HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-25, Page 614arlY 4lagnoiii8 arid' '',eqectly#. troll/Ala are the tallY,tiatibfautorY Moans of eaneer control, Drive-In TheaIrp LISTOWEU.; •' Tltrit at ArMattries op Tlturs,, ' April 36:37 "SEIGE AT RED RIVER" (Color) • , Vms Johnson, Joanne Diu Sat., moo,,!?,P -g8"" "APARTMENT ,, FOR PEGGY" i (Color) Wed.. Jeanne Tues., We ;P "DOUBLE ECatue 0 DYNAMITE7 Jane Russell, Frank .Sinatra, GI:Mich() "DANCE HALL": Caesar :.Roniero, Carol Landis Thurs„ , May -8-4 "SHE WORE":, YELLOW ftwildisr ,(00,) John Wayne, .1eitiine Two Shows- Nightlk, Pajafi. or Clear „- Box Office Open' at '1.30 rirstShOw at Dusk Children :under 13 in ears Free Cartoons •at,1Pach rprrormiolco aarionsupivionteloillitufitliql LLASHMA his TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NINTH ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL Township Hall - Bluevale, Ont. FRIDAY, APRIL 27th, 1956 Morning Session 9 a.m. Afternoon Session 1.15 p.m. , Evening Session 7.30 'in the Wingham D#trict High School Adjudicator—Mr, Lloyd Queen of London Teachers' College Music Supervisor—Mrs. Nora Moffatt Come in Today It SPRIN_° NE-.UP DOWNIE'S Sunoco Service R. ASKIN PRESENTED WITHI TELEVISION F.ORDWICH—The true spirit of "loVe thy neighbor" was shown on :Friday night. in the community •hali, Which was Packed to the door. k r,;Roy Askin, who almost two years ago suffered an • accident during haying operations and was confined 'to hospital for one year, and singe returning home has been confined to a wheeithair was presented with a. television' set set and •a, sum of money. , -.A draw;was'•made on a 'beauti- ful' quilt which several , of the rieighbOr ladies had made and Sold :tickets on, The lucky winner Was • little Dianne Hibberd of Goileiieh, granddaughter of Mr. and Mss.,B, E. Allen. Askin' was present - in his wheelchair and thanked everyone for the 'kindness shown' him and his family. `.Dancing' was enjoyed. Until' the wee 'small , hoUrs. • Fordwich ".! Mr; and Mrs. William. Edgar and. Carheron 'spent Saturday in Kitch- lanbr., . ' * Mr. • Bruce Williamson of Lon- Aoti; ,viSited over the Week-end With' his Mother, 'Mrs, Emma W•il- lianisort. Always Fresh Busy ,13ees Start Supper 'Dish Project FORDWICH—The Busy k Pees met at the home .of ern with an attendance -1.-of ':'five' The topic is "Supper Dishes: ' The election'Of . offieqrs;resiilted, as follows; President,.,, 'Sharon Polloelt; vice pros., ,Dianne,',alars- well; secretary ;and ,presS.;repOter, Marie. Browne, 4!' Mrs, Fred McCann gtiVe, 108.1k on the correct •incasurcirie'niS,'.' The second' meeting was ,held on Sa•turclay :at •the bon:lb of.lyfra.,•:C.•• Sothern. with- an attendance;:04 • six,, After repeating the' Pledge, Mrs.- Fred • McCann ,showed, the girls how to make -veg-etabfe soup, thin sauce and tea bis'enita, • . . The next meeting Will )3e. held on Saturday, • ,. MRS. MARY BRIDGE--, JOINS AUXILIARY FORDWICH;--The .Ladies'' AUX,' iliary 'to the Howielt Legiiar met last week for the "April ,;MeOrtg. In the absence of the pi;eAdent the first vice, Mrs. Blythe Clarke presided. Mrs, Mary, McCann, secretary, read the, minutes.of-,the last meeting. and •;: Mrs. a Helen Clarke, •treasurer. gave. •thre'"finan- cial report. . • !". A new member,. -Mrs.-- Mary Bridge, :was received: Into' :*;" the Auxiliary. . • Members decided to attexal ,the rally on .May 16th in Clinto..',Mrs. Mary)rizo McCann won the :,....triyatery 1 • • TIM meeting closed, Avtth:', ;the National • Anthem' and joined with the' ladies • in`: a 'Social half hour. ' Mrs. Wrn. • Dies in Manitoba; Mrs Williani CasSells forrrker resident of Winghttm;,:clidd home in Shoal Lake, Manitoba" on Saturday, April 21:st.., in ,hcr,,,6,9th! year, she had ,been failing. health for the pn,St six,, y,earq0 • Born in Turnberry the former Franees.Edna/Feitton, she was a daughter of late Mr. and Ur's. William FoktOn, of: Culross, In December; 1011,' she '. married Wilflabs CasSolls.: Of Wing- harri, who predeceased het 'Three, years ago. They" moved' io';tile West in 1913, and reaided`,:en ii farm near Shoal , Lake: fok.::over thirty years, before Moving ,to the town of Shoal Lake ten ybnrg ago. Mr, and Mrs. Cassella g uyed in Lower Wjngham for • two , ypars before 'moving West. She. was a member of the United Chinth, Mrs, Cassells is survived by! five Sons and seven daughters. ; Also surviving are three :Asters and five brothers, Sarah (Mrs: f, L. Main), Winnipeg; Hetwiett4, (Mrs. Alex. MacDonald) of Winglian1;. Norma (Mrs, teRitY • Derider) Clifford; WiJilan , FoXtem, of Decker, Manitoba; Albert Hanle Herb. and Milford, all Of.•4Wing- haM, and 29 giandenildreii, a " ,Puneral services• were Veld:from the Shoal Lake thliterrpItutch, on WecineadaY afternhon With in- terment in Shoal. Lake Cemetery, on — at -the loViiost kite 'evert the frames, the fabrics, everything is of the, finest quality, because it's made by Marsindl.". So buy a lifetime of conifOrt at batifaist priceS-'-hlky a Marshall 004' Star or Sinooth ., Star mattress novel !•:-ftwor.'-ii--ic14-:,cmii!'-' ' • 1 Phone 51::!' Winghatin. WE DELIVER. litiltrilill:101410101011•11101111111111111101111111111461111110.• 7.711,1r-". -trke. Wingham advance-Tim, ea, -WedOtOPlaY0, April ek 00: - • • NEW BRUNSWICK POWER OAM NEARS COMPLETION There are $.0 fundamental mum • 1eSeareti projects .going On in •Ca- 44440 .Universities and hOSPitals- wrbo, AtIpporteti almost entirely by voluntary •,eontributions collect- . ed during the annual Cancer - Mother: What did. your dad say when. he hit the fire .hydrant with the new ear? Son: Must x leave out the had words? Mother: Of coarse. Son; Then he didn't say anything. HIGH SCHOOL . 4 Highlights MEN WANTED To Train as DR-AFTSMEN! IN A VIM SHOAT MONTHS YOU CAN Alt; CASHING , PIG PAY PILHICPS. There is a tremendous demand for draftsmen; We. will train you at home in your spare time to bo a drafts- Math No drafting -background or previous training needed. All honks and instructions for as little as $1.50 a week or $5.00 a month, Est. 1897 not for profit, Draftsmen are desperately needed by industry.. YOUR .enAwcr, Tfl polwAnE 1310. STEADY. PAY AND A GOOD FIJTUPE AS A OPAFTSMAN. Write today for free information. without any obligation complete information and 156 page book on, over 50 good paying jobs including- — Draftsman. American School, 'Dept. W-AT, 71 Lorne Crescent, Prantford, Ontario NAME AGE ........... ADDRESS 1 So much for" Wee, but what flap- pens with men and their plan0 Can you remembee from your J•ciiiitiliqoti days the Weeks you spent planning for the county fair? What you would wear, what you would do—yes, everything was oiseussed hest laid schemes o' mice mid 'and planned. Then on the great Taco I day such a terrible rain storm' hit Gang aft .6,-gley." I the county that everyone was fore I ed to stay at home, De you not What' truth. is expressed hl this remember a few years later that old verse , written so many years I first "girl of your dreams"? To- t ago by f"Robbie" Purnsl AS It was gether you planned for the future true then; it is' true now, end I until one day your dream girl 'some how turned into, a nightmare suppose . will continue to he true , and you began a ll over again with until men. cease to think and plan. ; someone new. After marriage you auNthoolvt:ItYI.orri the certainly af fairs si or peal's an 11 wplbayeedhe towesuelidid junior to college become one of Vie mice, but•I can well imagine some greatest doctors of all time, But of the *lheartbrealts". and sorrows what happened tp junior? His great mice are subjected to when their ambition Was to .become a tuck plans, lail to materialize. Consider i driver, and ! instead of a great sum- the case of the mouse who, niter ' goon your son became the motet labor !feared driver on highway abuji$duinn7a7wa'filfir: , cpPons)rtirinirle7 has his four. number abode - stuAtOreti to: bits by the ploughtnan-'$'sbare. Or, what about i And so you sec that mice and the pions who , finds 'a, dwelling 1 men are alike in that tEeir best place,,,iti.:.a. warm„ friendly house? "laid not schemes mattegc, Lot the aft as.triii5.0r. real 1'et He •has. ''visions, *of , an enjoyable dons t of life? Wouldn't some if the wthientie,tiri,risupe6en:tii-nthooa,r if fthhee esTinth of , spice desi res, I challenge, the thrill, the real joy of he can ,g'o' liPstairS emcee night and 1 dreams am we li f e be .w-10.01 8tiloif come true, and ail Oil s'zlll from, bis.vantage point behind the ' chesterfield,: Wateh his favourite our plans and wishes would turn TV 'show, What' bliss! But what lout as we wanted? Yes, even nifee happens? '-.The, "kind" friendly' may find this to be true; that the. owner •of ,the.. house sets out a ! supreme test and joy of life lies in generous „.helping, ,of cheese (for' surmounting the obstacles plae• '1'1 'the ,gerietal well-being be trice, "of , in' our path When plans go wrong;' course) and...1the 'poor mouse be- I and, from these stuniblings and set- comes another. victim of the creul, :backs, rising' to new heights. Steer spring. '. ..,,' . 1 George Proctor, XIII. ' Less than a year after the turning of the first sod, the 1,600,foot. dani of the New ilrunwick '&1ectrie Power commission's multi-million-dollar Beeeliwood hydro development edges towards ,the east bank of ,the St. John river, 100 miles north of Fredericton, To'the left the river flow --oentriti prea oaraidnyi is being chanelled through five t'ollways-.0f--411e six 68-foot west bank piers. To the right. . struction crews are rushing three centre span piers to completion before the spring freShet. , Only three other piers remain to be completed'. " before the dam is anchored to iho east bank MINIM 111111011.11._ memeissusam. .1111144=1,14~aainkovor0mf.4e.orwo........1.........mpumwoomoo.mimmono•Omommomm0miw0om.4.46 "Where Your Dollar Goes Farther" io ta Phone 38J - Wingham ,.....................5.........................—................................ 1111101111111111111111111.11111111111111a1111111111111111111111111111111111111•11•1111111111111111111111114111111.1.41 , EVERYDAY ' 0000 GARDENING DISCUSSED AT LOW PRICES GROCERIES 9 oz. The Marshall Silver Star is a first quality tufted mattress, 220 coil Springs made of Premium grade spring wire—arc held in perfect positioa in dies. features- thattYou would normally expect only in higher pticed mattresses ate---=Vertical, prebuilt boi-dirs to eliminate side-sagging . . . special imported Belgium dainalk tacking . . .'first quality white felt layered to prevent bundling . . a permanent Oat Wire frame,' .„. and a Sisal pad insulator. ' MA PICKLES j„, ior 75c PREM ,„, 35c The Marshall Smooth Star 41: SOLO MARGARINE 2 lbs. 53c Matching bcoi springs $49.50 DOMESTIC SHORTENING lb, 28c &Fit (S114iDCES H , • 23c HEINZ BABY FOOD 12 for $1.00 CARNATION MILK 25c MEATS PLATE BEEF POT ROAST lb. 29c CROSS RIB ROAST • lb, 39c • The Marshall Smooth Star is a' smooth top mattress ... no buttons, no bulges ; ; ; ra • ; perfect sleeping strilice. 253 springs are 'permanently positioned with dies. Marshall " exclusive features are a thick Sisal pad insulator . a unique flat wire top frame and ,vertical ptebuilt`botders to held perfect shape for years and years .,. . finest white • ••felt, layer upon layer, never shifts'—held iii place by stitching to a cotton bacicinik'*-0, Marshall exclusive .. . and imported 'Belgium' damask ticking. / The Best Mattress you'll ever sleep Ilet6 is one of the 'best bargain sales we haire ever held. The Marshall label on these low, priced but high quality mattresses is your. &Oran:tee that are buying the very best th&e or the dollars you want to spend. gyork9iiogio these mattresses .. the springs, 10. 43c GHEESEFUKTERS Vie now offer you an easy payment plan. $1.00. Pfkla4 'oppvtAY SEE CAMERON S BILLIARDS for guaranteed, .WATCH REPAIRS SOO FURNITURE FOR:DWICH—Mrs. Crosby Soth- ern was . hostess for the April meeting of the Fordwich W.I. Mrs. Clare . Harris, president was •in-thc chair and opened the' meet- irig the Institute Ode, Mary 'Ste:Vvrirt Collect and Lord's prayer. 110$,::Ruby Fost er read •devotions. .76, motto "To, sing in the sun ii easy, to sing in the rain is Victory", , was taken by Mrs. HoWard Harris. Mrs. •Stan Bride, secretary-treasurer, gave her fi- J-iancial 'report showing -a balance of $221.68 alter having, sent do- -nations to varioUs organizations, Mrs. Wm. McCann conducted the installation of officers. Bob Carbert of CKNX, Wing- ham, was the glieSt speaker, giv- ing the ladies many interesting facts on good gardening. He said if soil samples were taken you would know Which fertilizer was, best 'suited to your land, BoXe$ for :these samples can be secured from the Agricultural College at Guelph. Mr. Carbert also explain-, ed CO the ladies the various types Of stirtiy and powders that can be used ,on insect pests, At *the conclusion of his, talk he took pictures Of the Officers which the members are' looking forward to seeing on TV, Mrs. Fred Demer- ling thanked the speaker and pre, seated hint with' a gift. Miss 'McElwain gave some facts alio"tW the library and thanked the InStitute for its donation and said • they would be glad if 'any one eared. to join and would try ' to got, books that each and everyone would .enjoy. Mrs. Harris thanked Miss McElwain and she also WaS presented with a gift, Matey of the ladies brought flower slips and these were sold, and the proceeds 'used for the Sunshine brtg Several ladies veil-. unteered to help with the TB mobile clinic Which la corning to FOrdadelt in May. Corninittees. Were formed to look after the TWeedStimir Book end to decide on project for the fall fair, The meeting' elosed with the.:Nri,- floral Antheni. ikestesses were Mrs, Mr,„ Gibson, Mrs. Winkel, Mrs; M. Atinstrorig and Mrs. P. berner. ling, Mr; George Obidlow, Of Bespeler spent several days' 'last: week at the home of nicee;"Mrs.; Alvcr,. etta. •.,••• . Mr.' and iv'friS .1-1kivoY 1V1ieto ermitt attended We ,funeral '9,f ...a ••eCtusiii in Winston ,last week:, .•-•, • • • '• Mrs.: Ilareld: Doig And Mss. %Hair- old' Pollock attended 2 a?tiiirce-day sessiarroft'the 'branseh"con- fereape at' odderichlas1 We6k..• 'Mr, ,Willjam „pcnnell,,,„qf Mins 'visited.' 'two ,...d'ay$ last, ..We.ek with' l'ili'lnother,:::**5, riettrand :his. sistei, 2,MKS. Peari:Fat, Congratulations , to, Mr.' 'and••Mrs, Neil , BbYroi:"-Ort : the'. little of a da,ughtet oh April 21Stlin.•Listoviel Hosnital,' Sunday ,'ViSitors: 14'ith': Mrs and . Mrs.' Torn' liutelilsoli were' Mr. rand Nita. Koss "'Brian, arid /Cheryl of "Gow tiiistoWn; "and ;Mr '•:f41ex Ed - gar •of Mount. Tfoe,st.z Mr. .and Mrs, f Everette 'Ashton spent several days„laS . week with the, feriner'S, pareats.11‘fr,antt IVIrs. Ge6rge• Ashtoa. • Mr.,' and Mr's'. • Art Wells ;•-•a.nd,:. bgby :Soir,• of ,'•BO'nticin,, wore'Weeitiend stunt: hoine. ",• .• Mr; and Mrs.„„Kii,, the with friends•;.fpTars,. Mr and IYIrs . ce,..01'."..j;01tn,,, -and • Karen`,. ,...9rangovpfe. appnt. the week end wkth Mrs.; Dora Ridleys," crier, spent ihe:Iieek-cyl ; • Mr:":Georgat MosSif Pf.“Calt; Cd OY4gr with 'his, daughter, :,,Mrs.,',.P...Ph:byt, and Canipbeli.' • '• Mr: And, „Mrs,: DanK.Wildfang of Toronto,- the with isti:'.....and:*.t",$..ii;03."':,f ittirrions and dr;'..*ttirclary ationed Gil, more .ylvYurraywedd ag in Moore` ield i r . NO: ?rtrl.,;,;:„P4ss116 4?11.11 0k; Pc:- .•tie, week end t cter .• -(111(.1;Itiri.' Art Fo 'res.; Mrs ,Baez g1bs ii, b rank,arid Rob Stan'. *Ike: in.r.taltirfeiStOn: • • Mr. Itipit.Fostert,,•Of ypro,ntO Vis, over the l../eii,;Ond NOtil inet4r; • .MO. • Mr; and lirs.Peter Browne Were iri :Tofoiliti last 'Webit".att8titiliii thd fiiiieral little thred;aier-eii:Vba- vid Bail; :/vtri,' Ball 1,s- a niche of • Mr ith'd Ith, *owrie'r, ' MrS, Stanley pride, 'district: pre-' sitlent lif'Wciiiibri'S Irnstittife' and Mrs.:Crosby :Si:Ahern Visited 'the branch- at fvfoneriee. on' WOdneadaY. Mrs. Glenn JOhriSdia:6.1iPeared, do Margaret' PrOpliy's p:rogi•am ' en "i'hursday ',afternoon ; and denion' strated the, making 'of ii, Cake. , - Mrs. Tom Hutchison, Mrs. Bill Hiltdbition find 'Conine; Mrs. Albert Gallagher 'and Mrs, Ross Naha and children, vitilted -oh. 'Thursday With Mr„ and Mrs. Jioi Inglis, at Acton. . . , • acrd tilauay Galbraith visited and Mrs, Guelph,'. • Mr, and Mrs, 3c,r, MacDonald of PiPley,'Visitact ,Siniday, with Mr.; an4lVili4;01en'ir johiis'On; ' Friptida.of M1844* Lan ra Donaghy . Will besar:ry .t '..iteat" tlz n she paid the-nataforttine tu,fdll bid the sides, wafik 'ad 'Friday; Sher,',redOlVed SoV-• eral .euts., pn ,,betf..face. • b.f.: Fordo is atte`nding tier. 2', „MiSs katoritret and Mr. Sairer.Of.,,gitelierier, spent the rho tor- xriWAidele:kti,671;),D;dr,:e'ailt!,st,ilve17,6,tikalirith9.dirc Messrs. Ross and Donald Dolg motored -to •Leiridr.4 Ott PutidaY, where they ttiett Era, gri,ls poig- bn lief'`WaY ,IfOrtie fidreti• betrolt.• last bt e gltr brit; P600. ShOteljy Or, dW i7;; POrtle and the pphtie 'health ittirSet On AVOrdwieli public sabot,