HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-02, Page 5SPECIAL TARGET SALE PRICE TWO=PIECE Bed Davenport Suite Ns the Andrew al days. nil 28, 35 mow omosztarkovw.i GREAT TARGET SALE Roal "EXTRA VALUE" Days Offering several new Special Values ! First time advertised See these and other wonderful buys ! Quantities limited ! Sale :gin s SATURDAY, MAY Sth Special Values I Stretchies ! AfternOon Sheer I Children's Denim Jeans Dress Sheer —.15 Denier Nylon Specially purchased for this Sole, Walker Sto-res bring you these popular fashionable hose at much below regular price. Note. their features and you'll want several pair for your wardrobe. • Smooth close fitting. • Stretches to proper length. • Relieves garter tension. • New Spring 'shade — Rose tint. • Sizes A — (fits 81/2 and 9); B — (fits 9 1/2 and 10); C — (fits 101/2 and 1.1). First Time Advertised NYLON STRETCHIES Here's value!' Denim Jeans for little boys or girls, "sanforized" to keep their size th,rough washing after washing. TWo front pockets and full elastic boxer waist — the style so ' popular for the younger ones. Choose from four colors — Faded Blue, Lime, Red or Char- coal. Buy for wearing• now and early'summdt at Walker Stores; Special Purchase ! "Sanforized' ! • each and Bath T els In big, bright beautiful stripes, and gorgeous solid colors. Mostly 36" x 60", Some 30" x 60" Boxers-Style ! Sizes,. 2, 4 and ,6 „ SPECIAL. TARGET SALE PRICE Nylon 11 siery A leading supplier co-operated with Walker Store's buyers' to produce this special value in time for the closing days, of our Target Sale. These Water hungry beauties are fqvorites of many for home and beach,Use. They're thickly looped on firm backing. Choose from three different rainbow stripes or several solid colors. The graduates of grade thirteen and special commercial class were honored by the students of, Wing- ham District High School at their first graduation dance in the school auditorium. This took . place on Thursday, April 19th, with dancing from 9,30 to 1,00 a. in. The music was supplied by the Esquire Orch- estra with Charlene Deyell, as voc- alist. The gymnasiuhi, decorated in pink and green „streamers, with the setting "in Paris," gave a lovely and colorful backgreund for the multi- coloured archway led to the -re- ception line composed of Mr, W. S, Hall, Mr. and Mrs, J. Armstrong, of Brussels, Loixise Jefferson and Doug. Murray, -1'f1-. and; Mrs. Ma- dill, and Mr, and' Mrs. Woolfrey, who stood along a stone walk sur- rounded by gay, spring flowers. There were large scrolls at the foot of the orchestra -showing the list of graduates -of "56," A delicious lunch of dainty sandwichcs and punch was served. Everyone agreed that this, dance was the loveliest dance of the season, Ruth' Sharpe XII 0 - 0 - 0 Pfand-me-downzclothes Would 'you quibble if someone wanted to give you her mink coat? Well, ito, of course you would do no 'such a thing! But if that same person wanted to be- stow on you an old suit, that she had worn for at least ten years, what would your attitude•be then? Ah yes, the "hand-me-down cloth- es" system can be a blessing to the budget-conscious wife, and it can be a misery to the younger members of the household. In fact, you do not have to be .a youngster to resent these clothes. Most young people resent having, to wear sister's blue coat or cousin Jane's "last year's hat." And can you blame them? Everyone in town , knows to whom that coat or hat HIc :SCHOOL, hli his 411miompaimmini..•••••••W pose As to organize the public and give theta a vehicle for fulfilling the needs of the mentally These needs are: HOSPitals 'free from over.orowding with adequate and adequately paid staff to give more*perstaialized treatment, HeN4w of the concept of a OW large "security" institutions re- moved front the community' as the ultimate In mental hospitals. Introduction of the Mental hos- pital to the community as an beh- oved centre of treatment of, a com- mon illness, not a stigma, arid its staff as dedicated servants accom- plishing -much in the face of public indifference. BeSearelt into the muses of Men- tel. illness and Its Prevention, and enlightenment of the public to reeOgniZe the 'Wkle8Pread inaPaet Of Mental illness, its economic cost and to acecpt It as another form of illness Instead of a disgrac'eful calamity, The Canadiaa•Meatal Health As- SoCiatien is 'Werkirig to satisfy these needs by introducing the public to the problem of Mental illness by poraorializing It through Christmas" gift programs Mid volunteers ser- vice activities and offering infer- motion on the miture and lamed of Mental The .AsSoefatkiii is pressing for constant haproVereent In hospital standards, extended,,'treatment soy. Vices to offset serious breakdowns and increased corarnithierit to hos- pitals, is 44;11 recognized, pro- gress in any area of public bene- fit is practically lave:W.6 With- alit ors organized public behind the • EACH movement, As an example, the Salk polio discovery came because of the organization. of the public, in the 'Polio Ifoundatiart which raised 75 million d011ars for re- search and. service, The ,answer to Mental illness lies -in the sameidl- reetkm. A. terrified citizen assured the polite lieutenant he had been fell- ed in the dark outside his back door by an unknown assailant, A rookie cop was dispatehed to the scene And returned' with a big lump on his forehead, Sol'iied the ease,' he reported. 'Quick work,' complimented the lieutenant, 'How did Yen do it?' 'I stepped on the rake, 00,' belonged and some ,young friend is sure to mention the fact that she has seen that outfit before, But then too, there ate quite a number of people ,who are glad to accept and wear these clothes. These are the people who really need them and whose false pride does not' rule them. They do not feel re- seatment because they are glad to have clothes to wear. Yes, your use of your common sense should gov,- ern your attitude in this problem. Now let us look at the person who is handing down the eIothes, If it is an older sister, perhaps she is glad to get rid of them, because it means a new outfit for her, Sounds selfish doesn't it?, Or per- haps some hand-rne-downs comes from mothers who are -anxious to see their children neatly and warm- ly dressed, and yet .who are fin- ancially unable to buy new clothes for each child, Or perhaps it is someone who lives comfortably, and who wants to be charitable and give some .clothes, which are perfectly good, to someone who has need. of them. Or-if you have ever seen some of the clothes given during a .charity drive, you will know what I mean—it is. someone who ,has a lot of old clothes which are not of any use to anyone, and which cannot be got rid of in any other way, Yes, even the givers can be selfish or unselfish. Usually, . the selfish givers are the ones who resent giVing away their clothes. Those who do it in a spirit of love and charity are the ones who receive the grateful "thank-you." Of course, there are some people who will not accept charity no matter how destitute they arc, but 'these people are few. And there you have it--a few views on' "hand-me-down clothes." They can be accepted either with a grateful "Thank you," or with .'a plaintive cry: "But Mother, I just simply cannot wear that Coat, of Mary's!" Usually 'the latter reaction is the normal one for a young person. However, when it comes down to the fine.point, the attitude of the receiver usually depends on. the attitude of 'the giver, • Theresa Scharbach XIII I 114, WilOgot Mivomoo.Thoos, Weor tnikhr,),, !Special. Ropes for -. Nels9.tr's '.-TictQry" Nelson's last flagship, the "Vic Cory", 'is undergoing her most ex• tenslYe xv,,rigging 'since .1940, Tlif. work is .expected to be completed in time for Portsmouth Navy Days in August, sThorder for the" special tones needed to replace the Victory's rig- ging has gone to the Revery at 1-X,lvt. Dockyard, Olaf:ham, It Will be made in the same long timber rope walks used in refitting the Victory five years before Trafalgar after She had been used as - a pri- son hospital ship in the giver Medway ..at -the close of the 18th century. Supervising the work is Mr. W. J. Blacker, who at .59. has some 45. :years of experience as a ,ropemaker, He worked' on the rig- ging for the Victory before she was opened to the public in 1927, At that time the making of shroud cables was an almost forgotten art in Naval dockyards, The- present Ropery at Chatham the Admiralty's only rope- making establishment—dates back to 1785 and meets the . needs: of Naval ships and establishments in all parts of the world. Farmer's Son; 'is 'a chicken big enough to eat When it's two weeks old?' Teacher; 'Of course not,' Farmer's Son: 'Then how does it manage to live?' again: "Senior governments can offer guidance, planning and financial assistance, but the successful pro- secution of a civil defence program depejids, in the last analysis, on the participation of individual citi- zens and on community leader- slfip." a Ill' Repeat Special! AFTERNOON SHEER 54 gauge.— 15 denier First quality; full fashioned. Afternoon sheer nylons for dress-up wear. In two soft Spring tones: • ,Rose Beige I Beige Taupe. Sizes 9 to 11. WALKER. STORES TARGET SALE 'PRICE, pair ) The federal go'Venrment'S. part in civil defence is mainly, to co- ordinate provincial plans with the over-all plan of the country in event of an enemy attack. It must provide direction, assistance, train- ing. But as Health Minister Paul Martin has said, "civil defence cannot be imposed from the top." "No government—not even the federal government—can do this job alone," he said in . a recent speech. Under Canada's constitu- tional setup, the job of organizing the civilian, population so that it can protect itself in event of a disaster such as nuclear war falls .to each level of government—fed- eral, provinicial and municipal. The federal ; goVernMent recog- aized ithb 11,61,4.-drytVdef en.Co..in 'Canada asfe,',13aek; as 1944iian it appointed -eFf Worthington b.s federal civil defence co-ordinator. At that time civil defence came under 'jurisdiction of the Depart- ment of National Defence. It was switched to the 'Department of Health and Welfare with Mr, Mar- tin as the responsible cabinet mini- ster in 1951. A federal-provincial confereace of civil d,efenee officials agreed on which government would share what responsibilities., It was agreed that the federal government would operate a cen- tral training school for civil de- fence specialists. The Canadian Civil Defence College was esta- blished at Arnprior, Ont., .40 miles northwest of Ottawa. More than 7,000 persons have been trained by the federal Civil defence organiza- tion so far and Canada now has some 72,000 runtime CD workers including firemen, policemen, etc., Where normal jobs fulfill a CD function and 107,000 volunteers, • Cannes are held at the college Continuously except for the month of August when It closes for va, cation. .Its staff of about 20, has given courses to pollee chiefs, fire chiefs, doctors, industrial person- Two First Time Advertised Mental Health • Of Canadians We !lave been hearing a great deal these days about the mental health of the Canadian people and the services, mid lack of them, The natural Vest:km is, "Xs any- body working toward improvement Of the lot of this great body of our people so impaired?" - The health of 'the people is the, prime responsibility of the provin- pea, Their services are subskiheed by the federal gOVerninent. ' In addition there is a strong . tional Citizens movement; work- rig toWard the inipthVehlent of nor-"T Available td the mentally ill hi ;Canada, It LS We 'Canadian Men- tal Health kaa0Clatieri whose put. •••••••1111W, SPECIAL TARGET SALE PRICE: EACH nal and many other groups from . , across Canada, Through the Health Depart- ment's information services the federal. CD' organization also has carried on an intensive educational campaign to acquaint Canadians with the importance and function of civil defence. The federal government is res- ponsible for cooperation with the United States CD planners and es- tablishment of a warning system to tip,the country of any possible enemy attack 'It is stockpiling me- dical supplies at strategic points across Canada. It has provided es- sential CD equipment, training manuals and publications. It agreed to carry out research° on. defence through ,govern- yrienrresearch establishments and help- the provinces by paying one-third of the cost to standar- dize fire hose couplings. Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia are the only provinces so far to take advantage of this arrangement which makes it possible for fire equiprhent from one town to be used in any other 'town in the province. These are, the chief functions of the federal CD organization during peacetime, Should war come, it. would also: 1. Warn of an oncoming attack through electronic 'devices being. built around the rim of the con- tinent, by ground observer corps and other information sources. 2. Co-ordinate inter-provincial movement of aid to provinces and municipalities under attack and distribute the federal stockpile of attdck supplieS. Co-ordinate nationwide jobs 'of other federal agencies and keep the prime minister and the people informed of the, attack's effects. 4, Participate in deeisiona con: corning emergency restoration of communications, transportation or other essential functions. But In the words of Mr, Martin Ir FREE DELIVERY Winglisun • " $142.00 Phone t Free Delivery - Phone SI quality and $e11/ice since Oil Save on TheSe ,Week-lEnd Specials SILENT MATCHES 3 pkgs. 25c Del Monte Fancy FRUIT COCKTAIL 28 oz. tin 43e cooloomrs TOMATO SOUP 10 6z. tins 2 for 23c Sanjay Choice Cream Style CORN 20 oz. tiris 2 for 251i RED ROSE Red Label or Orange Pekoe SAVE Sc a: package GARDEN SEEDS DUTCH SETS PINEAPPLES a — Wingharn, Wingham Fruit Market Belgrave, FL. Walsh General Store • Whitechurch, Cities Service Station a izItiminintimmammimiumminusimimmumimimitstimistimmitionie,' During the month of May, Bruce Clean= 1 ers, of Kincardine, will mothproof all dry cleaning free of charge. Local .Agents a '1 11 lllll 111111111 lllll 11 llllllllllll 111 lllllllllll 1111 llllllllll 1 lllll 11111 llllll 1111111111111111 llllll 11111 llllll 111111111111111111111111 lllll Choose • this Davenport • Suite for the Bed-Sitting Room. IlapdwObil frame, Spring-filled construction, siriartly tailored in metallic wool freize 50" exatide FURNITURE llllll 11111111111111111111 lllll 11111111e11111111 llllll 111111111111111111111111111 lllll 1111111111111111111111 lllll 111111111.11111111111111111111111 A-.1 USED CARS I- 1 1-1955 New Consul Sedan, II price. 1-1954 Monarch Blue Sedan, a beauty. 1-1953 Ford Custom Light Blue Coach, like • new. 1-1952 Ford Custom Sedan, A-1 guarantee. 1-1952 Chevrolet Blue Coach, perfect inside and out, 1-1951 Chevrolet Blue Sedan, a real buy. 1-1950 Chevrolet ,-ton Pickup, A.1 shape. 1-1950 Ford 1.ton with van type body, a $riap. 1—Allis,Chahners WC Tractor, thoroughly 'overhauled. Huron Motors A. MitoWILLIAM Ford toordson Make ',Ortiotots w car at used car