HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1956-04-11, Page 9st.oRK Fir G 0(1.AD%" '1,07.0.10110 14,00W
` Thelma Robson and Heather Hastie have
their hands full of genuine and unusual spring
lambs, quadruplets born on the Hastie farm at
—Central Press Canadian
Streetsville. The lambs, all buck kids, are half
Shropshire and half Suffolk,
, - r =mom •
1.monn• . mown, .1.11.•1111 .11•11.1111. 1111111.1.1, ,
HEN autom6biles looked like this, driving was likely to be a real spUtter-
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of. the new De Soto Fireflite makes every drive a pure delight.
Now. :.enjoy the
smooth, spirited lake-off and go
of a dashing new
DeSoto 1notlite
V.1 Hardtop
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Red Front Grocery
'hone: Our Prices Are Lower Free
590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery
lover Leaf
ockeye Salmon 45c
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conomy size 400 sheets pkg.
:LEENEX ... 29c
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Omer Fancy 20 oz,
,O1/9- thin) PEAS 19c
oily Fancy Kernel 14 oz.
ORN . . 2 for 31c
Sunkist, Size 220 doz.
Florida. firm 14 oz. cello
Ripe Tomatoes .. 27c •
New 20 oz. cello •
CARROTS 2 for 23c
topic Choice 28 oz.
'omatoes .. 2 for 49c
p Top ?a/ oz.
lork - Beans 2 for 33c
tt.y Crocker 15 oz.
Townie Mix 39c
Kohinhoott Angel Food 14 oz..
Cake Mix 53c
Diet Delight 16 oz.
Diabetic Fruits 41c
Pears, Cherries and
Fruit Cocktail
Diet Delight 16 oz.
Borrowing is a sensible solution when it cogiqsjo
so many springtime needs—like getting yottr., Car,
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And you need look no further than the 44140
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putting budgets back on a sound basis. '
At HFC you can get as much as $.1000--;usui*A. •
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Experiments Prove
Old Pastures Can
Double .Beef Profits
That the carrying capacity of
old• pastures could be doubled by
re-Seeding and fertilization, was
demonstrated by the Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture In a Series
of experiments spread over a four-
year period in the eoUnties of Kent,
Middlesex, Bruce, Victoria and
In their experiments, the 41epatt-
most men took five widely scatter-
ed farms of. about 100 acres each
end divided each farm into three
parts. The first part was a check
plot which was left untouched, The
second plot was fertilized and the
third plowed up, fertilized and re-
Seeded with a good pasture mix-
ture. •
After four years, the check plots
luntoilehed/ 'aVOaged a gross re-.
tnrn of $77,79 per acre. Gross re-
turn on the pieta that were ferti-
ilzed 'only Was $114,45 Pet acre and
on the plowed up, fertilized and re-
seeded A)lot$ the return was $150.02.
per acre.
Average weight gain per acre on
cheek plots was 80.3 *inds,
fertilized plots 114.2 pounds and on
re-seeded and fertilized plots 167.6
The seed alb tore used Ineluded
brome, timothy, alfalfa and etch-
ard grasses as well as Ladino, white
hutch, meadow, facile, Kentucky
Blue and perennial rye grass. A
nurse crop of Rogtori bats was
also grown,.
BLUE VALE The Woman's
Association met in the United
Church on Thursday : afternoon,
with • the president, Mrs, R. A.
Brook, presiding.
After a'. devotional period • there
was a brief discussion 'on matters
Of business. The collection for the
March of aims was repOrted by
the treasurer, •Mrs. Alex Mc-
Crackin.' ' •
•W.M.S. Meeting
The . W.M.S. of the - United
Church held a meeting after the
W.A. meeting in the: form of a
thankoffering ,service . with . the
president, 'Mra. John Wicicstead, in
The -roll call was answered by
quoting a Bible verse about the
seasons.. was decided to pre-
pare a .. bale of clothing to be
shipped overseas.
Arrangements will be made to
send representatives to the Huron
Presbyterial to be held at Exeter
on April 10th.
SPEAKER TELLS OF I Turnberry Council
!Calls for Tenders S.A. SOCIAL WORK !For MacEwen Drain
BLUE VALE —M ajo r
Wheeler, of Wingham,
many years in social work in The
Salvation Army, was the guest
speaker. Stationed at Montreal,
at Charlottetown and other cen-
tres she was engaged in the dif-
ficult work of re-claiming social
Outcasts from lives of de ;reflation
and misery. Major Wheeler told
interesting stories of these sad
lives. The work was challenging'
hut rewarding.
Mrs. Alex MeCra,ckin sang a
solo. Refreshments and a social
time were enjoyed at the close of
the meeting. •
Women's Groups of
United. Church Meet
Margaret The regular meeting of Turn-
who spent berry Council was held on. April
4, with all members present. •
The minutes of the last meet-
ing were read and adopted on
motion of W. Jack Willits and A.
D. Smith.
Willits-Smith—That we give a
grant of $50.00 to the East Huron
Agricultural Society. •.
Foxton-Mulvey—That we call for
tenders for the construction of the
MacEwen Drain, tenders to be in
the hands of the cleric by .May
7th at 1 p.m.
Willits-Smith—That when courts
of revision are not held on .regular
council meeting days, ,the mem-
bers of same shall be 'paid.: the
sum of five .dollars per 'meeting,
this to be retroactive , to Jail. 1,
. The f011owing general' and= road
accounts were paid.
General Accounts.
Municipal World, $14.58; Ad-
vance-Times, $2.64; Ross Willits,
comp., $47.25; relief, $75.00; 'Geo.
Thomson, pt. sal. $40, tel. .75e,
stationery 70c, $41.45; Russel
Baird, fox bounty, $10,00; H.. C.
MacLean, treasurer's bond, .$8.00;
Saugeen Valley Authority, r•levy
$64.19. •
Geo. Thomson, fees, $50.00," by-
laws $25.00, survey $3, $78.00;
John Fischer, survey asst.; ,$6.00;
John MacEwen, survey asst.,.$6.00;
Geo. Greenaway, survey :asst.,
$3.00; court of revision expenses,
Road Payroll
Raymond Hogg, $16.50;1 Ken
Felker, $111.35; W, A. Hogg, $84.42;
Geo. Galloway, $187.92; • • Wm.
Mundell, $186.00; Road AccoUnts,
Mulvey-Foxto.n—That we do now
adjourn to meet again on May
7th at 1 p.m.
John V, Fischer, reeve •
Geo. T. Thomson, clerk.
17' ... ••••aeltaan ..
the 3-louse
ho.Wlneha 4dvrinr a Tlrarex, ViTefirwiday., Apri, 411
Famous De Soto full-time power steering is available;
".: toe, to take 80 (;;', of the effort out of turning.
And all thiS engineering excellence is wrapped up in the
trend-setting beauty of DeSoto Flight-Sweep styling.
See for yourself. Just a phone call to your dealer will
bring 'a De Soto to your door for a thrilling
deinonstration drive.
Prgthe magic touch! ,rust press a button . . step
on 'the gas and GO with push-button PowerPlite
automatic trallsmisSion, standard 'on every. De Soto.
ghple, mechanical, system whose trouble-free
operation enatreS lasting satisfaction.
elilan'UltletUred in Canada bY
Chtlisler Corpotation of Canada, Limited
True happiness
springs from.
Drive the tar selected as the official pace caret India000010....1ile new DeSoto with the Forward Look
Watch Clialax—Showat of Stars weekly on•"IV. Offecityour newspaper for dato acid tinter •
ley Johnston
Skies ,at Meeting
*VALE—The Mission Hand
the I:Jolted Church Monday
The president, Shirley
/ion, opened the ineeting with
to worship. After singing
ater hymn the Mission
i'urpose was repeated, 'Twer.I.,
members answered the roll
1411. an Easter thought,
secretary, Ann Peacock,
letter from the leader, Mrs.
J01181;011, who 'is in Wing-
sloapital. Birthday greetings
ung for , Kathleen Craig and
theme .for the worship ser-
vice, WhiCh
to ..eneireic .tho world, Was. g.hrok
by Marie Johnston, .assisted by
Kathleen 6.1),(1 Mary Craig, .Grace
Mothers,. Shirley• Johnston ",rand
Douglas .Garniss,
The offering: was received by
Douglas .CiarniSPland the offertory
prayer was given : by Hilly Roth-.
Miss Margaret Curtis gave the
chapter from the study book,
"Family Nighti"...• deseribing how
families of children of different
nationalities meet' for a happy get"
together at Friendabip House, the
mission church,
At the close the inembers receiv-
ed an Easter treat,
W.m.$, of
IThievale Knoxlttlrcia, held its
April Meeting in the schoolroom
of the church, The president, Mrs,
McMurray, palled the meet-
ing to order, The opening hymn
Was "Jesus Christ Is Ilisen Today."
In the absence of the Secretary,
Mrs. Ross Grits, MrS, Bernard.
Thomas, acted as secretary. Ar-
rangements were made for the
spring Thankoffering meeting
Which will be held in May: when
Mrs, McKinney, Toeswater, will be
guest speaker, It was decided to
send an invitation to Bellmore and
Gerrit auxiliaries for the Thank-
offering meeting.
Mrs. , William Mundell, supply
Secretary, had literature on display
for sale, A motion was carried to
try to raise $150,00 for the alloca-
tion this year. The roll call was
answered by an Easter verse and
the dedicatory prayer was given by
Miss Dorothy Greenaway,
• Mrs, Williani Mundell read the
Scripture and also gave the eoin-
ments. The topic "What does it
mean to a member of the church?"
was taken by Mrs. Harry Elliott,
assisted by Mrs. Lamont, Mrs. Wil.
limn Mundell, Mrs. Raymond El-
Batt and Mrs. Burns Moffatt,
the closing hymn was "Blest Be
the Tie that Binds".
Ladies' Aid
Tile first quarterly meeting of
the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid was
held at the close of the VV.M•S,
11,6s. William. Mundell, president,
was In the chair. The meeting was
opened with prayer.
Mrs, Bernard .Thonias, secretary,
read the minutes. The members of
the Turnberry group reported they
.have a quilt they wish to sell. They
'are also sponsoring the play, "Mr.
Beane from 'Lima," which will be
held in the Bluevale Community
Half a' week from Friday.
It was decided that the Ladies'
Aid will pay for the repairs which
have been made on the church
organ. recently.
The meeting closed by repeating
the Lord's prayer in unison.
and 13illeY441.0 relabel*
Mr. Win. Adtkir 'An
treatment At V10-000
Mrs, iDerwtkra debinatOh' hiko,
turned to her home ottilr aPIP11,1'
log the winter with her. 4440tert
Mrs. Mabel Horria, at 1,404ishet
Miss Hlizabeth McKinney.
Wingham visited 131neyele
last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Sohn Beeman, of
West '40rne, spent Halter Tweek
the home of Mr, and Mrs. dierleti,
Mr's, Cooper NetherYi ,Of 1304.f-
rave, visited her sister, )441 0 0!4^
ma Johnston on Sunday,
John McTavish of %*orliberPf.
spent the Vander weep with his
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.: ft
MIS:, Winona Gann, Of 1<0pfi4n.
and Mr. Clare Hoffman4 ,of Exeter,
visited on Sunday, at the ihohic 7of
the latter's parents, Mr. snit *Ts.
C. H, Hoffman,
for guarallted
Hall Board Holds
Euchre and Dance
BLUBVALE The Community
Hall Board staged a euchre and
dance on Wednesday night in the
community hall and a good crowd
`Prize winners for the , euchre
were: High score, Miss Emma
Johnston, Boyd Marshall; consola-
tion prizes, Mrs. Wm. IVIcKinneY,
Gordon Mundell.
Wilbee's orchestra played for
the dancing. Proceeds from the
dance anu lunch counter will go
towards making improvements in
the community hall. 1.)
13141JHVA44--Tho sacrament of
titc t.ord's Supper was observed.
'in the .1Jnited Cinirch on Sunday„,
E. A. Brook, pr lathed
ally to the younger members of the.
congregation, .answering the tines-
tion, 'Why Follow Christ?"
Sixteen now members were re-
ceived into the f ellowship of the
church, one by , certificate, the
others, who are youthful members
of the communicant's class taking
up a course of Bible study, by
profession of faith,
A pulpit drape, presented by
member of the congregation, was
The Bluevale Women's Insti-
tute will hold its .annual meeting
at the home of Mrs. B. Barnard
'on Thursday, April 12th, when re-
peas of standing eommittees will
be given and election of officers
held, Mrs, Wickatead will speak
on home beautification.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mooney, of
Milton were Easter visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith,
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Sellers and
family spent Baster week in To-
Mrs. Neil MacEachern, of .Clif-
ford, visited her mother, Mrs. R.
F. Garniss, in Wingham hospital,
• lone 710
is pure delight to take the wheel of a new DeStao
and put your foot to V.8 power that's, as swift' ital.
smooth and silent as a jet in flight. • •
Yes, here is performance unmatched in Deaoto's field;
an engine capable of lightning response to any demand.
Yet, with its advanced design, this 255-horsepower
Fireflite V-8 is a modern marvel of economy, too: ;
But wait . . even with all .this superb power,
Do Soto is so easy arid effortless to handle. •
You select your driving range with the flick- of a finger
on Do Soto's push-button PowerFlite contrOls.:'
You stop at feather-light touch oh - De Siati):8 new
centre-plane brakes . ; a revolutionary new :design
that; not only affords superior braking; bat else longer.
lining life with lower adjustments.
8, F. Bedford, Manager
35 West Street, second floor, phone 1301 k
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Men who• think of tomorrow practice moderation today
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