HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-25, Page 11171141174#4."-T-7174'
Some of • the winners, in the, Wingham.` PUbilc
School music festival are ahown in the above
pictures, taken at the high school following the ,
'eohapetition. Above, winners in the girl's.. vocal '
solo, 8 years,, and undet are, left, to' rigliC Attila •
Helen Carbert, 1...inda Green and-
Beeline Jardm. In the, lower piettire are iviiinerrs::)
in tin. boy's vocal solo, 8 years and untler„linc.:;
Naainith, Stuart Allen, Toninty Ellacott and',
• . •
Hari Caslicli:
television • stirkirqa Wingham,
which it materially
ald.in .pithtle414.0re Celelraton. It
is ,expeetedathati1""abe 'big Frontier
Days••parade •Willabe televised from
:he. strect;•, Mid athata at least one
af• the' programs from , the arena
WAI ciffOrcl television viewers a
nhaticn4 to'w.0.61c.favOrite stars
'make' a teleeast. ' ' '• . •
Television •ritintiljoit. of .the core-
', 'e:4)04ihi'to increase lea
terest througholilia.the area, per-
t: mlarly to the ilorllt, , where tele.
v7.sion coverag' lirinost effective,
--Miss•Jean of Hamilton;
and Mr- Jaels"IIPirden of Niagara
apeat'the"WPairsend with Mr:
and. Mrs, WallYa"AaselgroVe.
W. , Harry ,McArthur, of Owen
Sound has been appointed mana-
ger of, ::he local branch of- Ontario
Hydro Electric: PoWet• Commission,
and took over his 'new ditties lilt
Mondaly. ' '
A native of.Waindailica neap Lind-
arty, Mr, McArthicr .haa• been with
the i 'hydro. 'for . over ,•:twenty-five
yeara..Fot the past two, anti fri, half
years' he was assistant manager in
Open- Sound, served pre-
viously area lipe -foreman at
Marktittle since 1937, • • '
Mr :.MeArtbur is 'married, with
two daughters, aged -17 and 11. -He
expects that 'Mrs. iVleArtlitir and
the family will be moving to Wing-
ham when accommodation is avail-
able. "
' —Me. and Mrs. GeV 'Boyd and
daughters, of Strathrey; visited bn
',Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Norman
Riefoul and family.
With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroneter New* 4
o d
By The •Poilostirhus
BUSY SVMMER—Talic of pre-
paranoias for Winglraro's Frentict
Pays, which are clue at the cad of
,Auguat, brings to mind' the fact
that there will be, other celebra-
tions areund the country this year,
too. Howicicra centennial is corning
'along on' July 1at and Morris is
celebrating the fitst week in, Aug-
ust, Looks like a busy season ,f())
the' district, withaall the old timers
eonting back," '"
' 0 -
SMELT yeti notice
something fishy-hi the air these
days, it'll probably he the smelt
fishermen, of wheat. there 'are
'• many around town, back from their
nightly, forays on the smelt run.
There were plenty of smelt running
on MOOPy night, in spite of the
ehilly Weather, auld this whole
week promises tq be, productive
amelt-Wise. Why PeoPle get a kick
out of •'smelt fishing is beyond us,
in view/- of the fact that it's all
work--,-catching and cleaning.
'011-airirren of the varlaus
CormaitteeS of the Salvation Army
Ben "Shield- Campaign have been
sPnninted and,; canvassers have
been' organized to take part in a
blitz canyeas of Wingham, 'fees
water, WOO, Luclinow, t3russels,
HoWlek and .surrounding territori-
tlea. ,
The hiltz take the form of a
House-to.:houae, farms-to-farm cap-
yaSS thiri Priday; April 27, at
A,"elocici with the chairman of each
onimittee choosing the members aa- or- canvass, It is hoped that
the entire urea can be covered in
one' eight in this way.
It ie hoped that the. donations
avill ne a g-eneroes, and those who
are unable to be home on Friday
night arc asked to bring their
drincitiona to. the Salvation Army
tkadquartera in person, or mail to
'Salvation ' Army, Winghani,
fario. .Receipts will be given
pi-mailed, to all dollars, to be used
raincorne tax purposes,
'Chairmen of •the various ° corn-
anittee4 for the campaign are.: It li..1?loydopkial names committee;
Frcallt Howson, campaign chair-
man; W. T. Cruickahank, honor-
41y chairman; W. 0. Struthers,
campaign treasurer; Jack Gar"-
butt• Jr„ public services; Hugh
parinidhael, business; Bob Carusrt,
lanes; DeWitt Miller, industrial;
Johnny Brent, publicity, and Lt.
bon Goadridge. • • '
dinon 3rd Line pf.M9rris
• midnight blaie on the farm- of ately the wind was blowing the
Robert kl; Conites, 3rd. line, of flames away froin the house and
the driving caned, Or it is feared,
that both might have been; lost: .
One of the larger barns in Mor-
ris, the structute ,measuabd 60x78,
and was capped with a sheetTietal
roof, which )relit the building in-
tact for some time before the tim-
bers gave Way. Contents of the
large silt) also caught fire and
smouldered after the main stthet-
ure of the barn had collapsed.
Machieery in the driving- sited;,
including a tractor, combine and
other harvesting equipnient, was
moved Lo• actfety by firemen' and
the neighbors, bat beat from the
fire was- so Intense that it burned,
tires off a manure apreadet Which
was standing near the barn.
A few of the cattle , and some
small pigs were able to get out of
the barn, and a team of horses,
which were put out to pasture the
clay before the fire, escaped the
blaze, The bulk of the cattle, iii-
Auding a bull, were trapped in the
Mtvtiotilles is the owner of three
olitei fi barnsr e in
Is uni
tltine owdinet.ritit. Cruise
Over 240 Wingham Public tublk
Pupils compete in Music Festival
The afternoon program consisted
of - rhythm bands and choruses,
vocal solos for girls and boys 11
years and under and 14 years and
Under, duets and double trim
• Winners were as follows: Girl's
vocal solo; 8 and under, Alma Jane
BlJiott, Helen Carbern -Linda
-Green; boy's vocal solo, 8 and .
under, Jim N.asmith, Stuart Alien,
liainson'a Grade 1 Class, - Texmcy 411aeott; 'vocal *alp,
This was followed by two of the 11 and under, fiittflop.
largest classes in the fedtivaL the Kathleen Hodgine, Judy C.4lian,i'
girl's vocal solo and the boy's vocal boy's vocal splo, 11 and Oder,
solo, for eight , years and under, Wayne Gaslick, Glenn '0kitin, Dili
both, of which contained 37.entries, MeKibbon; girl's open solo, 1.4444a1S
• rhythm band and chorus from. MacLennan, Beverley Cuttriingtraan,
Miss Frances Walker's Grade I Carol Crawford; duet, Patricia
class, and boy's and girl's open Heywood, Sarah Shinn; ,4haron
vocal solo concluded the morning Lewis;.Sharon Brown; Sue Nita
smith, Ruth Hodgins; Isny'S open
solo, Walton McEibbsoant,,o7suk:l7
7,,ockridge, Brian Rider; vocal
:: en:. and under,
Sharon Brown, Marion .Farrk;
boy's vocal Solo,. 14 tind, under;.
Charlie Campbell, Bob Deyell, Tyro .
Winners in the •double trio ,,
were the grade 7 and 43:
Nancy Slessers Sharon Lewiaa•MAt-
ion farrier, Ruth Hodgins and Sue
Nasmith; the bass boys; Barry
ler, Charlie Campbell, WalOsi
Kibbon, Douglas Locitritige, Hrian
Rider and John MerkleY; grid, the
grade 6 and 7 girls) x.3441.0i4 ttey
wood, Lynne Stuckey; gartlyn
IVIacLennan and Roalyn :
Chamney, c04Ccaerri:l inCrcriwfsnottrid, g.Sti:ndra
In the evening winners' of-Alio
various classes tetuined to' athe
school' for'-•a, concerti to which
eats and friends were
Also featured on the 'Proitralt
were a grade 1 and 2 rhytilsrit 'band;
grade a chorus and deSea.4t-trafati
- ly
class; grade 3 folk d,atice:
Miss MacMillan's Claris; ' hiiroriti
grade 4 and 8 two-Part'.
three-part Chorea, grezie'5tiiid.:;d,
from Mrs, Webafet'as and Mi.frlift-
intyre's classes; ..niixed''Oilarbi:ite
from grades 7 and B.:And
chorus from Mrs.
Mr. Beattie's elasSea. '
b33erpsaxocif,,,taht;a79 70,1riiitc,piaiikic„.,
sta•ll of. the school were, resent of
the evening concert, Ancl::Otif_ttO*d'
their thanks and .,asiptOtitiorisgb
the Wingclara Distriet#fithgOlint?i,
Board for the use of the ; high
school auditorium.
Over head of. eatfid, together, with a Amber of
pi& grid 43ooltby, Petialled the flames What- fire gutted
the bath .11.4 Robert boulteS, 'on the 8rd of Mottle
ninteing, Whighein firemen Were ithle to
save the 'chiming shed, left, which was threatened by the
flames, but were *unable to do anything to theek the fite
in the barn. 'tannage to the stock and building was
estimated ,tit $263000*
0 - 0 - 0 a TROUT NEXT—Sneaking up on
'the smelt season is the opening
daa;,, for trout,, which comes along'
on Saturday. Taiehermen who don't
get, out for smelt this week are,
liable to be confused on the week-,
end,, not knoWieg which way to g's:
for fish. From the looks of the re-
cent. cold weather, there's apt to
be ice on the line come opening
day, unless we get some spring'all
On,f ., a. sudden. • .„
o -o-o
Goo"?' EXCUSE—Daylight sav-
ing, ceinieg op the same week-end'
as the ppenhig of the trout season,
might 'come in handy this Sunday.
if yeouire tint trout fishing on Sun-
day morning and don't make it
back in time for, chnrch, yati can
always .blame it the time
' 0 0 - 0
TI-1,IpaT D. YO Oa 1.1--Acce
ing tq the .ealetidar we• celebrated
the thirtieth day of spring on Sat-
urday,' April 21st. Dating that time
, must have snowed about a dozen
times, there was ice on the river
for the first tWe weal% 'and the
tempethtnre bee, barely gone
above arty at any Univ. during the
period Under review. Sounds like' a
polite hame for winter. "
The engagement is. announced
of Miss Colleen Arm Thompson of
the nirsing staff 'of Wing-ham;
• General Hospital to gr.,Kenneth
'Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs, Geo., • s Carter( -of RR —. 5, Wingham. The'
marriage to take- place in Gode.
rich the early part ef May. F25h
"4"E'A 4N1) RAI* $X1411i:
. ,A Spring ,T,eit and Bake Sale Will
„hey a in the Wingham United
on. WednesclaY, May 9th
pan. There will he a nursery
-the grainaSiiim for .arnall
. F25:2b
:12 is the. birthday of
Flotence Nightingale and is oh-
r served' throitg1141.11t: Canada' icH
:!,n-Tospittit Day." The Ladies'
Auxiliary to Winghatn General
Hospital calk] think of no better
way to celebrate this, event than
to hold US apring rummage sale
in 'the Wingham Atinisuries on
Saturday, May 12. In this con-
nection, everyone Is asked to send
danatiens, clothing, dlahes, furni,
tete, etc,, anything'. yt;t1 da''' not
need, . The AUxillaty is planning
•to provide neW drapes and linens
for the nurses' residence, and
hope for a sneer:Witt rummage
sale, The Auxiliary asks for the
co-operation of the" Whole coin-
Tags will be -snit] in tho sncigh -
bouring towns on Saturday, May
5, anti in Wirighairt On May 12.
Singers wanted front 1towiek for
Centennial Pageant
'theta call or write before May 1st
to Ira A, Sehaefet, Fetdvaleit
Pageant Cominittee ,Chairman
NOVIlititV 1110A Niqt) ItAtAAlit
The "Ttresday Starlitrfit, Gloupe
f Wroketer United Chnrch will
Old tt spring tea, bataat and bake
sale nn Saturday afterain0n; April
ttiltk from AO 5 in 'the Clithrell
Plana for the Witighttre Lions
Cleb 'Frontier. Days, 4cilediqed , for
August ,30th, 3ist; and September
1st, tire beginning, to shape Up, and
it ".'appears that this year's cele-•.
brictiiori will, top even year's;
cfreit, aCcordnig to Iblinny,Brent,i
wyo•will'again he iis.charge•-of the,
ev,'initi- this *year,' Mt. Brent sayS
that there will be new and differ-'
eratfeltaturcs.. , this year,' as well as
some of the old favorites which
preyed, so popular in the celebra-
tines of the past two Years.
"Lucky" Arabeau, ,‘Canadian
Fiddle ChamPion in last year's
fiddle contest, and naw a star on
the OKNX-TV ,"Focus" show, has
announced 'his intention of defend-
ing 'hia title this year, and a lively
fidclW contest is exirected.''In
junction with the fiddle contest,
Mt. Brent has announced that the
biggest barn dance' in the Barn
bailee Gang's 16 year history, will
be .preset2ted with 50 artists and
6 bands 'expected to.take part, "
• iuests Will- Competti
laquare dance acts which have
appeared as guests on the Cireje ,
8 'Ranch" television show; haVe le-
dieated their willingness to enter
the square dance competition, and
it .is expected that this event will
be, even bigger than last year. -An-
other. expoeted attraction in the
equate dance line will hese groat)
of children 6 to 8 years old, who,
recently appeared as guests on the
Mr, Brent has Seine flee feat-
tires lined up for the kiddies, too.
A. highlight of the celebration from
Lila ',Miler statuipoiet will be. A.
string of nettles Which Will enable
the kiddies to "go Western" in
style,, jug 'like the older MeMbers
of„the parade, Meehanigal tides for
the kiddies have Alan been 'con-
tracted fot, and it is hoped that
Arrangements can be made to bting
back the Indian band Which Was
so, patellar at last year's celebra-
Interest le this 'year's cellebra=
tieri has become evident from the
ritiMbet of people who have already
prOnilsed to enter floats in the big
parade. 4. number' of these have
been promised from outside points,,
ria Well as front Wingham,
teleViSe parade
•A near -feature the 1056 Pront-
let Days Will be the preserved of 'a
On Friday, April. 2Oth,'about 150
skating and associate members of
the Wingham Figure Skating Club,
their parents and invited guest,,
Partook of a bounteous supper at
the high school.
Grace was asked by Rev. Charles
Krug followed by ail ,singing "The
Queen," and between courses Presi-
dent R. McIntosh thanked all who
had assisted in the year's activities
mentioning the arena commission
And the recreation council speci-
fically. He also gave a resume of
the year's activities.
The- secretary,- Mrs. H. Burrell,
exPlaleen some of the details of.
Operating -a skating club, and Offer-
ed rule hooks at a reduced price of
tataa--sirecaaase-anf• quantity' buying;
and, skating magazines at , $2,00 a
year if bought in club lots. She-
stated that now is the time to start
planning and saving for next sea-
eon, and expressed the hope that
there would be an- enrolment' day
in September or October when the
first half of fees would be paid and
application forms filled in. This
would save the executive a tremen-
dous amount of time and allow
classes to be organized before
actual skating 'begins. She congrat-
ulated John Wild on filling in his
record by' passing the Canasta
Tango, a new preliminary test,
when he already has his Bronze
and Silver Dances, as well as get-
ting his third figure test recently
at the Guelph Skating Club.
; •
1 iggest ttrac et
For This Year's ays
Morris, destroyed bite
of thelargeak barns in the'distriet,
leirvingd:maige'e llreated 405.000
on Sunday night. Lost in the blaze
wereover 50 cattle, including cows,
yearliegs and calves, 160 pigs, 75
hens, a large quantity of hay and
grain, a hay baler, elevator feed
mixer, harnmermill find other
equipment: The building was parti-
ally covered by insutanee.
The fire was first noticed by Mr,
Coultes at about 12.30 but had gain-
ed considerable headway before the
fire 'brigade could' be summoned
from Wingham. When firemen ar-
rived the sky Was ablaze With light,
and a brisk wind from the north
was fanning the flames. Heat of
the fire, was so great that firemen
Were unable to use a supply tank
in front of. the barn,. and were
forced to pump water through two
lines of hose from a supply tank
across the road.
:Unable to control the fire in the
barn, firemen concentrated their
efforts in saving - a nearby driving
shed; a pigpen, keeping the build
ings wet with their hoses, Fortun-
!bight Blaze Levels Large
Gee of the most successful
music festivals of recent years
was held in the Wingham Distraa
High School auditorium on Satur-
day, when 200 pupils of the
public settee], displayed their
talents In solos, tineta, double
trios, choruses and rhythm hands,
Garfield Bender, director of music
for Kitchener schools, was the
adjudicator, and he paid tribute
to the talent and effort Which had
gone into the festival. J. H. Kin-
head, public school inspector for
Huron County was also present
at the festival. Music was under
the 'direction of Mrs, Marie Doug-
la,s, music supervisor,
The program got off to a start
at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning•
with a rhythm band and chores
selectien froM 'Miss Agnes Wil-
Calgary, Man is
New Announcer
Ralph Nelaon, Of Calgary, Al-
berta, haS joined the staff of
CKNX-TV as an announcer.
A veteran of '414 years in radio,
Mr. Nelson graduated from the
Lorne .Greene Aenderny of Radio
Arts, and has worked at radio
stations in Kirkland Lake and
Sudbury. Before coming to Wing-
ham ho was on the staff of CKWS-
TV in Kingston,
Fifteen Tables al
Legion Euchre
Vin Dittmer, sales .:nAiiini6a.440,,n
nh e aviCoInC tiNir Xe -a IT, nsat
a position with radio ata:*'Okif
new duties there
Dittmer will be pitogirtniaifiteefe4,
on the station, one of • .0iiiaria'a
oldest, which is owned by the'MA:r
coni organization. • :•••
Wins Bronze Medal 'Mr. Dittmer came to •Wiriih,a,m
Mrs. Burrell then congratulated ten years ago, after two' yeak'af
Irene Saint on qualifying here for -radio experience in Latin Aniirieb.,
her Bronze Dance medal, which is 'and other work in the field bbitrin
now on order. She reminded the 'Canada and the United Ofert4ii,
(Please turn to page twelve.) During his stay here he served in
many Capacities with CKNX radio
and television, and was wellikeciavn
for his wont in local draMatiCs,
being president of the
Community Players for the 'past
Fifteen tables were in play at two years,
the Legion Hall 041 Monday night, While lie is looking forward to
under the auspices of the Legion his new work at CFCF, .Van-says
Auxiliary, Mrs. William Kennedy that he has spent a very'anjoyable
and George Tervit held high points, ten yeara in Wingham, and will
Mrs. James Halliday won the, miss his many friends here. ,.
prize for the lady playing the man's Mrs, Dittmer and the children
card, Mra. Bird received the con- are expecting to stay in Wingham
Solatlon prize rind Mrs. Ted Gauley during the summer, and to leave
won the special door prize. for Montreal in-the fall.
Daylight Saving Time will commence
the Town of Wingham at midnight
SATURDAY, APRIL 28th, 1956
Citizens are reminded to turn on their docks.
at that time.
K. 1. McK1NNEY, Mayor
Town of Winglluon: