HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-18, Page 11What should I do about AN Nal A. LOAN? Probably the most important aspect Of' building a new home is financing, it. Under the regulations of the National Housing Act we are permitted to make loans for the purpose of constructiPg a house. If you're intending to build, or wonder- ing if you can afford. it, drop in and talk it over with the 'manager of your Toronto-Dominion Bank. He'll' discuss the N.H.A. regulations and eplain them to you. No matter which of the 450 Toronto- Domiiiion branches you got°, you° can be sure they'll be pleased to give you all the information and help possible. 112 TOROY10 -DOMINION BANK 1-1's s E s -r IN EIA .NKING SgRVICEll'• ri31166, N. L. SMITH, Manager G. A. BEATTIE, Manager Wingbanct Branch Gorrie Branch THE 1144iiipr- HUAOR & • CAMP% TRUST aNADA TRUST COMPANY HURON & ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION • to • • • • • • • . • •••••••••••• Head Office - London, Ont. District Representatives • Crawfokl & Hetherington, Wingham - J. H. Wylie, Wroxeter • S • A glut soul prefers moderation 6 INIC.A .7 6 B.C. -.A. D . 6 5 $ the liouse of Seagram. • Men who think of tomorrow practice moderation today Aminammmummumpsonemor ammo m MENNEUSIMMIMMINIMUMMIUMMMOMMEMMOMOMMI, RE WEEK At Alexander's April 12th to 21st I SAVE ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER! Sale Price .. Soft plastic vacu-seal Sandwich or Bread Box. 0,N THIS SPECIAL OFFER! WORTH $1.99 Long Handle Shovel Round mouth, drop forged, heat treated, hellow back with 4.-ft, handle, Regular $2.80 Lawn Rake Ruggedly constructed, 14 tooth with 5-17t. shaped handle. Dead ferrule finished hit 'dark, Reg. 81,59 Cotton Gloves White with blue knitted wrist. Medium weight, for home use. Protect your hands during the Spring cleatt-up. Weider 39c ............ Folding Lawn Chair ,Tubuiar steel with wrought iron baked tinamel finish, Seat 4.C: back made of rtitilti-dolor heavy daty saran fabrie, Mildew WHITE HOUSE PAINT The paint buy of a lifetime. An untigually large purchase .makeS !it possible. to offer this 'high grade, outside White House Pailit unbelievable saving. Made 'by One of Canada's leading paint manufacturers of finest material, pare linseed oil and titaniinn. Regular 36.25 a gallon ..... „ ..... $4498 GALVANIZED PAILS A special large purchase. makes it passible to offer this standard 8-qt. galvanized pail at the bargain price of ONLY 70e. First quality, 'no seconds or defeetiVe itelns. Buy 79c SEVERAL at this price. and savel Reg. 990, Sporting Goods Features ;Sierra' SPINNING REELS $4 95 BASEBALL GLOVE Genuine Cowhide. Regalar $5.25 $3 98 $2.29 $L29 garden and .29c $7'49 resistant, washable. Weighs onl,y 1) Ms. neg. $3,50 . 6 $2 19 CASTING RODS $2.98 5-ft, 1-pieee, solid glass. Regular 450 ...... Grass Shears Hardened Steel blade, rivet-tett to eon 1:withered handles, Don't trtiss this Orie. Regular $1.69 o t e pressed steel $1.39 BICYCLE TIRES Top quality, Regular 8%69 Car Wash Brush An, outstanding buy for Hardware Week, Made Of vitt,i, plastie tvith :Oft nYikth 141010. Ahantirmiu handle, etimplele with hose coupling. A twist of the haedle Will shut Water oh or ott. Regular f$4,08 SPECIAL SAVINGS irt TOOLS Ind ELECTRICAL NEE 401111101111111111111110111011111111111111111111111110101110111101111111 I MANY, MANY MORE BARGAINS! ALEXANDER'S HARDWARE nommommaitinimionaiimmo CKN.X TELEVISION PROGRAMMES Wednesday, April 18 9.30 Jackie Rae Show 10.00 Big Town 9130 Request. Yours 11.00 CEC News World • 11.10 News Nightcap 4.30 Take a Look 4.45 Folk Songs 5.00 Caitoonia 5.30 Howdy.Doody • 0.00 Flash Gordon .:0.35 lochs-Weather 6.45'Focus-Farm 740 Focus-Spqrts • 7.15 Focus-News 7,30 Dangerous Assign. 8.00 Vic Obeck 8.30 I Lew Lucy 0.00 I•lit PaCade Sponsored By TV 'SUM' CENTRE • Av.:A Cartoonia Howdy Doody Range Rider Focus-Weather Foetis-Farm Foeus-Sports Poeus-News The Falcon Wayne & Shuster Plotiffe Family Ford Graphic- Star Stage .Gillette Fights Jim Coleman: Show CBC News News Nightcap Pajama Playhouse . 3.55 Preview .4.00 Round, Round 11.15 Pajama Playhouse Thursday, April 19 1.45 School Broadcast 3.55 Preview 4.00 M'Lady 4.30 Mr. "0" 4,45 Maggie Muggins 5,00 Cartoonia 5.30 Howdy Doody 6,00 Range Rider 6.30 Focus-Weather 6.40 Focus-Farm 7.00 Focus-Sports 5,00 7.15 Focus-News 7.30 Hopalong Cassidy 8.00 Bishop Sheen 8.30 Fireside Theatre 0.00 Kraft Theatre 6.45 10,00 Circle 8 Ranch 7.00 10.30 This Is the. Life 7.15 11.00 CEO News . 7.30 11.10 News Nightcap - 8.00 11.15 .Pajama Playhouse 8.10 Friday, April 20 9.00 9.80 3,55 Preview 10.00 4.00 Round, Round 10.45 World 11..00 4.30 Peppermint Prince 11,10 4.45 Small Fry Frolics 11.15 5.30 6.00 6.30 Phone 966 Victoria St. WINGIIAM Monday, April 23 3.55 PreVfew 4.00 Round, World 4,30 Fur & Feather 4.45 Aubrey gt One 5,00 Cartoonia 5,30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Range Rider 6.30 roens-Weather 6.45 Focus-Farm 7,00 Pectis-Sports 7,15 .Focus-News' 7430 Paragen PlaYhOuSe 8.00 Caesar's flout 0 9.00 Medic 0.30 bantY Vaughan 10,00 TIM. 10, 11.00 0130 Mews 11, 11,10 News Mghtetip 11, 11115 P/110111a Playhouse 11. Round Tuesday April 24 1.45 School Broadcast 3,56 PrevieW 4.00 IVI'Ledy 4,80 Magic of .Music 5.00 Cartebnia 5.30 Howdy Doody 0,00 Range Rider 6.80 Focus-Weather 6,40 It'oc\is-Farm 7.00 Focus-Sports 7.15 Focus-News 7.30 Horner Hell 00 OM Theatre 00 brtighot 30 Pick The Stars 00 Alinaime THA 60' OHO NOM 10 News Nightcap 15 Ptijana Playhtitiae, Saturday, April 21 3.55 Preview 4.00 Western Theatre 5.00 Wild Bill Hickok 5.30 DisrieYtalid 6,30 Mr, Flit.it 6,45 The Clue 7.00 Burns & Allen 7,30 Holiday Ranch 8.00 lickle Gleason 8,30 Stage ShOw OA On 'Camera 0,30 HolitlaY Theat" 11 'CHO News .10 News Nightcap THA o Wrestling Sunday, April 22 1.25 PrevieW 1,30 Pettit for Today 2,00 Jr. IvIrigaV.ine 8,00 Yoh Are ,There 3,110 Climax 4.30 The 114111iOnalre 5.00 Perspective .0.30 Plighting Words 0,00 Pixploring Mincla '6.80 Peltier Knows Beat 7.00 Otte Miss ErOolta 7.30 Theatee of Stars 8,00 Zcl, Sullivan 0.00 Pear Star Theatre 9,80 ShOWtime 10,00 Being Erntiat 11.00 0130 geWs 11,10 News Nighteap 11.10 Vritith Israel 11,20 Pajarna Playhouse age abor lay feed awed and ear re With -fed • ( • • • SPRING CLEANING? Send the things you don't need to the LADIES' AUXILIARY RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAX 12th arrinur WINGHAM 410011.11.1011011111.10.M.PIMIriliri, 0S••••••••• ••Fe0,****900.• EBENTURES D GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES . • N 4 STEVE. OWES BREAK TO PHOTOGRAPHER When Phil Uncial.= (Martin Kingsley) gets out of a mental hos- vital after a year away he finds his wife, Ruth (Jeanne Bates) is happy to see him, but she's just about the only one. Though he was a top photographer before his crackup, no one trusts him enough to give him a job now. He's pretty low when lie runs into Steve Wil , eai (Mark Stevens) managing edi- tor of the Illustrated Press, and his girl friend, Diane (Doe Ayeden) in a restaurant. Steve offers PHI a job with the paper. Jack Krone (Barney Phillips) him a simple job to cover Phil is flips when. Steve .tells him that. Phil is coming to work for the pa- per, but Steve is adamant and in- sists that Phil will work out. Krone keeps Phil for a week With no as- signment and when he does give him a simple job to cover Phil is so nervous that he flubs. By this time, Phil, is beginning to doubt himself and doesn't even show up at his next two assignments, In despair, Phil goes to Steve to quit and Steve says he'll take him home which he does ... by way of a block where a couple of gunmen have themselves barricaded in, Phil's old news-photographer in- stinct comes through. He covers the story in great style and is now ready for any assignment they can throw at him, And is ..fully his own master again. Andersons Rewarded For Bud's Honesty When Bud consistently neglects his 'household chores and fails to memorize the poem he is to recite in church, Jim Anderson forbids him to participate in The Church League baseball game, but when Jim sees that the team is losing because qf. Bud's absence, he re- lents and permits Bud to play. In church the next morning, ihe Andersons' worst fears are real- ized. Bud forgets his piece, and to the embarrassment of the family, Bud confesses* to the entire con= gregation that the baseball game was to blame. Reverend Swain rises to Btid's defense with an account of the boy's actions during the game. At a crucial moment, Bud had tried to tag a runner and missed, The um- pire's ruling that the 'runner was out, started a brawl between the teams, and Bud, asked as a point of honor if he had really tagged the runner, admitted he hadn't-there- by collecting a black eye from his teammates, Swain praises both. Bud, for his honest answer, and Bud's family for their fine training. With the congregation applause ringing in their ears, Jim and Margaret n- derson realize their *efforts in Bud's behalf had riot been wasted. You won't want to miss "Father Knows Beat" on Channel 8, Sunday at 6,40 p.m,. Joan Fontaine. On Star Stage The thirty-third .eplsocle of Star Stage tells the story of a house- hold filled with strange,. fears and emotions. See Joan Fontaine por- traying a girl who falls under the spells of a deceptive love in "The Shadowy Third," on CRNX-TV Friday, at 9.30 P.m, Ovide Looks for Husband for Rita Ovide feels obligated to help his ex-fittneee, Rita Toulouse, find a husband in the episode of the Plouffe Family,-to be seen. this Fri- day night on Charnel 8, and he sets up a one-man marriage bureau for her benefit. The first candi- date is a young lawyer with ex- cellent prospects. Trouble arrives for Guilliaume in the form Of Martine, 'Uncle Oede- on's daughter who has rm./mate designs on her handsome cousin, Meanwhile Mattan goes away for a week to visit her sister-in-lakv, leaving the men to handle the household affairs. "The Search's Begins Series of 13 Films On April 22, replacing' "EXplor., ing CEC-TV begins a ser- ies called "The Search," This is Made up of thirteen public affairs films produced for 088-T1, with the_help of American universities. The opener Ott Sunday is entitled "Now` .Hope for Sttittererg," which was prepared with the advice of experts at the State UltiVettity of Iowa. "Being Earnest" is Oscar Wilde Comedy After a three-week absence brought about by schedule adjust- ments for hockey broadcasts, CEO r Olio returns on Sunday, at its ac- customed time, 10.00 p.m.-with an 80-minute production of Oscar Wilde's classic comedy of manners, "The Importance of Being Earn- est." Andrew Allan will direct this first performance of the play on Canadian TV, with production by Robert Allen and sets by Nikolai Sqloviov. One of the most delectable com- edies in the theatrical repertoire, the play deals with the aspirations of John Worthing to the hand of Gwendoien Fairfax, daughter of Lady Bracknell, and the objections raised to the proposed marriage because he was found in Victoria Station (left there by an absent- minded governnoss) and has no information as to his parentage. Upon this farcical framework Wilde has woven a glittering fab- ric of dialogue and epigram satiriz- ing with devastating humor the manners and morals of his day. FAMOUS SWIMMERS, GUS RYDER ON VIC OBELI[ SHOW This week the Vie Obeck show spotlights the work done by one of Canada's most famous swimming coaches, Gus Ryder. • Direct'from, the LakeSnore Swim- ming Club just outside Toronto, Vie will bring you an entertaining half hour of what. goes on behind the scenes at Coach Ryder's swim- ming club, Ryder, who has spent most of his life teaching youngsters how to swim and also aiding handi- capped persons, is' the man who inspired and taught world-famous Marilyn Bell and Cliff Lumsden. Marilyn Bell, who conquered Lake Ontario and the English Channel, will take part in the show along with Cliff Lumsden, winner of last year's Canadian National Exhibition swim. This half-hour program is brought to you Wednesday night at eight o'clock on Channel 8. YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE • -PHONE 12 11111.•1160111111100010W . For Men, Boys and children Priced from $3.45 and up .SISIVIAN /KAM, PERs 0E0-TV neweaster Larry gen- the sl.) derson is On his third visit to the Tv middle Eaet. His assignment is on 1 of tile .political crisis there, evv8 Ilvera.8e for 'OP .' No matter how fa , 1.1 ebecic ' back, the hen was the st; to thinic, . of the idea of packaged rood.