HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-02, Page 4' A learitters to tour -Ontario Was ',tire guest of and ' Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Murray for several aLys. MILLER Ia wholam .Q• 1 Oirth HOspitai, un Saturday, April 26, 1950, to Allan 'and Eileen Miller, R.R. 1, Luelfnow, a con, For the Elm* in Taxi. Service it's LEE'S TAX( 2100U1t, SERVICK Weddings, Fnnemis and Shopping Trips Powutown , Crosstown „ •. Out of town „ , • CALL 'LEE'S', 185 lamosaataaliaaaaaaaaaw rs.ok Veleta. Thq Wipg:hom Advaelev-Tiettes Weal:Keeley, may i,sou • k 4$ 3*4't s eeeseaeaailk. e • ii,,,astaeatate's Toronto Scientist Finds Type of Cancer Contagions in Fish FEMALE HELPWANTED *coMINO EVENTS FOR, SALE :51),:"CELLANEOVS 14`EIVIALE HELP WANTED Pro- ehietion line operators. Na experie ence required, Apply at Berry Deer Co„ Ltd. office, May 8rd and 4th 10 .aan. to 12 noon, '2b SMAX-414„SAFE 15X13x13 guaranteed for one*hour fire; new and re- Safes opened, combination ehanged, We buy safes, highest prieee.-J. W, Locking, 404-11th St., A. W., Owen Sound, phone, 11.56. 110,8;25;2h CLEARING AUCTION $41,44 of choice livestock and implements, grain and hay will be held at the farm of Hugh Mundell,. Junction 86 and 87 Highway, Turnberry Township, Con, A. Next door to Bluevale Crearnery, on Saturday, May 5th, at 1 ,p.m. Good terms. Hugh Mundell, Proprietor; von. aid Blue, Auctioneor, • 2b FIRE INSUR,ANCE --For complete coverage at minimum east, phone Henry Johann, Belmore 2r1. 21) „ . WARM WEATHER, is coming. Have hot plates, rnngettes, fans, toasters, irons, etc., checked and repaired, at Dunkin TV and Radio Rennin Call Teeswater 27 or Wingham 70331. for TV, radio Or appliance repairs. !lb RELIABLE high school girl for Saturday's work, Rapp's Bakery. 2e DRESS VP YOUR, FURNITURE with custorn-made slip covers Made to order, Call Mrs. Harold Bluevale, phone 709w4, 20:2:04, HELP WANT147,i) IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A, Scott, Wingham. 2rrb MEN NEEDED to help take care of our expansion program. Ages 26 to .60 with car, neat appear- ance and good 'character. If your present earnings are not enough for present day living costs, and you ere ambitious enough to be willing to do some- thing about it, we can offer you the opportunity of earning at least 1100,00 per week, as many of our men have earnings well beyond this figure. Why not take one day off from your present job to investigate, It could easily effect your whole future. Apply to Box 37, Advance-Times, 25 :2h ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, awnings, railings, steel or alumi- num barns for sale. Apply to Jas. S. Cowan, Listowel, phone 527M, 25,2,9* AUTO COLLI$ION REPAIR SHOP CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all our neighbors and friends for the assistance given to us at the time of our house fire,--Mr, and Mrs. Alan Darling. - 2* Mr,. and Mrs, Reg Hocking, of Toronto, were Week-end guests of her Harvey Webb Mr4, Webb, Miss Isabel MacIeherSon was home from London for' the Week. end. The ladies are reminded -of the meeting .of , the Institute in the Community Hall this (Thursday) afternoon at 2,30 when Mrs, A, E. NfeKim, of neselcnoW„ Will be the geest.,speaker, Roll call, '• "What should our Institute do for tile community?" Robert Howie', of BallenbrIeb, Flfeehire, Scotland, who was chos- en as one of eight British Junior ST, HELENS STEWART A. SCOTT can now save, you 15% on your car or truck in- surance, Yearly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers. Far further information phone 293, Wingham. 29rris GREEN UPHOLSTERED CRES- terfield chair for sale, Good con- dition. Phone 5. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the kindness shown me and the cards, gifts and visits from all my friends, neighbors and, relatives. Special thanks to • Dr, A, D. Mc- Murchy, Miss Lambertes,- Mrs. D. Connell and the nurses of the hos- pital staff,--Mrs, Emily Donaldson, 2. TON of baled bay for sale, 85 Sussex-Red pullets, laying 40%, Phone 779J21. 1.0 *. .8; '4,'.0;•>•• Newsboys Support Youngster's Hope To Become Priest ,..Quzwgp .(01?).--An 11-year-old bey who sells newspapers on the sidewalks of Quebec City plans to become: a Roman .Catholic priest some day, and ,eome ,other news* buya are ready to;help -him by pay- ing for hie Studies at at a seminary. The hopes :OA Ppi).410114 of rally such newsboys .here are known to three kindly hlemtiers of the re., ligious .orderi the Brothers of St, Vincent de, Paul, who direct the order's 'work amongst the city's. yhung eewspeper ' sellers, Henaquaptere for this, work is in a Side street of LOwertown bee's centre, close to the newspaper' printing plants, There the Wye. ate tend lessons and meet socially, when they are not out selling the day's publications, • The priests who listen to the boys are not surprised at the variety .of trades and professions they wish to follow in a foy,,years,. Former newsboys who were under their supervision have become firemen and _policemen, and there is one who became a wrestler. leveed of 'Boys Rev. Bro, Fiddle Fortin, teacher- director at the -newsboys'. founda- tion is proud of the boys. He ,says they are kindhearted and willing to help each other, An example of this is the boy who wants to become a priest, but whose parents are un- able to send him to a seminary. This boy's studies will be paid for by his young colleagues. The fifty-odd members of Bro. Fortin's "family" are all between, nine and seventeen, When they are old enough to be allowed, regular employement, Ero, Fortin helps to find them jobs. The commission the boys receive selling papers often goes to help mother or to buy :little gifts. However, at least one- has a bank account. He has saved $242 since December 1953. Obviously Bro. Fortin has a bud- ding financier in his midst. SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels, 1.5rrh By keeping healthy maskinonge in a tank with one having a growth that ,resembles a type of human cancer, Dr, R. C, Richie of the Bunting Institute has discover- ed that at certain temperatures the growth will spread• from one fish to another. . Dr, Riot:le, whose work is Sup- ported to a large extent by the Canadian Cancer Society, has been working on the maskirionge pro- blem for three years. It was noted that about one in fifteen' of the inasirinonge caught in - Lake See- gog in the Kawarthe Lake district of Ontario had a large growth on its flank. When tissue from this growth was eXamined under a mic- roscope it seemed to be identical to that of lymphosareoma in hu- mans:, Using pound nets, he caught a number of the fish and eptabliShed them in large tanks in the base- ment of the Denting to find ,out what he could about the cause and course of the disease. He discovered that in - warm' water-- the growth killed the fish in abottt two months. Usually the growth ulcerated and. secondary infection set in, causing the death, but other organs of the fish's body were also affected, In. rare instances the growth cleared up by itself leaving no after ef- fects. The fact that only fish in /the Scugog and lakes into which it drains are affected naturally led Dr. Richie to the question of , whether or not the growth could be caused by a virus -that might, pass from fish to fish in the water or from mother to child through the, eggs, This in turn led to the experiments with the healthy fish and the infected ones, He set up separate tanks. ,As nearly as possible the water in two of the tAlts 'was kept at 40 degeees and 'in the other two at 55 degrees. They were kept clean and the water continually chang- ing, Into each he placed 20 healthy muskies and kept them there for a couple of months to make sure they weren't developing tumors, He then placed a teMor hearing niuskie into 'one of the 40 degree tanks and one into a 55 degree tank, The other two tanks were kept for controls.. •-, Three weeks after the infected fish was put into the warmer water three of the muskies had developed tumors-None of the fish in the control tank had clone so. Most in- teresting of all, was the fact that hone of the fish in the 40 degree Water has yet contracted the di- aease although additional sick fish have been put into the tank. This leads him to believe that the temperature_ of the water has something to do with the develop- ment and course of this particu- lar growth. If so, has temperature anything to do with the course of cancer in other experimental ani- mals? Cancel' Society officials are nsa.- Levelly watching Dr. Richie's work with interest, but they point 'out . „ .• . • BIRTHS FOXTON-In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, April 27, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Foxton, Wingham, a son. YOUNG---Iii Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, April 28, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Clifford YoUng, R.R. 3, Teeswater, a':son. MILLER -In Wingham General Hospital, on' Saturday, kith 28, 195e, to Mr, • and atufts. Allan Miller, R.R. 1, Lucknow, a son. BYLSMA-In Wingham General }-16;epital, on Saturday, April 28, 1956, to Me. and Mrs. Brant Byl- sma, )3elgrave, a son (stillborn), HOGAN-In Wingham Geneial Hospital, on Sunday, April , 29, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis:Hog- . , an, R.R. 7, Lucknow, a daughter. WHITE-In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, April'' 30, 1956, to Mr. and 'Mrs, Wafrea White, Wingham„a,easnghtc MAHOOD-In St, Joseph's Hopi- ' tal, Hathillon, on April 17, 1956, to Mr. and, Mrs. Elton Mahood (nee Helen Parker),-of Fruitlantl, a daughter, Marion Doreen. HASTIE-In Trenton Hospital', on Monday,' April 30th, 195e, to' Mr. • and Mrs, Donald Hastic, of Tren- ton, a daughter.. 444.4...411••••••• ENERGETIC MAN wanted to work in mill and drive truck, Must have chauffeur's license Steady employment with gooti benefits, Apply in person to Ca- nada Packers, Wingham, 217 NEW FLEURY BISSELL tractor plows 2 furrow, $125.00; 3 fur- row, $195.00. Parts available, phone Kitchener, Sherwood 22438 collect evenings. M2; 36; 34; rrb Nov 7 SALESMEN WANTED "I'm having three accidents today . . . driving thru a brick wall, turning over twice and a head-on smash-up . . can you give me a repair estimate?" This young maniac is certainly looking for T trouble. Most of our customers are lookingw to avoid it. They have us check their cars regularly to insure safety on the road. , 3000 WATT hot water heater for bathroom tank, with thermostat for sale. Phone 822. 2* WINGHAM MOTORS SALES OPPORTUNITY-For Pro- gressive Part-time Appliance Salesman. We require a salesman of superior ability and appear- ance for outside selling. Good opportunity for big sales. Apply by letter only giving aomplete information to Sinipsons-Sears Ltd., Toronto, Attn: Mr. K. J. Helen, Dept. 382. Phone 139 Wingham NOTICE TO DOME .BUILDERS IF YOU ARE planning a building project this summers we are in a position to give yOu first class service for your cement work, House basements and floors, barn walls and floors (completed in one pour. Contact, Marls Christensen, phone 11r7, Blyth, 25rrrh that there is absolutely no evidence to .show that any kind of cancer in humans is contagious. Doctors and nurses working daily with can- cer do not .contract the disease et any greater rate than the general pUblic. Families and friends of can- cer patients, they explain, need not fear of , catching' cancer from in- fected. persons, YoUr contribution to the Cancer Society makes - research possible, Scientists are working to find. tee. cause H ,and cure of the disease a you have not yet 'Made .your con- tribution it would still be welconed by the Society, , NO, 2 IRISH COBBLERS seed po- tatoes for sale. 'Wingham Fruit Market, phone 534, W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST WANTED TO BUY 30 EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVERS Thoroughness - Ability - Time tested Tenders for the contracts of repairing and constructing the following drains in the Township of Morris -will be received up until 12 o'clock noon, May 7, 1956:- Spivey Drain-consisting of 5,327 lineal feet of tile drain. Bostria.n. Drain-consisting of 1,500 lineal feet, of, tile drain. Cole Drain-consisting of 10,550 MODERN HOUSE wanted to rent lineal feet of open drain. or buy, possession around July Phone 37 for appointment nil antolionomuntimimitimostountiontisiliatiiiitismainiming ADOPTION 'HARRISON-Mi% and Mrs, Earl Harrison of Lower Wingham, wish to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Breoda, May, on April 25, 1956, born December 9th, 1955, a sister for Ralph and Michael. BARLEY GROWERS-For best barley contract available see John Bumstead, Wingham, phone 455, larrb Required for Armstrong Eros. Construction Co„ Brampton, Ont. for a fleet of new tracks. Experienced Bulldozer Operators Experienced Motor-. •Grader Operators Apply '- DON ARMSTRONG Brampton Phone 1000 or '1001 WANTED TO RENT BICYCLE for sale, new paint finish, very good running order. Also four-stroke 1% h.p. gas engine and , automatic clutch. Will sell separately. Phone 51234 after 6 p.m. 2b Cee. Walpole SCREENS HARDWARE STAIRS Car'pen'try Building Wingham DEAASSXQPIC:.".MTED SASH Pittsburg PAINTS FRAMES CUPBOARDS GLASS Custom Woodwork Telephone 260-w ' 2'41? ibr " ;• e 0 ; PA , ead , ,old, sick or disabled hOrscs or cows. Phone Atwood 158 collect. rrM30* DEADSTOCK REMOVED from your 'farm promptly for sanitary disposal, Telephone colic ct: %Palmerston 123W, Durban) 898 or Wingham 378. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, lrrh PAINT TENDERS BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL -:- DIRECTORY SAVE AB 11. N Er FURNITURE -Try the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms, specializa ing In suites of furniture includ- ing Chesterfields and bedroom suites,' Free delivery. Trade-ins accepted. Godfrey/ Schpett, Mild- may. 2;9b BY PREPAYING CRAWFORD & HETHER1NOTON A. N.. M91111811 East Wawanosh Twp. School Borird requests Paint 'Contracts for interior re-decorating on 5 and possibly 7 schools, after proposed repairs have been completed on 2 buildings, Definite no, U3, U6, U7, SO, Ull, if repairs have been completed tenders will he received on S13 and 110. Tenders can he made for spraying, hand brushing or other type, The lowest or any tender not necessarily aceepted. Tenders will close May 5, 1956. Apply Roy, Pattison, Chairman, R.R. 8, Wingham, Ontario, phone 71933, Winghtun, 25:2h HURON COUNTY Mitt Wawitimsh Twp, Scheol Area requests applitations from qualified Teachers for Septernher. Protestant. 1. .Tr. Roan Deigrave Village 4 grades (25 pupils) 2, No. P8 on Highway between Belgrave and Blyth (18 8, No, 7, 4 miles West of no- grave on Huron rlonnty Highway (34 pupils) modern school, All schools are equipped modern, ly, Music Supervisor, rotating library. Salary range last, tetra, $2,500. MOM C. H, Wade, -Sec., elgraVe, Ont. 215:21) BABY CHICKS Barristers', Solicitors, Etc. Winghain, Phone 48 olitAWVoun, 40, IIETIncniNoToN, 4,1 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 'M Teeswater 'WEmzeter---Eve,ry Wednesday Afternoon, 2-4 pan., or by appointment. MODERN 2-STOREY home on Catherine St., featuring spacious living room with open fireplace, farrtily-stied dining room, large kitchen and separate breakfast room, den, 3 bedrooMs, 2 bath- rooms, ample cupboards and closets, oil heated, landscaped lot, Apply Box 35 AavenCee Tittles, 2111) . „ . 9-ROOM MODERN brick home, on corner of Bristol Terrace and josephine Streets for sale. Open to offers with a low down -pay: mitt. Apply to Warren L. Stev- enson, Real Estate and Business Broker, phone 825 Mt, Forest. `J. W. BUSHF1ELD Town of Wingham Frederick F. Homuth Carol E., liomuth, R.O. Mrs., Viola 11.11oniuth oriurtgrnisis rtioNP, 118 Flarriston, OntariO 1956 Taxes 21) 8-ROOMED COTTAGE, full base- ment, and 1/5 acre of land for sale, located near the church at Wroseter, Ontario, Also a red- brielt 11-roomed house well land- staved with pine trees and hedg- es, 23 acres of lend with flowing river entering into a small lake, ideal for fishing and boating situated oh two main highways at Wrogeter,. Any reasoidge offer on above two properties will he accepted. Phone or write Beatrice Hergott, Mildriaay, phone 42, Rep- resentative for Charles F. torah, Real EState, Toronto, 21.7 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Itit,o, Money to Loan Offiee-Meyer Block whigharn LIVESTOCK FOR SALE STICKERS for said, weeks old, also 4 ehunite, 100 lbs. Apply to Wallace Moreland, R.1. WrOXettfe, phone Dili. WELLINGTON FIRE RONALD 0, McCANN Insnranco Co manly Est, 184d Aft all Canadian Company Wia, has faithfully Serred itsri holders tor »Vet a ebtitnity,' fond Office - Torontn it O. MeteLetiii Iii vraitov Agency' Public Accountant Office; Batik Bidg, Ite8identel liattealairy St, thottet fifil. in$ CLINTON ONTARIO n4)07411=4 wAsTrt,D sb dirapiRoc;Mmns wattod, Phone 125, „2b ANGUS and Hereford grass steers for sale, Apply tO EinIer Sleighthohn, phone 040w4. Taxpayers May make payments on account of 1956 taxes up to ;80 per cent of 1955 taxes. Interest at the rate of rout per cent, per antintdwill be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made art the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Halt A tALBRAI'M Treasurer, Town of Wingham RIGHT NOW you want extra- super chinks. Chicks that will grow fast and produce be the Vinci markets. Big-4 Chicks will do that. Hatehery has full line breeds, crosses and specials like , Pileh, etc. Dayold, started, Cana- dian Approved. Figure your 'needs, get Big-4 Chicks, if you want to make real Money- Broil- ers, pellets, Mixed 'chicks, Cock- crelS, Ask OS for prices. BlueVale Milling Co., Bluevale, phone 610R21, Wingham and 801 1, russets. 2b 1954 OUSTOMLINE FORD for sale in good condition, Equipped with automatic transmission, custom radio, directional lights, back-up lights, windshield washer and two-tone in color. Cheap for cash. Phone 570W4, Wingham, 2* 80,0 ' 1404 'for silk. fiff 4-se ontefifritc seed barley, 8 Hereford ydarliiig steers, about 700 pounds. Apply to Bill Rintoul, R,R, 2, Lucknow, phone 717W2 Wingham. 2* TWO-STOREY RED BRICK house on Charles St. for sale. Six rooms and 2 eunrooms, oil furnace, Ap- ply evenings or Saturdays to Verna McLaughin, Shuter St., phone 2903, llrrb 4 BEDROOM FRAME house le the town Of Wingham Tor sale, situated in good residential die- tact. Contact Mrs. Fred Ross, phone 203w. 25;2b REAL ESTATE '. ApCTION SALE 4.00°,4hipV016111.:' One mile North of Brussels "WEDNESDAY, MAY 9th, at 12.30 p.m. IMPLEMENTS - W,4 Me0.- Deering Tractor, 2 years old; MCC,-Deering- Plough, 3-furrow; Mc.-Deering Cultivator, 81/2 . ft.; 13-disc Seed Drill; 5-section Har- rows; Disc; Wagon and Hay `Rack; Sleigh; Hay Loader; Side Rake; Dump Rake; Mower; Man- ure Spreader ,Mc.-D. (new); Mc.- D. Binder; 2,000 lbs. Scales; Steel Water Trough; Pig Crate; Pig Troughs; Wheel Barrow; Static Dont; Pence Posts; Lumber; Har- ness and other articles; Imple- ments bee to three years LIVESTOCK-1, cow, fresh (3 weeks.; 1 cow, fresh 4 weeks; 1. cow due before sale; (3 Hereford Steers, 1,050 lbs,; 3 roan steers 1,000 lbs.; 7 Hereford steers 1,000 lbs.; 5 Altus stem, 1 yr. old; 5 Durham steers 1 yr, Old; 11 Here- ford Steers 1 yr, old; 1 Heifer clue in June; 1 Durham heifer rising 2 yrs.; 8 salvos; :10 pip, 11 weeks old.; 2 sows clue before sale; 150 hens 10 mouths old; 200 Pullets 10 ‘kleeks I-IOVSEHOLD ARTICLE'S .- Oil space heater; Power lawn mower; ltitehen chairs; Dedeeorri suite; Refrigerator; Linoleum Rug, aild Small Articles, Terms flash WM. Med, Harold Jackson, Proprietor AlictionOt t/, P. Chesney, Clerk 21) • It a' toil wilt prodjca good duali- ty -vegetables or eVen grass With- out speelat treatment, such iti soil is generally storable for growing ail elnoteS of garden roses, PAINT uSPRAYER with motor for ,sale good condition. Reason- able„ Phone Garnet Farrier 711J1. 2h TWO RUGS 61/2 5t9' for sale. Phone 90 after 6 p.m. f 2* CORNS INSTANTLY relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve and Pads, Don't Stiffer any long- er. Salve 50c,-Pads 25e-at Me- Ribbons Drug Store. PIANO for sale. For full particu- lars: phone 493, • 2h SEED FOR SALE: Grade 1 Alfal- fa, Grimm, Ontario or Ranger, $20,00 bus., English Red Clever .$18.00 bus., Ontario Red Clover, $20,00 bus,, Alsike $18.00 bus., Sweet Clover $7,00 bus., Timothy $5.50 bus., Commercial Beaver Oats, $1.55 bus., avIontealm or Ga- lore Barley $1.85 bus. cleaned and treated, We carry a complete stock of all clovers and grasses for hay and pasture at money saving prices. Roy Cranur & Son, Pinkerton. Phone Cargill , 68W3, • 2b WANTED: Mna for steady travel among consumers in Hero». county, .Permanent connection with large manufacturer, Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawicigh's D e p t. E-453-131, Montreal, P.Q, CASH FOR SCRAP, highest prices paid on batteries, radiators, metals, cast and steel. Phone 502w4 or 975w Wingham. 25rM80* BOOKKEEPER wanted, male preferred, Apply t3 Pollard's Chain Saw, Brussels, phone 64, night call 56r13. 2b ONE ,FIREMAN wanted for the Wingham Fire Brigade. Please apply by letter to S. Cowan, 2b Plans and specifications may bp 0211' tie iuP131feci for tile tile drains. A eCitified cheque for ten per cent of the,' Contract price must accompany each tender, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Geo, C, Martin, Clerk 25:2b Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone. 293 Winter]. 25rrh GENERAL, BULLDOZING, bury- ing stone piles, fence bottoms, stumps, etc., see Ross Hastings, Wingham, phone 740. 25* WATERLOO CA't ILE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton. Hu 2-3441 or Mildmay 130r12 tween 7.30 and 9.30 axe. We have all breeds available -trorph quality at low cost." 25 FINANCING jA CAR?, Before you buy ask about our TENDERS WANTED, MORRIS TOWNSHIP