HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-05-02, Page 1"or With which is amalgamated the gorrie Vidette and Woneter News lort it$ is - .to nn ed dy n- is -19 ter I on ng . ars• Ps a t. :23 qtt us- dhe io- • a, me -36 ,ois ess 11le in Ay. tihi ore ing ma. ing, ght I MM THE MAIN DRAG. CARRIED AWAY—Don Adams got carried away while smelt fish- . ing last weep, -While wading out with a net for the tasty morsels; -he stepped into' a hole over his Waders, and was being wafted out to sea when Ace Bateson plunged in to grab him, Fortunately for both there was a bonfire, on the beach and they were able to dry out without freezing* solid. There's talk 'of a life-saving, medal for Bateson,• but Don claims he was treading water and didn't need to be rescued, 0 - 0 .- 0 GOT TILE URGE, ANYHOW Golfers in Wingham are still opti- mistic about playing golf this. year, in spite of adverap weather conditions ao far. In fact they're having their annual ineeting on Monday night in'the council cham- 'hers, and after a successful year last year are looking 'forward to even bigger things in g 1956, There will he a film shown at the meet- ing and lunch following. All golfers or prospective golfers welcomde. .0 - 0 - 0 TAKING RAIN CHECKS—Most of the trout fishermen had to take a rain check on the opening week- end, as -heavy rains played havoc with local streams, Some complain- ed about not being able to find the streams to start with, there was se much water around. High water seems to have subsided the past ouple of days, and maybe this weekend will be the real opener. 0- 0 - 0 SUMMER, LIGHTNING—Friday night's thunder and lightning was accompanied by a short-lived hot spell and for a few minutes it was lust like summer, Got colder, though, as the night "progressed, Must have been miserable for those fellows standing t shoulder to shoul- der at Eugenia, waiting fl ier the season to open.at Midnight.' 0 - 0 WITHOUT A HITCH—Daylight Saving Time came in like a lamb over the week-end, without a hitch,. as far as we can discover. In a way , it's a tribute to the eombined ef- forts of radio, television and the, press, since all of them were busy giving instructions as to how it should he done, By The PeidestTlarn WINS 'MUSIC TROPHY AT PEEL FESTIVAL • • ••., David is ha ghandson. iphd Mrs. W. A,' neughan, Of Winghain, .He attained gold' medals in ,each of 'four sections that he had en- tered at' the festival last week, His father is principal of 'Forest Ave. public school in Port Credit, ' The trophy presented each year:for proficiency in junior ,piano classes up :to 17 year's of age. 'David Correll; ,12,,sdn of Mr ; and' Mr's. 0, G. Gorrell, Briarwood Ave.., port Credit, headed a grolip of six gold medalists in a special'play-off piano olds at Peel Music Festival in Brarapton oh Friday, and Was awarded 'the Anne Scott Mumford trophy, „ istrict Ma y 5; WINGIRAM, QNTA1i10, WHOft.;$.11).4y, MAY grid,. 19.06-, w ve It 5 Some of the winners in the 9th, annual Turriberry • Township music feStival are „shown. after the concert at the Wiiightlin District High School on Friday niglit. Above, left to right, back, roils, are Darriil Stokes, Lower Wingham School, winner in the boyS 9 and under claas; Doug Hoffer, Gilmour School, winner in the boys .7 'and 'tinder clasS; ,Bill Jeffraya Glenannan, School, winner of the boys 11 anti under class, Front row, Marilyn Riley, Lower Wingham School,. Winner. •in the, girls 7 and under; Mary Haugh, Gilmour School, winner. in the girls 9' and under class, ,and Gail Henderson-, Gilmor'Seheel, whe,WOn, the girts 11 ,ancl under Class, and was awarded the festival.trophy for' the highest individual' score. , . In the lower picture are' two of the senior winners:Michael Harrison, left and Bruce Irwin, both, of Lower Winglrm.,Sphool, ,Micliadl placed first in the boys 1.4•‘and Cinder class, and Bruge:',waa first in the WINNERS AT TURNPERRY. FESTIVAL Gait- Henderson' Wins -Highest %TIMM JUVENILES • HONORED AT BANQUET BY BOOSTER 'CLUB Score in Turnberry Festival School .Boaid. Sets 8-Mill a. 2.7 Over Last Year's Figure ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Keith, Teeswater, Ontario,. announce the engagement of their; daughter, Muriel Jeanette to. Mr. William. Mac Sewers, son of My. and Mrs. Hurry Sewers, Greenock, Ont, The wedding to take place the middle of May. ,• EAMES' AUXILIARY MEE/TING IPRII1AY The meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham General Hospital will be held in the Coiin- 61 Chamber on Friday afternoon, May 4th, at three o'clock, As plans Will be Made' for the Pamir-nage Sale on May 12, a good attendance is expected. F2b tiCA AND BAKE SALE A Spring Tea and take Sale will be held is the Wingham United 'Church on Wednesday, May llth Iii 3 pan, There will be a nursery In the gymnasium fee small children, RUMMAGE SALE The Spring Rinninage Sale anon- bored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham General Hospitahwili be held in the Wingliam Armouries on Saturday afternoon, ,May la, at two o'clock, EveryOne in the commun- ity 'Is asked for donations:—cloth- log, hats, shoes, 11070;10, Thrill- lure—anything that you do not need Can be Old. , Please leave parcels at the ArtmitirieS en :Friday May so that they „can be sorted and marked. Anyone wishing par- cels Called for may phone Mrs, 14: 0. MacLean, number 31 or -MISS Margtierite jOhns, number 208, Pleaad call: before especially if you have furniture,"aS the truck gods out early. proceeds from the Stile, 'are .tiaed to purchase linens, tunir1108, eurtairis etc for the hospitah F2h1b Legion. 4- uetiligry - ides' '• • 'Mrs. F-L'LeWiS Was prcSciited with a 25 year pin, at the regular 'Meet- ing of the Ladies' AaXilittry to the Legion Branch 180 140; Wednesday night. . President.Mrs, S.:Forsyth opened the meeting With the regular -cere- monies, Secretary, Mrs, T. Gauley read the roll can and minutes from the previous Meeting, It was' decided to serve at a ban- quet for the local Branch on May 0th, to commemotate,VE Day, The, district rally is he' held on ,May 16th, at. Clinton arid 'the 'Auxiliary. will .go by }Ms leaving h;t7"panh: • A donation of 325 is to,Ita given to the • neWly 'Ghide ComPanY. in Whighahrh • • Eachres in May; ash, to be held on. May 14. and 2pth, and Mrs., it Towne and, Mrs: Do will he In charge DE,DICATION SERVICE'S BIBLE DClin, ElIANOE . TABERNACLE, A dedication of Bible beliVatine6 Tdbernaele 'on :Centre Street, Winghain; pla jce, on Sund ay,, viity:t ",,a).rri„11.pve of , ,Hanillant ,district superintendent Of the Pentetoatal AsSchiblieS of Ohilhdaii":01if1 . the •dediehtlea rtinSar4O(',BVarigeliat Rev. ,'rank 'hicrirdlOth.Omit atio 'will , aigo: be. With la „firr t Aisi;o I weeks ' *octal savieoi Tuesday evening; May tl'atN',8 ti'dfock, Local ttliti-eq0 and MOM-, Cara their eiriiiregatiOth are cor- dially inVik tit 4ttehdj: ''170 ,Twelbe Girls Start; • t, HoSpital F. UrSing 74Siistants "Twelve. new students yesterday Started training as dazing assis- tantsat the Winghanri G.eneralHos- pitai, The following girls formed 0' new, class; Mrs. Donna , Ayerth- 17t:R% 8, Parkhill;... Shirley. Brown,, R,R. 1, Port Albert; Barbara Alma.. Byers, R.R. 1, Gorrie; • Matgcq' Ferguson, Paisley; June Eileen' Ibbotsop, R.R. 5, Kincardine; Mary Ann Marrow, Chesley; Cath- erine McLeod, R.R. 2, Kincardine; Blanche Sehurter, R.R. 1, 'Chep- stow; Joyce Christina Young, R.R. 3, Tiverton and Hannie R.R. 1, Fordwich. kel, R.R. 1, Fordwich; Maureen. Leddy, R.R. 2, Auhurn; Esther MacDcarald, 4;" Kincardine.' *' Fly° new members were initiated into Branch 180 of the Canadian Legion at its regular meeting in the -Legion Home last Tuesday RED' IROSS DRIVE •MuNfis .$1,317 A total of $1,317.95 'has been col- lected in the ,annual Red. Cross earepaign for funds in Wingham and district, A was announced this week by John Pattison, president of Branch 1.80 of the Canadian Logien, • Canvassing for the Red Cross in Wingham was done by members of the local Legion branch, with the project under the chairmanship of Mr. Pattison. In the Belgrave area $227.50 was collected, The canvass there wan conducted by members of the Wo- men's Institute, under the direction of Mrs, C„ R, Coultas, In announcing the conclusion of the drive for funds, Mr. Pattison reminded the public that hospital beds and wheelchairs are available from the lcical branch of the Le- 'glow through the courtesy of the Red Cross Society, for loan to in- valids. There is .no charge for their use. ENGAGEMENT ' Mr. had Mrs: Whitney Giese an- nounce the engagenrent of 'their niece Helen Ruth Snowden to Mr. William Whitney Davidson, son of Mts. Aleatuider Davidson and the late Mr, Davidson, of Bancroft, bah The wedding to tape, place in BoWinanvillc the Middle of May. F2b ENG A ClicAttN't `Mr. ,and Mrs'. 'Wilfred Seddon ,Wish' to announce the engagement df `.their' datighter,' Joan 'Mary 'Elizabeth. 40 jack. AleXtriider Cole- man, son of Mr, and MM. Alert Cahalan, .of Btiiaahla, the Wedding irr toke plriee Juno 2nd, at 2 p.m. at the Wingham Baptist Church. Applications .for membership from Arthur R. Parkinson and W. Lorne McDonald were approved by the membership. Plans for a V-E Day banquet on May 0 were announced by Presi- dent Pattison. It is expected to have a draw for $500 le be held at the banquet, the proceeds of. the draw .to be given to the Wingham General Hospital to furnish a Le- gion wind there. Vice-president Meld Burbridge, the house committee, said that Ids committee had been considering in- creasing insurance on the Legion building from $10,000 to $16,000 and contents from $2,500 to $3,500, He asked approval of the members in this move and on a vote of 'the membership it was ;decided to go ahead with the plan. Mr. Burbridge announced that three more exten- sions and eight more tables had been purchasedfor use in the Ic Scold. Mothers to lifse Homo - A request from the Cub and Scout Mother's Auxiliary for per- mission to use the Legion Home as a meeting place for its Monthly Meetings, was put to the member- ship by the house committee. The auxiliary has apparently been Un- able to find suitable quarters and is not financially able to pay rent, It was decided that the auxiliary should be allowed to use the Legion Home rent free for its meetings, and that if the ball is being rout= ed On the auxiliary's regular night, that the hottae committee endea- vor to find another . suitable' night for, the auxiliary. President Pattisoh announced that Proviefeal Command is en- touraging the forinatioh of piddle relations committees among the Legion branches, to acquaint the public with the service work which is being done by the Legion. lie said that Branch1.8t) had novee had such a conandttz)e, and suggested that one be Thrilled. Ed Blake was nailed as chair- Man of the committee, with Mill Orniekahank and Miles Overenti 'no nu:mhos. Danny Stacey. Solo, girls, 7 and under, Marilyn Riley, Jill Thornton, Edna Mae. Wall; boys, ,7 and under, •Doug Hoffer, Robert Johnston, Mur- ray Robertaon and Clayton Baird tied. Henderson, 'Ruth Hotchkis,s, Julia Solo, girls, 11 and under, Gail. Crulicahank and Julia Thornton tied; boys, H. and under, Billy jeffray; Lorne Baird, D'Arcy Me Glynn. Solo, girls, open, Gail Henderson, Ruth. Ann Henderson, Sharon Ann Grubbe; girls, 14 and under, Ruth Ann , Henderson, Pauline Stacey, Betty Zinn. Solo, boys, 14 and under, Michael Harrison, Kees - Jonwsma, • Bob Thompson; boys, open, Billy Jeff- ray. Al Rettjngcr, Lorne Baird and John Kailer tied. „Changed voice, Bruce_ -Rem Kees Jonwsma. Duet, .Ruth 'Ann Henderson, Gail Henderson; Loretta Fischer, John Greenaway; 3, John Kailer, Billy Jeffrey and Mary Moffatt, Doris Wall tied. Two-part. chorus (large school),. Lower- Wingham, Bluevale, Pow- ell's -and Holmes'; small school, Glenannan, Kirton's. Double trio, large achobl, Blue- vale, Holmes'; small school, Gilmour's, Glenannan. • • .1 Unison chorus (large school); LoWer Wingham,hBluevale, Pow- ell's and Hahnea' tied; small school, (hilmouris, Cherianhaa, Kirton's. The trophy, for highest indi victual seore, was won by: Gail, :Ken de rSerf,"-- ' *"-Wftlekkiti. school, S.S. No, 11 Turnherry, won the shield for best perftirrriance. Rural. Hydro Edwin Knuth of CollingWocid, has joined the office staff of the 'Rural Hydro, in Wingham. Mr. Knuff Comes to Winghanr from Orillia,. where he Nth been employed with the Canadian 130,1111 of Commerce'. DURHAM PLAY WI1V3 DRAMA FESTIVAL A one-act 'lay 'lire Potpie Doorknob," presented by the bar- ham Business and Proftisskihal Women's Club and directed by Mrs. Hugh Renwick, was the winner ill the finals of the Lake Hutch' Zaire one-act play festival held In the Wingham Town. Hall on Thursday. night. A good crowd frorh. Wing- ham and the surrounding' dis't'rict Was on hand to see the featIVAI. festival held in the Winghttin Thatil Hall on Thursday night, ;A bbd crowd' from Wingham aiid the, surrounding district was on lifted to see the festival. In the cast of the Durludn play were Mrs, Bide, Cadogan, Mrs; Wih, ham HeWitt and Miss A. Parldinh $on. Other entries in the featiihd included the Wingham biattlet High School and the Exeter Play, ars Guild', Don Sinclair of Melvin was adjudicator. Mrs, Renwick, the. winning thi. ector, Was presented With the, trophy by Kathleen Jordon, presli dent of the Lake Huron 12.1bhe'ir standing committee on drama. In his adjudication, Mr. Shichrit declared that the calibre of acting had improved considerably aince last year's festival and stated that sets and costume's were' good. 11.0 also applauded Mrs. itadit Cactigan , for her fine Welk in the Miming east, Yoliowing a private adjuditittitien of the three plays a lunch was served to the players by naciftbets of the Winghant Corninunity ers, About 75 mornbera of the Wing- ham. booster Club gathered in the .cafeteria of the Wingham Diatriet High School to do honor to the members of the Wingham Juvenile Hockey Club, runners-up in the Ontario Juvenile "B" hockey finals. Members of the Booster Club had as their guests the . juvenile hockey players, and all enjoyed a chicken dinner, prepared by the staff of the Brunswick Hotel,, Dr. W. A. McKibbon, president of the: club, was chairman for the evening, and explained some of the aims of the organization. Music was supplied by the Beigrave Pipe Band,"Clarld Johnston and his guitar, and . Reg. Bitten at the organ., Guests .were welcomed by Mayor R. E. 11Teginney, who spoke of the fine ideals' behind the booster Or- ganization, and, 'cOngratulated its members on their efforts to pro- mote hockey in the town. Sports- caster Ed. Blake, of CKNX-TV, told of 'some of the things which could be accomplished by the or- ganization, and urged members of the Club to lend their efforts to the task of getting hockey games. in Wingham-, to start on time. "Nothing • annoys the fans more than' being forced- to wait for hockey game to start," Jie told the Members, pointing out that pullet- eat starting of hockey games would 49t-ilsg. in Wiagham. "Made Wonderful Skewing" Alf Loekridge, secretary-manager of the Western Ontarioa Athletic Association paid tribute to the Wingham Juvenile Club, and the terrific season of hodkey they had just come through.. He said that "dtie to a reclassification of towns throughout Ontario, the Wingham club had been playing in a classifi- cation higher than before, and were consequently matched with teams from towns alinoat twice the size ofWirigham. In spite of this the club •had Made a wonderful show- he said. • tvlr, Loekridge said that service clubs and. other organizations are doing wonderful job. in Western Ontario in supporting. miner hoe.- key and making it possible for Children to learn Lire rudiments of the game and he 'congratulated the boosters on the task to which they had set themselves. FORMER RESIDENT HAS NARROW ESCAPE Jack McGee., a linesman for the Blyth Municipal Telephone System and a former resident of this dis- trict, had a narrow escape from death on Monday morning, wheri he lost Consciousness from mono- xide poisoning. Mr. MeGee had started his triaild to go to world in the garage in the rear of the telephone office in Blyth when he noticed that the Vehicle was not working properly. He Werth, to the Office to got as- sistance from a nearby garage, and ralirning to the traclk which was still running, wits almost immedi- ately orterceme by monoxide Ten initiates later he was found by Tom Croon 3r., slimmed over the hood Of the truck in an MmOnselolla end Weir, Dr, It IV, Street; of Blyth was called arid had the mart removed to Whighart; General Hospital 'by ambulance, where, his condition after gaining conaciousaeas Was re- ported as aetisfaetery. Mr, MCCec is a son-leAltW of - Mi`. and Mrs. W..13", Haney, paid St., Wingham. •Wingharn District High School Board struck a, mill rate sof 13 milli; ' at a special meeting at the high school on Wednesday, The new !rate represents a 2,7 mill increase over last year's rate of 5.3 A, D, MacWilliam, thiairmart of the board's finance committee told board members that the. increase was due to higher costs and to the fact that a $19,000 surplus 'two years ago had brought last yehris rate down to 5.3 mills,Under the Municipal Act such surpluses must be plowed hack into the following year's budget and in doing this the board materially lowered the amount of money to be raised' hi taxes in 1055. in, 1954 the rate-wad 5 mills, The hoard's 1950 preliminary esti- mates showed a deficit of $2,625.05 for 1955, Lower Grants in 1950 Secretary-treasurer W, A. Cal- breith informed board Members that government grants during 1955 had. been substantially loWer than the year previous, due, ;it was thought, to the large surplus of 1054. Estimates for 1956 showed goV- ernment grants amounting to $115,811 and miscellaneous income and grants totalling $1,500. The mill levy is expected to raise $94,488 making total receipts of $211,799. Estimated expenditures jnelude $46,160 for the second debenture on the new diatriet high school building; teachers' salaries 8.111011t1, Ling to $50,830; $44,000 for trans- portation; $9,250 for a,dministrat- tion and $15,000 for plant operation. A new item this year in the ex- penditures was $4,000 for 'cafeteria salaries covering the preparing and serving of ftdl course meal;; for the first time this year. Mr. MaelVilliam pointed out that last year's estimates had Worked Out to within one MUT' of a mill of the amount budgeted for, with a '2 ey- eilt -of3205 ae thing's going up aria Year and We'll haVc to. watch exhenses closely to keep things in line," he said, 1.1'e cited the cost, amounting to $31.00 a day for hydro and fuel, and said that it seemed as if there were "something going on every night at the school." Mr. MacWilliam said . that he was pot against the achoel being used by educational organi- zations in the evening, but he pointed out that rent for the 'past year had amounted to only .$64;50 . and the costs of letting Various organizations We the school were much in excess of that, "In the face of rising costs, We may have to 'trim our. sails," he told the board. Total Assessment $11,811,742 Estimates showed a totahasseas- ment of $11,811,712 for the high ' school area, 'with tire figures far the individual areas as follows; Brussels, $556,525; East Wawanosh, • $1,11.8,555; Culross, $1,206,345; Grey, $427,310; Howicic, $1,844,014; Kin- loss, $182,322; Morris, $2,118;94,6; Teeswater, $382,071; Ternberry, $1,620,530; Wingharn, $2,235,124. CATCHES SMALL ON OPENINfi DAY FORESTERS; MEETING The meeting fot The Canadian .Order of Foresters will be held in the Orange Hall, Wednesday even- ing, May 2nd„ at .8 oictock. Instal- lation of officers, lilveryemembet welcome, ?NOTICE TO DOG OwNms All dogs must he tied up May 1st to September 1st. ThiS bY-law will be rigidly enforced, F4b PLOWER SUNDAY The annual Flower Sunday of the Wingham United Church Sunday School Will he held an lune 3rd, 11,With services at 11 art, and 7 p.m, rah DANCIl AT WROXETElt • • Wrogeter Community Club Will held a darted on Wednesday night; May 16 in the Community Music by Don riebelhaoil and hie R.rinch Boys, Booth In the hall, Pro- ceeds for ceitinanity hail fund, F2;0;16* Music ninth annual Music featival for Turnberry Tawn- was held in Bluevale Cern- Munity Hall on April 27th, with the .evening session held in Wing- High School, ' Nfrs. Nora Moffatt is the music Supervisor for Turriberry, Lloyd 'Queen, of Teachers' College, Lon- don was the adjudicator and In- spector Kinkead was chairman, The winners for the various entries . were; Sn]o, girls, 9 • and under, Mary Haugh, Thelma Ste Marie, Judy Forsyth; boys, 9 and under, David Stokes, Don McKay, IfirtetteS to Help With TB Survey The regular' .meeting of the Wingham iCinette Club was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Lloyd, After the busines; session Was convicted the remain- der of the evening was spent play- keeno. ' There will be a meeting for all Kinettes and canvassers for the TB survey at the Wingham District High School on Wednesday night, May 2 at 8.30. The next meeting, to be held on Monday, May 14, will lake the form 'of a pot-luck supper. .Fitte',..-New.,.Nfmbers. • taitOdiailt6161.140etitig. night. Ted Holloway, Hugh Hand, WilliaM Elliott, Norman Eliott and John Jay took 'part in the initia- On Staff of Lion ceremony with President John Pattison, Vice-president Dick Bur• bridge and Treasurer Bob Case- more conducting the service. Saturday was opening day for the trout season, hut not too *Many fishermen availed themselves of • the opportunity to go out and get a mess of trout. Those that did • .got thoroughly soaked for their pains, and chances are they didn't get any :flair, either, Most of the opening day anglers agreed that, the trout fishing was a Wash-nut, Heavy rains through- .out reiday night arid Saturday resulted in swollen streams in the 'district, and fishermen who tried - I said that the opening Was the "poorest in years". Many didn't ,vin bother' to try, According to alietehy reports' around the neighborhood, very few of the fishermen who went out nn Saturday were able to avoid getting "situni«,(1". rionder.. son reported 'getting three trout on opening day, MIMI seems 'to Ravi, been. a reeoril, Art Vitoria landed ono it Metier, which many well have taken the prize Tor the biggest fish caught, Most other opening day .anglers reported rin eatch, .and some reported no nibbles,