HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-18, Page 1saaaallAtai eassatta NOVELTY TEA AND' BAV,AAB The '"Euesday Starlight; Group" Of Wroxeter United Church will hold a spring tea, bazaar and bake sale on Saturday afternoon, 'April 28th, front to 5 in the Church Hal -" F18;25' fttAlEVALE A dance will be held in the Blue,. vale Cotrununity Hall, on Thursday. April 19th, under the auspiees of the Stone School Centennial Coat- tail:tee, Willoughby's orchestra will provide the music. f181) LEGION EUCHRE The Ladies' Auxiliary Lo the Can- atditai Legion is holding a euchre in the Legion Home, Monday, April n, at 8.15. Geed prizes, Leach Ad- "passion 50e, Everyone Welcome. lab :FOB VOIANTEERS Singers wanted Haim 1-.10wiek 'far CoMennial Pageant choir, Whin- Leers eall or wrtte May 1st to B. A. Schaefer, Fordwich, Pageant Committee Chairman P18;20b itll(Xlmtp The Wroxeter Women's Institute wilt hold a progressive euchre on `Thursday, April 19th, 8.30' o'clock iri the torrirminity hall, Admission 25 mite, Ladies Please hill* lunch, tome arid bring your friends, It'18b aoas 'arganr 44.444,44444, With which which la amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News .0NTAftl0, ArIaLto :MG WIN HAM MAN :13,000 MILES PROM HOME FUENIS11E0 APARTMENT 1 IN IIVO MOUES 'FOR BURNED-OUT FAMILY Booster ..Club 'Commences :Planning ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrlan * ii flea ter rcs inn tin " The. first fultseettle .meeting of the Wingham Booster Club was held in the council chambers on Monday night, with a good attend- ance of interested sportsmen of the town, Harry Merkley, secretary of the organization, announced that there is now a total paidrtiO membership of 78, and that a *number 'of other Proapeetive members have signiited their intention of joining. He said that counting those who are in- tending to joist, the organization should have over 100 members, Mr, Markley urged those who have net already paid their mem- bership fee of to do so immed- For Next Year's Hockey Activities lately, so that isle's' may be core, pletati for the banquet' for the juvenile hockey club, to be held in the near future: He explained that in planning the banquet it is neees- eary to knoW how many members will be present, and that this is „et possible, if xnemberaliipe aren't pain up. itotliof 1NYMPorary lrlxecutiyc The temporary executive, named at the initial meeting of the club, was returned to office on a vote of those present. Tho executive will be: President, Pr, W. A, latclaib• boil; vice-president. Whitney Grose; secretary, Etarry Merkley; treasurer, Howard :Machin, The May Start. Snack Bar at H.S. To Defray Cafeteria Expense Vett -"•-r; A eolattamity gaud turn which nundt have broken all records for tweed and efficiette,y . was aecolopl!shed •ity the residents of flelgrave, after a disastrous fire which completely destroyed the home of ,Harvey (look on Stinday Bolero the .ashes of the house alai coaled; neighbors had •naide arrimgeteents tor the .0004 Lanky to make a temporary home in one Oahe apartments owned by the Beltarave Gu- operative Association,, Two 'houra alter the fire the apartmeat was completely fur- n.Ihed and !q. upplied, With bed- ding, furniture and. household 'utensils by neighbors and friends of -the Cook family. - Among those assisting the' familY were the Wingham branch of -The' Salvation Army, whielt contributed, clothing, and local grocery stores, which supplied food. The citizens ef Bele-rave aae to be commended for r ,thai prompt action in helping the. Cook family hi their hour of need. FRONTIER DAY PLANS OUTLINED TO LIONS EVANHUSTIC TEAM AT BAPTIST CHURCH Canada bearing greetings from Mayor L. . Gleeson to Mayor R. E. McKinney, and will tang a letter from Mayor McKinney to the. Mayor; :of Wingham-, Englana. On his way to California, Mr. Revitt will pass through the southern statekt to the Atlantic, where he will catch a boat for England and the Continent. Jim ReVitt, of ingharn, Australia, found Wing- ham, ,Ontario, a home away froth home when he arrived here last week on the second lap of a trip which will take hint around the world. Mr. Revitt,- who left Wingham, Australia, last July, paid a visit to his home town's namesake In following 'were elected as executive. inemliersi Alf Loekridge„ J, W. Btaddield and Norm Cameron. Bill Cpnron was .appointed teMporary I./twine:3n xuaattger, 0.11(1 - was givett the job of. itotitafaang hockey playete around town with. • the idea of ,orating a home brew intermediate hockey tettia for next- winter. Vie Leughietin will assist hint in this World, It is hoped to eau-taut all those .• interested in playing hoehey next year, and to have a meeting of players with the executive within the next .weelr to discuss plans Or, next season's team. To qualify fat next season's team, aro qualify a home brew team, players. two( have taken up residence in ,Wing-- ham before May 1st. Te Banquet Juveniles Dr, Miaibbon announced, plans -for a banquet to be put on by the club for the members of the juve- iiile hockey club, Date of the ban- quet will be announced am 50011 a 0. sPeaker is secured. Secretary Harry Merldey sug- gested that members of the ,Booeter Club each. take along a Member of the juvenile team as a pest to the banquet, and a number of the members volunteered to ,do so, Bals hoped that a member of either the Goderich dr Exeter Booster Clubs will be guest speaker at the banquet,. Touring %gingham, NSW Man Finds It Just Like Home Here HURON CHAPTER OF 11,A.C, HOLDS SPIN MEETINfi EXPECT INQUEST IN MERRICK DEATH Air enthusiastic group of area gathered in the parielt room Of Trinity Church, Fordwich, on Wednesday for the spring .meeting elf the Deanery of Huron -Chapter of the 73.A.(1 H, A. Puller, deanery president, presided.•• • . • .k , atr1',Crilleksban, eenefea, manager of CKNX-TV, the guest speaker, was introduced by the rural dean, Reverend Ili. L. Parker of Wingham. In discussing the reasons for successful TV opera- tion in the Wingham area,. Mr. Cruickshank disclosed .that ap- proximately $150,000,000 of retail business was 'condubted each year in the area covered by the 'Wing- ham station, Outlining a few of the' problems and necessities in producing a TV program, the speaker invited the men to inspect' the station and its fealties at any time. Referring to the future of television, "Doe" as he is known to Many, expressed the belief that colour television would be available in the a,rea, within three or four years and that progress was being made by engineers in tire develop- ment of a TV screen that would replace a picture on the robm wall with the controls- in the 'arm of an easy. chair,' and the mechan- (Please turn to page twelve.) There have been no new clea velopments in the two-week-old rayatery ssurreuncling the death of /rain Merrick, Police Chief Bert' 'Platt The ,.,—.6i1YAus,e-Times last night. Mr. ivrerrick died suddenly at his home on Catherine Street 'on Thursday, April 5th, Inspector ,Tonn Craig, of the Criminal. Investigation Branch, re- turned to Toronto last week, and local police, wire have• been in- active on the case fer,..,the past week, are still awaiting develop- ments. . Chief Platt said ,that 'tile find- ings of a laboratory analysis on the stomach contents, aCandudted in Toronto 'last Week, '':ill probabilityintitiesao yb:t,rebvuetii, lietd:t6:aptei ctleoa- No. date:, has been `•se.1, f or the to be held 'within' the:vile:it couple . , of weeks, , The Don Holliday evangelistic team is currently engaged in an Evangelistic Cru- sade at the, Wingham Baptist 'Church The' team consists of two gifted young Canadians led by a forceful evan- gelist from Toronto, Don Holliday. The evangelist is the son of a minister and has had a 'colourful and varied experience, He has tra- velled a great deal. 'He served -In the Canadian "Merchaat • Marine during the war and before he turn- ed eighteen had journeyed right around the world. Mr,. 'Holliday has tudied, at the famed Woody Bible astitute, Chicago and the 'North Western Bible Schools of which Dr. Billy Graham was the presi- dent. During his stay in the United States he did extensive evangelistic work in many States. He returned to Canada and graduated from The Central Baptist Seminary in Tor- onto. For two years he served as extension evangelist and music professor at -the seminary. The other members of the Leant Mr. George Sinatieworth, genial song leader, is a resident of Wind- sor, Ontario. -}le is a graduate• of the Central Baptist Seminary. For several 'years now he has been engaged in , evangelism across, Canada and in the United States. Under his leadership the congre- gation singing in the campaign is a thrilling feature. of the meetings. The Crusade has been inspiring musically and in the challenging messages from the word of God each night 'at eight until Sunday April 22. The regular meeting of the Wing- ham Lions Club was' held in the Brunswick Motel, on 'Friday, April 13th, without any .mishaps on that unlucky date. President Hugh. Car- michael. presided -et the meeting. A number' of guestswere present,. including Harold Thomasspresident of 'tile Brussels' Lions, and three Brussels Lions, Barney McBride, pill Martin and Jack McKnight. Also present ,as guests were .Johnny Brent and Reg. Bitten, of ClaNX-TV, Mr, Brent told of plans for the Litms' 'Frontier Days, to be. held August 30, 31 and SePtember of this year. While plans are not altogether complete, he promised that tire event -Oda year' would • be "bigger and better" than last. year, and he told the Lions...that, it was tipped taatittyrs plains. dompletedahy the eifkof tillS irigklyr7 Reg.. Baton; who accompanied Mr. Brent entertained' on the piano. Harry Gerrie, Wins acted as coach for the Lion-aPtinepred Midget Hockey ChM, wile. presented with a gift from tire.. Lions by Vice- President BIB Conlon; 'who spoke of the wonderful Job done by Mr. Gerrie in bringing a the midgets along.eaker ter the eveninGuest g was 'Provincial 0Onstable Lou Boyce, of the -Oatario a Provincial Pollee, who spoke •on the subject highway safety.. Constable Boyce was introduced by Lion Norm Welacood and thanked by Lion DeWitt Miner,: who presented him ;with a set of Urals glasses. The meeting closed 'with the Lions' song and roar.' —Mrs, Stewart Cowan visited for a week with her daughter, :Pauline, in London, and with Mrs. 'Pearl EasterbroOks,. of Brantford. HONK!---Suntisty ,drivers were out in full force along the country reads last week-end, prompted by the fine spring weather and a touch of spring fever, 'Usual Sunday rates Of speed preveiled, slowed if any- liktnag, by the feet that some of the eideroads were in pretty rough 'shape, Several of the retitle have .signs' weaning the' driVer that he's Using the road at his own risk, which ;usually has the effect of re- ducing 7meeci to some extent, 0 - 0 - NOTHING alf,RIOUS---pr i a ay, April 13th passed off without any- thiag very scribes happening to the' residents of the community, despite 'the usual misgivings. - This is the second Friday 13th of the agar, and nothing in the way of a catastrophe has, beppend on either ocdasioa. One more 'to gp Oa July) and well he through for 1.956. 0 - 0 - 0 PLAY HOCKEY?---Seems kind of funny for this time of year, hut Bill Coaron and Vie Lougalean are looking for hockey players for an ,Intermediate home brew team which ,will be formed in town next fan. They'd like to contact players now to get some sort of ides what kind of team they will be able to ice next November. Anyone ready, willing or able is asked to get in touch'—this week if possible. ; 0 - 0 - 0 DON'T PACK THE SKIS--Hopes for an early spring this year sagged somewhat on Tuesday, when Wing- ham residents awoke to find the ground covered with snow and a typical Winghain blizzard raging. est people figured it was a dirty rich for. April 17th, but .oldtimers can recall similar occurrences on the 24th of May, so perhaps we • shouldn't complain - yet. * 0 - - 0 1,OR : THE BIRDS-- Asked iris frank opinion of Canada, Jim. Revitt, globe-trotting Australian from Wingham, New South Wales, really got' down to cases. "Strictly,. for the birds," 'was his comment. Why? "Canadaans ,werk too, hard, PW,a, at'oti,' much money and doh eadugh fun," he said., Lady Golfers Hold Successful Bridge The ladies' section of the Wing- ham .Gailf Club held a buccossfut dessert bridge in the colleen cham- ber on Wednesday. The tea tables oked lovely with spring flowers id Mrs, John Hanna 'presided. . There were 23 tables of cards in play. The winners for the after- noon for bridge wore Mrs. H, Mc- Intosh,, first and Mrs. NV'. Henry second. The euchre Prize was won by Mrs. P. Grump. The draw prizes were won by Mrs. D. JaMacRae, Mrs. G. Henderson, 'Mrs. M. Fox- ton and Mrs. C. Lloyd. The ladies will hold their •annuta meeting in the council chamber on Tuesday; April 24 at -three o'clock lady- members' are invited to attend and a cap • of tea will be served. Scout thers See Uniform Display The April meeting of tile Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held in the United Chetah on April 11, The president, Mrs.. Wilfred Congram, opened. the 'Meeting with the Scout Mothers' Prayer,. and- then gave a short and very Instruc- tive talk on the advantages of Cubbing, Secretary , Mrs. Frank Madill then read the minutes of the' last meeting, and treastirer, Mrs. Jahn Strong- read the treas- urer's report, An 'i'n'teresting display of. Cabs and Semite clothiag.and 'equipent,. calletited by"'-1(t7s, -ttin m firrii arid Mrs, Geo. Scott, Was shown, Mrs. Congram wished to thank all the mothers who had helped in any way to make the father, and son baiiquet, held in March, a suc- cess, She expressed special thanks to Mrs. Herb-- Fuller, who was convener. Mrs. Puller. thanked her committees for their help, especial- ly Mrs. "Norman Cameron, who was in charge of the meat com- mittee, It was suggested that the. grOnp give a. sum of money to the United .0hurch in payment for the use'of stheir "kitchen eq.uipMeat • for. the haniaiet end eieo a gift to Mr. W,' Brown, the caretaker. 11: was 'decided to change the place, of meeting, and several loca- tions were suggested. Mrs, George Henderson was appointed to con- tact the Canadian Legion, and other possible meeting places will be investigated. A letter was read from Scout Master Miles Overend asking for books for the Scout troop library, also a request was made for the donation of a basketball 'for the Cubs and Scouts, This was approved by the mothers. It was flecided to grant $15.00 toward the troop lib- rary. During the evening Brownie- Mothers displayed a booklet on' "Household Milts" which they are selling to make money fpe their orgaalzation. Followhig the meeting', hutch was served. DAMAGE $25,000 IN WROXETER BLAZE A goodwill emissary from'Witi.g- ham, Australia, Jim Revitt allay- ed in town last Tuesday,, on ,the second lap of a tour around the world, to marvel at the ,simiaarities between his home, town in Neva Scalia Wales and Wingham: "On tune. Mr. Revitt, a young adven- turer in his twenties, brou,ot with. him a letter from' mayor, L: J. Gleeson, of Wingliam, extending",gree tings to dYfa'apfc. • R. t- -Mahn heY; and on 'his t.t: took with bian a letter.'frOM,Iiitayer McKinney to the mayor ham, England, whom he: expects to visit this SumMer. . 'Mr, ,Revitt got his start :ssaaa, hush, g)loi globe-otter at i an n theearlAyilit;,2,littine . , got into the habit of" "tiusfmwallE- Mg", a rational pastlineadraan under. As ..a means ,of away from it all", ,Australiainaltain, all walks of life take off 'fanatic bush with tent, blankets"aink'aaa30 ounile'ntiti.eir back and camp. ;its., the many beauty spots of , From tide habit, , *nit:0444n early youth, many Aastritliaiir§o in for more ambitious according to Jim, who atelli':;tials reporter that during 1954a tiSolit 80,000 A.ustralians between the ages 20 and 25 took trips abroad, Not all of them s far afield as Jim intends 'to. go, but from a standpoint of. geo- dgirsatiaiiiiiye.,e any trip abroad froM Australia, is bound to cover a fair left Last July Jim Rosati left Wingham,, Aus- tralia last, July, headed 'for the Boy lama Jamboree 'at Niagara- on - he-Lathe He travelled Via New Zealand. leiji Islands, and 11°1101)11u to Vancouver, hitch- hiking across Canada and caniping along the way. While at the Jamboree, lie covered the event for the Anatralian press with pic- tures and stories, • and says he almost made enough money to ally his paseage from Australia. ' After tine Jamboree was over 'he Minor Accideats Injure 11-- winter, and secured a job With the decided to stay in Canada for 'the twelve Oshawa Times-Gazette as a re-. Three, Unlucky on Friday 11111- I Pori:,:;„,,,,,ht'',..stz tor3°171;tel that Community Players Plan Festival There was a meeting of the Wingham Community Players last Wednesday, April 11th, at which the annual one-act-play . festival 'was planned, • This year there will -be entries front the North Huron zone and, the South Huron zone'. The Wing- ham entry will be the Winghain High School play 'Five Birds in a Cage,- directed by Miss K. Mac- Gregor. This festival which will be held in Winghean on April 26th, will be adjudicated, Tielreta are now on sale from members of 'the Wing- hair Club, The passibility that a snack bat might be opened up at the Wing- ham District High School, in con- junction with . the cafeteria now being operated there, became a .possibility last week at the regular Meeting of the high school board, as the result of a suggestion by Dr. W A, 'McKibben, chairman of the school management committee. Dr. 1VfeKibbon reported that the cafeteria had been losing money, although receipts had been pp during the past month. He felt that a snack bar operated from the cafeteria might help to keep operations on a paying heels, and told the board that this had been tried successfully in other schools, Members of the hoard .decided have the school management committee look into the possibility of setting up a snack bar at the cafeteria. To TWA Library School • • An application was received from the, 4.1)artgient of education, asking .that. the board grant per- mission to lise one class'room' irt the high' school for holding a district library - school , for librar- ians in the area. The school is" scheduled to be held in July Of 1057. 'Teachers and equipanent will 'be supplied by the depart- Mena Alter some discussion it was,ale- eided by -the board members to grant permission for the holding of the library 'school,. A letter of resignation from 'Miss Jean R. Thompson was read at the. meeting. ' Principal W. S. Hall reported that two new teach- era had been engaged, Miss Galatea, of Toronto to replace Miss Thompson, and Mr. O'Brien, of Goddrieh, who will Leath mathe- matics. Mr. Hall' also announced that Raye 'Murray, a . student at the school, had been selected to attend the cadet camp to be held at Banff this summer, .The hoard agreed to pay a grant of $25 for this purpose at the end of June; Average , attendance' during March was 401 students or 94%, Mr. Hall' reported, He said that a cadet grant of $454.72 had been received for the year, The date of the annual cadet inspection was Set 'for May 17th, and the matter of holding an open night was also discussed. Dela* Estimates• • Estimates for the year were emiSidered by the board, under the chairmanship of Ernest Case- more, After some discussion it was agreed that the matter 'be left. over until more information is secured from, the department, R. S. Hetherington, chairman of the property Committee, presented the caretaker's report in detail and various items were discussed. He reported that the CNR, and CPR Telegraphs' hod men here to look over Abe placing Of guy wires for it tower to be, erected. beside, the TV statioe, According to the plans 'one gay would he placed on the school property, but would be properly protected and en agree- ment would be tmeessoy whereby the board wettld be proteeted from any Mr. Tietherintstoli said that the plan and agreement would be farWarded to the board shortly, • • 0h ire 200 Children in Music Festival Children at the public school have been praetising for the past; couple of weeks for the Winglium Public School Music festival, which Will be field tin Saturday at. the Wingham DISLEct High 'School, Garfield :Bender, director of murfie in 'the Kitchener while • schools, will be the adjudicator. The festival will gait at if o'clock In the. morning, and will carry through until 'the afternoon, with soh* duets, trios, rhythm bands and choruses taking part in the cornpetition. A concert will be held in the evening, with the whiners taking part, starting at 8,15 P.M. About 'WO litirkited liitt1113 froth the School wilt he taking part lit the feStival, RUMMAGE SALE `Their are two events nh tails -corm-tinnily which are 00801Y. re- hated, These are spring holuic. cleaning and the hospital rummage 14a1u Both are in the air right'nOw. The rummage vale is being held In the Wirighem /armouries on Maur« day, 1,44ty ,N at two o'Cleelt, and the overflow from spring .eleantlig can be' sent there to be sold; farilis tin „, clothing, dishes, novelties,- anything yorr do not need, is said that If you do not We 'a thing for Ilya years ellaneeS are, You will never rise it. So wiry not send these articles to the rummage sale and'let them earn money for' the hospital. The rtirentage• gale as sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wirighatit General Hospital and all cOntribUtiOnS are gralefullyte. neived. Tag day IC ,tic Saturday, May lath, and In the ant, rounding tointrittrilitett oft Saturday, May MI, 110. :Nearly a dozen minor aceidenla Were reported by hospital aathori ties during the past. week, with five of the victims being confined to hospital, over night, or longer. 'Tuesday of last week, Mrs, Ella Burke, of Wingliam, Was in, finger jui hr to esahre door, naught ulsigngIndex Heger badly, She was released after' treatment at the Ito:vital, A 'Beigrave resident, Joseph Dun- bar, aged 511, wars injured on 'Plies- day while rutting Wood, 'He receiv- ed a very severe. fracture of the lets: log, and was admitted to the hospital where hie condition Was deatiribed as satisfactoey. On Thursday, William Steven.. son, 12-year-old sou. of Mr, and Mrs. John 'Stevenson, tripped 'at school amid inrjured his heft short,• der, He Was relented after 'the 5liorildlef wa.9' :C-rayed 'and "taped, Three teeideata eieetirred oil uns' '(Please tarn to page tWelireJ LA by GOLFERS' ANNUAL 'MEETING The anfrual Meeting of the Ladies' seetiort of the Wingham' if Club will be held in the rid]. ehambere On Tuesday, April Uth, at 3 p.tn. All therobeta ate invited. 'i.8b pillar tractor, a half-ton truck Whith was sitting beside the huildhig, a cement Mixer :and hammer Piterfieri WhIghatri Were called to the fire, but found it mat of 'control when they arrived. The WO was partially covered by insurance, Prank Thompson, ellairman of the agricultural committee, report- ed that progress had been made With the proposed new agricultural barn, and that the location had been Staked out by his deinmittee. A =Aloe was made' that the ehairitrui of the agricultural corn- inittee and the chairman of the ber/rd be appointed to inspect the erection of the barn, and, present their a.ceounta to the board tot the hispettion, Damage estimated at $215,000 was caused On, the farm of GraingOr Brothers; on the "0" line' Of HOWick 'last Tuesday night, when flames totally destroyed a large .barn hi 'which were housed 80 head of 'thor'o'ughbred cattle, Lost In the blaze, besides a Mather Of . cattle, Were several terns Of - -baled hay, about 4')Pf/o' btiShela of grain, A cater... 444, Alai I, 444.444:iiiiiK444,,,,:no:44444 41.