HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-18, Page 8Chevrolet's got three ... Bel Air, "Two-Ten" and "One-Fifty". Willi 20 sassy-styled models to pick from, there's one (or maybe even two) just made for you ARE YOU A BEL AIR BUYER? Want to travel first class without paying a high price simply for "prestige"? If so, the Bel Air Series is just your dish. It brings you. luxuries .and conveniences you won't even begin to find in stripped-down "bargain" models of bigher.priced cars,. And at. Chevrolet prices! Of course, you also get Chevrolet's own special tip 5d2o2f record-breaking perfor- mance, with horsepower ranging "TWO-TEN" TO YOUR TASTE? This is. Chevrolet's "middle" line —but it outshines the top models of the,,,other-cnrs in its field! The ."Two-Ten" has its own sassy new' styling 'arid cblorful new contemporary interiors, Body by Fisher, of .course, with safety door latches, as in all models of the three Chevrolet series.. And you get the nailed-down stabi- lity and the sureness of control. that make driving safer — and sweeter in a Chevrolet! • ..ostm:soll*X*isi:e.,$isit*iMiiisniqfte: v-dgREZMaiNii:00;x; The new "One-Piny" 2-Dopy Sedan A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE a.1456C "ONE-FIFTY" FILL YOUR BILL? it does if you want to owe the zippiest car on the road and don't mind paying an almost embarrassingly low price for ill You'll notice there's no lack of chrome trim in Clievrolbt's low- est priced series. And you can pick your power—V8 or 6, Come vOonu iiniesta:id see which One of Chevy's 20 new beauties, suits THE HOT ONE'S EVEN HOTTER Phone 13. MOTORS Winghanit Onto :,.....,:,":1......X:".c.ieMs'A'.....*•4.4.',.r.',:s.&.aet*ce.Y.4e;•,;.• • The new Bel Air 'i)ort. Sedan • 11S-•:r.altal• The new "Two-Ten7 4-boor Sedan ., • 4, i.. ....... ..... . .... • „ .... itith 01V IA 4.'541•M Mtn 001'4lft (*Wage fep. 43. WS treatments are almost Al- ways simple, pabeas and quick. One such treatment, which was stopped at the Canadian border on its way to a patient in Alberta was found to contain a few herbs, some honey and much water.. Of greater seriousness are .the Pastes or salves intended for stir, face application which often con- Min strong chemicals,. "These will not ..only kill the tissues with which they come into Contact hut are highly poisonous if absorbed by the body. Such salves are said to have drawn the cancer" whereas only the surface of the disease .has been attacked," .p ior pointed out that "The only hope' for a patient with can- cer lies in early detection, proper diagnosis and speedy treatment, The established and accepted treat- ment for cancer is the jucliciouS use of surgery and radiation, This is not to say that farther weapons will not befound, Many hundreds of. chemical compounds have been tested for their °Mots on tumors. Some have been found at least n temporary drug has not Yet been cures cancer." many cancer patients for treatment early disease completely. MI of the Cancer Sop- anal program is to in- umber. lutve effect, but f ound which Each year who apply have their ,cured, The educati, crease this n Useful Plates Made Prom Old Records Records that have become worn out can be used to make plates. The method is simple. Heat your oven to about 250 de- grees, no higher. Place the record on a .palte plate, making sure it is centred and put it in the oven until the record is pliable enough to mold. Be sure to wear a pair of gloves to protect your fingers from. the heat. while working with the re- cord, With your • fingers press ripples around the edge for deeora..- tion. Turn up enough of the 'edge to give your•plate some depth, In about one hour. the . record plate will be hard enough' to con- Min., 'WW1 tine JAMI, Thni ;point. fill the hQkr theca ntre with . Thia Completes the operation and plastic wood and to place a deeal yen have a plate that'Will wash,. h e over the label to. hicio, It and the to hold and It will look ef„ wood, The edge may be tipped with .I fective through a lace "I'm having three •accidents today . driving thru a brick wall, turning over twice and a head-op smash-up . can you give me a repair estimate?" This young maniac is certainly looking for trouble. Most of our customers are looking to avoid it. They have us check their cars regularly to insure safety on the road. Phone 139 Wingham ARMITAGE'S Phone 172 We Call for and Deliver SALE of MEN'S SUITS Every ready-made Suit of our entire - stock REDUCED to cost and below. (Some with 2 pairs of trousers.) zit9,-ci,,iP SWIVEL-TOP Opens instantly--cleans all (peer n"om 1 position The Cleaner Rated No. .1 Rest Buy hy leading Consumer Reporting Group with • SHUR-CAIN BEEF SUPPLEMENTS containing DIETHYLSTILBESTROL It is now possible to purchase supplements con- taining diethylstilbestrol in Canada. Our two popular beef supplements — SHUR-GAIN Beef- :. maker and SHUR-CAIN Beef Supplement "A" containing diethylstilbestrol are available now 1 at our mill. Feeding tests at the SHUR-GAIN i Farm have proven the remarkable value of these ▪ supplements. I Produce greater gains at less cost with 1 your bee/ cattle! See us right away about SHUR-GAIN beef supplements containing diethylstilbestrol,. CANADA PACKERS LTD, WINGHAM SMALL DEPOSIT! $ I 7 5 WEEK See Live Demonstration At Our. Store Now or... Reg. $99.95 THIS SALE ONLY $79 95 Complete with Tools PHONE FOR 10 DAY HOME TRIAL Finlay Radio & Electric Gorrie Phone 21r7 Wroxeter / • • ' '1/*Ve 41110!t A( Harry Henry .:Dies •fOrMer Pernice F‘Idridgei of Wiar, • 17.‘.7 • , , q..1 • Ity a430,mo eni. A • r rost. Supports Smith, Of Harriaton. I Globern, CCP member for Went, SOCIETY DIRECTOR coiling Resting at tile 13eattie funeral worthj t fur the affix. home in Clinton. Funeral services , ,P•ra of a union label on all print- will be condtieted today (Wetines.,14ng WARNS AGAINST ordered .by the Provincial day) at 2.39 pmd froM. the Hen- ' 'Government received no support in derson funeral home, Wiarton.j.he Housese and an amended "Sala- QUACKS tlon introduced by Prennter Leslie CANCER Interment will be made in Day- • „view Cemetery. 1• rest} was agreed. to in its place. • Premier Frost, speaking on the Pallbearers Will be Clifford f original motion, pointed, out that Cooper, Howard. Currie, z ie i there are other printing shops be- Simms, P.dgar Armstrong, Unite,/ sides those located in the big cities Donny and Irwin Ingle% and that there are many and varied conditions, in outside areas. ton, e one d th er I % IA , fred, e ate wi. t Ann; three bro Wilfred, of . Wingimm; Cecil of Selwrabergi I Clifford, of Harrlston, and two I A resolution recently introduced , sisters, Marion and Afts. 1)ortald • in the Ontario Legislature by R. em er ee hes new' 1956 model 805 EUREKA SUPER Roto maw ALL THAT'S MODERN IN ONE CLEANER —and you save $20! .• 8 pc. set Deluxe Attach-O-Matte Clip-on Tools • New Easy Action Zip-Clip Swivel-Top • • Super Power—Cleans thoroughly. • No Dust Bag to Empty,— Triple Filter • Amazing.3-D Rug Nozzle with Floating Brush • So light and quiet • Reduced suction for cleaning drapes a a • U U U U fa a U a a U U U --_ U U U I U U U U U "May T point out to the hon, member that one of the very valu- able assets we have in Ontario is one which sometimes does not re- ceive due tecognition. and appreci- ation, that is the weekly press, or the provincial shop," Mr, Frost de- clared. "All those communities, large and small, in Ontario, have their Weekly newspapers, with job printing establishments and pines where work is done, and I may frankly say that it has been our effort, and I think that of other governments which have gone be- fore us, to give a fair share of business to the provincial shops, antlythe provincial papers, "I am sure the lion, member will realize that his resolution, at the stroke cif a pen, rules out, all those shops in the province, and would deal a very, heavy blow, indeed, to the'weekly press Of Ofitatio,, which gives good service to our' people," Liberals A'gree.. , . Other members concurred with Premier Frost in his defence of the provincial printing shop. Speak- ing on the resolution, Harry C, Nixon, Liberal member for Brant, said, "They could not even print voters' lists for the election." Ross Wither, Liberal member for Bruce "I wish to say that in my riding, there are eight weekly papers, none of them are union and none of them want a union eithei, they are very, very happy in the way in which they ,are carrying on. I agree with the hon, Prime Minister that if the naition•in con- nection with the resolution of the hon. member for 'Wentworth East was carried, we could not get any- thing done in these small weekly papers." In place of Mr. Gisborn's origi- nal motion, the following motion. was passed by the House: "That in the opinion of this House there should be a fair distribution of government printing thionghout the printing plants of both urban and rural Ontario having regard in particular, to the fine services rendered by the weekly press." INSIGHT INTO MANY SUBJECTS THROUGH SCHOOL BROADCAST The school, broadcast over Chan- nel 8 on Thursday at 1.45 marks the beginning of a series for grade,s V and VI. The first ten minutes of the pro= gram is devoted to arousing the pupils' interest in maps. This series lasts for three weekg, April 19 arid 26 and May 3. In these three ten- minute portions of the grade V and VI series, planning a map, making it, and lastly, using it, will be dealt with, ,The remaining 20-minute-pRikdi duVpig this tbreV-week series' wilt also prove interesting, On Thurs- day "Visiting the •Moon" shows that behind the fictional accounts of the moon there is• a body of fact gained through scientific observa- tion, This period of the telecast on April 26, "How the Telephone Works" is designed to arouse the curiosity of children in the why and wherefore of everyday things around them by taking a familiar object and explaining its bash: principle, '" On May 3 the final program of the series "Fur for a Hat" helps the children to visualize history by presenting certain museum objects in a dramatized historical contest, thus giVing these objects greater significance and reality, and to throw light on the history of Can- ada's fur trade. Grades VII and X For the senior elementary school grades three half-hour programs have also been planned, These will he seen Fridays, on April 20, 27 and May 4, The first is called' "Design for Everyday Things" and is intended to Make students aware of the presence and impertance of design in objects used by them in daily life, and to help them grasp the' standards of good design and apply them in their own selection of ob- jects, The second prOgratny "thittpoW- der to HorsepoVver" shows invert. pions as the result of the combined efforts of selentiSts, Inventors, busiliessinen and engineers, simu- lating interest in Inventions gen- The harm 'done by cancer quacks who claim to have magic cures for the disease is very considerable, AC- cording to. Dr. R, M. Taylor, execu- tive director of the Canadian Can- cer Society, Dr. Taylor recently 'stated in a society release that the Cancer So- ciety office regularly receives let- ters from anxious sufferers who have been advised by friends of a. doctor who can cure cancer with medicine. "Such friends are un- wittingly helping to add another name to the list of those who have been victimized by quacks," the doctor said, - He explained '.that there is a pretty sure test for quacks. Any one of the following characteristics should be suspect: 1. His treatment is available only from himself. 2 His treatment*bears his own name or that of a high sounding research organization. • -3. His treatment is advertised, 4, He claim's he is being perse- cuted by the Medical. Trusts. 5. His "cured" patients-and griat- est supportershave,only his word for' it that they had caliber in the first place. 6. He discourages or refuses con- sultation with reputable physicians, 7. His literature and arguments are most persnasive. Many intel- ligent people have been fooled. Sometimes 'he has absolute- faith, At Clinton Home. VIArrY Henry, 14- native of Turn- benrY ToWnahip„ died at his home prineosq Street, Clinton, on 'SAItlIrday, Mtn a heart attack. 4e Was Rarla la Turnberry, Mr. Henry J444 been an .aecohntant, with the rariacla Packers plant in Clinton for the. past 29 years. He .was an, aotlYe IPMxther of the Wesley- "WM'S I.jriited Church, serving on the board. of stewards and as ehurei auditor. SurYlving .oesicies his wife, the ~! orally giving some understand, ing of how the internal combustion engine Works, The final program in this Series wit May 4 "tittli oC dentederation" 1. brings history to life by tine tzati of • ttotoalits, M this ease applied tellte Chtirlottetewit Cella • f6c1°:'61146' 18e4'