HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-3-18, Page 24
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• eat ".'etrn.
itclibogatirja .
Have You Tasted
Meneber of Canadian Wele14.".
papers Amerind=
Publiabed every Thursday morals&
!Subscription price 12.00 per yes/. 'Di
United States and Foreign Conatt%ati.
V250 per year, strictly m advane*.
irleplittne SS : : tbpdarieb. Owl
tr. 11. Robertson, Edisor and litannr
Thurolay. March Is, 1920
il'hat IS pi 'throw'?
• •• 0
Nohow! Whiter did nor bear ti4
esiendar say. "Mardi!"
• a 0.
The Provincial GOTPCIllorat has
alutotketed the tax Oa soft drinks. but
sill declines to redsive thi! attni4Ing
181 00 stnater report& . _
• • •
With the Ottawa Iloilo, in megaton
again. we may expect 10 0111. tame in-
teresting pnHtieat action. In Com-
parison with the Federal flows.. the
Provincial Legiotature be very much a
41 •
OMR who have used J11111111N Y0111111111
rooms or Gunpowder Tee -will apprs..
late the superioritar of this delicious
blend, always so pure and rich. Try it.
ii tj�
cower", Pe conventleu Itself, with PROVINCIAL DEFICIT
the marked istereat dIsplbyrd be the
very substantial number in etteudance.
being evidenee of a new entlituriaimi In
regard to fruit culture. if the ad-
dress.% and dlisruerdons heard on Fri-
day are eonveruni into actiou In the
uf this district. Huron may
Rhin a few years again take Its
see as 011P of the leading apple -
lug tsruntlet, of the l'rovinee
and have tweatablished au !ministry
worth hundred's of thousand% of tit -d-
ials to the eounty. annually. •
• • •
Premier Ferguson's oeheme for the
..stabliohIng o town p 101) rue -
tee boartio. impplanting the presett
section butints, Keene. to he very pee
erally disliked. There may be some-
thing to bt• maid or it. but in the faee
of such widespread diatipproval lir.
Ferguson will surely not force 11 upon
"Britieh Empire goods ought to lot'
good enough for a good litlrithIlurr."
*aye The London Free Pres, forget-
ting that it Slavishly pe•oportu a 'arty
that knocks the British preference on
every pnetwitile oceasion
• • •
Since Ib,- to: on rawest:melt bets
11114 Imposed four pars ago, the Pro-
vincial Treasury bee ror-elved 1•01.•
than 17,500,000 front this source. And
there clots not appear to be meat pro-
test from the people of the Proviso.,
against this "partnernhip in gam -
• •
If the crow ki itt Ake it bird' an
*time people would make out. ICe will
keep away this year from the place%
where he to not %Imre(' nod ounffne
tile %gide, to the promisee of those
who have been defending Ida). Other-
wise there will be conelderaley fewer
son Is over. LAILESTEAOMER LINES ni4 MIIMPiellt to parry the cora of nod*
. • • • ad. nthat mu. million dollars expended
mem eani I., no compiaitit 01 in. (..1,4.1.. fleet Now Numbers lit for highway% came out of other reve-
attention on the port of the Federal Vessels PUP.
Inunedistely following the budget-
t;overnatent to the neede of lipelerich 3Iontreol. March 10.-Annotroettlit the mantle avetrunte committee site or-
tiarbor. The ador additional grant of the detail" the merger of tilt. raM" galliZed. Its Ilfrilill work 14 itib inveeti-
ads Stefimshill Lines ',halted. tile gallon of the lemlnerte prf the 1.yons
si.lo.00n tiwitusA in nip motisstes Great Lakes Navigation Company anti eloa & supply Company, of which
aubmittol the !tonne of Cmus
oimn the George 'tall CoCompany,.
al l'nmi- latm. • Jas. In
e.yos, bete Mini:Peer of
ti,thle wek ill proviik* , for further dent Coverdnie da of the CanaSteatn- t....4..t....4..slid 1.•,,,r,....1.... 14 pp.,,I.e.no with
Treasurer Expeets Smaller Ilrfleit for
einTe04 -ear
Toronto, Manch 13.--Tbe feature of
the week In tie Legirdature wan the
budget presented by lion. '.V. 11. l'rice,
I'lervinclal Treasurer. Ile failed to
bailing:. his 1,11141114 itlftd heti
for the year u detivit of more than
$5.11100,9st. Ile ..laimed u sinewi of
about two mitlione nt tbt ordinary
revenue over ordinary expenditure.
but admitted that this was more tbau
eaten lip by the paymeut tit Internet
on the .k -ht of the Province. Mr.
Pried does not CVO' hope to balance
hie budget thin year and told the
arse e expetti t t otel,500,-
HMI in 1929. The Treasurer proposed
a pleusible scheme for wiping out the
debt of Ow Province In forty Jeers,
but whether it is pratlicable is yet to
be determined. lk•fore fie can cut one
cent on the debt he Mina balance his
budget and Mite entrust' surplus to
ply to the debt In the technical men-
the petrple. The Fernier,' Sun ewe- per whiv.la he promisee
gest* an optional plan: I The Opposition eriths intr.- not yet
"If Premier Ferguson lo tlett•rmlned spoke!l and it Is quite probable that
10 pram his toe-m.11'p Reboot board when they do the budget and the
itehente, be Will get wisely in making debt reduction sodomise will not (vo-
lt. optioual instead of eotnpulsory. If dime to beardhe rosy appearener that
the plan works well In the mite of 31r. Price gave them in his topeeeb.
townships which voluntarily adopt it. The point is tbat the budget IA not
other townehIpe will follow in due yet haleueed and no mmontst of plan -
nouns. To torte a uniform scheme ning velli.ecer reduce the th•te whieh
on an In the face of general opposl- now !Outdo at 1219,000.000 until the
tion would be to defeat, or et least rt&- expenditure is cut down or the reve-
tar& ;that the Premier has in mind. nue increased. No new taxation was
Premier 4'erguso81 Moult) rtonemlwr anuounced. but tedther wits there any
the 'Attie be has himself quoted in redieelon itt the huge texation with
anotlwr connection- •that 'legislation WhIPII OW people of the Provinee are
ought to lie the cryiddlimtion of pith- Iturdenetil except the [tide of the tax
LW *ought.' on -pop." which was moire of an in-
-_ _ convenience than a tax. Mr. Price
Hummocksl. that the gasoline tax and
of him by the time the BIG growing sea the autoliceene fees, last year were
tito Afternoon
Goder ic 11 , Ont.
Thou a rt t he Truthellir word alone
True 1110A/fil can imPall:
TI only calla. infogal the. tolad.
And purify the Wert.
W.• Dome
e .
'toot -trews.
nedled Im. ements In the tray of
dredging and reconstruction work.
4 • •
The Provillti11l
*17 -Iwo. promos to
'ter eent. on every
than one dieter mem
ant In that l'rovinee. t
ernment of Qat.-
falt of live
I misting more
n any reettow•
money time
Alive onnonneed that the dins -tore of
that company' at today's weethig
authorized tlw purt•hitire of the fleet of
tireslakes 'Prentsportation Company.
together. with the dot* of Midland
Sbipbuildlng Company and 4.000.000 -
bushel elevator; and als.e purchime
of all the stock of the Gotten. Ilail
Coal Company. subjeet to the novo
nary legal 'procedure. Tido ptircharw.
Gracious saviour. we come to Thee
bringing our offering of praise and
prayer. • May Thy mind be lis us, en-
abling us to dr Thy holy will, as that
we May help oil the extension ef Thy
S. S. LESSON FOK MAK. 28th, 1925
Lesson Title -Ret iew-'llie (Meisel
of John.
Lesson Peerage -John 17:1-8.
Golden Text -John 20:31.
Jan. 3r11 --The Soit of tied iterating*
-John I:I-18.
-John 1:14.
In this I-1.4.11 the Introde-
Gun to the %hole zospet 11. which
John so wtotolcrfully rcrIll I sit -itis tla
Void's word to man. as the Light and
Lite of the soul of MAIL 111141 how all
whir would receive Ilim into their
-nye!' were given power to becipme tire
sone pf God.
Jan. jou-Five Mee Bellew* in Jesus.
• -Jahn 1:111-41.
- Js12L_
John the Baptist by his preaching
and declaring Jeans to be the Iamb
of God, was the Illeanti of two of Hi*
dioilkieS1 Ildi.k117C SI private interview
with Jests and afterwardw beconsine
Ills followers. Otte of the*. brought
his brother Simon to Jesuv. The next
day Jo -sus hound l'hilip :HA eiliiPti lilni
to he a follower. Philip sought out
Natintimel and, taltig him he. had
rowel the Ileseriali. 'wrought MID 10
JPAIS. AO toy the loreachIng of the
gospel, ly permaal invitation, by tli•
n•et appeal and by ti-nituony.
Ilbeti were brought to lious in the
earry .if Christ's ministry and
the -e methods it effectually toted to
day to win mon to Christ.
Jan. 17(b --Jesus and Nieodemus.
-.John 3:1-17; 7:45-32;
•,x; 4"14
, .
With its saddle shoulder and inserted godets this dress is ideal for the petite.
Ca.trasting Materials and Colors are very popular. At our _ piece -goods de-
partment you will find many new Spring materials to choose frOt11. Your pattern en-
velope tells you just how much and what kind of material to buy.
- - - -
Specials for March
Black Satin Duchess Silk
36 inches wide for Dresses, Slips, Blouses,
etc. Good weight and deepest $11 48
raven black. Yard
81 inches wide, heavy bleached CC
Sheeting, even thread and pure. Yard uoC
Factory Sheeting
Yard wide. Extra heavy. Plain. 25c
62 inches wide. , Pure Linen. heavy
Damask. Choice patterns. Reg -
Unbleached Tabling
$1 ▪ 10
ular $1.50. Per yard
Chintz, yard wide. 15 new patterns 35c
jimaimmisk ieLmaIMANdbil
T17 &ivf1Y'C'1'iA7 D_ C'fA7 inverr
Jean* in His talk. rent representatives
of ?soh Jews and Romano to ask Him
whethr•r it was lawful to pay tritsttc
to the Roman emperor or not He paw
through their plot and. salting for a
coln. Fie made them acknowledge Ju -
&es wan under Roman rule and mutt
pity trihute. • Ile totted though that If
Caesar's commands interfered with
Gosee ye mum. obey God rather than
M. trL
-John 3:16. ar. 7th-formatelpiexiWrm.iathess
tHim Dia-
NICINICM1IS 11.11% IIK isecome
meted in Jt -taus. sought it private inter- rm.-- -John 13:1.17, 441#0
view by niget. and in listening to a -Matt. 20:211.
ovrlooll Oil the new birth. woo tool of • Je4112.1 load 1118.1.• preparation for the
41"1" way a '6°14 the '61411" 4118' Passover least. so 11c 411d ill!! Wm -f-
ovea. He maw that the kingdom Ivens pit -is it down at the table. it -w10
ram" to "'lab"' °P404141411 ouenosierd that not 011e of the disciple',
-and that Its InIldeef'' are ad4044444 40 had, as man thp• custom of the lees,
the kingdom through the•death on.
Calvary of Gooila only-begettOn Son.
Jan. 24th-lesua and the Stuaaritas
-John 4:1-42.
-Nil. 12:3.
.11114114 Oil iiIs way from Judaea to
Galilee. mewed through Samaria. and.
ed at
washed their feet son i-44'1 to
• it for them. l'heir Minter anti
Lon, took a servoint's plaee. and so
taught- them that humility was more
le besought after and praetiszsi than
ambition to areure the hest plan- for
Mar. 1411h-lawit Words of Jesus With
Governtuent dee
piartinnts being tired. ite at midday met
and with HLs Ilinriples.
Geveronwitt centrist -tore. At the doe -Iseeh's well while 111s 11 1'41 PP-" 8011 1 -John, ehs. 1-1-17. .
meeting. held Friday, it WO+ quite 111 to rhe city to buy food. While they -john 11:6.
evident t hat the Coneervative nut -
ferny was out deetroui of going tip
any greet effort to help the 4.1pposti-
-iTion in 11ti turititry:--Ir.-E7N..,sursiir-,-
Liberal leader. wanted the committee
tit get .0) work Immediately arid torked
for a 3Ippitritty night , sitting., The
tabard to he devoted to heellital ptir- he pointed ottt. does not 1)8 )>• come Conservative majority ooverruled him.
t 1111 trig Liberals, Porxreesive and In-'
bee novel tme but It hats it
8!.' no fleet 42 vessels in the Taken and river
w.Atal trade. til't-Ilty of which are leis than
two years old. This aequieltion. he
• • • polish ti out. will make It necessary
• for the tompany to have additional
WP tlfgrPP with ThP 14111411011 Adver. working eapital anti substnntiel eume
User when It traye: "If a cut in Fed- of atlibtlenal money will lie required
eral laza/Ion is 1....fithte, the %alio tax err peetittleg purposes immediately.
Thus there would Ire ample use
idioniti PIP redueeti before 'the 111VOMP
firr all the cash avallaele. The new
tax. former IA a tax on eotommn-.. ships will bring the C. 5.1.. fleet to
tem which In:creases whit the payer's 119 viorols.
family responnibilitiee.". t it' the three 311r. Covertlele stated that the deal
pros* teroogems tee pogiFtwp. low before the rthareholdere for their rati- 'rut every Ilppositioli Member, 10-
11 (10111• The 'lurches, will add to the C.S.L. supported the 1.11wral
tender. Ily tin- defeat of Mr. Sln-
tuctipor the itiquiry ens de
lapel mite next Weihiestley. The
1.1beritl leader !Mowed great Activity
and suirmitted motions riherehy ninny
WI 114,SCA. Including Mr. 1.yons him-
...tr. Members of"thoo thovernment set-
viee anti large contractors, will be
asked to teotify. Se•veral reetriutione
0- of a similar chumeter tome from the
l'regressive getup.
Earlier In the week the dilate on
the reply to the speech from the
Tlitone anti atuenihnents orneltuks1
In rather a farcical untnner. The
The IlMe1141111.11t. MOVP41 by 31r. thiney.
The (internment amendment obviounly
trite tn prevent Cieneeristive Dwellers
committing themselves by a vote. on
the liquor must ion It simply reafilrnuel
mon-meats, Mile, as trig meal
doubt a pmlifle came. of.
Involvers about $12.0119,01M. for whkh
of Federaf revem•
te the
tweelser Tulin 4ffiliree. ' the temilorary' financing has already
eitheotne. the Weenie lotesertd-
Maim tat. the he•ome tax to the one
that is the /east burdensome.
. .
• • •
investigation whish heti heen
going on err months Info an alleged
I•onspirsey in 4411.1*Claa-W3fla'''1160
marketing nf fruit and prodnee in
Western Canada min:Mated lent week
in a Vaneonver court. where lines to-
talling 1200,000 were imponsol on fon;
companiell and four inotividiunk. 1t
has been found difficult to omfotre
lawn 8 -Maned to reach tomb einem.
'bat thin demonstration that the law
has teeth in It will have It 'military ef-
The ProvInelailkidget for the lost
fineal year ahnwa a deficit of $O00. -
't' OM. hut Provincial Ti -ensurer Price
tiof:44, fitt *
look, for such Improvement in the
flnanees that he estimetrIt a denelt of,
only g1.1110.0119 for the current year.
In rim .11340.141111110 the 114tvernmetit is
not imposing any new flotation The
tax on soft drink*, which proved a
Mob.. in abandoned The tineneinl
entslition of the I'rovinee Is gradually
improving. hot the Treasurer bolds
out no pronneet of any appreelable re
onetino of Proyincial taxation.
• • ap
-Ing left to he derided lipon later.
This will not involve that amount of
east, as FN. tItoifIng mortyngtm of the
Great Lakes Transportation and
George Hall Company will he taken
elver its they are. These represent belief lit Partinnientary government
spproxinantely _Ault --0?-41w._ tetal_brAtestue..thri Any- Mr. HiskaIhtir
amount intolvol and it nos iniimatcd
that It will he the policy of the corn -
patty meet them as they fall due
and the hulk of them mature in a
t-itiijtit tif yettrn.
1k4enda the Crew
Mr. lethert S. %Slitter writes:
The controversy over the crow has
interceted ow very niuc-b. 1 believe
the crow to he l'anatia's greateat birds
In fist It 'keit more Veld t -hall Oil
other bird.' CO whined by keeping tbr
grasithoies.r unth-r etintrol. 1 have
Wren grazing a se -tints of land ksowti
ept the Mititioiel Falls Reoerve, more
of %titbit is light land that vannot Ite
plowed. This land It an tibial place
Set Iwo -dies grarehoppere Of boo
1 yesirs this seethin Is visited about the
middle of .tugust, every mum -r, by
thousands of crows, whleh destroy
the..- grapaliopters. year's
ago. before the crows got plentiful,
every dry year was n brut year for
1:1'1117.1111Z 4111 aecount Ilsese Infects.
which holsonisl rind destroyed the
grass. used for this purpose. 4 hoe
year. In fact. there was a grasshopper
plague Math ruined the groin crop
fnrnier wan emnpelled 10 imeriace,
The eonyelico, ,,,,, trim gr,,,,,,, -r-, i•to•ii to his wlfe's dowry (SM. T11 UK,
hs -1,1 in Go,b-r5.,h ,,,,, Friday mm may the grasshoppers were. and still are.
it Iva I airliaads•. Tbcy say that crown
prove to be u moat significant point eat wild. ePocka' 113011 and for that ren-
In the history of the orchard Industry 1/0111 ought to be destrorett 1 might
mowing strong indikist-'-iona of r, i wreeillng with his titles. to see the
In thie county. The Intinatr, stye, .111' It Is sillall eoltrtiPhaallon for II
gewerat y ri, r, 0 i f I...V(1, iii........i.n. it former wit li an empty barn. and
thick% firing back In the fall.
ri.movt---W The mask-isinting Mit- ft 1.
principle contained In the declaration
of Parliamentary government had
been orttled yeast, ego, anti then utoAtly
hy Litteral thouglit. unit that no one
In the !louse 'mild tote ogainet the
oovernment. hiP PhOWP4 thitt 11 WAN
.imply m.-anttO 111111441PP the varied
opitilona In the Vonrmervativq. party
end unite the tiovertiment follewing
for the moment. The drifting policy
of the rollnierratirem mhoweill itself in
the address of W. C. Chambers (IVl-
engem). who admitted. that he had no
"oggetion to make on the liquor poi -
ivy. Like others he le hmving it to
the Premier. Who is to deride* policy
for the "sane" people of the l'rovinee.
Squaring the Frau
to 4.11111 flanion 5 --'The
moo who bought that five -pound box
of chocolates said it was for his wife"
Is lie jiert married?"
"Either that, or lit -e done %0w. -
thing." -Everbodys Magazine.
Hawking in Style
A ,-oopie of roseero visiting a pile-
itre gallery came lo A painting en-
titled "Gawking in the olden Days."
nml 'food gazing at It with great in
" .‘wking In the Olden Days," mild
one "Well. they didnt err do II„ in
style -'ora,haek an alt. But what
are they 'awkIng?"
"Illessed If 1 know." responded the
other. "unbent theyre trying to veil
their bloomin: parrots."
were gone. a Iroise!' tsnx• to the weli. While tele at the table t'- bit' lie
tsr alloim Junior -asked 8 drinko,-"Fli4s nwfugivis.,a,jem, be_
014%44 up 3 c000,rolomi &Imo" living ego Illo dist...torso- and told them
water, and before the disciple'. ro
e- "In inew. but 11t
Moils' the women some to khow Jew would .„1,(1
na was the Meesish. She brought t hem niwuyn, .111.1 that 11'-
othern out front the city to see and
boor and. many 'relieved. not just
beerier of what she had told them.
but betillIMe ot what they themselves
heard. pante. they herrn). they
Jan. 314 -Jesus Freda Five Thousand
. -John '.111e11.
-John 6:35.
.11•11114 11111 1.s mie of 8 whatever
rt -a4 at hand. the boy'$ the loaves,
and two haloes, and then 'tete the dts-
elpter, to work to distribute what He
prethwer, therefrom to the multitude.
Not only 18 tliere enough lett some
over. which He orders ghoul,' be gath-
ered up that nothing be warittst. The
next day He tells Ouse many people
that He itt rhe bread of life sent down
from beaten.
7th--Jenun HeaU-11111-11111ige-s
lilind Man.
-John 9:1-41.
- John 8:12.
.1 cent.. itit v Mg encountered the an-
ger of the l'harloes in the temple.
pnrowil out from their millet and eaw
a Mimi man sitting -hy -the roadmitle.
Ile gave sight to his Mint, eyes aml
terwo IAA when this man too Incur-
red the anger of the Ph4T1FIPP4 and SWUM
east OW the eMp111. Jesus sought
WM mit and revealed to him that Ile
*AA the Meseliah. The man 'relieved
And wit-' saved.
Feb. lith--Jestm the (Med Shepherd.
- John 10:1-30.
-John 10:11.
In this 11,11h1On .11e41101, tis Ile 1111 often
did. spoke tanderlically. Ile shoat -41
the difft-rence between the Marlton*
and Himself. They were robbers and
thieves and He the good Shepherd.
They pet -it -whet not to urolerotand and
at length He ilipolor out plainly. telling
them its was rhe door and the aleph
herd. and He would lay down 111.. ilfe
for Ills Sleep hut Ile would take It
retain azul give unto all who hear 1118
voks. and follow flint eternal Ilfe.
Feb. 214--Jestia Raison Lazarus from
the Dead.
-John 11:32-44. •
-John 11:23.
If lemis had been at the bet01140, of
lazarint H1111 Ilea lett Ills reekness OR
Martha MIA Mart. hoped 11P would,
In reeponee to their messier.. then the
greater mlnick• world not have been
perforMed 15.4.,hrenght greater
result.. In this lesson are v4 -
corded human wyminithy on Je111191‘
part. Selisiewhip with the Father for
the !sake of others. and a proof of
.leous' claim to be the (liver of 1.11,
Feb. 2111b--.1emisa TferiblIt Reality' fax
The pharisee*, wishing to entangle
Ane again and reeeite them untti scenes!. in theory„ all right at. the be-
ginning. In practice It ia an utter
failure. A Ministerial Ibspartment
head should have alvaolute vontrol over
hit subordinates. With such tantrel
the Minister osoulti be belil direetly rt.
.ponp:11•14. to Parlament anti people.
Ile cannot fairly be held reoponserte
wheu his ham* are 1441 by a t'ivit
Service Commission that Is treyotool
ontr.! of 111t. pope.
Mr. 1st --Jesus Dien and Rims
from the Ifead.
-John 18:1-20; 23.
--Jahn 10:17.
J401US froill the MOOS coMMendied
IiItt mother to the etre of the bekrved
disciple. then cried. ft le finished."
When Mary was standing near the
septik-hre weeping Jerius smoke to her.
sort with joy she oTiost out.'llaster.1
l'hat se
ame esnIng kle appeared to
Hb. (Halpin: and gate then: a proof.
1010,4114X them IIIg pi. -reed hands and
.1/f1.. 1 1111 t. Ile salt risen 'islets!. Ile
then sent them, 11 tool
snit Ilitu to preach tho •ospel
.1 Failure In 1'1attire
i Fite Farmers Bun /
It appears that the Ottnaa Citil
Bergin!. Iluommburion not enly controls
appointment» to ottiee in the various
Ilepartmenta_ hit that it lie, the
places of Nettie.- for appointees. 171••
Minister of Custms. d .0,111 14. Is not
only debarred from apixiiuting sotto -
one tit check up oil smuggling unless
tiud someone run lawn u eertain kind
of technWal toarninatitin. but the
Minieter 1,. illSo tleherrPd from free-
dom t- *et Po. -4sanv4sait-otbelais..at-
ter appointment. from pins- to plate.
or from one kittli_ofmdmleot to another.
Thi4 nen method governing the att.
poitittuent !evil sterile!. 41ffieial,
Finned .10%11. I 11.• 11 U441 141.1 ia WhPli
Mr. illetupsey retires how shall ne
know*" Detroit News
keeps Babtfs Shin Healthy
Pre%ents (Min* t F.c-cemit
Second Week of Showing of Fashionable Apparel
frfo. t
for Spring at Cornfield's
Coats, Dresses, Millinery, Lingerie, Hosiery
Gloves, Neckwear, etc.
41u .V .41t'titttli't-ltt-PttlLadies, coats etti4„71=rY:74mt'"?:141;t7;
Featuring straight lines and flare effects, withtrimmings and
pleating and tucking, buttons and embroidery. or fur, in all the new
shades of grey. rosewood, French blue, sand, cinnamon, etc.
---- New Spring Millinery
Come in and see the new Spring Millinery. There are models
for general knockabout wear as well as for the more dressy and form-
al wear. The newest colors are here. such as cheri, dove, sand. cir-
cassian, platinum, atmosphere, flesh, grain, as well as the staple
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n plain navy and double-breasted style, two pairs of troupers;
also in fancy tweeds and worsteds; in the latest patterns, a new stock just in.
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A new stock of Boys' Suits
Latest styles and patterns, with two pairs of bloomers.
A., Young Men s Suits
"4 P.
You are invited to come in and see our stock M
1.14ma1a 0 "Shop • •
where you are invited to shop.
Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418
Goderich, Ontario
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