry in the Manitoba capital and then see a succession of sites and relies that stand as reminders of earlier Included will be the fi..•st locomotive engine •to reach Mani- toba; churches, hotels and home- steads built in the pioneer past; rusting, hells „that clanged along the Red River; copies of old news- papets In the west and other his- toric documents. SCOUT CORNER Last Monday, April 23 was St. George's Day and was celebrated by Scout; alt across. Canada. St. George was pieljed up by "I3.P." as the patron saint of Scouting,' be- cause he was typical of what a Scoltt should be, On St. George's Day every Scout should look tip the Scout, Law 'arid Promise and make an extra effort to do a good deed, At the last Meeting some Seeds revolved sonic pretieieney badgea as follows', 1,L, 13ytort Adams and 15.1.), Toddy Wormworth received . their Ambulance Man. This badge is special arid blot be earned If a Scout wishes to get h1 'Often Scout Badge, X'.L. Walton Mekibbert received his Swimmer's and N11011%11 Badges which he earned last an tiler. • VtaoPintil got lila LatincIty- Man's badge. Thursday Ladies' League • Mrs. '3, MacIittyre; 1495; -Mrs. H. Carmithael, 1459; .* Mrs. C. Lott, 1.440; Mrs. R. E. McKinney, . 1423; Mrs, G. Canieron; 1,419; Mrs. W. Bushfield, 1393. High, doubles, Mrs. C. Lott., .378; prize for day, Mrs. W. Henry 367. Prizes for series went to Mrs. C. Lott's team with 11897; Mrs. G. Carneron's team, with 11,392. Con- solation to Mrs. W. Bushfield's team. Highest double for the year, Mrs. C. Lett, ;560. Officers elected were: Mrs. G. Cameron, president; Mrs.' Alton Adams, secretary, and Mrs. H. Spry treasurer. Bridge Club The club held its' final regular garne of the season last week and a two-session tournament is being condUcted Tuesday and Thursday of this week, the' winner to receive the,"club, championship. These with the, leading average scores for the season are: 1.. W. H. French; 2. Mrs. D. B. Porter; 3. G. Williams; 4. Mrs. F, A. Parker; 5, 5, H, Crawford; 6. Mrs. .D., C. Nasmith; 7. Mrs. R. S. Hethering- ton; 8. 0, Haselgrove; 9, Mrs. J. A. Wilson; 10, J. A. Wilson; 11, Miss Y. McPherson; 12. Mrs, G. H. Ross; 13, Mrs. J. H. Crawford; 1.4. Mrs. H. C. MacLean, In last Week's game, Mrs. R. E, McKinney and C. Hodgins were high North and South, and H. L. Sherbondy and G. Williams had top score East and West, promote future trees and 'keep the hush in good growing condition rather than want to only destroy the young trees with heavy xnaz•h- inery. LIFETTME SECURITY a (*- Buda Life sPeelftl 00141'00 providing Life Itisuratiee and Pension Option all bt one policy available from Age age 35. FRANK C. HOPPER -Representative- Canada Life WINGHAM ONT. • • Education Stressed In Safety Campaign SAINT JOHN, N.B., (CP)-Sen- 1, for traffic inspectors in New Brunswick have started a cam- paign to educate the province's drivers under the slogan:. "Mr. Public, we would rather prevent your accident than try to identify you afterward." The inspectors recently complet- ed an advanced course in driving skill tests here with a long-range aim to cutting down highway aa. cidents. The 'course, said to be the first of its' kind in Canada.. strers- ad education rather than enforce- ment., • • • • PICTURES SHOWN IN MEMORIAL HALL WHITEOHUROH-qnito a crowd gathered last Tuesday evening in the memorial hall for Moving pie- tures.•,Nfiss Lois Whey of S.S. No, 9 was in charge, ami showed ,"The Olympic Games," "World Without End," 'a picture of the work the U.N, is'(ioing among the sick and diseased in backward countries and how they teach the people better farming practices. "Trees Are a Crop" showed how a woodlot should be handled to hill 11111ll lll 1,11411.111111.11111,1110.111 lllll lllll 11111111111111111,IlIIlI,IlIulI,IllII)111111,1111111111,1111111111111111111111111111. AMY JOHNSTON DANCE RECITAL in the HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ' Featuring uartette of the 48th Highlanders of Canada FRIDAY, MAY 11th • 8.15 P.M. Admission-Adults 50c Children' 35c llllllllllllllll 11111111111, 1U,1111 [111111,10 lllllll 1“1.1 lllll 11111111111 llllllllll I lllll1.1111111111,111111111111lllllllllllll Musical Revue on Shower of Stars Frankie Leine and lee E. Brown will he the co-emcees of the Sew- er of Stars presentation on CBC TV May 6th-a' cavalcade of American music. The stars, on this ocoasion, will include The Three Girls (Jane Russell, Connie Haines and Beryl Davis) and. the orches- tras will be those of Les. Baxter, Nelson Riddle and Perez ePrado. Singer Tex Williams will be heard, along with the Teen-agers, a rock- and-roll quartet. The revue will feature a cross- •seetion of new moods, and fash- ions in U.S. music. Song-types will include- religious, western, hillbilly, European, Latin, ballet and novelty. Joe E. Borwn's contribltions • will include his famous baseball panto- .mine. The Three Girls represent three- quarters of. The Four Girls, well-. ,known in the U.S. for their vocal aid to religious charities; Rhonda • Fleming (the fourth girl) is .other- wise engaged on May 6th. - 9.30 a aide Rao:She-W.:- 10.00 Big Town 10,30 Request. Yours MOO CBC News 11..10 News Nightcap Pajama Playhouse: Thursday, May 3 1.45 School Broadcast 3,55 Preview 4,00 M'Lady 4,30. Mn4 "0" 4.45 Maggie Muggins 5,00 Carteonia 0.30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Range Rider 6.30 Foeus-Weather 6.45 Focus-Farm Sponsored By -- Victoria St. Sunday, May 1.25 Preview 1.30 Faith for Today 2.00 Jr, Magazine 8,00 Yoti Are There 3,80 Shower of Stars 4,30 The Millionaire 5.00 PeraPedtiVe 5.30 Fighting Words 6.00 Exploring Minds 6.30 rather KnoWa Best 740 ()lir Miss Broeka 740 Theatre of 'Stars 8.00 PA. Sullivan 0,00 Font Star Theatre 0.30 Showtime . 10,00 Widow, of IVIisSi- satige, 1140 CRC NeWS '11.1,0 NeWS Nightcap 11.15 Pajama Playhotilie 11,30 Pajannt Playhouite CKNX TELEVISION PROGRAMMES TV FACTO1RY N CETRE SERVICE . WINGHAM 0. 0. 10, I0. 11. 11,10 Nowa Nightcap 11. 11.111 Pajania :Plityliouse 11, World 4.30 Fur & Feather 4.45 Aubrey 8z Gus 5.00 Cartoonia 5,80 Howdy Doody 6.00 Fainge Rider 6.30 Foeus..Weather 6,45 Focus-Vartri '7.00 Focus-Sports 7:15 Pocus-NeWs 7,30 Stop the Musics MO Caesar's IXotir 0.00 Medie 0.30 Denny Vaughan 10.00 Studio One 1140 CPO News. , 7:00 I~ecus-Sports 7.15 Focus-News 7,30 Hopalong Cassidy 8.00 Bishop Sheen 8,30 Fireside Theatre 9.00, Kraft Theatre 10.00 Circle 8 Ranch 10,30 This Is the Life 11.00 CBC NeWs 11,10 News Nightcap 11.15 Pajama Playhouse Friday, May 4. 1,45 School Broadcast 3,55 Preview 4,00 Round, R.ou n cl World 4.30 Peppermint 'Prince 4.45 Small Fry Frolics Monday, May 7 3.55 Preview 1.45 4.00 R.otintl, R o U tt cl 3.55 ,Carteania 5.30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Range Rider 6.30 Focus-Weather 6.45 Focus-Farm 7.00 Focus-Sports, 7.15 Focus-News 7,80 The Falcon 8.00 Wayne & Shuster 8,30 Plouffe Family 9,00 Ford Graphic 100 Star Stage 10,00 Gillette. Fights 10.45 JIM Coleman Show 1.1,00 0130 News 11,1.0 Newg Nightcap 11,15 Pajama Playhouse 4.00 M'Lady 4.30 Travelogue' • 5.00 Cartoonist 5,30 Howdy Doody 6,00 Range nici cr 6.30 Pocus,Weather 6.45 Focus-Perm 00 Pam-Sports 115 Focus-News 7,30 Hailer Bell 8,00 GM Theatre' 00 Dragnet 30 Pick The Stars 00 Almanac 30 Searlet PIMPernel 00 MO NeWS 10 News Nightcap 13 Pajama Playhouse 7, Tuesday, May 13 School 13roadcast Preview MEN before you buy your new SPORT JACKET see the- very latest at Armitage's A New Spring. Shipment. Just Arrived • • • • • • • • • • • • • fora three or 3 10 four year term • • • THE HURON & ERIE MoRTGAGF, CORPORATION CANADA TRUST COMPANY BURON & ERIE - CANADA TRUST • 0 9